12/9/11 Success ’s Real Life Connections

Eminem is my personal favorite artist because he writes music anyone can relate to, no matter what the circumstance. Eminem’s music has relatable content using life comparisons while speaking his mind. The relatable content Eminem uses can fit anyone. People similar to him have gotten back-stabbed by old friends. Or they way someone grew up. Eminem grew up poor, and living in a trailer for most of his teenage years with his mom. An exact quote from him which is also one of my favorite things, is “I was poor white trash, no , no glamour, but I'm not ashamed of anything.” Eminem is not scared to be who he truly is and he shows it in his music, along with the movie of his life, 8 Mile. He talks about his life in every song he has. From when he used to be a drug addict, to the time he had his kids. He grew up with harsh content in his life. His song “Cleanin Out My Closet” refers to the time when his step brother died, and his mom told him that he should have died instead. One of the quotes from the direct lyrics are, “. . .I’m sorry momma, I never meant to hurt you. . . “ Another point in his life that hurt him was when his wife, Kim Scott cheated on him. This song is very vivid and violent. Which shows he’s not afraid to express his feelings. When Eminem had an affair with , she made the song “Obsessed” referring to Eminem. So to follow up the song he made was called “The Warning” and it described the affair, stating that Mariah has called him, been to his home, and videos of the affair. Eminem made this song because she denied seeing him, which shows he does not want to be seen as a liar. After both Mariah and Eminem made these bashing songs, Mariah’s husband joined in also making music meant to bash Eminem. So the battle went on and on. Eminem is definitely not scared to show his emotions in his music. Eminem is my personal favorite artist because he writes music anyone can relate to, no matter what the circumstance. His music can vary from soothing music talking about love, to back-stabbers, to affairs, to diss songs. He has a wide variety and I love it because he’s not afraid to show his mind.