
American Political Science Review Vol. 108, No. 2 May 2014 doi:10.1017/S000305541400015X c American Political Science Association 2014 Delivering Stability— and Autocratic Survival in European 1000–1800 ANDREJ KOKKONEN University of Gothenburg ANDERS SUNDELL uilding a strong autocratic requires stability in ruler-elite relations. From this perspective the absence of a successor is problematic, as the elite have few incentives to remain loyal if the autocrat B cannot reward them for their loyalty after his death. However, an appointed successor has both the capacity and the motive to challenge the autocrat. We argue that a succession based on primogeniture solves the dilemma, by providing the regime with a successor who can afford to wait to inherit the peacefully. We test our hypothesis on a dataset covering 961 monarchs ruling 42 European states between 1000 and 1800, and show that fewer monarchs were deposed in states practicing primogeniture than in states practicing alternative succession orders. A similar pattern persists in the ’s remaining absolute monarchies. Primogeniture also contributed to building strong states: In 1801 all European monarchies had adopted primogeniture or succumbed to foreign enemies.

“By the constitution of , the Czar may choose to his rivals in order to remain in office in the short term whom he has in mind for his successor, whether of (Clague, Keefer, Knack, and Olson 1996; Olson 1993). his own or of a strange family. Such a settlement pro- Therefore, the issue of succession is of fundamental duces a thousand and renders the throne importance for understanding both leader survival and as tottering as the succession is arbitrary.” state-building efforts in . — Montesquieu, The Spirit of the , Book 5. There are several notable why succession is problematic in autocracies. If the autocrat designates a “Men have preferred the risk of having children, successor, this person has strong incentives to depose monstrosities, or imbeciles as rulers to having dis- the autocrat and take power (Herz 1952). However, putes over the choice of good .” if the autocrat does not appoint a successor, the elite have few incentives to remain loyal to him when he — Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The , grows old, as he cannot promise them that the regime Book 3, Chapter 6. survive and reward their loyalty after the power struggle that is likely to ensue upon his death (Bueno rranging a planned and peaceful succession of de Mesquita et al. 2003; Kurrild-Klitgaard 2000). Ei- leadership is extremely difficult in autocracies ther way is perilous for the autocrat. Gordon Tullock A(Brownlee 2007,598; Svolik 2012,198). A ma- (1987) has argued that a succession based on primogen- jority of all exits from office in authoritarian regimes iture (i.e., the principle of letting the oldest son inherit from 1946 to 2008 were nonconstitutional, and more power) offers a solution to the dilemma. It provides than two-thirds of the nonconstitutional exits were or- the autocrat with an heir who, because of his young chestrated from within the ruling elite (Svolik 2012). age, can afford to wait to inherit power peacefully, and Apart from the obvious problem this poses for the it provides the elite with assurance that the regime autocrat, the political insecurity that the succession will live on and continue to reward their loyalty after creates is likely to have wider consequences for the the incumbent autocrat has passed away (cf.Brownlee society. As Mancur Olson has pointed out, an autocrat 2007; Kurrild-Klitgaard 2000). If correct, Tullock’s ar- who cannot trust the elite to remain loyal has few in- gument would lend credibility to Rousseau’s and Mon- centives to make the long-term investments that are tesquieu’s claim that primogeniture may be a prefer- necessary for building a strong and prosperous state; able despite the obvious risk of the autocrat is better advised to provide private goods having incompetents rule the state. The argument that a succession based on primogen- iture increases the autocrats’ chances of surviving in Andrej Kokkonen is Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg, Box 100, 405 30 office—and thereby their incentives for state building— Gothenburg ([email protected]). has scarcely been tested. The lack of studies might be a Anders Sundell is Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Political consequence of contemporary autocracies’ reluctance Science and The Quality of Institute, University of to formalize their succession orders. Another explana- Gothenburg, Box 100, 405 30 Gothenburg (anders.sundell@pol. tion can be that there is an overlap between regime gu.se). The authors have contributed equally to the article. We want to types and succession orders that makes it difficult to thank Andreas Bagenholm,˚ Agnes Cornell, Carl Dahlstrom,¨ Peter disentangle the effect of succession orders per se. His- Esaiasson, Mikael Gilljam, Marcia Grimes, Soren¨ Holmberg, Victor torically, autocracies were less reluctant to make their Lapuente, Johannes Lindvall, Anna Persson, Bo Rothstein, Martin succession orders official. There was also considerable Sjostedt,¨ Jan Teorell for comments on earlier versions. We are also grateful to the anonymous reviewers and the APSR coeditors for variation in how autocracies arranged the succession. many helpful recommendations. The usual disclaimer applies. In AD 1000, Europe was dominated by autocratic

438 American Political Science Review Vol. 108, No. 2 states with succession orders based on , or the (Svolik 2012). Historical rulers also had ample principle of , according to which the to fear members of the elite. Mark Bloch writes about ruler’s oldest brother inherited the throne before any feudal vassals that “of all the occasions for going to , of his sons (Dvornik 1962; Kern 1948). Only a few the first that came to mind was to take up arms against states on the Iberian Peninsula practiced primogeni- one’s ” (Bloch 1961, 235). Any autocrat therefore ture. Taking advantage of these facts we test Tullock’s needs to keep a precious balance of power with the hypothesis on a new dataset that covers 961 monarchs domestic elite. in 42 European states during the period AD 1000– The mechanisms by which elites are co-opted are 1800. We find that the risk of deposition was substan- remarkably similar in historical times and the modern tially lower for monarchs that ruled states practicing world. One alternative is to “buy them off” with private primogeniture. goods (Bueno de Mesquita et al. 2003). To distribute Furthermore, we present tentative evidence that the this patronage and thus extend the autocrat’s influ- political stability that primogeniture created may have ence a party organization can be used (Gandhi and facilitated state building and state survival. While the Przeworski 2007; Geddes 1999; Magaloni 2008; Svolik variation in succession orders was great around AD 2012). Another alternative is to give the elite influ- 1000, it had virtually disappeared by the dawn of the ence in a with legislative . Jennifer nineteenth century: the states that practiced election Gandhi and Adam Przeworski (2007) argue that a par- or agnatic seniority had either changed their constitu- liament allows the autocrat to control negotiations and tions, or like , succumbed to their rivals. By high- select groups that can be granted influence. lighting how important succession orders were in this have also been used since medieval times to manage development, our findings complement the literature opposition from elites and facilitate extraction, and on European state building that has mostly focused on remain the focus for most research on state building in how autocrats co-opted elites and built strong states autocracies (Blaydes and Chaney 2013; Downing 1992; by creating parliaments (cf. Blaydes and Chaney 2013; Ertman 1997; Levi 1988; Tilly 1992). Ertman 1997; Levi 1988; North, Wallis, and Weingast In contrast, the succession orders’ role in co-opting 2010; Stasavage 2010). the elite has received scant attention. This is somewhat Finally,we show that primogeniture is also negatively surprising given the prominent role an ordered succes- associated with monarchs’ risk of being deposed in the sion plays in providing the elite with a long-time guar- world’s few remaining absolute monarchies. antee that their loyalty will be rewarded. Whenever a disputed succession is expected it creates instability ahead of the fact, as the elite will live in uncertainty THEORY: RULER-ELITE RELATIONS, about whether the new autocrat will keep rewarding AUTOCRATIC SURVIVAL, AND STATE them for their loyalty to the incumbent autocrat. Bi- BUILDING ology plays a part in creating succession crises, for in- stance when no living children are born to a . How- In order to build a strong state an autocrat must elim- ever, it is ultimately institutions that determine whether inate the myriad of external and internal threats to ambiguity about the succession can be avoided. In the his power. External threats are dealt with through war remainder of the article, we discuss the two main prob- and the threat of war, and internal threats are dealt with lems of succession: the coordination problem and the through what Charles Tilly (1985) termed state making. crown- problem, and how succession institutions The internal threats can be divided into two categories: can solve these problems, thereby contributing to the those from within the ruling elite, and those from the understanding of the European state-building experi- masses (cf. Bueno de Mesquita et al. 2003; Gandhi and ence and the functioning of autocracies. Przeworski 2007; Magaloni 2008; Svolik 2012). These two threats require responses from the autocrat, cre- ating what Milan Svolik (2012) terms the problem of The Coordination Problem authoritarian control (repression of the masses) and the problem of authoritarian power-sharing (co-opting In line with much of the research on autocratic rule the elite), which is the focus of this article. (Bueno de Mesquita et al. 2003; Gandhi and Prze- The problem of autocratic power-sharing is present worski 2007; Svolik 2012), we assume that an auto- in virtually all autocracies, regardless of place or his- crat must share his income with his supporters in or- torical period. According to Thomas Ertman (1997, 8), der to assure their loyalty. Because of these rents, the an autocrat has to rely on the support of other groups members of the regime have an interest in keeping the as soon as the size of the state grows beyond what the autocrat in power. If the autocrat dies, or is deposed, staff of the ruler’s household can manage. Thus, almost and the regime members cannot agree on a successor, all autocrats must share power with other influential the regime will fall and an internal struggle over the groups in society, be they feudal , generals, minis- succession will ensue. While such a power struggle pro- ters, or business leaders. However, such power conces- vides the members of the regime with an opportunity sions give these groups the tools to depose the autocrat to seize power and grab more rents for themselves, it (Svolik 2012). Often they are more than willing to do is likely that they will “prefer maintaining their sta- so: a majority of the autocrats that are deposed today tus to pursuing a potentially disastrous power grab” are deposed by persons from within the government (Brownlee 2007, 606). First, regime members cannot

