Consultant Selection Committee Agenda

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Consultant Selection Committee Agenda CONSULTANT SELECTION COMMITTEE AGENDA DATE: Tuesday, March 3, 2020 TIME: 4:00 p.m. 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL. 2. ITEMS TO BE ADDED, WITHDRAWN, OR REORDERED IN THE AGENDA. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT. Opportunity for members of the public to address the Committee. (Government Code Section 54954.3). 4. ACTION AGENDA. The following items on the Action Agenda call for discussion and action by the Committee. All items are placed on the Agenda so that the Committee may discuss and take action on the item if the Committee is so inclined, including items listed for information. Consultant Selection for the Programmatic Permitting of the Property Operations and Maintenance Plan 5. CLOSED SESSION At any time during the regular session, the Committee may adjourn to closed session to consider litigation, personnel matters, or to discuss with legal counsel matters within the attorney-client privilege. (Government Code Section 54954.5.) 6. NEXT MEETING DATE: To be determined. 7. ADJOURNMENT. This agenda was posted at least seventy-two (72) hours before the meeting in a location freely accessible to the Public on the exterior bulletin board at the main entrance to the Authority’s office and it is also posted on the Authority’s website at No action may be taken on any item not appearing on the posted agenda, except as provided by California Government Code Section 54954.2. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members of the Sweetwater Authority Governing Board regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Authority Administration Office, located at 505 Garrett Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91910, during normal business hours. Upon request, this agenda will be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with disabilities, as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Any person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in a meeting should direct such request to the Board Secretary at (619) 409-6703 at least forty-eight (48) hours before the meeting, if possible. To e-subscribe to receive meeting agendas and other pertinent information, please visit A Public Water Agency Serving National City, Chula Vista and Surrounding Areas 1 This page intentionally left blank. 2 TO: Governing Board (Consultant Selection Committee) FROM: Management DATE: February 27, 2020 SUBJECT: Consultant Selection for the Programmatic Permitting of the Property Operations and Maintenance Plan SUMMARY In the Fall of 2019, Authority staff completed the draft Property Operation and Maintenance Plan (Draft O&M Plan) documenting the necessary operations and maintenance activities on Authority-owned properties at Sweetwater Reservoir and at Loveland Reservoir. This endeavor, previously not formally documented in any type of a plan, evolved over time to also include properties managed by the Authority within the water distribution system. A copy of the Draft O&M Plan is attached for reference. Many of the activities performed on Authority property require permits from various agencies, such as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the Regional Water Quality Control Board, to name a few. Currently, the Authority seeks a permit for each required maintenance and operational activity on a case-by-case basis, which is time consuming and an inefficient use of staff resources. The FY 2019-20 Budget provides funding to initiate the programmatic permitting of operations and maintenance activities as described in the Draft O&M Plan. This would provide “blanket” permits for the activities described in the Draft O&M Plan. To achieve this, the Authority is seeking an environmental consulting firm to assist with the preparation of environmental compliance documentation and the acquisition of programmatic regulatory permits for O&M activities (Proposed Project), as described in the Draft O&M Plan. The Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the Proposed Project, dated December 9, 2019, was issued directly to twenty-six consultants, advertised on the California Association of Environmental Professionals (AEP) website, and posted on the Authority’s website. A copy of the RFQ is attached for reference. On January 22, 2020, the following three consultants submitted Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) for the Proposed Project: • Environmental Science Associates (ESA) 3 Memo to: Governing Board (Consultant Selection Committee) Subject: Consultant Selection for the Programmatic Permitting of the Property Operations and Maintenance Plan February 27, 2020 Page 2 of 3 • Ericsson-Grant, Inc. (EGI) • ICF Jones & Stokes, Inc. (ICF) Copies of the SOQs from these three consultants are attached for reference. PAST BOARD ACTION June 12, 2019 Board Adopted Resolution 19-14: Adopting a Budget for FY 2019-20 FISCAL IMPACT The FY 2019-20 Budget for the Proposed Project includes $45,000 for CEQA Documentation and $30,000 for Permitting and Mitigation Planning. Additional funds will be requested in FY 2020-21 to continue the work on this multi-year project. Although the work associated with the scope of the project this fiscal year is anticipated to be less than $75,000, it is expected that the acquisition of the needed permits will take up to three years, and the total cost of the consulting services will exceed this threshold over time. The total cost of the project is unknown and is dependent on responses and requirements from resource agencies. POLICY The Authority’s Purchasing Policy requires Governing Board approval to award contracts in excess of $75,000. Strategic Plan Goal 7: Environmental Stewardship (ES) – Provide core services while maintaining a balanced approach to human and environmental needs. • Objective ES7: Develop and Implement Comprehensive Operations and Maintenance Plan for Sweetwater and Loveland Reservoirs and other Authority properties and obtain permits from Regulatory Agencies. o 002.00 Environmental Review and Permitting. ALTERNATIVES 1. Select consultant based on Statements of Qualifications for Board approval. 2. Schedule interviews with the three consultants who submitted Statements of Qualifications. 3. Other recommendations as identified by the Consultant Selection Committee. 4 Memo to: Governing Board (Consultant Selection Committee) Subject: Consultant Selection for the Programmatic Permitting of the Property Operations and Maintenance Plan February 27, 2020 Page 3 of 3 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff defers to the Consultant Selection Committee and the Governing Board for direction. ATTACHMENTS 1. Draft Property Operation and Maintenance Plan 2. Request for Qualifications for the Programmatic Permitting of the Property Operations and Maintenance Plan 3. Statement of Qualifications from Environmental Science Associates (ESA) 4. Statement of Qualifications from Ericsson-Grant, Inc. (EGI) 5. Statement of Qualifications from ICF Jones & Stokes, Inc. (ICF) 5 This page intentionally left blank. 6 ATTACHMENT 1 PROPERTY OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE PLAN (O&M PLAN) SWEETWATER AUTHORITY INITIAL DRAFT August 2019 Prepared by: Sweetwater Authority 505 Garrett Avenue Chula Vista, California 91910 Main Contact: Israel Marquez, Environmental Project Manager Phone Number: (619) 409-6759 E-mail: [email protected] 7 This page intentionally left blank 8 Property Operations and Maintenance Plan – Initial Draft TABLE OF CONTENTS ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................... 3 1.0 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................. 5 2.0 BACKGROUND .................................................................................................................. 6 2.1 Properties Description ............................................................................................. 6 2.1.1 Loveland Reservoir ...................................................................................... 6 2.1.2 Sweetwater Reservoir .................................................................................. 9 2.1.3 Other Facilities in the Middle and Upper Watershed ........................................ 9 2.1.4 Service Area Facilities ................................................................................ 11 2.2 Activities Not Covered by the O&M Plan .................................................................. 13 3.0 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ....................................................................................................15 3.1 Streamlining of Programmatic Approvals ................................................................. 15 3.2 Management Practices .......................................................................................... 16 3.2.1 Staff Training, Coordination, and Record Keeping .......................................... 16 3.3 Plan Amendments Process ..................................................................................... 17 3.4 Current Plan Amendments ..................................................................................... 17 4.0 SCOPE AND IMPLEMENTATION ..........................................................................................18 4.1 Property Management .......................................................................................... 18 4.1.1 Defensible Space ......................................................................................
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