[,nmHESl , JOHi,l C. r Affi'lED FOtrES: 1944 AwaRogo AtR tdEDAL Form 1656 MARCHESI, ROSE MARfE : VOLUNTEER 1gg7 Ap 16 d. L-2 Eastpointerslrto be honored. as Macomb Countyts Red Cros6 Volunteer of the Year-Ilka . AGEtr?-tit-ct{AR6E oF r* 'osffit8:ffi ro succEED di^gls:-' MARCHETTI, DOMENICA : DETRo lT NEIJS \./R |TER I , Mich may tax dealers in drug war Je 13, B_1- 1 Jesse JAckson visits ailing Ed Bell-a Schaba th Je 18, A-4-1 Detroi t real esLate home appraisals ofLen low Je20,A-1-2 Confidence soohts PisLons fans afLer loss-E Lopez Je 21, B 1-4 Trini ty LuEheran Church ro offer ugly art fund raTser JE 22, A-9-1 Pistons lose game, win TV ratings Je 2l+, A_1_6 .30,000 greeL PisEons-E0Url ian E Rodrigues Je 25, A_19-'l 45,ooo Jehovahrs wiLness to be aL conv at silverdome J.30- Jl3 Judgi Elvin DavenportSS died Je 26 Je 2J,c-1-2 -1988- Ju 30 B-3-2 N Frank Garcia Jr, 40, teaching aide at McGraw elementary school, to stand trial for molesting 5tn-grader. Jl 2, A-6-4 Hundreds flee as 1200 acres furn in HiawaLha NaEl Forest burns-Gadomski Jl 3, A-1-2 Fires kil Is girl \, in Pine Rldge Townhouse C0mplex in Tayloi (Katherine Sreiner4)-CWark Jl 7 B-1-4 N Tracy W" Macdonald,2), of Waterford Twp, wins Caribbean island in Coca Cola/MTV\tsweepstakes" Jl l3 B-3-2 N Hurnane society says horses on farm owned by Barton Green- berg, recently Diamond Mortgage chm, are mistreated. JI 14 B-3-2 N Blood samples show one horse on Greenbergrs farm suffers from an illness, not neglect 6 malnutrttion. MARCHETTI, DoMENICA: DETRoIT NEWS WRITER 1988 Jl 20 A-1-5 Marie Blondiars house of bars failed to save herl she died of injuries sustained Je 30 when robbers broke into her home, robbed 6 beat her E fled. JI 21 B-3-5 N Blind Metro Detroiters can nowrreadrthe Det. News by using their touch-tone telephones. Jl 29, A-1-z 4 on-duty Det officers broke into crack house, Eerrorized owman, searched for d!'ugs, guns-ESLinsonEMcCaughan Jl 29, B-1-'l Missing couple, Scott Swanson E ftife Carolyn feared parent disapproval-aBasheda Ag 2, A-1-4 Many rememben Cardinal John Dearden-EBenneLLEPowers Ag 5 B-1-z More kids being shot accidentally. Ag 9 B-3-1 0 Cecel ia Kotowiczr'/2, & son, John 156, die in f ire. -1988- As 10, B 3l1N Serial rapist assaul ts, robs woman23 in her Nl'l Detroic home Ag 11, B-1-1 3 ki I led, oEhen violence I isued (deadman scabbed pol icema was shoE by officen, man20 shou by cop nr Marygrove, Bl I Iy Lewis3l beaten aU KErchevalAAl Eer; Yvonne srokes26 stabbed RR E Magnol ia, 2 more woundud)O, nr ,r, B-4-1 PromoEion of 75 mone DeL sergeanLs E I ieuEenanLs approved As 29 B-1-2 Pi lot Henry Boersma ,39, of Grandvi I le, swims to safety af- ter crashing into Lake . AS 29 B'1-2 Bullet shatters Kenyatta Jeffersonrs dream of becoming a football pro. AS 31 B'1'2 Carrie Drod- ""r.r=r'lrlr, of Ida has been sel I ing steer at state Fair MARCHETT I , DOMEN I CA: DETR0 lT NEWS l,JR ITER 1988 s 2 B-1-2 State Fair attendance laggingil4% behind last yrs. s 4 A-1-2 Campers getting soaked on Labor Day weekend"--a Tschirhart s 6 A-l-tr wSU profs, Pontiac teachers strike" 5 Io^g116-r Men of Peace swap tales of when they were boys of war in the 17th Bomb Group. S ll B-1-2 Family of James Earl Yoemans of Wy. losing hope after week s 16 B-4-1 E Prominent Macomb Co. psychiatrist Dr. Adolpho Brane jailed for ignoring subpoena ordering him to testify. s 22 B-3-2 N precaut ions d i dn,t save Sel fri dge sec Carol e Jean Waddel I whose husband Danny,44, killed her in her office. -1988- S 29, A-14-5 Carhol ics beg Cardinal not to close ai I ing churches- s 30 A-11-3 Suburban Catholics voice support for Archdiocese plan to close or consolidate 48 parishes. 0 6 B'1-6 Adlai Stevenson High in Sterl ing Hgts primps for visit by Pres. Reagan. 0 11, B 1-2 No plea bargainning for Macomb drug dealers says Frosecutor Carl Marl inga- 0 19 B I-2 ChrisLine Marie Burzynski of Sterl ing Heiqhts for Perjury, i n accus ing 2 rnen for rapi ng her in a bowl ing alley 0 19 B 4-lE Rosevi l Ie lli ldcats and Brablec Cougars Lo consol idaLe, GuesE Junbr High 02281-5 h?J,i$"y d i spr ay, i ncr ud i ns a $j Eyr?[rrSIISS Bfiy"i[f "ri"?r MARCHETTI, DOMENICA: DETROIT NEWS WRITER I988 o 26 B-3-1 E Spl itting hairs on issues in 13th district. 0 27 B-1-2 Donna Marie Johnson,28, of Warren, shot 6 killed by Det. police Officer Edward Blackburn,30, after high-speed chase N 4, B-3-'.lD Pipe bomb explodes in car in Macomb Twp, kills Stefano Filiccia2Z, hurts 2 others N 11, B 8-4 Police waiL out hosLage drama in Clin[on Twp, find only 2 hosEages, no gunmen N 14, C 3-2 Child sex Erial involving Catholic priesL Rev Lawrence Nawrocki to begin this wk N17, B-3-2N Dawn Marie Roclalski, 18, convicted of murder of John Knoch. -1988 N25Bl-2 Volunteens make ir a happy day for elderly and poor, 0llie Easley savoring a tradional Thanksgiving meal N 25 B l-5 Diseased cattle are found in Macomb, U.s begins probe, shut s packing plant N 25 B 5-3 Thieves hit 5 churches in l/arren N 25 A 4_l Shirley Borchardt, and daughEer Andrea Wangel in and thei r 9-hr Macomb spree, which was exhausEing N 30 B 3-l PriesE Rev Lawrence James Nawrocki pleads no conEesL in sex case D 20 A l-6 ParenEs say use of sEeroids drove son Michael Keys Eo suicide, senior aE LtAnse Creuse Hiqh N. or Macomb Township " D 28, B_1-5 Bob Gorski 13, wins $10,000 in compuLer game conEesE D 29, A_1-6 MErcury Eakes tumble fron 57 Eo teens D 30, B 1-1 Cardinal Szoka Eells priests of faLe of 48 parisE-es D 31, B_1-2 500 mourn ChrisEmas crash vicrims:Edward Tuski50, wife48 son21, her moLher Theresa NowakT2 (Harry Majewski34 e Mark Andrew Sm i Lh27 al so d i ed) -1g8g- Ja 5, B-3-1 Arthur CarLer elecLed Wayne Co bd chairman again-EGirard Ja 7 ,B_l -6 Carolyn KirkpaErick46 of Grosse PEe rescued afLer her car went inEo Lake StClair; 4 pulled her from icy water JA 19 , B:-2 Cathol ic priesE Rev LAwrence Nawrocki draws 4-15yr jail erm tor sex -1989- F 5, D-3-2 MLCIemens remembered, days of 70 hoEels fon mineral bauhs F 5, D-3-2 Max S lmon wanLs Lo nevive MuClemens baE.h house, of fers Ache-Away rub F 6 C-3-Z l-dot Kafan Bahjat Hana, 1J, of Sterling Hgts, to be tried as adult on drug charges. F I0 B-1-5 Kafan Bhjat Hana,17, s bro. Durid,22, guilty of cocaine chg F 17, A-1-2 3 die, 55hurE in fire at Blllinghurst llotel ,71W t/illis-E lLka F 17,A-1-2 3dot DeL cop Sgu John SEevenson35 hero in Bi I I inghurst Hotel rescues F 17,A-t-5 3dot Arson I ikely ar Bl I I inghursr H0rel-al lka Fl7,A-4-13dor f ire kille Wil I iam S \,/arersS8e wife Fern 87 in rheir S0uthf ield trai I er-&Tschi rharE MARCHETTI , DOMENICA : DEIR0IT NEWS WRITER 1989 F 18, A-1-2 Arson probed in Billinghursr Hotel fire uhaE killed 4-e Manrindale sMi l ler F 18,A 8-1 Billinghurst Hotel residenLs Iost possessionsl some losE friends F 23,8-1-4NoD0t Bill C0sby Eo miss Blll Cosby Day in DeE F 20,A-'l-2 St AgaEha wind Cathol ic CD-baskeEbal I ti taT- F 21, B-1-1 U0fM S Euden E,s accuse AI I en Pa rk of rac i sm, tol d Eo I eave while taking down sEreet numbers for survey Mr 4, A-t-4 Mixed emotions over acquittal of 36th Dist Judge Leon Jenki s -6Kocieniewski Mr 13 C-2-1 Suicide death of Michael Keys spurs parents to action 'i' aga i nst ste roi ds . - 1 989- Mr 18, B-t-5 2 brothers die as fire desLroys hom aL 5237 Chopin; Killed were Jessie Dumont4 a David2 llr 26 B=1=11 Society getting tough on drunk dri vers. --E Ankeny MR 29, B-5-5E Kendric YoungbloodlT arresLed in rai d, charqed wi th ki I I i David Bonno306Malcolm Gardner23 Ap5, A-1-2 New AIDS counseling law sidetracks al Ear-bound coupl es Ap 13 B-1-2 Mary Luciars pet cougar is a beloved househol d pet to her but to neighbors itrs a wild animal. Ap 14 B-2-\ E Law to make illegal use of steroids a felonv is urqed. Ab 19, 3:3-2 DWE MacombCo. ProsecuLorCarl Marl i nga asks sEate Lo check formula i nSterl i ngHts.home assessments -61^/owk 29 B-1-5 Boaters want Iaunch site on Selfridge shorel ine. I CA: DETRO lT NEWS WRITER MARCHETT I , DOMEN 1989 sexual ly molested 2-yr-oid sirl tossed ill.1.l"ln'oi"--u Grant MY 1 C'1-2 French exchange students enjoy tApril in Parist in Detroit My 2 D-3-2 N Christopher Collins, 1!, son of councilwoman Barbara Rose Col I ins, undergoes surgery as resul t of gunshot wounds Mv9 B 3-3N Court may puE squeeze on Sterl ing Heights Snake fancier, Eric Larson MV15 C 3-2 Ci ty strives to keep Macomb adminisLrarive faci I i ties dntn My 19 B-3-2 N Judgers rul ing al lows Eric Larson, of Sterl ing Hgts, to kee his pet snakes My 22 B-1-2 Bobby Moore,l8, pampers his pachyderms in Macomb Co. -1989- My 23 B-1-2 Harrison Twprs waterfront values soar. My 23 B'1-2 Harrison Twp tries to slow boom in waterfront development. AY 25 A-1-2 New 0rleans-Pontiac loses out on 1!!2 Super Bowl; came in close second after Minneapol is. Je l0 A-1-2 Widely circulated fl iers on abortion rile candidates for Utica school bd Je 12 A-7-3 Viewers of annual hydroplane races get same favorite spot 0wen Pk year in after year Je,l7, A_15_z Rev Lowel I Lawson joins UAW Local 599 as chaplain to GM plant Flint workers Je 20 , B-7-1 12,000 gal of pig grease spilled from truck aE 12mi 6 Mound rd, ankle deep mess shuts area Je24 B I-5 Feds are asked to join probe of Shelby fliers Romeo, Antigue village aEtracts moderns Je25 B 1'2 MARCHETTI. D0MENICA: DETROIT NEVJS WRITER 1989 Je 30 B 4-lE ! members of Shelby Township Bd of Trustees resigned.Spouse of 3 of them have been appointed to fill 3 of the vancancie Je29 B 4-4E Shelby voEers reject al I 8 proposals on Orll tf b l-, 0Ctagon HOuse group-fights to save a facet of history in Washington Township Jl 8 B l-4 t.Clemens housing bias angers gays Jl 15 8-14-1 Warren pol ice officer Thomas Nelson chgd in -tax fraud JI 16, B-3-2 MichColonial Fife and Drum corps discusse.d Jl I9 B l-4 lnmate, Tommy Lee Roberson from halfway house charged in Mt. Clemens raperelectronic ankle EeEher alerted prison officials 3 hrs aft-Schabath -1989 JL 25 B l-5 From farmland to upscale suburb in Bruce TOwnship Ag 7, B-2-1D Ken Lyscsars 32 suffers Muscular dystrophy, fights for fund ratsers, will attend Jerry Lewis Eelethon iri LAiVeg As 9, B-3-6N Gr Pte Farms Judge Matthew R. Rumora to face Paul C. Gracey Nov general election in / Ag 17, B_5-lD State police to reconstruct fatal Ford provinq qrounds deat crash in Bruce Twp AG 2t I I-2 Warren woman JoAnne Smith makes medical history with lung, liver transplants Ag 24 B l-5 Death mars reunion-Petrone and the Sensini family Ag 3t B 2-1E ME. clemens conslders new bond sale voEe MARCHETTI,D0MENICA: DETROITNEWSWRITER 1989 s 2 8-1-6 Officials ponder what to do with mercury-poisoned house in Lincoln Park where 4 died. S 5 B-1-4 Sheila Cunningham of Warren enl ists 200 residents to help her rid area of plagues ranging from prostitutes to rats s 6 B-1-2 'Bronson-type' vi g i I ante i nterrupted purse-snatch i ng out- side Farmer Jack store in Warren S 15 B 5-l NoDot Argument bet 2 groups of Leens at Livoniars l.londerland Mal I eqded in gunfire.No one was injured S 18 B 2-l DWE EEh annual Plymouth lce Festival were slip-sliding away for lack of money S 19 B 3-2N TOddler,Stefanie Pasque who died at church-St. Raymond Catholic had heart a ilmenE S 2l B 4-l Warren councilman James Fouts savs other council members epe locking him out of his council office -1989 s25BI-5 Warren treasurer, L Klimecki Dannis in power struggle-vote on wheLher he should stripped of her invesEment powers S 28 B 2-I DWE Macomb prosecutor Carl J Marl inga seeks special status for Shelby recall probe S ZB B 4_l NE State steps into Warren's fund dispute S 28B 4-5W Armed robbery suspect Troy Austin Cook ofYpsilanti killed himself aft chase 0 ll B-1-5 Some Warren officials don't I ike way city treas L. Kl imecki Dannis conducts city's business. 0 t3 B-4-4 E Neighbors of Mobil station in Warren compntl'"Ofi.-rfumes Library in Macomb County try Eo save old l6mm films 02283-2 Warren-0ity Hal I qeEs ready- to Lea.r dn-coupl-e,Bi I I ,$ue McAuleyrs hm,beca[se they missed deadl ines'foi rep5irs MARCHETTI, DOMgtllCA : DETROIT NEWS WRITER Q 25, 8-6-2 Northville neighbors oppose 107 ft high church plans- N1B1-2 Families moving into Utica because of good scho6l system. N g B-5-1 E Defeat of Proposals A t B means Richmond parents will have to drive their kids to school--6 Greenwood N 16, B-3-Ztt ineers from auto planE in Gorky, Russia tour Det area NlgB3-2 Romeo-lr/l thout a job l0 yrs ago, baker, John Fisher now rol s in the dough N 23 D l-2 Romeo reEiree, Gordon Osgood Sr. denies Wedtech bribes N24Al-5 Medical chief, Dr William G Brqoks Eo resign, said he was drunk aE Tarr hearing-E McClear -1989 N25At-5 Macomb dad, Wi I I iam Domm who ki I led wi rCouldnrt fe,sons, suicide note said: leave boys Lo hertHe was faced with the p specE of divorce N 27 A l-5 Ci fy Ai rporE-Reaction;Suburbs upset over expanded service N 27 B l-6 Wi ll iam Domm,who shoE wife,sons wontE be buried wich famlly 6 I ngersol I N 28 B-3-2 Nancy Domm, who was killed by husband, had fi led 5 complain agai nst husband D 3 B-3-2 Stevenson High students in Sterl ing Hgts I i sten to othersr problems, help save lives D 8 Cr-5 Laurie Huff, chief of Turning Point shelter in Macomb Co urges court changes to help spare victims of abuse. D 11 B 3-4 Pol ice ask prosecutor for guidance on spouse abuse arrests MARCHETTI, DOMENICA. DETR0IT NEWS WRITER 1989 D 12 B-14 MEAP tests: 213 of Metro Det students failed new state- mandated reading test that stresses comprehqnBtsi, Abuse case arresL rules ouElined for Macomb cops D 13 B l-6 Charles Busse,D. Roman Kulchi tsky win spots on 25th Distric SLate Repres. balloL-Warren D 3l B-3-z Jerry DeVisscher, 69, has collecEion of 750 eggbeaters aE his general sEore in Davis,Mich -1990- .la 4 g-t-z ParenEs Ehreaten recall of school board to save Warren High Ja 9 B-3-2 lDot Libertarian candidaLe for House seaE vacated by Dutko favor legal izing drug use. Ja 14 B 3-z iohr ho d -1990 Ja 17 A 9-l Republ i can, D. Roman Kulchirsky wins race Eo replace Dennis Dutko Ja 18 L-7-L Lans.- Sulcide victlu Dennls Dutksls depresslon started when politics ended.--& Reynolds Ja l-8 B-1-2 Loss of lease could doom Cardlnal Mooney Cathol-ic lllgh tn llarrison Tlqp. F 4 C'3'2 Utica teacher Richard Linden running '10 mi a day to promot upcoming millage election F 5 B-3-2 Fed lawsu i t chg i ng l^larren wi th d iscr iminat ion aga inst min orities is making it hard for city to hire needed fire- fighters F 9 8'6'L utLca' school- dist fl1es comppl-alpt against loca taxpayers a-ssn for 1ibeI1ng admlnistrators MARCIIETTI, DOMENICA: DETROIT NEWS WRITER ;p9O F 11 C-3-2 t SEudent,s aE ClintonTwp s Pankow Vocatlonal- & Technlcal- Center manage adul-t day care center F t4 B l-5 Mayor Ronald Bonkowski says tlarren fo hold lone on Laxes F1683-2 PayouErs not in Ehe paycheck for Rodeo Riders-Freedom is no bull Lo Ehose wooed by rhe pro rodeo circuit F25C3-2 The HisLoric Ha'lfway schoolhouse in E.Derroi L has traded iLs school betl for weddinq bells-TheyidrenLinq bldg for weddings on weekends F 28 B 3-2 Crissma Elementary School sLudents in Shelby Tnsp raised money for Candy Vasquez,for open hearL surgery -1990- l4r 7 B-3-2 E Battered woments shelter, Tbrning Point, ln Macomb Co., grows from small frame house to network of servj.ces employing 27 slaffers & has 25 volunteers. Vb lL C-3-2 Sterling tlgts urged to buy vacant land for 200-acre turban foresLt Mr L2 B-L-2 Tkice the turnout of last. yr at annual SL. PaLrickts Day parade resulted from tc-alling of the Clans' w L2 B-1-4 Fog !n Metro area kills 2, egrounds dozens of fl|Slts.-- d T\,vardon ' Mr 14 B Tee[,-tiiTlSi-m'Billyr Morris of CenLer Line lliqh stabbed dea th; Fa ther, Vernon Lee t{orri s hel d Mr l4 B 5" I E M-53 bypass bl iss for Romeo-SLate begins land to rerouEe rroublesome rraffic W 25 C-3-2 Creeping suburban sprawl intrudes on hunter Joa Penzients last sLands in Maeornb T\rp MARCI{ETTI, DOMM{ICA: DETROIT NEI,TS WRITM 1990 w 26 B-4-4 National Association to Advance Fat AccepLance is support org Lhat. fights dlscrimination against fat people &i encourages self-acceptance among the overweight. w 28, B-{-1N l"akeside Mall Mr 30 B-3-z Students from Armada High School fake drinkinq and drivinq rel a ted acc i den Ls . Ap 3 D 2-'l ParenEs sEarE campaiqn lo recall 5l,Iarren schoo'l board members. Helga l,/isswel I and orher parenrs wan, ,o flB"f rBsB;ABFa member for discontinued busing Ap 5, B-6-1I,J UEica neiqhbors fight expansion of packing pdfg, B_7_1 Pilorr/0!6.Sinqer 58 of Urica killed in plane crash in Maco -1990- Ap 11 B 2-1 The National 0rqanizaEion for Vlomen claim thaE the Macomb County ProsecuEorrs Office imposes harsh EreaEmenL ror women charqed with violent crimes as opposed Eo men. Ap 11 B 3-2'E DeLighL Greenwood, 17, a Lakevlew High studenL receives a gold card for good grades. Ap 12 B 1-2 Carl Hardwicke, 29, of Grosse PoinEe Park, dies in drowing submarine accident, whi le his parLner Greg Hensen is inju Ap 12 B 7-1 2 people die on l-696 ramp afEer Eheir van crashes inLo a signposE and explodes'in Rosevi I le. Ap 18 B 3-Z-E AI MarEin and volunLeers for more Ehan 20 yrs. has removed debrisrebrrs fromrrom the[he LrrnEonCl inton Krver.River. ApAn 23?? B-1,-2R-1-) Connnrnication workers oppose new auLomated operator servi Lha[ uses computers to bill colIect,, 3rd-party calls. MARCHETTI, DOMH{ICA,: DEf,ROIT NEI/S I,fRITm 1990 Ap 23 B-4-1 Constrners dontt like new computerized collect,-call tele- phone service Ap 25 B-1,-2 Almont school gym teacher, Jonathan Skiba, 26, of Davison, charged with indecent. exposure. Ap 25 B-3-2 E Maryann Stroup of Romeo, vihose baby died of rare leukemia, says infant may have contracted disease from toxin or emrironmentally hazardous substance. Ap 26 B-5-1 DR BerL & It{arilyn Donlin are proud to be lih6rLPryT_?r" Body pLs found in ClinLon Twp are from burial site for am- puEated I imbs.Parts came from St. Josephrs Hospi Lal, noL parts from Nurse, Rose Marie Kado. My Z B Z-l 4 men enEerart rho Music Box music sLore at VanDyke E 23 tti sm" filrr,?/,,.,Ei."i. fP, 3^ "[t ]:X::'"tlg"a'o35. "SHIPT':.';jJFo " -1990- My 3 B 5-l DR Sign lanquage in Thai was challange for deaf exchange sEudent, Alex Jones of Suerl inq Heiqhrs who went to Thai l- and My 9 B-3-2 E Don & Nada Rucinski of E. Det have $l-million a yr busines making good tasting coatings for food: Donts Chuck Wagon Products oakland County partners Todd, Gregory Y"Wg19"Rd1R3o cry plans to build an envi.ronmental lhome My 2l B 1-2 Richmond High School senior Jeff Card is cand i da re for School board.He is youngesE cand.'ever Eo run in Mich Schoo Bd. w 22 A-1.-2 Black couple John & Cynthia Newell harassed in Warren My 23 B-L-2 Is Lhere connection betw slain body-builders JinrnyVinson & JeffrevSchwartz? MARG{ETTI. DOMB{IC,A,: DEIROIT NE\{S I/ilRITm r990 My 23 B-8-1 N Duane & Elizabeth Nieman, 35 & 32, sold house, went on 2-yr bLcycle trip to Alaska: 17, 825 miles. My 25 B-5-6 Parole officers discouraged from arresting parole violators bcause of jail shortage.--& Ingersoll Mv 29 F 3-z Piloc, Raymond Lee Shmigal, who died in Oakland crash a 'stickler for safeLyl My30B3-2E Lerling heights city courcil proposed an ordinance banning municipal piclrup of yard waste Je I B I -2 Macomb tourity-C"r col'l ided wi Eh a bus Ioaded wi rh school children bound for uhe L'Anse Creuse Middle School North on 2l Mi Rd west of Grariot. hurL were, Timolhy Cooper, Kimberly Langan,Mel issa Palazzola - I 990- Je 5 B-1-2 Troubled LenanE E'lwood Legeaul t, 45, of tlarren, ki I Ied 2 mainLenance workers aE apt cornplex Ehe commi LEed suicide . Je 6 B-3-2 E Warren Sr. Citizens Advisory Council one of largest local senior citizens advocacy groups in statp 13 B 6_lD Doris Lenk of I'larren blcycles Eo the ciEy's recycling cnt and drops off recyclable i tems she plcks yo Uit - i ng rou Ee ?l*.891!2r 2 charqed in slaying of GM engineer, \,ri I I iam ArmsLronq nr his Shelby Twp house. Manuel Sevore Jacobs was arraiqn for robbery and slayinq Je 17 A 3-2 Flooded town, Shadyside, 0H expecLs mofe pain Je 18 A 3-2 Shadyside, 0hio ki I ler flood sLuns residenus-death tol I rose ro 20 and l6 people missing CHETT I , D0MEI{ I CA: DETROIT NETJS tlR ITER lgg1 Je 20 B 3-2E Disable t/arren cop Eakes long, h"ppy journey across Mich to ralse money for the Easter Seal SocleLy, on a blke Je 26 B 4-4 Center Line man,Kenneth Marion charged in slaying of a Fla n,Luanne Cordell whose badly beaten body was found in a I ley ln souEh t/arren. Je 27 B 7-l tfi/ i chmond oroup, eoitriii,l' for Rura I Awa reness (Cnnul; crusades for a cleaner environmenE- Nancy Fagge Pres. Jl I C 3_2 The CrafLs of many Tribes helps lndlans find their Herirae and sLore sells arCifacts Lo make Lhem some money Jr 5 B 3-2E ^Qllnron Twp open war on Millar cemeLery vandals-TombsLones Eo geE concrete base so chey canrL be moved -1990- Jl 5B7-lN Prospect of SovieE tour chrllls Uttca dance Eroupe, Dance Lrd. JI 19 A 7-t Augustin Pena denies that he kilIed SLephanie Dubay, says that Rodriguez made him help dismernbr her_body. JL 25 8-6-1 DR Court orders mental tests for cousins Jaime Rodriguez, 21 & Agustin Todd Pena, 75, in slaying and dismernberment of Stephanie Dubay, in Warren Jl ?5 8-6-1 !n'[ same JI 3l C 3_l gaibJra Bourgeau-Richards' lucraEive craft is helpino Lo paint oul arthri ris pain-The Art of Therapy _ _ Aq 3 B l-2 Mother, Cindy Poff fights in-laws who are in Tennessee for chi ld, Michael Lee. She says grandparents rricked her inEo gi vi ng up cus tody MARG{ETTI, DOMENICA: DE'IROIT NE},/S WRILER lgg1 Ag 8 C-1-2 Does small, golden parcel of land nr Lakeside Mall belong to Utica or to Shelby Ttap? Ag 9 B 6-5 D George Killeen lost his job; may challenge results of race. As 15 B 1-2 ichrs 14,000 plus mi I i rary reservisLs are prepared for acL ive dufy should Pres Bush qive Lhe signal Lo be sent Eo Perslan Gulf-a Hamada As 17 B l-5 Group of She:l by Twp res i den Ls rescued an i n j u red duckl i ngt ly Lo learn laEer Ehat Ehe animal was put Eo sleep Aq 20 A l-4 The Warren home where Suephanie Dubay was killed and dismembered was severely damaged by firebomb-27000 block of Jean-E Greenwood Ag 20 B 1-2 ct"wfiXh,lfag TAX.Pp^fhe reason to keep Army tank pla - I 990- As 22 B l-l Homewood Sul res Hofel in \:rarren helps fami Iy renew 32 vr old tle-Publ ici ty campaign uni Ees mother,{1uol'2rgtrli"I Ferwerda and [gth KoEz of Las -Vegas.. : Warren aLEy, Thomas Morocco wins suiE- Claimed^,"9 '? treasurer, L Kllmeckl Dannis,former mayor, James RandleEL kepE hlm ou of job Ag 30 A-3-2 Crest Hill, I11- Tornado sunrivors stnrggle to understand, coPe. Ag 30 B-3-2 E Bernardo PuzzuolLrs Sterling HgLs home is a little bit of Italy. Ag 3L B-t-2 Foes question abilities of prime conLender for Macomb Co. Circuit Court, Warren atty Mary Chrzanowski. s 2 c-3-2 T-awyer of Agust,in Pena, 1-5, wt'ro is chgd as adult in brutal slaying of Stephanie Dubay. will seek to have !ilarren vouth Eried as'iuvenile oh'lesser corrnt MARCHETII, DOMENICA: DETROI.I NEItTS WRITER 1990 s 5 8-6-1 N AgusLin Pena, 15, of tr{arren, ruled competent to stand trial in grisly slaying of StepLranie Dubay S 1 3. B_5_5E Jaime Rodrlguez changes story(given Eo DetroiL News reporte for July 15 edition) in new story given to psychologist in decapi tarion death of Srephanie Dubay s 18,8-1-2 lnmaEe says AgusLin Pena safd'he killed Stephanie Dubay Eo see 'insider her- S 19 D-6-4 Jaime Rodriguez says he & cousin Stephanie Dubay tmore killed because she was or less a pestt S-28 B 4-lE Decision expected Eoday on pol i rical sions,t! r".. iuf,gE l.larren pol ice reLurn reporEerrCindy MooEy's not,eslMacomb Daily studyinq leqal acLlon -1990- 0284-5NoDot Shelby Twp police looking for man who broke into apL nr and Auburn, Look son 10, Dequlndre O 4 8-6-1 E 2 men arresLed in St. Clair Shores house fire last June ln r,vlrich Don Licavoli, 33, died O 5 E-1,-2 Comerica developer Gerald D. Hines InteresLs upbeaL despit real estate slunp o 7 c-L-Z liarren officials eonsidering Trappers Alley-type develop- ment. inLo southern business district. of city. O 9 B-L-2 Gary Fiebelkorn, 43, of Mt. Clemens, charged.in sex assaulLs of 5 & 8-yr-o1ds & mfg porn materials. 0 ll B l-2 Shannon.Loretta NieEo and frierid.Brandv BenneEt died i-n ili"-i+ooo oiock of-Knox nr 9mi and Schoenherr-Young fri , i nseparabl e, even in dea th N l CA: DETR0 lT NEI"TS \,lR ITER 1990 0 ll B 3-2E Business downEown is dying in New Bal uimore-5 sLores have c I osed 01281-2 AirporL foes In Macomb rev up for Mayor Younqrs talk aE a I uncheon aE Zuccarors Coun Lry House i n Mt. Cl emens-6 Green- wood o I2 B I-5 Accused moles Ler, Gary Fiebelkorn may be part of ring, He was charged wi th sexually molesLing an 8yr old girl,E her 6yr old brorher 0 t6 A t-2 Lorenzo F NIeEo charged in fi re thac ki I led thiee-14000 block of Knox in souEh ['la rren to prof I E f rom an i nsurance pol icy- E Greenwood 0 17 A 8-l Task force meeLs to discuss child pornography case involv- ing, Gary Fiebelkorn,4l, - I 990- 0 18 B 7-lD The l4iller Orchard SLore,locaEed across from Ehe orchard on CI inron River Rd has no inLenLion of shutrrlr% 1o;1i warren city officials worrled about lncrease in violent crlme in warren-Marchettl A 25 B 3'2E North Ave Lodge,ME Clemens group home opened a compuEer assisted engraving business.CusEom engraving ski I ls clive disabled a chance Eo join workforce 02586-\ tJarren man, Roy a Sc.Arbor for a thi rd time in less Lhan a monLh chaqged wi th molesEing boys-machinist I ives in 3800 block of ['/asmundjSmi-Ryan area 0 25 B-5-5 Leon Nieto, L9, tesLifies how he tried Lo save niece & her friend in fire apparently set by his father Lorenzo. o 31 C-3-3 MatLhew Russo, 2, died in fire at. grandparents home in Warren DOMEI{ICA: DE"IROIT NEIiS MARCHETTI, I,rRITm WgO N 1 B-3-2 E ComplainLs about lawn sign slogans, misrepresentation & distortion riddle races for district & circuit. judge seaLs N 12 B-3-4 Bernie Lisnek, 51, & Tom Peruski, 45, launch first counLy- w'ide (Macomb) newspaper geared Lo senior citizens. N 25 C-3-2 Mernbers of Romeo Historical SocieLy say 19th-century home was trashed vitren new olener turned iL into*a2gu6+9r"" David House accused of kldnapping 3 l4eEro Det Eeenagers tur ed himself ln to FBI egents N 28 A 6-1 David House's girlfriend, SEephanie Symons turned David in - 1990- of Det. N 29 B r-5 Jamie Leer/one of 5 teen-agers kidnapped (other two reLeas d) says her plight tras no hoax-Marchetti/Wowk D 5 A-7-3 Travelers rd:o want, refunds after runway crash at, Det Metro canrt necessarily count, on thern. D 6 B-1-5 No leap in MEAP scores of Metro Det studenaB. ,,. o',_, Randy Smtth , 36, of Fraser talks of experlences in Iraq as hostage'ar- rlved Det. L2/LO- DL4B1-2 Brent Coolsr downts syndrome child, parents ftght to keep him in regu school- at DeKeyser ELem.r Sterllng Hts. D 16 E l-5 Fraser Lions helping Fraser Historlcal Commission' "razlng 125-yr.old barn; will 'ralse" lt again in Fraser historical center. u"'r'g o[B?'n1,tt?fl?i'."G"tTt?lt?ts,1g' t?1".'[?;'g{,ot'8"?tF1i,"qP"'.8,""8'li?'" MARG{ETTI, DOMENICA: DEIROIT NEI,JS WRITER 1990 D 20 B-8-1 W !/idow Ruth Martell, 78, of Romeo, did so-well with hobby refinishing & making antique lamps i-t,ts now almost firll Lime occupation D 2l B-2-5 E EnLerprise High, a 2nd-chance high school in Mt. Clemens, gets first-class praise. D 27 B 4^lD Sue Petermarck E Sandy GlrodaE, operators of CIass Reunio Plus, find a growing demand for their services-DeEroit D 28 B 3-2 Roseville man, Georee Lee Morqan charged wiEh murder in house fire thaE claimed the I ife of l3 yr old,Chrlstine Schriidt -1991- Ja 5 B 5-rE John and Christine Smlthrs Green Street Tavern in New Baltimore offers full dinners; gradually transformed from 'juke box jointn to dinner -L991,- Ja 13 F-L-2 Bil1y Zehel, 11, beginning to ernerge from coma he has been in since Nov vrhen he was hit, by motorcycle. Ja L6 B_l_2 sterling Flgts-High-student Kevin Zack wore camouflage clo :?l??1; principal made him ego home e .r,ang"; bannedilg_! military- clothLs ""1,o Ja 17 C 1-6 Marion Kujat faces possible eviction fron the Living center in sterling Heights Ja 17 D l1-1 warren consolidated schooL dlstrict, officlaLs are al1owing student t6 ex press soldiarity for the US troops in the perslan njltZO C 1-Z ParenEs bel ieve impaired children belonq in classrooms wiEh their nonhandicapped peers Ja 30 B 6-1 E l,larren Consol idaEed Schools el iminaEes 43 jobs. . Ja 31 F 6-1 Schools are lookins for wavs Lo celebraLe students ethnic and cultural diffeiences. - MARCi{ETTI, DOMBIICA : DE'IROIT NEI{S WRITER 4991

Local cable tv program brings ltalian-Arnericans up_ Lo date *itfr rft ir mothlrlind - IaIv. F 6 B 2"LE tliiren criElcs, Kurt Godfryd,Ron R0binson saY theY want good govt; oLher say pair are playing poliuics. l99l is an elecLion yr in ly'arren F 7 B 4-tE Suspected bendit,\,Jm Blaszklewlcz beino soucrht in dozens of robberies from St. Clair Shores to Troy nabbed-Marchertl F 14 B-5-1 D RecenL apptment of Barbara-Rose Collins to Pub1ic Works Conn'nittee is move by DeL to secure fed funding for City Airport. says Warren Mayor Ronald Bonkowski2O O 4_t o 200 bid farewel I ro Adam Vanzana, 16, of \.larren who was shoE to dea Eh. -1991- F 25 B 3-2E p to 800 puplls from Znd - 6th grade participate in Ehe Utlca Communl ry Schools prooram for qlfred E talenLed stud- nEs on Saturdays F2783-2E risls hotl ine offers klnd words to cal lers I ike Gordle huler. Itr 1 B-3-2 D L77" cut in Chris i,fulawars welfare benefits causes 38- with 7 children to give up hope. i\'lr 1 A-9-1 NoDot Troops toasted aL Metro Det victory parties. Mr 4 B-4-1D Elizabeth Fowler, 65, launches write-in campaign as Dem to win seat, on all-Republican Romeo boar-d of trustees. Sister and brother, Shtrley Labadi,e Fisftrbur6 aod Harodl Parker were ralsed ir1 Det. Childreqrs Ai,d Soo.'Det.-to be reunlted after 55 yrs. Mr B B 3-2E Armada school, parenEs have to pay $150 per sporE if thelr kids wanE to PIaY in sPorts RCHETTI, D0MEI'IlCA: DETROIT NEIJS URITER Mr 12 B 3-2D Gordon Lonle is off icial naEural isr for Srerl lnq [{elqhcs. He manaqes Lhe city's I'laEure CnL on UEica Rd.tie prowls I th Owl s l4r L4 D-3-2 E Sterling Hgts city officials, business leaders discuss run-down appearance of property along 3-mi of Van Dyke W L9 B-3-2 E Sister of Warren girl, Brandy Bennett, l*ro died in house fire at Nieto home, said she tried to warn sisLer that Lorenzo Nieto was.drunk. tlr 2l B l-5 Sterling Heights has issued a 9 month ban on new reuail consLrucElon ln an effort Eo halt the spread of strip mall vacancies.0verdevelopment is I of the major concerns t"|r2lB65D Al Martin,brainsin,brai.ns beh LheEhe annual ClintonCl inEon Bive;-cle!.nUp,River cleanuo is :rm Srevenson Hioh. Sterl ino Heib tS -1991- Mr 22 B 5-lDR Developer Braln Palmer cal ls his proposed shopplncr cnE in rhe Vl I lage of Romeo a rrwln-win't proposi tion. t l;rfi:r:i.f Arson suspect Lorenzo NieLo, aceused in fire that killed says police werentt interested in hearing his side of story. AP 1 B 3-2 E lsabellt parkinson, 84. and her 20 vr old qrandson. KenneLh wl I I recelve thel r assoclaLes deqrees Eogether. Ap 2 e, 1-2 Lorenzo Nleto was found quilfy of I counEs of felony murde in Ehe dearhs of his wife, clranddaughter, and e neiohbor. Ap 3 B l-4 Det Metro AIrporE mainEains heavy securiLy even afL the Persian Gulf l,lar Ap 3 B 3-2E Ron Roblnson E Kurt Godfryd who advocaEe llmiting elecEed l,Iarren of f icial s co 3 four-yr Eerms wi I I run for l/erren MARCHETT I , D0MEN I CA : DETRO lT I{EIJS tJR ITER 4991 p Former Shelby Township treasurer, Mary l'lolnes, sues for back pay AP ! B l-2 PorE Huron Mlch, a world renowned sallinq clty wlth a his- Lorlc Cnt Ciry-Downtown hopes uo flnd a beEter fuLure ln Ehe past Ap 5 B 4-4N An anonymous donor has-offered Lo dona Ee $200,000 i f rhe community wlll match EhaE donaEion for al I IncJ Armada school S Ap 9 E-5-1 Warren police say Shannon Barton killed her fiancet s 2-yr- ols son, puL p,rospective groom Joe Russo, 25, r,rrill go ahead with wedding anyway. Ap 10 8-6-1 N Despite move from Harrison Tltp to Marine City, school is alive & well: parenLs say itts worth the drive -199L=- Ap 11 B-4-1 D In sate of city address, Warren Mayor Bonkowski suggests half-mill reduction in tax rate Ap 72 B-t-2 81000 show up to greet 215 mernbers of 917Lh at Selfridge as they reLurn from Persian Gulf. Ap t4 C-3-2 E l4acomb Co. touts plan to develop 118-acre recreational park in rural Bruce T\.p but forgot to ask Bruce Thp, r,i::ich doesn't want it. Ap 14 C-3-2 E Family business, former blind pig, went rlegitt one day after Prohibition ended; now Eastside Tavern is like 'b.iog in your ovnn homef Ap 16 A-2-l Macomb Co. officials hold hearing f,or homeless Ap L7 B-5-1 Shannon BarLon, 20, of Warren to stand trial in fie6-^de6 of fiancers child; Joe Russo says he believes she is innocent & will marry her anyway MARCI{ETTI, DOMEX{ICA,: DETROIT NEI4iS I,fRITm 4991

Ap t7 B-5-1 S 01d speakeasy, Lhe Eastside Tavern, is 'TlE placet in Mt. Clemens Ap 18 B-1,-2 Police seek rmeek geekt as serial rapist in Rochester Hi1ls & Shelby Thrp.--& I4artindale Ap 22 A 1-2 Teen group Eerrorizes t/arren neiqhborhood-residenLs fear more vlolence,call on police to crack dn oppu23uflv3vgughs ResldenLs of Grand Oaks Village II in Warren say they want 1 to 3 enterances Lo the complex closed to prevent public traffic and chilfren on sketebosrds and bicycles Residenr will discuss action plan to deal ffi.#pp"6i[m or vandalism in southeasL Warren "1991"' My 7, B-3-2E Suerllng Hus legal fees too hlgh say critics FlY 7, B 5-5D same- My L2 C 3-5 ldl,[ Mac Deuparo, a self-described nature buff, recently learne that the state House of Representat.ives approved legisla- tion that would provide funding for a nature presen/e l4y 14, B 2-1 Jack l,lauthcon 5 a broEher Paul^1, Eaken by parenE-s who were charqed wi th kldnappinq, are reEurned Lo fosLer parents My 15, A 1"2 Arrist Ci'lstian Samol la works on Romamlan 0rthodo-x Church cel I inq ln lJarren My 15, B-7 lUtl Jlm Dunn wanLs man who took hls splfrinq son Nauhan 8 to pa**xxxxtrtitrx, charqed wi Eh kidnapplno vy Lg C yE Iaay Aflld, crdrer of tle i\ecofu krc jn &^nlcm Utica-a retanant : DEIR0II NEE I,Rtm. 4994 wtsB3-E sctml officials in van q/ke DisL in wazqr hiarcd substitutes to conrect a set of staffiized t^ctsr m l,/arer teactss rue disfict LIansr r=idhbors fur't rrelcarB SalraLion Anry oparsior WS"* a*", cy's rrcble efforts a= cosLjrg tLsn thei-r relgrlo*rcoa J6 3r'B-t-2 " Deirolcpe:s go to tpscale wift bigggrbette. horm Je 4 B l++

lBal dispite in vhid:r BE Det am:sed city of pm cllcs I,trrer nErcr,Rorald BcrksAski fan:se caryaign cm ciflsrffiffi aeas Fliastr teacte,Sylvia Shaina ho:cred as I of l0 bst temlns in tlre Saruirg tle evirsrmt. is zd natr-re to Fkastr talerFrliscn Elon. -LWL- Je9CllD Ttuy Utica has scne big ideas to b:ea&e life jntc fft95 S_ZU James Fouts, Warren cnciman says his anti-smoking proposal deliberately being delayed, as well as other proposals- Marchetti Je 13 A 1-5 Jury finds Jaime Rodriguez guilty of IsL deg-reemurd.er i-n beheading death of Steptr,anie Dubay. Je 13 A B-1 Father oi Stephanie DuLy, RoberL Dubay says "I just had Lo be there for Stephanie" at trial of Rodriguez warren Mayor Bonkowski says city has r^.ithdr{sni6rP.?-?B reLunr police officer candidate y'o training academy for Lime, atcity expense Gregory "Tj"IfrU a_,, Shelbv T\,so or citv of Utica owns a sm.Lax-rich strip of pro perty,Jam'es Van H'evel is offering to split jE"rq.fi:f;nd- 1+ vr feud flike l,{alsh stavs on sidelines in !,/arren race MARCIIETTI, DOMH\ICA: DEIROIT NEI,/S WRITB. 1994 Je 20 B 3-ZE Spouse abuse law will allow officers to arrest abusers w-it out a warrant. in SterlinE Heishts Je 2L B L-2 Ctrildren of Thomas Davisi 58, irho was shoL Ap 13, L987 are offering a $101000 reward for the arrest and conviction of his kilIer. Je 25 B-3-2 E Unions balk aL Warrents plan to use pension fi.urds to pay health insurance cosLs for retirees. Je 26 B-3-2-E sterling llgts residents wanL charter amendment, Lhat would allow voters to elect mayor. Me 2g ,B-3-2E l.Iarren clampdown on elecLion posEers siqn of Lhe tlmes Je 30,C-1-2 0scoda-ls there life after Alr F0rce closeb base? -1991- Jl 5, B-3-2E lJarren mayor vows Eo avold mudsl lnglna ln upcomlng primary Jl 7, B-7-2E Warren COmmunl uy Tl-leaEre 'lmcmbers need a. home Jl 12 B-1-2 Dina Thonrpson 15, I sisLer Dalairra Johmon 16, t pref,r:an-l savs cops waLches as 2 men beat them ln Shelby Twp Jl 14, C-3-2E L,arren may vote Eo revise residency rules JI 15, B_1_2 George Fox in conEroversy es dogs die aE Humane SocieLy of Macomb JL 17, B-3-2E Uarren council would like Lo censure maverick James FouLs Jl 18,B-1-5 RenL-a-bp;desma ld hoax Eests paEience of engaged coupre I\4ARC,I{ETTI" DOMEX{ICA: DflROIT NE\{S I/iRITm 1991 Jl 19 B 3-28 Warren mayoral hopefuls debaLe tax abaLe5r?"h C S_ZU LaLe spring frost. means Michigan cherry farmers in many areas have small crop, Romeo hiehlighted.,, 23 B z_l Judge Deborah SErvi LLo Eo al low video tape in rape-trlal of Louis Bonar (rape on uape) Jl 23 B-3-2E Shelby Trvp recal I drive tErqeEs Supervisor James Van HEvel J I Zt+ 8..3-ZE Bd Eo rule on/icense for wasLe sEation ln l'.Iarren Jl 25. B 5_30 Some Macomb Co farmers go all-ouL Eo colLlvaEe folks from ciry in Farm Tour Day Jl ZB,C.Z_'D lJllma l'lartin complains about 7mo lvai t to rlet headsEone on erv visltors at wolcott Mill ."13'1-:"urney *il i3 ?rfi? Ag 1 B 3-28 DiMarlo Eric G1asco, L9, charged with 2 Lraffic rriolaLions was one of Lhe first to be arraigned with new video arra menLment orocedure.procedure. Ag 4 uC 4-r4-L Ww FIt elemcns etty eo-m-rssion seh.edul.ed a pubfu-c hea-ring on renaming Broadway to Martin Luther King Blvd. Ag 5 B 7-2 RemoLe controlled race cars is still considered a hobby. As6B3-6D Mayor Bonkowskirs public opinion survey on litigation over alleged hiring discrimination is considered by crit as an aLtempt to gain political poinls. Ag 12, B-L-2 Flea nrarketing at. a bargain in Shipshewanarlnd o 14, B 3-2E Warren council asked co limir softbatl games 0 17,A-l-1 I thx Schools and Iandfills: a danqerous xlesson-6McClella 0 17,A l4-l 2 Cheap land a priori Ly, envi ronmental riska aFnr 0 20 ,c- 1-5 ParenLs Leam up Lo bat[le school pollution g 31, B 4-lE Soi I EesLs planned newr schoot si Les- l'l 1, B-5:4E Sterl ing HLs elections generare I i ttle inEerest ry 1 ,B-3-2E Warren mayer's race Eoo close Eo call N 1, B-1-2 Det falls to keep Eoxins from envrironmenE, PIRGIM says-E McCLel lan N 5, B-1-3 Warren sLudents take leadership seminar l'l 7, B-3-1E l/Omen makinq poli rical inroads in Warren -1991- N 8, B-l-1 Cold snap chills s thrills N 10, C-5-5D BUsiensses raise money for women in need of shel uEr; TUrninq PoinE in Macomb Co helps baLEered women i{ 13 B 6-1 DR c*a,^u D^-^^ c}rrz{an}o f^'r-l *lrat ?(\7 .rf Jlflr olar]are gulYgy ^{-v! r\vltluv oLuuEllLo lvullu u^rsg Jvlo & 72% of seniors drauk in the month before being pc.rlled. N15B7-1DR Idanerr courciLnan Jarnes Fouts looses to George Dimas. .tg, N B 1_2 Royal Oak post office massacre victlms mourned-EDoill inq N 20,8-3-2E Dec 2 Romeo recall elecEion Eo climax feud N 20,8 3-2D Romeo arList Barbara Bourgeau-Rlchard folksy N 25 B-3-2D Plunbrook student,s bffer ideas on Tiger Stadium MARCIIETTI, DOMEIUCA :DEIROIT NEI,/S I/IRITER 1991 D g, 8-1-6 I"IADD candlelight meetings offer vigils to remernber accident, victims D 12rB-5-1D Romeo home will have house guests(at Bill & Marin Corby's) D L2,B-6-4D Free trash pick-up costing Warren, ex-employee says D 13, B-7-1D Sterling Hts council counts its blessings, and wants more D 15, C-3-2E Gordenker Bros, longt,ime Macomb clothier decides to close D t6, B-1-5 Is move to limit use of pest sprays D 18, B-5-5 N LerlingHts.bird loverrGerta Hogarupset. by fine for feeding rds ---lvvl--- D 23, A-2-1, 1990s male uses makeup for touch ups, D 24, B-3-2 E lilarrenrs tr-istory is labor of love by chroniclerrGerald Nei D 26, B-1-4 Cold weather brings out cold-hearted furnace installation scam for elderly D 31, B-1-5 Beraiee Grarr.mi-ssirne.bl€odi€d---r ---'-:--i9gr:--- ea-r fourd i-nSt"elai-r Sleores '-"--- Ja L, A-1-3 CharlotLe lfuhn,wants stolen snowman back,with travel pho Ja 1, B-3-5 Fired nurseJoy SinauskasrMt.Clemens Hosp.suesrrefused Eo cover up botchec Op6e.6tion at vfl"rich boyrl4rdied Few drunk dri.vers arresred for holidry,N"{*y3;r*;';*.,." stlffer penalty enforced-d8asheda Ja 2, B-2-7' Divers search St,.Clair Shoes canal for body of missing Bernice ,Gray MARCI{ETTI MACHETTI, NMHI{ICA: DEIROIT NEWS I'fRITm 4992 .Ji1 J, D-. Italian-Americans keep heritage alive in MetroDet.area socially Ja 5, C-9-2 E Property owners land fights with politicians & residents over plans to develop Walker Woods Ja 6, B-3-2 E Art institute prog.Art to the Schoolsrtakes sLudents inLo past Ja 8, 8-6-1 I,JW New drunk driving laws pull licenses on spoL found effecti similar sLudies in US show 97" reductlon in deaths in eveni -& Ingersoll Ja 8, 8-6-1 l,fi,[ Claus Thlenfeldt found shot, in northern Macombrworked in Utica Ja 9, B-5-1 D ElauB,, Ihleflfe.ldL| fbrrrd :muidbred ;family:: f.indg :tragedy no s tranger, daughter S tacey also killed, Police_ lnRgmgo^probe Ja 12, C-3-2'E Sdbl5""Pmftff"tiothrrce t s g 2, 500 f or L992 idnrndoia iive rraf r t Political bickering intensified in Sterling Hts withCouncil comrnsn mernber_,cr& citizens Ja 13, B-3-2 E Warren Consolidated School Dist.residents opp6se plans to build football field proposed for Mott High Ja L5rB-2:4 Fraser-1 deadranother critically injured in separate E.Det,.

