International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 268-275

Physicochemical quality of honey bee (Apis mellifera) in three bioclimatic zones in Apurimac Perú

Wilber Quispe1, Doris Esenarro2, Ciro Rodriguez3 Karina Alvarado4 Carmen Ruiz5, and Wilson Alvarez6 1,2,3 Specialized Institute for Ecosystems and Natural Resources Research (INERN) UNFV 5Institute of the Sea of Perú (IMARPE) 4,6 Postgraduate school of the National University Federico Villarreal, , Perú

Abstract The research evaluates the physicochemical quality of honey bee (Apis mellifera) in three bioclimatic zones, within the department of Apurímac. Considering four parameters that are% humidity, Ph, Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) and the diastase index as indicators of honey quality, a total of 3 repetitions were performed for each parameter in each life zone, making a total of 36 samples in its initial stage considering a constant temperature of 18 ° C and five days after harvest for each sample. In its second stage, the same parameters were discussed with the difference in temperature 30 ° C and 19 days after harvest. Observing that with increasing temperature and days of storage, there is an increase in the hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) indicator and a decrease in diastase activity; in terms of pH, there was a minimal difference determined that quality in the three bioclimatic zones comply with technical standards. Permissible sanitary measures are demonstrating that the quality and freshness of honey from the Chicmo district is stable and of good quality. Keywords: honey bee, hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), diastase, climate zones.

1. Introduction Bee honey is a product resulting from the collection of nectar from flowers and other secretions of sweet sap from plants and its maturation in the hive; honey plants produce nectars of different compositions; consequently, honey will present different variations in color, taste, and aroma, etc. The predominance of a melliferous plant in a specific life zone makes honey monofloral. When there is no predominance of a melliferous plant, it makes honey multifloral, hence the difference[1].. To differentiate honey from the bee, its physicochemical, sensory, and biological parameters are studied within the physicochemical parameters we have—Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), which is an aldehyde and a furan product of the degradation of sugars. In bee honey, this product of the dehydration of fructose, HMF, is not an intrinsic property of honey. Therefore this harmful compound appears spontaneously and naturally in honey due to the content of water and monosaccharides and acid pH. HMF increases in honey when inadequate heat treatments are performed. This HMF compound is indicative of the conditions it was stored in and the heat treatment received and the age of the honey, therefore defining the quality of the honey. Honey is one of the most widely investigated products due to its unique properties, which are attributed to the influence of the different groups of substances it contains [2]. The transformation from nectar to honey occurs due to physical and chemical changes. The former is mainly due to an evaporation process, in which the nectar loses up to a third of its moisture content during its storage in the hive. The latter is due to the action of enzymes that the workers add to the nectar, such as invertase (sucrose), which hydrolyzes the sucrose present in the nectar to glucose and fructose [3]. Honey can be classified according to its origin (flower honey, honeydew honey, monofloral honey, multifloral honey), the way it has been harvested and processed (honeycomb, taut honey, lumpy honey,

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC 268 International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 268-275 honey extracted, pressed honey, crystallized or granulated honey, honey cream), and its intended use (honey table, industrial or bakery honey) [4]. The chemical composition of honey mainly depends on the plant sources from which it is derived, but also on the influence of external factors, such as climate, extraction, and storage management [5]. Honey is known to be a product used in different crops over time due to its nutritional and therapeutic properties, such as its antimicrobial, anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties [6]. The annual global production of Apis honey. mellifera, according to the FAO, has been around 1.3 million tons, with an annual growth trend of the order of 2%, reported until 2010. To enter a competitive market in beekeeping, honey must be of quality; the main quality criteria are moisture content, sucrose content, and reducing sugar content, pH, electrical conductivity, ash content, free acidity, and hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) content of diastase activity [7]. The sensory properties of honey and Physico-chemical characteristics depend primarily on the harvest origin, climatic and ecological conditions, and the method of processing and storage [8]. In the Apurímac province in , there is mega- biodiversity [9] [10] [11], and there are no previous studies related to the physical-chemical quality of the honey produced, these studies are essential to identify the physical-chemical quality and promote their commercialization.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Location of the origin of the samples The research was carried out on honey samples from three bioclimatic zones of Apurímac; the climate is temperate and warm (Cwb), whose average annual temperature ranges approximately between 10.1 0C and 13.8 0C. The honey samples were extracted from a production stage and a flowering period.