439 Delivering Stability—Primogeniture and Autocratic Survival May 2014 be certain about whether they will succeed in grabbing sor, the autocrat thus not only buys more time in office power. Second, they know that the winning contender for himself, he also likely buys more time in office for will likely dispose of his competitors once in power. his successor. In other words, trying to overthrow the autocrat is a high risk strategy. As long as the autocrat continues to share his rents, the regime is therefore likely to stay Solving the Dilemma—Royal Succession in loyal to him. However, the succession struggle cannot Medieval and Early Modern Europe be postponed forever. Sooner or later the incumbent must die. In that event the struggle can only be avoided From the autocrat’s point of view, a good order of suc- if the elite can agree on a successor and coordinate their cession solves the coordination problem without ex- efforts to uphold the regime and the status quo. acerbating -prince problem. The discussion The problem is that it is difficult for the members of above indicates that a succession order that automat- the regime to plan for the demise of the ruling autocrat ically selects a relatively young successor provides a and coordinate their efforts to uphold the regime if compromise solution to both problems. However, the the autocrat does not provide them with a successor. autocrat’s safety was historically not the only consider- In such circumstances they will anticipate the struggle ation guiding the choice of succession orders. Another that is likely to break out when the autocrat dies and important consideration was the elite’s need for lead- plan for it (Herz 1952). They might even be tempted to ers who could command the nation successfully in war carry out a coup, as the instigator of a successful coup against foreign enemies. Foreign enemies constituted is likely to become a focal point for other members a major threat to European states throughout the me- of the regime. Montesquieu (2011 [1750], 61) argues dieval and early modern period. Although such threats that since possible contenders for the throne in such declined with time, they always remained a concern circumstances know that they likely will be imprisoned for the elite, as they were potentially quite costly. They or put to death if they do not manage to grab power could ultimately result in a complete replacement of for themselves, they have “a far greater incentive to the elite, such as in the case of the Norman Conquest ambition” than when the line of succession is clear. of Anglo-Saxon . Succession orders whose pur- The absence of a successor is therefore not only highly pose was to produce able and experienced war lead- problematic for the regime but also for the autocrat. ers were therefore also common in much of Europe’s From this perspective, the autocrat is therefore wise to political history. The succession orders that resulted appoint an heir. from this balancing of interests can be roughly divided into three categories: election, agnatic seniority, and primogeniture. The Problem Election or acclamation of monarchs was common practice in much of medieval Europe at the dawn of Although designating a successor solves the coordi- the second millennium. This occurred for instance in nation problem, it creates another problem for the Anglo-Saxon England, under the Capetians, autocrat. The appointed successor has very strong in- the Nordic countries and, perhaps most famously, the centives to stage a coup, as he will assume power if Holy . As Fritz Kern has noted, the jus- the incumbent autocrat dies. Furthermore, the crown- tification for electing kings seems to have arisen from prince status is likely to allow him to accrue power in the need to produce strong monarchs, able to lead the the regime. The successor, thus, increasingly has both nation in war (Kern 1948). It is misleading to think of motive and opportunity to mount a coup (Brownlee the that took place in the modern sense of the 2007, 604). John Hertz has termed this the “crown- word, as it was primarily the elite who were allowed to prince problem” (Hertz 1952, 30). vote and because the elected came chiefly from a royal However, some successors are more dangerous than family. For example, elective in England has others, with relative age being an important factor. A been described as a system where the successor who is much younger than the incumbent inherited the throne—not individuals (Douglas 1964). autocrat can afford to wait for the throne as he can The fact that the pool of candidates was limited did not, look forward to enjoying the rents of being the autocrat however, solve the coordination problem. Uncertainty for many years after the incumbent autocrat’s natural about succession was a constant factor of concern. On death. Older successors cannot afford to be as patient. the positive side, the did not need to fear a The autocrat is therefore wise to appoint an individual crown prince. who is much younger than himself, for instance his son, In some monarchies with elective elements, succes- as heir. As Tullock puts it, “the son is wise to simply wait sion by appointment became an established custom (as for his father to die” (1987, 163). Brothers, generals, in the mixed system of , which was practiced in and other possible successors are more likely to be —e.g., Stephenson 1927). In Russia under Pe- closer in age to the incumbent autocrat and therefore ter the Great, the principle even achieved legal status. have fewer incentives to be patient. However, succession by appointment did not solve the A young successor also provides the elite with a coordination problem. First, monarchs often avoided longer time horizon, as ill health and old age diminish appointing a successor (or took a long time doing so). the autocrat’s ability to provide private goods (Bueno Second, monarchs often changed their mind and ap- de Mesquita et al. 2003). By appointing a young succes- pointed new successors, making it questionable who

