STATI LI3R/ APR 2S 1961 Weather Ed i torn l iWOati".* Skit/—N.. Bonny and One-Man Job Warm la% (HamjMH (See Page 2) 'Serving Storrs Since 1896' VOL CXV No. 94 Oflices In Student Union Building STORRS, CONNtCTICUl Complete Associated Press Wire Service WEDNESDAY APRIL 19. 1961 CDC, Nutmeg, Photopool Elect New Officers DonNierlingNamed'Cm-ran Elected AsArchambault, Myers ipool, the Photograph) Handbook and all other ASH Editorw w m Of Nutmeg Department of thei Connectioul L Head Campus Staff ■*-* *"*^ *~r ^~^ J QD iDepartmentof the Connectioul publications.nuhiicaimns Dally Campus, held its annual The newly elected Photopool elections Monday afternoon. Lester Archambault, Tumi t (Semester, and vv is Sports Edi- Don MieiliiiB. Chi Phi. was the Student_ Relations Commit- President scrwd bull House, was tjltor tor last M'u He is presently tee and is scholar-chairman of Elected to the office of Presi- ganizatlon's representative to elecietl Editoi-in-ciuef of the dent was Bill Curran, New In-Chiel of the Connecticut the Pi I| /..•■ i |'.i, „,i,i Alpha Delta Pi. the Daily Campus Board of Di- 1962 Nutmeg »t the elections London Hall. Other members DaUj rumpus for 1961 62, A ha. served as House historian. held Monday. Susan BrOUghtOn, K i |i |> i rectors. chambauli w n rat Lf|ed by ihe He is a resident of Darien. Neil ling, a Blxtll semester Kappa Gamma, was elected Cu MI is a fourth semester stafl ol thi Daily Campus Connecticut. He is also a mem- marketing major, is a gradu- Business Secretary tor the new student In the College of Arts Mondaj night and was elected ber "' Ihe Inlet fraternity Coun- ate of Cheshire Academy and Nutmeg, Miss Broughton also and Sciences He is a member Editor-in-Chief b'j the Hoard of cil and is Chan-man Of Ihe Is from Darien, Conn He ■erved on the staff ol the 61 of wins itaff, and has been I last Thursdaj night, Publicit) Committee of lie served as Advertising Manager Nutmeg, She is recording sec active in the Photopool lines John 1>. Perry Jr., McCon- Jerrj Krupnikofl was alec- ol the 61 .Nutmeg and is aclive rotary of her soroi Ity. his first semester He served as aughj Hall, ran sga I na t ted AdvetUsing Mana iei lie In the American Finance As- Roberta Jones. Kappa Kai>pa General Photograph) Editor Archambault tor the position. has served In thai position this Camma. was elected Organiza- socialion of which he is treas- last year. Curran li ■ resident MUs JU(U Myers, Stowe C, semester, and hai been ■ urer. He is also a member of tion Editor for the coming of Fast Hartford, and gradu- waa elected Managing Editor. on the Dally < iinipii. since hia Scabbard and Blade, AL'SA year, Miss Jones was a mem- ateri from Fast Hartford High s,„. hM Mrved as Managing second semester He is > and is a member of the Junior Layout and Production Edi- School. Editor for the past temestcr graduate of Weaver High Class Council. Nierling is pres- tor for the 61 Nutmeg is Fred John How land is a second She ran against Ned Parker. School in Hart fold ently the scholarship chairman ber of the 61 staff semester Phermacj ma lor HejZeta Psl, Ins present Sports The Senior Associate Editor, man, Chi Phi. Staater- of his fraternity. is a brother of Kappa Psl and Editor, Joseph Marfuggl has also man Is a sophomore and was The new Managing Editor is joined piiotopoo' 'irst David Beauvals, Sigma Al- served as Seniot Associate i-'.h- ■Elaine Carlton. Kappa. Kappa on the staff of 61 Nutmeg. ter. lie hveS m Webster, Mas- pha Epeiion, Wai chosen as me tor foi the past semester, Ha Gamma. Miss Carlton is a Kalhy Dillin. Alpha Delta PI, aachusetta new Business Manager He re has been a member of the graduate of Putnam High was elected Residence Editor, Jack Devin i< a fourth se- School. Putnam. Conn. She for the new year. Miss Dillin mester student and nil hern a ior. Joe Marfuggl, Phi Slgmi served as an office worker on is Meryl Hlmmersteln, Alpa was also a member of the staff K Kappa. BUI Curran member of Photnimoi for the . Nutmeg. Mis* Carlton Kpsilon Phi. Miss Himmelstcin, j0"." ^ 1!Hi, NlllmP(f. Archambault graduated from Photopool President past year. He has served on is pledge chairman of Kappa served on the Circulation-Pub- Klpr,r(1 „, «Pnior Kditors Wtavei lliuli St houl In Hart- licity staff of the 1961 Nut- „.„,.„ ihe Board of Director! ol the Kappa Gamma. E]||>n SPR1V am1 Bp(sv Dally Campus. He lives In ford, and has been on tiie staff Publicity Editor of the 62 meg. She is also Standards Vuillemier. both members of elected for the coming year W'on.lhury. ot the Dally Casapne since his Nutmeg Is Haila Seger. Alpha chairman of her sorority. i Amnp ,„,„„ pj are: Executive vice president, first semester Ha la » ilfth Miss Seger is a1 Exxecutive Secretary for the ,.