4th September 2016

Cheltenham l l l Stonehouse l 61 MONDAYS TO FRIDAYS except Public Holidays Sc NSc , Promenade - 0635 0725 0745 0755 0825 0930 1030 1130 1230 1330 1430 1530 1630 1700 1730 1830 Cheltenham Hospital, Sandford Road - 0641 0732 0752 0802 0832 0936 1036 1136 1236 1336 1436 1536 1636 1706 1736 1836 Shurdington, Church Lane - 0655 0747 0807 0817 0847 0950 1050 1150 1250 1350 1450 1550 1650 1720 1750 1850 Brockworth, Cross Hands - 0701 0753 0813 0823 0853 0956 1056 1156 1256 1356 1456 1556 1656 1726 1756 1856 Cranham, Royal William - 0707 0800 0820 0830 0900 1002 1102 1202 1302 1402 1502 1602 1702 1732 1802 1902 Painswick, Church - 0713 0808 0828 0838 0908 1008 1108 1208 1308 1408 1508 1608 1708 1738 1808 1908 Paganhill, Church - - - 0838 ------Stroud, Merrywalks arr. - 0721 0818 0846 0846 0916 1016 1116 1216 1316 1416 1516 1616 1716 1746 1816 1916 Stroud, Merrywalks dep. 0625 0725 0823 - - 0925 1025 1125 1225 1325 1425 1525 1625 1725 1755 1825 1925 Ebley, Bridge Rd 0633 0733 0833 - - 0933 1033 1133 1233 1333 1433 1533 1633 1733 1803 1833 1933 Stonehouse, Globe Inn 0640 0740 0840 - - 0940 1040 1140 1240 1340 1440 1540 1640 1740 1810 1840 1940 Stonehouse, Park Rd 0642 0742 0842 - - 0942 1042 1142 1242 1342 1442 1542 1642 1742 1812 1842 1942 Stonehouse, SKF Works 0646 0746 0846 - - 0946 1046 1146 1246 1346 1446 1546 1646 1746 1816 1846 1946 Eastington, Cross 0652 0752 0852 - - 0952 1052 1152 1252 1352 1452 1552 1652 1752 - 1852 - Cambridge, Stores 0657 0757 0857 - - 0957 1057 1157 1257 1357 1457 1557 1657 1757 - 1857 - Lower Cam, Jubilee Tree 0702 0802 0902 - - 1002 1102 1202 1302 1402 1502 1602 1702 1802 - 1902 - Dursley, Bus Station arr. 0711 0811 0911 - - 1011 1111 1211 1311 1411 1511 1611 1711 1811 - 1911 - Dursley, Bus Station dep. 0716 0816 0916 - - 1016 1116 1216 1316 1416 1516 1616 1716 1816 - 1916 - Woodmancote, Cambridge Hse 0721 0821 0921 - - 1021 1121 1221 1321 1421 1521 1621 1721 1821 - 1921 - Woodmancote, Nunnery Lane 0726 0826 0926 - - 1026 1126 1226 1326 1426 1526 1626 1726 1826 - 1926 -

Sch This bus runs on school term days only NSch This bus runs during Goucestershire school holidays only