Bosque húmedo Chicmo Provincia Montano Subtropical Lima Andahuayla

Bosque espinoso Estepa espino Subtropical Montano Bajo Subtropical Valle Pampa Ataccara Bosque seco Montano Bajo Subtropical

Figure 1. Location map of the study areas, A area, located in Zone UTM 18.

Table 1: ecological floors of the living areas Geographical Zone Life zone Coordinates Latitude Longitude Zone1: Pampas Valley, Thorny forest E=642681 Chincheros province, Thorny Subtropical N=8480229 Forest Low Montane thorny E=657338 Zone 2: Huancaray District Steppe N=8480389 Subtropical

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC 269 International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 268-275

Zona 3:Distrito de Chicmo Wet forest E=658371 Provincia de Andahuaylas Subtropical montane N=8489795

Table 2. Environmental conditions of life zones Life zone Height of the Temp. annual % Humidity Rango de life zone (m) average color de miel Valle Pampas provincia de Ambar 2897 11,7 Chincheros Pampas Valley province of 86 Light amber 2902 10,1 Chincheros Chicmo district White 3507 13,8

Figure 2. Color of the samples for each ecological floor

2.2.- Determination of Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) and color range For the determination of Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), it was based on the Peruvian technical standard NTP 209.176.1999 (Revised 2014) - Spectrophotometric Method. Honey color range was based on (mm PFUND). Table 3: honey color range

Honey color mm Pfund Absorbance White Water 0-8 0.104 – 0.125 Extra White 8 – 16.5 0.125 – 0.148 White 16.5 – 34 0.148 – 0.195 Extra Light Amber 34 – 50 0.195 – 0.238 Light Amber 50 – 85 0.238 – 0.333 Amber 85 – 114 0.333 – 0.411 Dark More than 114 0.411 or more 2.3.- Determination of the diastase index Diastase is an enzyme that has the objective of hydrolyzing complex sugars in simple terms. Its activity is decreased by the action of temperature and storage time.

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC 270 International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 268-275

The diastase index was measured based on the Peruvian technical standard NTP 209.176.1999 (Revised 2014) - Spectrophotometric Method

2.4.-Determination of humidity The humidity percentage was determined by the refractometric method according to AOAC (2000)

2.5.- Determination of pH The pH value was determined by direct reading by inserting the electrode combined of the pH meter, brand hhana HI 991001 waterproof extended range pH-ºC.

3. Results

Table 4. Results of the samples five days after the harvest.

No. of HMF Diastase Life zones sampl Age of % Temp. °C pH (mg/kg) Index (ID es honey Humidity Gothe)

M1=18.9 M1=4.9 M1=3.6 M1=28.3 5 dias 5 8 1 M2=31.4 Pampas M2=19.1 M2=4.6 M2=3.7 M3=29.2 3 18 Valley 1 8 3 province of M3=21.0 M3=5.1 M3=3.7 Chincheros 0 0 9 M1=18.1 M1=3.9 M1=2.2 M1=.33.8 Huancaray 5 dias 0 6 0 M2=39.7 District M2=17.3 M2=4.3 M2=2.2 M3=38.3 3 18 Andahuaylas 3 7 4 Province M3=17.9 M3=4.3 M3=2.1 7 6 9 M1=15.6 M1=3.8 M1=2.0 M1=43.8 Chicmo 5 dias 8 2 M2=2.0 M2=40 District M2=16.0 M2=3.4 3 M3=42.1 3 18 Andahuaylas 0 7 M3=2.0 Province M3=16.6 M3=3.7 2 8

Table 5. Results of the samples 19 days after harvest. No. of Bioclimatic HMF Diastase sampl Age of % zones Temp. °C pH (mg/kg) Index (ID es honey Humidity Gothe)