440 American Political Science Review Vol. 108, No. 2 was the legitimate heir. It was, for instance, such ambi- PREVIOUS RESEARCH guity that sparked the Norman invasion of England in 1066 (Oleson 1957). Barbara Geddes (1999) notes that in the few cases The coordination problem is solved by the other suc- when personalist regimes, which are notorious for cession order that dominated in Europe at the start of eliminating potential rivals and successors, have out- the second millennium: agnatic seniority. Under this lasted their founders, they often have seen the transfer rule, which was practiced primarily in Slavic coun- of power from father to son. The Somoza family in tries, such as Piast Poland and Rurikid Kiev, the el- Nicaragua and the Duvaliers in Haiti are two examples. dest brother of the current ruler inherited the throne Geddes also argues that single-party regimes are better (Dvornik 1962; Fine 1986). It was then supposed to pass at weathering leadership struggles, as party organiza- to his younger brothers until the last living brother, who tions usually provide mechanisms for leader selection. at his death was supposed to hand it over to the oldest Beatriz Magaloni (2008) argues that such mechanisms brothers’ oldest living son (to pass it on to his brothers, give the elite incentives to invest in the stability of the cousins, and their offspring). As a consequence, the regime, and thus lengthens its time horizon, echoing system in ordinary circumstances produced a large pool the arguments about the benefits of primogeniture. The of potential successors who were only slightly younger Mexican PRI party is an example of a party that has than the current ruler. This pool of successors aggra- managed to achieve a series of peaceful leadership suc- vated the crown-prince problem because the next in cessions in an (Magaloni 2008; Svolik 2012). line for the throne could not usually afford to wait for Magaloni also notes that one potential reason explain- the incumbent monarch to die of old age if he wanted ing why monarchies appear to be more stable than to enjoy the benefits of ruling (Brownlee 2007, 605). most other autocracies is that they generally have clear At the same time, the system guaranteed that there succession arrangements (Magaloni 2008, 724; see also were always successors of a sufficient age who were Hadenius and Teorell 2007). ready to lead the defense of the people if the incum- Succession is, however, not the main focus for either bent monarch died. This capacity to produce capable Geddes or Magaloni. In one of the few studies that ac- successors seems to be the reason why the system was tually focus on succession arrangements in autocracies, adopted in the first place (Engel 2001; Fletcher 1979; Jason Brownlee (2007) finds that when there are suc- Merrills 2010). cession arrangements in place, that is, when the party The third succession order that dominated medieval predates the autocrat, hereditary succession is unlikely. Europe, primogeniture, in theory both solves the co- However, when the autocrat predates the party, and ordination problem and mitigates the crown-prince there are no tested succession arrangements, the elite problem.1 The most common version was agnatic pri- are more likely to support a hereditary succession over mogeniture, according to which the eldest living son and “a tumultuous free-for-all” (Brownlee 2007, 628). The his male offspring inherited. This system assured that argument and evidence are in line with our hypothesis, there was only one legitimate crown prince who could but the empirical investigation does not reveal whether function as a focal point for the ruling regime as long the institutions governing the succession enhance sta- as the monarch produced eligible children. For natu- bility and autocratic survival. One reason for the lack of ral reasons, the crown were also considerably studies might be contemporary autocracies’ reluctance younger than their fathers and could therefore afford to formalize succession orders. Additionally, the close to wait to inherit the throne. In addition, monarchs overlap between regime types and de facto succession tended to be young when ascending to power and were orders makes it difficult to disentangle the effect of thus able to promise the elite a long time-horizon. Thus, succession orders per se. the monarchs’ risk of being deposed from within the None of the few historical studies on the topic can regime is likely to have been lower under primogeni- be used to draw any firm conclusions. Manuel Eis- ture than under competing succession orders. It is more ner investigates the patterns of in Europe difficult to make a judgment about the relative merits between 600 and 1800 and finds a clearly decreasing of systems based on election and agnatic seniority, as it trend (2011). During the eleventh century, 1.1 autocrats involves estimating how threatening the coordination were murdered per 100 autocrat years, while only 0.19 problem was in relation to the crown-prince problem. autocrats were murdered per 100 autocrat years dur- Before proceeding to test whether the actual conse- ing the eighteenth century (Eisner 2011, 569). Eisner quences of primogeniture conform to the theoretical notes that this trend seems to coincide with the gradual expectations, we review the literature on succession codification of primogeniture as the main order of suc- and autocratic survival. cession, but he does not explicitly test the connection. Lisa Blaydes and Eric Chaney (2013) find that monarchs’ tenures gradually increased in Europe with the spread of and parliamentarianism. Blay- 1 For a history of the origins and spread of primogeniture, see Bloch des and Chaney do not directly test how succession (1962, 190–210). The rivaling principle of yields orders affected monarchs’ tenures, but they do note the same result as primogeniture if the monarch’s oldest son is alive, that primogeniture first became a widespread practice which is why we have not chosen to treat it separately. The two prin- in the twelfth century, hundreds of years after tenures ciples could yield different results in more complicated situations, but from the point of view of Tullock’s argument the differences started to increase in length. However, this observa- between the principles are unlikely to matter for autocratic survival. tion does not say anything about whether the spread

441 Delivering Stability—Primogeniture and Autocratic Survival May 2014 of primogeniture contributed to further increasing the DATA AND EMPIRICAL STRATEGY tenures of European monarchs. The only direct test of the succession orders’ im- Totest Tullock’s hypothesis, we constructed a dataset of pact on autocratic survival that we know of is Peter European monarchs with data on their tenure and the Kurrild-Klitgaard’s studies (2000; 2004) of how changes nature of their departure from the throne as well as the in succession laws and practices in medieval and early succession orders in the states they ruled. We choose the year 1000 as our starting point, as reliable historical modern and affected monarchs’ risk 2 of being deposed. The studies clearly show that Danish sources are very scarce prior to that time. We defined and Swedish monarchs sat more safely on their “monarchy” as a political system where is after the introduction of de jure primogeniture. How- vested in a person (e.g., a king, basileous, prince, or em- ever, generalizability is always an issue with case stud- peror) who is empowered by or custom to remain ies. Thus there is a need for a more thorough test of in office for life. In other words, monarchy is a type Tullock’s hypothesis. of autocracy with legal and/or customary foundations (Tullock 1987). Construction of a dataset that spans over 800 years of history obviously entails difficulties in terms of source ALTERNATIVE EXPLANATIONS material. Blaydes and Chaney base their dataset on The main internal factor highlighted in research on the work of John Morby, who compiled information state formation in Europe is the spread of parliaments on royal over five millennia in his work (Blaydes and Chaney 2013; Downing 1992; Ertman Dynasties of the World (Morby 1989). Manuel Eisner 1997). Blaydes and Chaney argue that the elite’s incen- instead bases his database on Wikipedia articles, cross- tives to overthrow monarchs decrease when monarchs checking it against dynastic tables such as Morby’s implement executive constraints on their own power, (Eisner 2011). A dataset based on a single source such as the elite then have more privileges to lose if they as Morby is probably more consistent than one based rebel. Similar arguments can be found in studies of on several sources. However, Morby also uses sources modern dictatorships (Gandhi and Przeworski 2007; of varying quality, and the information provided omits Svolik 2012). Blaydes and Chaney seek the roots of the important aspects of the monarchs’ political fates. rise of executive constraints in the development and We have constructed a new dataset that builds on spread of feudalism. However, they also argue that, Morby’s data but for reliability reasons we have cross- after feudalism had spread over Europe in the eleventh referenced all information with the sources he uses century, the rise of parliamentarianism was the impor- as well as various other bibliographical sources on tant factor driving political stability. The authors find monarchs and their . Especially, our dataset con- strong support for this conclusion in their empirical tains more detailed information on the way in which analyses, and it is therefore important to control for monarchs left office. This is of importance, as Morby’s the emergence of parliamentarianism when testing the coding of “deposed” monarchs is ambiguous for a num- impact of succession orders. ber of reasons. First, he does not distinguish between European monarchs were given their offices for life monarchs who were deposed by domestic and foreign and were typically justified in their authority to rule by enemies. Our theory only concerns the former kind of the religious (the or the head of the depositions and for this reason we have constructed national church), which also defended monarchy as a a new dependent variable only containing depositions political system (Bendix 1980). State capacity and the carried out by domestic actors. size of the varied, with the general trend Second, Morby does not count murdered monarchs as deposed. In contrast, we count all monarchs who over time showing the movement from weak to strong 3 states and from small to large (Char- were murdered by domestic actors as deposed. Athird ron, Dahlstrom,¨ and Lapuente 2012). The autocratic problem is that Morby does not count monarch deaths elements of the systems did not change to the same in civil , which were especially common early in degree, however. Even towards the end of the period the period, as depositions. In our broader definition, we a monarch’s power usually depended on a small elite, define all monarchs who died in civil wars as deposed. albeit that this elite had started to incorporate groups Although we deem that the dependent variable we that had previously found themselves outside the sys- have constructed more reliably measures monarchs’ tem, such as self-made bureaucrats of humble origins political fates, we also test, for robustness and compara- and members of the growing bourgeoisie (Bush 1983). bility issues, our statistical models with two alternative In sum, with the notable exceptions of parliamentar- dependent variables. The first is the dependent vari- ianism and state capacity, succession orders were the able coded by Morby and used by Blaydes and Chaney most obvious, important factors relating to autocrats’ (2013). The results from the models using this variable chances of surviving in office that separated European monarchies from each other during the medieval and 2 Reliable sources are also lacking for some states long into the the early modern period. In most other relevant polit- period under study. In these cases we have chosen to start from the ical aspects, monarchies resembled each other at any year for which reliable sources are available. 3 For reliability issues, we only count obvious , where the given point in time. This fact makes medieval and early murderers used physical force to kill the monarchs; we did not include modern Europe fertile grounds for testing succession the deaths of monarchs that are surrounded by unverified rumors of orders’ impact on autocratic survival. .