Ja 16, B-3-2 D 5 escape house explosion in Warcenrhome owned by Robt.Vick family Ja L6, B-3-2 E WarrenMayor Rona1d Bonkowskirupset abut, paramedics staff sick days and abuse of overtime Ja t7, A-L-5 Pointe police seek 2 suspects in death of Phyllis A.Lenart, at bus 'sLoprrefused to give up purse to robb'ers-SGreenwood' Moore Elern scrroor in Romeo offers tg"33"l"i-flk *tr,* Ja 2L A 1-1 Fraser woman gave birth,hid child in plastic bag,lowered out of window in snow.subzero cold to hide pregn-ancy I{ARCI{ETTI, DOMI\UCA: DEIROIT NEI,,IS I,m,ITm. 1992 Sterling Heights looking for a way to take Joseph Munem of the airrrecently filed recall petition agst Mayor Stephen Rice Ja 24 B 3-6I,JW Black deputyrGregory Jerome Hat.taway tells court of hiring bias in Warren Ja 26 C 3-2E U-tica ftigTi3Chool's award winning newspaper earning-awards for tackling the tough issues Ja 31 A l-1 Jobs are so scarce for architects that they are being fo ed to hang wallpaper of work in mail roo5 4 B 3_28 Lynn Ann Thomas says she'lI fight to keeg left, in B"Hr:tE frBlg"" Council Pres Jeanne Omelenchuk imposed 5mlnute 1imit on citizens who want to address the council Fire Hose d-e;yige helps firefightEr3 B.3i2Eo uig, Moving fir:rn has been tryi"u-13'3". ar"t# .l9"ur.rl"2Lo pay her $690 moving bill for 7 months F 11 B 1-2 Technology sparks library boom-Det children sign up ea day to use the computer F L2 G 7-1 NoDot Lynn THomas Ann to stand trial F 16 C 3-2E Restores of Wash T\rpts historic Octagon House are finally starting to see the light F 16 C 3-2E Karen Are takis, founded Parents Promoting Arthri tis Research for Children(PRARC) daughter striken with Suvenile rheuna id arthritis F 17 B 3-,1E St Clement Dads Club in Cnt. Line is conrnitted to sporLs for its children F 20 B 3-28 Lynn Thomas wlro put newborn outside gets frtlTrf_"+,visita- nLino&-.r start perkink up to Iandlordts offers of free trlps to Howai i,Bahamas or Fla.for new renters 4992

F 26, B-3..2 E arren baby-si.rrerrKimberly Green,faces trial,chqd wi rh shaking baby,Eo death k 1, B-3-2 E WarrenCouncil takes gteps Lo tame raucous meetingsrsets rules for citizens railro speak W 2, g-3-Z g Warren Woods plans sun/ey of school dist residents Itlr 1, B-3-2 E M-53 bypass spliEs Romeo village, bus inesseE upset k 3, B-4-1, Adrian schools face financial problemsrwant, limits on men choices w 4, A-g-1 ElktonrMich-Probe of two jet, flghters crash may- take months jets sprayed debris over 5 mile area-& Bowles I\{r 5rB-L-2 Air Natl.Guard rethinks its thnnb training programs aiter crash of, 2 F-16A fighrer jets near Elkton@lleczko/Sweeney M/--- ltlr n A- | --- I\'lr 6,- A- - rcomputen Michaelarrgelo Computer virus cureris take vacation -& J.Smith h 6, B-1-4 Det.public schools may install weapon detectors-& Russell w 6, 8-6-1 Margie Flanagan awarded $5.5 million afLer surgery leaves ,-ahlaqtqv!9 ln lrrya oav orrif qcef lftti.ya'l tlrr

Gazebo restaurant used by GM Te.tr CenL&r#lJ ietirement parties being replaced with lurch crowd IVr 18, B-3-2 E Shelby Ti,up.Stbrling Htsrwigh moratoriums on new strip mal1s being developed in area, considers temprary bans llr 20, B-6-4 DR Participants celebrate Festa Deg1i Schietri(Feast of the Bachelors)rmen lift tree to impress girlfriends Nb 22, C-3-2 E Ray Tkp.residents objecL Lo composL farmrMetamorphosisrnea their homes W 23, B-3-2 E Farmers from Upland H:i.Ils Farmsrgive students nature lesson in llavel Elemertary School ,shorm farm animals at school I& 25, 8-6-1 ldl^7 Jin& I-aurie Herringtonts naighborrs skaLeboard ramp causi toch nn:ch noiserGrdsse Pte.Wo"ods passes ordinancerh6ur use Aramada H:i.gh school tripletsrAll-A students and valedictor= ians.Schoeriherr eirls tfu 27, B-1-1 Helei & Arthur E6rtur:ato defrauded by St.Johnrs CemeLery of c ypt that was never builtrlost $31500 Vr 29 C 5-4N Clogged sewer lines drain some Warren residents AD 1 B ?-]tr Frano Ivezaj, Albanian-Amer of SterlinsfieieiltI ila"fr our to its growing minority ppulaLion -Mr 3U B 3-28 Light Signals controls things at Collins EIem Schoo1 cafeteria in Sterling Heights Ap 6 B 3-1E SLudents at Zoe Christian Academy in Warren competing in The Seiko Youth Challengertackling Zebra Mussels srudenrs warned ar Marshall Elem ana srevetB"S firln".n* to stay away from creekru:rtil testing of area for-toxic chemicals is complete MARCI{ETTI, MMINICA: DEf NEWS WRITM 1992 Ap 10 B 3-1E Ex-cop,Tony Rea trade badge for Bible, he is founder.pastor of nondenominational Conrnurity Christian Church Ap 10 B 8-3 Llvonia School Dist fenced off part, of discovered dtrnp site bL 2 schoolsrMarshal Elemrstevenson High and cauLionld students- & Hernandez Ap L4, B-2-7 Warren may privatize garbage pickup to save omoney for city N L7, B-3-1 E Metro teens in Warren Mott High sings praises of their fai in Venezuela & 19, C-3-2 E Maynard AlLz apple trees uniquerone tree nray yield 23 ditfe ent speciesrtrees originally grown from seeds Ap 24rB-7-6 MacombCo.Prosecutor Carl J. l4arlinga says abortions to led in Mich. ---L992--- Ap 24, B-3-2 E Interfaith Center for Racial Justice in Warrenrworks to im- provg race relations between Det.rsuburbs Ap 24, E-1-3 Striking l(roger worker turns replacement worker in for not payjng for groceriesrVenson lerris Gi\ihan arrestd & 26, C-3-2 E -Mtelema-ens hrts halfiuay point i.ra plan-=s to develope eJ_intqn Riverfront parkrat Shadyside Park Ap 26, C-3-2 E llamtramck HighSchool Breakfast Club of alunni swap stories about old days at weekly gatherings Ap 28rD-7-2 Rhubarb revival may be taking root as medicinal versatility w L, B-3-2 E Romeo-Inrnanuel Baptist Church approaches 25th anniv., gation of 25-30 peoplerPastor Gary Brink My 5, C-5-1 WL7 Sea creatures help teach students how they feel in Lirring SchiecerNovi., w t2, A-7-4 I^/arren Barent-s of Deanna^ Sgifeqtrrpissingras Andrew Ttombley arreB tetlrbut her in. van & daove-6ff MARCHETTI. DOMENICA,: DETROIT NE[,[S I,IRITER 1992

Kidnapping suspecL Andrew James Trombleyrgii'iilto trouble 6 yrs goreven in prison W L4, B-1-2 400 lead support to family of missiag Deanna SeifertrWarren since My 9-Basheda l& 15, A-1-1 FBI ageants seeks Michael Alan Willisrhalf-brother of sus- pect in kidnaping of Dearura Seifert-& Schabath t,&/ 15, B-4-3 D St.Isadore ChurchrMacomb T\,4p, collects 40 bags of clothes, toys for kids in 3 nations durirg *t"irfffT f_Z Art programs aL Armada Schools may be eliminated. bandrarto choir & library Seryices because of budget deficit. My L7 c 2-L F#HJr"Sssf Fs-?ff l,f,ilSr".'h"a'ru'$r.*ri5,3ri8J"i?rishPf tf B";..&h -L992 My 19 B 4-4 Kidnap suspect Andrew Trombley scheduled to appear at a bond reduction hearing My 20 F 9-1 Court wontt, cut bond for kidnap suspect,Andrdr/Irornbley. suspect in disappearance of DeannaSeifertrlO. My 22 B 1-5 AndrewTrmrbleyrkidnappirrg suspectrs'oond try to $3nllion suspect in missing DeannaSeifertrl0yrs old My 22 B 3-28 Eleanoroosterveen start a ministry at Zion Evangelistic for Christian womeh married Eo non-Christian men. My 28 B1-3 Stinky slime washed up on cityrs MemorialBeach at Jefferson & Masonic .Slime is combination of algae,fungusrplankton & dead fish flies. My 31, C-z-L W I-aurel Lesh.I'/arren.disapoeared Mr 2. 1989 Je 2. B-3-2 E Macomb Cir.Ct. candiaatei win clas6s with Electioris Conrnsn MARG{ETTI, DOMENICA,! DHIROIT NE\^7S I,fRITm 1992

Warren won lawsuit that accused the suburuASrt.l*3;?X* ].n race discrimination by failing to recruit & hire black peo- ple. Ag 20 B I-6 Warren tightens cotncil security at city cotmcil meetings because of death threats Ag 23 C 3-2E Art VanElslanderrs new home on Lake St.CIair is not sin st Ambrose church in Grosse pointe purt t,"ffi#.o*, unity service. S 14 B 1-2 Memories renewed at 19th century Grosse Pointe farmhouse Johanna and Robert Diepenhorst threw a party -^ Former Judge,Peter E orRourke charged rith :"18"?tl;3" involving a 15 yr old boy -L992 S 24F^ 4-LD helbyTwp police trying to determine r#rether death of Nancy cCracken was result of drug overdose "r 5"rr, Er?la Deanna Seifert, kidnap trial is delayed O 2 B 4-L Ex-judge, Peter E OrRourke to stand trial on charges of making scxual atva-nees to boy O 2 B 5-18 ve-by sniper in St. Clair Shores hit homes, school 08B1-2 Explorer Christopher Colurnbus syrnbollzed a new age, admi say, and therers no need to defend his act,ions o L2 B 3-2E rfort Elem School in Shelby Twp explore the legend of lunrbus-program, Discovert Week O 14 A t-l Ut.ica School district student.s are drinking alcoholic and iffinp- intoxicatine funes O 15 B 3-2E . Jim-Mayw<-rmr, cable access religious TV program, Because He Lives- Won award. MARCHETTI, DOME{ICA,: DEIROIT NEI{S I,/RITB 1992 , Macomb Co.known at bellwether for political mood of cotmtry because of its conserrrative blue-collar Dems.vote GOP pres.election Je 5, B-2-1 look at future of Macomb Co.in year 2000rbuco1ic lifestyle threatened-schabath ' Ja7C3-2E Schools of choice issue in MetroDet school districts.Macomb Cotrnty distrlcts face approving tax increases or losing programs Je L2 A L-2 Fugitive,Michael trrillis arrested in Calif. He denies any link to Deanna Seifert kidnapping- & Sweeney Je L2 B 4-1 For more than a month, the Deanna Seifert abduction case has consr:med the WarreriPoliceDept Je 10 B 3-2E Grosse Pointe Fatms residents buying ro@wly laurched beautif lcat.ion proj ect. -L992 Je 11 B 1-6 Fugitive, Michael Wi11is held for questioning in Deanna Seifert case- & Schabath . Je 14 C 3-2E of a downtown doesntt hurt Fraser's reputation Je 15 B 3-2E tthew Kitchen lst grader at Thorpe Elem in SterlingHeight nner of naLional eontcst by De Hcal-th and eorBosEon Lest publisher Je 16 B 2-L tNorman Nowak was demoted for visiting ex-councilwoman le billing the city for overtime Je 19 B 6-2 I Alan Willis offers no clue to Deanna Seifertrs bouts. Je 2L C 5-3D Bruce Fleury latmching Metro Det, chapter of Put.t,ing People First,carnivore's answer to animal rieh$.a2ty$lg Chester Posby shot his Dr.John Kemink. Neigf;bogs^know littl about slavinlslavins susoect- & Basheda Je 30, B-3-2 E Pagents-.r6gi5te.rPar-entsrar-ents r6gi5terregLster kidpkidsKLCIS inLn .IDID Droslprggramrasproe Metro Det.connn:ni ottepotter fingErprintsfi no-ornri nf .q & photogr'aptBnhotosr'arfiX MARCJ{ETTI. DOMEI{TCA: 1992 Jl 1. B-1-1 vandals crush cartakerrHelen wasiloffr" at Holy Trinitv Crneeterv "fillroit j:r'#;'-'"piiit" i;'il;;, t5E ; uas rpoinre roas rs Developer, J9h- c,avaliere, foes prod r,rTamj* k,j;ii2rl .., condos in single-family iesideirti"f neighbo"d; Jl 3, A-4-2 2 of, 5 witnesses say Michael l,villis kili"d-pa;t| srore also questions in ai:duction of Dearzra Seifert Jl 5, c-3-2 E collectors swap prizes as m:i.litary buffs to'"*rriuit collect tions & trade war stories Jl g, 8-3_6 W Michael willis ctrgd in glaying- of Easrpoini6 pu"ry srore ovrner Sam Youkhanna during ro6bery in jan. E connn-nnitych'rlr-;#33;*., .#l 19; 3;3;3 and skit Benedict Seqes ta, chas tises Mictrae1 AIan-EI-IIis af ter outburst in robbery,killirg rr.# t store ;ourt "rtr ff finoer:nirinfino miolrt lra raarrirar{ fa nFnv a q -r'-rloollluluEf ^ooovqoE involving DeannaSeifert- & Reyes Jl 14 A 1-5 Deanna Seifert $7as sexually molested. It may have been motive in death Jl 15 B L-2 MacornbCountyJudge ordered state to pay to hire investigator to help prepare defense for Andrerdlrombley who was accused of kidnapping DeannaSeifert Jl 15 B 6-1 Pretrial staternents by MacombProsecutor Marlinga have pre- judged Andrew Trombley JL L7 F 5-4 CompleEe strangers say that sorrow compelled thern to attend Deanna Seifert funeral MARCIIEITI, DMEI{ICA,: DEI NEWS I,IRITB 4992 JL LV D L-Z Deanna Seifer case puts lawyerrMark Swanson in spotlight. he represents accused kidnapperAndrew tro*]trr3 B 3_2E Nicholas HolcombrRoseville boy who was badly injured when firecracker exploded is recovering JL 23 B 3-2D 2nd annual Macomb County Farm Tour Day at Blakesrs Orchard and Cider MIll outside Armada JL 23 D L-2 The Juiceman, Jay Kordich squeezes tempting health claims from juices, are they truth or scam? JL 28 B 3-?T, VincentrJosephine Vitale suing city of GrossePointetr{oods for blocking their view of lake & cityrs lakefront park. Barnes & Nobre Bookstore offers browsers home.Chairs and carpeting "r{'.33t3r?;'5t -L992 Jl 31 B 3-2E, Ukrainian Strnflower FesLival in Warren Ag 2 C 3-28 GrossePoinLe roadhouse may soon fall to wrecking ball. Developers want to replace historic bldg wlth homes. Ag 2 C 3-28 Issues in Macomb Cor:nty 12 twps in primary elections range gEowing pains to envirormenEal eoReems 48 9, C-3-2 E t s Coffee HouserSt.Clair Shoresrhas culturervitrere tsrwriters gather & 120 A-1-1 Soaker squirt gun at Stony Creek Metropark lands trohr17r90 days in jail,$500 fine,drenched*bi; t i"_lta. St Clair Shores Muskrat Ta1es. publication of stores of the cityts past r,rrrit,ten by loca1s Ag 18 B L-2 Blame the weather in Metr6 Det for Lomatoes-that didnft ripe MARG{ETTI. MMENICA,: DETROIT 4992 DL4C3-2 15 ways to help you fight :i;g!: Ja4D3-1 Blame Lhe method,not the menu for putting lbs on many black women.Many foods cooked iu'ith salt porkrham hocks & other high-fat meaLs Ja 4 D 3-4 Recipes for defat.ted version of soul food, trim the fat keep the taste Ja 9 C 1-1 Dr. Dudley SethDanoff ,urologic surgeon & bookrsuperpotency: How to Get It,Use it, and maintian it for a lifetime-sLress self-doubtranxiety to blame f.or 95% of impotency cases. Ja 11 C 3-2 I,lhat makes some people like Sue Sillery regularly exercise arrd not other? Fitness starts wiLh a few simplg stgps Depo-Provera,lastest female contraceptive {3 A?.trlil marke -1993- Ja 18 E 3-2 Advice to Clinton on how to keep in top shape. EtCL-2 Cancer researchers are concsltrating on gener therapy and chemoprevention. F1C3-1 The 10 most conrnon types of cancer. F4DL-4 Fbst gastric utcers are caused by bacteria and are hlghly curable. E5F8-5 The Student Body: A Surrrival Guide to Collqge llting & WeightControl. _ F8D3-6 The influsrza B epidemic is plaguing everyone. F9D9-1 rs Best is hitting the stores. F 72 A 4-4 N Ires Michael Jackson rea11y have vitiligo? F 15 D 3-2 EsLeern, health orientd magazine and oLher new mags show healthy regard for people with special needs N'IARCI{ETTI, DOMENICA, : DEiROIT NEIdS I{RITER 1992 s01B2-1 Mich.Parole Board assailed by Sen.Michael Bouchard for releasipg co-nvicLed killer Michael Nancoff dout. appearance before board S 01 B 3-28-- Carl Levin blasts Quaylers announcement of upgrade program kfor Gen.Dynamics P1ant.,Warren-Bush cantt take credit - s02B3-6 $2 million each awarded to Tina and Tanrny Gentry by Macomb judge for years of sexual abuse by stepfather John Cook About Utica High School teacher, Gloria or3.,1? B#;$olrz Journalism Teacher of Yr. 019E5-5 Aft. 9 yrs, Lorenzo ttredtt Browning steps dn as Grosse Pointe s Mayclr, 77 yrs old 020B1-5 Andrew Trornbley, 22 charged in slaying of Deanna Seifert -L992- 0 23 B 6-lW astor Jeffrey Coort's Official gtarrd openilg 9f lr.i" church Nov 9 at Little^Theater, ew Heights Clrristian Church -qn FErd II High, Sterling Hts. O 29 A 1-1 SeiferL miy.have been raped by 3 men bef she was ki 0 30 B 3-2E lip €roh is a desedarrE of fluguenots N 4 A 8.2 Clndice Miller ousted Adam Nowakowski & SchabaLh N5Cl-5 ndrew Trombley ordered to stand trial in death of Deanna eiferL N5GL-2 colonic hydrotherapy rids the body_of toxins^Td, cures con- sLipation'& related digestion problems N 9 B 3-2 E go;co*ioo , 3L, oE lrlarr.r. Lested positive for HIV 5 to parent'tO yrs bgo, now shw $ives speeches 9 n 2-l New gene sLu

,9!J@!! @L. F14C3-6 Researchers say posttive emotional stat,es like l-overcare, et,c. have beneficlal effect on health F 21 C 3-1 {ew exercise videos Rejtrvenet,ics and More Rejr:venet.ics is lpfulrbut overhyped F23C4-3 ette smoke fotrnd in fetal hair,proof that unborn babies affected by passive smoke F28D3-1 Crit,ics of TonvaHardinE sav euiltv conscience is resDonsible for her less-than-stellar 6hdwing'at the '9.4 Winlefolympics New style of cooking,Hawaiian re[iooal it" way across the mainland "ri#H.1,n8r.1;3' MARCIIETTI, DOMENICA : DETROIT NEWS WRITER 1994 Mr 07 D 3-1 Review of 'rAl-ternatlve Mediclne : The Definit*tlve Guid.e't Ems ream ar Riverside Gen.Hospital o.r"r"Ti.o'r,?ru,oZu" * ,Glorta Ramirez emitted fumes;was it hysteria? Mr 14 C 3_1 ttThe Revielro of, book by Vance Bonner Vance Stancett; about, posturb rand eorrect way to stand ,1{r 18 C l4-5 Beview of hook "In The Student Body : Get Smart, Not Fat'r by J111 Brown and Jane Myers Mr 1g E 1-5 i rlJust hat*", Jaek.leUOibaS--aown line of diet menus, ca11ed Help Yourself'r Ifu 27 D 3-I r hbrt Giarzatano and his Bio-Bands bracelet that r,rill replace soda crackers to fight morning sickness. -1994- w25E1-2 The E\rolution of Desire by David M Buss; results of some studies listed in the book. W 25 F 1-5 Above researcher and more about his book"l4r 28 D 3-1 Sexual Healing by Paul Pearsall. Ao3BB-1 Dr. Julius Conibs Mieh. of yr Ab4ct-2 Testicular cancer is rising ln young *., Ap 4 C 3-t Annuatr Race for the Cure; raises money for breast cancer Ap C 3-5 3 new books for the mature mother-to-be Ap 5 D 12-1 vegetarian Resource Grp is sponsoring an essay contest on ve[etarianism 8P 11 D 3-1 How to take the bension ouL of tax time Ap tg E 3-1 Review of vldeo 'iRegls Philbin: My Personal WorkogElt Revl-ew of workout video "Boxergenics" by $B'25t9 fla?*"nit., MARCXIETTI, DOMENICA : DETROIT NEWS WRITER 1994 Ap 27 D ]'-2 The hlgh price of douchlng may be rhe risk of dtsease

Dr . charles vt ncenr, obs rerri. clan-gyne"ri. gt:. :3"1. l;1." birth cont,rol for t,een-age moms Ap Zg E 1-5 certain factal featurses form benchmark for beauty in all culturesrresearchers find My rrBreast-Teetr 02 C 3-1 t-shlrt hastrhow-tolrdiagram printed on front for performing breast self-exams W 9 D t-2 Do-it-yourself bath treatments. IvIy.,9=D L-4 Aromatherapy used as a medicine. My 9 D 3-1 Dtld hth treatments. My 9 D 3-5 List of lotions & oils. W L2 D 1-1 ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) does it cause betravior defi cit? -t994- My 16 D 3-1 Diet can take a bite out, of chronic fatigue My 23 D 3-1 CoverL Baileyrs Srnart Exereise: Burning Fat, Getting Flt Je 04 D 6-1 George Popovichrtheatre dir.Ilenry Ford Com:C611egerhas a I'theatri-calm garden at home in Romulus Je 06 D L-2 Intervi.ew w'ith doctors on Michelle Englerrs multiple birth pregnancy(expecring rriplers) Je 06 D 3-1 Review of videos for baby boomers on getting older Je 11 D 26-L Louise Mot.ologinrYorkshirerDet. rs garden is l-esson in ove coming timerspace & cash limits Je 18 D_ 14-1 - - Sharon Sctrmidt, of Grosse Pointe Farms and her friendship . Je2AD3-2 lu: Precautions clothing line called Solunbra. MARG{ETTI, DOMENIC.A : DETROIT NEI,IS IIRITM 1994 Je 25 D 26-3 Roses of Craig Coffey & Dotrg lt{anzagol of Dearborn Hgts. Je 25 D 27-L Mapili Jr of W Bloomfield T\,,rp and his showy Je 27.D-1-1 Det school offers trnique midwife clinic to help pregnant teens Je 27 rD-3-1 & mid.wives slowly gaining respecL, but. lay midwife has farthest to go Je 27,D-3-1 Virginia Lloyd fig hts an uph ill battle to keep pregnant teens in school Je 27 rD-3-4 Midwifery as career? JL 2, D-24-7 Harrison shows her Grosse Pte garden -L994- ,r1 12 D 1-1 Interview with Germano Mininrchef at Schmidtts new restaurant, Chianti JI 11 c 3-2 Tips for caring for feet from "symptons:Thetr'- Causes & cures,, Jl-18D3-1 Men's Hea1th magazine has overtaken both Esquire & Gent1e- men's Quarterly in circulation; very popular ,I1 18 D 3-2 Review of book "Bye Bye Babyfat:Reshaping the New Mother... Ivlind and Body" by Sandra & Michael Trexler JI 19 C L2-4 Review of book"The Power to Prevent Suicide:A Guide For Teens Helping Teens by Richard NEIson & Judith Galas JI 23 C 1-1 PoZ magazine lists 3 Michiganians (Mary Fisherr,fohn DingeII Robt.Root-Bernstein) among 50 who most affect AIDS policy in US ,JI 23 D 8-1 Roberta Lucers English country garden in Boston-Edison neighlqs5ood rooted in colorful memoriers MARCHETTI, DOMENICAT: DETROIE NEWS WRITER '{.994 Health Care Products came out with Oral Ease Automati Flosser & Power Brush JI 30 D 24-L Frank and ,foanne DeSantisrtrathrup Vi}lage garden is both flowers and vegetables Ag 01 E I-1 Dr.Debra Gussman designs home kit to show women benefits of genltal self-exam Ag 01 E 3-2 Wyeth-Ayerst Labs offers women "safer sex" kitrputting condom in birth-control pill kit Ag 05 C 1-1 women need to be better informed about breast feedingrsays Dr.Patrice Harold & others Ag 05 C I-2 !{aking sure your baby is getting the most from your milk Ag 06 d 14-1 Description of Sandra ;Ionesr gardenrnorth detroit Zucchini flower blossoms eaten in Italy;hard to find here -L994- Ag 13 D L6-2 Description of ,Janine Menlovets and Chuck Cirgenskirs ,Hamtramck Ag 20 D 28-1, rnterrriew gardener Judy Reed Ag 22 E 3-3 Author Suzi Landolphi new bood Hot., Sexy and Safer Ag 23 C 3-1 New virus Coxsackie Ag 23 F 3:2 Beef cuts labeled loin or round can steer you Lo low-fat meaL Ag 27 D L4-2 Marcia Pilliciotti & Mary Zatlna tends the yard at. the Det firehcuse Ag 29 C 3-3 Mayg_ clinic Family pharmacist interactivJguide oncD-RoM. slFf_favailabre Medical schoors are shying away from rrortio" frocedures. , l4SU & WSU offer some rype of aborri8nltE ?nlr,g. s5D3-3 Doctors still donrt know vfirat really happens vitren labor starts in women. s 12 D 3-I cooking magazine rated best among hearth magazines for ac- curacy a relj-ability; 11 scored ,'good; 9 ,'FAirr;Cosmopoli- tan -poor S L2 D 3-4 Dr. Stanley C. Grandon has done RK surgery on over IOTOOO patients SI3CI-5 How the Emmy Awards ceremony crowds dressed S 19 C 3-2 vilomen caring for hlomen, Broomfierd llilrs medical practice, run by all womenrincluding women doctorsrfor women only s19c3-3 Review of book "Eaving Babies', by Thomas Congdon -L994- s 20 F 1-3 Traveling the backroads of lta1y s 2l_ c l_-5 Study in aua said surqeons perform better when they listen to mUsic, like Dr.Robt.Higgins,Henry Ford s26C3-2 exercise video for your VCR. S 28 C 1-1 Operation on The l"earning-Ckmnne1. O 3 D 3-3 PDR Pamily Guide to women's Health Drugs %?."tli1>fion I{hen The Wornan You Love IIas Breast Cancer, book, will help cope. 010C3-1 WA\IE is a support for black women wtro are suffering fron cancer. oL7 C3-2 Cancer Recovery Eating Plan: The Rigfut Foods to Help Fuel Yor-rr Recovery by Dr Daniel W Nixon. O 2L F L-7 The Hot Zone by Richard Preston talks about Ebola virus. MARCHETTI, DOMENICA : DETROII NEWS WRITER 1994 o25D3-4 peview ,a of gigh of Rerief:The First_Aid Eandbook for Childhood Emergencies by Martin I.creen O 3I C 3_z study says r4romen under 45 who've had abortions have 508 higher risk of developing breast cancer_ thag qther women TV show "8.R.,,; critiqued by Henry u.rH 8f,.ErE"E, staffers ,,Body N07c3_1 Review of book & Soul: The Black Women,s Guide to Physicar Hearth and Emtoional werr-Being. by Linda virrar a N11H1-1 In wake of Susan Smithrs killing 2 sons, medical experts discuss mothers' urges to harm children N II H 6_I Discussion of sexually traasmitted diseases in Wpc -L994- N14D3-2 Readerrs Digestts Great Health Hints & tlandy Tips; More Than 41000 Ideas to Help You Look and Feel Your Best. N16H9-1 List of health books. N 21 E 3-2 Review of Louderl snowrs book, "walking over Medicine', about folk cures- N 2g C 3-I Lilias Folan has taught yoga on TV for 23 yearsihas videos out DorAr-2 Stud.ies show odor of cinnamonrpumpkinrlavender and other scents cause sexual excitement in men D 05 C 3-2 Amer.Cncl.Science,/Health says naturally occurring chemical toxins & carcinogens in everything we eatrbut very minute why Enqlers had all sirJ-s (tripletst P"0Er,Srf,"& ,rp to "chance"rsay experts D L2 C 2-L nevigw,foohook "The WelI-Fed Baby" by O.Robin Sweet &'Thom- MARCHETTI, DOMENICA : DETROIT NEWS IIRITER L995 Ja 09 C 3-3 Elizabeth WilkesrCa1if . rcreated "Clean CaII"rcovers for lic phones to avoid dirt & germs Ja 11 c L-2 Critics talk about Flayboyrs Feb. issue on older womenr"Fa bulous at Forty:The Girls Next Door AII grown UP" Ja 25 C 1-1 U-M Hospital personnel not happy r.rith new scrubs. Ja 25 C 1-1 People are returning to dedorant stones. Ja 25 C 1-3 Deodorant stone testers & their reaction after usins them. Ja 30 C I-2 Dr. Randolph Nesse rU. ofM,psychiatrisf , co-author of ![hy lJe Get, Sick:-Tire New Science of Dar:vsinian Mediqinq cyn

  • imothy McVeigh,Okla.bomb suspect believed Army put comput ehip in his buttocks;psychologists talk about paranoid like this MY 8 E 1-1 Birth control options. My 8 E 1-3 Some histoq/ on the Pil1; which is nbw 35. My 8 E 3-3 Past methods of birth control. My8E6-5 Process for a new contraceptive va@ine. My-of 11 F 1-1 Arlene Eisenberg & Heidi Nfurkoff co-authors lilrat fo Expect series. My 15 C 3-1 List on nelir women's health books on the shelves. My 16 E 3-2 Skiruny people have their weight problems too, like Diane of W Bloomfield. My 18 C 1-5 Facts about deadly disease from ZairerAfriLa "Ebola"; but U.S. should be safe from it My 23 F L-2 Susan PowLer in tovan to prornote ttn opening of her new health centers. w2s c1-1 Forrmrla game. - & Pollack MY 30 B 1-1 New over-the-eounter Pepcid AC. -L995- Je5B3-1 For aging boomers, trT?re Knee Book: EVerything You Need to Krow About Knee Disorders, T?eatment Optionsr md Mainten- ance Programs by Howard Kiernan. Je 5 B 3-2 in on The Newsr Getting.Fit team. Je 10 D 16-1 Garden of Barb & DrJ, Kennedy in Grosse Pointe Farms. Je L2 B 1-5 Receiving germs at the comrunion rai1. Je 72 B 3-1 How Men Can Live As long As Women by Ken Goldberg M.D. Je 77 D t4-L Craig Masching & his rose garden. Je 19 B 3-1 Fi.tness Swinrner, newest publication of Rodale Press. Je 27 F 1-5 IIRT (hormone replacemenrt therapy) should oner, or shouldn't one. Je 26, B-3-1 Ft+ Gaylordrs.'The Menrs Total Body t+Torkoutr never quite bre&s sweat in his tr-i.t video , D0MDVICA: DEIROIT NE[,[S IIRITER Lees unlocrcing safe sex wirh condom in key ehaiirilt";;-lr *.0 DoLrnosSounds Jlfl'1 1, D_g_1n-a-, Janet Banderars cottage-style garden has ,*6" rro"se appea 'silent' sexuar transmitted diseaserhr-rnan papittomavirus, is darlgerous olq hard to detm,t n 3, n-S-1 Iake heat off your pet dr:r 80 degree weatherrwhat you need to do JI S, A-:+ ts about HPV (htrnan papillomavirus)rearly ietection pre- ts cancer [ 5, B-L-2 ting your microwave to test of cooking meais x 5, B-5-1 conmitted.cook takes on microwave on ordn tr-rirrecipes list ---1995--- Jl 8, D-L2-2 Emestine BainsrDet.gardener give perennial nd to Africa, shaPe of her garden Jl 10 B 3-r REview of Kardn Voight.rs Strong and Smooth Moves video on exercise JL 22 D 10-1 Description of Ken Marekrs gardenrLivoniaiitrs a garden of collections 1963

    T I MORE,-OF BALT IMOFE Cours,carLs rr qurrs es rErivi FiiiEn AFTER 12 BS JA 15. FL-3 Flor-rsronr-Fnarur fu aru or LI.EvELAND^ -1965- URoI,Ns sT-FFERED RIGI-[T sHo''LDER tNJ MAY NEED SURGERY WHEN ABovE TTCKLED HtM tu Jl 10 Pno B.o,lt- GAt'rE-cHG ABOVE IdAS Ot'T TO GET H IM ----1 972---- F9, D-4-1 AsovE vorED tN THE FOOTenlu HnLL oF F6mr--Gnrerrt fUURCTiETTII T/ICTOR LI FORN4ER COA EWLOYEE 1972

    Jusr o ce 0epr oBTA 0 HED rErcponenv nesiie i,( iio'oriDEe To PBEvE!\tr ABovE Fno!4 o i scLos I Nc t{ | GHLy cr_AjLs rfdFhJ4{"r.pRMA rilol.o$*-s. rr\c ENJoTNED FRor4 v ror-ArrNG ur! rqUE bi'A oreoo. oo sEcREcYi !F GovT u/tNs sulr AGST H l[1 _i !T v/ouLD HAVE sTRotic wEApoNG vs. sECUR try t-EAKs n-Torr-r Ju 24" A-1A-1 [ancuqrr t rs cLouo N tNE Loc rc-Eo tr" Je 28, A-2:4 &JotrnD.MeRKs wRtrE tTHECIA aruo rre0uLr or-lrurELltoeuiErrwtL BE SERtALtzED tn Neurs Jr- Tr B-4-1 Hts eoor cALLED BREA.H oF .E19TBY-HEINL J^ 9t e,-G1 URces .lotrur0onorcoMHrFRoBE oF ENTTBE uS tnrautGENoE opERA TIoN-BERNsTEIN -t987- N 15, f-g*40 LlyEs lr VlEt{NA, Vl wonrtile or{ Boor Aoour lilTeLLl BUgINEAS PLUS NOVEI.O h{ArcHE/,,SKA. CASX{IR J. : Atr{ED SERVICES 1945 I t6unpa,o rN AcTlo N MARCHI, JOHN J.: FOR MAYOR 1969 , H-tc-- NEU' YoRK-DEFEATED JOHN v.L tNDSAy rN MA"S%-pEltggtES- Pnqs.IIIxoN ENDORSES CANDIDACY oF ABo\E roR Iaavon orIW 22' c'7-1 NEW By NEW yoRK DA ru,-y NEws- -o '.RK-END.RSE 'THEODIRE MARCH1BR,1D,\, (TED)- FOOTBALL: U CF D. 1952 ti 15, 13-7 AeovE..HAs REcoRD on 54 easgEs FoR MoRE vARDAGE THAN EVER BEFoRE GAr oJ lruI I\ U.S.coLLEGEU.J.I,\,LLLbL rooraaLu-SpoELSTRAI UU I TJALL-JP,ELSTRA ro A n c ^D 28 , 4-T-5 Amve ls oNLy srAR oN Yamree rEAM tN etue-GRav FooTBALL GAI{E t?T^':*lro' Aeove ro pLAy oN prrrssu*oH ffiffi3';3ffior. ,.* TRlusrens ro ST.BoHavENTURE To coMpLETE coLLEGE BEFoRE eutAv tnro prrrs.ruRen SreLLens RELEA'E I'3i,'E3o New gacxFtelo coAcHr oF Hesxrrer*juB?5ll!:^""rrItHI- ,ta t6, F_2_4 AMED NEw Hlao coacH or NFLIs BeurtMoRECom 6, * 1_tr ADING BAUTIffiORE COTTS !NTO PLAYOTPS-I'IIDDL!'AS *1976- S 6, F-4-1 Blrrmoae-REStGN€D AFTER DtsPurE 5 7, C-4-4 BalrtMoRE-HoPES HE MAY BE LURED BAct{ S I, F-1-2 loor BalrtMoRE-RENIoTATED E- rm4oRE-MAy BE. HANDED ,ALK,roit?Ift"s8s As "EiiBl&i#fcpLI'FNci:' tfrr +ouaoe-E,E.h av rlnr rc- [&BoE5-+[E'Er BIo9oh,IS' -1982- co-o'D, i'#-u * quo BaCKS COACH.-0!lhnA "#Gf; t944 t PRISONER OF E'AR UERMAN 4-L945--- MY 17. 30-1 LEASED FRO&4 PRISON CAMP ..h- 13 r' 19-6 To LosE 10 LBs BEFoRE eiotnc BAcK oN i{ouND },IARCHINDA, ANIHOM: MARIM 4994 t4r L7 A-3-1 Quantico, Va- 24, of Troy; drowned during training aL marine base I{r 18 B-L-2 His lifelong dream to be a marine ended tragically--Mu1 HAREHIM 1959

    LorooN'rcxtrG LEGs FgReEs BRrrrss Anuv Cpl.foofl-o KNlc$r'toA;l?fw Hts AITE!{PT TO BEAT U.S.RECoRD MARCH!NG oF 103 MILES Iu 40 xns.3o mI Fonr Devems,MAss-4 U.S.anMy soLDtERs sEr .our ro BEAr aH,?lgrtll;i. RECOM MTqBCEIONE, PISBffi --- SUSPECI 1930 Form 1656 The Detroit Nows D 1"9, lli-g Fouad gutlty of consplrlng to vlol Fecleral Narcotlo Law, to appear before Judge Mol,net D Lg for senteace D ?At lui. Oi.vea 2 years, D &n rludge Msi,aet. MARO}|[ONE,, mOrunl4 s AT-trluY 1984

    Jn 12r E-2-3 Vl GReruoRnp !DS-AGE]9 pLEADE@ GU!LTY TO EVAD ! Nq TAXEs MAH0Hl0NE,. tlush. S lv(JHuEf{El{ \978 , [itt,HOLLvrN.J.SSIHeLO lN CoNNECTIoN u,l'TH DEATH OF tlER NEW- BORN. t To wer Rosrrun t m"-of- sAyS FooD srTtATlos ll{ ITALY,-..-.-[ffi{I r{As GROTdN GRAVE-NAJDUCH^-.,_ .,.*."-:.n;'{Tj \ccEprs rNVrrE ro aooRes6 Nrcx.coffiiilS'3i-,.n;,e*or,3[ l;lfl-f- ot AJDucFf __1955___ il )Roposes W zz, 8_10_4 CHANGES tN U.S.trytGRATtlN LA!{s rdlLL BE THE Toptc oF Dt tDN r,rHEN ABOVE SPEA

    trt q'- s-:-s w?[-y^fl,i(T[L', Y l,il.,'*Xi,'L1',:* 1947 LD !N THEFT oF 14 Girus FR PIQuETTE fuuonv trtl| dhUNDInE oF FRIET{D ExPosEs GUN-THEFT Jt' 6, 6-2 & orHERs AcousED BEATtffii ,.fi&ffiD co.,pt-E l'ff 29" 16-3 lrLo roR rr,rvEsrrc,{rlu* or-fr*&ffiri T,,RDER,FIRED 'ffOI{ BBtr€-?POL!Ctr III FAI.IILY IG}ITilrr 3 9;9;2-z Z-z rtns sct{Tc oF g(Enys tuX951":- i.h' 3" 1E€ IilrE TIVICTED FELOIIIOUS ASSRULT-GIVEI! li. TO 4 YRSP rrLED FoR ar?ErrprED HoLDUp oF BaER ,,i#8i3il.l.$ Fa^il 44 uer-o roR Dec J noaasnv-3P7f6r*"'" lrr.P*16srhl-7*t RrcHrqohto -1977- D 50, E-2-1 E GerE 1O-20 vns FoR TIEt ELRY sronE llot.ot P IVIARCHMAN, KEVIN : U.S,. DEPT.HOUSING & URBAN DEVEL. ]-995 A9 30 D 3-l D.C.-Says Detroit could lose HUD money if it d.oesnrt start using it-Bivins , ltffi. ltlARGAffiT - FOREST RAfiGER I 935 .ts laraEr4-69X" hfl.v FoREsr mHcER tfl us.(Hs{AF);rqiGEg-t!Sf,_ @ cuBs of -oRE ---1937- - FZfia.Ad,ri[D-LiFE d tr6; Spems GREAT INTEREST !N FOREST COIISERVATION, IIER WORK-!.OO!ilIS MARCH0N - M.,4.ffiOHAhlD I'IARCHO!X. DAVID - I,ENIhIGITIS NEATH 1966 INFANT DtED gENrNGrrrs-sAr,1 2 YR-oLD oF spfNAL Dp. HOH,DI R ECTOR OF EPTDEMTOLOGY FOR nerROrt Heer-rH nepi- . t933 Sstr"#sfurN rtt Lrrcrur ram#tPi[oit News .Zi2-l L', Nc Mo, EMEl{rs D zzra-4 {,ftlt"tr 6BAc7r MY 417-4 ALET*T,DER smprs .ELD As r*iil'?*'il",ou I'tARCt{tx, tdlt_LlA}4 T.: pRIS4NEF: RUSSI1$TI Al4ERlcN 1954 AqovF ts RUssrA HosrAGE S rs T!-l& U.5'DEi4ANDS RUSSTA REVEAL tF ABOVE lS BETHG HELD pRlSfttER D za, l-t Rrnon our rHAT Russrans pLAH To RELEASE ABovE HELD pRtsor{ER

    Russrau RE''RTED roHrrvE orrr..r,rffil3fiiio ,... o*Jf Ja" 3' ': 6-7 - U.S.orFtctat.s conFtDENT RUsstA soot utLL KEEp trs pRollsE To RELEASE [BovE Je 6' 4'r3 5] RuuoR nusstANs wtLL FREE ABllvE lN N.xr rwo oR THREE DAys Jr 8, 1-1 AsE BY Russtlws .la 9, 1-1-1 lr lS GooD Yo EE FREE Ja 10, 30-1 U.S"orrtctAls eutz ABo\tE ABotr RusstAN sLAvE cAs4ps F g, S-1 5, Bent-tn-CneD HlrHDEsERTt,)N oF U.S.ARr,rv ro RusstAN & GtvtNG THEM tNFoR- MArloN Ap 13, 64-1, ABovE pLEADS tNNocENT ro cHc oF DEsERrtoN AND AssoctArtor clri ronet P(UER Mv 2A, 4-7 Bentttr-orvEN 12 yRS FoR DESERTtITG To RUSStANS G,veru 12 vRs rN pRrsrN ,r* o,iiffiu1t?3;;r. ,, HIrS?i '-'-' , 018-tr AYLOR ABOVE 24t ANo KATHERINE DURHAM 21r KILL THEMSELVES lrrlTH GUN MARCHULI0NIS, CHARUNAS : SOVIET BASKETBALLER 1989 Je 21, E-6-6 Zareeb, Yugoslavia-has govt 0K to play in NBA wlrh GOlden State Warriors Je25 A I-l NBA drafts Soviet player Je 25 D l-5 lJarriors sign NBAIs lst Soviet INE - UI,TROIT I 935 *eF r?dssq!N6- q,qffi Jorur A s*"*iia:1l** ,. , i| E'H I'*'f-'fllt,5Hf gEs€E8PTt6N OF PAtet:::':::::.:.__- $iftrll GDYIIER GAiiS CIOR BU ?D reTUEt t&GG EErOre_ HiBED a-. Jf ZZ. S Posrcam rELr-s oF ITARRSAGE To.m AOnesBEH lr,r sorrxl-aEl5^E:6 uAvs oF FEAR coi.,iE & Go zuT ctRL DoEsltrT RETURN Ao Z.t5_a - FQryI gEryEnEg;Prq5eqr^.sqcGEsrs ron gc 'irARRANr Qnesoeru al fs-Z +t AUDITORS TO SUPPLY T/l ARC}N'M PAMPHLETS IF PICKERT A5K5 FOR THEM Poltce RENEw utNT; z MEN AssTGHED To ArD ulouEarts ,,fir?E*ttt AG 20rr.-6 Fouup ttlt Los foqeEues l';trs JouN A DaesDElr # ?1,o+2 ftbtuen EAGER FoR HER To RETURI{ HofitE 1944

    Form 1656 As IBJ?-E I N AGTIOil MARCIA, SISTER MARY: ARCHDI0CESAN OPP0RTUN , OIRECTOR OF ARCI{OOOCESE PROGRAM TO CARRY BOOKS TO !N'ilER crry cr{rLDREI{ ro rEAcH EN.'oYME{$79I ..0P'I8;1fi9{*:r.- Rums AncHDtooEsAN Muurt-MeotA CeNTeR.MnnseR My8, N-1-2 designer for Guess clothing s[arts own fi rm Misf i rs. $4ARCfAl$0, PETE : mtER 1960

    Hteut-BnoweR or cHAM?.RcKv l.leRctruorus FtRsT ,tu*? 3;.kk' MRCtAi\do. R0CKY BoXER lYll|949 , Bears Canunue Vtneo,cAUstNG tnljl_I?"8[111'*o, o,.*, ,.. ,r* tdtr,rnEn 27 srRAIcHT-READY r) FIcHT EzzARD CHARLE5 D 31, 4-1-1 i',lannleo 'FBaRslne I'1le Coustns D 3ntx t:--tn51-- 39-5 K0rs Rex LavNe rN oru o, t'ty - *G13' To rrrsr .loe Lours 0 11rx rt PoLo Gnounos ^ q-r??'r1-22' tllrs'tkOErrs TKO oven ..lre..lrE Louts 0 26rx NY trttl 8rx , o 27,27) 11-3LL-3 -- Biocxvor,r,Mass.-lbnre rotlN oF ABovE GoEs_igb3:yt^ LourF lllrlrYl.to*" Suaucxrens tee Srvor-o ltt 7tx noutto TKO F 13rx *" PioviiiiNcE.R.J.-aeerrus 3o oav susPENSloN;wlNs 3Ro Rouno ft3,o?'#**,, Aqi[8!;fi;;;-;;';;.,s rN 2no RouND LAsr N,rE d"?Z:-1i=1 iit-i"-'','^-i'$i'iriicdri''s-i5,FIi|l -'- s 2+,'5t-3 Firr-i-il iNs'rdiw-'iii roxr cxaup tonsntp rtrLE FRIM Joe Wa5corr, urn Prrus srare & ElsrOh,l.t Txs,rrens lq DE.T.HAvE CoMPLqTE sElL o0r ro cRowo TO SEE IBOVE'S BCUT TCITH JOE WALCOTT ON IV-UIANDLER. COI.IITIO S 25' 59-4 G:nsloen uoue TV FoR BrG RErrArcH oF ABovE & tdalcorr . o 5. 4-24 RETUSES PERMISST]N TO REFEREE MATCH BETIdEEN RoIITuo La StAnze & LIElre NoRrusI\IORKUS 0U 20rnZOTH 0 9. s8-.6 Enororen oF TtrLE Bour ApcuEs ovER uNsoLD TtCKETS D to-'og-t "Gose ro REGEI.\€ Boxrne [,Jntrrns Assw.Natru TRopHy D 26, L8-7 NanEo By RING f'lao. as FIGHTEF oF rHE vEAR la 9. 45-4 Pnss.Jas.D.Nonnrs HoeES FoR FrRsr DEFETsE---1oF3-- oF rrrLE eeein'iiAcArr.tii ]rdE-wru--i5e'wa Qorrgorr oo BE HELDIIELD rn!N [arcaeorApnruLatcAcorApnru 10rx & 11, 4-l-64-!-6 ApnlLApplL LnlrlnrH ANNoUNCED lsas reuiarrvErewiarrve olrgDATE FoR ABovE's @[email protected] wtint.J ITH JoeJoE hlalI corr tN UilcAGo tA L6, 4L4 AsovE ctl,Er.r Eow"J.NetL BoxtNG TFonHy FoR coNTRtBUTtoNs ro Boxt tu !52 Jr 16, 4l-2 BS 2 Atovi-onoenED ro DEFEND rrrLE oN oR BEFoRE A"nrr- loril^ jl'rdl-i-ils Aeove lenees r Bour As oRDERED ey ApRlr- F 22: A-a-t Aecrc ro sHARE RADIo-TV reE o;53nn.ono6 ron Hts Bour- wrii'JensEV..i l{arcorrtrlarcorr rrlrt,l CrrcacoCrrc4co SenrlApnrl lnruinru MR'3i,qR 3L- E4z54 ABorrE To Flcnr loe Walcorr lu Olceco- Apnru lOrx;HELps tN TtcKET FOR FI6HT Ae t5, t-7 pHystcALLy ttt r, Rgponreo Ftr FoR rlexr Mv 15rn Mv 9. -J13-2 - Snuas .Jensey .Joe ldn-cctt AT THEtn MEETTNG FOR PHYSICIAL EXAMIUATION- Sraplen l{y trl., 4_Z_! To lRarr roR our wtrH t'lnucorl lh 15rx rn HctuauorMrctr. ( NEXT CARD) MRClAllor R0CKY MXER I 953

    GrvEs $1,6^0 lV sEr ro Rev,Lenov V.borqev;rar-us & anea{t'iit"i4 .,..i F ee?Tr.a rt rto Mvrrt 15. 1-1 !,HILE SETTING IT UP rcE -,t - TV sx:wtlt' oF aicilrsABcvE Bour i.JtrH t'la'_c.rr roNrc"Hr SLASHES A BOUT ili^iiirrirE*otl'lY rJ1 sru J Fiiix BoccHtccto sLAsTs AB)'E;TELL5 Hlt"! N )r to sour,,'-bE-wALcorr lN COMING BOUT Mv 16. 13-3 6E-l,tar-ioii.lrr hlar corr uoses Bour ro aaovE i{v 15rs tw 0lcaso-Suplen F'lv1'1Y t8.18. 1-5 5* F{ovtes SHlid THAT,loe l{et-ccrr SAT rN CAtlvAS 10 sAcoNP.S ril-K0,sV aBOvE Mv 19. 37-6 lbvres oF FtcHr sNEER Ar TV ytews.'lF F.lcHT t'lY 25. 33-4 BB ifioG'rilvrieo'-io. oinnen wlrxl'Reg,lKE JE" 5rH .[--13.27-3 To-;; ii'Roilnro-LaSiiiiza Sepr. Zllrn. r4 NY JL 1s.-51-2 pAcr LA5TARZA Sapr. 24rn To sl n roDAY To FTGHT "oLAND JL 15. 1-4 5' AeOvE StCntS pACT TO FI6HT ROuatqo LaSranZa Se"r.24rH To DEFE$ID HEAVY rt^ld#'ilril*^ ;-..r,;.r, ',; .;., FcR ABovEls FrGHr- *,rn lo'sril;f fi:l,I;{lilr-.*",-^,, Llsranza rn New Yonr s zarn-sar-3rieEn43-s BRrrrsx cNrM roru,Dr- co?il133i;-Jr-, ,, r?riftrffiteii:rri il:r:,n*, Fir-i r*rarE ExHrarrroN rouR oF Fan Easr D z Rerunus rR N r,oDwrLL rouR oF la eo, D ,i:-71=l-FEg. lE'r-t oErenro nts cxauproNsHrp AGST Dauruv Nanolco tr Mtaut 24rH Aeo,E ro sacE EzzaRo Grapues I ,t-i*liflffirr* o, yo[*31's??i],r, +' 2t. 65-2 NYC-ro rremr EzzaRo Granlgs ls YanrrEe Sraoruu E tzrx nl*la-,"26-z !.E.0'Bnyarur;rrcR. oF oqlpg TxEarEr'rsAys rtcKETs FoR agovE's r-t nr ut lxanues Jr lzrx ARE ltow oN sALE Mv t6, 4-t-5 lonotqto-trEts LETTER THREATENTUG LIFE :tF H's wtFE & cHtLD Je 17, 1-3 NYC-Asove's EDGE on Ezzmo Qaeues-ron FtLHr rorutcnr,ts-Z poi [oie rnru Cuanris:asoe 182*. GranlEs 185+ JE 18, 43-3 Hlcxroaru Txiaren"- rN Dei. To sxow asovE's FtGHr oN TV,tN- eFeclAL cL eo-Cii.TVrn-iip-Tv - +JE 18,18^ 43-3 lrl rus rieir rn.EzzaRo GaRres k tTta tN DEcrstoN:Foui.Hr 15-noultos; tnt New Yonx clrv YeureE Staoruu-CneeruE -rg 3n' 56{ Wrlu lror rtont Ezzano Cnnnues AGATN FoR HEAVYwEIGxT cHarptorsHlP uN rr.. Ar LEAsr FEBRUARy __-1956__ - D !, Qf15 Ionosro-puANs cor,{EBAcK .. *-1957@ G 19; 70'6 IO.END ASSOCIATION HITH MGR. AL^ TIEILL . DfiVrD !954 jt uroeRooes pHysrcrAL E,AM av-Ny srale BoxrruG coru,. 33: i?i't" Aeove suRE oF vrcroRy ovrn Ezzaid CHaiiii'rru-Siii.-Ae-)l--"-AG-7;'t7-i I-z-=* " Ig_ngry_CflRL_s AGATN.sN gEpf. 15 TRoTEST BLACK OUT OF tV vtEtrtNc OF Hts FTGHT AT H%E 2'.4-t_T,2' Jo uave rbro MoRE FtGHIs & rnqru RETTRE ts-RUftmRED S s.'a-t-t-t; slGNs FoR FrGHr wrrx Ezzano Cxaues tN SEei":,' - S 15- 65.i7 - ABoVE FAVoRED ovER Clmues S 15: 1-6 BB F|GHT oF ABovE tlrrx cxanrqs posrporuED FoR 24 HRs rruE i6 naim-Srlpr_es TRousues oF THEATER' rN .ER:ArN crrrEs sHowrNG o"o?.tPinll]Lor. 1'-3 WtNs sour rR Ezzano CHaeuEs s 17rx ru K0 lnr urc-Srirl.3,i &reng^ $zqo,coo ev cuerN Govtr ro F rGHr rurNo VqLolst?h fr3;io.cu"o

