1934-12-01 [P B-6]
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Β—6 WASHINGTON, D. C., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1934. Minnesota, Alabama and Stanford Dominate This Year's All-America Eleven IS. W.'S LEEMANS Selections of Associated Press for 1934 All-America Foot Ball Combination GETS HIGH PRAISE "lepherd, Too, Just Short of Big Grade—Borries in Charmed List. BY ALAN GOl'LD, lA-socuted Press Snorts Editor > YORK. December 1 OP).— As seemingly befits the per- NEWformances oi the three out- standing undefeated college | foct ball teams of the 1934 season, the individual stars of Minnesota. Alabama and Stanford capture the major por- tion of all-America honors awarded inday in the tenth annual Associated Tress consensus selections. Each of these tremendously power- ful aggregations. dominant in their '«n gridiron bailiwicks, gains two places on the all-star eleven. The re- maining five positions go to individual heroes of North Carolina. Rice Insti- 'ute. Texas Christian. Pittsburgh and the Na\al Academy after one of the k'rnest battles ever waged for mem- brrship on the foot ball roll of honor. Dtspite Minnesota's clear-cut rank- lij as the Nation's No 1 college team, br an overwhelming vote of the ex- perts and a substantial preponder- nee of evidence, sectional honors pass ."cm the Middle West to the South. ·■. hlch combines with the rugged ; "Uthwest sector to land a leading iiare of all-America places for the first time in history. The first eleven ncludes three from the Old South, be- :cles two from the Texas area and two ?rh from the East, the Middle West nd the Pacific Coast. ι nese ijïiioping vmpucrs. AGNIFICENT team perform- ances. such as those registered | Minnesota. Ala- by Pittsburgh, j! '"ΊΜ and Stanford—the Nation's big lour"—as well as by Ohio State, i e, Colgate. Temple, Columbia and tuifiana State all were due to the mbination of splendid material, waited teamwork and fine coaching. Nowhere in the country was the ce any swifter or the sectional bat- j > any harder fought than in the utInvest. Such great team', as Rice, mthern Methodist and Texas rose to heights of interactional conquest on the road." only to be toppled in "-eir own bailiwick by outfits that re- f 'fid ♦<? be Impressed by reputations rr past performances. Similiarly in the East, which also produced an ex- ceptional number of outstanding 1 "sms this year the fratricidal strife ■as conspicuous, with Navy. Syracuse nd Princeton all being knocked from .he unbeaten ranks on one afternoon. .lust Name Minnesota. Minnesota's Lund, \LTHOUGHcaptain and individual dynamo cf the team, and Frank (Butch) ; irion. a great end, are the choices first all-America honors this :ar. the Galloping Gophers are con- cicred by many unprejudiced observ- ·> as the Nation's all-star aggrega- ion, in toto. Among the teams Min- ::ota has played, only Pittsburgh can 1—Bill Wallace, Rice Institute. Tcr anything resembling a rebuttal. 2—Buzz Borries, U. S. Naval Academy. cainst the Panthers, who led the 3—Bob Grayson, Stanford University. jpheis for three periods. Bill Bevan 4—Bill Lee. University of Alabama. as an all-America guard and Stan 5—Don Hutson, University of Alabama. ostka an all-America fullback. On 6—Darrell Lester, Texas Christian U. her occasions, the flashy Julius Ai- 7—Frank Larson. University of Minnesota. >nsc and the two Minnesota tackles, 8—Pug Lund, University of Minnesota. ngston and Widseth, the latter one 9—Charles Hartwig. University of Pittsburgh. the year's sophmore sensations, 10—Bob Reynolds, Stanford University. re outstanding. but over the stretch 11—George Barclay, U. of North Carolina. probably the greatest campaign in 'her history the laurels go mainly Lund, now a two-time all-Ameri- Southern California; Hardin, Colorado Teachers. acp, and th" brilliant Larson. IS αν Rules Favorite at 8-5: but 7 Minnesota: Shows Class, y 1 unci, for purposes of balancing the Halfbacks—Alphcnse, PDfiDTC1 Imp J :hiral line-up. occupies the full- All-America Foot Ball Team Albane-e. Syracuse: Barabas. Colum- bia; B-rry. Tulsa; Butvid, Marquette; k position in a backfield combina- and Headline Texas Christian; S™ L. S. U. Tulane Bond, Scope •n consisting otherwise of Stanford's Baugh, ; on β Associera Georgia ; Brominski. Columbia Brown. avson. the he<-t all-around back y m? rrcss BY ι Wil- FRANCIS E. STAX β <Bu*z> Borries. Washington (St. Louis ; Brvant, Λ Pacific Coast: Fred Position. Player end college. Ag<>. Hgt. Wgt.C!a*v Hometown. 1 1 Bufkin. Β* the Assortîtes Press campaign for Tulane. bu? Louisiana « Nau's and Frank Larson. Minnesota 22 fi:03 182 Puluth. liam and Mary: Washington; of Im- ported to have spent $100,000 develop- superlative passing End Senior* Minn. opinion Ray YORK. December 1 —Foot State's Tigers. even should they win William Bill» Buck'er, Army; Carter. Purdue; Card- and the inning back, and Tarkle William Lee. Alabama... 