442 American Political Science Review Vol. 108, No. 2 are presented in our main tables alongside the results cession in European states during the period of study from the models using our coding. and thus had to compile our own data from different Second, in some cases it is doubtful whether crown historical sources.8 The resulting dataset is presented princes or some group of the elite were actually re- in Table B1 in the appendix. To the greatest extent sponsible for the of a monarch. In other cases possible we have focused on coding de jure succession monarchs were killed in civil wars even when they had orders. Only in the cases where states lacked a codi- the support of a majority of the elite. In both cases fied succession (which was not uncommon at the start the term “elite deposition” might seem improper. To of the period) have we coded established customs.9 test whether our results are robust for the exclusion of Changes in customs that took place after succession such depositions we have also run models with a second laws and procedures had been adopted have only been alternative variable that builds on Morby’s coding, but coded insofar as they gained legal status. To be certain excludes foreign depositions. As noted above, Morby that the adopted succession laws were actually imple- excludes almost all depositions that occurred as a result mented, we have chosen to only code laws that were of murders and deaths in civil wars.4 Thus, the result- followed by a succession that obeyed the proscribed ing dependent variable only contains clear-cut cases of procedure and where the successor was not deposed elite depositions. Similar depositions made by groups during his first year on the throne. This one-turnover outside the elite—e.g., peasants and the bourgeoisie— test assures that only laws that resulted in at least one are almost unheard of in the studied period. The three succession, according to the proscribed principle after possible exceptions we have found are right-censored.5 they were adopted, are counted as being implemented. The resulting models (which are presented in TablesA5 A law that fulfills the criteria is counted as implemented and A6 in the online appendix) produce similar results from the rule of the monarch who adopted it. We use to those presented in our main tables. the resulting de jure based coding to construct three State sovereignty raises further coding issues. During dummy variables that represent the succession orders certain time periods, many states were joined together described above. These variables are used in all mod- in personal unions under a single monarch.6 We count els presented in the article, with elective monarchies such states as separate political entities if they retained functioning as the reference category. separate councils and/or estates and lacked a unified Although we believe that the focus on de jure suc- succession. The reason is that most personal unions did cession laws constitutes the most reliable test for our not translate into political unification in more than the hypothesis, we have also rerun our models with a vari- person of the monarch. This means that some monarchs able capturing long periods of de facto primogeniture appear more than once in our dataset (i.e., as monarchs (see Appendix Table B1 for coding). The results from for different states). These monarchs are only counted the models that use this variable, instead of the de as deposed for the state that deposed the monarch. If jure variable, are presented in Tables A3 and A4 in a deposition resulted in the death or imprisonment of the Appendix and they essentially confirm our main the monarch, we censor the monarch’s rule in the other findings. states he ruled (i.e., we do not count him as deposed in 7 those states). Exploring the Causal Mechanisms Our main independent variable differentiates be- tween the three succession orders described in the The succession orders’ effect on the coordination prob- theoretical section: (i) election/selection, (ii) agnatic lem is measured directly by the dummy representing seniority, and (iii) primogeniture. We do not know of elective monarchies (which functions as the reference any comprehensive dataset that lists the orders of suc- category in all models), as the other succession or- ders in normal circumstances point out a single succes- sor. However, primogeniture and agnatic seniority also 4 There is one exception to this rule: the death of Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth, which Morby counts as a deposition. We have a stabilizing effect because they allow the crown right-censor this case in our models. prince to be groomed by the elite. To separate between 5 The exceptions are the French, the Glorious, and the Batavian these effects we use dummy variables to test whether Revolutions. sons and brothers of the former monarch survived 6 For example, Premyszlid monarchs for a period simultaneously longer in office than other relatives and nonrelatives. ruled over Bohemia, Hungary, and Poland. These dummy variables are not perfect for the purpose, 7 A second problem is the . Most scholars agree that the Empire ceased to function as an effective state long before as we do not know whether a particular son or brother it nominally ceased to exist in the early nineteenth century, because was the crown prince. However, on the whole, sons and the real power was transferred to the princes. We count Bohemia as brothers are likelier to have been crown princes. autonomous from 1212, when Fredrik II issued the Golden There is no perfect way to test the crown-prince Bull of Sicily to signify the kingdom’s special autonomous status problem mechanism. It would theoretically be possible within the Empire. For the rest of the Empire, we have chosen the year of the Golden Bull, 1356, as the critical year for the break-up to collect data to test whether it is the relative age of the process, and count all secular elector states (plus Austria because of its historical importance as the native lands of the Habsburgs) as independent states from then on. States that gained electoral 8 The sources for each state are listed in the Appendix. status later (Bavaria and Hannover) are included in the dataset as 9 “Codified” should be understood here in a wide sense, and not just independent states from the year they achieved electoral status. Our as written laws. We do, for example, code institutionalized election results are robust when coding the breakup of the Empire from the procedures and settled legal disputes over the succession as codified peace of Westphalia in 1648 (see Tables A1 and A2 in the Appendix). successions.