61 Dursley l Stonehouse l Stroud l Painswick l Cheltenham MONDAYS TO FRIDAYS except Public Holidays

Woodmancote, Cambridge Hse - - - - 0721 0821 0921 1021 1121 1221 1321 1421 - 1521 1621 1721 Woodmancote, Nunnery Lane - - - - 0726 0826 0926 1026 1126 1226 1326 1426 - 1526 1626 1726 Dursley, Bus Station arr. - - - - 0730 0830 0930 1030 1130 1230 1330 1430 - 1530 1630 1730 Dursley, Bus Station dep. - - 0605 - 0735 0835 0935 1035 1135 1235 1335 1435 - 1535 1635 1735 Lower Cam, Jubilee Tree - - 0612 - 0742 0842 0942 1042 1142 1242 1342 1442 - 1542 1642 1742 Cambridge, Stores - - 0617 - 0747 0847 0947 1047 1147 1247 1347 1447 - 1547 1647 1747 Eastington, Cross - - 0622 - 0752 0852 0952 1052 1152 1252 1352 1452 - 1552 1652 1752 Stonehouse, SKF Works - - 0627 - 0757 0857 0957 1057 1157 1257 1357 1457 - 1557 1657 1757 Stonehouse, Park Rd - - 0631 - 0801 0901 1001 1101 1201 1301 1401 1501 - 1601 1701 1801 Stonehouse, Globe Inn - 0605 0635 0705 0805 0905 1005 1105 1205 1305 1405 1505 - 1605 1705 1805 Ebley, Chapel Lane - 0612 0642 0712 0812 0912 1012 1112 1212 1312 1412 1512 - 1612 1712 1812 Stroud, Merrywalks arr. - 0620 0650 0720 0820 0920 1020 1120 1220 1320 1420 1520 A 1620 1720 1820 Stroud, Merrywalks dep. 0545 0625 0655 0725 0830 0930 1030 1130 1230 1330 1430 1530 1550 1630 1730 - Painswick, Church 0553 0633 0703 0733 0838 0938 1038 1138 1238 1338 1438 1538 1558 1638 1738 - Cranham, Royal William 0559 0639 0709 0739 0844 0944 1044 1144 1244 1344 1444 1544 1604 1644 1744 - Brockworth, Cross Hands 0605 0645 0715 0745 0850 0950 1050 1150 1250 1350 1450 1550 1610 1650 1750 - Shurdington, Church Lane 0610 0650 0720 0750 0855 0955 1055 1155 1255 1355 1455 1555 1615 1655 1755 - Cheltenham Hospital, Sandford Road 0623 0703 0733 0810 0908 1008 1108 1208 1308 1408 1508 1608 1628 1708 1808 - Cheltenham, Promenade 0630 0710 0740 0820 0915 1015 1115 1215 1315 1415 1515 1615 1635 1715 1815 -

A This bus starts at Archway School at 1525 when school is open

l l l l Cheltenham Painswick Stroud Stonehouse Dursley 61 SATURDAYS Cheltenham, Promenade - 0730 0830 0930 1030 1130 1230 1330 1430 1530 1630 1730 1830 Cheltenham Hospital, Sandford Road - 0736 0836 0936 1036 1136 1236 1336 1436 1536 1636 1736 1836 Shurdington, Church Lane - 0750 0850 0950 1050 1150 1250 1350 1450 1550 1650 1750 1850 Brockworth, Cross Hands - 0756 0856 0956 1056 1156 1256 1356 1456 1556 1656 1756 1856 Cranham, Royal William - 0802 0902 1002 1102 1202 1302 1402 1502 1602 1702 1802 1902 Painswick, Church - 0808 0908 1008 1108 1208 1308 1408 1508 1608 1708 1808 1908 Stroud, Merrywalks arr. - 0816 0916 1016 1116 1216 1316 1416 1516 1616 1716 1816 1916 Stroud, Merrywalks dep. 0725 0825 0925 1025 1125 1225 1325 1425 1525 1625 1725 1825 1925 Ebley, Bridge Rd 0733 0833 0933 1033 1133 1233 1333 1433 1533 1633 1733 1833 1933 Stonehouse, Globe Inn 0740 0840 0940 1040 1140 1240 1340 1440 1540 1640 1740 1840 1940 Stonehouse, Park Rd 0742 0842 0942 1042 1142 1242 1342 1442 1542 1642 1742 1842 1942 Stonehouse, SKF Works 0746 0846 0946 1046 1146 1246 1346 1446 1546 1646 1746 1846 1946 Eastington, Cross 0752 0852 0952 1052 1152 1252 1352 1452 1552 1652 1752 1852 - Cambridge, Stores 0757 0857 0957 1057 1157 1257 1357 1457 1557 1657 1757 1857 - Lower Cam, Jubilee Tree 0802 0902 1002 1102 1202 1302 1402 1502 1602 1702 1802 1902 - Dursley, Bus Station arr. 0811 0911 1011 1111 1211 1311 1411 1511 1611 1711 1811 1911 - Dursley, Bus Station dep. 0816 0916 1016 1116 1216 1316 1416 1516 1616 1716 1816 1916 - Woodmancote, Cambridge Hse 0821 0921 1021 1121 1221 1321 1421 1521 1621 1721 1821 1921 - Woodmancote, Nunnery Lane 0826 0926 1026 1126 1226 1326 1426 1526 1626 1726 1826 1926 -

