ARTICLES BY BISHOP PARSONS and B. I. BELL WITNESS CHICAGO, ILL., MARCH 3, 1932 A M e m o r i a l C h a l ic e The Work of the Craftsmen's Guild Circulation Office : 6140 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago. Editorial and Advertising Office : 931 Tribune Building, New York City Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. a r owbray ¡MÈI Ü I-öiyifK D B . M & Co., Ltd. 28 Margaret St., LONDON, W. 1, p p p . s m œ i a s f no-325 SIXTH-ANT,NVE-NEW-YORK and 9 High St., Oxford, England. STAINED GLASS ’MURALS CHURCH VESTMENTS MOSAIC-MILESTONE, RSI CHOIR OUTFITS HUI CANNED WOOD METAL Cassocks Surplices Copes Chasubles Stoles Veils Burses Altar Linens 1 Metal Work Woodwork Particulars from MR. PAUL S. BUCK Heaton, Butler & Bayne Distributor 665 Fifth Ave., (itaas Arttata New York City By appointment to the late KING EDWARD VII. Stained Glass Windows Memorial Brasses, Etc. WrBBlSKil? ^ W rite for literature. Address Dept. 7b v Designs and Estimates McSHANE BELL FOUNDRY, BALTIMORE, MD. Heaton, Butler & Bayne MENEELY BELL CC (N. Y.) Ltd.,. 220 BROAOWAY.NY.CITY,__ 1 French Building 551 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK B E LUS CHURCH VESTMENTS Cassocks. Surplices, Stoles, Em Church Memorial Windows MENEELY&CO.^ C O . g j f h broideries, Silks, Cloths, Fringes ESTABLISHED t m a t l J. M. KASE STUDIOS m 9826 i f i i m CLERICAL SUITS 19 W. 8th St. Eighth&Court Sts, Hats, Rabats, Collars WATERVLIET, M Specialists in Church vestments New York, N.
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