443 Delivering Stability—Primogeniture and Autocratic Survival May 2014 successors that the different succession orders produce each monarch’s own political fate (in relation to for- that drives differences in autocratic survival between eign actors) from the variable before introducing it in systems based on primogeniture and agnatic seniority. our models. Second, in a few models we use a vari- Unfortunately, identifying all potential successors and able that measures whether foreign enemies deposed collecting data on their dates of birth and on their fam- a monarch’s predecessor.10 Admittedly, the variables ily relationships to the monarch is impossible for many measure both the existence of foreign threats and states, and especially those practicing agnatic seniority. the state’s (and monarch’s) ability to cope with them. However, in most cases it is possible to establish the Ultimately, we would have liked to separate between family relationship between a monarch and his actual these factors, but the lack of reliable comparative data successor. We use this information to construct dummy on the frequency and scale of wars makes it difficult variables that allow us to explore whether monarchs to do so. Overall, foreign depositions were rare. How- who were succeeded by their sons survived longer in of- ever, there were exceptions that show severe outside fice than monarchs who were succeeded by their broth- pressure (see Table B3 for the 12 most vulnerable ers (and other relatives and nonrelatives). Admittedly, states). One illustrating example is that monarchs in these dummy variables are not perfect for testing the states that were about to lose independence—for exam- crown-prince problem, as we do not know whether the ple, the in the fifteenth century and particular son or brother that succeeded the monarch Anglo-Saxon England in the eleventh century—were was the intended crown prince. There is also a risk that relatively likely to be deposed by foreign enemies. the variable introduces endogeneity into the model, To control for state capacity, we use a variable in- as the variable is measured after the dependent vari- spired by the State Antiquity Index developed by able. However, most sons and brothers who succeeded Bockstette, Chanda, and Putterman (2002; Bockstette monarchs are likely to have been intended successors. and Putterman 2007). Using the State Antiquity Index, We therefore argue that this is the best available test of Hariri has shown that a legacy of early statehood the crown-prince mechanism, even if the results cannot increased non-European states’ ability to resist Euro- be taken as the definitive answer. pean colonization (2012). Hariri argues that this ability Another advantage of primogeniture is that it pro- might also have strengthened the rulers’ control of the duces crown princes that are young in absolute terms. state apparatus (2012, 472). Reasonably, a legacy of We isolate this effect with a variable that measures a early statehood should also be informative of the Eu- monarch’s age at ascension. Most of the data we have ropean states’ and monarchs’ ability to resist foreign used for the construction of this variable comes from aggression and internal opposition. However, because the English version of Wikipedia. To the extent that we the State Antiquity Index only covers modern states, have been able to check, the reliability of Wikipedia’s we had to construct our own version of the index. Based information is very high. on Bockstette and Putterman (2007), Peter Heather (2009), and the sources provided in the Appendix, our index measures the history of continuous statehood at Control Variables each monarch’s ascension. A state is assigned a value of 0.5 for each year some other state(s) existed on its To account for the appearance of executive constraints territory and a value of 1 for each year it survived as on the monarchs’ power in the form of parliaments, an autonomous state. Following Bockstette and Put- we use a variable identical to the one used by Blaydes terman we start assigning values from the year 0 (see and Chaney (2013). The variable—based on data about Table B4 in the Appendix). The intuition behind the the history of European parliaments from van Zanden, index is that durable states are likely to have built Buringh, and Bosker (2011)—measures, for each state stronger institutions than states that have only existed and century, whether the state had a parliament that for a brief period. To account for the fact that the first met at least once during the century. If the state had years of state building are likely to matter more for such a parliamentary meeting it is assigned a value of state capacity than additional years of state building, 1, and if it did not, it is assigned a value of 0 for the we use the log of the resulting index in our models.11 century in question. A fifth control variable measures whether a We also control for the branch of Christianity that monarch’s immediate predecessor ended his rule by dominated during the monarch’s rule (defined as the being overthrown by domestic actors. This variable religion that the monarch adhered to). We distin- serves as a rough control for longer periods of political guish between Catholic (the base category), Orthodox, instability, for example civil wars. Although such wars and Protestant states. States that changed their reli- can be reasonably argued to be partially a product of gion from Catholicism to are counted succession orders, they can also have other causes. And as Protestant from the first monarch who ascended to as this control variable is reasonably endogenous to the the throne as a Protestant (a list of these states are provided in Table B2 in the Appendix). To account for the impact of foreign threats we 10 This variable is only used in the models that contain information use two alternative approaches. First, in most mod- on the political fate of the monarchs’ predecessors as we lose many observations if we introduce it in the other models. els we use a variable that, for each state and century, 11 We only include this variable in the shared frailty models because measures how many monarchs were deposed by for- the variable becomes collinear with the measurements of the year of eign actors. To avoid endogeneity issues we subtract ascension in the strata models.

444 American Political Science Review Vol. 108, No. 2

TABLE 1. Descriptive Statistics by Succession Order

Primogeniture Election Agnatic Seniority

Number of monarchs 451 386 124 Percent deposed (OUR coding) 16 49 57 Percent deposed (DoW coding) 8 21 43 Mean tenure 21.612.49.1 Mean age at ascension 26.030.435.3 Mean age difference to successor 22.315.39.6 Percent succeeded by their sons 56 25 22 Percent succeeded by their brothers 10 10 24 Percent succeeded by others 34 65 54

main independent variable, its inclusion in the models fact that monarchs are nested within states and thus constitutes a very tough test for Tullock’s hypothesis. are not truly independent observations.14 The results Finally, following Carter and Signorino (2010), we from these models build both on the between-country control for general time trends in autocratic survival, and the within-country variation that is present in the by including a linear, a squared, and a cubic function sample. for the year of ascension in all models.12 Second, we run models that allow each state to have The resulting dataset sample, excluding control vari- its own baseline hazard, meaning that only the within- ables, includes 961 monarchs from 42 states. Unfortu- country variation in succession orders over time is al- nately, we lack data for some of the monarchs in three lowed to affect the results. These models provide a control variables. First, we do not have information stricter test of Tullock’s hypothesis than the first mod- on the fate of all of the monarchs’ predecessors. Sec- els, as they eliminate all influence from unobserved, ond, we have been unable to find information on some time-constant, state-level factors that make monarchs monarchs’ birth dates, and thus their ages at ascension. within particular states more vulnerable than others Third, we lack data on some monarchs’ relationship to to deposition. Both kinds of models are run both with their predecessors and successors. In the full models, our and Morby’s dependent variable. We present our we therefore only have 858 monarchs. The models that results below. use the dependent variable coded from Morby (1989) only contain monarchs from 40 states, as Morby does not cover and . RESULTS As a preliminary analysis, we examine descriptive Estimation Strategy statistics of how monarchs fared under different prin- ciples of succession in Table 1. Both according to our We apply survival analysis to the resulting datasets. Sur- coding and coding in the Dynasties of the World (DoW), vival time is measured as the time a monarch survived fewer monarchs were deposed under primogeniture in office without being deposed.13 Failure is coded as than under election and agnatic seniority. Monarchs 1 if the monarch was murdered, forced to abdicate, also enjoyed considerably longer tenures under primo- or died in a . Observations are right-censored geniture, with the average being 21.6 years, compared if the monarch’s ended peacefully, either by his to 12.4 years under election and 9.1 years under agnatic natural death or voluntary , or if he died in seniority. a war against foreign enemies. Succession orders seem to have had the expected We use the Cox proportional hazard model, which is effects on other outcomes as well. Monarchs who as- a semi-parametric duration model for survival analysis, cended to the throne under primogeniture were sub- to model the risk of monarchs being deposed. Box- stantially younger than monarchs who ascended to the Steffensmeier and Jones advise using Cox models when throne under other succession orders. Compared to researchers do not have “strong theoretical reasons to monarchs in other systems, they were also relatively old expect one distribution function over another” (2004, compared to their successors. This observation strongly 48) as the Cox model leaves the form of duration de- hints that age differences between incumbents and po- pendency unspecified. tential successors were greater on average under pri- We run two kinds of models. First, we run shared mogeniture than under competing succession orders. frailty models, based on country, to account for the Actual successions largely correspond to the or- ders of succession: under primogeniture, a majority of monarchs were succeeded by their sons, while 12 To avoid collinearity and convergence issues we mean-centered and divided the year of ascension by 100 before producing the squared and cubic functions (e.g., Carter and Signorino, 2010). 13 We focus on nominal rule. Thus we do not count who 14 A shared frailty model is a random effects model where the frail- ruled in the name of minors as autocrats in their own right but only ties are common (or shared) among groups of individuals or spells as servants of the nominal monarch (i.e., the minor). and are randomly distributed across groups.