    AL.A.:FIqSE FtEALt uG F t NE --1955- F S,'LZ-6 rHILA-JOHN IJANNIGAN HELD FOR SENDING THREATENING IqTTiNS TO ABOVE F 25' 41-3 Aaove ro HqvE Bour ou Flv 19 wrrH DoN Cm.reLL t' smir FRerucrsco-werexs rN FoR FrGHr roNrc;i1i??;-o**I#ti.l* Saru Fnarucrsco-wrNs FBour FR. ttor,r cocreuL rN 9rH -r$Ltili fef w L7.L7,4L-6 4L-6 San'Fnaructsco-AeovErs pRlze rlorrrEy FR. FTGHT wltu Dor'rON CodreLL.LOCKELL. IS $rzo,ooo i; ,i:-BB:6 5AYSAYS-HE HE fiILL BE GLAT} TO DEFEND HIS TITLE AGAINST ANCHIC'MOOREncH I g'Moone .. JE 30, 58-5 Pacrrrc Colsr orreRs ABoyE $1r250rocc roR MooRe rro.ir_ ' Jt 2. t7-7 To rtoxr AncrtsAncHts Moons-Moone, 15 RouNDs,RouNDs- S 20rH20rn ar YarurEE.SraoluuYaNrss Sra6ruu rlr lry AsovrAgove rlcHrrreHr wrrH ARcHtEARcHTE MoonEMooRE sqpr.SEpt. zo?O ro BE cARRlrncARRrJi ?3'03?:'tN'DET. THEATER HAFClAlloi R0G'Y: Ae 23. 26-5 NYC-Aaovels lrrst xtru Ancxte t'looae oveR SENTET\ICE Or I WOnOS OURtllG T}EIF CONTRAGT,SIG}{I}IG AG 22ND 5 a, 4-4-a-1* NYC-lnrenr,rartL Boxrpe Oue ANNouHcEs Ltsr oF FTGURES & esrluales to- DAy FoR aeovE.rs BouT t{trH Ancgte Hoone Sgpr. 20rn ru NYC s 2a, 1+ NYC-Aaovers FITH wlrH .ARcHre Hoone rs posrponED rw. 21 HRs DUE To HIFRtcA!{E lone appRoacHri.G crry S^20,29-5 AeovE ravoFED rN Bour HrrH Ancute l,bne-&eeue - 5 zz. r-g Aaove KHocKs our AicHrs Hmnr, tn 9TH Rout{D E 22; 6L-5 Sevs rantly r.At{rs Hti{ To RETTRE FRs{ THE ntug-GrEeng S 22- 1-B BB ilvs rg HILL DEFEND Hts rrrLE NEXT Jur:E AGST oNE or 4 opporuefrrs N16169.6 Jtm:Nonnts GETB tN ARGtfii,ENT BtrH ABovE TRA,NER AL HetL te 6ur xrs TRAINIT{G H 17, 62-A Clrcels pLANs ro eo oEER HrrNTtHG tit !tlc]t. -- --*-1956_- * 'O[F Rto-oecurnEs To c NFrFr{ oR DEFry l New Yonr REFoRT THAT HE HAD DEGID- ED T,'} RETIRE FR)M THE RING Fln 31' 9.€ Vacltt-rrus tn Rto-ralrs oF RET|RTHG F1986- , Ap 19, 45i-t hororen Jtrcl l{tnRlv Accrr:9ED CwrrNo eaove b punse gdtt--' Ae 27, 1-5 BB NYC-fterrnes r,lDAy As HEAVvT{EIGHr crAmproN oF w?RLD t ,*ffiolE: ,_, NYC-QuesrroN{UESTION AsAS roTO tlo}'lHot, cooDGOOD wlstdAs aeovE{rlLsvAB0VE-TFALEY Myvtv 4- 574nz4 ToN,l'{ASs.-H ragrowu HDLDS eARADE F1F utm Ftv 3no E Z, Caruroru.Mass.-tlAMEDNToN.MASS.-t.rAMED cHp. 'rr.)F.ScontHc ScoRrHc & RULESRuue s coMM.FrR NarrL-eai-3;lNarrL PGA eour cxar.r. lirusurp ar uuue Hrur -ruurpv ce-us rL 20rH rn ,flnu. !_2 5. ,nAss.-€NrERs lrrsprTAL Fon lrREi*cHED BAg( rnenfieli .L 11r 65-4 hoo

    De s MorruEs--Law".*" il191"';;;, .r.ur$55,/lo;l;3, tr AGSr Feo Arrnrnl/pMrNrs cHARTNG ERBoRS & orqlsstoNS EN lN coNNEC , H- l- I s nelar t ve orFRaruKJ.KEltey, HE RUNS HoNEsT cAR DEABERsH I p REpATR DEpr"FonAl LorueFoRo-Mt-Eczxo MARCICT.I, $SEPH F.: DETRNIT MAFFIC VIOLATION t953 r zl-l NITE IVEN 10 DAYS FoR No LICENSE in oo,**,* pARw BE,NG r{ELD FoR erEsrronT#r 'o-* "..**e* N 13, 15-1 IVCN 30 DAVS FOR BREAKING UP BIRTHDAYPARTY & 5TRIKITIE 2 EINI-S Ir lN FACE Ap g, LZ6 GIVEN 90 DAYS FoR AuTo THEFT ---1954- MARCleKl, STANT-EY- trEEN4cE DR'NKING pARW t953 o*" Beptm nelo FoR er,usTroNtNc rN TEEN-AGg DR8NK,NG "oHrY'Ae 1o, 10-4 ARFESTED IN POLlCE RAID FOF DRINKING---1954--- IN PARKED CAR I 24_ 1-1-8 RESTED FOR INVESTIGATION OF GANG FIGTIT },IARCICKY, KIRK WALTER : MURDER CI{ARGE 1995 Mt T6 c 3-2D charged in murder of Gary Rocus,FordMotor engineer in Dearborn-Ankeny Mr 16 C 6-15r Pair will stand trial in deaLh of gay man- Ankeny IE-RIEVIERE" JEAN PiERRE * FRENCH BANKER 1973 r Es[vlRs.ERilEsrKANzLER-Bne I TMEyER lE-RIEVIERE, i.fiS.JEAN PIERRE - tdlFE 0F FRENCH BANKER. KX&(f,Q0fi8Kffi (crsEMA?lE RAVELLI ,,,JE1CGR) - s^C1r1y lYoc -: [email protected] lrrvevqn 4^/q ''^': ,;,r,lr* I$&'p'"itT, E,Hf 0 ef l?:h nu o*og il#l** -,. GncsePrc.-KeLLrn 0 g. B-1g_1 r r,rGtr GRosL"Foi** House HAs-Ar-L usuAl ^;l?13;T, o*, ,u,.i ii8;l;arrR* oF ";T:::";:ff:X-,,",-;of-1e72- N1e' F-10-1 - tgso_ F 16, A_t_) Sues ev eRtsrrrua FoRB FoF sI-ANDER FoR {itOmluutoru-SroruE & Aruxsruv t948 rtnnr r.D rN DEArr oF *rs'As t 36: 33f LLII.G CHARGE DROPPEDI HUSBAI|D DIED OF HEAM DISEASE IrJON BELLE lSLE WAITERS HACE. 1965 MARCILHACY" PIERRE - FRAI\OE ITICIAN 'rtieiul.G Prnls*eovE RlGt{T hrINGER To RUN AGAINsT Cxnnues iil-fue pne ODENTIAL ELECTION . lLlS. C0RTEZ: SHOT 1971 Ar Ee, s-4-tu SHOT TO DEATH BY PATROI.MAN Roruauo Jorues ouR!Nc RoBBERv- cASE UltlDER I NVEST t cAr I oH- R1.6SEu- - Rtot 1966 t PLEADEO II{TIGEiII o 12, c-8-4 TR I AL ORDERED W24B1-2GP 18 yr o1d senior at Crestwood High in Dearborn Hgts won a Grand Award in the Sr Div of the 37th Annual Metropoli- tan Science & Engineering Fair. - McCann MARCIN" TED - INIIIOGNT EX-CONVICT r965 pguvenCrrv.eolvrcrEo rr,r'33 oF MURDERTTd^r, nnmEirliEui^ie6,50,cE?s $351000 FRoH sTrTE or ltl AG'11, C-16-5 SpnlruGrrErD, lLr,-fi EeEtvEo $35r000 rRol lr-urNors LEGTsLATURE MARCINAK. MARY : P0LITICIAN r 985 llr 21, B-1-1E Ster'l ing Hts-counci lwoman wont seek reelection MARCINAK. MARY: P0LITICIAN 1985

    Sterling Hgts Councilwoman to retire Nov 22-Walter HARCITUK, VAL@|E 0EmCtT AD ICoHAN 1958

    &rvs rNrEREs? rlr RAcETRAcT-Grr-r- t- ' F,l:^5t*"1ZrC-2-1 -Buvs lrl"vts lsuap rN Canreaqarv Sqa -toqo--- Jt $gtffgmtN& eOtIrSNHAIF??6EU i6e66gErsftr?HLy-1WO* ALL rdoMEN AD- Mv Arr-r- womar' Ao AcENcy .ro"rl]-il3TJ;iil*. J1, D-4-60 )' ARnesreo rN GAMBLING RArD By IRS acerurs INIAK, EDI{ARD - SilCAGo C0F{M|SS|0N 0N HUMN ptLATlo$tS 1963 iHous -ir-srss o spEAK or,r r NG:-EvERY6HEts UFt NIsHFD .Bus r ursin tor,r oF qrMUNtTv Rrtertons Fmuru Apnru lE rr Druav Hrax Sciool' b sperr Ar coM*uurry RELArroirs ronur Ap 18 rH n *S frla"t3;l". Ar 19, 8-13-6 srvs nrctrl BtAs tH Hqrst.G ts or{ THr HANF RecervEo 7rH r*ruEL Aqrr*ras c".Gl:oftGo ,oo TIONS IN HIS FIELD OF WORK ",#!rlfu,$613"ro,u,* I{ARCIIAIK,GERALD P.: SIUDENT: U OF I{ r 958 3' 36-5 To racr cq,rRT HEARrnc FoR FIGHT HrrH Ar.lr,,AnaoR pot-tcgua.,& z-t Bu Fr.,ro $$33 FoR tsRAwL wHrLE DRU,K hJrTH cop 'Je:' I'JArcINITIK, FTARRY: I.IAMIRAfiOK SOLDIER lr945 fssll.tc, "'J, N 1s, u-15-4 Klueo Ev IdnnReN H0USEHoI-DER wAS TRYING To BREAK INTo H!5 I.I@,,!E N 18 l'i 20, A-20-7 HoRtrtEs sEEK To rRy AS ADULT 16-yR-oLD wHo !!As witH aaovr tNl TTEMPTED HOUSE BFEAKTNG WHEN ABOVE wAS KILLED N 21, 4-23-4 oIvERIs INoUEST INTO FATAL SHOOTING OF ABoVE ASKED BY PRosecunoR .PlRnls I''lARClNlAKl TIM: MURDERED lggg ' s 10 B-t 1-4 20, killed by rifle shot after argument with girlfriend. AR0[ l',!8 ixlt I 98I

    D 29, L5.1 D GnanoRnpl os-sEEK6 AsY!-um I N U.5 F{ARCINIAKS, SYLVESIER: LARGE FAMILY: Dl[,,i0NDALE,|.iICH' 1957 F t6' 2-L dlrE orvEs arRTlr ro 19rhr c*rlg MABCINKIEWTCZ, DR. 0EAnLES J" r.930 Forn 1656 Tb. D.[sotr N.rr Jo B, .?;7 Gov.Green appolats abover, 3a 21 to lillch Stde Boar& DeataL Ekem. D3rz.-sutlsc r oN Srere Bo or Delrtsrnv-1936F-- ay Gov. Fttzceealo l\P 24.L4-3 i-l rED ,\PR.23 :tra-- - 1? e-14-5 \,'Jt re, Cuaetorre..!, , D I ED t'l 29'" iiAmtffi0, EDhflRD A.. Af,ifv AtR cws sEmzur, ETmlt lg44 lsrnxa orlrrrrorr$,rED Ftyrm cioss s la, o's t'4ARCl NKOUSKI . qSi,{ERE BRUhtr: t945 1IIOUNDED Jl 19 E 1.-2 Feels Lhat job security in the contract talks is a myth since he has been laid off 12 times in 13 years. - Naughton flnrclM(ftEK!' EIIC,EM F. AL@NAC, MICHIGAN 1937 Form 1656 F 23.3-1-CtW lHDrerED_FgR qercptRAcv ro oEFRATD krrr.o[r oF $4Q.fr$ BV THE usE oF USED BEER BARREL STAIPS ufilll-E stTH [iAYllE BREelNa GO.-F 2Br1-13+ fugnos lDrNrlcEttT, HEBD FOR ?B0AL t944 Foro 1656 S 11,, 2L-5 ILLED IN AGTION TO BETECTIvE PBo{OTED ---1966--- s 9, A-1-2 SPENT HIS FREE T IME TO cLEAR susprcr LEr ClanrWtLL rAMS tN TH EFTONE A K -197r- Ae 28, B-A9-, OB lT--D r ED AP 27, aae 54 MARCINKOI{SKI, JAMES: PROSECUTOR 1992

    News endorses Marcinkowski for State House: Oakland-Edit Jl_ 01 B l_-2N He bl-asts his former boss, Oakl-and Cty.Prosec.Richard Thompson; bu1-1-y; abuses power-Martindale -t994- Je 23 B 3-1 N Hls defamation suit agnst Richard Thompson will stand. -1998- N 18 D-4-2 Bio on the Royal Oak attorney. I 936

    oN ,*srsr-Au€lrgq-e,{!E,*r.r-E3Tet#jrnran Je # FoR TRTAL otr $5@ soru' ?tff** F 12' 6!6 bmvreres NEG *ou F 11; sesnc F 1;-1987- ls I : POLICE ,- . --r E ,1?24 Der. pot tce oFFrcER op PaumgR Plnr PReclNcr HoiloRED RES I DET{TS OF THAT HoRTH 0er. AREA. StNcLlln. HASI$KOdSI(I. TCIFIL: OETRffiT 1937 Form 1656 f 23r3-t-Ctw Ir{DrgrED FroR @rtsplRAc]t ro oEFBAUD &w.or $4o.0OO gy't sE oi ir useo dEen mneL sTAflpti rStrLE wtTH lilrvlE BBE_:rtr06.@l F 29.1-!3_9 H.EAOS IIIIOCGNTT HELD FOR TRIAL i,Y IOITERI{AL REVEHUE lAvU FRAUD TRIAL DELAYED TO.I TIAY 5 .I[IY 19r 4-3 BI. 5. Fngeo or FPAT.D cHARGE F4ARC I I\IK0I6K I ,DETECT lvE sERm,ut{TER I 933 r6t$lf5d$,3, REAU,, P,B?z'#-' Tffi , [F"ph:lg'+ilns,B;ilstfrEl'u - l-'l 2' 34 REvrRes FR DEr, For.rce n rr.Ii$#iii IARCIM

    Court rules no prosecut,ion_flgdg!t, # l4r 2, A-3-1 To be replaced as head of Vatican Bank. Mr 10 A-3-4 Vati can Ci ty-$78 mi I I ion deficit forecast by Vatican; re- structuring of Vatican bank planned; Marcinkus will leave post he has held for 10 yrs. -1990- ApBBI-5 A leadlng candj-date to suceeed Cardinal Edmund C. Szoka- DeSmet A 'lUr A-'11- SlrtElo REAL EsTATE FIRM & DEALER ARTHUR M. FtsHFlAN, oHA inr Oir"FeD.CT. u,tTH l4AKlNG FALsE sTATEmENTs To US HUD to wtN MORTGAGES FOR ! POUT|AC RES'DENTS Je 6, A-12-'.1 THURM.FISNUAru FOUND GUILTY OFlOCOUNTS OF MAKlNG FALSE STA MENrs ro USHUDT Je5 IONETIE. ED!{ARD V. - D.CN MINDERER I955 N tg- r-c-e rT9 FArAL STABB|r'rc RTCNARo E GrlAUr;SavS l/xnr0- 1975. MA rroru OLD Domrruloru 100 nace _1g?G F 9, tL1_1 Detroul BeecH FLA-quALtFtED FAsr to Dlvroue rRtALs Mn I' C-5-4- Rtcpr.ro1ro-tutps Perry Ae ), C*6-2 tiilaoeea-trlrr,rs Gnauo $lrrlorual srocK een naci N Br c-6-5 prourGa-hJtrusDtxte 5OONASCAR Go.NarL.srocK cAR RAcE -1977- Ju 18, D-1-1 CamEnroce Jrucr-w!NS MlcH 200 AT MlcH lNTERNnru Speeowlv- Oouoat.t. rviAfte:d3 - ;"t ,'+fri(5 pROFESsffi !,uRcKwARDT, DR. ALBERT H.: U 0F t'{. I 953 MR 29, L ?42 Aaove 0Krs rHREE NAidEs FoR RESIDENTs or Hlcrreau MARCIf,ryARDT, OTr0 C. - DEt. {TEACHERS CoLL. n32 Form 1656 Tte Detroit Nevc My 1, l-p.:l b*y" only few poople are lntellectr:aliy danlna .prco ilr.Y a3; 61 rls q.o #r?ff$ Ir''El'oRlAL FUID HAifED F10R ABovE=ffF *-tvl?ts EsrABLtst€D AT t**a#Ijy.rr_O $rmE otEo Oct.1 o. 4a tns.olo I M{RM. ANTONIO: BATTLEo^Trr r CREffi.rotrr* MICHIGANr 1937 Form 1656 Ap 12.1i-1 $uo r1^nruRgER qf ? rN DANcE HALL Slf-, fS-e 3tvEil 20 trugo, .rAct(soH --+93e--- F-ts#ra-* MAR. o' rAlms ffiJl#r,l:n?[:,ttri*Er"r Lv?f, Form 1656 TLe Detroit N"-" D 151 1-1 Charged wlth robbery armedrsuspe_et ln Clydels rosdfiouse hold.up N 22 D I7r 1-4 mank & oompanlons James MedflsohrF?ank Danlelle confe to 1O hoLdups D 18, 54-1 15 holdups In Det.EamtnnaokrFll6tr & Maoomb Co, ehanged agalnst BanB. D 20, 1-1 SentencedWtrl/g|"l\rgU LlfeJ-II9 Marqu€tf&6e:u@I \,|49 U UEr ae U *t.Cl"TtJor%.Ee tv&99!9!Itl ' Idn 18" 2-4r_u iEts PArcLE- relnr$dhn A --1946-* & lt', s-t haoueo sY srere Penoug Bo MARCO, JOHN P : FISCAL ANALYST r 985 o 25, A-9- Age4l apptd to job for City Council --1967-- t4r 2J B-3-5 Expects to see smal I budget surpl us in Detroi t. -1989- Je 1, B 1-5 Too many cops hold dest jobs, council told-Gi-rard 0 4 B t-6 Costs per job soar at project-Analyst rips Chrysler si te -Toy- -L992 Ag 19 B 6-1 ayor Young made Marco the cityts deputy finance dir. oy S8B5-1 DeLCityCouncil reLurns aft month long recess. Marco left post to work for Youngrs adminis as deputy finance Dir. -Trent- MROO, PHtLLtPS ATToRNEY 1975 , TosKEY Arrv"ABpr ro Mt cH. Puau I cTRansponrer ! orgCouoo I L. , RAYniIND RAoE CI|AR(.{ t950 L, 8,-? vEN 2 TO 10 YRS FOR RAPTNG GtRLrl3 1945 , R0T0 6 coLuacreo 1rloo &ttt-tTARv tsIstGNtAS oF Tt{E ARMED 'OhE*f MARCOL CHESTERs FOOTBALL 1970 ',i,ri 62 vaao FG x tcKED ocr lBrH ev oto]uE l,itI rNro FoorBAL RECoRDS as Nnr. ASSocr oF tNTERCoLL. ATHLETIcS REcoRD. Hrs srRrNc po!Nrs oF AF'ER ,orrro}33,rR;?;? ar'w 1o{ wHeru M IsSED F INAL ToUcHDor,/N ln {ru eUARTER or Cavi -1972- D i1, ofrltusu Mannteo Eanalnl PuuLen rN GnlNo Raplos ar GRace EprscopAL Cxunir -1982- Ac I' D-4-1 Aucouollc MeRcot rELLS ABour LrFE AT END oF THE LrNEr- RIOTTI MARCOIINI, RICHARD : PSYCHIATRIST 1998 Je 26 A l--5 Grosse Pointe woods-his reckress driving kilred neighbor, Earl Voge1,83 on bicycle; noted for wild driving-Dyer HOC(TY PLAY-R MARC0N, LoU 1959 , N,TIIUES CALL UP ABOVE F 3- 27-3 To uare DEBUr Hrrr{ ldtHos F 5rn AP'8, B-1-5 To rAKE Pnmovogtts pLAcE-BtLL-1961-- Bngrlnu ,'iflM. ![AncoNI , - INVTIN'IoR 1902

    F" D 22, 1-1 Spans Atlantic ocean with wlreless mARcorrtr (WtLLtAhl) - INVEUI0R 'GU{A-|EM0 Grnt goRn To r?tFE Ju 29 Tntru


    ) JA r, A-r-r r tN 4 lvlo tdnEetorurllu-Sufrens HEAD TNJURtES DURrhrG scuFFLE AT WtLLoHBRooK LANES N uHtcH Toruv PlRrtuLt sHor ro DEATH By poLrcE J^ 2. t>L-7 xtcaoo-PoutcE SEEK oISGRUNTLED ltffGrarrrs FaN wxOsr xeeoLrNG oF plA EAD TO DEATH OF TOI{Y PARRILLI & INJURY OF ABOVE -L992 Ag 24 D 2-3 59, Died Aug 22 of a heart, attack. MARCONI LTD 1987 3 British Ap9, A-3-1 London-defense researchers died in 6mo, 1 missing, all wer worklng on secret project-Marshall MAmft{EuE, [3l'ff!63 EETmIT I 938 Fora i656 M, 1r.r.rr" Klur-gD tr{ SpAtru ufttBLE FIGH?tm wl?t{ LgYAt ls?E [$\RC^S,,nAQPLY -STrlEt\lT-AlULrTE, . , , 1966 r r\r HosPrTALr^B1STq ATHLETF: nf 1,966-oRnTFlqR ?qftOV uJTATNER np il,6p TEqN SAFC A[iy,niO C"r.,ii:i -LE t sr.rR MARCOS. FERDINAND E. ! lN MICHIGAN 1966 Arrrru Anaon-Spoxe ro FACulry & sruDENTs o, U-rot'tiHr*. 6."r,0v. HONORARY DEGREE AT A SPEC I AL CONVOCAT ION MARCOS, FERD I NAND : E RES I GNAT I ON r986 , Soviets accused US of exerting pressure on Marcos F 25, A-1-5-3D07 f,'lan i I a- lh rcos res igned today F 25, A- 1-5-3D07 Main landmarks of Marcos' 20-yr rule F 25, A-1-5-4D07 Mani la-lhrcos f lew to safety to US mil itary base F 25, A-1 3-1 -4D07 DC-Sen P. Laxalt tel ls of phone cal Is f rom f4arcos making last-ditch attempt to stay in power F 25, A-13-6-4D07 Chronology of Marcos regime F 26, 4-16-1 After Marcos--What?-Ed i t F 26, A-1-5 Mani la-Flew into exi le, leaving Aquino to govern DC-Marcos tarked with Sen Laxalt befor" ["'!iri;l;3red posr -Ryan -1986- F 26, A-1-6 Manila-Aquino's problems as new pres didn't end with depart ure of Marcos F 26, A-8-tt Mani la-Defection of officials Juan Ponce Enri Ie s Fidel Ramon had been planned since Jan. F 26, A-8-4 Death of Benigno Aquino fueded revolt F 26, A-9-1 His resignation marked end of chapter in Phi I ippine history -Lessenberry F 26, A-9-1 Chronology of Marcos era F 26, A-10-1 DC-Congress appeared eager to continue 6 expand econ assist ance to Aquino F 26, 4-10-5 Det's Filipino community rejoiced over overthrow-Gebert F 26, A-11-1 Manila-Room in palace contained records of Marcos's 20 yrs rn power F 26, A-1-5-3D0i Aquino said n e would not seek extradition. MARCoS, FERDINAND : s RESIGNATI0N l986 F 27, A-"t2-1 Honol ul u-Hawai ians divided over granting Marcos safe haven F 28, A-4-1 DC- lmelda Marcos cal led Nancy Reagan at height of crisis. llr 2, A-2-1 l4anila-How nation mobil ized its most basic force--the peopl e- to rid itself of Marcos. Mr 3, 4-1-6 DC-US helped rebels who ousted Marcos - Pt.llL lPr,lf{F Pnt lT lc I A${ |'LA;CLA| MED v rcroRy r N ELEcr r on FoR pREs.oF., e*r,rr-i.Fe-iXef 6y5p PRg s. tosDADo tlacapae-xe au N 28' A-1fZ iniir-Oecr-rhio wouLD sEiD PtttttprtHE- cqilBAr rn6sp3 ToVtETNAI, AFTE sURAI:loN D 19- 9-19-3 .TLAFF9RMALLY INAUIURATED AS PRESroerut D1B D t;: C_i:8. Haruru-rolla-?o EFBE sr,roRN.rNroqLroRN lNao oFFrcEoFFleF Dn 30?O ^AD 29:5E: X]tdiA-I5-1 e'6' HMI IUT-VICE PRES. HLiIiHREY I#RE TO REPRESENT, IL5' .AT-AaoVE INAt.IOURAiT8 'rF6-? fiHT.?3r"RN rN r@Av As 6rH pR:s'DEN'.oF pxr.,r?,338 t{mrru-swoRru rir As 6rH pffisroENr.--:-iboo-:' oF pnrLrpprruEs 3.334.ffi?433 ,,r,o- LNos ' i; i,'d.:ir:i-'-"- "-" turu1ua-ferurons oF ABovE URGED H rM ro,sltELvE,o*€.?f?IflIrvrs lyt r{G U PlaNrUa-UvSf REMn\ED FRoM C^LLAR B^NE-D^|NG FrNE JL a,. A-f I'IANI'LLA-tsEATLE9 -O 9TOND UP.ABO\E WHO WAITED AT PRES!OtsriirI.I|- PALACq WITH'- "; 3 CETLDRENCUTLDREN pLilspLr ts rnnrrT.200rnnrrT nTFER y^llNGlTEl?Sy^ilNGaTERs 5- A-1;-A-1-4 - -- "i WnHF.R 200 ^THER ILEJg HANI.LA-F 'LIPIIInS. ctIRSqD. BooED & sHovED BEATHES IN'sENo-nFF T6 THEM AT I]ANILA INTERNATI^IIAL NIRPNRT. IITCINET\iT TRIGGERED BY !SNrrBI OF PRESr ENTrs wrFE Jl L3, AltZ-a,5+ - r 6T,LLETS pALAcE I,laN La-PEqEL sENDs AR.ruND GRnrnrDs ^F wfiqnE llecc^s wrs $trEFrrFri --1966-- JL re. A-1-3 MAqILA.TO MAKE 4 DAY vrsrr ro US trrr Sepr s 3,' 8-6-1 1x \,Vtt-t- vtsrr UNt v.or Mtcn. 51O-uE wtt-t- RECE I VE AN HONORARY DEGREE MEr,l tla-Bro vtstr U..S. 8 11: i=16=Z y ASH-HERE FoR TALKS wtrH LBJ s 14: A-21-4 \x ASH-wELcolaero US DAMpENED BY RA I N S-15, c-9:5' a sH$XX PRA r sES US v r ET_ PoL r cY s 16, A-1-4 \,VasHr& LBJ aenEeo onr $55 M rLL roN tNcREASE tru U.S.AtD As vtsr -Eo U.S. s 18, A-21-1 Wass-lNvtrro LBJ ro vtst r Pu t L I pp I NEs wHEN THEY TALKED TH I s wEEK tu WAsH. s 19, A-1-5 At'tN AReoR-Vtsrrro MtcH.& cAvE sPEEcH To rAcur-rv & sTuDENTS ar U-M-necE I vED HoNoRARY DEGREE s 230 A-22-1 ffiElX Mnncos Reeurs HlrcsEn I s V t Etats-ED 1T s 27. A-1-4 ASHPSET up 7 ruerron MauILA pARLEv oruVter wnnrLBJ ro airEoo s 29, D-9-1 Toxvo-Oru vtstr HERE pRoPosED FoRMATIoN oF AN-onc.-or Astenil ST TES TO SEEK SOLUTIONS TO REG ION'S POLITICAL PROBLEF{S ARCos,RCOS, FERoiNANpsFERDINANDe PHtLtpptNEPHILIPPINE POLITICIANpoltrrcrnrrr- 1966 , /,,NILA-SAID NtLA-sA tD cHANGtNG_MANtLACHANGING MANILA SUMMIT NETMET 0NOII vtETNAM ron Jno r tr-ts Nolv ro BE Oct.Z!-ZJ O 9, A-1-T ANILA.CONFIRMED CONFLICT ON TERMS OF VIET.PEACE NEGOTIATIO ERE NEXT MoNTH--- 0 1B.A-9-1 arutta-BacKS urso poLtcy tN vtETNAM-sENT 2r000 [raru corurlruce F F IL IP INo-ENG INEER.SoLD IERS To V IErrvnu-DaV IDtra y-ror-o U runNr oF uN ,E pLANS ro'nl ;;ffi";i.H'll;151306" LL AsIAN pEAcE coNFERENcE oN vtETNAM-- D 26rC-19-1 alltta-ANeRtcAN LEctoN pRoMtsED ABovE oF FtNANcTEL supponr OR HIS DRIVE TO SET UP MEMORIALS IN BATAAN AND CORREGIDOR n wvd2-- --1967---'tru t4a 2'l rA-15-1 5 AGUto-Asxs US ro vAcATE NAvar- eabe MaNtLA BAy- N 15rA*21-1 arutln-REaUFFLED lN BLooDy ELEcrtoN--- ar,r rra-Nac r oNAL rsrA pARry -.-fil?gB-F6o *T*?3'B-7-1 .. "..onoJt 2611,-1-3 aruttn-CoTFERRED wtru PREs.NtxoN oru VTETNAM t,lAR-- axrln-GRVE pRESoNTXoN A r^/ARM REcEplor-r.*trSlgtJ-' --1969--- N '10, D-5-6 Maru rla-PoL lcE HALT puor io' xllL PRE.MaRcos N 12rA-5-1 1sr pnrs.oF THE pH tL tPP I NES To BE RELEcTED To seEtir'r6 irnn'l- N 1 Jr A-22-1 PERILED BY REELEcTIoN oF aaovE-Fotste Ftt-tplNo-US rlES N 24rA-18-6 Marutla-OnDERED INVESTIGATIoN oF cHARGE BY Ursr SENAToRS rHnr pulL NoNcoMBArANr rReoPS lN vlErNAM *oilt.,q:fi:]:i' u ), UoSr FUNDS---- ' - Uncis AMERtcANS To PULLL our oF vIETNAM-- D SA.-A 1-2 Vtcr pRgs.AGNEW ATTENDED ABovE INAUGURATIoN AND DTSMISSED DEMONSTRATIONS AGA INST H"' IM '-:T976:--- AS- INCONSEqUENTIAL-'. ' Jn 1 , B-4-1 Mnlttln-GlvES Hls l,,lEALTH T0 AID PooR- Ja 250 A-)-/, 1a 20r000 sTTJDENTS ANGERED AT AB0vE FoR N0T INcREASINI G EDUCATTON FUNDS RlOrED. JA 11, A_1_2 FIVE PERSONS KILLED IN STUDENT RIOT AIMED AT REPLACING HIS GOVT' wlTH LEFT ldl NG COMMUN IST TYPE oF S9vS/;.-i -4 Frr-rpu,o RrorERS Bor.1B U.S-?9Y\=u Butyrn\T, A-21-6 G MARCOS. EERDINAND. POLITICAN PH ILLIPINES. 1971 Ja 17, 8-6-1 Feuo wlrH FAMTLY oF ltts Vtce Pnes.. FERNANoo Lopes coNTtNUES To GRowr JA 25, A-7-1 PH t t- lpp tNES To sET up D lpLoMAT tc AND..TRApE_ RE].AJ iorrrs wrrH 1,1Russ ! A. f'e 14rB-10-1 AtNtLA- Ftt-tptito cH tEF, FAvoRs U.S AstAf't FoRcE Mv J0 A-14-1 Rcos sAYs No ro CH lla Tnnoe GRrraoes puNCruArE EXpLosrvE pH,.r,rFT(,."0;3;lrrcs-vaNpRAG N9,A-4-4Race Surreneo MAJoR FoLTr SETBAcK tsitEH opposlrloN ELEcTED ro Srrrrs Sears --1972--- Mn 5, A-25-1 Pnes Mencos BRIEFEo oru RIeHARo Ntxol TRIp: Je 20, Ar3-5 Pti,*Iglrr".,t i,BaTl !?lrffils.rror' rF, te73 ili,'a-r_: -1972- 5 24t A-2-1 Deret{os MART tAl- LAw lN PH lL I PP INESo S 25, A-Z-z 5l pensorus sEtzED slNcE MARTIAL LAW INSTATEE; CHIEF vows REFoRMT o 9, A-12-6.8^9E Mancos HopES coNsrrtrurtoN wrLt- END MARrdAi;LoX-BIr1975" v tv, n .l II IIA--SEVERAL SUSPECTS ARRESTED IN POOT TO KtLL PRES' RCoS. 0 22, A-2-1 Storueo LAND REFoRM DEGREE GIVING EENANTS FAMILY PLoTS AND IMPOSING RESTRICTION ON HOW MUCHPROPERTY LANDOWNERS CAN RETA|N. N 2, A-9-1 PHtt-tpptNES pLANS INcREASED TRADE wlrH CHINESEa ' N 2r' A-6-1 xUxSrIxA r{otHER pLoT ON MeneOs ls EXPosEDT N 26r A'19-l FrER tGAH HELO !t{ M4RCOS ASSASS tflAT toN ATTETIIPT PLOTr N 26, A-2O-1 tlore L!!{trED powERS s IGHTEo FoR MAncos-Hlv'ri,;;'^:--: D 27, A-19-1 STROqcH'OLDS p MARCOS Tovls tT FEBEL tN SqUTHERN PH I LLI tNESo |14ARC0S, FERDINAND 3 POLlTlCIAN s PHILI-[PINES 1973 UR a. H-4--) Llrrs rRADE BARS oN MosLrmsn Ja 11, C-111 NEur corust lTur I oN G I ves MaRcos !NDEFIN ITE RULE, Ja 18, A-5-1 AssuN{eo PowERS oF PRES, pRIME MINISTER, LEG lSLATURE AND M I I. I TARY COMMANDER I N CH I EF ; TAKE-ovER BY MARcos coMPLETE. tT Ja 21, A-2J-1 Home Mervtre-New Ps rLL rP tNE RutE ! sN D I CTAToRSH t P, BE sAYs o Ja 25, A-tl1 US ceur ioNED oN c lR tT !c tsM or MlRcoso oruE-mAN RULE. .r F 9, 4-1]-6 R ce MaN I la--&Sp I Ro Ae rueu, TALK !d tTH t{ rM oN .oPold,r.cllgr, ! L lrA b9fFFf$E'FrrrprNo rAcrroNs MAy BE GRANTED EMNESTY. Irk 11r A-]-l REce Dovle BearasrAcrREssrTELL$ REpoRTERs oF ALTEGED J(vn nomlnc wtr$r HtM. Pnomo FoR BooK. Ap 19, A-1r-1 Mencos AsKs NEti, tlS rnearv rAltrs. l{v 3, A-8-1 Savs PrtLtpptNEs utLL FoLLow sELF-RELtANT DEFEilsE poLtcy; SAYS CANNOT CONTINUE TO OEPEND OI.' US OR OTI{ER ALLIES IN -197r- Mv 6, 8-15-2 Pn t NceroN NJ--Dau Manta lmEutA To ATTEno PnlNcEToN. l4,t 17, A-10-1 MarHtra--ORoenEo FtRsr MILITARY DRAFT FoR couNTRY. Je 1, 8-12-4- Roaenro Saruros, 2P, aL I AS CoNuauoER FEul4aN capuuneo & JA I LED AFTER ALLEGED AssAssaNATtoN ATTEMPT erF t},&moogE Je 28, A-1'1 YEARs oLD Aeout-o 1/nasrnoruauts GrvE l.'t riq S.B,BlLLloN ] Jl B" A-9-1 MOONROCK. A-8-2 l4oncos Bp,LLor rleHTENS RuLE" Ju 28t' Mlruou---F I t- t P I ilo voTE EirDoRsEs MARrI otrloli, 8-17-1 Ftr-rprnloe VOTEERS OIVE MrRcos 5-1 secrlBnzl"F_BjTRdAL LAt'. lr Joto, Sut-ut Pn r lu r p r irrES---Tt ME MoHEY selr Mancos -l N $4osuam O' 2pt A-9-1 ICAR. I i I ,, I MARTIAL YS R REFERENoum vori 16 iest PoLlTlclAN: PHILLIPINES 1973 l! u' D-If-rl Mantla-lPREEs hrELsH sALvAGE oPERAToR wHo sPENT 15 morurHs I .rAtL FoR ALLEGEDLY coNsptRING To KILL Hlmt PanoteD CAPT lsDavrsr!1 rro BntrtsH AMBAssADoRts cusroDv. N 18, 8-10-5 Marulln---cHntsrlaru cHnunoH cRrrrcrzEs MERTTAL LAw REGiME. s r rve apoRe--onoeReo Bn rr r sH ARMS DEALER TITI;rtll?, aoornwr cK, HELD ron 2 yEARs vrHTHouT TRTAL FoR ALLEGED pt r*;; = EEoT. rg,aii e"? rrya;r,.xlli#i;f ; : ;,,.[: [: B;?l;], : :::, N ttfi 3 i BtHB&ii.E-EBhi= EBfi e x-se h, . s eR 0, o o= r., iu l: T Tf, - ii OnoeRs RELEASE oe 454 moRE poLtr.pRtsoNERS .rAtLED UNDER^ rr AL LAw --197y- Je 1lt A-15-1 Posrpoues uNrtL F28 tslrloNwtoE REFERENDukoillRMffilb_hu, -COMI NUATI ON LdluS rusan uNANlMous to?ER OK or 29mos.or. MARTTAL LAw -'-197 5-'-- Ae 1 I' A-2-1 us ousren TBREATED ayMlnrrl. Aplgt A-6;1 Wenils tJs THAT THEY MAY scRAP !,lt,TuAL DEFENSE PACT ANo ilie oven 2 BAsEs tuPtttLfPPlNEs. Mv 3r A-1-4 Vler OrrtCtALS FACING ARREST lF THEY LAND AT U.S aeSeS rHEn .luru 1, C-8-a I'ilnrulla-ro VtStT CUtrua NsXr Sar rtu Jutt 11 t-IKELY To $'lEAht TIES Jr 8, A-6-1 INPEKING IruCNINESE VISIT'b'ELCOMEE rIruE-ANTIVEO Je 9, A-5-5 oKYO-ESTaBLISHED DIPLOMtTIC RELaTIONS WITHcH!-l\l-fT a ^rq t$N lLe HIFTS POLICY OPENING TIES TOPEKING TIL A-U'2 Warrs coNTRoL oF U.S BASEs1 BUT wlLLlNG To llEoorlATE FoF U.S-use oF THEM S 19, C-16-1 I1-E-AU1*1OUNCED BEclNNlNc OF DRASTIC SHAKEUP THAT HE liroULD tg"u.'-l?o^:"'Ti'*::;;-" Ne'B-8-, ii' eu rr. 1975 FERDINAt{0c P0LlEtC!ANr PHILLIPINES

    rr.rwrre HADE GovERaroR oF HErRo M*?,-1;r[il-l#,., -1976- Ja 16 E-7-6 l4aru tla-srqoKE F r L!-s H ts sMALL eLANE, Er'4ER-cENcy LANDT NG nh 21 t 0;2-7 Mlwtr.E-gllo 0lnru Assgnetv vooLo ror GotvEitE Ag toro AB THERE tE l|lAnrtrt. LArc My ]O, A-2-5 tr-i-To vtstr l4oscou oN D!pLoMATtc & rnaoe-nELariors l,larurla-pnorEsrERs DEMAND END To r.rARTroP tAru-4-'

    ['{arrrrr-a-J.{ pERsoNS r N,ruRED i11, Rrors, rflrl]ir,o;fl;1". . Nl! /1g, A_16_1fr-19-l ANILA-ORDERED SACKING oF JZI nTLITARY PERSoNNEL IN MASS lsMlssALs lN ARMED FoRcEs -ryIl-_1977_ JlL'A 1?r A_6_1 2oor MErulla-10 AccusED oF pLor oH MeRcos tlre ,-*-1977----F7, A-1 1-1 J AgentcANS AllD 7 orHens cHARGED t{lrH TRYING To KILL t4nhcoij- Agentcarus Auousr LsUtqaru, RoaenT Pli,lcus, at'lo Lannv TRacrmaru, A@ 22, A-1-5 NtLA-0ROEREo nELEAgE OF PoLITICAL PRIgONERS !tl RELAXATIOI{ oF TOUGII I'IARTIAL LAUS HE IMPOSED ! VnS nOO Ae 21t A-11-1 Ir{Anrla-Acrs ro Lrt{rr FREErilc oF poLrrrcALflgo$Eqz_r esuaaRereo 60rn BTRTHDAY RETuRNS To BIRTHPLACET Barac O 26, A-9-1 loor Pleutla-ro sEEK REELEoTIoN N 29, 0-1-5 ILA-(hOgRg HILITARY COI'RT TRIAL REOPEilED AFTER FORSTEN ?tClSU OF DEATH SEitTCg.lIIPOSED AOAT POLITICAL OpPOHeHTA D 18r 9-16-1 Mlrrla-lppEAns HEAETEo ron 5rn ovEnullst.ll,T ifll_af -+ A Blr Mlrutua-MaRcogr PoPULARITY sLlPs ru c'r} a'e') tLA-gREt{AoE ExpLoEEs tBBroE lrte r ? rBrHtB,EEs $$b^ ss, o E Nrsn,"-, llH3llSlillif;{-ll MEDDLING IN DOMEATIC", AFFAIRS IN AFTERFTATH OF ELECTIONS Maurre-OnDEREo RELEA.E or 5@ neqo rN !m.fl^l]'"*;k1". PARTICIPATING IN !{ARqH OF PROTEST FOR FRAUD ON ELEOTIO$I Ap 17t u'l*' tr,trnulun-ReLEAsEo eueortoN p*orEsrEf,B !00 17r'A*1-n 0i{ voTEr SURPRESE NILA-MAROOS FOES STROiIGER THAN EXPECTED rru PntLLtPFlNEs w \ A-20-1 Filn t Le-Olurt or{ED arldrtrcnF.}broelE or Hls GovTsrHUitAt{ 8t vrot.A"toils rfoRsgntrc BTUfi US& ronuen ooLonY &fY 12, A-12-, AM ITILA-PLAfl9 TO QUIT LAICIiAI(IHE ROLE -1978- & 2, D-4q5 N MEurtl-cers NEt, potdERs Fnol'l HusB S 11r B-2-2-D qUtLTY [vhHlla-PeRDONEO 6 meU, INCL AN Amen, h,Ho PLEADED-t+t TO cHcs oF PLOTTING TO riUr- nlm LAsr YRo -- a-'lQ-t Mlr,ttua-PIANE CARRYINq GUESTS IIOME FROM MARCOST" BIRTHDAY KlbhgNc 24 pARry CRASHED NEAR s4ANlLA Je g, A-1-6 u5 S|G!|EO AOREE!{EBTS OB A&jlER BASES lN COUNTRY. ILA-& F 16, A-11-2 CuanxAtRBASErPHtt-tpPtNES-US RRELINQUIsHEs qo[IRoh gg0ganr& ArnBase&SuBIbNAvALBasE roPHtLtPPlNEs u z)t a-rc'-2 tihy cnll NAT|oNAL ELECTIONT _p0- Ja 0 A-13-1 Mautla-orFEns To FREE RlvALr Beruteruo Agutl'lo Jl' lor A-18- & MErutta-VOTERS tdENT TO POLLS lN 15" VOTING FOR IIIUNIOIPAL biiivliiciar. orrtctALB . $4ARoos FAoED sYHBoLlo oHALLENGE. &F12, A-6-6BrarE ADMTTTED rr{Ar Hls NEw Soclerv lN GAINiNG WIDESPREAD ELECTION U?UFBH$Es9HEATED IvARCOS. FERDINAND s PHlttlPlNES POtlTlO|AN r980 " Aq 'fl , 8-6-4 2 Do1 Honroluru- Feur oemorusrnAToRs HAD BRTEF sHobDowN'AFTER HE ATTENDED DOt{,NTOurN MASSr Je 10. A-24 [NILA-RuLED our HoLDtnc EgEcrloils BEFoRe r{4.'O 20, A-4-1 Mnnrtln-uS TRAvEL AcENTS oONVENTION CANCELED AFTER BOMB ELAS r lN\,URED J Ar'ten. Btasr occuRED AFTER ADDRESs BY MARcoso

    l o 21, A-15-5-2D07 rlA-AccusEs US-BAseo FtLrP rNo DISSIDENTS OF MASTERMI NDING BOMBI NG. a 26e A-4-1 l'1Rr.,rtun-rtEs pt-or to S'rEvr Pstuqt

    N I LA-Urrl I reo NarroNAL I sr [Em Ono rO OHALLENGE Mnncos eovr N ELECTIONSe MAROOS" FEMI$AIUD E PHILIPPINES 1984 Je ?r A-l24 tsOnlu-uonE FoLtTteAL pRessune oN HtM Je 26r A€-l F4nrullg-pgdgcrs oE!4ANDg ro olvE up soME porrgRs r , Jn 51, A-2-1-4D07 Mlrtte-Many pRorEsr Acsr MaRcos F 12, A-5-1 MautI-*-RULED our ADDtTIoNAL corucEssroNs ro Hts oppoNENTs F 1rr A_z_1 Mlutla-i'iaNy DouBT rnar }lancos lrouLD SuRRENDER somg pourERc F 26, A-2-1 OC-$alvaoon Launel wtLLtNG To GtvE Flsps6s t t-asr cHANcE To HOLD FREE ELECTIONSI-LESSENBERRY F 27t A-2-1 Manrua-Aq,utrors pARTy vorEs ro rAKE pART tN lllv '14 ELEerto! Orxen pARTtEs oRoppED PLAHS ro Boycorr ELEcII{rNrrs A_Z-g Touo aRmeo FoReEg ro srAy our oF poLt?tcs cN &Iay etecrloal" *1984* lIv 12r A-4-1 trnEo ILA-HoLtc" tt-octD oN ALERTTI AMID REPORTS TO DISRUPT EXT I'E,E,Kg ELECTIONST Mv 1} A-'t-'t PResloeNttA!- ELEgTIgN mAY EASE TENSIONS OR mAY RESULT lN EU' ROUNO OF PROTEST.-LsSSENBERRYo Mv 14r A-2-1 IRST RETURNS FROM PARLIAMLENTARY E!.ECTIONS EHOU' HEIS WIN- l!lGo Mv 14r A-1-Z wrLL FILL 183 Fo 200 SEATS OF NATTONAL PARLTAmENT & HE IS A!.LOWED TO FILL T}IE IEIBEOTHEN 1?.-LESSEI{ BERRY i , lniv 15, A-.t4-1 "-ttru unrvtla ro.s' HEAo' FoR A BIG uPsEt. My 15r A-1-2 Mlrtta-l'hRcos ls A mAN AccusTomgg To PowER-LESSENBERRY nn'rrua]voren$ oeaur Mancds A su'p*tstno $tJ6l"h!Ttn "0", i, ." '-. MBC0$I FERDINA{O a PHILIFPINE$ , 1984 , I MV 17 t .A-8-4 Mnt*lre-Oppostr!oN vohrED To FlGxr ror t(EEp pARLIAnEHTARITI GATNS FROM BEI!I$ STOLEflO MANOOS PARTV TOOK LEADI , My 18r A-1-, t{arulua-0nDERED Hts 28-memBER CABaNET To REstcN. r i I I Mv20rA-6-1 l.{ANILA-OIE DEAD {N PHtLtppttuE ciTy AS p9utce FtBE._oN cRorco AS,HtS,PARTY SUROED PAST OPPOSITON s lUrO laaO I -. Mv Z?t A_1_1 pARL l'Iaru I ll-REoENT t e*eNrniv ELEcrr oN t s poL I Tt cAL sETBAe K ron MeRcos-LEsseruBsRRy Mv 27t A-2-1 ,AUITN-VOWED TO FIGHT ATTEUFTS BY NEWLY ELECTED OPPONENTS TI URTAIL*HlS 9WEEPING qoWERs.- Je 4r A-t-1 LA-HEAR|NCs 0N Ktt-t lro oF Aquwo BeGIN(0N U.S) i I f19B4r. dt 7r Ar2-1 0|lrluarmcARtr@ EuD iu oEA?H op $,!encoe roe(AeorHo) Jt- 2$, A'6-1 €rom pnoTEsr qrw Ae 21r A-1-6 Soor Flnrutul-500.O00FlAr,rtuA-500r000 enofEsTpnorEsr Hls RuLERULE AatrG zzl22, AtztQ,A-2-4 t4lrtle-lOorO@ enorssr DEATU or AqutNo, oALL Mancos r! s 22, A-4-1 AN RULE Mlrtun-Fr@O enorEsr Hts AuTHoRlrARt oJr- A;g_.1 L,2'1 oxrs ANT| Govr. RALLYo 0 15s $&ntua-oprlmteTlc oN'Ecol{oMlc aAlLour o 2h A-1-6 !{rrIU.PII{EL OECLARED THAT TOP RAtrTITG SOL8IENS CEtr8P8IEB TO rtLL Aqult{o O 24; A-1-4 Mmttla-Mnncost RtoHT HAHo meil Gen RIIIr Frsllu C. Uen tmpu oATED l.H AqUlHOle OEATH llAR@Sr FER0INAND s PHILIPPIHES 1984 A 24t A-4-1 l{rntul-&n Feelau C. VEn secomes rEr FleuRE til lltvE8-TtcATt oN tN dsLAYtile 'oF Aqut!*gr 0 25t A-1-5 Mrnlt-l-Ven AccusED oF- compt.tctry I}| B. AQUIToTg DEATH I - ,_ I ti-i ,l t.r.' I ., .,- --r o16.;F4-|2,, Fhmtla-Aqutilo tr,toow LfADs tlARoH To DEMAND f"hncos.otFTEn O 26, A4-Z1 ,or Mlntl4-Aquqruo ELoc aurs U.S rtes ovER REacEx srA?EMENT O 28t A-81'1 eL[!,e! eq[ruo DEATH on bdn ven-LEseENBEnBy obro-4-1 Mdnltrn-cntTtctzes RetqaN ooMMENTB ry 2lr A-2-15oor l4arut la-l !.L BUT REcovERl $lG lha*ln-@*otriofi smale,,rrtol'3|fu i ;:' ffi.' Mrslle.oentdr au*RB @F rLL x€ALTr{ D Nt cn?, Iuf r'rlt-l-ttps FoEs oPPosE U.S easegrgg5- JA I , A-4-1 l8J MANILA-LOCAL ELECTToNS NEXT Y8 & PRES POLLS lN ro eo O AsPfANI{Eo1 I F9, l+4'1 STlroEll? pBoTEsTERs eALLEo FoR EtilD. oF MABGo$ D SeTAToEstt!P' US I ilTEBF'EREilcE I t{ PH 0L ''"I PP I luE AFFA I LS . , DEflOUltCEr r i ''"- ;'F- 11 r f-14-1 CICaF LoNG [S MARcos SLl.fiios To PoldER, 95 AFT To BECoME sTE o I LYl l4of,E Ut{EAsiY ABOUT FUTURE oF PH I L I BP I Ngs'tr-EqSENBERIRY

    said he has suffered a series of in oxy gen tent "it,nuFt3l'A;3-t", MARC0S, FERDINAND: PHILIPPINES I985 Mr 23, B-2-2 mnfrf if-n Granted local of f icials control over 110,000 po= lice a[d militi6 forces for first time in 12 yrs" Je 12, B'5-t+ Mani la-threatens martial law again Jl g, A_Z_4 to make Phi I ippines retl rement haven f"hn"T3:iEgir_f Manila-Marcos may be on brink of being overthrown violently

    orpos i t i on fo r a I I i an ce zJs'rd" r"l?, 13' .5-fl nli,lill "?"", I rr ,-) -- T I : S 2-1 , A-2-3 1,5p0 students bqrq effjgyrof [4a;,cos. 20 protes.tersrshot 6 ki 1 led 0 10, D-8-1 U.S predicts catastrophe for him if he does not reform qd?85* q . 0 16, g-8-2e MAN lLa:: s EN. P' uL LIIALT lN MINILA To BEl,lvER ?0 l{l!'l UHAT T3 B€I.IEVEO TO BE oLrrNT uA-ittilNo FioH PiGB, ft@{6No o 17, A-18-1 Sen. Paul Laxaltrs mission in Philippines.-Edtt said the communist rebels wi I lnot or...r,?o,1,,;n3-3;1, ,roines. 0 20, A-20-4 NY-denies brushoff of U.S O 21, B_5_13dot Man i I a-2 ki I 1 ed protest i ng Marcos govt 0 22, E-6-6- police youthlT Mnail-riot kill O 24, C_11_l MANILA-Suspected rebels assassinated the governor of a uthern province prompting his to alert local officials. MARCOS, FERDINAND : FlLlPlN0 r 985 o 26, A-5-1 DC-Col Alexander Bacalla turns in uniform to protest bloody regime O 27, A-6-2 Manila-pumps l2Tnillion into military to fight rebels o 28, A 2-5 DC-suffers fatal disease, to die before 1957? 0 31, F-1-3 DC-Phi l ippinesr woes told to senators N 2, A-2-1 DC-Marcos must make major reforms or civil unrest 6 Communi st insurgency forces change N 4, A-1-6 Manila-Called for pres elections on Jan 17 N 5, A-2-4 Mani la-PI unged into campaigning after cal I for Jan 17 elect ion N 6, A-4-1 M-ani.la-Says a vice-pres also wi I I be chosen in Jan 17 elect -1985- N 7, A-14-l Fine-Tuning the Phi I ippines-Edit N 9, C_1_3 Manila-party OKs election for Jan17, Marcos says he wil I res ign but expects to win N 10, A-10-'l Early election a good idea-Lessenberry N IZ, E_G_2 Manila-to resign on eleciton day N 14, E_12-1 .15, Manila-Salvador Laurel leads opposition N B_7_1 Manila-Agreed to delay proposed Jan 17 elections N 16, C-1 -3 CebuCity-PIans major reorg of armed forces N 18, A-2-2 Mani la-Head of coal ition of opposition parties resigned dealing blow to efforts to unibat Marcoi N 29, A-ZZ-I The New Khmer P.ouge-Edit N 29, A-l-5 Mani la-Favors extending treaty with US concerning bases. MARCOS, FERDINAND : PHILIPPINE 1985 t Manila-I./idow of Benigno Aquino to run agst Marcos in electi on D 4, A-1-2 Manila-Corazon Aquino says is elected she would respect t aty with US covering bases D 5, A_6_3 Said he would keep Gen. Fabian Ver as armed forces chief. D 7, B-1-4 Manila-Marcos may plan to block Corazon Aquino from being pres candidate D 9, A-1-1 Coal ition fai Is to unite to oppose Marcos in election-Lesse nberry D 11, B-5-4 Manila-Named Arturo Telentino as his running mate D't1, A-1-1-3D07 Manila-corazon Aquino a Salvador Laurel to run as a team - I 985_ D 1 1, B-5-2AM Mani la-30,000 protest human rights violations by Marcos D 12, A-12-2 nila-Mrs Aquino a Salvador Laurel unite to run against Ma rcos D 13, A-12-\ DC 2 witnesses inU.S inquiry on real estate owned by la rcos , c i ted fo r contempt D 15 , A-4- 1 Lipa,Phi I ippines-Predicts instabi I ity 6 chaos if Corazon Aq ui no elected D 18, C-15-1 says voters should not feel bound to support gift beaii representat i ves D 19, A-4-3 vote ok'd by court D 30, A-1-5 MANILA-Opposition presidential candidate Corazon Aquino ac cused him of playing dirty politics. . Durr rDDil{trq 1986 Ja 5, A-10-1 Mani la-foes hit his cronyism-LeVine Ja 6, D-16-l Taytay-says Communist rebels campaing for rival, Corazon Aquino Ja 13, A-12-2 Man i I a-Gays support t i cket reports Wi fe lmel da Ja 14 , A-2-2rD0r NagaCity-Gen Fabian Ver may retire Ja 17, A-9-l lailippine banHer believed to handle his finamces, has been I inked to purchase of mill ions in d.S. property. Ja"1B, A-l-1 Carried by aides for speech Ja 18, A-2-1 DC-il l, cancels campaign stops Ja 19, A'7'1 Mani la-s:!i1l plagued by ffi!inor. spirit_LeVine -1986- Ja 19 , A 7-tt Calapan-his plane has close cal I Ja 20, E t-4 DC-U.S officials say he may lose election Ja 21, A-14-2 Manila-Mrs Marcos replaces husb as speaker Ja 22, Bj-3 bc-cal led NY Land king Ja 23, D_Z_53dot rFraudulentr war record? Ja 2\, A-1-3 Manila-Denied that his claims of being WW ll hero were fra udulent Ja 2J, A-1 1-1 DC-Ran a black market during Japanese occupation F 2, A-7-4 Mani Ia=plot to ki 1 I Marcos foi led; opponent isseus warnign F 3, A-t-1 Makati-Marcos pal Nemesio Yabut called vote thief-LaVine F 4, A-15-1 Manila-offers to debate Mrs Aquino F l+, A-17-1 He has to go-Lessenberry F 6, A 4_l Mani la-Marcos theft of election feared-LeVine F 7, A-2-5 Man i I a-Peopl e go to the pol I s F 7, A-2-5-4D07 Mani la-Marcos'has early lead. Complaints of fraud widesprea d 8, A-1 -2 Mani la-6 Aquino ea predicted victory F 9, A-1-6 Manila-Aquino held strong lead over Marcos F 11, A-15-1 Stalemate in the Phi I ippines-Edit F 10, A-1-5 Mani la-Election workers wal ked out claiming bal lot counting fa I s i f ied F'l 1, A-1-5 DC-Election count shows Marcos ahe ds -1986- F 12, A-7-\ Mani la-Nat'l Assembly began official canvass of votes but called it off F 13, A-l-6 Manila-Aquino attacks Reagants suggestion of fraud on both sides-LeVine F 14, A-Z-z Manila-bishops call on Filipinos torstruggle for justicel F 16, A-1-5 Reagan calls Marcos win 'tainted' F-1gr_A:15:1_ Sen Carl Levititts intervening on the Cheap-Edit F 17, 4-15-1 'loser Manila-fight'evil,r Ph i I i pp ines urges-LeV ine F 17, A-4-1 DC-Sens Carl LEvin, David Boren 6 David Pryor want Marcos ori t F 18, A 1-5 Manila-Phil io Habib met separately with Marcosr-lquino rc 1 986 DC-Sen Carl Levin wants U.S to halt Phi I ippine aid- Benkel man F 19, A-1-5 Mani Ia-hints new martial law F 19, A-9-2 DC-White House calls plan to end PHi I ippine aid 'prematu f 19, A-9-24dot DC-Senate labels vote a rfraudl F 20, A-1-5 DC-Senate hits Philippine vote fraud F 20, A-1-5 Manila-Corazon Aquino shuns idea of new vote F 20,A-1-54do Manila-diplomats from 14 European countries E Japan met with Aquino, will not attend Marcos inauguration F 21, A-2-2 Manib- Eur ambassadors may boycott his inauguration -1986- F 22, A-12-2 Mani Ia-Aquino supporters Iobby for Marcos' ouster-LeVine F 23, A-1-5 Mani Ia-Defense l,linister Juan Ponce Enrile 6 Deputy Armed Fo rces Chief Fidel Ramos leaders of rebellion were 2 of his staunchest al I ies F 23, A-1 -5 Mani la-Enri le 6 Ramos demanded that Marcos resign F 23, A-6-1 DC-US lawmakers urge l€rcos to resign F 25, 4-16-1 The Revolt of the Fi I ipinos-Edit F 2\, A-1-6-3D07 Mani former backers continued la-His to defect y 25, A_l_5 l"lanila-Corazon Aquino sworn in as pres of provisional govt Rebels blacked out telecast of Marcos inauguration DC-Phi I ip Habib sent back to Phi I ippin"rFr33niAal[5 "onuin ce Marcos to step down MARC0S, FERDINAND : PHILIPPINES I 986 , Mani la-Aquino supporters announced formation of new govt F 214, A-1-5 DC-Reagan admi n i st rat i on ca I I ed on l4a rcos to s tep down . F 26, A-g-1 Chronology of Marcos era tlr 2, A- 18- 1 The Right Aid for the Phil ippines-Edit lr1 A-1-5 HickamAi rBase,Hawai i-1st publ ic statement since going into exi le Mr 3, A-6-5 Honolulu-Mayor suggests that Marcos buy or lease island Mr 4, A-l-6 Mani'l a-Leaders of Marcos' party pledged to cooperate with Aquino Mr 5, A-l-6 Manila-May have plundered $10 billion of philippine,s weat h -1986- ttr 6, A-14-1 Grand Theft?-Edit tlr7, A-1-6 intervened in trial of 26 defendants charged wi th murder of Aquino. Bronstein. Neumann Mr7, A-'10A6 tried to disprut elections with riots. tlrJ, A- 10-6 'ldor fiarcos becoming nuisance to US govt.Mrg,A-10-6 l'larcos has major real estate hol dings in NY Mr 11, A-2-2 I'ANILA-Defense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile today ordered fi rst arrests of his prominint supporters. tlr 12, A-8-1 MANILA-His video cor rection reveared wi rd disco parties. r 986