Pampas Valley 19 dias 19.7 4.82 41 18.3 3 30 province of Chincheros

Huancaray 3 30 19 dias 17.8 4.19 29.26 29.7 District

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC 271 International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 268-275

Andahuaylas Province Chicmo District 19dias 16.1 3.59 22.30 33.2 3 30 Andahuaylas Province

19.7 20 17.8 16.1


10 4.82 4.19 3.59 5

0 Pampas Valley province Huancaray District Chicmo District of Chincheros Andahuaylas Province Andahuaylas Province

% Humidity pH

Figure 3. Results of the samples 19 days of the % humidity and Ph in the three bioclimatic zone

45 41 40 33.2 35 29.26 29.7 30 22.3 25 18.3 20 15 10 5 0 Pampas Valley province Huancaray District Chicmo District of Chincheros Andahuaylas Province Andahuaylas Province

HMF (mg/kg) Diastase Index (ID Gothe)

Figure 4. Results of the samples 19 days of the HMF (mg/kg) and Diastase Index (ID Gothe) in the three bioclimatic zones.

In figure 3 and 4, it can be seen that it has had a variation in the different bioclimatic zone Table 6. Standards related to the physical-chemical quality of honey, physicochemical parameters of honey (Apis mellifera)

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC 272 International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 268-275

Peruvian Codex Alimentarius Parameters Units Technical Standard and FAO/WHO 209.168 2001 Humidity % Not more 21% Not more than 20%

Hydroxymethyl Not more than 80 furfural mg/kg 80 mg/kg máx. mg/kg

Diastase activity ID Three minimum Not less than 3° Gothe diastase index (ID) Gothe

The pH and humidity are critical parameters that must be evaluated at the time of honey harvest and in storage to control microbial growth and avoid fermentation, as shown in table 6, also to preserve the physicochemical properties of honey[1]. In the present study, we observed that pH and humidity remained almost stable, but we found that HMF increased as a consequence of the increase in temperature and storage time. The behavior of the diastase index was observed, which decreased thanks to the increase in temperature and Storage time. Analyzing the quality of the honey from the three bioclimatic zones and comparing with the permissible technical standards[1], we found that they are honey that exceeds the norms and it was shown that the honey from the Chicmo district is stable honey that maintains its quality and freshness from the time of harvest

4. Discussion In the present study, the physicochemical quality of the honey (Apis mellífera collected in bioclimatic zones from Apurímac Peru) was evaluated. Where the pH parameter showed a minimal difference, which indicates that there was no relevance to the microbial development in honey from the three life zones, then we can contrast with the research carried out in Pichanaki [12], where honey samples are analyzed in three altitudinal zones the same behavior is observed as the research study. In the investigation carried out, the color coincides with that referred to [13], who points out that honey can have a light to amber color between 49 and 114 mm PFUND. The color of honey is due to the pigments of the plants, of the nectar and this varies with the floral source [14] In the investigation carried out, it is observed that bioclimatic zones 1 (Pampas Valley, Chincheros province) has a higher concentration of HMF and is directly proportional to the amber range. This same behavior has been observed by [15], who suggests that changes in coloration in honey are closely related to the concentration of Hydroxymethylfurfural. If this concentration increases the coloration of the honey, it tends to darken In the research carried out in Antioquia [16], it indicates that at higher altitudes, there is a decrease in the HMF, which in contrast to the results obtained from the present research, the same behavior is observed as detailed in Table 2. HMF tells us how fresh honey is [1] [17] and tends to increase over time or to increase in temperature [16].

5. Conclusion

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The honey production in the three study areas is organic, applying transhumance technique and extraction with stainless steel equipment taking into account good hygiene practices inside and outside the production[18] [19]. The parameters studied indicate that they are products of good quality and do not present health risks and maintain an acceptable degree of freshness contrasted with technical food standards. The study should also raise awareness about the importance of the existence of bees in our environment and the conservation of biodiversity for their environmental sustainability [20] [21]. Likewise, the technological aspect is important because it allows for the improvement of production processes.


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