445 Delivering Stability—Primogeniture and Autocratic Survival May 2014 nonrelatives were the most common successors under efficient for the age variable is positive and significant election. Under agnatic seniority it was most common using our coding of the dependent variable, meaning to be succeeded by a nonrelative. However, it was more that monarchs who were young when they ascended to common to be succeeded by brothers under agnatic power were less likely to be deposed than their older seniority than under the other two succession orders. counterparts. Thus it seems as if a young monarch Although the descriptive statistics seem to support could gain the loyalty of the elite by providing them the hypothesis that primogeniture increased monarchs’ with a long time-horizon. However, the age variable is chances of surviving in office, there is a risk that the insignificant in the model using the DoW coding. The differences observed in deposal rates are driven by a introduced variables only marginally reduce the effect general time trend or other confounding factors. We of primogeniture. therefore proceed to the results of the Cox models, When the dummies measuring the monarch’s rela- which are presented in Table 2. tionship to his successor are introduced in Models 5a Model 1a, which only contains the dummy variables and 5b the effect of primogeniture is reduced, and measuring succession orders and the three variables ceases to be significant in the model using the DoW measuring the time trend, clearly shows that succes- coding. The variables measuring the monarch’s rela- sion orders had an impact on monarchs’ chances of tionship to his predecessor also cease to be significant, surviving in office. Monarchs in states that practiced whereas the introduced variables show that monarchs primogeniture had a 75% lower hazard of being de- who were succeeded by their sons were less likely to posed compared to monarchs in elective monarchies. In be deposed than monarchs who were succeeded by comparison, monarchs in states that practiced agnatic their brothers, other family members, and nonrelatives. seniority had a 98% higher hazard of being deposed The differences are considerable. Monarchs who were than their counterparts in elective monarchies. Model succeeded by their brothers were between four (using 1b, which uses the DoW coding, gives a similar im- our coding) and six times (using the DoW coding) as pression: compared to , primogen- likely to be deposed as monarchs who were succeeded iture strongly reduced and agnatic seniority strongly by their sons. Together these observations support Tul- increased monarchs’ hazard of being deposed. lock’s argument that having a son as crown prince re- The differences between succession orders diminish duces the crown-prince problem. somewhat when control variables for power sharing, re- ligion, foreign threats, and state capacity are introduced in Models 2a and 2b. Most notably, the effect of agnatic seniority ceases to be significantly higher than the elec- ROBUSTNESS CHECKS tion reference category using our coding. However, pri- mogeniture is still associated with a significantly lower Since we are dealing with observational data, a rea- risk of being deposed regardless of which dependent sonable objection is that of reverse causality. Perhaps variable is used. Even when the endogenous control for primogeniture was only adopted in states where the periods of civil unrest (i.e., whether a monarch’s prede- power of the king was sufficiently consolidated. One cessor was deposed) is introduced in Models 3a and 3b, approach to reduce this risk is to focus on the 12 cases the succession orders retain their effect. In Figure 1, the in which states changed their succession orders during estimated survival rates under the different principles the period of study. Descriptive statistics show that in of succession are displayed graphically, while Figure 2 all but a few cases, fewer monarchs were deposed in displays the estimated yearly hazard rates. periods when primogeniture was practiced (see Table Regarding the control variables, Blaydes and B5 and Figure C1 in the Appendix). However, more Chaney’s (2013) hypothesis, that monarchs who ruled rigorous testing is called for, which we do through states with power-sharing arrangements in the form stratified Cox models that remove all between-country of parliaments were less likely to be deposed, gains variation. Table 3 presents the results. support in all models. Monarchs in states that were The main independent variables have the expected strongly threatened by foreign enemies (i.e., experi- signs and are statistically significant in the models that enced many foreign depositions) were more likely to do not contain mechanism variables. Models 8a and be deposed by the elite. Monarchs ruling Orthodox 8b show that the risk of deposition was lower in pe- states also were more likely to be deposed than their riods when primogeniture was practiced than in peri- Catholic counterparts. State antiquity is not related to ods when election was practiced—79% lower by DoW the risk of deposition. Neither is there any clear time coding and 66% lower by our coding. Regardless of trend in depositions. the coding, the risk of deposition was highest in pe- Can the proposed mechanisms explain primogeni- riods when agnatic seniority was practiced (when it ture’s effect on autocratic survival? Models 4a and 4b was between 2.6 and 10.7 times as high as in periods show that being the son or brother of the previous when election was practiced). Overall, the conclusion monarch was associated with a lower risk of deposi- that primogeniture reduced monarchs’ risk of being de- tion, which lends some credibility to the hypothesis that posed thus seems warranted. It also seems that agnatic monarchs, who had been groomed by the elite before seniority increased the risk of deposition compared they came to power, were more successful in surviving to election, indicating that the monarchs’ safety was in office. However, the effect of being the son is only more affected by the crown-prince problem than the significant in the model using the DoW coding. The co- coordination problem.

446 American Political Science Review Vol. 108, No. 2 ∗∗ ∗ ∗ ∗∗∗ ∗ ∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗ 0.94) 1.66) 1.80) 1.66) 0.87) 2.51) 7.16) 2.06) − − − − − − − − 0.78 ( 0.48 ( 1.16 (1.04) 1.01 (1.53) 0.10 ( 0.95 ( ∗∗∗ ∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ 0.25) 1.01 (0.04) 0.90) 0.99 ( 3.50) 2.26) 0.53)1.24) 0.67 ( 0.53 ( 1.70) 0.84) 0.58 ( 8.98) − − − − − − − − − 0.52 ( 1.32 (1.23)0.65 ( 2.52 (2.72) 0.92 ( 0.78 ( 1.04 (0.39)0.97 ( 1.20 (1.36) 0.85 ( 0.20 ( ∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗ 1.38) 0.99 ( 2.69) 1.67) 2.08) 2.98) 2.85) − − − − − − 0.53 ( 0.40 ( 1.19 (1.18) 1.31 (3.16) 1.01 (0.99) 1.02 (3.23) 0.36 ( ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ 0.55) 1.02 (0.07) 0.97 ( 1.09) 0.98 ( 1.32) 0.96 ( 1.45) 0.53 ( 4.42) 2.85) 2.16) − − − − − − − 0.79 ( 1.02 (3.10) 0.42 ( 1.49 (1.53)0.56 ( 3.39 (3.11) 1.33 (3.06) 1.09 (1.00) 1.36 (2.21) 0.65 ( ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗ 1.47) 0.99 ( 2.90) 2.87) 1.58) 0.98 ( − − − − 0.39 ( 0.39 ( 1.58 (0.99) 1.13 (0.46) 1.70 (1.23)2.02 1.41 (3.51) (1.59) 2.27 (2.38) 1.43 (2.55) 0.96 ( ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗ ∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗ 0.46) 1.04 (0.15) 0.92 ( 1.41) 0.98 ( 5.05) 3.35) 2.02) − − − − − 0.01 1.80 (4.62) 1.21 (0.69) 1.64 (1.21) 0.38 ( 1.27 (1.02)0.51 ( 3.15 (2.81) 1.17 (1.83) 0.97 ( < p ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗ ∗∗∗ ∗ ∗∗ ∗∗∗ 1.80) 3.08) 3.10) 0.90) 0.99 ( − − − − 0.05, < 0.38 ( 0.37 ( 1.60 (0.98) 1.64 (2.31) 1.26 (1.96) 1.33 (2.15) 0.99 ( p ∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗ ∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗ 1.68) 0.57) 1.13 (0.54) 0.93 ( 3.39) 5.07) 0.94) 0.95 ( 0.10, − − − − − < p ∗ 0.37 ( 1.38 (1.29) 3.59 (3.16) 0.98 ( ∗∗∗ ∗∗ ∗∗∗ 2.15) 4.54) − − 0.25 ( 5.32 (4.30) ∗∗∗ ∗∗ 0.97) 0.95 ( 0.57) 1.00 (0.35) 0.99 ( 6.96) 42 40 42 40 42 40 42 40 42 40 statistics in parentheses. 961 858 961 858 904 791 858 807 858 807 Our DoW Our DoW Our DoW Our DoW Our DoW − − − (1a) (1b) (2a) (2b) (3a) (3b) (4a) (4b) (5a) (5b) t : Exponentiated coefficients; years (log) (domestic) (foreign) Fate of predecessor (ref. notPredecessor deposed) deposed Agnatic seniority 1.98 (2.54) Year of ascensionˆ2 0.98 ( State capacity State antiquity inMonarch’s relation to predecessor (ref.Son other) 0.93 ( TABLE 2. Survival Analysis, Shared Frailty Cox Models Succession rule (ref. election) PrimogeniturePower sharing (ref. no parliament) ParliamentReligion (ref. Catholic) OrthodoxProtestantForeign threats 0.25 ( Foreign depositions per centuryBrother Successor’s relation to monarch 1.39 (ref.Son (4.36) other) Brother Year 0.50 ( Year of ascension 1.65Year (1.97) of ascensionˆ3 1.16 (0.50)Monarchs 1.14 (0.29) 1.07 (0.95)Note 1.00 1.31 ( (0.96) 1.18 (1.41) 1.03 (0.07) 1.18 (1.95) 1.23 (0.69) 1.17 (0.35) 1.41 (1.25) 1.42 (0.86) Countries Predecessor deposed Age Age at ascension