22 6:02 222 Senior Eutaw. Ala. ing exploiting overgrown have to Tennessee pellitiere's chances of final salute a thrill- today, «till hurdle ace of the well, Nebraska: Cornelius. Duke: Ches- youngster. Maybe a long lay-off does ball's »to sllace, triple-threat Guard Charles Hartwig Pitt... 23 6:01 182 S'nior Eenwood. W. Va. next we»k to gain a share of the Rice hire. U. C. L. Α.; Christofferson, removing the world cause a natural to re- sated found the uthwest and spark plug of the Centrr Darrell Lester. Tex. Chr. 21 6:04 215 Junior .Tacksboro. Tex. OUR really ringman public today conference championship. Washington State; Cruice. Northwest- semble a novice in his comeback NEW 185 try. ■■m. Guard George Barclay. N. C 21 5:11 Senior Natrona. Pa. heavyweight champion- annual Army-Navv game dom- In the Southwest, the Rice Pa); Clem- Owls, All four of these stars had consist- Tackle Rob't Reynolds. Stanford 21 6:0° 220 Junior ern; Currie. Waynesburg But somehow the specter of Max Okmt.lgee.Okla, ship crown from the carefree inating a program marked otherwise surprisingly upset by Texas Christian 6:110 ens. Southern California: Dobson. Bacr manhandling Primo Camera last ltiy great seasons against the tough· EnJ Donald Huston. Alabama 23 101 Senior Pin? Bluff. Ark. last week, must whip Baylor to gain 20 5:11 Richmond <Va>: Dickens. Tenne.-see; knob of Max Baer is nothing to Summer rose when rocked by important conference struggles in t kind of opposition. Injuries Quarterback.Rob't Grayson. Stanford. 18ft Junior Portland, Oreg. Impeliittiere cl-ar claim to the conference crown. Franklin. Oregon State: Guckcyson, from the blow ol last to the ... Berries, 22 6:00 175 Senior the credit, we Gallaghers right the South and Southwest. •reed Grayson yield spotlight Halfback Fred jr.. Navy... Louisville. Ky. big boy's humbly That figured to b° no easy task, how- Hilliard, Texas: Hinson, The is such a for the threat of to .. William Wallece, Rice... 22 5:11 185 Junior Lake. Tex. Maryland: night. Imp ringer unfavorable ι the Coast's "big game" Arleigh Haifback Eagle express, even after the Despite ever. in view of Baylor's upset oi Clemson: Hamilton. Stanford; Hobln, gargan- Camera. For men both box beau- a California back, but ... Francis Minnesota 22 5:11 185 Senior Rice Wis. big weather. were for llliams. brilliant Fullback Lund, Lake. prospects capacity South?rn M'thodist a week ago. Should Cross; Johnson. Kentucky; John- tuan Imp sat calmly in his tifully. but neither can punch, and crowd of 80.000 for the τ Stanford star was the better plaver Holy thirty-fifth the game end in a tie. Rice would be was the Position. Second Team. Third Team. son. Virginia: Johnson, St. Vincent's both stagger from a solid shot on the ball duel of the service acad- er the route. Borries dressing room and pooh-poohed foot forced to share the championship with End James Moscnp. Stanford Lawrence Kelley. Yale (Pa); Kern, Colgate: Kaufman, "lug." emies at Franklin Field, in Phila- warhead of the Navy attack that his defeat last night by Marty Texas. as Columbia Tackle James Steen. Syracuse Slade Cutter, Navy Princeton: Lawrence, Texas Christian: And then there was Baer, who had Conceded an excellent eked such fine teams delphia. Otherwise, the day's prop-am found Guard William Bcvan. Minnesota ..Charles Mucha. Washington Le Van. Princeton: Leemans. George Gallagher, who is as obscure out laid off even longer than Impeliittiere. chance of from the for •id Noire Dame. Even in the Navy's winning Army Boston College and Holy Cross, ancient Center John J. Robinson, Notre Dame Franklin Meier. Nebraska Washington; Larue. Pittsburgh: Lind- of a A natural fighter U ever there was one, the first time since 1921. the ; mt at the hands of Pittsburgh's Washington as college press Navy's Jesuit rivals, colliding at Newton. Borries stood out, and Guard Regis Monohan, Ohio State Kenneth Ormiston. Pittsburgh berg. Illinois: Mellnkovich, Notre Max may have been a bit rusty last eleven, paced by Fred < Buzz > iwerhouse. agent who refused to exploit an powerful Mass.: Western Maryland's undefeated Tackle Ferrara. Columbia Charles Galbreath, Illinois Dame: Mickal. Louisiana State; June, but he still packed the old wal- Borries. ruled an 8-to-5 favorite In 'anther coaches paid him the tribute ; Joseph Terrors Georgetown at Balti- End Lester Borden Fordham Penn State: all-America foot ball candidate. and, when Primo his ham- playing > back encoun- Joseph Bogdan^ki. Colgate Michelonis. McDonough, lop jabbed the overnight odds. Whatever the f being the best they more: Georgia facing Georgia Tech a Quarterback. Arlcigh Williams. California Miller Munjas. Pittsburgh Mattos, St. Marys (Calif.); "Shuck*." said the "that was like fists Into Baer's face, the Califor- were assured -red all season.