    Mr 13, A-1-5 DC-Reagan admin. has paid nearly $450,000 to evacuate him f rom Man i I and house h im' M r--16---A=gJ- U. S. to hand over h i s records. M r 17 , F_ZO_1 President Aquino is worried about plot by him to return

    Mr 18, A-6-1 . . Lost a bid in court to prevent his financial records from" bieng turned over to the new lanila govt. Mr 18, A-6-1 Taste in vehicles was lavish,too Mr lg, A_6-.1 ldot, Loses bid to keep records from new regime. --1986-- ILrl4- A 1Q:L philippine panel uncovers swiss uant EccounT. Mr 19, A-1-5 -Documents brought to u.S by him refer to $50,000- campaig ntributions to'80 election campaigns of both Reagan and then-President Carter. Mr 19, 4_1_6 NoDot DC-accused of plunder by Jovito Salonga tlr 20, A-1-2 DC-ties to U.S candidates denies Mr 20, A-1'23dot C-Panama grants him a home I'lr 21, A 1-l PanamaCity-Panama refuses to grant him asylum Nr 21, A 14-1 DC-may have $88mil I ion in banks llr 21 , A:1\'2 NY-briefcase stolen from Jovito Salonga tlr 22, A-6-1 DC-Panama still may take Marcoses Mr 24, A-1-1 Manila-Filipinos pay bill for Marcosr ill mother age93 MARCOS, FERD INAND M.2tt n_L_1986 Manila-Aide Juan Ponce Enrile held phone rtft?kZO, A_10_1 DC-$8lmillion in U.S aid to Philippinesrmissing' Nr 26, A '10-4 Bern Switzerland-Swiss freeze any assets held by 6im Mr 26, 4-10-3 3dot Zurich-Swiss bankers rip fund freeze l\r 27, A 8-2 Honol ul u-subpoenaed about 198'l murders of un ion isTs i n Seattle Ap 1, A-'16-1 Cal ls Carazon Aquino dictator-Edit Mr 31 , A-2-1 Honolulu-claims to sti I I be president Mr 31, A-2N]Ooa DC-Pentagon accused of aiding him Ap6, R-4-t Mani la-Marcos urges mi I itary supporr for Mrtrr$Au[ng_, Loses 0.S-paid guards -1986- Ap10, B-7-1 ldot Marcos property in NY worth $3l6million Apl3, A 13-3 Mani Ia-deal would spl it cash wi th Marcos Ap14l A-2'4 Manila-Marcos boosters set trebel session' Ap16, A-16-\ Mani la-supporters march, demand his return Ap15, F-l4-1 NY-tours lets tourists see the Marcos sitelp V, A_\_3 Govt. tells of Marcoses thefts.. Ap 21, A-2-1 Sydney,Austral ia-Tried to sel I $20 bil I ion in gold from sta sh left by Japanese occupation forces Ap 22, 8-6-3 Said he never stole from his poeple. Acknowledged he owns property in New Jersey worth more than 53 mi I I ion Ap 23, B-6-4E Mani la-Burglars broke into pres palace looking for importan t documents left by Marcos Ap 28, A-'l-6 Honolulu-Talked to Reagan. Said he would I ike to return to r. MARC0S. FERDINAND : PHILIPPINE r 986 , Manila-Marcos ran army as if they were his private army. My 4, A-17-2 NY-May f ace US I ega I act i on l1y 7 , C'-7 -3W 3,000 supporters left after peaceful rally My12, A--l Mani la-his mi I itary leaders face probe for corruption My13, A-10-5 Mani la-may tour Latin countries My 13 , A-7-13dot Marcos I DC-George Shultz assails ral ies My15, A_9_t Beverly Hills-former lover Dovie Beams de villagran put 21 homes up for auction, not enough money bid

    Je 6, A-6-t 3 MANILA-He was flatly told not to come back by the defense minsiter. --1986-- Je 7, A-4-4 H0N0LULU-Fed. j udge yesterday ordered U. S. Customs Servi ce to returnhis money,jewelry. Je 9, A_l_3 MANILA - Pro-Marcos mob riouts - 21 hurt. Je 10, 8-10-6 MANILA-Seveaal associates of his contacted the govt. about cooperating with xommisison probing his wealth. Je 16, A-4-5 Honolulu-Advises his supporters agst any violent effort to overthrow Aquino govt. Je 17, A-6-6 LA-Judge froze $tZ million in cash, jewelry e real estate Je 2\, B-'l 1- 3 Singapore-lnvited to leave US but no other country has offe red to acceptacceot him Jl 2.2, A-E-lA-8-1 Man i I a-Den i bd he cheats at gol f. J I 8, A-2-5 Man'ila-Pro-Marcos rebels cal I off rebel I ion MARC0S, FERDINAND : PHILIPPINES I 986 , DC-probe of his role in coup attempted eyed-She5 Jl 12, A-4-1 Manila-accused of coachign rebel Ieader Arturo Tolentino J I 17 , A-3-6 \aot DC-cleared in vote donations Jl 18, A 7-5 Man i la-bankers wi I 1 return Marcos deposi ts JI 26, A-3-4 ) Manila-data backs charge of Marcosr stash JI3'1, A-3-53dot Manila-linked to acquittal of 25 charged in assassination of Benigno Aquino Al 1, A-4-1 Manila-linked to mistrial in Aquino murder Ag4, A-9-1W Manila-sales of leftovers of his holdings to revive economy- F i neman NEW yoRK-Al r .;-li3'"on."n.s or posho3,l9i,5lo.1."or i sh- .14, ment is going on the auction block. S A-5-1 Manila-no longer portrayed as hero by teachers s 29, A-2-1 Manila-loot is basis for new board game, Sequester o 2, A-8-1 Honolulu-quizzed Ahours on $2bi I I ion taken from Phi I ipines N 21, A-8-5 Bern-borders closed to Marcos family D 13, A-13-6 Aquino refuses to allow him to visit his ailing motherg8 D 14, A-11-1 Honolulu-lmelda cooks, Ferdinand stares at sea during simple Iife-Taggart D 14, A-B-1 tdot says he will rule again D 16, A-9-t barred from funeral of sister MARCOS, FERDINAND : FlLlPlN0 I 986 , Mani la-sued by Phi I ippines govt for 'hidden wealth' -1987- Ja 't1, A-14-4 DC-Gr jury in Alexandria, Va investigating kickbacks subpo ena Marcos t wife Ja 26, A 3-l Laoag-Fil ipinos dread threat of Marcos-Fineman Ja 27, A-3-5 Manila-Aquino foils coup by troops loyal to Marcos Ja 29, A-Z-1 MANILA-HeisblockedinattempttoreturntoPhilippines Ja 29, A-l-5 3do HON0LULU-Said he planned to return to his homeland in the midst of a revolt but was stopped' Ja 30, A-1-3 Honolulu-Accuses US of treating him I ike a prlsoner 6 block inq his return to his homel -1987- F 26, A_3-4 Manila-lst anniv of his ouster marked F 26, A_3-6 Manila-Aquino cuts costs far below Marcoses Mr 8, A-6-1 Manila-Marcos business associate to turn over 3 NY apts to Aquino govt MY 11 A-9-1 t^/ Manila-Hot seller is board game calledrSequester Philip- pines Hidden Wealth.r - Vaughn Je 5 A-3-2 San Francisco-Court cancels freeze on Marcos assets. Je 28, A-4-1 D0-calls hlmself a wife rgods' Je 28, A-4-1 3dot DC-awaits rcallr to return to rule Jl I A-12'3 Human rights fans get shaky support.--Moss MARC0S, FERDINAND: PHILIPPINES r987 , Lausanne-loses bid on bank secrecy Jl 3 A-5-1 Manila-Govt to sue Marcos, associates to recover wealth" Jl 7 A-5-2 Manila-Aquino may ban Marcos from trial in which he will face 45 criminal charges. J1 7 A-5-2 3=dot Manila-same as above. Jl 9 A_6_4 DC-U"S" bars his move from Hawaii aririd fears he is trying to destabilize govt. in Manila Jl 17, A-3-1 Mani la-Phi I lppines sue him ofr S22bi I Ij?nrO, A_10_6 DC-2 Marcos agents say persons tried to sell sfashes of gold a ,u"riities siashed away by MarcosAg 28,A-2-3NoDot s all, have been allowed 16 stay in US another yr. -1987- 0 14 A-2-1 70. underwent surgery in Honolulu for removal of tumor in neck. D 6 A-3-1 Marcos NY real estate deals investigated" -1988- Ja 11 A-7-1 Manila-Ex-Marcos palace now a monument to bad taste. Ja 31, A-1-1 NY-Auction of his properly a hit at CHrisLiers F 21 A-1-l Honolulu-Suit by Roger P.oxas accuses Marcoses of steal ing gold statue of Buddha and other treasures. F 23 A-3-1 Swiss I ift I id al lowing govt. to help Phi I ippines track as $ l.billion alleged to have been stashed by Marcos in Swiss banks. Mr 1, A-2-1 He can't reEurn to Ma4ila till he repays money he owes govt. says Ms ftu i no. MARC0S, FERDINAN D : FtLlptNO 1 988 Ap30, A-3-1 Australia E Philippines sign deal on seizure of Marcos assets My 4, A-3-1 His mother dies wi thouL seeing him My5, A-4-1 Marcos all ies heard at his motherrsJosefa ilral in- Marcos" funeral. My ZO A-3-.1 Marcos pleas for help to ieturn for his motherrs funeral are rejected' My 25, A-3-1 ldotX dnan Kashoggi revocers abouL a dozen of his painEings l4V 25, A-2-1 Honolulu-admiLLed Eo Honolulu hosp tly 26, A-2-1 Phi I ippine envoy accuses him of fakinq chesL pains Mv 27 BeLLer 'A-3-1 -1988- Je 26, A-3-1 NoD0t Aquino may allow him Lo return if he faces trial Jl 13 A-3-r U.S. Atty recommends the Marcoses be indicted on fraud E conspi racy chgs in connection with owningf OtLT";fl1nf ttan real estate" Dc-6?feii'to bive back $l Uillion to Philippines if permirt ed Lo return Jl 27, A-1-1 DC-Pres Aquino rejects offer to Iet him reLurn Jl 28, A-3-1-3D0 Aquinots staff recommended thaE offer be rejecEed. " A9 12, A-2'1 Batac-many urge burial for his mothen AS Z\ A-3-l Aquino assured Marcost safety if he returns from exile to answer graft charges in Nov. sF-govr raid grabs art, lRs seizes sLuff,o,lrri"t;3";? MARCOS. FERD I NAND : FILIPINO r 988 0 12, A 3-1 NoD0t Sti I I unwel come says Corazon Aquino S- FERDINAND: PHILIPPINE PRES. 0 I5 A l4-l lndicE Marcos?-Edi t 0lgA3-l Judge says Marcosr funds belong Eo Philippines 020A3-6 Reagan wonrL inEervene in Marcos case, 020A4-lldot Marcosesr conLempt rul inq upheld O 21 A I-I Marcos running out of plea bargain time 021A3-5 Marcosrs aLty plea-bargains; Reagan wontE be involved 022A1-2 lmelda Marcos charged with rackeEeering 0 22 A I0-l U.S government refused Lo negou iate wi th Ma rcos 0 27 A-3-l 3-dot lndictment on racketeering chgs del ayed. 02g,A_3- 1 Marcos granted delay. _1988_ N. 4, A-3-1 Says he'l I provi de evi dence N g, A-2-1 N 15, A-3-1 -sers-,:TP,:,:?l"l'31, Dc ru lioo""n"= D 2 E I-I COurE refuses Phil ippine GovennmenL sued I'lestinghouse ElecEric Corp ro cancel a conLracE for nuclear plant D19A3-lldot from hospi ral Marcos neleased D 30, A-3-1 lll, chest pain 1 -988- Ja 16, A-3-1 Back in bed = says coo ill for rrial -1989- Ja 20, A 2-3 Ny-poo;,hg h ."1 rh S 21, A-10-3 ..Y- iudqe MAR 1989 F 2, A-3-2. )dot Mani la-Salvador Launel Lo visi r dyinq Marcos F 3, A-3-1 Laurel arrives in Honolulu F 12 A-3-l ln critical condition in Honolulu after suffering relapse of pneumonia E bronchial asthma. F 24, A-3-1 3dot Must sLay in Hawai i during charges F 26, A-3-1 Manhattan apt controlled byMarcos being sold for $3 million F 26, A-3-1-2DOT Thousands took to streets in Manila to mark 3rd anniversary of overthrow. Mr 10 A-2-l Honol ul u- lmel da s ings to ai I ing Marcos. Mr I 1 A-3-1 New racketeering chgs filed against Marcos E wife. -1989- t4r 23 A-3-1 as Former Phi 1 ippine cabinet minister Jaime Laya arrested material witness in connection with chgs against Marcos. Ap 1, A-3-1 Asks U.S govt to pay his medical bills Ap 7 A-2-l NY-U.S. wonrt put ailing Marcos on trial. Ap 17 A-1-1 3Dot NY-Marcos won't be tried because of ill health; his wife wil l stand trial without him on racketeering charges. Ap 18 A-3-4 BernerSwi tzerland-saudi Arabian businessman Adnan Khashoggi arrested in case of properties owned by Marcoses' ' Ap1 9, A-3-2 Saudi arms brokerAdnanKhashoggi awai rs US exEradi fion,help Ferdinand conceal financial EransacLions to defraudPhil ippi AP 28 A-3=1 Swiss court rejects aPpeql agains.t j.udge's order to have some of the liarcos rir6al th sent back to Man i I a ' COS^ FERDINAND: FILIPTN0 I989 s 30 A-3-2 Ilonolul-u- Mourners streau to exl1e home while wldow appeal-s f or Perrnlselon to hzy Eta tn Phil-tpplnes. 0 1 A-3-L VP Salvddore Laurel urges Pres Aqulno to recon- sLder he ban preventlng Marco from being buried ln hLs homeland. O 2 B-3-2 100 FtltpLnos pay trlbute oo Marcos in Troy.-- Twardon O2A-3-13Dot Supporters urge Phlllpplnes Supreme Court to overrul-e sovt ban on hls burial Ln t6l_"idi_., CemeEery is found for Marcos' body at Valley of Temples Memorial Park in Oahu -1989- 0 12 A-3-1 2,OOO women marched in mock funeral procession in Laoag, pres.. Philippines, to press pres Aquino to let late ^ be buried in home'provibce 0 14 A-3'1 NoDot Phil ippinergovt warned nationrs Supreme Court in Manila against allowing Marcos' body to be returned 0 15 A-3-1 To be interred today in shedlike mausoleum overlooking Honolulurs Valley of the Temples Memorial Park 028A3-l Marcos body or members of immediate family to returR to the Philippines N 14, D-1-1 Wall St skyscraper owned by Marcos aucLioned off for $77 mi I ion D 28 e-3'l phi I ipdnut secures from Swiss bank lst instal lment of several hundred mill ion dollars Marcos held rhere illeg- ally MARCoS, FERD I NAND: FORMER PH I L I PP I NE LEADER 1990 Ja 9 A-3-1 lDot His moEher, who died in May,88, will be kept on ice until she 6 son can be buried togeEher.. Ja 22 A-3-1 IDou Body of his moLher Josefa enEombed in BaLac, Philippines, 20 mos afEer she died. My 8 A 3-l NoDou Ownership of Cal ifornia Qverseas Bank in LA to rhe Republ ic of the Philippines Jl 2 A 3-1 Judge l(eenan i n NYC rri al of lmel da Marcos advi sed the j ur Eo rely on memory ffi 1 989 Took a Lurn for Ehe worse My 19 A-1-1 rvery Honol ul u-ln criticalr condition My 20 A-3-z Honolulu-Rallies, but still critically ill. lty 21 A-3-1 Supporters march on pres palace to protest Aquinots refusal to let Marcos return home to die. My 25 A-3-1 lDotX Supporters petition Phil Supreme Court to compel govt to let Marcos go home to die. tly26 A )-1 Phillppines Supreme Court wanLs to know why Marcos should noE be allowed to reLurn and die in his homeland Je 8 A-3-1 ln poor condition after emergency surgery for abdominal infect ion. Je 7 A-3-'l Had surgery for abdominal infection ar Hono-]ltElr-rp. -1989- Je 10 A-3-1 Fed govt files civil suit in NYC against Marcos 6 wife '18 Je , A-3- 1 Critlcal after surgery JE29 A l-l I dot has run up hundreds of thousands of dollars in hospital bills and legal proceedlngs have funds tied up Je30 A l-l Marcosl kidney removed Je30 A 2-l Faillng Marcos undergoes surgery Jl I A 3-l Marcos. gravely ill Jl 2 A 3-l Cl inging to I ife JI ZO A 3-l Saudi financier Adnan Khashoggi extradi ted S 4 A-2-6 Wife requests that he be buried at Natl Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific in Honolulu S 6 A-4-z l'lan i I a-Wi I 1 be tr ied in absent ia in Man i Ia. FIARC0S . FERD INAND : DEATH 1989 s 28 A l- Former Phi I ippines ruler Marcos dies S 28A I -2 3 Dot Bush.reaos with sadness to his passing S 28A l-3 3 Dot .Ferdi nand and lmel da loved gl i tter, grandeur, everythi ng the sumptuous S 28 A l-5 3 Dot No burial in Philippines for ex-pres. S 28 A 3-\ 3 Dot Few of Met Detroitrs Fi I ipinos mourn-Jones-Twardon S 2BA 3-4 3 oot U.S.-Phi I ippines relations unaffected by Marcos death s 28 A l2-l 3Dot Hawaii was palatial prison for exiled ruler S 29 A 1-z Manila stocks drop, troops alerted in wake of Marcosr doath s29A8-l Metro Fi I i p i nos pl an memor ial , but few mourn-Jones s29A8-5 uino pays oautious tribute to former chief -1989- s 29 A-8-1 3Dot Mani la- His mother may be interred -- at last. 027A3-1 Phi I ipplnes Supreme Court rejected a peti tion seeking a hometown burial for Marcos N 3 A-3-5 3Dot 50,000 loyal ists ral ly demanding return of body to Phi I ipp= ines for burial tt B A-13-l Supporters attend mass in San Juan nr Manila marking 40th, day since Marcosr death -L993- JL 2l A 4-2 Honolulu - His rernains will be flown to the Philippines. s7 A4-L Laoag, Phillippines - His body finally returned home for br-rial after 4 Ws in exile. RCOS, FERDINAND: MISC 1990 , flg 16 A 2-3 lDot e Phi I ippines plans Eo sel I si lverware and paintinqs col I ted by the laLe dictator Marcos and wife lmelda ---199L--- Ag 74, A-3-L Manila-Pres.Corazon Aquino to lift ban on his return -, .-=. ---L992--- Ja 6, A-3-1

    Manila-His body may be burled in Philippine_s . rmelda claims late husband wealth tit.3i3ry or gold buried by Japanese occupation"u*.-troH forces durung I,JWII F5A2-5 Nrly 2 yrs aft husband died,Imelda still owes more than $400,000 in medica, Ottl?r, Ap s A 2_6 Govt will not. allow the body of Marcos to be brought home Marcos' body on hord ,-rl?'3t.er genera, "tB.l?#"'-tS 15 A 2-6 lDot The philippines has recovered another $11.7 million in assets linked to to Marcos. S 25 A 2-6 LDot tate of Marcos liable for torture and other atrocities itted agst Philippine dissidents during his rule -L993- S2A5-lnodot lulu - His body is to be flown home to |frg &illppines st after 4 of his S 8 A 9-1- N-.J11:-'-:,.- vrs ,, death.,, I Laoag, Phillippin€s- - - Country's^ leading" clergyman denounced the honors that were being bestoyd on hirn. s10A6-1 Barac, philippines _ Buri$rBgur. t4r L2 A 5-r Popularity,especially among young Mexicans and the left, is still strong MARCOS, FERDINAND : II{ISC. 1996 Mr 19 A 2-2 Electricity that keeps his remains cool in crypt to be cut off if Imelda doesn't pay bilI,$154,00 in arrears Mr 22 A 5-5nodot Ime1da to buy generator to keep his body cool if power co. shuts off electriciLy yb 25 A-4-7 Zurich-Swiss bank recognizes phillipines claim to his 1998 Ap 21 A 5-1 3Dot Manila-$28O million* he had in Swiss bank accounts re- turned to Philippines; but $540 rnillion still there L999 F25A9-13Dot L.A.-9500 victims under his reqime, to share *frfSO million MARCbS.. MRS. FERDINAND E. ! \dlFE 0F PHILIPPINES PNrdSffir NY-\,vErrrr ro spEcrAL sHowrNc oFU.S.FnsH,o*"-si7& l;3; ,, BEING THE ATTRACT ION OF rHE SHOI4, I N HER STUNN I NG OUTF lT s 22, 8-14-1 Lerxs Be JoutvrLBJrEorr. Marurla-as HosrESs or 6 neros oF srAr. a ,3.?f'r?;ll-' }IAS BEEH I !Ig t TED 8Y rurn*19fl9eaano N,*of,160 SE?rElHouse Lufioi{Eot{ Sepr 22uo. --1971-- O 15,C-1-2 'o vtstr DerRorr AT tNV rrATtoNoF Mns Herunv Fono I l--Bnetr iYER goR it Det. opEN I NG oF Nonrx .o,o. o"02fu9;1;SrrrurE ARrspLemEnRe oF MR12, D-12-.! lDor Loru.or--ABoBE To vo sTT =--1972----HosstA FoR DAYS ' JE 4, 8-6-4 Marrutln- Mns. MARcos SUFFERS MISCARR IAGE ON YACHT. -1972- S 28, A-17-1 Flt-tptNo cHIEF TtcHTENS MARTIAI- LAw; HlcH scHooLSr BN0vERS 0T!Es suur TNDEFENITELYT D 7' A-1-4 Mnsn MeRcoa Kril IFED; AssA ! LAHT K I LLEo. 0 Br . A-18-1 GALLED REAL TARGET [N KNiF'E ATTAB*IO, MaRcos O_eO_5 Assaltamr CaRt lro 0lr"tAAL li 5 eoalr PLoT to itLL MARcos' o 11, A-2-1 Grves HER Accouur oF utto1.g,r_ N 16, A_9_1 lrurenlocKEtu Mrcn---To vtslT Nartouau Mustc carqp ron 2 0avs rnt" wa.r; [NrenlocHEN CHoSEN To BE MODEL FOR NEl" PHlt-t-lon ptruE Nart Anrs CEUTER UNDER coNSTRucrloN THERE' --1974-- s 17r A-r-7 T'o r.llre wK-LoNG vrsrr roCntNA BEqtu.S2O S 26) E-+, To exrENo cuRRENTCHINA ?lslr BY lonvs N-10, D-24-1 HarLeo AS rt{E rKlsslNcER or Frn Eesrt-ZerfitrBrA-g-{Race Assesses PntltpptNEst prye tN woRLD! I D g, b1-4 Vrslrs HeunvFonoll Esrlre lN GP Flnms-BRelrtilEYER rtEPPrtte pnd$T&r,m Ac26 , &,-2-7 &ttto- or{ 2 oav vtsir ro Hn vene cuBAn N5,A-Y1 lu Favoa or DtvoncE ano Aaonrron. N6, A-(.t loor NAueo GoveRtuoR or [vErRopoLlrAN M*ttft?ra-Z-e Dtscusses APPT. es GovenroR oF fvlEro MaHluA.

    ErureRra ;NED By' ns. ftfff&ro*o u'*?fiiilSf:g., tln-Slvs Sovters orrenE! To FEPLA6E PLANNEp US autlr uu- en pr-lrCr WHOSE 6ESISN &' rlruauCtllq ls qUESTlOileo ev U.5. -1-980- Ae 6, C-1-4 loarus rorAlll$6 Iru U.5 Tol oEr ? ':BlmlLLloN -!pl- N 11r A-15-1 SlrFneu-FLloHT DEtsyEo BEoAusE oF BoltB THFEaTT *1i31- r{ 22, A-?-,1 [,i,qf,t! l-,rr tlIl,JOlIllf Er: I]eEr't DEi,!TI AL ArlEl Tt OiJS - 1985- D 13 , A-12-t1 DC-U.S probes real estate owned by her in NY 1.1 A-2-3 rqn tu - pat ,;;:3?!-;"0.n or her ravi rnnll, ' ".. Ap 22, 9-6-3 Recrd pair of shoes from supporters. D 27, A 8-1 Manila-vows to return to save the poor 1987- Ag 5, A-z-5 Proposed autobiography titledilMy hidden wealth" - 1 988- F 10, A-2-1 Honolulu-rumor wrong LhaL she was going to phit ippines MARCOS.MRS. FERDINANO (IITIOA): WIFE OF PHIL. PRES 1988 Je 30 A-1-1 Manila,Phil-Govt investigators retrieve another 530 prs. of her shoes from mansions in her hometown of Tacloban. 0 6 A-3-2 Bonifacios Santos has full time job shining her shoes she left behind when she 6 husband fled country. o 6 A-2-1 l-dotzt Same as above. 030, A-3-1 invited fed. officials to join her on luxury jet' N 1 A-3-2 NY-lmelda Marcos chgd with embezzlement. N 2 A-3-6 l-dot NY-Heiress Doris Duke posts l$5 million bail. N 3 A-1-2 NY-Heiress comes to rescue for old friend lmelda' N g, A-3-'l Back i n Honol ul u -1 988- N 13, A-1-1 DC Libyan Moammar Khadafy offers to pay $5mil I ion bail N 30 A l-l lmelda assails Nancy Dlg c a-2 upcoming D.0.C. 0ptique ad campa ign-Ca i n-Naugh ton - 1 989- Je 9 A-1-1 Honol ul u-Records lst album, a col lection of husband's favorite love songs. S 29 A-8-5 NY- Faces racketeering trial alone D 22 A-3'1 Considering pleading gui I ty to lesser chgs in exchange for suspended jail sentence -1990- F Ig A 2-3 Month bef sEarE of rackeLeering trial o lmelda has made majo chanees in her defense Learn.Droppinq 2 aLfys,adding I Mr I A 3-t lDor Banker,' Rodolfo Arambulo who was indicLed on racketeerinq i ch lmelda pleaded oui I uy MARCOS, MRS. FERDINAND (IMEI-OA) : WIFE OF PHIL PRES.

    Trial for Marcos W 20 A-Z-L 2Dot NY- Fraud trial opens tday. vh 21. A-3-2 NY- Jury selection begins; 4 of. 10 prospective jurors knew abut her thousands of pairs of shoes. ilh 2g, A-3_1 1mT Jury selection completed an l, a a-q NY-lmelda a husbanil invested Phi lppine dol'Tars"id US real esEaLe on the advice of former Vpres Bush rold in trail NY-Received 3,000 pairs of shoe mosEly th8?w?gna size ' Ap 10"A 2-1 NY- llusband was concerned by Tmelda spending My 9 A_3_1_ For 2nd Lime in 2 weeks, Imelda, 50, led from NY trial courtroom in tears My 15 A-2-3 Actor George Hamilton granted inrnunity to testify at trial -L99o- My 16 A 2-t Actor George Hamilton, testified at Imelda fraud trial w 24 A-Z-L TV journalist Diane Sawyer ordered to appelr at /ackeLeer trial to verify videoLaped intenriew ,i5t F?l*i lmelda collapsed during her NY rackeLeering trial and was removed on a stretcher. Je 4 A-3-1 Collapsed at her rackeLeering trial in Marihattan, treated at NY hosp for gastritis Je 5 A-2-t+ Trial postponed anoLher wk so she can recover from stomach inf lammation. Je 20 A 3-t l.loDot LEys would noL call wiLnesses in her defense Je 29 A 8-l Jury deliberaEes Jl Z A 3-l Judqe Keenan in t,lYC rrial of lmelda I1arcos advised Ehe ju memo MARCOS, MRS. FERDINAND (IMELDA):l.ltFE 0F pHtL PRES. lgg} JI J A I- Marcos acqui tual verdict seLs sEage for rwar of widowsl JI 5 A l0-l lmelda was acquitced by Fed jury in NY on charges that she and her late husband Pres Ferdinand 'rsysLemafical Iy looEedrr the Phi I ippine Lreasury for thei r own benefi t-Edi t Jl t5 A 2-2 lmelda hosLed lavish thank Vou luncheon for jurors who ac- quiuued her on fraud,conspiracy charges JL 26 C 8-1 Wants to donaLe $5 million for earthquake relief in the Philippines but Aquino won't release funds frozen by US courts. S 25 A-6-1, PiLtsburgh- Cheered by fellow Pilipinos as she entered fed court Lo testify in Westinghouse bribe trial -1990- 0 10 A-4-5 L.A.- Actor Georqe Hamilton was conduit for $12 million Imelda & husband took from Philippines N 6 A 4_l Manila has agreed Lo drop i rs $5 bi I I ion rackeLeeri nq sui E agsE her, in exchanS;e for 65% of whatever funds remain in Hong Kong banks N 26 A 4-1 NY-lmelda has offered Eo qive abouE $3.5 million in bank ac count funds frozen in fhe Philippines Lo vicrims of Typhoon Mi ke D 17 A 4-l Philippines cancels deal wirh lmelda that called for a 6O- 40 split of Ehe millions of dollars believed kenv bv her family in Hono Konq banks D 26 A-2-1, iled forrner firsL lady of Philippines says every day would be Christmas if her people would let her come home. -'l 991 - f4 r -?o 4 5-l PIans to aBply fqr pa-ssport l0-reEurn to Philippines as Ist steD foward' rilnnlno tor DresldenE MARCOS.MRS.FERDTNAND (rUEIOA):WrFE 0F pHrL PRES. 1991

    decrsr., I: r',?"{otr"l tmet da Marcos a passport until govE has flled crlminal charges agst her. I\'lr 26 A-3-t Manila- GovL rejecLs her passport applicationl she will be arrested if she tries to return to her homeland. Ap 7 B-7-4 NY- & Aquino stil1 locked in fighL over Marcos money. My 72 A 3-3 Manila, Philippines-A fire broke out in Lhe Philippine pre- sidental palace, gut.Ling a souvenj-r shop but, sparing the 2.000 pairs of shoes Jl 31 A 1-1 ffi - Allowed to return home after 5 yrs of exile by Aquino snrc,ulation on her reLurn and politicial *l*ifr1#. JA9.t"o, -L991- Ag1A4-1 NY - Ctaims that. she has no political plans. AE2A7-L NY - Rejected the Philippine governrnentrs terms for her return home. Ag 6 A 3-1 NY - I,/ill reLurn home to face c orruption charges and bring her husband's body. Ag 2grA-g-i_ lla-suit says she fled wit'h $lmillion s 3, A-3-1 Manila-GovL.filed new fraud chgs agst her,withdrew $25 mill from govt.bank branch O 25, A-2-2 Given permission to reclaim her infamous shoe collection if she returns to Philippines in Nov.to face charges of looti 028,A-'l-'l Manila-willsellshoesEoaidvictimsofvolcano MARCoS, XMRS FERDINAND (IMELDA)- PHILIPPINES $g4 N 1, A-2-5 Manila-golng home, Eo end 5yr exlle N 1, A-3-3 Manila-brands Pres Corazon Aqulno a thlef a a failure N 3, A-4-l Mani la-gaudy welceme awai ts her, fol lowers ecstaEic N 4, A-1-4 Man i I a-rwonderful Eo be home' she tel I s corwd N 5,Al-5 Manila-surrendered, out on bail N I 7, A-2:1 Some shoes missing N 12 A 2-6 L dot Manila - 17 new criminal charges were filed against Imelda Manila- Kicked out of her $2r000-a-day hotel suite D 24, A-2-6 Manila-8 more criminal charges filed agsL her -L992 Ja 29 A 4-L arrested on charges she illegally kepL money abroad in 3 counts of contravening regulations in opening a foreign bank account E L2 A 2-5 Marcos said that God unleashed devasLating typLroons & ear quakes agst the Philippines bec he was.Engfy witlr 3res Core zon Aquino r"y t), A-Z-) Manila'-Bowed out of presidenLial racersay but up good fighL but her voLes not properly courted Mi 19 A r-5 NoDot To be arrested aft she failed to appear in court on currenc violatlon charges. My 18 A 2-6 Faced threat of arrest aft she boycotted her arraignment. on currency charges My 26 A 2-6- Plans to sue the govL agency Je 14 A 3_I Marcos.conceded defeat and supported Fidel Ramos MARCOS,,MRS;-'FmDTMND (IIffi-DA): FoR PRSTDmIT 4994 D 30, A-2-6 Manila-Endorsed by her late husband's party as pres.candi- daLe in May's election ---L992--- Ja 7, A-2-6 Manila-Said she will run for pres.in May F 25, A-2-6 Mani la-Accepts govt.condi tions for brinlnq hls body home from Hawail I'lr 13, A-3-4 Draws crowds in her off-Lhe-wall bid for presidency of the Philippines MARCOS, MRS FERDII{AM (IMil-DA) : PHILIPPINES 4992 D3A2-6 Sandra Garcia of virginia and NY florist Klaus Braemer ha sued Imelda to recover $1.8 million they loaned her. Ja5A2-6 solicitor-Gen Raul Goco saiE'fl3'[uo met 3 conditions set by Marcos for transfer it'rto the country of millions of dollars s24A5-L Manila - Sentenced to a minirm.rn of 18 yrs in jail for cor- ruption and banned from public office forever. -t994- o27A2-3 She has offered $30 rnillion to victims of human rights a- buse during late husband's reign;rejected as too low -L995- Ap 24 A 10-1 Philippine Election Conrni-ssion panel diqualified Imelda to to run for Congress -L998- F 8 A-5-1 Manila-Imelcia will run for president in May electiions. Mr 27 A-5-1 Manila,Philippines- clained to have $800 million stashed away,will give to poor Filipinos if elected president o 7 A-lt-L Ihnila- Acquittal frees Imelda of L2-yr jail term. MARCOST FERDINAND JR: SON 0.F LATE PRESIDENT {99,t N l, A 3-2 Arrlves ln Manila from Slngapore, ends-5yr exile -1993- Ap 20 A 4-3 Married Louise Araneta in Italy This weekend.His mother Imelda was not invited : MARCOS.' DONA )OSEFA EDRALIN : MOTHER of "FERD I NAND 1986

    t4r 24, A_1-1 Mani la-age93n medical bil ls being paid by Aquino govt Es1973 , PR t t{cerou NJ--To ATTEND PR I NcEToN ' 5 13e h-1-1 SraRts FREsHMAN YEAR AT Pn t Nceront s 21t A-22-1 Ar'rrR FoR polrR]r;' rroru [rtJ---ce rrr c I zEs r.L\*L1.. b9il.s BrB"-?Li]t-irtfli*og DEs4AsD REgETyED tsy FAMTLY or ToMmv F6No io6 wno cLA r16 r5"*urI ireniliio' lGe(Fhn torj*6yfJe-r OT T MENIu-}4ARcOS DENIED THAT HETS AEHIhID DISAPPEANANCE v lr&Noroe. P^inY rhlG 1966 MAr6n5 - -DR 'V C.UTEST !{ ltJNEq l{tllrftF_HTNNER nFrrr PltcHtrt9n cHqNp,^NsH'punArvrr ilr, ,n'n,ortnNALrrat r!'r!EL TEENtr:r_t! rEr,- S*'$Ti6'a"*r.r1un v ,fs v r)t._Jt. rn"iriEn \ARRYL, NAMET, Hrs JR H,GH 6Esr ALL-ARnr-rNn=^# ATHLETE or 1.966-lgr I',IE R MAR@s, RUSSELL: t'lt-FDEn INQUIRY: DETROIT 1955 n 8. 5-6 Heuo lH DEATH,-rF HIS FATHEF Cnntsr'rpurn C.Hlnettar.r MARCUS, SANF0RD : PHYSICIAN I986 Says more doctors, dentists joining Union of American Phys i c i ans and Dent i sts-Angel I i.{A STill,lLFi s iTiilliE FU,i?eE 0FllEF 1982 F ;|, EaJ-1 i-lean eF uS 0pcniu zED ilTntxr ForrbE"'iN-olrJ RECOmmENE FOR IJ; ^Rri'lE III POST TIF A:]-OI:I}tsY t II AIOI " 1977 SournrtEuo couHcoLMAN DtscussEs urAys FoR ourrtNc pRopenry TAxEs. LaoeROlaru Mv 6, B-2-1 N DECIERED HIS CANDIDACY FOR MAYOR OTSOUTUTICLO-LAOTRMAN Decroes Nor ro RUN FoR MevoR- ,,.1t'4rr3;'-31 EtEcrroN roSourHp I elo CouNc I l_. N 9, B_.!-1 N DEreareo FoR couructt-, l-lomeownEns cRoup HAePv-LAoERMAN r ISAACF-ERITER t932 Form 1656 Tho Detloit.Nas & 31, lt6 lrrsnr?s E?29r286" Fns. ttas G*EorU& FtrvEFr -,-1938&- F a6.19{ Teuus TO,JN HALL ArDtENCErtET.,ThlAT THERE !5 ilo lfr&lEDlafg peospecT OF EUROPEAN VIAR a, Appotrreg rg ctry eouilerl til Econse " ReEaLLeso-BuLLARo -19Te- Ad 9t A-17-1 MARCoTTE, CARL - MtSStNG '1974

    FoR H rs REruRN,Mr ssr NG r lrnocHilr1Z',"tyi{ii*Rie EiHl,go,rr DiseppeansrFAmtLy wArrs-SrNcLAtR JE 14r A-5-l Lrr,rcor-mPenr-hJlFE uilLL Nor HAvE To pAY FEE FoR tMpouNDED cAR svL r Ncor-PARK PoL I cE MARCOTIE, DENNIS W. ! MICHIGAN SOLDIER c ?B- B-2-1 1967 0r Harueocx, MlcH.-KILLED tru VTETNAM 1952 . EVA. B.: BANIGiIPTCY CASE: E{ICHIGAI{ Eh tg, at-o APPEAL TO BAT.TKRUPTCY REF.To sET AsrDE DEFAULT nwUrr^ FE TO *, FAULr BAI,IKRUFT y oRDER sET AstDE AP 1.'5-3 f,rlllqJr\rf Es DEBTuEpl rOav RUsSELLJ.TREVORrluJ+LL.J alr\bYq\ AP -Jlt9, 2-2b - .,ECLAREDED II'ISOLVENTII{SOLVEf'!T INIFI fED.BAHKRUPTCY CASEQA:TE I']HENI,''HE&I FAILS T&APPEART8 AT COIJ AP Feo.BA'rKRuprcyEo.aAt'tKRuprcy REF,T0REF.ro DEctDE rrFErsurrFErs case Ap zgrH29rH Ar2Z-'J1'rt, Fes.cr.RulEs tsJ I FE BABIKRUPT ,,[FE'PTiE3'Ei#5F,$^XFHEI. ,N Fo.cryn kiari];3p tiicbr.riEir?ii'sriiiroisTo coturesr HUsBAFTDTS DrvoRcE cAsE i'tYI{Y lu138;'ty1 L?4 r'rnluu.lerrr-sRA6reo eaove DUE To llFers lNvALtD DtvmcE ,-€ 9. 24-v5^^ APPEARAITcE os euiG-ir: surr FoR $33:gff eY Rus ELLifii?-i$igfD'lto-Foiile F'lREVffi neeni opERATloN DELAYS:r^vs, APPEARAI,IcEaFptra*Ar.rcE oFnF ABovEaBnvE lr'lrel SUITsutr "E.rE xl,.Lrr rJ-53-3 TNEss FReo.C.FunRn AN TELLs oF DEALS oF ABovE lN sulr JE t2. 7-2 .AU IT.I IdARRANT FREES ABOVE IlI COURT APPAERANCE JA !.3,.6-5 KELEASEDiLEASED FROM COURT ACTIONAGTTON DUE TO !{ITNESS!{|TNESS FEE NOT EEtNGtpAtDBEING^PAID IN!t{ FUFULL Sueo sv Mns.Erearuon LassEr-tNE FoR LoAN oF $3o.coo **2:rl?-u RusseruRussCIu F.TRevonF.TREVON wtNSb,tNs- JUDGnIENTJUDGi,IEfitT FFFR MRSMns LOUISEl-outse C.FurmnamllC.FUFiMAN.{ FoRFOR [-oAN[-C}AN ToTO ABovE Jl 16138-1 BANKRupTcH cAsE Nok up ro RereREE FoR MoRE FA.crs -cxr t rLes $$,000 FALsE ARREST SU|I vs F.Bnevm F 17, 64 AeovE soucxr ro FACE BANKRUpTcy sutr F 18, 14-3 RecEtveR FoR As'ESTS oF ABovETFRANTLTN HepeuRN,DtsMtssfD FotLowlNG a DrscLosuRE:LosuRE THAT HE ALSo l,lAS Hin artoRruevartoRlrgv F L9.L9, t+6144 rLrlt Hg,peuRN ts srtLL REcEtvER zuT lNDtcATEs HE wtLL RES|GN sooN Aeove nnnNeD To suBMrr Lrsr oF HER ASsETs & LrABrLrrr[r'?o fPo3 ro** Ruprcy cT oR RrsK coNTEplpT AcrtrN F 2l . 7-3 Ftt{AL ABovE To FAcE sANtry rEsr;HEARtHG To BE HELD MR.24tx Mh:.-d_5-iimau SZ_f !1Tr-s.T:.R.y^LE_lBo,yE r-3 snr.re Ae E,zlo L---" r rrlhL Fatls ro sHo,,,t up roa U.S.couni exar,r;r+an, ANT rssuED t{Y 31 2-4 BB U.S.BanKnuprcy REFEREe ARcHte Karcnin iers l"lv 14rx ron-xeiRrxo oN pEr rTtoN To DtsMtss tNvoLrrNTARy BANKRUpTcy-1gBl--. pEtrrtoN ourLosl.rn_r AEovE sEEKs GUsr@Y or HER 'ja9t!tuq- Je 24, B-4 LF Souerr srucE Hv 1953 oN BANKRUPTcII sufi-iunneNoEns rooAv Lisi oe assers & LrABtLrrrEs oF ABovE F'LED rN T":r^--F[tia*F1 Qtrsrlortnc oF ABovErs rNvEsrusrTs ro clNTtNuE F 28rx HARCOTTE. GEOffiES: MJRDERER ftloilrneat-asE 33.8x-{oxvlcr.cor{vrcTED & sENTc ro rfiHa t'tFgi Fon Sar,rra Ce-us eeReeo rtir-en or 2 p6t-tceMEr DURTNG $143.000 D 14 xor-oup or Ca [orl* lueenrru Baxr or Cowrence ' r,h 29, n-16-6 PatrurtNGs By ABovE To BE soLD tw l,lorurneat tlrru pRocEEDs-GorNG FoR A MORIAL FUND FOR HIS VICTIMS r 958

    D L7, Ls-L Go.Reptos-ltuolcreo LEADER OF CANADtAN CoUITTERFEIT RlH6 ^s Ja 8, 35-6 Go.ReptDS-AwAtTs SEN?ENCq AFTER ---1959---FLEAD|l.6 GU L?Y TO BRINGItG COUN rii r.rourv rmo U.S.FRoM CANADA MR 29, 17.4 Go.Rerros-SeirreNceO TO 18 MOS.IN PilsON MAR0oT;E, DR LAWRENCE : DENT I ST 4994

    JI 16, B__1-2 Presidenc of Mich Dental Assn calls AIDS report fai r-Ull lla s Angel I MARCOTTE, DR 0LIVER : INVENT0R 1g8g Age83 of Southfield Mr 19, B-1-z Offers Gravi ty Flow SEpEic Tank System 6 waLers Ehe Iawn- Lopez Ap2, "3-l+ GeLs dozens of letters, requesLs Ag 15, F-8-5 bitrdied Ag 11 of lung ailmentrage 85 1968

    , Aaove Stnano cHARGED WITH KIDNAPING & eRmgo RoBBERY'..-t)- AFTER Carrraolaru tMMtGRATtoN OFFICERS FIND James Perroru tN cAR TRUN ALPHOI.SE J. :AM'EE SERVI 1945 IN AGTION ttllRC0[!X. CtIARLES W. ! AUTO ACCIOEIIT 1977 tlrrven ets orLy orE ro EsoApE, 6 cntr.onin'ioiil-." GIR 11T,3..SX3il:'ii*',1"'# o^, Ll+ kl-r^il tuI fl'H OFF NOAB O 170 B-1-'l St tf,An-oHARCED WITH t'tEGLlGEitT HOH|OIEE tr inoyutre or 6 N 10, B-1-1 Sr SEe rueul-pLEADEo No coNTEsr, FAcEs 2 vns lN .rArL MARCoUX, plRS. ELENA T" DEARB0RN,MI0{iGAN 193e

    l*lR 1n' 22-8 Nruro ro srare B.ARD oF .orrrrll;'-"'utu (bv.DrcrrNsoN AsKs ABc E ro ^.ri-n-iil-63i';-cr.r.J6,-34ro-'Ji'23. 0."1915"tt "* lrare ro opEN ousrEe pRocEEDrlrgs Jaru. 18rx lz-{, HUSTER HEARTNG posTpoNED TttL tEB. 1sT l- 1. 3B-4 N|TE gusrER cAsE posrpoNED rtLL F 1ETH E g.'q-t lUsTER CHARGES AGAINST AB(,BE BRoADENED I. 26" 33.4 NITE Qousrep HEARTNG ADJoURNED rrlu Hn. 21sr Mn 21. 35-s lusren rRrAL To BE HEAR Mn. 28rx Ma'28.!2-2 ll Ata;Eii iiniiHo'-oiEnrs fees naro By BoARD BEvEAIED np'h"2sl"l6a' 3.-2l-r-nrire f'.AcES CROSS ExAi4 NAT|ON Ap 3nO Ap-4^ 35-4 leanlrrlC ADJOURT\IED uNf tL Ap qrH Ap g. 274 ,lEsrlMoNy coMpLETEo tN ousrER pRocEEDtNGs l{v Z: za-z IIV.UICK|NSON RECEI\€S IESTIMoNY JA 10, 4-8 REane'1.ro srATE eoano CosMErrLdcv av--:-1941--.-- Gov.Varu tdeconen-' 4p 3n' 23-1' Naueo ro srare Bomo or cosrEr:r-ffi--il'3fJlG,-, , GERALDIhE : fMl6S trtCHlGAN 194r,' l94l

    rNs '!ilrss HrcHr€ANo rrrr-E ril ,T&it 'fuu zz iE ?11 \A-o s sTtDEHr oF MEDTcAL soctoLoGv er iraivanovs Cor.lece-liex]SErie' I zsr,1er4 IfiJ TRAFFIC ACE.CASE 0 5, fu?o 10 ANDIHG AT THE PARTIi'G OF T}IE NOP.REX tsNIrC 0 10, 41-z lo nepREsEur fueeresr Grm- ron Det: 27 fi itl f$.e M$EBlHltr8tH,Diil"u[8fi .R^'Ii8-'H'i.T0h'?$u0EIi I'E '*L9Qpq Je 3, 1z-s As Mtss Navyrsrexos Mr&H Trffi tN D.C.& N.Y. xaBgolIx, l{Bs. rDa, - cErcaco 1931