447 Delivering Stability—Primogeniture and Autocratic Survival May 2014

FIGURE 1. Estimated survival function

The mechanism variables behave similarly in the states’ war-making efforts, but primogeniture states, models using shared frailty, confirming that parts of due to the long-term benefits of internal political stabil- the stabilizing effect of primogeniture were channeled ity, over time became stronger than their counterparts through a higher likelihood of producing young monar- practicing other succession orders. This initial cost of chs who were succeeded by their sons. We show in the primogeniture can possibly explain why the elites in Appendix that the stabilizing effect of primogeniture many states were reluctant to adopt the principle. Ag- also resulted in longer tenures (see Table A9). natic seniority and election may well have been prefer- able in the short perspective. PRIMOGENITURE AND STATE SURVIVAL The impression that primogeniture was beneficial in the long run is strengthened if patterns of state survival Primogeniture obviously reduced monarchs’ risk of be- are taken into consideration. Table 4 shows that of ing deposed by internal rivals, and was thus an essen- the 19 states that practiced primogeniture throughout tial ingredient of state making in Europe. However, their existence, 10 survived to the end of the period we it remains an open question what consequences pri- study. Of the 9 states that lost their independence, only mogeniture had for the other side of state building, the Kingdom of Mallorca was conquered, whereas the namely the ability to withstand foreign enemies. As we rest lost their independence peacefully due to dynastic do not have access to direct data on war making we unions with other states. examine two interrelated outcomes: depositions made In contrast, all of the 11 states that adhered to agnatic by foreign enemies and state survival. seniority or election, throughout their existence, lost States practicing primogeniture experienced a independence. With the exceptions of the Holy Roman higher number of foreign depositions than states prac- Empire and the County of Apulia, all succumbed to ticing alternative succession orders in the eleventh and foreign invasions. twelfth centuries, but fewer in the following centuries Of the 12 states that changed their succession or- (see Table B6 in the Appendix). Models we have run ders over time, 5 survived the period (see Table B7 on the risk that foreign enemies deposed individual in the Appendix). Of these, 4 practiced primogeniture monarchs (presented in Table A10 in the Appendix), at the end of the period, and had done so for hun- and which build on the within-country variation of this dreds of years. The only exception, Russia, adopted risk, show that primogeniture initially increased the primogeniture in 1801. Although the evidence admit- risk of a foreign deposition, but the risk declined over tedly is tentative the pattern is obvious: Primogeniture time and turned into an advantage after about 200– seems to have increased the states’ likelihood of sur- 300 years. This pattern could be interpreted as evidence viving in the long run, and by the end of eighteenth that the often inexperienced and inept monarchs that century the few surviving states that practiced other primogeniture produced had a detrimental effect on succession orders acknowledged the fact and adopted

448 American Political Science Review Vol. 108, No. 2

FIGURE 2. Estimated hazard function

primogeniture to increase their competitiveness in the royal family (Hadenius and Teorell 2007; Herb 1999; international arena.15 However, for some states it was Lucas 2012). However, three monarchies (, too late. Poland, which adopted a succession law based , and ) practice primogeniture and have on primogeniture in 1791 as part of a constitution done so since their modern foundations (Herb 1999; aimed at strengthening the state, did not live to see Lucas 2012). This variation in succession orders makes the new law implemented before being conquered by it possible to test whether succession orders also affect its neighbors. autocratic survival in contemporary monarchies. To in- crease the contemporary relevance of the test we have SUCCESSION ORDERS’ IMPACT ON restricted the sample to include only monarchs that as- AUTOCRATIC SURVIVAL IN THE cended to the throne in the twentieth and twenty-first CONTEMPORARY MONARCHIES centuries. The admittedly limited empirical evidence (in total it encompasses only 9 states and 44 monarchs), Although the number of absolute monarchies is dwin- which is presented in Table 5, shows a remarkably sim- dling, according to Cheibub, Gandhi, and Vreeland ilar pattern to that found in our study on medieval and (2010), 11 states in the world still qualified as “royal early modern Europe. autocracies” in 2008.16 Since then two of the states None of the monarchs that ascended to the throne ( and Tonga) have become . The in states practicing primogeniture have been deposed. few remaining monarchies are all found in the Muslim In contrast, at least one monarch has been deposed in world, and all but one (Brunei) is Arab. Are succes- all states that build their succession on the mix of se- sion orders still relevant for understanding autocratic niority, appointment, and election that is typical for the survival in these states? Interestingly, the succession Gulf monarchies. Indeed, the pattern is so strong that orders in most of the monarchies contain elements of it inhibits statistical analyses. Although there might be agnatic seniority, appointment, and election but usually other factors influencing the found variation in polit- successors are ultimately chosen by a consensus of the ical stability, this preliminary evidence thus points to the claim that primogeniture still increases monarchs’ chances of surviving in office over other succession 15 We show in Tables A7 and A8 in the Appendix that our results are robust when controlling for the diffusion of primogeniture. Thus it orders. The detrimental effects of the existing alter- does not seem that the spread of primogeniture was part of a larger native succession orders for other outcomes have cer- trend toward greater political stability. tainly not gone unnoticed by the ruling monarchs. Al- 16 We do not include Swaziland, which Cheibub, Gandhi, and Vree- ready King Abd-al Aziz Al Saud, the founder of mod- land code as a royal autocracy. Primarily, the reason for this is that ern , worried that the state’s succession Swaziland’s unique succession order does not fit any of the succession orders we discuss. Its government is best defined as a (i.e., a order—based on a mix of seniority, appointment, and system ruled by two monarchs) and not a monarchy. election—threatened to result “in a succession dispute