-„.,,„,.„ | ,„. Serving as Sporti Editor for Epsilon Phi. Th(1 K( ilor f the John Howland, Kappa Pst; semester student majoring In Bel economics, He has served as President of Photopool. Pho- Devi T u 5 llH ar Nutrnt: Shtie at present lush Ives is a Junior and was on ^^^^^11^ *«* "- " £»" ** « <"" «»**« fc ™ ™ ' tography Editor of the Dally ,oni an Spor Phn, K, ph v Sn of"h"r sorority. -he staff of the 61 Nutmeg. "^^C^kl^EdltOTtaChief " ,' r " - ™" He I. a member of Kap. Campus, Feature Photograph Cl,Th7new arculatio^EdltoriShe is currently a member o, ^r^N^^nttn,,^^^ Ronald Kaminskt, Kap- M jmd h.. beer and on Pho- Editor, Executive' Committee that the positions of Business Pa P «* '»«"> < ■mpu of the Nutmeg, Student Sena- tiie Daily toi>ool since his imw - lager Will be announced at Photopool serves on .-\-offieio. later date. Campus. Nutmeg, tiie Husky year. Meetings With Ministers ? Miss Myers has served as Managing Editor for the past SSmeater and has alo held the pOSitiOni Of Senior ASSO Is Highlight Of UN Trip Yale 'Challenge'Program Editor Associate Eritor and[ Dave Beaux sis in 11 Myers By John D Perry, Jr. | annual Income of about $80. Busiti.s, Maaagee Aaalatant Associate Editor She Man.11:1111; Kdltor Joined Ihe staff of the Dalit Briefings with the Ministers, Admlaaloa of Bed China I Cainptu in her second semes- of the Philippine and Indo-i ™e Philippines'Minister also place? Leonard Alalmo, Sigma ter She is a sixth semeatei Dally Campus liaff since his rlian mission, to the I'ni'edl "'^ussed a vane y of to^cs To Begin Friday Evening Alpha EpsllOn, and via^ unop d semesier lie has let ved Student In the College of Arts, a Senior A in.u. As- Nations and a visit to the UconnS^^A^K^tttiSS! students; including the.,!- , iKised in tiie elections, and Sciences, majoring in Eng L'.S.S.R. Mission House high- icipate In the "Challenge" pro- tend, they are willing to ar- eoclate Aaaoi ate Editor, and admission of Red China to thej In order for hotel reserva- 1 lish She is a resident of Al 1 lighted a weekend seminar in range hotel reservations ahead Otfcei PeaWens Assistant News Editor lie is U.N., foreign aid from the; tions to be made in New Hav- gram by stating. "Actually 1 bany, Vn/ Vork, and attende.lj New York for two dozen of time for our students. Reg-j Other positions tilled Merc a graduate of Proctor High U.S.. and the influence of Rus-j en for those attending Yale can ill afford the time. Just the AcadonTV of the Hoh , ■stration fees are SI mi per per-1 Advertising s.iiooi in Vermont, and is a Uconn students. sia on in the Southeast Asiatv University's "Challenge" pro- now, to be away from the Manager, Jerry,NamP, in Alban) Miss M en son snd ihe ooat of the Sunday Krupnlkoff, fourth semester student maJor> In addition, a briefing with gram this year, anyone desir- country, However, as .Mint- Phi Epsilon Pi; |,as also served on the Inde- country is so deeply and genu- evening concert is ll.SO, both ^ews Bdlti Larry Dupuis, indent students Organization ing in English an assistant to the Secretary Minister Emile .1. Lapian ing to go should contact Judt General of the U.N. and the op inely interested In the prob- of which are paid upon ains- (-hi pM; Features Editor,Ron- Executive Board, 'he House Serving as Features Editor srro 1 b,i,,fini: A Myers, Managing Editor at Ihe portunUyto hear Russian dele- «■« «• '" lems of All tea and her people, ing at Yale. a|d obuchan, Fauinid Hall: Council of Stowe C and 'he for the coming yeat 1- Ronald member of the permanent Mis- Daily CampUl by 5 p.m. this gates sound off on the floor of at the moment. I feel 1 must Last year.Yale sponsored sports Editor, Ned Parker,!student Senate Division of Stu- Obuchan a fourth semester sion of Indonesia to the U.N., sftemoon. the' General Assembly about (Continued On Page I) ./Via Psl; Senior Associate Edl- ent Personnel Committee student majoring In English. he explained bis country's ncti- accept the invitation to parti- n their "man-in-space" project This year's lopic to be cov- He has been a member of the policy and their l IpatS in the program, arrang- Theini n. M Dally Ciimpin Husi made the trip timely and un- r ered at the colloquium which Dally Campus siaff since hi* ■guided democracy".
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