    Form 1656 - The Detroit Newr Je 41 15-4 ober her rfII feivfng $65r0m to llr. Eilmnif ,.BoLllot Iletrolt'tlelnaalo oa l,saatlE0 slgaatuss $ Z, 1.A4 Dt. b.J.Ro}1o denles w111 forglng t1' lBs DR Eorquruo Bor-ro upHELD ey ILL clffiirr counr or a"p.nr-B ..MEPH A" . ffiTMlT 1937 Form 1656 Aa L7r244{rtv ro 10 DAYS FOR oRrrilr( _gLElSr#g-_ F 3, 4-Z BS }YIISTNIAI- CALLED I$t DRUHK DRIVIiIG TRIAL F 4131-5 85 &w es DRLmK DEtt ER F Lt,zo-L Serurc.ro 3 filos.To 1 yR.FoR DRUNK DRtvtnG 1963 Iiuacotx. MFCEI- - cof{vlcT Horwnell-& C,e,nuor iMAecouxtzlrHoLD euARD RAmono rrui-i'il:s iosirer trxr BARGAII,IING FOR TRANSFTR TO ANOTHT? PRISONiGUARES RUSH THTTI, KILLITIG OIEUOT & WOUN.DITIG ABOVT AFTFR THtrY STABBED GUARD'WHO LATTR DITD [d a4t 16-3 f:laneteD Elanram F,losu ur Anmr lssprrar. f,lARcovtc, ALExAxtpER MJRDER $JSPECT: WINDSOR,CAfi|ADA I 957 F 29, ?-z 5! Jarueo roDAY rN MURDER or Mns.-Elerqa Lzacr FouND ,rog ,LO fiEirfi-i"tiDEATH IN IJ l,tror', (- Nr NAMfihil?l-+5il]oNr.--K I LT.ON . r DNA'ED FR r END & FoRcED HrM ro o*,r. ,3 fil*3il",o*r. l. JOHN r 1961 R€cerves Auro Clua or MlcH.GoLD IEDAL FoR sAvrNG LtFE'oF Vtlcext S'SKI FR.AUTO DEATH 1963 ILLI. DEBBIE - LOSS LEGS drrmrm,N.Y.-7rr-osr Eor'r LE€s rN AccNDElr! ,* *r,a[ Siioff'iir ao.t ,lltr rneCTon-TRAlLm Fee.13 q 3 [-3-5 [a1r6loo,Nff-8rts waurrNG oN ARTtFTctAL LrMBsrts nefufirtlile ro scHoor- > 4 & IS LOOKINIG FORI,JARD TO SEEING HER FRIENDS B+\RCLrM, AVIS : TRENTSI t942

    gn1q9e3-Tqq,< a aco*se Tdffs;:"Uor,- o, ., *, .f qB lj$?*o As.B-SSUEI OF ACC.-Qr. JAgi. 2-2 :s $50roc[) DAMAGE sulr F20B1-1N 22, charged r.sith the atLempted murder of Adam Trudeau, 17, in a carjacking on Telegraph. - Ankeny Ap 2L B 3-5 W Telephone tipline led plice to Daniell faces exam in ca jacking Ap 28 B 3-6 D Det - Returned from Ohio to faces charges; prelim scheduled or lt{ay 3. My 22 D 5-5 !/ 1 Dot Dearborn Hgts - Orderd to stand trial in Det Recorderrs Ct. -1996- As o5 c 4-L Sentenced by judge to 25-75 years in prison-Ilka , .-fi,lHl,;: AUTS IACE nFFtCt\L: ,-)Ht0 r953 lln 21, 13-7 Aarvr racEs FEn.ilrsr. rlr.sutl FoR i^JtrHirt-DtNcI .r'LUIrrl'r'i5u'Lruv $40rCOO rlIT.I STI]CK C1.R RAcE PR,RtzE I ZE rior,lEyrior,!EY AsA9,)FF ,)FF riiAi"ii'nr.q!cAn'"tC I A,L rtF NASCAR APl 20- 49-s G:veH 0K ro Rl.rN Seer-. prn ar -----_iFE6-Hlcx.SrirfFaln GeorrruosGeorrruo3 A 25o MILE LATE ]uoDEL STOCKCAR RACE{.EItrJC & 16- 27-1 Russ lErcar lEptee sAvs ltE eot-tr957E r_ouii-oe^u tH srocr c; _-.-1E Bl.__ "6%8f66f$Sr^'ns0 Nrrueo HATIL sTocK cARE REp.oF tjt{lrEo Sretes Auro Clur MARCUM,LAHOMA GAY; DISORDERLY CONDUCT 1969 s 28, A-1-5 1B on TRUMBULL sr. A RRESTED ALONG l^/ ITH OTHERS IN CONNECTION i^/lTH THE RALLY OF SDS- q 20 L-<-1 ' IVOULD RATHER BE JA ILED THAN RETURN HOME wir i i o'd u il, i -rvA N A R D MARCIM, MARY ANN : LAWRENCE TECH UNIVERSITY 1 999 s15B4-2 She's director of continuing education & professional de- velopment ; profile MARCUM. 0KEY: BAR 0tJNER I 988 021F3-l Bar Owner wins case vs. Pass Cable 1960 ) esr s PARAcHures-PtpP T --1965-- Mv 1!, D-18-6 1'x' Fulnr-A lR FoRcets ToP BtRoMAN, REcENTLY MADE Hts 5o0rx uumP nnou C-1 J0 Hencures Teerusponr PLANE AT El CerurnoL, CAL I F. I 981 Ja 21 , B-4-1 )o, or SHeLev rwr r/cfr&'Hffi+ftq BDucrl NG Susaru Mncuu, Srenu r'le Hars oFFlcER & 2 orxens-TtrrswoRrr MARCUM, TIM: DRIVE COACH lgg1 atvEZ- Drive coach moves ro Fla scaff-U of Fla-Cabell w D, c-2-3" reb-nrr as head coach ooet.Drive,worJdl-eqgue-LWL-- osnsicaFmtbarl tearr Es -LYYJ-L993- Ag 20ZU Ff I-I1-1 Coach of Arena Football Leaguelabout his coaching career, level of football doesnrL matterl"w'inning is winning"Kupel l|944 i iSPCUi4 , i JE|IEAL l"l . Ellc lhEi:R lIr,G lif,l lT +' r'iouNoEo tN Acrtoht 'r M,APCUNE, r11; BqXER I 952

    N B, 13-3 Wtt{s adur rRoha Eoore Coupo rrrr i'Y N 7rn F 28, L3-7 Hr,us aour rsr DEcrsroN FR L^;ffi;l3=?il*, Je 6, 14-3 LosEs eour to l.lrr-r-re Pep IS, ACRAMI4: P}IYSICIAN: CRITIAN 1960 l8;l-1-6 oN maNrs FLTGHT rNTo sPAcE r 2t, G-t-1 ICLE BY AnOVE ON R,DE ltlTo SPACE tfiRCtS. riiELE: PLENIST I 940 19'15-1 iotoosr T tru'Er.grupl61snr o*r!ffitffn.l'- 14ct*rrc*.* n-' pees'rneo REctrAL au Der.ffit3ftil.r*rrr cErffen utt1" h{ARfri5, ALBERI : KANSAS 6 tTY SLAYER 1943 g-:es onr rErAL FoR s,.Avrrx''G.o.tstB#tforr"u ,,*r#rlfu#ifr- m* couvtcreo;FAcEs LErE ar{ pnrsou ", .&'I4- A;i ANTHONY : DETROIT G 1967

    Aeove AnuvSpec r AL I sr urAs K r LLED Fee,2J r N EXPLOSION IN ARMy HosptrAL LAB tN AuoseeRorGERmnruY- I,,IARKUS,AUGUSTF.: SAtLdp: DETR0IT t955 Je rS 4-94 Asove ro sAtL FoR FLoRIDA rn. Hr.0_ercrus rru 30 FT. TETC}I,/RIGGED TOTOR SAILEF HE 8U!LT HII'SELF-CDURTADE MdBCUSo SffiNABD K. - N.Y. SdSf@ 193X. E'orm 1656 The Detroit hlews 3a ?8, &l Seate 3-5 yrs f,ollowl,ng eoav on eJearge of ntsapplylqdhbar& funds *--fgf,lrr r 25.4-g C S Io sE REl.EAgEtr FNftfr PRIsoB e PAEoLE f 2? F yGAnS_lgS4_ n.*t PAROLEDTAFTER SERrilNq e JL 18, L-t74 Asove olso Ju fe 1969 c zo, AB@VE WON DET. AOUtr Operu tEruru tS TOURNAMENT AT ROUGE PARK. ---1970---. Je 22,D-6-2 PT PAST F.ORMER TEAMMATE TO WIN MEN'S SINGLES FINAL IN r oPEN rENNls ToURNAMENT ---197>---Ae28rC-J-1 & KarnvKnreKsrEtN wtNMlcH.lNDooR Mlxeo D^oe^auqs CqnmR. -197A- O 9, E'1-3 OpEnares A TENNIS ScHooL. CALLs TENNIS A GAME oF PHYSICAL coNDtTloNlNG & rlneress EFFORT.-KeruvOru TEDL.-M 1962 -" t SAVS UISSIONARIES MUST LEAVE gUSg & GET TO WI,trK IN CITIES TO E(ERT A Crntsttlt'l tNFLUEI{CE oru ArRrcAts s'tEnctr\G NATtoNs 1973 N B, Aor-1 SourHp I ELD, ,9, I s NEtd AMEp I cAll 6AHMP oF BAcKGATqMoN.NELsoN MRCI'S,DAV|^D- FmMER US anqv oFFtcER l948

    $lr-19_o .ry,,!sn4e^r- BATTITE HEADtNo lsEA_eL olv. JL-_1.-Z4ih%oA? ,URIED AT TIEST I"OII{T JL 1 *1965-- JF.17, D-t-t TtrAvtv-xononeo tn lsnael HAs Asst lED srATrrs OF leFdetre irene- TE I N Ap 3, t(oto 41 te oCasr e Gtarrn Sxaoow* ABour-.196,686 Hts LIFE- l6, D rlr R. .En,,,/ - PHYS tc lAhr {nroruc wrn pE5TGNED pCM pEnpr-e. I Q-€r^Rs FR^M C/firf*,};'ulr,rAL Ar_r lpnp r Ty-PAv reH MARCUS, BIC : AUTTIOR 1992 D 29,C 4-4 Author of Expect the Worst. - J Hinds t94.5 sslr'rG lFl AcTtoN -1-9-5 S GERi'U'N PRtSOI'IER 27-5 REED t MARKW, GREGOftY r PROFESSOR lg8.4 er usrM 0 29t A-1-2 SavS peopLE voTE FoB TTIE PAsT-IEs$ENBERFY -1993- Mr5Bl-3N Pres Clinton and Markus want students r,flro serve conrnunity get. beLter grades,pay off tuit,ion debt- Brat.L F Lo*p;urf MaRxr .orSt 33"?*3\{^- fibigp.g^eKcRouND, "u AP 4t l--)-1 AruttvzEs wHy uroMEN RETURNING To scHooL, AFTER lNTERRuprloN UAreUS. JAC( - Erc\CLtrEDIA SAI.ES IdI{ffiER I95B

    HITN 4 OTlGi FRIETDS)s c€LsriATEC€LgtiATE BTRTHDA'BIRTHD/ ow , r.rJ*^rfu ffi *r, 32 vi..*r*sv 'AFE IIARCUS, RABBI JACOB MER : HEBREIII UNICIN COI.LEGE 1943 1[s6.lr*u preaos FoR uNrrE BEr.{EEN cunrsfP{ft ar DEr. r*UT.3i, 3i3o,rn- llocu -4967-- F j, A-4-r GnveGrvE tecruRElecruRE ArAT 2lru25ru lrururv.lrurutv. orxB.BerueorcroFKB.Berueotcr_Gqazqn-lrysrtrurE GlazeR Iusrrrur oru Juoalsm-ScxacHeRN I 4, A-l'l SpEAx lNc AT ANN I u. oF lt"lsr lrurE oru Juoa tsM ABovE sn to Jews & CHntsrtANs Musr srART To coopERATE-ScHAcHERN lvlR -fyeir-'/-!,---1 Starrs Snu l Lnc Courury TA K I I]G STEPS TO EA SE DRUG PROBLEI,i BE FoRE I T REA esrs DEr. rxtrur--EI? rcxsorrr I[RS. JEAN : CCI-tSBUS 0. : FffiTUNE TEIIER t940

    oef . ss t rDrE #a!,zW Uff nAU(. !tlu Vf {lg.rL =nUrJ. ,u,eiltal.+n-1Et/aYUlrlulE 6m,ffi [iuERlrrtr Stuorue tEsrt Ft Eli"re lon lnsrasive B 3: tS' IeLLs or AFFATR slTa GEonGg Stuom D 7; 4*5 TRTAL ADJOURNED TIL D 10 1968 RCUS. JAMES L. ! GOVT. OFF IC IAL t o- t-2 .Y. Aaove sENTENCED FoR BR I BERY CONSP I RACY lNvoLvlNG KlcK- BACK OEAI-S MY 2't:C-2-4 Elected to Natl.Acadmy of Sciences, is U-M bnthropologist- Storey KURTfMARKUS \ PHoToGRAPHER 1985 rs sainins a repuriation as the n".ion?r5i.:;lln2 pno.onr"- pher of the American cowboy.-Colby - CtlrnlrlA AAilrdi 1957 tlrtt' oil-l(rDil^pE , sHoT & KTLLED llr G^rGL^lrD swr.e Flr 3l-At ,* PoLacE colm uttirERuoit-o FoR SLAvERS r reOrrE€eu Gtrrceue sor.6rr Ae 3, 72-3 Cnrceeo-lluur Rwn HetouEn tN sLAytNG oF AEovE Ae 9, 3_1 Cnrcaeo-AoovE's ctRL FRTEND Rurs HeronreR Fou D tr &12'. uomasR.Truorxv rcaoo-por-rce 0, coruruoR sAys rHsRE oorolrl3ir'gi:r,r*u TO I{I,,RDER OF AaOVE Ar 15, 29.6 5* tcAGo-SAM Gtmlcenl DENtEs KNol{lr,rc ABovE Ap 2S Z5S lcAGo-HtcKEv oonet, HooDLUMTQU|zzED tN sLAvtHG oF Aao,/E-iDEu,tEs- ANV oTdLEDGE .- ./E L3) 27-3 LlNreo ro lLL. srATE FRAup-lntttals oN FRADULEUT cxecr routro t954 s h.Ser-rqax Warsmaru r:n $s MrLLroN F.)R .ATENT ,rlr?fio33;E*, L9l5 atanrus , DR " MAxtr&r.}Tffi - EDIT0R Form 1656 The Deeoit NeFs Jl I, 20-+ Reeigne as editor Detroit Abend Post MARCUS, MIHHAEL : P0STAL KICKBACKS 1987

    DC-age45, ex-Detroiter pleads gui lty in deals with John Gnau, Peter V0ss Ja 21, A 4-1 DC-Ex-PR exec au i I ty Mr 10, A-5- I -TDOT DC-Sentenced to ha I fway house, f i ned for role in postal sch eme Mr 11, B-3-2 Sentenced to 6 mos, fined Mr 1 1, B-3-l NoDot 45, Marcus is lrd sentenced in conspi racy FIAFO.IS, PL-TER: HTI(TRY: DETFOIT 1956 1-1 'r.s.rnorcrs ABovE rN $4 r,..rog clrEcK Krrm6G ".or-w,tf,.1o"Ae 24, 35-4 Pleaos tNNocEr'rr ro clccK KtrtNG cHG. lrr n^ntrr 1952 ^rR To vrsrr swrrzeRrAND wrrH orHER crvr-raru ArR p^r*b.'Iil3;3 i,1/\RCUS, RICHARD CANTREL L uEPARTr,tEitT STOHE HElil 1965 , vLl- L),ir: l].-tL;-iA 4 I'l)'-Juo FR ^ rrir rrcit l.,1sncus otiTr\ tiis ui,l coilsTESTED Srp,l nnT IOi,t A BOVE--- Foti 1971 Jl ]0,C-7-2 BLAMES TOY P ISTOLS- AND CAP GUNS FOR HEAR NG LossES lN yoUNGSTERs-KrRwtrrt I MARKUS. RICHARD Mr LAUTYER 1970 Euecreo pREs oF Amen Tnlar- AlwyeRs Assoo"" "t IbIAROJS, RO1ERT KIDNAP ING: SAN TRANCISCO I 955 s 20. 1-5 Aeove.3 D^ys ot-D ts sroLEN rR. F4T.Ztoll Hosprrer- S 19rn S 21. 14-4 Acovg-3 DAys oLD ts sToLEN FR. CRIq AT Mr.Zt on Hosprrel:soru 6r Dn lfts.Sanronornrrctsco-l-ew Mencus S'21' 14-.1 Ser oFF tcERS IN 3 GoUNTIES SEARCH FOR ,taOl,E porrce HUN3 FoR ot-lr€s rnro Aqo\rE's orsrppeenmrcE s5r3'.'z#, *l LAHTERTUR -ANFoRD FlARcusrpLEADs-FoR Hts RET(RT{ S 22--1-1 qB TATHER REcEtvEs NoTE DEM^Norue $5r000.RAt{soM lrorEy S 22. 1-1 KETdARDS FoR RETURN oF MotNT To $5,00. S 23; 15-1 I DrApERs REeoRTED sroLEE^BovE FR. cLorHEs::1. ,. cLuE ro - pREss Si:lltig Polrce sEARcH FoR rrEEK oLD ABovE;3 cLuEs rHEy x^vt ioooor oN St.tr-pt-lq9yE_g MoTFER pvER Hrs KTDNA,TNG s #?'o1i'8-1 I,'ET.I OLICE ASKED AY 5AN TRANCISCO OFFICIALS TO AID IN SETACX pollce sAy No rRAp Ax^rrs uo!{AN uHo sEEKs ro ,* r.^i"3ut"m- ^rD 3lL*rr*rcalrr.-ths.${rncus qEirE'rcroR suRRENu"Rs , l*,r, ., NAPTNG l{rM ^ulrES 29, 1-g Fhs.Berrv ..Erlr Beweorcron, KTDNApER oF AgolrE, rr psicniirRrc uARD FOR TREATMETT MARCUS, t.{RS. R05E M,CR|E DETROiT $ilNDtER n4a 4-e BS Grven :* vRSr FoR eunr{DL,*u m15r'#[Acro*,GEoo sru3r31, F,'},ARCUS, ffiY : DETROIT SERVtGtd{N 1946 AwenBgo BRoruze SraR luleoau },IARCUS, RUDOLPH A: PROFESSOR Eg2 Won L992 Nobel Pri-ze in chemistry I'rIARCUS, SAMI.EL : RETIRED ZtppER I,UIIJFTTCTURER 1948 lsrt esraT: or $2r5o0nO@rDtEo F.h.3. 0..,5, s/rNF0RD: KlllilApplNG: S,AN FR,,{{CISCo,CALtF. t955

    HAs Hrs 3-oav oro son Roarr sroLEfl rn. Flr.z,o*S#3i,1;l s 28, 1-1 LF AgovErs tatFE HER GRTEF DURTNG sor,trs KtDNAppIHG l&' 7' $5 lhs Bsrrv J BeneDrcr, -*,rr?*3ffi; rNFAlr? sofl Seves lrre r Suser ttzrr,4, illHfilNG rnro .r*n, * 3'm*, SI0NEY e POLITICIAN l98l 0 7, A-13-1 Arunrura-ro FAcE AroREw Younc !H RAGE FoR mavsn0 a31 A-.lp-t Aruril{EFEATED MARCUS, STANLEY : BUSINESS EXECUTIVE 1967 NY-quiTs posr tdtrt{ ANTI ztoNlsr uNtr, Arqen CouHcIr- soR Juoltspr -t979- 0 25, C,-1-2 PRomores Hts NErd eoor trQuesr FoR THE BEsrtr. -Igg2 014A1-1 Retail king shops aL Samrs Warehouse-Wilson 1982 , Nourruareo ro BE US ATTY FoR sourHERN Dtsr oF fi^tf , B_1_5 Nomtunreo ro BEcor.E tB AT'TY tu Mtnml-BAuu MARKUS, THOMAS M : CITY MGR 1989 F 23, B-3-1N Named Lo succeed reEitinq Birmingham mgr RoberL S Kenningl MARCUS, TYRONE: MURDERER 1971 , Be t ruc E HELD FoR t NVEST t cAT t oN oi BHoor t NG oF THEoDoRE" v/iLLiAi"is---BELTEVED DRUG RELATED CRrEE s 2r.A_4_1 Rrce Wls punsuruG sLAYEBs Rrrxrfxrxrxx--Clgeneo-as Suspecr VITINh . ACTHESS 1966

    PATERNITY SE,TTLE}4ENT FROM ROFV Cnr-uouI' r-on'oifoirin Anre uE, 7 FiAR0JSj1dll-LlAl,4 N" MARI AG 9, ,.5-7 hlouNos,o rN Aclrri{ v9, t- r-), Raotclt oNE oF THE TEAo{ERs, oF ANeeLa Kenms. mlttrANT Dlvts- --1g72---- Mn15r A-1!-1 Rece Aaove rALKs wtrx Mns. Saulve DAvrs, ?lorHER or Auceue Devrs ourstoE A couRTRooH lru Sep Jose, Cot.tr. *--1979----Jr X1, B-X-1 Osrr aee 81 Jt-Zg-rH AeZ, A_zA-1 0atr - BAoKGRouND MATERtaL- Eotr, EArcI.EE. FTIILIP: ffiTROIT 1937 Form 1656 D 1O'41,-3 I{,IARRIEB &RBAR'{ L"GI LBERT DEG.g -'1972- D 21, A-'l-1 !T;-DIED D 21, aee 56o MARCUSE, PHILIP: POLITICIAN Is challengirg GoP L.Brooks pattersonrf"i ;;il;y exec.-- Ourlian- Ae 1 C I-1 Marcuse's sexism leaves voters with a primar! concern- Berman Ag 16 C 3-2N Marcuse lost to Elizabeth Howe for Dem nomination for Oakland County Exec. He made sexist remarks-McClear MARCUS0N , RANDY: S0UTHF I ELD RES I DENT Wgg F 1l A-1-5 Has bumper sticker on car reading rMy Daddyts the Mayort in response to Det. Mayor Coleman Youngrs paternity suit I,IARCLISSEN " HERB trLFER 1957

    LES A,60 r.r{EDGE sHor FoR BrRDtE. oH 18rn HoLE ro r,. fo$"0?griffi" ruxiv Q-uets couRsE REcoRD or 66 Hv- 6TH-WALTER JL 26' wrHs srareAssrsrANr ,*o, .*ilt1fi?k'- F3-4 Ap 23 B 1-1 Plane movie complex at Summit, place MallrWaterford Twp.- King MARCY, JSII|: IIETR0IT I 935 S 2..?-2 Heuo ron quEsTlonrla rru orsAppgfmfulffSr fRANX THILLIFS;

    &Ei#3"3p [ilX.E3YlHhl tur.op(hr iffruug , ;[,*li*fps) .wnr res ;-$"ft-ffi*,1rnom-EffieiEv' expu- AINII{G DISAPPEAnANCE "1llffff [4/qrcY.".CIHN JEHOVAHIS WITIESS: I 943 Form 1656 CI 6.-1-2BS 17-5 FOR DRAFT EvAgrott 0 8, SEnrErscEo ron DRAFT EVAgIOFI t clrA$6En oF colttEnoE toRxEflE aH@$Lo HoT DE nEqirSREO Te ArE TES?SI Eg? 8ffOSLO l0O? e€ OUTLAYED To TEST IiOIEBTY- troF -1977- Jr. 28rL4-'tN LAITIS.HEAO OF MICH LIE DETECTOR BD, CHARGED I,'ITH CONFLICT oF INTEBEST -198b f,,n 15r F*1_2W Srlu HUNTs FoR TRuEHN, oFFERs sGHooL-H! LLEN MARCY, RICHARD C : EXEC 1988 F 2, D-2-6 Sound fuLune forecasL for Audi-Higgina , MRS.VILDA D.3 DETRoIT I 938

    rs r .cr v r L se nv rcc oom,, ru or*rH*luloo rr"rr* o*.8otui*'[]mr*o*, j iiirifu-roT,:ST!F'/ TO ABovErsABOVEIS ELto,BlLriYELIGIBILITY roTO PLACEptrce oruON utsr-orLIST OF ouar-IFleoOUALIFIED ClffEITV i$rt"ibl$?Httuor* EGirAiDs DR.rto$rAr.o L.Dnoonoeo $r'l+?;$ EFoRs .o iilsstor Ng1 g-l Amreo oF FAlsrf"rftNG Appl.teA?totr:.-- IURCYAN, ES,{ARD J. : ARMED SERVI I 945 KlLr-ao rM Acrro$l slARCZEbSK0r @ORGE s CAp[EfrA[,tSl t983 15, 8*t Larus-Gmf;apg@s w BTA?to.{ IOTY Gs{smffiEL I cA@RAmAm YOUTT8 T@ P@UR WATER @ru NANCIHE&ts CISMENC TULEP FE6TflVAL P &amem*mo DE@NDS Ap@t@€v-R@a0 m6om lCH, IIORRlS : [Ut',r Y0RK SL,\YIM SUSPECT t94t l'lY 3t l-J FEr-o lN MURDER oF HARRv v.nEx#fP te -*1 Q42-r- MR 6, 13-1 ErectrocurED tN SrHe Sric pRtSSii-MAn.s h4ARDEN, !,tJlLLlAM S. : 5T. CLATR SHoRES, MtCHIGAN 1942 JA 18, 1-9-8 SENrc.ro 1 yR.rN JA|L ,o* *o*-$oull&J*tfuor ALndoNy I, EMIL : DR,UG CHARGES 1994 D J-Olt Pontiac-Convicted for part in conspiracy to obtai-n cocaine from internatrl drug cartel,Mexican Mafia , ArFRED: C0MMUtiIST: iiEW HAVrN.00NN. t954 h a. q-: ag INDlCTED A1', ALLEGED 'coMMUNlST @-1S6* h'30r,1-t, AequtmEn r Sxrrm Acr vlou omees- MARDER" tG.JlS s @MPUTERS I985 Je 21, A-1-5 CHI oNCO-WANTS TO COMPUTERIZE EVERY WORD. }M ITTEN ABOI'T AKESP}IEARE-COHEN t r- 0r LtVONtA, t{lNS ovER LtOmrt JoHtlsotit tm SE Mlctt Goloel'l Guoves ar Coao.-OtHane -19&- MR 11, D-1-6 Ser ro Ftc!{T pon 119-pouND TITLE tru Se MtcH Got-oeru Guoves TOBRNAMENT.OT HANA MARDEUSZ. JOHN: DETROIT 1972

    F7, B-1 -1 D AeovE rs 1B yRS oLD, tru WnsutNGToN FoR I Nonrus ro sERVE As A pAGE ro U.S. Ree. JnHN D. DtwcrLL, DeaReoRr,r DellocRnr '1958 I{ARDEUSZ, STA"LTY SR. INC(,[E TAX C0LLTCIOR: DETRC lT Ae 21, 3-5 Htlo ron +3orOOO SHoRTAGE tN tttcomE TAXES HE COLLECTED-bIiGDER Mv 26, 31-5 5r AOUITS GUILTY tT' FORGERY 6P' 1TTQQffi TAXES HE COLLECTED 1 l1rv 27, 27-3 ITS GU LT I.' FORGERY t L7, 74 yRS Grvnn 2 tI FeD.pRfsoN -1939e GENERAL 1972 I . I Lv, e-. WIru aruoruen, AccusED oF rHousecLEAN tNGrFoLLowtNG WATERGATE BREAKTN; oF DESTRoYtNG DATA coNCERNING FtNANcEs tN GoP cAM PA[cN.-BeRsrelN&WooDhrARD N 10, A-21-Z Rac|' Wasu--poLlrtcAL oooRDtNAToR oF CoMM ron ReeLEcrtoru or PnEs wlLL RETURN TO pRtVATE LIFE, NOT TAKE POLITICAL JOB OURING Nrxdru 2ruo rran. Mv 10, A-17-4 FBI r-tNKED To BoNv PEorEsrs. ifiiH::FHiis'ilo5r.* NAMED A6 REAsoN r,*rror*f,l3S l;13;'"" h/urre HousE, HE sAys; FBI raAneo Hoovin wour-i-ui on" Nrxor,l o" Joiru lAtrcxerL.KENrERA Ur- zOriEai{5if TesrtFtEa BEFone WareReArE CoMM. rnar Nlxoru PEBSoNTLLY AsKEo HtM To RETRtEvE h,lRETAps rnom FBI- -1974- Mn .tr A_1-1 DC--lNDrcrED AMoNG J ronmen Ntxoru AtDEs FoR covERuP oF ATERcATE BREAK I N.RYaN l-,in 10, A-1-1 l'x-NtxoN AIDES pLEAD tNNocENT tN tND.tcrMENTS oN covE[?uP" prlto,zr swoRN srArEMENr,r, ill?7fl-oo" n,rli L?1"?;fiI-r-- DERED rdtRErxAEs rnou FBlorrrcrAL wANrrNc rtcrl6l trlllZr*M BIIEE*"*'EF AsKrlrG FoR DErry rH covER-up rBraL DUE To puB- uiirx^reruigsliro$?olEg+E#"l8Bo" I tr4,Aa1z1r cove*-ub Derres ANy tNvoLvEHENr rru[ilrrencriE ir6f hl-z_y?r* TEt-t-s covER-up TRTAL Mtrcneul oNcE ToLD HIM HE raoOKro $250r000pmrrTo FtNANoE BREAK-lN euepsrD16 D 17t A-4-t Savs 015 HE TRrED To REslcN rnomNtxon RE-ELEorloN oAMPAIGN tu1972 arrenE.HoAnoHumrls teuAcrmAlLtoel4aNo D 17t A'nr1 ,s, Aoutrs AT TRTAL HE wnsulr lcoupuErsLY HoNEsrlAaour BRErt"lN KNoTILEDGE HE GAVE roKeruner4f6m t nsont Ja 2, A-1-1 Cdruv dcreo or coNsp r RAcy Ja1;mex.sENrENcq 3lT;T]9:?r. Bloo. D Ja 1, 8-6-1 Jusrlce pneiiatus tUWATeEGATE vERDlcrs-Eolr. Je 18r A-2-2 &l{aUoemar'l&EtrOrell Asr SlRlcA To. oVERTURN culLTY vERD!cTs 1975 MARDIAN. R0BERT C.! EX-hrHlTE !,I0USE AIDE

    t r ,1, A-Z- a Drsr.J oeeStRtcA REFUSEs To ovERTURN GUILTY vERDlcrs&et TRtALt Ff Zt121; a'A-1-1 ir vEru 1Omos-lvnso r N .pRr sorurF2l E^4, A-?-1 8bgF.$s.E','$o8*,888{i8l,t'[Ffi P*'*[En8l8f d,\\:[ayi]-' ASH.&JoHNN.MITCNETL SUSPENDED FROM PRACT!CE OF. LAI, BEFORE upnE*pCouRr Ar 'l, A-4-4 Rlce T,lF"c.oCf]"uspEr{os H r i! mE srFR.cr. Lor rroil, li -197G ..!a 1r A-12-1 D0-Uhreneare { sTlLt- FREE YR AFTER trERDlcr, ..lonuMtTcHE[-L, HR Hauoemnru & Keru PaRrtNsotir Je 7, A-17-1 I D0-Appeaus couRT ToLD BY ArrNYs rHAT Ev I DENGE uas t ovER wHEttatNGt AGAlNsr WareRearens; ASKs APPEAL BE DENIED e-6-1 GETS NE'J TR r AL orrl l.JnrERenrr ",ro*nu"315' -1977- I',ln 1, D-J-1 2oor RetNsrnreD AS MET4BER oF SupnEMe Counr Ban f,hRD t Btoo"stctCH.PE?Tt? rs JL 17123-6 Natl.Pnou.AuTH@Blw CHGS.ABovE-L952- useD ILLEGAL AMTS.oF-ALUMINUMtdl', NDrcrED gv Feo.Go.JuRy oN cHG. oF coNSprRrNG ro rr?*ifu o. $6501000. rN DEFENSE coNrRAcrs N 3, 29-6 BS 2 Helo ott $5r0O0 BoND Mv Zg, 2l-3 \go/e pteaos ilNo DErgNsEu tu -1953-$657r@0 FRATJD F -^ !{usr pnv F'NE oF $1aoro o roR qEEEirr. .oir.o"r, ,*^ir'?ar*-Lrr, **L957* ,E LZ) 2B-S 5r Feo Gow ASKS HALF M0LLION tru TRaUOS*aOVE NArTED tir 50rr S 1O, a-6-3 To 6truxce e $2S'OOO REBUTLDING PROJECT-OF---1960-- AN ANC|enr SerllNIRY--lN er AnueNte s985- Ao 1s E-10-10 Gnves $'!OOrmO To ARmEN0AN GENERAL EEt{Ew@s-EN" Uru0osg V@tTri FR@GRAms-&senr -1986- N 24 B 3-6 Honored by Armenians. -L993- N4D5-1 Obit - Died of heart faih-ure on Nov 3 at the age of 86. - Best I nur DNtv t ul- . 1961

    .D z^- a-7-z Flru 5 REED ON $1.COO BND WITH MISAPPROPRIATING 30- MEN's sulTS FRoir FtRM Fr LING THE,I FoR V5 eacx Ja12. A-7-1 Aaove NAMED tN FrvE-couNT tNDtcTMENT culFtie-AcAtNsrrne G r acatorue BRoTHERS---Haooenr i{ARDIGIAN, HIMY C. CITV 0FFICIAL: DEARBCRN'I'IIO{ l gSB N 81 11-1 APPTT TO PARKIHG LOT BOARD OF APPtrALS q-1-1 Ae.vE's RoLE As ExEcurroNEp oF oorTilnEl[:fr;*"?u'' -L996- Ja 12 C 2-3 DiedrJan 9rHarper Hospitalrcancer,age 74 I- MARDIGIAN CORP 1952 JL Lt. 23-6 NAr^r- Pnoo Aurnontrv cHGS.wtTH tLI-EGA usr eluprrruuniUM AG1^31. 3-1. NPA FILES SUIT OVER UsE OF ALI.,HI$'(I0 aa-E,i3-3 Aeaees rp iktrr{ eovr. 'LLEGALcuRTArLr'rENT oF usE or ALU{tt'tuM O ,o, ul W, ORoeneo ro suRREhlDER MoRE THAN HALF A MtLLtoN pouNDE oF ALtB{INUM FOR EXCEEDING QTOTA LAST YEAR 0 29, L-7 NDtcrED. sy Feo.GD.JuRy FoR DEFRAUDTNG eovrr oF $6sorooo iN oereNse rNrRACr DEAL o 2g.L-7 BS2 lNDtcrED By FnED. Go. Junv FoR DEFRAUDIIIG Govfr or $osoiooo mt DEFENSE CONTRACT DEAL oN PAYROI-LS O^30,- 1A-1 oF ABOVE DEN? ANY INTENTION OF DEFRAuDING GOV|? oFF|CIALS I'i 3, 29-6 BS 2 FICIALS I]F ABOVE RELEASED OT{ $5,OOO BONDS EACH S 30 1_1 Frreo $laor@o FoR coNsptRAcv-*19s3._ ro oiFilgp_rnE eovrr o[.iireuse eotsrRAc JE 12, 26_5 5r to A5KS.-.-_ HALF MtLLtoN tN FRAUDS oF-_ ^"o51bg6gg=--1'!5Z- Hv g, 8-1g_6 tryATEs JOrr HoRrufs FRst cq{pTRO!-LER TO V|GE PRES. lll cl{G. OF Fln^t{ CE Nerrolrru Toor- & Dle lmc.eeor*.rT1a3*T.G*^*o B"*ErikrA;mt *L964* Ja 17. A-2-7 PRootrcrtor,t AT ABovE AT srAr$sTlLLrFoLLowlNG riJALKour J1ru.16 lDLtt\G NFU-Y 300 EMPLoYES Ja 18. A-Z-5 SerrLegEltt or BRIEF srRtKE THAr TDLED 300 ar raovE,ant.'.our{cED BY oFFl IALS oF tAS Locru lxe cuos r B.-loo no-*'***" rffilTm3%kli;l uss-L se 6?E rgol tND ore EH@p r@ cLoEE n,"jf3'l.li'??'r*., Htrr Loss or !p118 gsss---CgELLtH Fg, a-fO_t SAME" MARDINI, IMAM MOHAMED Y AMERICAN MOSLEM BEKAA CENTERISS3 Ag 26 A 11-L Worrj-ed about j-mage of fell-ow American Muslims in indict- ment of Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahmdn-Hamada i,ARD I N I Is'. AR}'AI{AG : ETROIT r 936 S-ora 165A 2e'27-7fisr SEI,TTC.TR 5 To 15 YEARS ,o* rr*olffiHrro* gorro[ NIARDIROSSIAN, BARKM.: BISHOP 4992 Vb 77, 4-11-1 N Spoke at St.Johnrs Armenian Church, calls on MetroArmenians to support homeland-Ourlian MARDI GRAS: BRAZIL tqgO F23A1-l Leacrue of Sarnba Schools has banned total nudi ty in Rio de Jane i ror s famous raucous ca rn i va I I 983

    Ju ,t4r ?F.-1_FD 0amoeeenro &lurumnu amo 0anruu*L wAiots r@ ExFAI{D oTs ANmcrAL PAaAEE & resrav0TBEs LgKE TmAT op New Omucems.-SAwvgms MARDI GRAS 4991 A-4-1 ]-Dot New Orleans- Proposal to ban groups thaL discriminaLe further divides city still reeling from raci-al divisions flamed by bitter gubernatorial election involving former KKK David Duke. leader _Lgg2 F 7 A 2-6 IDot City Council softened law that could have jailed members Mardi Gras for excluding people bec of race,religion or g der -New Orleans F 23, A-3-l rleens-Raclal vlolence shadowed first day of Carnival ere,blacks accused whl te pol ice of brural I ty F 23, B-l-l rleans-Show on Canal SLreet thinner,due to restricUion [!nAltAg:1f,'E[.1!.!"]t?'33"br e dose or r,[a2tr rfl-3-F"rades n 2 nighrs 1998 F23A2-L New orleans-some fear the annual event is out of controli history , Juoce Bll I n Mooov JR.TENPoRAR ILY BLOCKEDIIREMOVAL OF ABOVE as LlvoNlA BRANCH MANAGER AV seCv SrnrE ARE-Hts REMovAL ts v tolar I oN NEW srATE Corusr lTur I oN HE snYs-K t nx D ,, B-7-5 RULED HE cAN KEEp Hrs JoB UNTtL- Dec 19- HEARrruo-MKrnx ---1957-'- Ja 11, B-1-1 Hls sutr DtsMtssED oN TEMpoRARY tr{Jrrlacrtori BLocKtNc DtsMtg- sAL u,{TtL Rut-tNG F'IADE ayCr.orAppEALsrTRVIHG To BtocK H !s RE MovAL As M6R"orLtvoN l aSsc"oFSr.orF tcE-Ktnx N 2, E-1-1 Z pRoposE, [- r vort r A-ELASHED L !-ygg?brHARrER-Sfi.tqe ' NAMED ayMaYon Romaru Gn taas ro c trY Av t lr lorv t'omm -1987- F 4, B_4-5W Wants political action committee to raise money for mayoral candidate-sWarren W25B3-1 erved as Pres of.Livonia Heart FUnd,a charity ivonia for Livonidfrs:lnrdirci;-- - " run by -1990- S2C4-1 lfe, Mary Ann, 59, Died Ag 31 MANDiK |df{" ffiRGE - RESTA'EAIUER 1942 6-6.4 SroRY or GAREER; REc rPE3.S^g_Tqffig!:t _ Ap 20.24 lt't Det oN TouR or US ASKTNG ron-ai6 ron STARVING LUROPE '--Le47--- MR 28. 36-4 REprs rooo s r ruAT ro N ABRoAD DEpLoRABLE-['le.loucH JL L4r'tz-? GLAl4oRlzE FooD FoR ARt"lv *1$$l- t 2rA,-7-1 Ftr3 & Et.lLtw i€ET tH ou r*ur-lr ffiT.-ANBERgol, M/TRDIROS IAN,CORP" JCIJN--- DETRI I T SCLD IER t95 t JL Wouiloeo tN Fbnea ,J9-3 MARDIROSIAI{. [\4ARK 3 H0tlilE 0\,J$'|ER 1979 Mn 25, B-1-, VtcrontAN HoME oN TnuMsuLL NR GnaNoRrvER sUFFERED SEVERE rtna & sMoKE oar.lace-Btocr -L992 JeTLL-2 Restoring an old home for 8yrs and still arentt finished It has become a way of life.-Capos MARD I R0SS IAN, ARI S : STORE 0WNER 1986 my ,u, A-Lv-,w DC-Claims 7-Eleven stores canceled contract to open on prop erty he owns in Md.. Opens his own store across 7-Eleven l.i,\ill lSrPFC. 0LAt-D E. .. DET SOL,qIIR t95 t i'buruoso lbnra W MAR-DTVE SALVAGE CORP. E 4991 kage of $25O-million treasure ship Atlantic from Det. found in lake Erie.--Williams tllnnarrlqr I97l MApnl[Nr. nAnv. D8, B-1-1N FoHrlAc- t-osr FoME 0N FtREr ALL BELollo!ilcs AND PRESENTS FoR 5 rlos ron Cx0RsrMAS-\itlENDt-ANo D 10,9-1-1 News RenoERS HELn ABovE FAMtLy our--h/erugubb, g-f r_4 N Srl a-u xas Cun tsTMAS sp !R tr IH FAcE oF ADVERS ITY.NEwMAN MARDROSIAN. STEVE: MURDERED 1997 F 4, A-L- Shot by customer at his Northwest Det..party store,at,sLarkis Market-Woolley MAffiK,SERGT" THO\hS --. GRAND FAPIDS i,IICH.S0.I-I)IER

    N 28, 7-6 5tuven Srnn ewlRoED -posrr{utitoust-y VarrcaxCrrv-Pope Paul HauEo ABovE To sE Hts ue,;lie-ii EPENtlts oF FA iuuon or l{or-v SeE ar l.MtdoRt-ors Faln om Apntl 21 r954 Dqpr.srme HEra MARRIEo Cuntsrrere tdle?eu"tznHrs3 Ulrit/Eilt 3i-io Na 24' 6-L s r,,rFE FoR DrvlRcE AFTER DAy MAi A zz rrlAgE Je ?, ?t-t GVVEII DIVORCE I, VINCENI: P$VSI IAN: DEIPOIT 1960 F 4, 4-13-1 Poulstr-Ar,trR rcAN pRoFESstoNALs ro ExpAND [i4REE, SYDNEY : TRACK I 98r sx0, RAII Tue F!F?H FASTES]T MILE EVER TO UPSET BnlrarstNls SrEvE Overr YESTEROAY IN RIETI, ITAI.Y. s 26, o-!-lHoue- NY-thHo TNJURED tN gAN DooRr HGptraLlzeo. MAREI" SAYED A.r EGYPTIAN OFFICIAL 1974 , Eevpr I AN sECy-e eN . orUNl,{onloFoonoConF. r sAYs EOUNTR I ES MUST BE FAIR EAOUTIJSREFUSAL TO PLEDGE MORE GRATN I|IAREK; EDHARD R()BBERY CHG.: DETR^IT I 955

    Flelo ron RoBBTNG Oans',n prRre r,c'lrr & eo.r,R wHlcH ,H*rl*lr3TrtUr, 60a tN CARPETTNG .)r 29, ?l-5 Grven 2 YRS PRoBATToN FoR RUG THEFT I,IAREK, FRANK: ROBBTRY CI.IG. : HAZEL PK, M I CH t953 n 12, za-t HrLn roR sTEALING g AUTos & 3 ane r rf,ts MREK, GERALT) HO[4I 3UFGLARY: NETROIT 1957 l'ln 26, 3-4 Helo roR RArD oN HoME AT 6732 AuaunN lN hHlcH HE MADE orr irriu $zaO RlPuev fiR zz, B'Z N 0THER cRtMEs Qurzzeo }ln Zg, 9-4 $reryos MurE oN ARRATGNMENT;eosrs $tcrooo BoND & FREED eENDING Exlit 4e grx __ 6, 3B-:. blven 60 oavs-Gtvex Ttr€ cHotcE tN sENTENCE- "E MAREKT .l0sEpH: PUBLIc l,l0RKs 0FFlctAL: ALLEN pARK.Mlct{ 1954


    DIES AETORE HEARING NEtrE !{lFE }r$-l TRIP ACROSS corriwiili &-iv gHOU-COURTADE or', MAREK. LYNDA: SLAIN I 988 Mr 30 B-3-t N 22; del ivered of baby boy less than hour after she was sho she died later in the day. Mr 31, B-3-1D Eric Guay 23 of Warren held in mu nde r 'VlENMr MAREK, IARIFA: GEmIATW 1938 Fonn 1656 D 718-4 BeHEAoeo By lilAzts FoR sLAvtNo oF 4 l,'I,\REl(, SIE\E : &IRDER SUSPECI t950

    AnessrEp tlt sLAyrr,rg or PersR l'.uee'rrr ily ?3rLg4Z W F o, 3.4 TrrRr.reo ovER ro Dar poLrce r* *ffituffitGu' MAREXIA, FBANCIS J : BoARD OF EDUC.ATION 1993 JL26B3-6N Will.senre -as presidnet of the Clintondale Conrnurity Board of Education. MARELLA, FRANK! CLINTONPALE SCHOOL B0ARD 1972 AnlB, B-1-, E AsovE HotloRED FoR Hts rroursrANDtNG LEADERSHIp AND wtLLtNG NESs ro osvoTs Hts rtME AND ENERcIEs ro tMpRovE rHe Qualtr oF EDUcATtoN fru rHe scHooL DtsrRtcTrl MARELI.A. FRAIIIK J. : ROSEVILLE 1961 '' tFr 5 Apprt AsslT cotflrtrv .ruvENlLE oFFtcERoFFlcER ronFoR $&coug$AcoMB Co."Co. Ja 12, A-24-1 Ar.luvervtLE cRtME coNF. rru-1967- Easr Det.ctrY H*LL Je1 lrABovE BLAtrlEo TV v I oLENcE As HAJoR FAcroR I trt I NoREAS I ttlc iruvEN I LE cRtme-Ftt{K I 939 JL 31 3-8 Reponres ro pope on Fan Easrsffi*ffiFlftI*s t'23.4 Arpr,aposroLrc DEt-Eo,qrr ,6-i#ffiia av pope prrs xtt20'- N 16' A-1-1 Apprr carxorrc caRormar evpope .lomm-n1?I9--- var r cauc r ry-IiAhiED ro HEAD r or ro.nerYo'3aoffi1l-3.*r, rtEs tllrH noru-Cnn0srtAN FELrcroNs^rill#ili --1965-- Mn 15. A-13-2 Tor

    ES MAREN0T. DR. SHLOMO : JE\dlSH SCHOLAR 1967 TracHes JewlsH sruDtES Ar U-D-Gneconrr MARENTAY,PHILIP N. - LA$,IER 1964 Rertnrne As MATEAGER OF AUTGrOBrn-e crro oF H3cH. L'cIi 6.',rr. RONALO rr ENGII{EER


    Form 1656 rte Deeoit N"*" 0 17 , 15- lroned. first sldewheeler ueed on Detrolt river, dled. Oct" L5 MARANTETTE, ALEXANDIN B. - WINDSOR L899 Form 1656 TLe I)etroit Newc Ja 2i, 8-2 Dled.yeeterd.ay in the houBe i.n which he wae born J! yeirs aso uU ?8 ,\1-6 L?tl Wfaow, Adeline, dead at 9r'last of family whieh owred. land extend.ing nine m1les ba.ck from Grand Rrunk river frontage, Windsorl orlginal Maran- tette Ea8 a fur tr8d.ex r980 liY 7rF-1 4)-1E 60, or RosevtLLE, ElrfEnrArJ{s AT PARTIES l PxYr-t ts II LLEE LOOK-AL I rE-s I LVAIt I I,IARENTETIE. ANTHONY A. s SHER I FF 1g2B 1656 vA L)e )L* tlnmEs Hanny Del I sle, AlaeRr 3,:. 3u Atrnrn DuRocHeR on Sluo- rurct-t Tvlp, IN sLANDER sutt Ja 21, F g,2B-J t,l DErrarro cAND I sare CLauoe l4euocne, Ace usES H lt\l oF 'TEBR I BERY I N PET IT I OI.J FOR UI.ISEAT I ITG --1929-- s 50, 39-5 I{ITE Narqgo f reeReL cAt{DtDATE ttrt OrurnRlo ELEcroorus 0 }0 AGA I NST Dn " Paur- lrosssoN , CoNsERVAT I vE --1975-* Jt- 1, 12-5 1H-\r/ l,lnmeo sLtER tFF oF EssEx CoutlrY !,IARENTETTE. CHALRES E. - NEI{SPAPEhHAN 1 958

    Nrmeo ADM.AssrT roExEc.V.P.@ Exec.FtRNITURE Gutto FI#f' }{ARAFIIETTE, DAVID T - li$tfiAffi EGCUIIE 1939 t MAnBIED Eanv Lo Henrer Fee l8-Ji{ft&* 7-7. ELEC?ED Fnes or DEr AssH or lrqunerCE Aeemrs " Ae 23r 23-L ilAMED orFEcroF or GREAI€R Otffi3e3FTo*ence +-1960-*gr- - Dt9.A-g-t BsuED HE^D '61 JA HEEK Acr,rtiiS'ffitN sQrSilEAstgnr ffilcx -F-1961a fifliflfcH-ra-l Frrq S MMED Y.P. GReeren Der Bo orffiffi ELEcrED,ems Gneeren Der B";-tffiffi. H tl'u%lit To oE chrHEitrEMENT-SpEAKER U-D emouartors & 15, A-10:1 REGETvED HolroRARy LLD oeenee rncr [J-o -1974- Ar 2), B-1-1 & sorrt, Davlo T lll, BARRED FRoM sEcunrrrEs BUSTNESs ron 4 WEEKS DUE TO ALLEGED VIOLATloNS OF SECURITIES LAL,S hrHEN rHEy HEADED Noh, rNAcrrvE BRoKEI1B:..rRM oF TTT4rr.Eiottco. Es RE 8fff+ffi-s';Ilrg'$" P8"$18"" Ii.t&6'F Jl "&flf?e8ffyEl]' -1s2- ftlY 20, 8.12-2 aa Ehgr v ltmr lrl.ggf,llD lF;llBFlt'a lv rtEl r,v[lEub-^.-rar Ur FtLt uY[r. 0r ehrono RoAD MARRIEo ilhrcv NEwEur- or Pr rssrncu tH'NlC My 8-ro LlvE rN GRossE PrE. ---1967--- Js 27, c-6-1 Lerr AnusrRoNGrJorues&Co.IDET.BRoKERAGE F I RN4r& oncaru r zeo o'rrNt BRoKEnae e aust NESs wirnRtcuaeoS.Zoz traxo&Jllae sH.Beos- WORTH -1974- Ae 2J, B-1-l & rArHER, Davto T Sn., BARRED By SEC FRoM sEcuntrlEs BUSI- NEss Fon {weers DUE To ALLEGED vroLATloNS oF sEcuRtrtEs L T,'HEN THEY HEADED THE NOil, INACTIVE BROKERAGE FIRM OF MANNTTI- TETTE & Co. -1987- 0 29 E-1-2 Chief of Comp-U-Check resigns in shakeup at parent OTF Equi ties lnc.--VIasic N5,e1-5 gloomy OTF Equities abour $2million debt U 6, C:-z Debr led him to quit OTF Equiries-Vlasic N8,H-1-6 OTF to be takeover target?-VLasic 1988 - Ap 22, E 2-1 Sued by wife Laura over li{ar. igna Eut..* ofl nJ tr_1""1 ings sEc invesEisatins area :::i5Bi:5er-Joyner-I99L--- S 6,6. E-t-4E_i_-4 Cfud by fed.regulators of violatin8 securrial;", fpyf_|n nublir ffto$"roffSf+o&n"pire crumbtes,and stE f inances down s 23, F-3-l How s uoct< market crash riped his filair?e_s;V_La_Tic _out Prohibited by fed.judge from repeating securities law viola tions conrnittd as chrnnn ofOIF Equities Inc.-Vlasic Has been permanently barred from the securt?tl3 l"lrl.r, ,] MARENTETTE, DONALD : DEVELOPER 1986 Jl t2t I Age 82 buys 800 acres for $lbillion project near Det Metro Ai rport-Mal lory '-1 . ,\p 111i, i:*:l- 1 Jr 28, B-2-, r.rt) Pnvt-t-ts DTLLER LooK-ALtKE MEETs loot--Mauos , HER|IAN - RoB SUSPECT l,932 Form 1656 .. Ito Detroit Newe Lleturus AG 24, +1 Heuo at !/,r FoR Box cAR RoBBERY u^ 22rL6-7 i,4n Cr-rNrerus-Serucr 15-30.yRs t'4anouErrE JE eTrle-o Bp 0fFENSE, SSruTC--1934;- totDEDiltJlLL EE EDUCED }4ARANTETTE, LARRY: I{ORSEMAN 1964 t656 JE 20, B- KruowN As oNE oF sosr TALENTED & oanmruc RiDERs AMoNG JUNIoR 'l6u n r oens-Wt LL I AMS -+967- Je C-4-1 To cor.lpere nru GRosse PrE" Hutttr Cuug xoRse ssow-WILLtAMS Bnrur orcoMMoNrdEALrH rRA,r.l??f;MARRy .u*ol.firk3];1*.*. MRs. FReruKCouzeNsJn., oFGP FanMs " _1975_ Mv 18, D_14-1 MaRnrED tN Sr Pauls MARANTETTE, LARRY: PRESIDENT GREATER DOWNTOWN PART- 1996 NERSHIP O13C1-5 Group studying how to .fix the ',hoIe" in Det., near Grand Circus Park-Pepper -L997- Ja 24 C 4-L workj-ng on investment,/develop.strategy for lower Woodward corridoriwants Hudson I s d.emolished.-Hackney 1980 . rJc 18, D-4-1D 1sr rolomnru FLAG oFFrceR FoR Gn Pre (t-trrr-e) clu6 ro HELe RUN cLuBrs sAn-tNG REcATTpVaru I.,ARENIEMI. LLOYD : NETRO IT +19' 35-1 lrurRo ro socrrry or MaRoaRrr uoo#l Jrt.,r L8 ^-_y937_:_ &13 i 3_3_4 !Ne acrt.tcNrr lr l'lancapqt B^ors To ABovE AtJt'ror-rflcED , Aazz t-z-z To r,rco ['lARcAr?Er Eoorx S1er.8 59, 36-6 MARRTcD I'IARGARFT Boorn SB __1938____ JA25, B-3 Rrcg tveo ll.S. c lTtzENsHt p Jq[t.24 trIARANTETTE, ],{ADAM ; I{ORSEIIOMAr{-UEl'{Dnt[ L887