449 Delivering Stability—Primogeniture and Autocratic Survival May 2014 ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗ 0.15) 1.51) 1.49) 0.76) 1.61) 0.67) 6.13) − − − − − − − 0.69 ( 1.23 (1.19) 1.02 (1.81) 0.11 ( ∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ 1.42) 1.09 (0.49) 2.01) 7.89) 0.83) 0.36 ( 1.16) 0.56 ( 0.45) 0.57 ( − − − − − − 0.22 ( 1.90 (1.63) 7.94 (3.21) 0.66 ( 1.03 (0.16)0.78 ( 0.82 ( 0.91 ( ∗ ∗ ∗∗ ∗∗∗ 0.30) 1.01 (0.81) 1.00 (0.28) 0.33) 1.28 (0.86) 1.22 (0.43) 1.67) 1.76) 1.59) 0.53 ( 2.31) − − − − − − 0.43 ( 1.25 (1.30) 1.44 (3.05) 1.01 (1.08) 1.02 (3.68) 0.42 ( 10.35 (3.62) ∗∗∗ ∗ ∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ 1.31) 0.34 ( 0.26) 1.30 (1.60) 0.86 ( 1.84) 2.86) 0.74) 0.65 ( − − − − − 0.68 ( 1.02 (2.96) 0.42 ( 2.32 (2.16) 1.41 (2.90) 0.89 ( ∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗ ∗∗ 0.19) 1.00 (0.06) 1.00 ( 1.31) 0.54 ( 2.57) − − − 0.21 ( 1.70 (2.57) 10.69 (3.55) ∗∗∗ ∗∗ ∗∗∗ 3.42) 1.10) 0.43 ( − − 0.34 ( 2.57 (2.36) 0.61 ( 1.02 (0.19) 1.31 (1.58) 0.97 ( ∗∗ ∗ ∗∗∗ ∗ ∗ 1.78) 0.10) 1.13 (0.40) 1.25 (0.43) 1.04 (0.13) 0.86 ( 2.11) − − − 0.33 ( 1.24 (1.71) 11.65 (3.81) ∗∗∗ ∗∗ ∗∗∗ 0.32) 1.00 (0.09) 1.00 (0.25) 1.00 ( 1.54) 0.32 ( 3.46) − − − 0.35 ( 2.63 (2.48) ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ 1.08) 1.03 (1.38) 1.01 (0.21) 1.00 (0.20) 1.01 (0.24) 1.02 (0.82) 1.01 (0.25) 1.01 (0.29) 1.00 ( 3.04) − − 0.24 ( 8.42 (3.73) statistics in parentheses t ∗∗∗ 0.01 ∗∗ < 0.05) 1.01 (0.43) 1.00 ( 4.21) p 42 40 42 40 42 40 42 40 42 40 961 858 961 858 904 791 858 807 858 807 Our DoW Our DoW Our DoW Our DoW Our DoW − − (6a) (6b) (7a) (7b) (8a) (8b) (9a) (9b) (10a) (10b) ∗∗∗ 0.05, < p ∗∗ 0.10, : Exponentiated coefficients; < per century (domestic) (foreign) p Agnatic seniority 2.19 (2.25) Foreign threats Foreign depositionsSuccessor’s relation to monarch (ref.Son other) 1.48 (4.39) Brother Fate of predecessor (ref. notPredecessor deposed) deposed 1.56 (3.40) Year of ascensionˆ3 1.00 ( Year of ascensionˆ2 1.00 (0.13) 0.97 ( Religion (ref. Catholic) OrthodoxProtestant 1.00 . 0.49 ( 1.00 . 1.00 . 1.00 . 1.00 . 1.00 . 1.00 . 1.00 . Year Year of ascension 1.02 (0.26) 1.22 (1.43) 1.05 (0.54) 1.31 (1.75) TABLE 3. Survival Analysis, Stratified Cox Models Succession rule (ref. election) PrimogeniturePower sharing (ref. no parliament) Parliament 0.31 ( Monarch’s relation to predecessor (ref.Son other) 1.02 (0.07)Brother 0.96 ( Monarchs Countries Note ∗ Predecessor deposedAge Age at ascension 1.30 (0.91) 2.54 (2.18)

450 American Political Science Review Vol. 108, No. 2

TABLE 4. State Survival Among States that Did Not Change their Succession Orders

Election/Agnatic Seniority Primogeniture Throughout the Period Throughout the Period Survive Lose independence Survive Lose independence

Austria Aragon (D.U.) Apulia (D.U.) Bavaria Barcelona (D.U.) Bosnia (C) Brandenburg/Prussia Leon (D.U.) Byzantine Empire (C) Florence Lithuania (U) Croatia (C) Mallorca (C) Anglo-Saxon England (C) Palatinate Milan (D.U.) Holy Roman Empire (D) Portugal Naples (D.U.) Kiev (C) Savoy Navarre (D.U.) Moldavia (C) Saxony Sicily (D.U.) Serbia (C) (Castile) Transylvania (C) Wallachia (C) 10 9 0 11

Note:C= Conquered, D = Disintegrates, D.U. = Dynastic Union, U. = Union

[that] would destroy the Saudi state, as had happened preferable for autocrats to not have a clear successor in the past” (Lucas, 2012, 80). than to have one of similar age. The tentative evidence presented here serves to We also provide tentative evidence that the inter- show that the problem of autocratic succession is not nal political stability that primogeniture delivered over confined to a specific historical period or region. Al- time strengthened the states’ ability to survive exter- though the succession orders’ impact in autocracies to- nal threats. At the dawn of the nineteenth century all day is most easily studied in monarchies, there are many European monarchies had adopted primogeniture or indications that point to autocratic succession being a succumbed to foreign enemies. However, there is some universal and timeless problem (Brownlee 2007; Svolik evidence that primogeniture weakened the states’ abil- 2012). Regardless of whether an autocrat calls himself ity to resist foreign enemies in the short term, perhaps king, chairman, general, or president, the surrounding because it produced unsuited monarchs. This fact can elite will have to prepare for his eventual demise. Insti- potentially explain why the elites in many states ini- tutions for creating a credible and predictable order of tially were reluctant to adopt the principle. Together succession, without empowering an ambitious crown these observations highlight the important role suc- prince, are therefore crucial for any autocrat. cession orders played in European state building, and thus add to a state-building literature concerned with ruler-elite relations that hitherto mostly has focused on CONCLUDING DISCUSSION the role played by executive constraints in the form of parliaments (Blaydes and Chaney 2013; Ertman 1997; We have assembled a new dataset on succession orders Stasavage 2010). in 42 European states during the period AD 1000–1800, Finally, we show that succession orders are closely and analyzed the impact these institutional arrange- correlated with the prevalence of depositions in the ments had on the survival of monarchs. The results world’s few remaining absolute monarchies, and thus show that primogeniture increased European monar- continue to be important for understanding autocra- chs’ chances of surviving in office in a time when au- cies. However, not only monarchies are affected by suc- tocratic rule was the political norm. Our findings lend cession problems; the succession poses a difficult chal- strong credibility to Tullock’s argument that primogen- lenge for all autocracies (Brownlee 2007; Geddes 1999; iture makes autocrats more secure, because the prin- Svolik 2012). Students of modern autocracies have, for ciple, in contrast to most other historically practiced example, observed that the existence of a regime party succession orders, addresses both the coordination and appears conducive both for the longevity of the regime the crown prince problems. and for the security of individual autocrats (Gandhi Furthermore, we find that the risk for deposition was and Przeworski 2007; Geddes 1999; Magaloni 2008). higher in states that practiced agnatic seniority than in One suggested explanation for the observed pattern states that elected their monarchs, and that monarchs is that parties provide clear mechanisms for leadership who were succeeded by their sons were much less likely succession. However, existing studies have been unable to be deposed than monarchs who were succeeded by to distinguish the effect of such succession orders from their brothers. These findings strongly indicate that the the effect of the party organizations in general. The crown-prince problem is a graver threat to autocrats’ results we present indicate that the order of succession security than the coordination problem, and that it is is in itself important.

451 Delivering Stability—Primogeniture and Autocratic Survival May 2014

Further research should expand both on the role of leadership succession in modern autocracies, and the role ruler-elite agreements such as succession orders acted in the development of modern states. By high- lighting the important role that the rise of primogeni- ture played in delivering political stability to Europe, our article shows that such research endeavors can pay m the first monarch off. ir, which is why we have

eniture, but gives the king the Supplementary materials t a brother as heir if he wishes. counted as deposed if they were , and is therefore not counted as

ritish left the succession in the Gulf To view supplementary material for this article, please d. Sources: Herb 1999; Lucas 2012. visit http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S000305541400015X


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