l l l l Dursley Stonehouse Stroud Painswick Cheltenham 61 SATURDAYS Woodmancote, Cambridge Hse - 0721 0821 0921 1021 1121 1221 1321 1421 1521 1621 1721 Woodmancote, Nunnery Lane - 0726 0826 0926 1026 1126 1226 1326 1426 1526 1626 1726 Dursley, Bus Station arr. - 0730 0830 0930 1030 1130 1230 1330 1430 1530 1630 1730 Dursley, Bus Station dep. - 0735 0835 0935 1035 1135 1235 1335 1435 1535 1635 1735 Lower Cam, Jubilee Tree - 0742 0842 0942 1042 1142 1242 1342 1442 1542 1642 1742 Cambridge, Stores - 0747 0847 0947 1047 1147 1247 1347 1447 1547 1647 1747 Eastington, Cross - 0752 0852 0952 1052 1152 1252 1352 1452 1552 1652 1752 Stonehouse, SKF Works - 0757 0857 0957 1057 1157 1257 1357 1457 1557 1657 1757 Stonehouse, Park Rd - 0801 0901 1001 1101 1201 1301 1401 1501 1601 1701 1801 Stonehouse, Globe Inn 0705 0805 0905 1005 1105 1205 1305 1405 1505 1605 1705 1805 Ebley, Chapel Lane 0712 0812 0912 1012 1112 1212 1312 1412 1512 1612 1712 1812 Stroud, Merrywalks arr. 0720 0820 0920 1020 1120 1220 1320 1420 1520 1620 1720 1820 Stroud, Merrywalks dep. 0730 0830 0930 1030 1130 1230 1330 1430 1530 1630 1730 - Painswick, Church 0738 0838 0938 1038 1138 1238 1338 1438 1538 1638 1738 - Cranham, Royal William 0744 0844 0944 1044 1144 1244 1344 1444 1544 1644 1744 - Brockworth, Cross Hands 0750 0850 0950 1050 1150 1250 1350 1450 1550 1650 1750 - Shurdington, Church Lane 0755 0855 0955 1055 1155 1255 1355 1455 1555 1655 1755 - Cheltenham Hospital, Sandford Road 0808 0908 1008 1108 1208 1308 1408 1508 1608 1708 1808 - Cheltenham, Promenade 0815 0915 1015 1115 1215 1315 1415 1515 1615 1715 1815 - 61 4 September 2016 Now serves Cheltenham Hospital Dursley Stonehouse Stroud Painswick Cheltenham stagecoachbus.com

The new place to begin your journey The new bus times outlined versions Calls cost 12p per minute Calls cost phone plus your charge. access company’s Details correct at time of going to print.

Please consider the Please consider environment this leaflet. and recycle Operations Manager Freepost STAGECOACH WEST MERRYWALKS www.stagecoachbus.com find a bus journey, plan your To and book travel near you Contact us: Email enquiries [email protected] & informationSmartcard registration www.stagecoachsmart.com Lost property helpline 01453 755563 Disability helpline 01452 418630 By post: Visit us: time service real information,For competitions and news Follow us: @Stagecoach_West Follow us: @Stagecoach_West Follow us: @StagecoachWales Tourist Information Centre 28 Southgate Street Follow us: @StagecoachWales

Cheltenham l Painswick l Stroud 61 SUNDAYS And Bank Holiday Mondays Cheltenham, Promenade 1010 1150 1330 1510 1710 Cheltenham Hospital, Sandford Road 1016 1156 1336 1516 1715 Shurdington, Church Lane 1030 1210 1350 1530 1726 Brockworth, Cross Hands 1036 1216 1356 1536 1731 Cranham, Royal William 1042 1222 1402 1542 1737 Painswick, Church 1048 1228 1408 1548 1743 Stroud, Merrywalks 1056 1236 1416 1556 1750

Stroud l Painswick l Cheltenham 61 SUNDAYS And Bank Holiday Mondays Stroud, Merrywalks 0920 1100 1240 1420 1620 Painswick, Church 0928 1108 1248 1428 1628 Cranham, Royal William 0934 1114 1254 1434 1634 Brockworth, Cross Hands 0940 1120 1300 1440 1640 Shurdington, Church Lane 0945 1125 1305 1445 1645 Cheltenham Hospital, Sandford Road 0958 1138 1318 1458 1658 Cheltenham, Promenade 1005 1145 1325 1505 1705

Some search engines will provide links to old timetables. Visit www.stagecoachbus.com to make sure this is the latest version.

Bank holiday arrangements A Sunday service runs on Bank Holiday Mondays whilst special timetables normally apply on Good Friday and during the Christmas and New Year period. Please enquire for details or ring 0871 200 22 33 for more information.

We want to hear from you We do our best to meet your expectations, but occasionally things go wrong. If you feel we have failed you in some way please tell us about it. Contact details are on the back of this leaflet. If you’re unhappy with our response, this is the independent body that will review complaints: Bus Appeals Body, c/o Bus Users UK, PO Box 119, Shepperton TW17 8UX