    Form 1656 The Detroit N.vr d r L1t To make novel trlal of.epeed with her wond.erfu} [o"*"u, Detroit -riving -ctr-lU meet L9\5 J1 18, 4'-1 Made fast nl1e at Hagtramck o 3o 8-5 rnag At 70, i.s st1II a darlng^trorsewouen; -hig hlgir. inehee made tn 19ott li"*i, record, of 7 feel' . 19i. it -trafamazoo on Bt" PP.trlok i,URENIEIIE, nA" PHltlPr llfrANfRY&AN, DEFRCIff lg44 Fr ,r Klueo lu ltauY Form tr655 MARANTETTE, PHYLLIS: FARM WIFE lgBT s t3 L-1-2 Won battle against cancer; now fighting bank for farm afte death of her husband.--Lengel t Freedman s 22, B 1-6 Lans-gets reprieve from bank-Freedman tsoN HTs, ffiAN rdoN sutr rflTH otry FoR S1 .56 0vrn K'ATEB B I Lt. MARANTETTE, RUDOtPll A" - PIONEIIR- DET" 1910

    Form 1656 Tle Detroit 19"*" U trv a 7- Took part i.n ded.icatl.on of Detroit Opera houtse 41 years &gor d.ied Oot. 8 MARAN'TETTE, SAMUEI . WINDS^,R 1915

    Form 1656 Th. **da N"*" & Ir Born ln Wind-sor 77 yeerB a.go, dead, rtARAr{fETTE. T'oil.As GRAPI{|C ARTS t',RocEss c0 1959

    Elrcreo &rR. or rupr-oyrr{c Lrrxoenapn-es Drr. o/oeii"iil a*r. lr.* Mlcn. luc. MAqAITTETTE. THNI,IAS LOIII S . IETY 1966 -ENC I 1a F-A-) MARR,ED Susar* CarxEnrr,rE RoruN F 12 MARENGO, LOU: KILLED lN CRASH I 988 of Rochester, Volkswagen exec killed in crash of Pan Am Fl ight 103-Martel le, Woodlee, Lopez D 22 A l0-l Volkswagen mourns 2 execs, Manengo, Jim Fuller lost in crash-Lopez D 23, A-6-1 Loved his job D 23, E-1-2 VW faces challenge wiLhouL 2 execs-Higgins D 26, A 1-6 Families visir Lockerbie siLe of crash D 27, Bl-l Remembered by f riends-McCaughan vrmE 1945 .E 25. 13-7 TLLED .Xo t8, to-7 Kluso ! MARANTETTE & C0. 1967 Devro T.MeRaNrerre tl! , RrcHaRo S.zoz'.116 E'ioI.!-C. BeoswoRrH FoRMED ABovE roew sRoreRAcE FtRM Has vounc m:upEns ,* ,r,.T'liukilo*oou o,o*-nl'r13n', :'21''t ro ee AcqurRED By *,rr,r1rfil?13il..p.Hfo!#?* nvtoT.MnReNrerraSn.&DAvtoT. I I I eanneo FRot't sEcuRlrtES BUs- INESS ron {ulKs.To ro ALLEGED vIoLATIoNS oF [-Aws u,H&LE THEY HEADED ABovE -1995_ JI 15, D-1_z Chairman D0nald Marentette 82, buys 800 acres nr Det Metro Ai rport for $1bi I I ion project-Mal lory MARENTIC, FRANK : SAIL B0AT 1gg7 Ja 27, B 3-2 Says 3M tape used in boat Stars & Stripes ent6red in America rs Cup race-Bai ley 1946 M ts' a-7 (bruressEs MURDER or Jao< 0 sraLtntss pnrsoN t-f$, To race than FrRrr{G rifif3ti-CFoR TruRDER .3,rfl' .-, llIECu?Eo 6l' FlRl!{G gQUAO l"lARES. t.lRS. JUANI MOTHER 0F P0Lt0 vtcTlM 1970 _ 59, B_z-1 tu AaroHro- sAto Flosp.SANTe HOSA REFUSED TO TREAT HER SON slacE sHE HAD N0 FUNDST A0aO HE OIED OF POLIOo DR. E\JERETT R. : MEDICAL CORPS: 1943

    Form 1656 Pnomoreo ro GAPTAIN T'IARESKI. .IOSEFH A. i ARF,IED SERVICES ll945 6 Av' !'louNDED rN AcTloH IdARiST.' MEiqffiITT MAFTETT . MERHITT , ALBERT P. ! EX-DETRI'I|T PitLlmlAN l94t ttp L7, 34 .Assr.pRovosr ueasHALy'a, cf;ffirAffr ELD, I LL. JE 4, 7-8 ED To DereCrlve --1n46------199-* JL 10, ts11-3 PnoIoTeo To DEEECTIVE SERGT. lUrtlFE)'E GtlEGOm' s STlt'liE TR00PER 1982 s 5, C-1-' HarcHes FurY FoR sPEEDERs-LaoeRmeru MARFIONE, COSlM0 R: ARIVIY 1969 | | t 22ror BUFFALoTTo REPoRT or FORT DIX TO PURSUE^-)-) HIS CASE FOR DISCHARGE DUE TO BACK A I LMENTS- 1944 Form 1656 Ju ao, es.s lbtnoeou lrauv b---19548 b zo, z3-L AsovE rs qrr qerHuelrsrR I cKElr UITH LEIffiEHIA;HE IS GCVEN C}IECK BY }IEI BoRs oF $268'ron Xrqas 1969 Jt 22, A-1-2 MARRIED DtNA SaUDAKER IN GAS STATION BY REV. BRUCE GneEru E A GAS STATION ATTENDANT- R USSE LL. tfiS,r.ATtfiRtffi c. - Htcf{.ArD pAR( scmCI- TEACIER lI937 Form 1656 ..ts 1917€ RETTRE ?!tES yR, tN sEmflgE Fog_az vRS JA 4r 3915 DIED JA 2:TIT YRs OLO --195(F- pitNr , ls New $irNlsrER oF SreRnn Leorue Mv 1, B-5-2 Frx 3 FxeerouurSr e,Hr l LeoilE-35 LEGISLATORS WITHDRAW PROTEST AGST APPOINT- iffi,NT OF ABOVE AS PFEMIEI. l96r

    ,nruE lrursrEn oF ilEhr Sr ree Lrorue NA?rc,u *1q621''oj-jrTL*u Frerro*trStenpr Le,touE:iEAppotryf ED FrtfltE MtN!s?Ex or Stmne teoue -:1964-- Ap 29- C-3-8 FnerTowl..treteRRa LEor,,E-Dleo Ap 28,aee 68 1982 Jr 7r A-H llErtcoCtfV-ArH.ED HotG oVEn EIPEOTED oEPonTATlOr oF IGX Yon rEBs LlYtllo tf, tlSo 1978 Ae 1'lr D-1-} iGxloo Cgrv-$ou oF Pkxloois AmBAssAooR To De, suor DURtr,le SUiTGLED KtONAptNO BY cOr.t'tUNgSr TERROR|STg. S 1, A-l-6 2oo.r il0-1ggg HUNT KtDNApERS Ae 10, C-19-1 DC.TEEUS SAD AT BREAKING STORY THAT TOPPUEO ISRNgTIS PM Yrrzrax Raeru MARGAL0T, ISRAELA : ISRAEL! PiANIST 1973 Wtre or coNDUcroR L,.rntru MlazEL, PLAYs wrrn Atoo CEccaro Der Svmp Oncu nr Fo4o Auo[TnCeRR MARGARHI. BMDIEY: MURDIRED 1992 Macomb Co.jury views film of his dearh ri'ai!i:.3 AyaLa,LT- Schabath Ja L7, B-3-2 E Macomb jurors see gas sLation killing on videotape by Z-.: Alrrxis Aya.la & Eric Moutrey-Schabath Ja 24 B 3-2E Relatlves of victim,Margaret were stunnned by the innocent verdicL reached in case of Eric Moutrey-Schabath w 7, B-3-2 E is AyalarlTrChesterfield T\,rp., to be sentc. as adult in taped slaying of |4argaret-Schabath 4992 Ja 24 E t-4 Ad analysts question the use of guilt in marketing campai from automobiles to pres candidates bec of trade friction with Japan-Naughton 1960

    Ex ALcoHoLtgF ro Ho{rtoR rJlElrmy oF ABorE l.{R.sTH,Fo* $oft',mltHG ALo corm, r cs-E. [I r r-u t aus I'.s MARGARET RICE SI'IOP 1972

    Ae4, C-4-4 E Gposse Fol?{re FnR:,rs sHcp ro I{AVE ONE OF A KgeIO Sr.tOWiHo OF BEST oF ApleRtcAN oEsIGHERs l4AreARlt\E I CALIFffiNIA lr949 & 29' 24 CoqoREu oLEo I.IADE LEcAL I m hr-rF'l' IIARG,TRIhE : C,TIIANA t948 D14' raffi BAN DECLARED TNVAL|D Cnt,l Ouo JA 7.rl 35.6JJn t{lE Je b,22. A-7 foffii,,,Ir"tff *|F*5T'*"."JTFJIn'S*,!Hl j,'rt*".ro-*SltBY SUF.f,f.SUPT GtuE.rse tsr-artvE AssEsrBLy vorEs_-rfeffgr,rFRr& ** o,6robff^ititi rr: Qr.E, t Btarn or nEvoLT-Eotr. OTEOMARGANINE DE{T. LYZT Ap lE, E-l Tax to be lald on above after Oct" 1 lf artifir::iaI1;; coloreC to resemble butter Bays F" irn ffood.wgth, collector Je 18, ?-8 MSBsrof must reglstef-ly JL l Je 15, 1-16-8 Dealere Enrst reglster-195G@ betw. Jl 1-AE 1 Je 18, l1-& Mfgs.mrrst trn.y taxes betw.Jl" 1-Ag I

    Form 1656 Tha Dctroit Neva - b1946-- AP 2L. 7_4_6 EXCLAIEIS S}T}RTAGE-LAEK bF BUTTER BOOI4S DEMAND r 25t 7-3' |TUDY RE|TI{ER usE ABovE rf Rgcet'ilrucFbsp-:::'194h- Dlsrs --' YEruow .LEo ro uo oB ;-lgigp: i* 'rl;t;t r_, JoNN rGus G r aruan r s,Ouo Cor-onrv Cr-il6-EwNERs, elie. v r olXi r 6fi ',cleo oer A 23' 4,-1 Asovr aNo rue Dqrncrr scHooL ff#?Effi 0LEcrbtAR&RllG, : EDlTOtlALs l,948 llh 7t 1- 0Leo oers BREAK FR GurRnse,v BREEDERs rru Mtcn.Tnurqo JA zg{i 1'18'1 )nrny srarrc sEr&AroRs *uu ,rr",ffffionror,rs, _-1961- - D15,C-1+2- l-lourne err- Auore(Onvrts L.FReeMAi, opposrrroN To coLoned, 5r_id)Ieorr MARGABINEg GREAT BRITAIN 1974 D 1, A-18-4 '1 rngrEn wrrus TV coMMERcTAL BATTLE vs.DurcH BUTTER CO. INE - IOI{,A 1953 -' n0 *vtvw lv.stGns elur .r-ienurzrgtG .SALE.or,,couonio oueo D.s Mornes-towr Depr. or l"*,Iiilrl'P;. oF oLEo ER oFF rnr lowl MAFKET gv Deo. 1sr ""lritl,,l3-l 0 LE 0 UIAfi GAR IldE -t{lGE DN

    l',,1I3 12, 2O-3 Health and Hyglene discupses above L931 t 19, 42_? Lanslng-Bep _ _ l{t}o A. Johnson offers btll i fa proposlng 12 cent tax on butter subatltutes Ur 19, 4?_E Lanstqs'geaale votes to &rfi,ec coXXrea*gfugg-g Hou.se pesses b11"1 barntng sele of' eolored oleo,

    \t u,P, <"-LlI1;5 Lenn6ns bl1L slgnecL by Srrrcker .fltsi Pettttons asle referenC.tuu on sLeo-}a.w A€ 4- '1n-3 r€[6 o$Sffi o.eeiae"ra.te or otrb%1*ffit'otrb% t*wt'rN'Ybre Ats 6, 1P*8 referendr:rn asgr.rred on above lavr

    0LEOtutsRGARlNE - l,1lCHlG,\i'l t932 Form 1656 fhe Detroit Newc O ?4 126-4 Pnor E L lurHoruv uRGEs vorERs ro 0K LArr,l ro rAx BUTTER. suBsrtrurEs 0 3or5-16-4 VorEng ro DEcTDE oN rex preu [r! I D f,la %, a%t Vta ,-- 8.f-3' FFICtAL VOTE ON - NO.754.372? Yqes.432.9ffi^ae '--t917-:- JA 13..6-5.jJSC SEN.i).lhtE BRAKE tNTRo BILL To pur AN ExtsE TAx oF :*'A pout'iD oN AG 3117-1 ..B.NsTER E RoaT.&rYNrE cHAFoEo slrn ADIITERCTING qurrq,R wlrH oLEolra ..bs.Busren & RoET.&uilNE sENTCTTo-g-vns FoR F^ILURE To-PAY FeoeRAt TAx ON OLEo :::1939- JA 18119-2 BILL lr.oRo PRoPostNG rAx ot tfurb?tojiBovE JA ao, 31-3 SEtt.SEN. D.H.l).H. BnareBnaxr r\rrRor\!TRo BtLL To LtcEr..rsEL,tcEr.rsE L.P' REGIJLATEREG!.JLATE SALE,or-eurreRSALE,or- eurreR suss-sugs- LLt'rBr,",rEDlgE pmHrBlTEe tnr* puq.fcpua-rc ,--"#H?ffilBsrlrurlo$ bTl,aFB ssi,t, REsTAU,Ra$'ns|€,5TAU,riANT5 ustrtoUSlN@ oLEoOLEO oRDEREDC,KlJts'REu 10-lu -ElsT-la'5. slGnls5rQiftr Ep Fe n nr s. u, r. u*, !s r r r NG *S#t.*'f*.r, r, I$I PUEI.IC INSTITUTIOHS".r*..iTtBf7ffiH . 2 l{6vNE Codro.r.rons wtLLrHq ro nrsr-uAfl ro pur ssoVE i[fo-u&-ir? B &kcono AsK AEovE BE pEtrn,'*f1!'g,rTl',*r, f,'':fi$]ffi';f F q^ ,rB ffiffiili['fiffiL o"r*o* puffiHAsE e.,z.oo LBo.FoR *r["l$ifig.*bsp.ro ffi ffi,wt e,mhg-t&tf,f8gnr resr:"tviE'{t GE{{i'{i SBrl'rG brso LecA'uy ar Erorse MAy DEIEND oru arwliflirir6erurou'2"'-'r [gryllec-Qox Bneerurenocrnroellse'RerELy vtoLAres cor-oisEldr-Eo BAN FoR l1?i'f"''-ttt^'AL oF $N BnaeN ,* ,o* ran io HE fu !'#n [qg1l6g1uqctgtoh] p_mMrsED FoB l"R 24 rN eAsE or Dor,l Bneq-sltftJ2-,?1 s",o&s# ffifr,ry1'e 5rq..'ffi tr.u=ofr oREEN AppEALs GONVlcTloN & N. 3-3 lAc-ft166p DLEO BAN APfEAL SPEEOED JL 29; 4€ llctr.REtAtL Gnocens a &,tear Deeueni ASs$.cAr.tpelcnr roEi*fry.tgg bflsu{aRs cAr{ FoRcE REFERENDT.BT oH coLoRED *"uo*rr*iiii zs;-'?'? B 2 l,{ly*e. co crrNsu,ERs slGN GoLopED ti'ARGARtriE ,.r,i,o$ tvrARG,{Rl NE : hltcH tGAN irtrcH srARrs .HECK oF oEEo pErrTroNs r,J pERMr, *..f,34giffgo*o*n. Pgrlrtor'rs' ro- FoRcE -rssuE.To --rf' 't u LqGAL-rzE uuLs'tEucoLoRED 6.Ed ;r;*E Lsorsts' 15f.rgiiryr'roiinr .___1=pg-4h_-"Tffdfifi;}LE'ALE ;-_ .JaEr-r:za5fi-'-Ji?.'rTES ffe vorE I- N APR' Ldt; tE%tE"' ftSE'"3F8?.ittB13.'*To !, o!=? ffi$::'u FEARrut oF tLEo MAY Acr trJ5.i{i1g53raar-rc lis"ue,LeotsPtoB'.Esa- E"'{r.rry,:.' $'^iiffi&3*o girx* EGrs.RETuRfrE ro upRK or{ BILL To pEREur SALE coloRr+rjSt_g 'BriE FevmaelEqvGrABlE Acrtoru ExpEsrEDExpEgrED lru lbuse o$J coLoRED ouso btLE -r-F.q^ -' a-t FF R'^?E '#"4:'*EIHEE'* ELES Bltt b.W?' FFoBTS ro BIocK AFpeovAL coLoRED oLEo BILL uL{DER wav iF 1j", L-z E!!$IE p4!-K9 A? BrLLi HEADs FoR pt-AcE ozu ApR.4 BAtror.if iij ir_r BILL FRo$ vorpgf i:r[e FFH:ft8'3H"i6''133":tALb' ?ff-#BKEEP ii; gbEoBELEGALreED BY LEGrs. F 16,-6-a lttt"PltffiB rru .. toEs oF coLoRED O*J?u,X\f",ns.5ib",hF Mrcr ,, ,o.._rrif-!z-rss-o t-)a rRy AcrO.troN ro' [-eaeuEIEAGUE ro SEEK .rr.ifrl3f'6i-*.rr*rREFEr'ENDuir oH RErENrrGyo5SrBarff' r.Ltf:*l;? coLo 3il8" 'EEK ffititrffi ??ii': ::::: H":' :5"':::"^, -T.TJ #ffi+#'' 5,F;,gffi qkTjtgi*1gt"s,ff ltr'-E&?$E%8hr,ffix',,fl #lli3-8,,o,*, BtLu nercp.TED FoR Acrtou tn Fbuse To FEor-rtRE RESTABAU.iE usntc coLo. RED frEo TB DISPIAY StGNs ro rIUT EFFECT AP 27r L*7 seN.PnssES BILL TO nEQUIRE TRIANGULAR PAIS lN RESJAUSA'.lrg- - Fbuss pessEs BILL ro nequtne oLEo BE solo ll{ nesir4pnatfs oNLY lN fnl' 'Col6ffi;ar,reud-nn pieces NN 24,..15* blti-io BE ILLEGAL unrlL S 23, posstot-v lootsEnjtl! f81 3'! Senve eoLoRED orEo I N rRl- EvlSlenrslEiLu nEcui nrtre nesieuurgrs-- "------ogry. AI.GULAR PArs Je l?t t'6-2 - Coioneo oueo-rour-- ro AppEAR tu-sronEs SEPI.23 JL .i-3-.3 Yir_-iou oieo Assu-nEo;Foes clAttt EtlgtJGH t$eEs- To BL6cl(- ACT- c,:usulrsrs Lerroue or, [,]rcu.urrs6-arnv iiirenEsrs "*,i! ii*'lht ** jariqv i\cr rorr LEaoue Drs,u ssEs pErrrror! .,*"r*roo.itrSR'rlti#Frc/rrroN -7*r. B[rFeAElto h'd oPEI [6' ?.fi nEflfl othSRe'tfi " BE Bl-ocr( ED u$u"&u El oro 1949 lril{R&trR li'E- i'llCI lIGAJ'I Ag 7; L-B-f Secy FREp AueER tmee,D To eI€cK Pm!Tt@! cal,npalens'B-u'Eltb $8,P* ff#es;z'e 6.Iff*o[,ni#gJ'5-f y&'ffi f+lJ,l8\%oSfl JF#,"$t']^'St$fl"r3Tffi * z uecAu oLESTtct{s ARtsE O{ PEnTIOSS TO-SUSPEND LAI'LS1Ot tVg oll PETIflotls arfr-gEtnoTHr S RULItG INvALtDATEs 12rC@' SlGtlATLsrEgs13r^L9-2-_ TC HEARIT-ISlHg sETSET rqFffi't.$t:l 55I.5 15&J tnI$all l.qusll'IcLAITSII'IGL.tuall-€ f'NoNvln oltoULLUv*v PolJrvrI :8-J t6.l,*ra z-sG-- BO CANI'AssERS OOERS,oERs grArEdtDEgTATEdIDE vorEVOTE OfISAI.EoitsALE qoLoffiD oLEo

    SEET.-?O COUPJ FARr,l vorE ot{ r,[email protected] rssw.*?.tfi?,os?F?, ,q-t I4I LK PRODUCE6 iqSEN OKIS FUND TO FIGI{? BAN ON COI..OfiED OLEO{JLIVE D sg "si6 $ESTAURAI.IT5 WARI'IED oF COLORED QLEO BAI,I YELLow oueo BAr uPHsLD ,"-frilBTiltr, nrt lotrl* t'n*do.3*"i$RED oLEo ,,rcu,ru,raru Gnocens p F&ar DEALERs Asss{'MAq LoRED oLEo ro BE REFEBEI,IDJII lss[JE olt tbv;7 aEurcr.r.}l P-r 1-]1 x, ovER FRE-COLORED.OLEO TO TOP l',tOv.SlSCTlOn AG 21 25',I- puBL Isaoanso nRv r NrEREsrs u""rr#irrx3ffi*c te S"1airffi="" lrgn Rrraru Gnocsns sEEK elmlE'' om or.eo pRtcs e*ff' 4-ui*ttoTils oH YELLOW ULEO BO EIID LOIG,BITIER FTGHT#UmiW [iLEo MANUFA.T,RET ERoirrsE ro sELL yELLow o.ro fu,ulR-]-|,llE of.*r3i tr'lSC rnculry i,rEr4BERs ADvrsED ro cEAsE cAMpArGNr* lirt;r w LEGALT: ATIoN YELLow oLEG N 8,.4.L coroaeo oLEo AMENDMENT w I ns fJ 7 ELECr I or,{'YESr710,?Fr$orprt'!793-( I r,S liorissr'rrves cAu r'!oi'r BUv yELLo.? I.IARGARrr:e:GRoce;rs o1lt6::U1SI s^LEs- SrrrE Depr acnr. r$JspEcrcRs ,r,rpourJo ALL coLoREo olEd[ttri"-a-r LAW MUST BE OBEYED IN V(,TE oN YELLoW oTEo-EoIT II 11..1.4. gAr,t ow yELtow oLEo rc, sralo Cpas.Ftcy sAys t{ 16; 3j.6 L'*s "::: :1 "*gffi:r6ffio*cEI'c 4t16 z@'r :''-TY or-so11_11*'*ftl BE :'epi'ucrs ^Peg-coloesoyELLow ro Lreat- Dee ? oLEo G.ES or D f, # 9l 5't-.?u P EI &_iitcH.FETAtLERs'ALE BEGTN LEGAL.SALE oF yELLou oteo-D ?-D qr 4-L ,;: ffi::H:A,Ij i#l$;ffTJff fi:-'*qx to; z-a t!i,nnrItIlr l,ntir-) li\ll!L i.ilffilGAil t95 I qf ffi' tffilErtilefiiF}liHrffi il[,:T]:';'L:' J:ffi rfrf f; pr.or 46nr.wARr{s usE oLEo ;-1ffffi-.AFErERrAs,.*nii:.,ot?nljlSo itrtt- rNrRo ro RtpEAL LAw F'RBrDDrrrrc usE oLEo rN puBLrc liiriiiiiois rRy rNre REsrs F rGHr rree Lre rs.BrLL ro rrsE ,t- l'ri.?;trNSrrTu- roNs 'EFMrr F L?i +z-3 & GoP- .lotu or0 vo?u{G tE FEpEAL r-Aur pno}uBrrrn[ 's,18s?Ti]ie= s lN.^$4lcFl l$Srl?Url0lsl Ap 19.15-5 [* HB|S ItF*:f [9H r, *,, !E o L€ o tr r r Hc ur,J3[t".t'#S_T ]in o., Mren orrr cr ALS wARN. REsrAuRrrrs oLEo-Burr.* rut xruiei"iii.uou urlen'rl.ruuH r cH' r FoooptBl.tc lN:trEsluK>HspEcroRs o**offi"ll?3ilr^,uxlrlKEo ra UTATGH THAT YELLotd #e^l?er2?I'no,tsARGAR|HE ls r uliEo tN scHooLs 'ELLord Jt 27"-z*1, p. Rrcnaio-[ Tioilsos ,vr*@ucEs LEGrsLArroN ro *epiir-i6siGi^rue rcH pRo{tBt?g usE tr BUTTER SUBg. tf{ Alty pLq-rc mtspl6rrg1, O*oen ro srop usE oF MARGARTNE rN scHooLS To AwArr enr'roiiimini -- F 13, 10-5 Btt-t- lrtro.To FTGHT srATE BAN---1953- oF ,lLEo AL MEMBERs 9r Lears. FroHrs Hoube, a.ir-r- ro rrr rr"",5 lStfrkS sERvE 0 rN LUNcH ftoo,ts -FZ-0.' j-A bvtt gtves rrs suRpLUs BurrER To filcn.Scn ,ot-s 'F-I6,-ilr ilLL tNTRo tN LEG. To LET scHooLs DEctDE oN PIRCHASE oF ABovE oR ER F 28. 10-3 f4rcH.Depr. or \eal.TELLS oF THERE BETNG No BAN oN sERvtNG-wHtrE ff-Eo tN PUBLtc RESTAURANTS Mn 6. 6-3 Oovutrree REpoRTs oru oe Boom B|LL To ExEFrpr scnoots rnor'r 1891 sam usE oF oLEo tru,MtcHtearu tusrtturtonsn [4n 7, 2o-J. SE To voTE oN BILL TO EXEMPT SCHOOLS FR 1891 BAN AGST 5ERVING OLEO r wEEK Mn 10. 2-1 g^qPtrr ser OKrsvr\ J BILLE|LL rotv ExEMpr scHooLSJgravvLJ FRrB sERVTNGJLnvrrrg oLEouLrv lh16 12.rct ---13-1 aRtNE lH ET. pugltc scruxn- uu8c|€,s ulLL BE l![ TRI.AI{GqLAR SHAPED tNGs Mn 13, 9-1 >ENATE ATTACK E|LL To SELL oLEO rO SCHOoLS Ae 3, 23-7 Aouttgn.,*tgo VEGETAELE sHoRENtNG tu Der.anel setNo tttvEbtr6ares roDAy Ae L4, 4-5 F|NA!- SENare RULEs our REsrRrcrr)Ns oN scHooL usE oF ABovE Ae [:, _ao-s RuRat LawuAKERs BLAST AT sENATE coMrnrrEE vorE To enase atL tEstn- ICTIONS ON UsE OF OLEO IN PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS I,IARGAR INE: M I CH IGAN I 953 ip 2R 6-4 SEr'rnre lrqre Arrains pEscrLS !N cHANGES FoR usE r'rh iiSuu rN srArE tNSTrTUTr,lNs HY 13,60_1 tLL REV| ED T1 USE OF OLEO ONLY rN SCHoOL ^CTr)N -L-UN,,!ROOHSlfu 15' 10-5 EG.0Krs B'LL To ALLou sc,ooLs ro usE ()LEo wtrlt REsEuAtrt0lL5 l{lultems src*s BrLL REM.,TNG BAN oN BETTER suBsrrrurEs r& i[iirc LsrtAKING DET.ts usE oF sERvtNc oLEo tN scHooL LUHcHEooMs N 17, 46-5 Few MtcHtaqN REsTAURANTS ARE sERvtNG-_-1954-- cLEo EvEN TltouGH rxey'r*rdw ianr -1957F Ae L3, L2-4 Eluu ro cur cosr oF A6ovE FAcEs DEFEAT AP 16, 42-L Btll ro RELAX LABELTNG REqUIREMENTS oN ABOVE PACKAGES IS SHAI{PED !N SeNere I 948 015CI,,'iP,lGARll\lE - NEI,,, fmnnorrsaLE vE,-r$w oLEo BE.AME LEGAL roDAv rst N#JEfu#-? 0l,ESlARGARllG * N.Y l948 I 1-3 N;TE TA?E lr{sTrTuTtoNS FR1E€ TO ABOVE _usE Ju 11 45-1 66YR.ot-D BAN oN oLEo ENDS roDAy . nurf\ 1949

    VOTENS APPROVE T,EA5IfiE TO LEGALIZB I,IFRT& 5ALE OF CCiT.OFEO OTSO ---1950--- 0 15p 1-15-t BUTTE4 SALES HAVE INCREASED ALONG WIT}I COLORED OLEO S'NCE LECALIZIHG- cLlvER .^c, L - couuaeus,onrc-€AL' oF MrxED *uii ?3-E*o ron rtnsi TluE !N &) vgans "rrriliTl3ffE-rr., 1946

    f ncnerse or d rru cEtLlt{G PRICE IN OFFIMTE Rratt PRrcE c - ?44 Sneoo-BaRrusu d cw- - j; ei 4-z-as z 3Ro pRtcr cur fi{ 6 F,tos,At{t'tout{cEDED By SHeDD-BARrusn Fmosi lnrc. rDiri Qunrss Fooos curs pRrcE ANor ER zd F 3/,.';#'" HEp.rroRr sAys pRlcE To Go up rF rAx or{ yELLor,/ orffi ltjffifBs z i;hmum,tt'ffi,? ?o*r,tPf,&gu_- ]]-z'6""es"' Brsrrrauron. ,ou*ur-rl Hg?*Trr* [email protected] #rtr!. l-lffi Jr_ z, E_tt_5 z 4 asrp4venace RETATL FRrcE DRoppEo-1965- 1{cer'rrs LAST yR ro'z6Ceurs e po" t95t 0 30, 12-4 , AO t, 3_tS_Z AT ALL-TIUE PEAT -19jnF MAPGAR lliE: i I't ITED STATES r953 JL 3. 14-6 Htl.J aervE & eurTeFr t{ERE r-{)cKED tN cLOSE RACE F H lJ.i:,.C',r,isut{pTtct;-J. Havoer: Ae Ll, 39-3 AEOVE SURPASSSES AUTTER IT' USE I'' U.S.---1958- D 12. B-9-1 Wasn.-Govr, To BUy oLEo FoR DtSTR|BUTtoN--1964- To ueEov tB-FA[4|LtEs & cHARt TABLE OR6S. FOR FIRST TIME OLEC?,qEGARIIE - I&SHINGTON . 1934 Foru 1656 Ae 2127-5 C S Sup Cr HoLDs srAre TAx oF r5d psn LB vALtD nnneanlnre:}IARGiRINE: wlsffiSlruHISffiSIN 1955

    Appreroru-{-yunx o-anr FIHED $ro om cHG. oF sERvr{G o*rl }3'.3&T, ,o,, PRlsollERS 196c-- Je 24, A-3-5 Hgolson-Sr.SEN.GoRDon Roseuerp FAtLs rN TAsrE TEsr oF-oLEo-AGsr BtLL To LIFT 8AN oN SALE oF ABOVE IN HISC. *" 26' B-4-s 3* Hlersorero eE pEnMrrr€D rN *,.ffi1?3k ,o.. t rao r soru-r,vr soASSEMB." ,ur.-iT7?61;a.rro. .flrl roiAlr7 ,RoH r - IITION AGST SALE OF COLORED OLEOMARGARINE 4aorsorv-TEARrNG oK oN coLoRED oLE6 rru wr"T]r?'rB;5t\J!a Meo r soru-kGov.lr/annerrl KruowLes s I GNED B I LL END I NG LAST BAN -1ru U.S.aqarf{sr coLoREo oLEo MARGARINE Jt 2, D-9-4 7* IVIADISON-\'L 1 DROPPED BAN ON SALE OF COLORED ABOVE ffiumeARrNE 1907 il , flre Detroit News MT 15, 3-2 Alonzo Hart, proprietor of Whlte sront Butter Egg again raided & -HARTstorer SEE: ' ALONZO L. - MMCHAI{T '.IARGMINE: tllsc. X.g31 1996 rrGxqir-TouNseuo Bllr h,HrcH rAssED C ncness ro BEcTME ,rlE.??t';loji, ,rlLL RELIEVE BUTTEF FR lN 1F CHEAPER 'RODUCIS "Cor.{-ETlTl h 3- 1n-6 lp cng]r or SrluoaRo Nur MancaRrne---1934--- b. 0eoeru l4rr-r-s & AruonEu ''EluolurD o )UF"UT.HOLDS FORI.€R PUBL!C OFFI.CIALS IMMUNE FROM St'IT FOR ACTS DONE {rLE rN oFFrcE lifu 13, 1-14-5 TSTON.GIAS" A.Ror'rC CHAR ES TH)USANDS OF PoUNDS oF SOLD AS-BUTTER IN uEwRAcKE? r Jr-26,4-3 At.ronew" HrrLorr & 0eoeN L. Hrr-r-i- -6is"$2''iir-LroN surr ro , - Ae L8, t,.6-2 boo rcoo BUT LAcKtntG euALrrrEs oF eurren-Eor1--1935-" - 0 !4, 44-7 Wsc )reo uarens ADopr coDE oF IRADE p*o.r[:_llbii_g t*ojitli- -*7937- ,ro rreo Farn brru.opoose NEw oLEo STANDARD iiiieeo ev Pii'--frANfrr- O L2, L-3-3 2* APPEASES ANGER OF DAIRYMEN OVER OLEO ISSIE "O"E"REEO D t, t2-3 'L Drrpv Untot*t & Unlreo llalnv Cruu.crNvENE To sruDY aurieR-oueo gue T lot{ D 16, 11-4 l-trrers, nesrAuR ANrs & eoano r Neffi;;l?f'ti.ru^ *r, vs.cotoRrxe & v.lllc lLEo ' E-1943--- la 2- 174 eurxontzEs BoosT ERoDUCT|]N rF [P^B tN .)N MARGARINE 0 z6- to-z FACES BtT?ER Fr.tlT REM.)ViNG TAx \ 2a- za-t LxctsE-uu-HousE TAy MAKES No serusE-Eorr" p onos AsK REnEAL oF ALL TAxEs f ,ti3?1 LARGER SUPPLY AVAILABLE FOR CIVILIANS F L. L3-Z ']ew gnrvE r.-E;-TMTNATE co.o*rr;;1ffi-; 5EN.LLL!S,fN D.JMITH PLEADS F']R TAX REfiTOVAL \.'1e.';L-, . rAVoR I Nc REilovAL 3F TAxtD r T. Ap 31 2-r INGREASES AnpROr/ED FOR SOA{E RANDS AP t2: 4-4 rrATrLPUDPLY-CUT DUR I NG sPR'NG-iDNTHs E 12, 18-8 0o.openartve Mtur PnooucEns AssH.opposEs REI,OVAL-OF tAX s30.3o )t)',32 )-z Burren suppLy sHDRT;crvrLraus ladsr ruFN TD oLgo-Eotr. nnr -=----1945-- F 12, 1O-1 PA pRollorruc- MoRE usE oF ABovE-EDtr. AP 21: 3-1 rcHT ro REMo E Fgo.rexes-sroiiaeE6- ngueweo-Eoir. -"fu Mv5Mv 5^ 2-1 Cr vr L I rr'rs wanr'rEo oi i n- Nai' & xe .l- 5l5 ie:t NUTS rn.PmtLtPPtNESFR.PmrLrpptNES MAy RELIEvE snoRTaeE-Eorr. JL 31. 17-1 EANS OtLOIL I'SED AS MUCH AS COTTONSEED OIL IN PROD.OF ABOVE t646

    I FRs oF As,vE HopE ff)P cor.ronesr\?ffL'€i,!^qf"ren-Tuc5eE D 8'.22-2 Grve cLeo .HANCE rN -srArE ,*.rffiri*;1ff1;;--'n:"-- 'rve-0reo r cxaNcE-EDrr. l:;' ,aw FonsrootFrc usE tN puB.tNsrtrurtous tH Mtcr"ullrarR-Eolt.-ltil ,ruDy By DocroRS oF oLEr & surren rN .HTL,REN s DrEr rltfu i3-},|lIF- xEtco.. ron oreo-Eorr. 'rnh!o;t-r. Neur fnn i.rieoeo iru Dr-eo oeat--Eorr. Ap 2or'26-5 rnoo.asovE tN RED t,lAs 12,668rn98 L .GREATER THAN rN s.ame Mo.Lqst EAR Je 4. L4-4 Effow Oueo crveru 0( rru Mass. S'1. 38-4 nivi eeBum rtt Mrcs.ron coLoRED oLEo -S 28; 1-5 otry SuumeRsxtturBRtt.PaRutAMENTARv sEc.ADi,rtrs sHE qoEgry'T-KNol6, DtFF, EFENcE aerh,. urrEn & oLEo Ap 26^ 6-4 llu ro cuRB oLEo srrRs ,)EBATE tN SENATe D 8, 7t-5 UNIO STORCS BEGIN SALE ']F YEIL'IW OLEO AFTEFI VOTERS LIFT BAN *---!Qg6- - 8, I IRY STATE SENATORi PLOT IDEP ]N BILL ?iJ REFEAL OLEO LEVIES F RMy I ArR FoRcE LrFr BAN oN usE cF MAR.:ARTNE E'k:i% ExpEcrs r{AvE DF HoNy BurrER sA'Es urErq Feo.taxEs END ,JE'3nrx DeL,Lg' rs.AppRovE LAn, ALLowTNG sALE;;L;;;;t3:l;--'r\rl,' rLT ATL.ASSN,TL.ASSN RETAIL GROCERS URGE REPEAL STATE LAI{SLAIdS IdHICHWHICH TAX QR PROHIBPROHIBIT ALE MARGARTNS ar tirt.coNvEnTroN F t7, L-t4- ovrT FooD oFFtctALs sAys ABo E Top BUvER tN r54 *' ,or,rr*..,*,r";;;;;, .FFER.MARG^.,*i*tt3:?mr aoAiol'sl:i ooo Lucrr ADs CHGD By Gov'T' "-As FALsETMTSLqADTNG :1953-- _ Ea.Ja 22.22, L-LL-7 lLes NeLsoN sAys cRtMtlrAL AcrloN-=::'ii955j-"- wtLL BE rAKEN lesr DEr.scxoor- wxo iFUsE To srrp.sEr:vtNG oLEo tN LUNCH Fooms-'LtvER F 1, 1-18-5 tcr.DEpr. rr ,Aonr .To ENFoRcE srATE RuLrlrG FoRBrDDrhtG use 6r ABovE tN tvER bt960rE S 11, A.1?"6 Tm :rltTrcnuxos,-tlrr iEar-tr-ni lu srnv ro HoLD nlneair rc e ur z --1971--- lrk'11, E-1-1 CommEnrs oru Pot-v ui, sATuRATED FATa rH ARoARlilEs AND wHAr FArb AND otLs nu MARoARlrve maEru_F[ih[6, iu-Rur-rs EASEo lirHousr gtLl- [\4ARGAR tNE 1971 rro BE FoRcED ro , ri' ilir';;;t rNG oN pRoDuors. pn r .nWpn r cE AND Lord cH'LE;1313; swov z/|c"3u;r3-kJ*,.o*" TowARo MARGAR tNE usE.-BRouN -1974- AP 10, A-5-t Arlaurtc Ctrv--ScrENTrsrs REpoRT TIAT TEsrs t{,trH swtNE HAVE YIELDED TENTATIVE EV'DENCE TI{AT FAT PRESENT tN MAREARINE MAY PRESENT GREATER HEALTH RISI( THAT CHOLESTROL- CoNTAINTNGSUPPLEMENTS' _L992 O7A2_5 Margarine may contribuLe to heart disease. -L994 My 16 E 1-1 Margarine-style fats raise heart-disease ribk, study says '1995- F 3 A 5-5 lDot - Doctors say that earlier studies linking margarine with heart disease were flawed L995- My 30 F 3-2 New faL free margarines. - Hofsess t998 JL 22 A 5-5 DC-Benecol margarine to be available in U.S. next, year; itfs reported to cut choleeterol levels A 22 A-LL-L KANSAS CITY, Mo.-Benecol, a type of margarine that cont,ains wood pulp extract,proven effeglrLvre in lowpi"& terol "}ro+_"f NY-2 new margarine products that cut cholesterol to be on market: Take Control & Benecoli very expensive Je 24 A-4-1 B0STON-Study finds that softer margarine is healthier MATAR|T|S,MRS PETER DETRotT 1932 Form 1656 fhe Detroit Newr B fltffi ,J8!ur*L€'*mi'dt$*"ri6?,Xf IESrt$"It{fiHFI- $94-' .!e 28 r B-4-1 ftrlrs ftloaru ELEorooN troB-l/EEKs MARGARITIS. CONSTANTIN s GREEK NAVY 1973 l"t1 e), n-ru-r I\ Argerus---Navv ctnEF oF srAFF REslcNS AFTER uNsuccESsFUL TRY BY 2 NETIEED ADMIRALS AND SOME ACTIVE OFFICERS TO OVERTHROId GNCET REGIME. IvIARGATE INDUSTRIES : I'I,AKES CYLINDER HEADS 1993 Their penny stock pays dividend; about this companyts suc- cess SZ3F2-2 ing - Will spend $2531000 to clean trp soil contaminati will creaLe 100 new jobs. - Freedman MARGATE VENTURES INC. I990 Ja 3 D-1-1 Will sell its 55% stake in New Haven Foundry Eo Wesley lndusEries - ifrRGAV 956 AMIMAU }'HO hIA ?,lED CHILD OT IilETTER PERRY IDENTIFIE9 MA' *.1s1-t{AsHfNGroNrDC ___197r____ JtZ{, A-r_5^5 MB. & Mns. Plut- Doueuls oF GRAND Rlptos ARE olirNEns oF Sourn AmentcAN MAReAY NAMEo lecte--nar Roor cAtlAL SUBEERY PERFOhMEO ON N ITS TOOTH MARGE, SGT WAYNE A: VIET AMPUTEE 966 \dasHrtrrED FoR ARTTFtctAL RtcHT LEG & $ u.ri'roorrsieeeeo oN LANO M r NE |rrrv I erruer.r-Ebx coue MARGELLAR, JR., THOMAS : SLAIN DISC JOCKEY 1999 F 19 C 8-1E Brighton-his record collection sold at auction;sold for Iess than expectedihe was slain in 1997 1966 MARGER. FRED I M ICH HIIIGH\,dAY DEPT. EMPLOYE " Jor L-e'+ Lt ls Dept. FIRST NE IGHBORH00D RELAT IONS REPRESENTAT IVE-ANS\'/ER COMPLA I NTS FROM RES I DENTS NEAR H I GHWAY CONSTRUCT I ON-F I NK I.IARGER IT " ROBERT - AI panrs-AvraRDED 1963 r\rovEL pRrzE FRor,r ro--** o.or.o,,"['rBA 3ituI3o., o* REVoLT.JT I orunnv FRawcr 0ffiRGEm.S{, F'RAI{ c I,IEAVER 1985 , poi$lEi MTo CLEMEI{9 H06tr TeAoflEi rou MAKEE HAT{B-KJEAV IiI6 I{ER pROpEgS I OH.VAiOt{ MARGERUM, ROGIR: sRll]GE PLAYEP: DEIROITER 1957 wrrus sErqroFr LrFE MAsrERs rrrLE rN ANEn.unroce Asst't.uffri?"n* 1940

    Forsa 1656 Mn 3L'1-2a-s FII.ES PETITTON FOR DIVORCE ,lE LosLCIr 2-t2: ED D'VORCE DECREE FB RANCES I.EEOETT 1rie?,'Iit-s 23. 1.{t (EUTIOIISbfi.ss$fr t'RITISH ffif PEOPLEpEopLE AGAINST EXPECTIFIGr * EARLV VICTORY ^uifrlfllirirr__1%5_l JE 29r e7-t BS* $hgEo otggg?oa e@sERvATrvE c+{ip4 gq D 27, A-10-3 Mssau-75rotEo D 24 --1965--- MARGETI'O, PATRICI0 e SOCCER PLAYER r98o Jt 21, G-2-5 Has counT DATE FoR Htr-RUN AcoIDENT Jt 9, D-5-t Gers rlNE, puBLlc sERvlcE oRDER lN Hlr-RuN oASE Jt- 24, B-5-z Sueo F'oR $lr,rtutot't -19g1- Jl 101 B-?-1 SugpElcogo FoR sPlrrlNc lr ner-$4aRloTTl F 4? E 9-1 SeeKs {--vn oeeu woRTH $150r0o0-$Z0OooOO-$&n torrt F 17, D-1-1 TRanEo ro Cul6Aeo Srtrue-l4nnlorrl F 17r D-2-5 TaaoE MADE To xEEp ExpRESS ALIvE-$4nntorrl 1956 Jr- 4, 1-1 AeovE, 18 t5 rRAppED -FoR 9DAys -BENEATH ovERTURNED CAR BESIDE BODY OF nEe oeao suEETHEART Jas. Htxoru Jn. aeroRe REScUED Jt- 6- 42-2 Salr Lrre Ctrv-x-navs sHGc SKULL ulAs Nor FRAcTURED JL'g- !-2-3 2* Saur Lare Ctrv-coNotTtoN oFABovE REpoRTED tMpRovED JL 9: 7-3 MolEy pouRs r N FoR ABo\tE Jt 27 -'37-7 MIY Ee ABLE To LEAVE HOSPITAL NEXT WEEK Ju 31, a0-f Savs sxe DoEs Nor REcALL wREcK oF Je za $,TARB.{ITA" GEORGE I DETROIT BOMBARDIER t943 , Ecelves RArrirG oF srAsrER *gffi#f:u E o. 1-g-2 BEBonreo HtssrNc oven GenNarw rilf$,* oven &RprAnv Jnru tt ,,$-jd3J# Arn [tml osr/Eir ro FArt{ER; cedBA? j:h#, lN 26, 12-2 ReeuRrel sERvtcEs To BE ueto W 28 1969 tiARG I EV/lCZ "D0l\lALDs DETR0IT P0LICEMAN Ac 11, A_10-1 ROBBED BY KNIFE-WIELDING TEEN-AGERS AFTER STOPPING HIS CAR AT CONAI\T AND NEVADA STS"- I{EAil, BASIts s 0FIRB0RN StDtER lg44

    1656 oBgrrlxiuo.HEE FLV'i* eBMn MARG|0TT|, CHARLES J. - ATT0RI,EY{EIEML, PENIISYLVANIA 1938 Form 1656 Ap 28' 8-2 FrReo sy Gov. ElRue paeisEipRFqc.Eq crrencei-Vs..HARGE* vs.- fuv.tuv. fap;sEanLE tilXittlflff 21. L-2 SEi{o StECoSCl. TO mIVESTTGATE-:1947*- 5 Btc STEEL - \Sq5 -19gto- h1.U, Ag-t Serrs prs srocK rN FrrrsBuRnr'Fi*FPi BB cr-us AG 26' 4-8-3 osrr;orEs Ar 65 vns oF AGE ,'oo" ,*8fr*ffi38. MARGITA, ROBERT T : EAST DETROIT rcLICE OFFICER 1987

    Ap9, E_2-3 Lans-sues Daiamond Mortgage for harassment-Freedman ffiNEIIOHI, EARL : ARf€D SERVIES 1945 A$TARDED BRol.rzg srAR MEDAL Ao-ar-?lo Avlap.oen BRoNzE srAR lTzA. LOf IS BELA: MIBICIAN 1963 nres BuDr egsr Sr3true S6oe,S170 Fltcareer -KEEps vloilns IN WORKING R FoR IJET tb OF LD'JCATION-FJOBLE

    - MARG ITZAr LOU l$ s GAt"lBL IMG 1977 l4n 11, OT DEARPORN d6 OTIIERS I ND ICTED ON BOOK I E CHARGES MARGITZA, RICHARD: Vl0LlNlST 1985 Jl 7, A-1- DSO violinist is an Amer Gypsy of Hungarian descent-Dunn --1987----Je'l J, 8-6- 1 won Hennessy Cognanc national jazz competition. *o' - AcIREls I 935 Form 1656 MR 31, t-3-Z NAME USET TO ae Hanta hhnsuEatra GueonLupe BoLam, ,*rt ERS CUT FROM NAI4E AT SAi{E Tll{E "--X940--- $'izfg-fog GeaNteo o tv. FR FRANCIS LEDERER ---1951 --- F 2L, 3-2 GAVE BIPTH T0 s':rNr F 20 Itlr 9r B-1-1 FLAWT-ESS-IdeRBEO etRL ytrs NErfis spEtsLEOWrMy 12, &2_2 W EtlD Tnanron Srnlre NuRses 0K cournacrl F4v l?r BS!., D READil{O LEVEL l'ontre LIO$ tfi 15r B_r-5 D PuEsrtNlANg noLD BALLY lH, DelReonn i4v 22, A-1-2 Aurt-llazt RALL? TURflB ttAsTYr ARREgrs ntse to 1? , ldr 2)1 &-1-Z Blrr noaesnr Uft Tnonle Jlree rELLs ersr slDE BRAt{oH oF Mmurletuniaeruneng Nt"L GlrsTomEna ro eRAB EoIIEY & nun W 27t B-2-2 E Mrnv i4cBntE[ oF Urtu Ltooe?r AvABoeo PneeloE[TIAL Scttourry Yh ?4t g-a-4 wslliP ]luoe lnotHERAToB PRorrEo? pofloEnso ron Llueolr Plnl r -1978- Mv 25, BlZ-l W Ltroolm Pr Reponr or sonooLo cAUsEs Wp%flrfi:1lf o, ooooFlaul DBNtEs rmeprs& UNtoH pRoBLEf.rs-ns nEpqnTeq ev0nt Wt N, A-1-2 LaRnvUaurorurcRtrtcAL AFTER FtRErdoRKs expubsiolrrFRoM BRol Oalrrru BY AcctDENT ..EE 2, B-2-1 W Guano Mllron Stmmous, coor ElenoRE SrewlRT Fouuo gLAtN tit EcoRsE REoTAURAIIr Je B, B-Z-i E Der lRel spEt.Lroe Bs ENrRy Manv BEru Tensiu-e 86rn tu lCoir-o' Bee Je 111 B-i6-1td, ATUEHTA I}'IPEX SELLS KITS TO REMOVE TATTOOS JE 12, 8.1-2 Df aenru HEtonrs urELcoMED RETARDED ADULTS ,le lgt}-1Z-1 e cranres Prauen or bJannEu Gor A $lrrooo Lrucor.r,r roR Farnen Dav rFom Hls soru Paur- 20 wno tuodftEo 2.loss Je 20, B-r.:lE lmpex raTToo REmooAL Ktrs f,tLtitKED To nEport=, G 26, W2-n, t OtSfntAUTEO cgllFlDEIlTlAL FlLEgr CAREEB FATE OF PoLtCEMA[l eirii;s Flooocr ro EE DEctDEo 6v aoeno ,lt h b1'2 Bllno Granute Tnonprtfig REOOnOS SOil8 FOR LEADEB DOG8 & h B-2-1-D 0nneolAr FltsEtilgtl ull{ FnEEooll FEsrlvAL BEo RAcE Jt 5r H-hN FlnecnlorEn tnrsnAPg & RELITED lu.lunlEo DowH Tflls YRo Jt 5, B-1-1 DEt rtRE DEFT TRADES Buf't BoAT FoR RAolo EQUIPM-E$r FRom DET PoLtcE DEPT &-9t &6-1 tiinCiura Belcu A RESTFUL sToposgn AFPEALS To FAMILY GmuPs & slncles ALTKE Ju 10n A-1-5 rscr{ REFoRM BAGKERS ro I(EEP vlclL ovEn PSIqdrS-y'Z-ED Sranolno Der. PatNT coo ON STRIKE SIHGE JE CLOSES l/llEN lT iiU'-uneauE To REAcH AcREEI'IEHT wlrH uNloN -.97e-^ Jt 19, B-1-2 Poputartolr DETERMTNEs t*toNEY, Tnov ro GAIN lN HUD moruevn Ltucour*r PK. To LosE soME Ju 20, B_Z_l_\d IFLE RANGE tu BnowNsrot'rn Twp cuoseo Ju Zjt ts-B-1 D Der Bovst Clua & Pot-rce EscoRT ELDERLv FoR ERRANDS Jt 24s B-B-1 Sr CErurnnl tdevlte Co SautrATtoru Aurnontry tN DeansoRN Flrs crre By FED EPA ron poLLUTtoN FRoM FAULTv rNcrNERAToBs - Rrces HEAr up FoR sEArs o*hlay*eco.co**.*jto:ti,%1;1, l, U.rereRl pREssuRE DRops sEvERLy r N trEST bJavrte nndi Ao 15, B-1-3 House ro srtrov HtGHtrrAy BTLLEoBEDS t)lARGnlS,?lCH'rRD -- Ttl;P1 51* t95 t HARGOI.AS, TED .; AR,IECI SERVICESI t944 A ARDED AIR SIEDAL Form 1656 S.srE 3 AttAnoEo DtsTtNGUt sHED FLyt$tG cRogs l'lfrRG0LD" Cl{ARLES W": EDUCAT0R 1928 1656 Jt_ 21, 2-1 PRor ar Ypsl SrarE NoRMAL Coulger, ARRESTED lN GENEvA, Str, I & csaRceo wirH sFREADtNc Bot-sxevtK pRopAcANDA --1929-- J^ 29, 9-4 SuEs MnTHATTAN Sq, Horel CoRp" eon $1001000 ron MAKTNc FALsE ABREST --1911-* Je 19, 1-1 Arvu-ARgoR-Ftues cRoss sutr ro wlrts BILL FoR otvoRcEr NA- MtNG DR. CtARgruce LlruroN MraoeR As cORRBSPON0ENT; MeloEn F!LEs $r0r00O surr vs. DR. MaRGoLD FoR LtSEL;QEH0EBEfiEUo Je 20, 12-1 SraRrs surr vs. DR. MEAoeR FoR $1001000 FoR ALtENATIoN oF AFFEcrlorus-ScuoENFrELD Ja 21, 1'5^- FllEo suMMoNs ! N Hts ALtENATtoN sutr vsa Meloen Ja 20 Ac 2, A-15-1 DR" MgADER cLEARED [N DtvoRcE cAsE Ac 41 12-4 Derutes REpoRT lHlr DR. MeaoeR ts cLEARED !N DovoRc-E cASE o g, 45-5 PlEaos Nor cutLTY To cHARcE oF sTRIK If{G ESTRANGED t', IFE; raral 0 19 *-1911- O 23, 26-4 Wtre olsMtssEs AssAuLr & elrraRv cHARGE N 24, B-5 GRaNreo D I veRcE FRoM rrrt FE By Juose GEo. SampLe t ru Aruru ARa MARGOLIES, JAY: PRES. 0F SH0RT WAY BUS LINES l99O N2683-2 Offlcials at Short Wdy and Commuter TransporEatlon Co. esca laEed rhe Metr. AI rporE batEle-of-the bus companles by char glng each orher wl ch Inrlmldatlon-Hamada MARGOL I ES, JAY: SHORT WAY PRES. I 990 o D t-l MeEro Al rport authori Eies say they'l I ground bus rhls hol i day season for a i r Lravel ers-\,/a I dme I r MARGOLIES, JOHN: AUTHOR-PH0T0GRAPHER 1987 N 1 K-1-2 Documents disappearance of vintage hwy architecture.-Bion I'h 30 A 7-2 N - The freshman Rep - D-PA, wrote a book, A trdonranrs P1ace ...The Freshrnen Women l,lho Changed the Face of Congress, is stirring up excitement in the 103rd Congress. -1995- JI 09 A 8-1 D.C.-Appointed by Clinton to Jead U.S. delegation to CHina conference;vras one-term congresswoman- MARGOLIES-I4EZVINSKY, MARJORIE : CONGRESS 1994 N 02 A 8-1D Phi}adelphia-Democratwhobrokevownottoraiset.axes. could cost her re-election 1963 GOLIN. 1'IISS BESSIE - I.ABOP DET. LAHYER

    TLABoR Dept.uawrr, MFTFD To REcElvF 1063 Fror-aar-"[toNiNTs PR's.KruN.oy pArsrs ABovr FoR trFxcFprronuL co*prr'H"& 3;*fi3,"^* CONTflIBI.,TIONS IN HANDLII*6 6ASFS qFFORT SUPRAU' COUNT, MARG0LIN, E. H. s BUSINESS EXECUTIVE 1968 .^e svt v g, cEN MAN HANDY-ANDY LABoR+--FtLs PART-Ttme uoes-Glut- 1979 MARG0L!$I, JATUE S" s DEI=EGATE , rrM DET. SAru Fntru I L I TANTTo o DELEGATE ro C[rlA CoNVENT I oN t I't , SAID SHE WAS DRAGGED FRoM COSO HALU BECAUSE SHE OPPOSED uiiionrii suppoRr or Canren-Rsacu Jl 18, B-1!1Eo CLatH THAT SHE h,AS DRAGGED FRoM coNVEtsTION FLooR, DISPUTED By uN r oN oFF t c t al-Bot-tv N 15r 8-10-1 tco SUeS oVgn SECnef SsnVtoe DRAGeING HER AWAY FROM Cenren- Roern -19q0- JE 19, A-12-'l Vloil-iioLoov & sETTLEMENT FRoM Secner Senvlce- oiren Coao Hlut- I NG I DENT-ROACT MARGOLIN, PHIIIP 3 LAWYER/AUTHOR 1998 My 1r E 2-6 To speak at Det.News Book and Author luncheon;interview- Fish ls, A.L.: ,FItrNITURE DSIGNER.: 1961 MY12- C-1-8 Sevs Elnlv AMER.FURNITURE t'ltLL BE HTDEp tN cEAM to AccouooarE wIDER ei t c^ n FANN I Es-KoNzELMAt'l 1970 IS. AL: PRESCRIPTION CENTER NB, A-1-1 ART owNER or Moron Clrv&Uruton PRescn I PT I ON CENTERS CHARGED ar Mtcu.BLue SH tueo MAY srlcK cHA lN FRI MORE THAN $1OO' !N PROGRAM TO PROV!DE FREE DRUGS TO STRIKING GM WORKERS. 1977 MARGOI-IS. ALLEN S. - S sHor ar coSNER oFcREELqy&E.srareFArRrcR,?,3l.lrli?onc.nor,rs ARRESTED-S0ELLeNsanoen/S I NcLA I R 1970 spelnHeloED pnouEcr ro sr up ttToucHt' caHoEi"ii Ersrgn Mlcx Uu t veR FoR BL I ND-fl I cKg MARGOLIS, BERNARD : P0LITICIAN 1986 Je 3, B-5-4 38, planning to shave off his beard to prove heis serious in his bid for the Michigan Senate" MARGOLIS, CINDY : M0DEL 1996 l'lJ I u ft She's prom date of Tommy Kanable,lB,Garden City High;her poster helped h'im recover from illness in '9.l-Brand-Wms. Je 2 A-L-3 Coverage of dream prom date-Shepardson RGoLlS, ESTHER - BANTAM B00K oFFlclAL SEE tsHER, DR. STANLEY - PSYCHoLOGIST tw 1959 0 7, A-e,-8 [KVTTOPS FLAN Fqi MOTORISTS TO RTPORT TRAFFIC VIOLATICiE OF OTHFiS Auro Gus or l{tctt.Do'sN'r LtK' Aqov-'9 pLa,*l ,o* ,t^.PtEtrrctf??on PoRrS Je 18. 4-18-1 Rec e r v s D r sr I nasu I srEo S ERv r ce-1964- gtqr6.fig USU STog, otA_Ed-lt, * To spEar AT ANNUAL DINNER IIEET oF PLnrurueo PnnaruruooD LEAGUE lNc. tN Der. Fsa.15 r 16t D-2-1 SpOre ABOUT SeX eoi.lCartOru arDeT.PLANrurDPanUurttOOoLeaGUE Ne rNG-CfRLro\r Ae 27, Cr-14-1 HAs F I LM THAT EXPLA I Ns sEx ro cH I loneru-LocHB I LER },IARGOLIS. GMALDIM : SUIT 4992 D2A!-2 58, of Bloomfield Hills, ls suing United Airlines for a closed-head injury she sustained when a piece ef frrggage above her seat, fe1l and struck her in Lhe head. - Basheda -L993- w27c3-6N Settled for an out of court settlemenL with Lhe airlines for an undisclosed amourL of money. ttlrqRffiLlS, l-h.RRY: OETRCIIT I 939

    Form 1656 Itt 29.t;7 HOT TO DEAT}I BY NEGBO TTTUG IIAY 29 .E 314-6 E{OS.BRAULEV & CHAS.II&I,IP5I]N HELD AS SUSPECTS FffilAH 3 INUGGIST t95l I t' 1o'3 Grlnaeo EITH S^LE of EARBIIAL IAELET5 UITHOU? PRESqR|PIlor s 2r L4'2 PLelDs til6ocElfT to vloL"MtcH.DAnBER(rts DRG Ac? -L993- A,g 72 E 5-3 t, - Died of ventricular arrhyLhm'is on Aug 10 at the age 90. IS. }IYtr8AN: IIRYTEN. M F t952 oF LETTIHG FARH A{IITAL3 STARVE t+.'i,;'ai ASsEssED $47,50 cosrs IN AT.III,IAL CASE MARGOL lS " IRV lNc: BL IND NEV,/STAND MAN lN N.Y, 1972 Jn20, E-12-1 Ltre ts RtsKy FoR ABovE NEws vErrrooR---Treor t944 N 17, D DIS:TT['GUX5HED FI.VlNG Crc55 as-3 MRG0LIS, JIM: POLITICAL CONSULTANT lggg .. -Nr 26 A-3-2 Finds business risky in El Salvador.--Willing MARG0LIS, LEWIS: PED lArRrC rAN lgg5 , U-M prof cal I s for ci garet-butt depos i t-Tessler -1986- Jt 29, B 6-1 Lans-cal I s poverty not race key to death rates-Gruber i nfant '1956

    & UIFE CELEB 5O[TI Mv 31, C-aS-f Dr o tlrv 30 AT 75 xxxt(ddxx-1962-- ^GE D 29, A-11-1 Agove h, I DOT{ L I LY, AGE 75,oteo-1966-- D2B 1944 rN AcTloir }IARGOLIS, DR PHILIP }I - PSYCHIATRIST 1965 '"-oino Laruslrue-ro BE cor{sULTANT To lcnsnrEru,qw Co ueural irLili srARrmG tru Jeruuanv MARGoLTS , SAM - FoRr\[ER R0ADHoUSE PRoPRIETbryzg

    Form 1656 The Dotroit Newr Mn 17r 1-5-6 An:rested Mr 16 for lnve st1 gatlon, spendlng week;end at Poltco Hdqs,-!"961 Je 2.3p tr-? Iadlcteil by grand Juf,y f,or oasptrasy ard brlbery 3a 84, &"4 Etaacls mte & pLoad.s aot putlty at arratgmeat 1964 wa5n.-DenrqD rHAr HE wAs FRoNr r.4Ah! FoR H..DLUM, FE^i?'tA;t;?"lFll3 & FNqTTIE CANEO WHEN HE WAS GIVEN BIG BL(IK Or STOCK IN CORP.B,,ILT AROITND SOI'II.Iv L I STON-WALDME, R J'l 20, B-1-l To wed Jeffrey Zaslow _1987_ Jl 6 C_6_z Married Jeffrey Zaslow,28, male half of the new writing team for the Ann Landers advice column. -1989- As 5, E 3-1 Gave bi rth to daughter Jordan Danlel le Zaslow -L996- Ja 18 c 4-l To become permanent anchor of Channel 2 Eyewitness Morn- ing 011E1-1 Bernie Margo1is, 64, opens tr-is store today & will Lake any fair price for any item in the place. - King -t996- N 7, B-.L-Z Has Lhriving busir-ress selling 2nd hand conrputers-Smith Ir-6, SIDIEY - AUrHm 1965 ARTIcLE B, ABovE coiaERNr rs F r r'lAt€ rAL pRoBLEri bF-Ede-ritrtl t es-l'h rus --1967-- Ae 14r A-10-1 TELLS HOUSE BANKING CO!,IM OF CREDIT RATE ---1969---HIGH F 1Tt B-1:) K NEw Aoulr Gutoe ro l.,oeperuoenr LlvlNG FoR THosE TURNIN TO APPEAR IN NEI,'S.MARCdUI-IUS ---1971-* MY 27, E-2-1 New soor oi't rTne GRelr AmeRicanr Fooo Holxf--\i/HY PAV $2.61 FoR 17d woRTH oF NooDt-Es?-S.HoovrR N '!9r D-1-6 SAys oNLY PUBt- r c cAFt PoL lcE PR I c I NG-MEAGHER MARGOLS.S, WILLI.AtrI *sEVIl., EYE'| -DET " L9l2

    Form 1656 The I)etroit N.w-MY 9 r IJ-- rgorked. tsagie money making Dox echem€ on t'red Mllowekii JurY found him guiltY V I OTiM F 1gr C-16-3 FnesNo-uts rdtDotd, ALHA, GtvEs up ENTTRE SALARY To AID lN FIGHT AGAINST CANCER 1973 l4trrRGOS l,\[,!" ZAVEI'J : PROFESSOF{ )-' l.!ar'tro oEAN 0F ScHool. oF ,|tRTs Sc t El.tcE AT LAI.Ji.?ENcE Itrts.i. or Trclt'tcuoev nv 'v/P,'rl,lE [-l BurllrPRES" S 7, A'3-1 Ftasr tdoMAN tN MtcHlcAN To APPEAL HER PRoST,TUITON CoNVloT tON oN BASTS THAT THE LAW tS UNCoNSTITUTIONAL"!/ENDIAND. MARGOTTS EURO SPA : BIRMINGHAM 1995 N15Bl-I More and more men getting beauty treatments hererlike John Ca11ow-Hinds i4\RGRAVE, DR. EDtlSlNO: PHYSICIAN 1928 1656 Me 91 1 RoyAL 0ax ooctoRts ultFE FILES sutr FoR sEPARATE MA !NTENAocE CHARGING MRS. HUUOA KUNNIZ STOLE H!M FROM HER Mn 1J, 45-7 EtFE GtvEN TEMpoRARy ALtMoNY tN sEPARAT!oN sutr Mn 12 Mn f?r 14-7 Home Ftles ANSwER AND cRoss-BtLL tN sutr FoR SEPARATE M{INTENANc BY tlrlFE, DENYING HER CHARGEs Mn 17, 16-4 Frues cioss BILL ro unFErs sEPARATE MAtNTEflANQE iHllr DENY- ING CREELTY CHARGES "I ," A) A Counr r-trrs tNJuNcrtoN PREvENTING HIM FRoM coMMUNlcATlNc wtrH MRS. Htt-os Kunruz, A NURsE HE EMPLoYs; tru-Porurllc Ae J 'N 10,16-4 Ic,I tL ge GRAIITED D I VORcE BUT DECREE W! LL NOT BE S I GNED FOR ]0 oavs -1965- Ae 11 , D-6-z Dteo A6 l0 rr aea 75 1944 {|AR€REA,.\tr5'T-E+.E Form 1656 AG 4, t7-4 ILLED IN ACTION ilfrf,ddH BRAD : GAS srAroN ATTENDANT 4994 Jl 12, B-3,2E BKB sLar Marcus Wiley geEs 3-5 vrs in faral robbery, shooti death oL Margret 19 in CHesterfld Twp lasL Nov, J other a rres Eed I4AFGIERITE, SISTEF JA}ES - IEACI€R 1966 T iIEWS FOR GRAD JOUFiIAL I SM STUDIES AT SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY I{ARGUERITE, StSfER, t{,: "'. NW: DEIFOIT" , ..'.1955

    AeovereT Hercv C:ttecerrs GrvEN Cn*. e STUDY MEDIEVAL THEATER HISTORV ABROAD PHILLIP H. : ARl,lED 1944 tN ACTlOid Es. DR" HAROLD ! REGI0HAL lEqleAL PROGRA|4S% , MEotgAL PRooRAM wARilED av US To sTART PHAsEour' 1963

    24. aF tgzao 0nro-& 7 oTHERs tNJIrFED unux eorr,M*.[foi.irexpLooED oN Deirotr Pr\rER I$? BELLE lsLE AFTER RUNN|T,Io AGRoUND oN sAl@ BAR F1v 19, A-13-3 FRam

    Frueo t1,5o0,ooo surr Acnrsr Serrnaoee AF Base nousiru6'pioJEcT FoR T ING ovER UNITS HE BUILT AFTER 1956 HoUSING BILI,.ABoVE HAD 75 vn rca oN LA[\'D F{R^16, A-8-1. _ _ AwaRoeo $osorooo tN sutr FoR Loss oF Hts LEASE oN a SelFntooe iirF Bnse HOUS ! IiIG PROJECT MARI, ARTURO: PHOTOGRAPHER 1987

    As 31 B- 1 -'l Captures pope for posterity.--DeSmet MARI. CLARA : OLDSTER I 986 , Buffalo NY-age 81 retiring, Iied about her age 16yrs ago in order to get job I 956 l,\" SISTER RAltlNA: CAlll0LlC Nl-hl: U,5. Ae 14, 1Q-3 r or C,,rxatEss 0Kls 'novEfs REtAtNtNG lt-r U.S.; IS NATIvE OF PHILIFP- r{ES MARl,A, slslER - NtiN 1966 Ae n: P uEnr-r i,E x t c o4E LEen arr o Hrn 1st erraqrg* CNE TIIRY AS NUIII-46^VEJ^^.-?+1 IT\IED H I LDREN-W I t-r aE 95 YRs oLn ttExT Nof\tTH quErllrs 1960 IA VIVARES, CAPI.OS: QI,IMTUPLff I'IARAIAGL: AtREs t4R ?6, A-1-8 eos ltlanta Esela Dluteerurl'oNE c'F FAMED QLllNTs 1973 THE I.1,4R I ACH IS , Geoup otr 35 N{rxtcaru oRPHAN BoYS rnor,t BoYs Totollt or MorurERnev l4rx. , t t{ DEr, YESTERDAY 3: ToDAY PERFORI4 ING TADELACH KTDANE t ETH0OP0AN HBJAOKER 1972 , MerqseR OF ER ITREAt{ L I sener 0 ot'! FBoNT I SURV t vED^GUNBATTLE I N ATTEFTPTED HIq'ACK OF ETHOOPIAN AIRLONES JET D 8O 1967 MARIANA. l.4RS. HUGH s MACKINAC ISLAND f ), fr-tv'l Relppt. BY Gov. RorqnEY to Macr lnac lstlHo Panx CsmMtsstoN lAI{AYAGAI-I, bAvlD CATI'OLlC cISFIP: I NhtA lg5g 3, t4-7 rsrrs rr Drrnotr Hv 1e, A-6-4 ' CoroUOIO HrluHALL Eurl.BAprtsrBHri.trAPTIsT Colw.LO}IV.-1963- ttt'oTiIrD ?O?o FQUATT IT UITH IiIIS?R,{BL. ,srARvATlorrslcKHFss & DrsPttn tN Hls ttATlYF lmrr t FIEES FOR GITY C(I.,HCTL CAHDTDACV NouruateofArED FoR DET.crryDET.Ctry coutlcrLcour'lcrL lnlr'r sS 15vx15'rx o.,ro^","oir!3'r2-jonpRtMARy;poLLED'221473 S 16, 1-4 AelvErs vtcroRy NoM|NATED CHGD To Hts NAME BETNG sttctil-lR To THAT oF couNctLMANuNvrLMArY LoursL(,urs C.l4tnlantu.ntKrANr 0n ?L.6L4rl ea-, rc.SrErcr-C.HuLLEn N 4.' 1-1 FEATED FoR DET.crry couNctL rn N 3no ELECTtoN;pDlleo-86.9tr5 . ^ AO 4r l';'1 Losss trllt FoR Councrr rH A6 3 -1S4--pnrilanv-Comuere .r- 28, A-16-3 Ftues:tLEs As couNctt-CoUNCIL CANDIDATE-n967F S 11.11- 1-3 FEATED FoR ctry couuctL tN S lOrn pRtMARy;polueo 121031- & 3- l-11-1 Du,=1reo Foi Cr&ffcn ,#5 F le; AP1-7 DEreereo tr*l F 18 PRIHARY FoR Clw Couuetu 1954 INI.,J]SINE {O },IARRY U.S.ACFOR

    [email protected] oF Fnencx F IsHERMAN,REpoRrED- -'_ t'--- rS 3k"lo[1S.iaro*'1lo".o* BReno6 s'ron 0 3o, 2-1, clrv BcREHGER FED UP h,lTH FUSS OvER *t" gN61@frrENT S-Ul|-ici6;'i4;Ri-ili'BRapoo-Agovers STEPFATHEF.Paut o 31, 1-e-1 EaIfiilFni'r,ici':A6otie-e'i'iaiuox PARr;ro MEEr lH New Y:nr * t, tz-? Bnllroo vous ETERNAL LovE FIR ABovE tl 8, 1-4 L' annrves rru l{Y MARIAN]NE: O{ILD OISTIDY: JAPN 1956 E 1^, 8:14-1 AscvErTraooprED DAUGHTER oF^JAP rlmlly,& BELIEVED CHILD OF AHEPICAN JAP GIRL IS FOUGHY OVER BY sHEDISH DV'T THA? iraNTS Xen-(nluEp MARIANNE : DEPARTMENT STORE 1996 Ja03CI- in downtown Detroit, Woodward, to close next week-Hein1ei Ja 05 C 3-5 Correction-Above story should have said Petrie Retail has 126 stores in i"II ,16 of which will close 1991 A4- tr{ill open a stoee:-tn'-the Renaj-ssance Center. - I,trilson x,BR I/iII0I', i, Dti. D llltI'r'E I --- RrJss IA\T 5 0 IEL{,r. IF I 0 liil:i IiXER 1930 Form 1656 TLe Dotrolt Newl II 29, 1-3 Berlin-ldarried. d.aughter of Prof Al-bert Etnsteln N e9. Era,,rErm r'srrFrEs rffi83l,?;'s orvonce *Pr7'a-3 E1g3g-- MR 16123-3 FErlllARGor, GRANTED D tvoRcE $4ARt Areh,tCZr At'lTOHl e P0LE 1984 Jt 7r A-1-5 P6gp61+PoLANo-YANT$ FUITD YO SAEE RUI I.IES'JEWT8TT EEHETAN EEB BIE POLABO - CONAT"IANO OF ABOVE IS BIG FACtq'E IN MAKII'IC JAPNru A PEACE- oBSERVtNG NATIoN AFTER waR---Eotr. ---1961---* Js]0, 8-14-1 Satpsru---Onte on HtsToRYts cnEnr rRANslrloNs ls UNDER w AY AT ABovE---BEEN AtoED BY U"S. ron 16 YRs Nolt---SHenNant ____1972___- X N2, A-27-1 Rece Horuoluuu-:-U.S. coNSIDERING REoPENING oLD AIR srRlPS oN ABovE---GETLER '--'1977----- Je14, C-11-1 \,{nsn--PuaNS wELL rBH ALoNG To cREATE NEtl PERMANENT cENTER oF U.S. sEA AND AIR PolrrER oN ABoBE---KgLLv ---1975--- F 16, A-10-1 5e t p aru-MovED srEp cLosER To BEcoMfue AmER I cAN coMMoNtr,EALTH. AcREEMENT srcNED rdrHUS MR 18, D-7-7 taIEsx-SeNlrE AppRoveo $1.5 mlLLtoN To I{ELP lsLANo ro LocATE MrLrrARy AtRFtELD lN PREPARINGi'lro BEcoME coMMoNwFALTH oFUS

    r prx-PEopLE oFitoffitBn$fiB I ArrAB I s.vorrr*.13&olil3t"r".*- *1975-* .le 191 B_9_t trrnrMenImas-![onrrenrMlnrABAs uAlt oEoomE Frner nsuUSi rrony srucells roqurneoVlncorlslaoDs rB rffut *o* z JE UrrT21 t A-2-Z Wlsn-Pnes.FoRD wELcoMEo pEopLE oF tsLAND To BEooMEUS ctrtz s& runnPac r F I c I sLANDs I NTo coririroNbrEALTH 6pt15 JL21 C-B-1 Berrr-E LooMs ttt0ononess ovER vTHETHER To AccEPT lsuauos as AmenrcAN coMMoNt{EALTH-MeAns. -197G F 25t A-2-1 o*rls^lHT cR E ArE coMMoNt,,ELo t'rh 000 r:i:; ?rto "d{,' "f-J3l Wnsr-Pnes.Fono stGNEo BILL Gtvtt{o rHEm srATus oF ooumoaneA -197e- Jl 9, C-{-lz Sa t paat-.lo t tts U.S ls GommouwEALT -rg$- Fh 18, A-14-1AM ,Guau-GovERBoR REtNsrtrurED REeutREMEitr IXX tnar uS ct trlZENS MUBT APPLYFDR VISA TO ENTER Tl{E ISLANDST 1962 s 21. C-4-8 To opell tN BLDG olt WooorranD FoRDIERLv occuptED By rlrc Di J. Herlv -1979- AP 3t 8-6-1 DerRorr BUs, Htr av ,oo, .*i1?13-,*to oo'titfu 3;3;l -L994- Ag 18 S 20-1 Murrayts Dj-scounL Auto chain to open east side store; Mari anne coming to HamLramck-BaileY -1995- N10G1-2 petrie Retail owner of Marianne shopsrfiled for Chapter 1 ito close original store on Woodward 0 ! URUQJAYAN 1984 - ,6, *r* i,hrrlutoEo-tpDglATcl wlus ELSGTIoN THAT ENDs l?t Yns oF MILTTARY RULE [,4AR IAST, JoHN 6. : DETTO IT MAR I hE 1943 Form 1656 @ Lrsreo As uouNDED ! N ACT ION r 963 F 5. B-3-3 Saruro Dorurruoo.DoryttNtcAN Rrpueltc-Aaove Sqru Fnaru Gtarut-PlrcHER & A Ei'"piaiiii'iir,rto-$iso airEci-ron-pr.avlfue ExptBtrloil.cAMES !{ERE LASr -w peRu fitriv. i inour t =s t ox JE 16, D-1-1 Prrines t{o-$lrrrEe GAME Ho!3:f0UU* ^Gsr AG 23, B-Z-L SlnFnanpmlr tbuOEn cAT€xCR JOxN RoSesORO Ofl xelO clix BB BAr DURIIG GA}TE $trzso & suspEiDED FoR 9 DAV' ,oo *,rrtffi r,rc, Ac'{!1tB&"* 25. u-re x Roseeono H,AY sue ABovq S r. h-1-tr Enoe6lrniet-'E-io fTritro'2-err,e sERlEs Hens eEfrEelt Grrrrs & LA l@GERs S 2. C-1-1 Pxtlaoeupnl*-fbEsttrT HANT To ?ALK ABOUT $1tr0r000 sUir rILED AGST H!M av ljrs JotN Rossaono 5 2, C-B-1 Ctrrclnmrt-l'lAURy HtLLs ApoLGtzED ro h[- Pngs.tdenRen Gtlrs FoR cALL!nG Hls puNusHsENT oF ABovE aGUILEssr S 4, 8-1-6 HRIGLE, r,']:Iuod$sr r6ArE rgfilSlJf LETTER [l*SlJ gg.IIBrf, io leniai y-rrn Grenrrs m. 970'ooo Je z' C-t-L Rolr NEr,,s sponrs Qurz+rosr-ffi3966- ---1967-- Mn 28, A-1-2 Pxoerurx-slcrus $100.000 corurnici wlrH GlnNis- --' 1969-- Mv '10 , B-2-7 CHICAGO-lrrlLL MISS THE ENTIRE WEEKEND SERtESts WtTH CHIcAGO oLUBS BECAUSE oF sLtcHr MUSCLE f?y tN rtilEfl,b_.117 SaN Fnaru GInrurs sELL HtM To BosroN REoSox FoR uNDtscLosED AMouNr, 35. ---1974--- N 7, F-4-6 RELEASED^cE By BosroN --1975-- MR 12, C-1-1 l7tslcNED To 1-yR.coNTRAcr ev LA Dooeensrl4nll Ae18rF-2-1 Rert a t rc FR BeseslLl- Ap18B3-5N Royal Oak - 4, is flying to Disney l,trorld thanks to the RAinbow ConnecLion & Farmer Jack. MARICo ACQUlSlTloN c0. 'r989 0 13 A-l- Ford'-*iri"g-piani tentatively agrees to sel l 69-yr -old Roug.e steel io ito'p Ied by former exec of w' va' based Wei rton Steel --Vlas'ic 6 Kaskovich O 13 A-8-5 carl valdiserri, who heads group taking over Rouge steel, worked l0 yrs in stee'l industry before getting own co'-- Markiewicz o 13 A-8-5

    Many workers leery about sale of Drbn facility . D 8 E J-6 Rouge Steel workers ok contract that was vital to pending .saie a that will give them bonuses of $13,000 over I yrs --Nehman D 21 E-l-z l,lew Rouge steel chief carl L. valdiserri real izes Ion$tslme dream of heading his own steel company.--Nehman lE, Atll)RE: FRENC}I RANI IAI. S4CI At- I ST h- 2t. 34-8 PEEFIIER ::r FRlt-tcE. .i- 21.'1.-5 rlnnu v BEcoME NExr pREs AMED 'REu t ER -DES I ,. NATE BY .At,R t oL .Jt--23.30-5 PTS qFEi,I ERS}I I P lt- 2a.'3.€'3$-5 E$^ STATES PoLlcY To oARLIAMENI JL 25.25 -'t-L3-L 1-13- Grvglq vorg DF caNFIDENcE Ao 18. 40.6 Ao 28. 3-X. tdttts tt't sHcw oF srREt{clrtlirAx';;GE'i['pn PLAN APPRovED F Aii"i iEsi"rus oven t ce- t ssuE-D-1949- -* tz; 34 sERtousLY RepoRrEo tLL _1953__ )e tz, sz_3 As NEtl DREqIIER oF FRABcE Je 1]'.3:? C,ers 0K FR. Hts eARTY utlrH Hllt.. -. ,5NJ SEII HENE DEFEATETi'ip'-iaCE'roi-FairatenUETEA I EY I I! tr FRaruce ro uulrE ,sKs MEN JE L4,14, L-2- reuu 'E 15rtt lF HE wtLL sEr uP NEt.l FRErrcx Gov'T E' 15, 1-7- Io pARTY LEADERS TODAY lN,AT?EI''!PT T0 FO-- CAlr-S ueEf tNG OF NON-COMMUNIST Je 17- 35-3 , .ABINET tb' zo-t AeO.eAoa'.r oetscrrc yg16t'^Tr nD EsrtcF DGE-io k ae PtcKED.CKED AS PFEMTEF or.lF FRanccTRANCE lilioirui-iinrai'ilreli :-191t[-::'-as .PREMIEF Je 13t D-11-2 IED INROUEN,FRANCE'AGE 76 Hf$"ii*frEuF6pse5gg3eRffng*f rr eeRs r" r,8r3R"\*-3n. Fnnu- 1979 H r CARMELITE SISTER F 1, B-1-2 Says CanMrt Halu, HoME FoR oLDSTERS To cLosEt LlcENsE REVOKED OVER RULES D 22, E-1-7 2!, t4orowltls HEwssr STAR rRom VEutcer ClulFr APPEARED IN rr-McFARu I t't 1975 MARIE VICTORE. JI,IDGE OLLTE t ,rr- l- EEMALE .,UDEE IilSANFRANCTSCO U'!LL I{OT TRY ICOiIEN FOR RROSTITT'TION UNLESs POtlCE ARREST FIEN TOO. 1974 F24, D .BRAZ '1969 ERROR I ST K I LLED BY IL IAN POL ICE rN coNNECTED ro Par FlEnnsr K lDt{AP I NG ,AND SYMB I Dt'lEsE LraEnartoru ARMY- Pere n sot't F{ARIE, n$Tl"ER AtrtNA: CATH0LIC NUN I954 Ae z' 1a-3 ELE.TED supE*roR GENERALINERAL_oF1UtrTERS'SER\/ANTS oF srsrERs-s, cF rne ruuacgLATE IEART oF MARY To idw pRrN,pALc rrrEs & sHRrNEs or EuRope t *^olo^331.ffi-;,r;;; 1962 L 7. 8-64 fo peoruouNcE FTNAL vot,s JL 10 tN Scr-ro r- Slsrras I\|ornE r)aur ar trlarRe Dll.re oF rHE Lare Coruvrut, Flequotl ,ir/ rs. MARIE. FIOTHER Nlr 1964 W ,4, E-L3-5 zL Rutts Bunfnr Ftsmen lloue non rHE AcED thR lE ,\l,lTO lf'ETIE I 938 Form 1656 ..h 3r1-z Lerren urRlrrEN By AEovE JUST gEFoRE sHE ,,rAs BEHEADED; FouNn MARIEB, J0l'lll A.: DETRoIT S0[D|ER l'944 r Jt f,touNDED, g6urH\dEsT PacrFtc Form 1656 ' MtuR|ECI{,CHARLES - DETROTT t933 Forrn 1656 - The Derroit News [][ gf-B rLEAD GUILTY TO TioB[iERY;sENTe 5-15 Yffi IoNIA- 1974 Jt- 8' A-1-5 Soru or EX-HEAD oF AnaaSoc I au I srUN ! ott t MARR r eo PRes. ArutlanSl- oarls orn.NoHnrl6n Ju7 1934 HAffiY R. - IIETROIT Juev roffisan At rBtAL oF ALvIH &\[#56or"v ,r*" ,a^l ACT]TIAL Of Ftrwn; gAys rIGRE EAs T@ aAilY mart oil JURY 0 a, B-tt-Z HAMED ExEcuTrvE DtREcroR or--1953- TeLevrston SERv ce Assx or fltctt Agovrrs eee xosev-ctuL t.ilf;' PirnrS 5orx gEDD I lrc A NrN I V . --1e58- MARIER. REBECCA H,IZABEi}I : WEST POIM CADET 7995

    West Point, M - 1st wofll€ur to be #t in her graduating c 21, of New Orleans, will now attend Hanrard Medical School. IETTA. J .L. - GOUERMENT AIDE 1977 6l i Y8 TIIAT SALES OF VATIITY PLATEE OROP THAT ER I TCB8 ITTIEB MOOEST OR THNIFTY-C.OAITT TD 1969

    ::,:,a r,r ttL-i-=. S,.!-f ,rr l'l I rli,itli.ic l(llii F I ir.. MARIGOLD CAPITAL DEVEL0PMENT I 988 Mr 28 A-1-4 Among potential buyers of Sanders.--Starkman MARIGOLD FOODS INC 1986 Ag rr, A-o-r St. Paul - I ce cream di stributed in 11 states recalled. May be contam i na ted I 935

    F.*r 1656 ColorrMto.r-[tlew reD vAntgry EE sHoot{ lgr rt}E S Z_-s3r?f-6 a g ---1967 --- Ae 18, B-2-5 asn-seru DrRxsan ASKS THAT ABovE BE MADE US ruari FLowER MAR lHUGH, SHARON: SALVATI0N IST 1967 , vtstr Guvlrua wrrH SalvATtoN,sr Senv r ce RPS AS MISSION vtJlcoe Trc lherr-aeo\c pRrME ptrr,sren woi, s,rpFoRr FRo{ir $l-lf;#;*';3-t,iT3 pFi#l8g AccEpr RESpoNsIBJ6d{Lr* Filrnn5rrnos6!2ff{rorus rRll{.;ESs T8J*I"IRENE r ao, A-a'+-zt c Txe HActE-Reslorueo as PReulEn -rY()f*tN DtspurE ovER tNTRoDlcrtoN oF coMMER- c l al TV lrro Durcs W xeTwonrs-wAs ASKETT To REMAlif As CARETAKER pRE- IER HARI(, GrreEN - MURDER VICT|H 19s6 saor oorn oN .,Ay ro ,,oRK rrD,ry F 33: t:li DEATH oF AB vE sHATTERs DP H[FEts DREAM or US-CounaoE F 23.2-f AeoveABovE uURDERUURDER srurLARstMrLAR toTo oElrmDEArlr or GeRvrousGenvtous BlminBlnren atro Cr-eueirCr-eneEr ClupenuCe F ?4,3-3 AaovEts pAsT stFTED FoR cLUE ro Hts frtuFDEB f n, M_q spEctAL poLlcE pRoTEcrl.lN BETNG pRovtDED FoR aervEts_wlFE t 27, ,-g tH Detecrtves SEEKING CLUE ro GUNMAN tlHo KTLLED aaovg pLettNED To GtvE DETEcroR.TEsrs ro vtcrru's utre & F trE .BtvErRteruos Zs. 4-5 PoLtcE QUtz l^D DRtvERs NEAe HoME oF _ F 29, 3-3 1H rry)w oF ABovE CLARED tN LtE DETEcToR TEsTs F ?ltx MARI K, JAROSLAV: FERTILITY SPECIALIST 1990 Ap 29 A l-4 PaEti, Samuel FrusEaci chargino thaE their LA doctor was responsible for mul tiple pregnancy and Lroubles Ehat fol I ed JI ll A l-5 Surviving FrusEaci septupleEs will oet $6.2 ni llion in suiE .l . . . .E IY! L-lJ-]' & AsH.-LAIECHED ANswER r ire sERv rCE c et-lso,Counresv- AssoC r ates, aurrosr 20 RS AGO,IS tN FROI'T RANK OF CTPITALIS BG'NESS COMMUNITY MRIN. FFC RRUNO I- - HARIIE 1966 ff !{Av}IETKiLLED tf{ Vlgrr{At MY 3,, C-1-5 Quit ChicaBo'9 NBC-TV stat.ion,WMAQ-TV--Kiska Fora !656 Ttr D*olt x' J& ?;9' WFa gauoa ebtef stats bank exasil,aer $ler,ao DEpury srArE u**,ffiffi6 Hourano c LAwRENL'2'4'8 6LE3?-- s 27;7-L{l'n !G!tS A5 DEPUT1I 9TATE BAS$(!fIG COE&II3R ---1941--e AP 18, 38-,6 pREs.oF Bsrno or Lanstrug Mv 1J'A-20-B Resroireo rRom lNoHam CoururV--1971-- Bo or Soc llL..gq1vlqEs AFTER AUD tr D r scLosED tuelFaie iosse6:orAL t NG $faflrro%lr2, Laus--0BlT--Dleo F ), eee 74, tN, DR. GEORGE E. : DENTAL CORPS: t943 , ro CAPTAlll Form 1656 Pnonaoreo y --1974-- D 10, D-7-' FErMARtoNK,r6lroleo D8-Satr. , *1983* D23t B-4-'i n Aer7,t1 otEn D20 , Bnurlvoes-TRaoEo to Housrotir Rocxcrs otTl'd-dl'41ifdf u* Fon Er-v iru Hnve s o -1974- " Housroru--Rocrgrs rRADE plN aruo Mart Goures r-on Kevtn KuNrue aNo Dlva ''loHL oF Burrato BRaves. _1975- N 28, tLl-' Tnnoes ro CHrcAoo EULLB FRom Burrn-o lH, .HSl s THIEF 1942

    .?b 3* ro 5 YEScFofi rlsFr &'ruA6furg t950 t,'ARll't, J0l{'l - DETROIT SUSPECI o 24; L3-2 Iirre Sr [.{o. RADto LlsrEttER cllEN $1i000 AIvARD FoB IJELPII{G POLICE CAPTIRE i I PATR BEut,tggLtCH I llsKl AB0E\rE iAccuseo ${ooT NG F 9j 7-a Gers 9 To 10 Yns.Ftneo AT PoLlcB,lAtl 1973 D 13, A-25-A DC---Heao or Cn I LEAN NATL TRANSPOI]TT\T I ON uN I oN, I t',t Derro lr SAYS UfiI I OI,I I STS A IDED couP. PerrRsoN MARIN, LUIS s U,AITER I 98.| Ap 3O, A-10- NY-lEeo gN DEc Srouprsnls rtne rHAT rtuleo 26 -1$2- Ap 1'l; A-t-'!- Wu trePua I Ns-26, eoruv terEo. Ar 12, A-2-1 Hao tifrEioED To BE rHEnol & pur BLAZE our. Ap 14r u_u+eO, H!TEPLA!nE- Ffunoen & ERsoN convtcrtoN DtsmtssED. Ae 1!1 A-€-'! Gue oIs!,IIgsED FoR LAoK oF EVIDENGE. 1965 ARIIII. PE6q - SERVAI\ITS SERVICE OFFICIAL n-Cl1t ls nee lottAL DtREcToR oF ARtxun TnercHEq SrnviCd Sviieil" ro GET rAKlpART TtMEI rrrrE SERvANTSrL^vHr\ I J nELr-\Lxwrr!xetp-Ke R!,,rN .^?^ _1 969_- l.4r,t 21, B_5_1 CLEVELANo-TOLo oELE0ATES OF pTA cONVENTIoN ToLOWER AeE AT trH tEH YOUNOSTERS CAN QU iT SCHOOL MARIN, ROBERT STEVEN: KIDNAPER 1968

    ABovErHts wtrE &Daruteu PTELER NABBED FoR K TDNAP or HTLLARD Mnnxs rru CurcAGo a 5, a-12-1 HoME ATTY CALLS KIDNAPING HOAX OR FRAUD ___1969-__ F 25t C-2O-1 RAcE &w t reEruvL FoUND cu r LTY oF K I DNAp t NG D17, D-6-1 Conrueuu FB srAR PRA tsES Maxwet uCuua WAY OF P I.CK I8{G BEST coLLree FB PLAYER --1976--* Je )0, D-5-1 HempsrsaorNY-S1 erueo 1-vn colurnaer vltrg NY JErs MARINAS, LUMINITZA ! EASTPOINTE 1 998 My 11 D 5=2 Eastpointe-Shers been ticketed for excessive feed.ing of animalsinew proposal would clarify ordinance-Cardenas MAR INASA CANADA 1973

    Manrrua owNERS ANTIcIPATE EXTRA I I$COME FROM AuEn t cAN BoATERS UIABLE TO GET ENOUGH FUEL r ilr srATEs-BRoe ant t"lARlr\AS - ltTRolT - ar.LLE lSt.E 1966 pLAt.t5 Fotl AnovE & .p R FArlF tCATED l\rDooR tcr_ R[\K 6i'Paruis-a Rrcnea T I oir CoMrrl I ss I cN-H^t,l]EE (_qon gnrytous sm_- y4RrN{j ; DETROTT : Mr MARTMS : DETRoTT T F6[rdFiffi"j,mrsbN'-lraHrNiA "v"r'lrAcoo , Land across fromBelrersle conraminar"#rffi ':rr3ilrrr." .nu madeDet.ri-ver town on rand where buildings nuirt-wart Der.spenr $6 mirlion ro cleantrp r"qui"tfiu*?s f;f-*rrina & housiirgcorirplex -Lgg2_ D1E1_6 uas filed for Chaprer 11 PEotection. - HBHr*y D05A1_3 Deal eases Mrs. Wllson and husbandrs estate out of ournershlp the of bankrupt Marlna Vi1_1_age lnto hands of Carlo J. Catenaccl , Mt . CJ-emens-S inclair L928 . TETROIT 1656 0 13. 1-2 OM FIRE DESTROTS ABovE AT THE FOOT Or CNaruq AVE. 0 14- L-8-5 coh,tM!sstohj rcANTs $40o,C00 AppRqlRrATroN FoR.2oo' NE! HELLs Ap 3, t7-2 Courctl vEToEs 144 BoAT HELLS-L929b AP 10, 41-5 f€W EOEftELL APPEAL IS MADEI CONSTRUCTION 8Y CITY TO REPLACE THOSE Losr rN FIRE UFGED By Heunv'Fl.BuscH AP 11, 4-1 T.-Ir Is BELIEVED THAT FIAYOR LOOEC UILL FESTORE EOAT WELLS AP L3.2-7 Courcru rNvrrED Mavon Lmee ro ATTEND MEEr!$rG nefiiu'!5,-oN coNsrRucrt OF NET' BOAT UELLS Panr g25o,o0o BoND rrEM FoR sLrps rr Meuonreu r"T"1!i"l-3* "ronr Harr or-BoAr t{ELLs ro BE BUrLr rrq t2e;crry ENGI-tE-11;-?i-lo ro., cosf esr:uere Ae 30, 16-6 no GnavrTo AsK I NJusETloN AGA| Nsr ctry +DG.BoAT uE:LLg t1 Memont ,uts ts'oHNER oF PRtvATE BoAT hJELLs AT GRavnnvEN S 10r- 21-3 bweno Gnav, lNc.,sEEKs ro RESTRAtN c lrY FRw BLDq.iG-Lt-s-ST.FleNoRtal rair N 26, 23-1 Eow.GnavrrEsrtFtEs tN Hts AcrtoN To eREVENT ctw FRoM cARRVtiG our FROJECT 1r z1 , cz CHanees ctry FAvoRs Der.YacHr -LVZY-6ClusrGnav FIGHTS BoAT HELLS-As 0E BENE- iii' ci r eir-v ro cLUB N -2? t 19'2 brie-iji-io'C6uni,Cor,rrRoLLER it{orur t e,rn oN srAND I N su ! r FoR I N.rut'tcT loN N 30.30, 3-5 ctrv aReues 1IELLS 1t MeuoRtal PenrraRe AS NECEs54RY AS -GOLF COURSES D 4, 4"5 He,nnv H"BuSCHTDEFENqS pLANTEXPLAI NS F IGURES ON COST-l hlE I NJUIIGTIoN EsiiFioNy a aCeur'lemis I N sulr coqPLETEE;DEcls toN-AFTER-BFlEFs HAVE BEENFtrN FILEDF, ED NEXTNExr wEEK DP 7'!r i'I*lo:4 HersRy W.uuscH To CoNTTNUE TEsTlMot{Y t) 9, *71 GRAY CALLED T0 SrAhD'DENIES COMPETITIoN P {r r?* silii iiJ6uircED i6MoNDav Q 19, 1?a fiii AE6iNi-oere,Gi or-' BoArwELLs--"'---:-1930-- --- D 11. 4u-3 FiEas-[irno iru 5uir Je 13, ta-a hbffiiei:ei'iy' is-FiimANENrLY .ENJot NED-FR.EREcr lqN oF 94-eoarrcgl-Ls er Miiioiiiu"pi l ei"olii"d;irN"oF'.lo. rnan[- cowRr oF 06.uarug Cq.$r. June 12' counT Ho-Ds Nor puBLlc urlLlrY, Uz t7, 4'L ED;i:-Ctii-sHouLD asr SupRe,uE Counr To DlssoLVE PERUANENT^lNJuhlcrloNt tTy sHouLD nava xlerlr-ro Hnroue oHN PRoPEFTY- A9^7e^.1.1:8 iar'rs-ion iueutC veCtii iansOp APPROVED a V Mtcn.Sec.C6trltu;nr Wl ?anr_ _ Ap 9, 6-4 .Rep.RosF.DtHeRDeLL orFERs B|LL pERMtr ctry.To eutuo D@Ks & cnARGE- RENTALS -1931-- 1931

    ousE pASsEs B'LL FoR crry ,'#., tF 1?: l;I;' ouSE PASSES BILL PERMITTING"ou, BUILDIUG & neu|rc STonIoE sPAcE & DocK ActLrrrEsLrTrEs BY t{vMv 16.5-7 pAsgEs DerRortDETROTT 16.5-7 rE_ I{ARDELL B r LL o L7 ,' 4-7 nattr R.l{cDoNELL pAys No REI{T,tNeutRy-1932-- BEGUN _ JL 23, !-4 12 MOToRBOATS DEsTRoi/ED & FFED--L937-- Lowe xunr AS MoToF expl-oseo IN MoToR. qoar Larue Nv iz, 2o-a Clrv onarrs oRDl NANcE To pnorEcr--1942*- CAML RTGHTS *1945_.. Ja 28, 4-3a, Dernotr NoT MENTtoNED rw AurRlcnN p@cER BoAT nssru.tepoRr-LEDr.rc Bonr owNERs FA.ED ,,',rrH sHoRr^";;3i1u$i.-.. a ,oilulrpf;?;i O 5. 62-4 pRovE MARTNA FoR BoAT ctilNERs--1950--- AT Foor or m,gro*ri.-Fai[ Ja L9. 45-t I'rctL GETs $100r00o tMpBovEMENT--1951--- eLAN Ar MENonrau P(-PEangop Ap 261 59-5 tSHERMENTBoAT qcNERs LosE 24TH STREET FAMe-KIMBALL " *1952__ Ap 15. 32_3 RrDGE LrKE srRUcruRE oFF I'ienonrai-Fini-rru Rrven^briiCei-ro" NEw BoAr ELLS-LUBECK i,toRtAL PrRr< MaRtrla To BE operuo-AFEtL 15;3sl eoiiwiiLd io ee eutLr ts suMMER , Je 28, 7-L4-t PT.OFpi.or PlnrsPAFKS ANr.tour{cEsANI.IOUI{CES trsITS MaaoRtalHEMORIAL PanxPARK MentruaMARINA orrOFF JEFFEFSONJerrERsoN JUST sr or Bunrus NEARTNG CoMPLETtoNrcAN Ac.joM@ATE L44 ALREADY Jt- 19, 1-16-6 rry couNcrL sruDres Gmy HavEn aRaa EoR pLEAsunE e-oii iait* --1954--- Je 1Q, 23-3 DUAre'IL BALKS AT SI,,GGESTION TO BUILD YACHT BAS'N IN URAYHAVEN AREA AP 22. 6-L Det.rsDET.IS MeuoRtatfiEMORtAL PenrPARK cttvCITY MARTlteMARINA--195s-- arAT Fr.orI.T.OF CnarueURANE AvE.oper,rsAVE.OPENS BOAT IdELLS FoR RENr Ae 2. 44-3 i'leirontau PaRr eoar BASTN opEN roR--L957- seesom-LeDuc S 4r-1-5 Cirv plarus MARIM FoR 500 sMALL BoArs ar Llrewoog rO Manlne t'losptuu s 26. 43-4 Clrv Courctl OKfs pLANs FoR 525 solr rAFItrll oru Der.RivER AT Foor oF LAr

    N 28, B _1-1 DeE seeks developer for 6Z ci ty-owned site nr StJeant Freunr rtF1 hgle' hrk-Markiewicz - 1 988- Ja 2"1, B- 1 -5 8 grps seeks to develop manina which was put up for bid-Ma kiewicz My12, B-1-2N Porterfield Marina Village planned by auto dealer Porterfield Wilson.- Eldridge. My 26, A-1-5 Mark Phi I I ips complains lhat Thomas Hearns Sror his boar wel l at.lbrprial pk marina despi re phil l ips $2030 check bei ng accepted-BenneEL -1988- JI 1, E-2-3 Marina takes shape at St Aubin Pk 1990- Mv 3l B 3-5 tJl/ DeErs St. Aubin Marina jusE easE of the Renaissance CnE, has opened for irs first summer season. S l0 C l-2 Porterfleld Chrlstopher \Ji lson is deEermined Eo make hls father's vision a real i Ey as v-pres of $60 mi I I ion Marina, restauranE,housing development alonq Det River-Henderson N 9 F-10-1 ConsLrucLion of 5O-slip marina aL dopwntown Det's Harbortown waLerfront conrnuniLy under way. -L991,- Ap 7 C-1,-2 ter years of noL being able to beg, borrow or sLeal boaL slips, Det now has some avai-lable.--Schabath MARINAS : DETROIT 1994 JA 20, E-1-3 set for Harbor HIl1 on slte of bankrupt Porterfleld Wllson marlna by John & Joseph Catenacci &Jerome Morgan; & Morgan plans another nr Grayhaven Marlna Vlllage-SerJu 1998 Jl 24 C 6-1 Report on Delray Boat Launch that opened last year, near Historic Fort Wayne, on W.jefferson-Gray -1999- 0 13 s-4-1 Proposed redesign of Erma Henderson Marina for floating dock called dangerous-Gray MAR INAS : M ICH IGAN 1960

    Popuuantrv oF BoATING LAUNCHES MARTNAS aool,t tt*l l4tcx. p,rr*18 LcHrcr.Nrs Losr ,ENTN.,LA,LAM BET*EEN orrawa frl,lrE;tAf" o* I'l;66 pLANs l'ian "-(}t r o L r NE cAus Es rLuo ovee FoR t Na-Gtlt-

    DaruceunruoDANCET-AND ArAT oLDOLD .E_FFER.oN.EFFERSON kfgdbg-usEDEAC|{ r{& U3ED rorO rr$ffi:reit*T'-l'rrffiFo.%i3 tdl Ht TER Laus lr.ra-Seru.Canu 0r Bn reru. u**otatP8TuBLrcr uuLtv HEARnGr.Lrslrw Mflotrr-v lrtrr tJvrruoorrerrvA ON EILL PROPOSING STR'CTER REGULATIONS Of{ CONSTRLCTION A8O/E tlY 19, C-1 8-7 HouGnrorrlsrareHot GHTO|,:STATE H1renrlvgWATEm{AY Couu ANNouEEs AppRovAL or tmnru strE pRo- JECT FOR PONTAGE LHANiEL Je 27, a-4-3 Tnouslrvos hrATcH As FTREMEN rRoM 4 eg{MuNtrtEs BATTLE glnze tu ouo Casrruo BatuRoom BUtLDrr{s er JenReRsom-8ercx MenlHa L-1-3 HR 3' z 6 L,Anse cneusE, BAy MARI* u*ouiJ3iffi-.TUY,AFEA REs f,ENrs tffirfSrzre rs p@uuAn poRT DEsprrE FAcr rHAT BoArEts Husr pnilpiiirFo'uErEd+ MacoMs Co.Dnaru CoumsnrB.Tr;;3Coumsm8.THomlS U/ELsH 1s sELLiue rne MARTNA t{E ts BU tLDtNG arLtAruse Cneuse Bay oru Lnre Sr.Ctlln-Ftrux LarusrNG-srArE cuRBS rrGHrENEo rN Drspur, 3r?l fi;P;3rs mARrN Cqoure S ZZ, E-14-6 26 MiClEmerrrs-Lano-r rLL opERAT r oNS HALTED oN teIESr.cr-ii r n rqAR rN pRoJEcr ovrNED av MacoMeCo.Dna r NCoMMst{R.TrEy:.Etgl!6-5d*^ Sr.Gtntn SeoRes-Peul FLaueRtYri{Al{AeER or sEititlcE FoR JErre sou BeEcg F4an[ra sAtD woRK REALLY srARTs As BQATs eoME FoR wrFrrER sroRaee-Frttr D B, E-1-1 Z 6 SlCr-etpSHORes-LAKE cRAFTS ARE PREPARED rOn tuinrrR-LetRetlu --1967- O 15, D-8-5 innno HavenI-GRANT av MtcH. WATER VJavs CommlssloN FoR MARIN/ ,LANN truc -----1 969---- Ap3O. B-A-3 PrrosxEy- Pgrosxry oK-rs' fi574,4-90 rqanrr,r[.' MY 1 rB-12'1 Macr tNAW-h,oRK ro BEG t r'r ortt' $460';000 MUN lclPAL MASlNt5rRorotT MoffE rHAN 1]0 ralRtNAs ARE cATERING To GRoElNs NUMBER oF BoATERS rRoM NorvRoE ro rr*_1h?u:$tt*f4* lgrE_1-4 26,, I\,JEti, BALT TMORE- MaR t rua FOR TRA r\ls lE[1T BOATERS STUD IEO--\',dowx f{ARINAS: MICHIGAN 1970 r-rr )vr^-7-+ ST CU,IR-NEW ST CLA IR BOAT I{ARBOB TO BE DED I 6areo ar lnm SEr Je 27 Jr 9,E-1-4 Z5 Btoomr I ELs furp-PRoposro 72 aoa:' MARTNA oru V/alruur Lr CREATED STIR AMONG RESIDENTS WHOE. FEEL LAKE OVERCROIdDED_ J Smtrx Jd6,A-7-4 'St. CLI I R SHoRes Man tNgs sEEK Govr. AlD DUE TO EFFECT OF MERCURY BAN ON THEIR MARINA BUS rNEss-Kenwlr*t o2B, c4-1 BRIGHTEST NAVIAGATION LIGHT,IN AREA TO BE ERECTEO ATOP Sxone CLue Apr. ButLotNG .(1,{lr-r-tatm C. MluLeR Beacoru)Wxrre tsonrrrue 1971 RE.REA',r;;'ill;; rrr"roltu33lTl;lr" FAclLlTlEs I W 17tD-6-1 f rve renr.rs oF BoARD rNc pARTTES FRoM MrcH Depi or Narunal Bqqoglgqq-Jo_FEarN tNspEcrtorr or. M_lcn qlrasirRE-BoAT FLEET HOLD r r\rc -r'iai FOR rANKS oB sELF-cONrA r rvsri I Ni fo itiii-:ootiiiir- Mo*,nu rnar rusmo.,s wiil?7l;;o- BUTLD,JE lll*;?i1r,,-, rNo t-aii sr Clatn trv li# 1955 nENelNs HEADAoHE rHAr woNrT eo AwAY-NEHMAN N15r B-5-1E $r.CLr ln Srones FIAR lEA $llr ev sxpugliolt- 6 eorrs oamiiEs:Scrneari- 'Ae 27, D-7-1 copoom I l{ Cni I S- Ce nFr pLANT ar Auooruae--1c!72---- r To BE sogd FoR I t M MAR I HE eoolplex-QowDALl Jr- ro- Il-<-t E aExSr. Cla t n Uoar s t r': NR. CL I utola t vE R DED tc AvEp ro i x-l'lac oMBSHER I FF. qnlEvENstex-Dqnn O 5, 8-10-1 Mentua 0penaToRs oPPoSE PI-AN To SEEK FUNDS FoR coNSTRUcTlo oF MUN lC IPAL HARBOR TO HAIIDLE BOATS ON SEASONAL BAS tS; FEES- THAT !T wouLD HARM THEIR BUSINESS.-BRoGAN -197r- Ja 26' 5-10-5 HARBORg ON INCREASE.0OWOaLL Llxes F 15rq 8-17-3 W OrrlctAt-s sruDY BlDs rnou { F!RMS, LlsrEDr FoR clTY 86AT Mn 27' B-1-1 E Door nenrALa HURr av SrCLetR FLooDruoUGngea\_Zl_a US aNsblan"' o*"ro HALTING HAR'BoR broRK. 1973

    Ft-ooo A I D DEN I ED FoR Ct- t uroru meR I HaS.SoHABATH Jt 12, D-1-2 llt.l r',lLLrot{ DNR Hnnec)R oR REFUGE Ar{D puBLrc t4ARtNA oN Blncx Rtven, PoRr Hunoru, To cET ?esr vltrH Bavvtru Yacnr C.uB ts Ponr-HuRoN-l,4ncx tNAc sAt[L Race.DowoALL Ao 11, A-1-, Mtur-en Mantna lnc--rIRe rAKEs Sr Cuetn SHones MARINA FoR $2 Mr rr r ou.Van /lriaweaoolT rrrstdoRTH a 25, 8_6_1 w Heaos or 8 oownRlvER crrrEsspLrr ovER oFFER To sHARE cosr AI{D ugE oF GRossE lle crry-owHED ooLF oouRsE AND MARtNto Lerr ---1974--- FZ7 t B-j-wt Gnosse ltle ro BUrLD pumprNG FAclLlry FoR HoLDtNG TANKS FRr BoATS AT lr/Afens EDGe. Mn 4, A-1-1 I RE INSPECToITS PnoBE 4at-nnrv BLAZE THAT DEsTnoyeo 1'l LUXURy RJ\FT AT ErqeRnLo ctry Hsneon lrrrc mnRtrua, tn srclnrnsHonEs. -1974- Mn 5, A-14-1 r ClAtn SHonES FIRE oFFICIALS BELIEVE PRoPANE GAS HEATER ousEBoAT cgusED ErqEnato c lry Haneoi? F I RES.GOCZKOU/SK I -1975- Je 4t B-2-1 D CorurBovEnsY BREIJtNG ovER RESToRAT!oN oF 50yn ot-o 500 roor plER lN \dALLED Lare; SYATE MAY PRosEcurE ovrNER FoR lroRK wrTHouT pERMrr-sHtrH .le 27, B-5-1 N Mlcr OlrlR To HoLD puBLtc HsARlilc oll TIAT IdALLED LArE itAnllll -SHrrr JL 7t B-2-4 D 125 nEerDENTs soLtDLy opposED trtAntrA-rt Sntrr Ju 8, B-2-1 N NOVt pOLtcE PROBE ARsoN OF cottlTnov WALLED LAfe MlalilA-S$rl Ae5, B-2-1E Hann tscN T!{P. CONS I DER I NG Tt SHTER MAR I NE ORD I NANCE. Tt rrsv/oRrH. -_1976_- s 2, c-12-1 VERTI NG OLDDET.RTVER DOCK [ P 38', 846 HE I SEN TF "'T-'"+ S? T'-h^ :qB?# .ra ! B-1-lql&E TERtdtme,o Bon g P6666pg uowS tlt I urt a Blg 1978 - .'tt )r, P tv-a VnnBunEruTwp& MtcH.Depr.orNarunalResouRcEs FtcHT ovER LAND ourNERsHt p ouBeltEvtluelare Je 8, 8-10-1 Juoe DElays LAND BUtr, rR Beutevtlte Lare s 7, B-G1 Sr cnanuevorx-MAnrNAs FrNo NEw oor.,g?g-o|.D rr*FF-B6TrBIrr Lar,rs-{ AllEoar,u Co manrNAs 'cHGs tdrru TLLEGAL sALEs A --198CI-- Ae 6, D-1-5 CnrumtAN FUEL gUPPLY suFFlclANT & euso FuRt{loHEB A sAV- rNes-DokDerl. Ap 21 ) B-Z-19 Peopte tn cnoss vlttaoe !{ANT No PART OF $4-MILLION GOTT. pRoJEcr, Bu I LD I NG HUGE MAR ! NA & nonr -Kenvrl r,t Jt- 20, B-1-, CnossvVlLLAcE-poRT FoR 100 eoars ro BE DEctDED oru-Kentrlru Cle 15r B-2-5 E ARvtv Rt'tolNEERS sET To REBUILD BEAcH RUINED gv LexlNGToN -lS1- MY 1, B-2-1f{ AoErucy MAy HAvE KttLED PLANs FoR pARK-MARINA lN lotr. CuelaE Arrv. GEr,r. FRerur[oARINAST-llLEczKo Keurev sroN coNsE*r on*.rXlf*l$trkA6Elu*t REGARDING FoUR AC 5, B-11-4AM CorcrnucrloN oF rgtr S5 MlLLloN BoAT HARsoR AT Cnes Vtlun iu-Eirdi io'nqcomtcmeo Aa 5r A-1-1AM thneon SPRINGs ro LoIGR DocKlNG FEEs AT vt-LLA-qE l$R^llp. Ao 30, A-1-1 Canu RoulcK FAGED tdlTH FlNDlryC trAre To HALST-sirme $2mtU- rRom aeots t N Der eRee uiriii- I ni-tnEFrc ffibo- f#Yl1"*i6-f* HuRoN-oLr{Tofl $ltsrno AUrnonlTVls t{llodA$mEn lthnltl![ GoF{,ETES rrliin pntvAlELY olrt€D MARliSs-8t{l"H r\p16, B-1-4- Ofrnanl r'JAs BTI'JN Gl eRsLraR I'. i'trCue'met{s-Ru.gseul Jl 9. A-6-. ROSeVtLLE-RESTDENTS DENIED USE OF SuOneS eOar UAU-Sleslrue $tlre qnAHrED g?prm ro otrY oF nens8n2&o8n4r6 t.., sut Lo 4$-reut P lnARl HAr NAft[$!/$ I ]1[41196;tr0tr1 r 983 Ja 21, E-1-157 llursx e coru-Cou e Bll< eR B ES To Bu 0 L D 55 sNoP !-oARBoRs Mn '! 5r B-7-1Dln/ Flme mtrs Eeonse Eoar Basnru" 4.0 FTEASURE tsOATS DESTROYEDO c-F t a , /5 n- q.,Df-!ri.r=ll.:,: : a.- n:rT:Oy. -, DGr 1f ?O.r:S dU 141 f*4-tru Q-em AneoR*GLEN Ameon* &ourp ctR@uE-ATIm@ FETBTgoms ro @-B@AT aARSNA pffOpOS€@ TO SERWE $Ueepeme Bean &rwcso-K8Rw8 - I 8'$11, A-fuz DotrrunlvER PoLlcE HUN' Yffdd.ARsoNlsr Ma Zzt c-2-10 BoIr seles BOOInII{G, CAUSING SHoRTAGE oF SPAoE AT MARIIIA RCI L E-1-68 Manrnas pLAcuED By rHEFr6, ,^;l?:f;worT:*17' A6 19r A-b2 Sourn Haven urlNs eRANT Fon UATERFRoNT pran to doubre number or boat ,""0TI"3',ti];3 n", cleared lst hurdle-Weeks ';133u;. JI 25, E-1-2ST 0nekama-Mich,s boating boom creating pressure for continual marina developments-Dziewit-Coombs Ag l, C-2-lW

    Bel levi 1 le Lake marina owners assai I pol lution count that closed lake since June28-Warren --1986-- Ja 16*oBri11 Southl Haven{ejvlellopers say financing fallen thru for a Pro ed $.l00-million marian 6 condo complex. r986 Mr 20, E-1-2E Floods may threaten boats-Walter My g, A-l-6 Boat sales have been so strong there now is shortage of do ck space in marinas in Det area-tJowk JI 10, E-3-1W Manistee-becoming more popular with charter boats for fisherman Ag 21, A l-1 U.SE Canadian agencies cracking down on thieves il-ho sneak accross boarder by boat to prey on marinas-Twardon s 21, A-1-1 Angry sailboat owners fight eviction from Beacon Cove Harbor in MtClemens-Kocieniewski S 29, B 5_lW CHarlevoix-residents hotly debate ways to use like-Damman N 13, B_5-1E , Wi I I iam McMachen wins rezoning for Harrison Twp rnarina, condos opoosed-Koci en iewski -1967- MY 24, A'3-2 Booming boat sales have made Det area dock space scarce- ieniewski MyZ9, B-1-z Lans-$4.8mi I I lon urged for improved harbors-Freedman D 13, L-1-2 Harbor Beach marina pl an angeres boa t.ers-Kerwin -1988- F 18, B-3-1N Fi re hi ts Emerald Ci ty Manina in Sr. CIai r Shores. / boat des E roYed Je 14, B:-Z $300million marina planned for 409acre si re in Gibral ter- 0lson Je 25, N-1-4 communi opened in Anchonvi I Ie € home ty Jl 3, ll-1-2 Petoskev-q" yachE basin-Dammon .^-r,r, -avmaY tbecome : -rry nr PetoskY MARI'NAS: MICH I 988 s 18 N-1-2 Legislation provides funds for new marinas 6 dockside ser- vices in program called Harbor Development Program.-- J"Kerwin 0983_l DNR Manina hearing O lO B 5_lW DNR marina bui lding plan draws fi re 1989- F 12 D-3-1 No-dot Corps of Engineers will allow giant Three Fires Point Re- sort to be built on Little Traverse Bay at Petoskey.

    F 20 ,E-3- 1 $300mi I I ion downriver pnoject enters cri t ical phase- Markiwir:z Ap4, B-1-2 EPA n'By block Gibral Lan marina complex-Mi tzelfeld __-_l 9 Ap 25, B-1'2 Docking fees rising aE marinas Ag2, C-2-3 Abonmaeche.Development lnc to bui ld $4Omt I I ion marina oni CMS Energy owned 53 acre-site bordering Muskegon River E Lake 0 9 c-4-l DwE Higher docking rates have dual purpose: to raise money for maintenance to keep private marinas competitive with DNRI -1990- F 4 C-3-1 2Dot 14ich rates for municipal marinas are so high private compe titors are getting the business. i\'lr 7 B-5-1 W Mac Ray Harbor Club, posh $30-million developnent nr Mt. Clemens, is Lhe optimrm in nautical opulence.--Schabath Mr 16 c 5-4 South Haven hopes to greeE boaLers nexL yr wiLh new 9 acre Marina adjg ning Lhe downEown shoppine area MARINAS: MICIIIGAN 1990 c 5-3 SuIt Ste. Marie-L'Bri Du Vent Marina whl1 hae its lst lux- ury dock-oml-nium Ap 13 B-3-2 $2.6mi11ion in state Conrnerce Dept grants issued improperl --Pfaff Ap 26 8-3-6 DR StaLe enrrironmental officials will decide in a month on proposal for $300-mi11ion Great. Lakes Yaehting Center in Gibraltar w 24 B-s-1 N Developer prods state for marina complex in Gibraltar. -- Kerwin JI19B3-6E $5 million 200 birth marina at the foot, of Lac Ste. Claire Park on 1L Mile and Jefferson was approved by Lhe US Army Corp of Engineers. Ag9B3-6DR Boating-housing center to begin Construciton in Gibraltar late this fall. -L990- N8B-3-6W TrenLon= Boat. launch raLes to be increased at Rotary Park D 9 C-7-5 So. Haven- city expected $2.6-mil1ion riverfront marina & park to be complete.fl.Sl-lyr, O k 5, B_3_2 E Hearing seL for new boaL ramP on Lake SL.Clair-Schabath & L2, C-3-2 E Boat ramp plans sink again in [Iarrison Thp-for Iake St. -Schabath Niy 16, C-3-6 E arrison T\qp-3rd public hearing on proposed boat-launching amp along Clinton River Spillway at Jefferson to b W L2 My 31 C 3-2E ew Baltimore hopes boat harbr developnent- *14 spr:r -reviL- lization-Schaba-th Ag 16 C 3-3N ton-l of few public boat lar:nches bet Det and Lake Erie wilt be get.ting a nelrl $1.3mi11ion boaL basin- thPark JLLLC4-6E Elizabeth Park Marina opend this week in T?enton. - S8E1:2 Mainas up and dova: the DeL River and lake St Clair are ing swinrning p9o1g, clubhousesr_tennis courts, putting greens, volleyball cotrrts and playgrounds. - Wiison -L994- Ja 18, B-3-6D New $4501000 Rlverfront Boat Launching ln Brownstown Twp t opne this Spring Je 02 E L-2 Centerpiece of BtIl McMachents lvlacRay llarbor projectrMac & Rayrs restaurantropening 617;has had many stru[fules- Wilson N 15 B 7-1 no do s Village - DNR denied permit for marina because of en- plover. -L994- D28B1-18 GP Woods resident,Paul Munma & others unhappy about City Cnc1.plan to raise boat docking fees 258-per1 -1995- Ja 16 B l-lNoDot NewBaltimore officials will try to persuade judge to allow boat harbor on Anchor Bay Ap 13 c 3-18 To break ground on SO-slip harbor;to be completed by Labor Day-Puls t90s. My 8 A 1-3 Ful1 serrice marianas of the - PuIs My 8 A 4-1 Marinas are becoming resorts" - Puls ItIy 18 B 3-1 st Harsens fsland-DNR will allow marina on north end of Har- sens Islandrreversing former opposition D :t5 C 2-1 nodot Lans-Atty.Gen.Kel1ey says Mich.Waterways canrt turn Macki prj-vate companies t"o Island Marina over to 11" D L-2 Planned harbor and marina in New Baltimore continually de- layed by govt.regulations-Puls MARINAS : MICHIGAN My 07 B 12-2 The boating season,although latenis here;marina spots stil I available-Greenwood Jl L4 B-3*2 C,ross Village-Piping plover nest torpodoes marina plans -BeVier O G B-3-2 Residents plan appeal to federal officials Lo stop prop boat launeh site near Macomb CounLy's PoinL Rosa Marsh. -Pearce o3oc 3-3 Plans for public boat ramp at point Rosa MarshrHarrison Twp. closer-Pearce --L997-- F L1,, C-3-2 US Army Corps of Engineers killed plans for public boat launch beside Harri-son T\rp.Point Rosa Marsh-Pearce F 26 C-5-2 Boater cruising into downtown Mt..Clemens for a concert on the Clinton River will pav h -L997- Ap 02 D ]-1 Rep.Bonior supports 50 boat slipsrNew Baltimore, History Harbor ; environmentalists opposed-Pearce Ap 25 D 3-6 3Dot ME Harrison Twp-U.S. Army Corps oi Engineera approved public boat launch in Harrison Twp,away from Point Rosa Marsh- Pearce liy 30,D-5-L Harrison Twp fails to act on plea to stop new boat latrnch plan-Savirski Je 10 D-1-5 Proposed DNR public access at Jefferson & Ballard has res- idents worried about traffic tie-ups-Savitskie Je 12 C-4-t Same as above & possible buy of closed Admiral ir4arina next to access site-Savitskie Jl 3, D-5-3 Residents balk at Harrison Twp boat lar"rnch-Savitski JL 28 C.1-5 lake SL.Clair marinas enjoying prosperity.-Fuls MARIMS, MICTIIGAN 1 997 JL 29 D-5-2 Keego Harbor group of condominium owners who want to build two marinas on C,ass Lk nrust fighl other*fth"6r_T$ pfgg."frry owners. -IIka Harrison Twn resident,s oppose" DNR plan to expan Admiral Boat Harbor.-Parcio -1998- ja L5 D-5-2 Foul play isn't suspected in blaze at Aggressive Marina dry dock in Harrison Twsp.-Pardo F L2 A-1--3 New Balt,imore- Feds want t.o pave bottom of Lake St. Clair. -Pearce Je 17 D 3-2 Trenton-Elizabeth park marina doubles its docking fees; controversial-Garrett O 23 C-5-6 HARRISON TWSP.-Recent. fires that destroyed 11 boats poinr to need for better security-gated, guarded & lighted-Davis 1998 D2785-2 Harrison Twp-Macomb Sheriff dept.deputies swarmed marinas after 3 boats burnedimay have prevented more-Pardo L999 Ja 06 D 3-2 Gibraltar-2 dozen people make winter home on their boats docked at Ilumbug marina,Det.River-Garrett Mv 30 B-L-Z Harrison Twp - Sundog Marina plans to increa6e security to guard against arson.-Cardenas Ag 22 A'L-3 MACKINAC ISLAND-Residents here up in arms over State's plan f,or L2l-boat marina-Heinlein -2000- Ja L8 D-5-6 HARRISON Tl,]P-Controversial plan to build boat ramp north of Clinton River spillway approved by planning cormission- Cardenas MRINASI MISC 1971 # wrl.reu J NavanRe oEsreilED FLoArm,n u'diinii,r;N+:ilARrNA ro B€ ETLBUILT HOSTLY OF ALU!{INUF,I ON STEEL FRAIIIE r\rrwponr&acu,carrr-.Jqarus*,n*[1313;"r --0gE5_r"r r*ll ?1, ffif^"r NG BoAr YARD,RUAE GIGHr sHtP-HILL|NGER Um 240 r-_t-6u tBoeromo Mleoaa 0o e s Onpsrnu or Wonuarn 0tas 59 m*morto. -1984- N zfu C-lO-1l,J [-ocatlotrt oF FERRY DocK, MARTNA run Steeptr,lc Bean DLrNes Nat- LaxesHoRE GEaERATES eoN?RovERsY-KERwtN --1985-- Ap 18, B-4-lst-t Wisconsin adopts Michiganrs fuel-tax fund to develop mari- . .-.. .; "r 1".'t-1 nas. --1 : I rtl I 'i'or:'s -i'o ') Sponse-ri s itr:r L s i-(i, ' ren . -1988 02183-2 Vision for downriver unvei led-Prater -L990- Aa L7 A-8-1 Garbage Bond Garbage.--Edit Ap 19 A-L4-Z CorrecLion in tGarbage Bond Garbage' edit on Ap 17.--Edit. -L994- Aa 26 B 3-2N New Baltlmore t,o vote on boat harbor; Citl"zens Harbor And RecreaEion Team have a plan ready-Schabath I -L999-, r My L4 c-5-5 HARRISON ThlP-Marina operator.s & l,lacomb Co Bd of Health join forces to help cieanup Lake St.Clair-Cardenas MAPIMTOS, SpyFlr)0N: APCHEOL0CIST: GRIECE 1960 F To le0ruRe tN DgTp6qr lln 1sr za, A-tz-1 3*h* Mn 3,8-2-1 EAKS tru DerRorr oN GREECE- MARTZ I 963 MAFII€. REV. E. J. - ANT oF ssz f,sy ersr,FlAzEL PARK,co-LEcrs. AlrrquEs-sot: E!rf& irii*t6'ot*t rs aue,ssrlli F 26, E-g-t Z 3 N ar.eo ITT.ITIETv COIOruTU & FE FEELS--1964*- SHOIILD BE G9VEN TITLE As CFIAMPIO'{ AR PACKER lNE, WILLIAM: ROBBERY 01'.: BATTLE CRIEK,MICH 1956 I ', i]Ivrn 15 To 25 YRS FoR R,]BBERY IF GRoCERY MAR INE DAY 1968 S loor M l cH-Aaove TO BE HELO AT Sauur Ste. MaRle [5r'o-t6-1 1974 I JoE ScgoEru I rH NAr*rED To HALL oF FAME AT Ar'rEn t caru POT,dER BOAT ASSOC. CONVENTlOI{. fiARllE llSPECTl00* & Mvt&TtSl BtffiAth-' MARINE MIDIAND AUT,OMOTIVE FIMNCIAL CORP. Iggo N 7 B-8-1 I,IilI b acquired by Eord Motor Credit Co.--Higgins IVURINEO" FRANK IGNED AS ASST.EASKETBALL EOAGH AT [hD TO TAKE JOB AT EAsr CanotrrE. :r MARI$IE POLLUTOON CONTROL CORR I97I o10, F-8-1 Eeve UsHeR, AND n0s FtRM oFFER'Equtpe{ENT To cLEAN p uArERwAys corAm,NArED-By1g?b_lgg DEBI!i; Fg?ggn Davlo UsHEn ustNG GTANT vAcuuM oLEANER To sKlM olL sP I LL orr Rouee R t ven-TuE I sEN. --*1 97 5- - ---Drt, -sptLLsB-'! -40 _ Co. ALso eLgANs uF GAsoLINE ANo olt FR6 Terrrrens t$| MicH" HlGHtAY8.-GRAHAF|. .la 1, b-t;zW Locar FIRM clEA*t-llrg?& sPlLLs- u*u,**ea; A-1-! T.TEA!{ oTyMtEo tru po&Lutton cLEAilup lgFnapoE rrnEn $UFER- anrenAuoco0lo:z t{As otL sFtt-t.-Kenutni, Ap Z, B-1-5 To erocrptLE EquteMENT alonoEucltsHCHaHNel ts Fnepanhrlonu FOR t{Exr otL sprLL DrsAstES-KERt{ts ffiy 26, E-l-l Tlrr rnuofr BLohrour oF Tlxto 6Aa F'ELLS lr.*4ArAnos & Euueten -1988- F 7 C-1-2 Pittsburgh-Det. native DAve Usher,58, makes unusual I ivilng cleaning up oil spills in waters around the world.-Hofsess ttr 27 A-z-t+ 19 members of Det's Mqrine Pollution Control sent to Valdez Alaska to help clean up nationrs worst oil spill from supertanker.--Toy -1989 My30 B 3-2 Davld Usher of Det tackles Alaskan oil spill-Twardon ---L992--- M 23, B-L-z wateE p.utrp Lhat shsots 11000 gallons a minute to corral mock oil spill on river-Deep

    l IttlE: SAFETY: d- lNr I C 1956

    BRANCHES oF srATE GovrT Tr sporusoR MARTNE sAFETY cr- r rilc-iia.izrn ruew Larusrne Crvlc Centen MARINEAU, JAMES ! ST" CLAIR COUNTY FARMER 1966 a Lt, n-t-) MSU rxpERTS To cHEcK To sEE lE HUGE RocK FouND oN ABovE FA ts rHE METESR lrE THAr FELL S17-F-!.rvr S 22, A-A1-1 ExpERr ar Asnal4s PlauernnruN orMSU sAtD LARGE'BouLDER tN FRESHLY-PLOU'ED F IELD BEIflIIIND HOME IS NOT CHUNK OF BMETEOR- Frrur IELt t937, Form 1656 N 1,8,4-7-&-ST .EuMnu cALLs AmvE ro ANSvTER cHARGES rHAT HE rfuuff;?glggnrce . LEHeem REcElvEs 19-Paoe Er.ilAL BV AEovE:ltlAKes Nii Ecift,rEr,ri - - N 6.15-2 pRocEEDtNGs .Lsx$taru sAys ousrER ARE up ro Ttos.Ewei l,l 2916,-5 *",fffi5; ^ . :r$E{.itw: Effifi F iIIiiSF-?, l l-yJgs }i';"" B lccuseu or ururrr*iis-FbE'iirs"ioa:MisT Ar,rs.,rER .HARGE' D i3:6*' Tuos.E"tEurEYrs CHARGES FoRcE AS)VE Ttr RESTGN as cXenr Or-l,F eOuurV "; AP 24.L-?G5-3* TRIAL FoR HARBoRlruc A FtrctrtvE--1938- FR JUSTIcE sEr FoR ApR.2e #( Z4$e TED OF CTIARGE OT HABEORINO FIEITIVE FR JTIS'ICE :,'ARlI'ELLl, ELIlL l,t. ti.JFiitTRy 1944 ;?oUNDED tfit ilcr toN -ts45-- 5 ri: MARINELLI, JOHN: EDUCATOR 1989 Jl 13 B-3-'r DWE From 0rlando,Fla, named new Livonia school supt. MARINMLI. JOSEPH: SUPT 1993 Je M Livonia to begin search for new school supt to replace Marinelli-McClellan " ABoVE-CHIEF oF INSTRIMENT ELECTR'cAL LAaoRAToRY r,: n An t-'l'- f ifi x- E ur crq o- TIVE CENTER HELPS DEVELOP }IE!.' TANK W'TH IT5 OWN ENIVI RONT{Eh,!TAL SYSTEM* Fr pp ---1991--- s 23, E-1-2 Has theory about.heart beaL,spirals blood thru body, Lh i s theory could revoluEionize cardiac educ.6 resea rch-McCann MARINELLI, THOMAS : DEX EXECUTIVE 2OOO FL4C2-4 DCX to name above Vp in charge Chrysler/Jeep sales/mktg. worldwide; -Phi11ips MARINELL0, JUAI\: FORHE|-, SEN:AT0R: OJBA 1954 .E 15, 14-3 LH ABovE ARRESTED lN Gov'T DRIvE oN @MMtNtsrs Ja 11' A-ro'e Kgy he51,FLr.-NamED E(Ec.pEcroR o, uffi1n33m;; 1944 Form 1656 Ju 1s, g7-p Kt uteonSooPac rrte MAR0NER. MRs" ROBERT B: AUT0 ACICI0ENT 1971 ol, A-1-2 OlrPrrx 0 us-- cLA ! Fts rHAT Cxsvv Ene t alE i4ot NT6 ARE FAU!- Y DrrE To Acc $oEsrr-tnv lt :j:; i,i.."1' f,:l"/,1l.lT 3 lJ,ivY LT 1982 Ap 19. F-1(J-t n /:r I :l C'-1" ,ilA-f STA-i'US FOR \J .)irEir:llc Co RrnA c r( tvlY 2, c-16-11/ . t.l{ARl3€RS," (QU(Rrrr) I 955 15, 1-E 5r FIRED EY ARturR bornev JE 18, 5-1 VE,ON KT.AEPTANANCE,CCMMENTS ON T EIR BREAK utrn Anrmtn Coornev- ECK Ac 26, LW ARcnre LEvenrsreus up ABovE To REcoRD coN?RAcr Kauarorazoo-To up As srNGrNG .ffi;=??L;;- 5A'Ji* Jtm l-ewlsruEMBER'REAK ABotETGETs tEAct{t}G JoB lt.t lEw CeruruarCototltn BrurrvEr,il.C.-18 rrcr.hrED As I$ffi gtrRrrnie, o, pg. f_ llhor-, Ceup LeuzuruerN.C.-l4anrNs wouiD-ED-Ev rtlaCxrNE GuN" aULr-Ei tH TRAtNti6 ---1975--- Jr- 28, A-5-t Rnce MeRceorcaurr-crvrLrAN sEcuRrry cuARD BuRNED rN GRENADE BLA AT BUSY SHOPPING 0ENTER MALLTWAS PART oF ExpLostvE ExHtBtr

    oamp FenoLEroN- Ar,rpr r . , fi;1?l5f;l#;.3-3;:-1331* HERE KtLLtnrc 1 mantEN AND tNJunluc 22 orHERs. --1 , ,- I r, '.r l-19?& '_ : rrA,s[ A$l: A['rEOAr"oAL]F-mlBtrE I ilS TILLEO AS EUn nlSrteeSlL DUBIItS rr I cnlretro oF THE ouAno ar.Nlvlr..Atn Srlrton 6 1A, A_b1 Tweuwuue PlumsrCettr-Mantere Conps HELtcoprER oRASHEDo .iioi?; 5 0lrtFfi'trreuiuE NC-2 vESsELs r;Jf l;;, oo. fr-l$!|r:'; ELMABTCAL rF-lvlAR r E6 Ar4Mo rRUcK ,;l??3;-ro ru 1rlr33l.l;1fl HURT P ON HlGl{tdAY. 9 -1985* O 15, g-S-6 n-:15 U.S. HtBlHEs KTLLEo & Fgun iESouED IFTEi-?ldElaxlHELt oPErEi cirsHEo rnr c^to".l! arl'tN",o ITiBin?HE ?31"I:,,_r Westmorland-! marines ki I led when thei r he1 i copter crashed E burned during maneuvers -1988- Jl 7 A-3-1 3-dot dat training area in Pohakutoa, Hawai i _r989 N25A3-I 2 U.S. marine piloEs; Michael Vidusek,Todd Travis whose hel icopc,er qrashed of f the coasE off Spain 2 days ago were presumed dead,search for them-has ended -199L- w L7 A-3-1 QganLico, V-a.---fnd !t A"ttrony {archina, 24, of Troy, Char les Lon, SC -Yul ture ( bird ), firlpked do*"Te; igtgr co I 1id at, 500 foot altirude --:L992--- Ag-2,C-8-1^ SparLa-Friendsrrelataives mourn sailorrlance Cpl.James M. Pulaskirkilled in helicopter crash in Ala.-Hamada -1993- s72A4-7 Pendleton, CA - AI{-11,r7 Super Cobra helieopters were after the 3 recent accidents that killed 8. -t994- 013A5-5 Bowling Green, vA - w>rplosive devices deteonated on firing rarnge at Ft A"P. Hil1, accidentally, killed 2 & injurd 13. --1996-- Je 4 A-3-5 One k111d, five hurt jn mountaineerlng training inCalif 1a -L997- My 12 A 5-5 no dot San Diego-Coast Guard,Navy search for 4 c,reu1.,frprq h-elicop- ter that crashed into pacific Ag Jr b-J-o Camp Pendleton,Cal-Lance Cp1.tsret M.Clements,22, of irath, MI died in light armored accident :?bb81. Mr 15 A_5_1 CHERRY POINT, N.C.-Crew of jet that severed gondola cable in Italy returned home to face possible charge.s -Ag 30 A-5-L NORF0LK, Va.-New charges filed against 2 aviaLors whose o16A5-I Tokyo-Yuki UemarlSrdied from injuries after hit-run acci- dent, U.S. Marine Randall Eskridge chargedrhit her motor- cycle ITAARINES : ACCIDENTS 1999 Court martial F 09 A 5-1 Camp Lejeune,N.c.f[I+il_of Capt.Richard Ashby whose plane flew low,cutting/3rkt'ttft cab1e,killing 20, opens Mr 04 A 5-1 Camp LejeunerN.C.-jury deliberates fate of Capt.Richard {shby. Mr 05 A 5-2 Rome-Italians angry about acguittal of Capt.Richard Ashby; PRemier DrAIema to discuss it with Clinton 16 A 5_1 Camp Lejeune,N.C.-Marines tg drop manslauqhter/homicide cha rse s asa i n s t navi sator Jf ":B?t?.,."1*Ettr?t.r i an c ab 1 e i INE: AERO:

    h,r rH 41 NA,AL p,oTe,uitnlf;.!f;**, ihlS-t*ffiff '3.*83[EB."LANE ,,"oliuilp,I",;'ffiffi. crpr.0.E.Gnnrr or R0TC "*.rfi.3F3; ; liigi*;ttyiEl*' c-11e rr-vrnr";;l3T--[n..,*, .;'i f;rr9;i .^=, ?y;::SEI fl5-rg ron 5 u.S.seRv:cEi€N Losr * ar#r,#nrt;;:,,0. yl?'irr^S;.*vi"iluoi a vEr oF Bs Mrssr -.rrusrr,h..r..t ,.u*Jrt"ill,.ti3Jt,, rNro HrLL KTLLTNGr\rLLrrw prLor l?-! 'ANTHERJETREN' rrLur AND rNJuRrNuJtrn2ztINJURING 19 o*vorJaea*-T*o.r'ovE coprE*s coLLrDE r-qjrD o,* or.P tirltirro Mn bnpus CHnrcrr-cepr Mrovrer n, --.,]ll-I1Y:?:** .. -. zs. tiz ff iy'.[lg,f I' ;"coFI :ml#L?ii' ]iitr'Jliil., * . ro'$"*il& l-, 3,.' Lr...tns.AusrlrurMnRrNe A" elr_orri,a"i-,,r,.RASH L,F Hrs JEApphfi'riiftlF. Tq5yo-lJ.!.l4ARrNE .pr..or KTLLED roDAy ,HEN HE rRrED rr^F,-i'fi, j?*i JET TO EASE ;tgss-- AP ?5t 2-3 aAiuI-5ui or nts Potnre,N.C.-t{an rNE FL' tf rLt='l-tiii''*-l'Cotten ilifi'Juii-aEiJneCxennv cirbi avenrtuc oearN fiv 22, t:?l\..-- D-)LsEN KTLLED l4v tgrH WHEN Hrs ;;;,F;;.-Li.Nonrunu -"d-3f iHE? iiffi ." [-'f I$' I? 3ll*" H ;i; \i'331i- ; I il*',,?' Iis"ifi i;'+'# ui ^?T FLTERs orrss,lI6rfl;i*:n+^"- seanm PLANE srGxrs c E or 2 u's'MARTNE pL/\NLp!,\NE oF,/, 2 U'S'Mantt'tE FLIERS *il Toxvo-SeancplIOKyO-)EARC6 sl(Hrsrr(,8r. u,rLoNE JE ,r.29, t-,1_g McAneNY Ml"stl'tc *HILE llE &t^lfi,. rlte Lr.At-4* 'EAR.HED toq.z Itjt'"u 1ij mlrrm,"l"all*$ u^Bi"&'fu11-fl''i.",jL f i'i; to""o-sr*cm roR 2 MrssrHG r'rARrNE. FL!Eps *^:t_ tl:

    AtR Foncer -[:^ftetiHi::_, Torvo-U.S.NawIDKyO-U.5.rlAvy o& u^vEI:l9lY-l9log?lT:.lo* t ?I"5lnB'na,qg OaVS nGAGr r JET PLANE^rK vANISHED ivER aCl'Ff C lln .TOfVO riiEis-wr'rtse .L 16, 1-1Malt- Fins Josepnrrue Brlu lerr Jaeaq tN HgPELEss vtotl oF-xEvER ss,stHc NiissAND-ndAlN rat5stt'lo stNcE JUNE 26 t955 t l666aes pLAilE !{orrr Je. cRAsEs orF KoREA ls LosT S 18, 1-20-1 torvo-|,la.r.J.Hllr,rs suFFERs curs UHEN Hts JET FIGHTER RtfiS OFF A & cFAsHEs S 29, 1.-3 brvo-frtantNE JET Ft(iHTER cRAsHEs Hn YoroHauA KtLLtNG ptLor | "'---19q6--- F i. 14-3 Torvo-u.S.ManrrrrE F-t2 .,Er sMAHSEs t"to-srt'l*E or n;*Ls-rleRE-rc-DAY K -ric'prioi-aaCivlr-raNsING ptLor 6 4 glvsl-gaNS , F5l1- 5l .t-3-5B-:-s i.LauoEnbalE-4 MARtNEs LEAp FR.FLAMTNT 'rFLyrtuc Bo>'caRrt ovefi Arlarurtc cE N ToDAyrBuT 2 DIED ENMASHED ,N THErR CHUTE HARNESSES rN SEA;NAMES I STED F'&'-1-q' 38 rtuleo-lr,LT|LLED-ALL ihnrneslhRnEB riti Acc SE or ouariD0guriD 4*)-$lo stnvtvor5+'19.1-1.fl tRor{o ilexr oF xttr rdAry oF vtc?tus EortFtED sav l{allwg -F ?o..EY?Zo.'Z*{ ffi0,!e*trHr"l&T& or1*, Fi Jf.#t E"ffiris E=t - .diit * 2ND Lr.Joglt L:Sur-ltvaH.Soulartelot Tup rlrt-enKTLLED rN epacr* rru Fv"oo, tN cRAst{ rru EveRolloEs^..ro

    r.s: t Nc *--htnsry m se-t rR t o* % l*tTr :1 :- 1^'' r* lvu Ei CnqwrnEn-' Ja xrr-r-Co rru-.r#"#Eennv pornrr,N.Cil!.o""fi.*'{To.r rk. ALL LoNs kAcH.rr..o, qrE.s *;-lffi;* s2 *r* *^*,*uht#o,r. vARD rrJT DIEE As PI-ANE rlLt-s 2 orlERs Ap 13, 1-1 Horouulud-lARtNE FtcHTER PtLor KEtlr,rerH l,J tLcox RAILS our or Hls DlsAaL qARRACKS ro .ler & LANDS 'rESlDE HIS lN CHUTE Mv 31, 4-4 f Et- Tono, GL r F i- Lr .Pa r u l p Scnoetzeu, Mtn t ltE L t ERr..Escueo' lFren 14 AuHrrrADRIFT ONISEAurrlrE^' , 'JJ i S\ LZ.1,2^ 24-?Z4_z Rerusaccn-l,Frl.-MaRrNE coprER TEACHER rn.l{tcurLr.H.R.Seelver HURT ullrH "avv sruoEr"r ENstruG A.H.Gauote rN cRAsH or copren Jtartolt-MtRlue D zrr za Gnosse ILE HAvAL Atn rRAtNlIrtG PLANE wHtcn-r'doc orr neii-CnrirrEs weEr oi varu wenrfgg;no twe

    17 ABO\rE q@tES FqND mr ar 3g-g lrexuul,Jeerr-26 loDtEs iecovEREo Ft.tli 7flt cRAsH _ Ai l, zz-o bfOStXarJaPAr'-EIctFE FATLURE DROPPED A U.S.l4aRt..E oRp Coifen wtrx 2 GEr,. A OARD l!.TO SEA TODAY-OFF lWnru.l Ap L7. 42-3- LT.LauRE.,silLiuHE:'G Vrj.6EiE6oi--lElnirhoiEiikir-r-eoVA..DERtloop JRrDerRotrEp,KtLLED ti'ri, cRASHcRAsH- 6*ror_ -Maqt.gfrafi r''i -!gnreonp \t,l*GfL-Ai.E .'R Sulr!,rERviute ,Aua.AF 16rx Ap ztt VZ tH pr ldm T Blr-l saveo As JET riuus mae HoMEs-LouGsvtLLE- 1958

    fH l{onror.rrVe,-lkl.rcopmi eRAg}Gs rtr?o uATEis g ,rrrr* l'g^i{;' JL 31, 19-8 Go.RaerDS-I{BECKAGE oF ABovE FlcHrER ,LAN FouND rN sE^ or'ieiem yxrne cT CRAsHED AG 4n1956;BoDy oF Go.RaprDS FLlrn,Lr,Roari lrJiruaNo ror;r.p 0N WRECKAGE dre O, ta-6 rrq-ulu-6 uAnlnEs EtcApE t0[,rRy A3 ruocopTEps HtT THEN FELL trTO OC- EAN .. , S 21. 4-18-6 To

    oFF r cER Lr.coL. ooan., FptTffi[,i$+ttt.-Rs.seR\rt *.n.gd.Sf?r imn- Lr Heioio Leqmo FronterrSruncrsrREscrJ€D AT ser -eFrei-nemE. AGCo , ^ - n". AG t2, lo7-5 lr.Cof .Douluo lYe-sor,xmrilE REsERVE prr-or LAIDED ;r'f,i li'd"o.sr t.. t1y11- AtR STAT|OT{ AF?ER ptEeE pga[E HEAt/y OF Et{ctirE Cotf,_ti&i ToRE L@sE Fioff 1119 0 l'z' A-1t-o Fonr Jrcxsorursoco-J€T FrGlrrER irR cRAsrEDo RECRU I rs ;fi ,hol glgr" Gi Hses rrro 2 xorEs,s *.*r.rio,"a1r1.s,o :o,'ER sits:*::IWO IVIARINE.PLANES 1,*: COLLIDE IN AIR TODAY

    , P1s6 H. BocrRous, 32, e,.ofil8ffiil. r.r nnrt'Eot3i^ffi';irl??* E AND BURSTS INTO FLAMES 0 6- A-s-3 SAroor{-FleLrcoprER 6plrHED ruean Quaruo lGar ,rrLLlNG, i !&eiir Iais & rruuun g Vrgr, lbu:s Auen tcer,r-qorn.*r*-, J o, J If fi;?r'ililn **. * Iftf,s, Ee$ HELY I'T"sr;a tcoprEn Hm;EscrAsttED 3o0a6-u M!LEs I r s u*#^ruonrnelSror-atf'E i+.$:9#t' JE 22. A-t-L Loruo Beacx.Crltr.-Lr.Cltrr J.JuDKtNS-1963-- lll oEscntBED Flls f;eecrtoN To PLuNGING 5:OOO FEET & LANDING|FEET IST.IN 6EAN WHEN HIS PARACHUTE FA LED TO OPEN AFTER HE SAILED OUT OF HIS DISABLED JET FIGHTER -1964-- l'rn 30, \-1-5 MEN FOIIND IN FIANILA.',dRECKAGE oF tI.S.- I'Ian!ruC HELICOPTER & BODIES gF 10 lstaruo-rl tss I NG s I *t Mo,NrA tNs oF wEsrERN Lrzor't flF28, 8-13-4 AT PtLoT CAPr.ROorsEU l-.Bnown PARACHUTED sAFELY FROII JET'INTERCE TOF '5 nes r oe nil R ToKYo ; b66 ;&i' JG;-E #6['Jii*iG' ily:i6gr:I1o- Lrs-l tf t5r'5A Pe rusecola,FLa. d'{an r rue Coeps Lri.BreimD G. tstt rzz, f, C,apr.Rosr. G. WATeRFtEU6 rttueo tN cRAsH TRAINER PLANE.HR L.vERGFEEN'ALA.

    TbmKom-I{eRIil CORPS TRATGTPORT PLAHE FETURiII!{6 TO V|ETi{AH CFAgH@ IiI iiABBOR.KiLLTiG 58 ctrr 13 suRvtvong AG 27. A-L5-6 DET.MqRrNE.Prc.Roruato L.PoreLu trAS oNE r 58 Gls KILLED tN PLAt{E cRA! rr Honuc Kd(lo Ac 24 lG 30. A-2-5 Hme KowO-Geonce A.kuL.SgrT Pterselur,l{D. rdHo stnvleg6 PLANE eRAsH HE AG 24roteo roDAvr3-' xns Eerong ,{rs F'ATHER ARRtvED.To-sEE^HtH AG 31' A-16-2^ luvgsrtcrtlcN TEArd REpoRTED TIERE tdAs ito tNDicATloN oF SAB(F 2a wircu-r ilLeo 5g Amn. ssRv rcEuEr , *U-+ei*ii6nilViit.s:Efp1;ffi MAR II\ES -. AERO - IEN]s , 1966

    Iyflplrv.t?..5 r 1i1 9,10 1grn1 wnu uF4an r xe A-G r*"i,iE*21+rkl-3o*. * coLLrDEo wrrHA s,srER urr & cnAsnSge/_r_o smiinri:[i'idiqq+:ryJ" Slturn Ann-CApr.Jaurs PowetL KTLLED wHEn Hts SrYxawK tET ATT -AcK pLANE HAD MIDAtn 6Rlsn tN RArN ulrFr A-48 SxvuAUK cRAsH tNc rNTo RETTREMENT coMMuNtrY-4 rN HoF,rEs KTLLED_ r Mn 27, A-r-4 6x WasH-Sup Cr Reruseo To REvrEw LobrER cro HoLDtNG THAT Govr cANNoTFBE suED FoR DAMAGES By NExr oF rlru or 5 MARINES-KtL ED r.r,r AF rRA!,sppRT pr-ANE cRAsH Je 2J, D-9-1 5x CempleueuruerNC-2 HELtcopEERs cARRytNG oFFtcE wonxeRs oN RoorlNE BRUsnup ExERctiEs coLLtDED tN FLteur rooev & tnr Ft-AF1Es ro GRoUND K t LL t Nc AT LEAsr 20 man t NEs, t N.,uRy t ue 1! catse oF A&vE coLLrsroN sorcH? ,le zt,2i.8h17-1 AM,NG 22 nen' -';j; l'ilTil.',i:l"-: :::: ;,ffiff9;]lTl;I"'^" ffie#&i;FrsPFBfwfEf*nPd'Pi.li*a, & rruuunvr nre { --1971-- Je 7, A-1-1 cRASHED wlrH AttecANoY Atnttrrles PLANE oven Los Aneeues -MANY K r LLED Je10 r A-1 9-1 MEnttue pLANE AccusED oF AIR sruNTlNG BEFoRE oRASHT D2O rD-11-7 J MenrNES DrE rNcRAsH o\gFb!"rrER.N ,o, !-q4_1 -_. lrt TnnrsponTATtolr Srrerv Bo-ieponreo rrir-Jz 6, 1971 ooLLrstor oF Eouttiicrer- llnLlflER aro MlnlNE JET FIGHTER ov Li-;;;'iiieib'-;Aur.i. 1971- Je 25, B4-1 Nc ro FtND our t*Hv 2eNe rrue OV-10 K6LLts'u BROtTtCO OBSERVAT I ON PLANE CRASHED ON ly4-l'ORTRT HURON;HURoN i RESERVE OFFICERS MantNe Ma.l JoHtu M ROSe'Btootlrtero HILLSe Capr Roaenr Dav t sr16rMl NNEAPoL I s.GRaHAM Ji 19, A'21-1 t4an rerrn Ga--!man rNEs l( ILLED I N HEL'"ont.55loniliZ_r

    ,H[tiJ"-Jli:'JiJ'"'-lll1*qap.ttlT'-,lt,H"fl?i$EIrre ,.:a MARTNES s AERO I AECIIEiITS 1975 dr 25r C*r-z NNNE JIPrP-} U"S MENTUES KILLEO. $N T{IT. }IELTEOPTER GRAS}T 015, D-rhl CxennvPre N.C._ cRAsH oF rLAHE rr!-La t ulntilEs.O16rt)-5-5 CtennvPre- t uentnes otE tn Nonmr OlnoltrA Acc. juo H r ro, Haura r r *u -Man =coo .o ou* ?3' rl;?;1 *ntlo.'"'"-" 8 rtrleor2 truuuneo"r-il?Tk;;r- Je zl, B_io_a- ^ Hlr,orHawat l-Cpu.Vt cronEcxtorrrMaRquerrerMlcn.I r uleo tmMnn &rELlcoprER AIR cRAsH lN isot-ATED TBAIN!MG AREATB r luueo -1977- Je 201 A-2-, DC-Hannlen AVB yERTtoAL iaxeoF'r rrET lmpnovEo ulrH NErd PRoOEDITRES Ju 15r A-e-1 y PfrNG-drrEor tET cRAgllEs ounrmc oaia6nsraATt_oil Fon or NAvv CuYron -',977- o 21, A->6 Manlta-HeLtooPTER cRAsH KILLs 10 Glrs t{R ctrY a 2\ A-4-' Manlra-14 MoRE BoDtEs rorAl- 24 Gls oEAD !t{ coPTER cntan

    HoNELULu-2 Mrcu MEN AMoNG 24 oEroc c-. l^3ll*k'Eln"rERGER A 5er-orvro G SmtrH o N 25, A-4.1 FAtr-s, 100o rLL FRoM Sar,rDrEGo-DrsrdAsHER fi"g6l StfS$ loor toAl-l TAtrEOFF JETrHlRRlERrFAlLgr2t{O OrleH tN 2- ,AYSTPIEOTS SURYIVED -19'18- I'18 UZr A-U- itlaontD-oopTeR FALLsT 3 uantres ote --1979----Jt27, a-5-6\tt Tulet.trvr'r t Ne PeLMs- 2 Man t lte F4 JETS coLL tDE. ' s B? A-11-1 SnruroDtmtmeo-copTER CRASHED larHtLE qNRESCUE t'4lSSloN !N TFIE iijinicerus-oavasrio tsleruo NATloN. J t< lLLeo' MARINE$ s AERO I ACCIOENffi 1984 Yla 25c A-2-1 $EoutrS.Konea-PlentuE coprEn cRASHED, 18 Amen & 11 S. Kon S FEARED DEADC COPTEN PLOT{ED IN?O STDg OF MOUiITAIN -1985- My 5, A-2-1 Tokyo-Copter with 1! aboard plunged into ocean south of island of Tanegashima. All feared lost My 6, A-2-1-4D07 Tokyo-Copter plunged into ocean. 17 feared killed FlY 7 , A-3-1 Cpl Robt J. Hurray 22 of Ferndale killed with I6 fellow marines in crash of copter off Japan l1y 7, E-7-1ST Believed all 17 aboard were US Marines. Ag 26, A-6-2 LagunaHills,Calif-l of Marines newest E largest copterrs, The Sikorsky crashed. 1 killed. -1985- Je 11, A-15-5-4D07 SantaAna, Cal i f-Bl ack Kn i ghts Maj John Summerl in ki I led in crash off coast of France Jan 8 AS 30 , A-5-2 Norfolk-Hel icopter carshed in Atlantic 0cean off Norway killing 2, 6 missing, 13 survive AS 31, A-5-1 Norway-Hel icopter with 21 aboard slammed into parked hel i pter while taking off from assault ship S 1, A-2-6 Norfolk-Most of victims of hel icopter crash identified. s 24. A 1t4-2 BeaufortjZ rescued, 2 missing after jets collide s 5 A-3-1 4 die in helicopter crash at Camp Pendleton. -1988- Ap 20, O-3-,1an Gulf_ Hopes. dim for 2 on missing Cobra copter in Pers 2 MY12, A-)-1 helicopter crash near 0ahu kills 3. : AERO: ACCIDENT: Mv16. A-8-1 I988 Bodies of 2 pilots shot down over persian Gulf recovered. Je 26, A 3_l Coplen crash in Japan kills 7 Marines J" 27, C 3-1D 1st Lt Patrick C Fleming of Bay Clry Mich among 7 a*a in Japan 031, A-3-1 4 l,tarines killed in helocopter acc, -1989- Mr 19, B 4-l Marine lsE Lt CHnisEopher M 0'Connor of Gaylond,-age25 E 3 others killed in copLer crash in Korea-Bradford Mr 20 A-1-2 Seoul-Copter crash in So. Korea kills l9 marines. r 21 A'3-1 Marines investigate copter crash -1Y69- Mr zt A-3-5 NoDot Seoul-Foul play discounted in copter crash' My 4 A-3-lNoDot Marine pilot died after ejecting- from jet that crashed on takeoff at Parris lslandlSC' My 4 A-3-1 3Dot U.S. mil itary hel icopter clipped high-tenslon wire in France ki I I i ng 5 mari nes. My l1 A-3-1 '14 marines missing after crash at sea off 0kinawarJapan. Je 3, 8-17_4 Boqucki of Burr Oak, mlssing after crash In Pacific-Talkington8JessupN copter 2\ A 3' l 2 Marine pilots, Todd Travis,Michaet vidusek aboard a Hel- icopLer from the USS IWO Jlma that sank in Mediterranean, declared dead -1990- JL 20 A 3-1 US Marine Corps relief reconnaisance plan9.]99king- for.- ilu[-"i"rims in the Philippines crashed killing the pilot. MARIMS: ARO: ACCIDMVI 4992 F9A3-1 4 marines werekilled vihen Lheir H-53 Super Stallion helicop ter crashed at Naval Air station cecil Field nr Jacksonvill, Fla. ApIDlI-l Mich Marine,Rodney N Hudson among 4 U.S. marines declared dead aft a helicopter crash off Somalia in Indian Ocean. 7 killed in crash of test plane y-22 Ospr.r'r'r,1lu1 '-' -7993- My 20 A 13-1 I U.S. marines were ki11ed whenwnen militarymII]-tarv heli.copnetlcoD terg us-e{ 1n- pres f leet crashed Ag L7 A 4-L Avalon,CaLit-2 Cgbra- helicopters collided oier pacif.ic; 2 marines missingr4 others rescued -L993- S9A4-1 San Diego - 2 marines died dren an AH-1 Cobra attack heli- copLer crashed near San Diego; 4 nrarines died wlren 2 Cobras collidd on a training mission after takeoff. S2LA4-L Ttventy nine Pa1msr G - 4 killed in helicopter accident. -!995- E2]-A5-5 llogadishu, Somalia - Sgt Justin A Flarris, 23, of OH was uissing aft Huey crashed in ocean. FlS Hornet fight My l0 A 5-5 2 Marine helicopters collided during training,Camp LeJeune, N.C. -L997- s 16 A 5=2 Cherry point, N, c'-Marine fighter oa, coast jet crash.u N.carolina MARINES AERO ACCIDENT : : 1 998 F 05 A 5-5 nodot D!-nilots fly ldw-level.1000 training missions in prowler jets ;but not below ft.;re ski iable cut in Italy ny US pilots- F05Ab-5 Cavalese,Italy-Pilot who cut cable violated Italian air. safety;they want him prosecuted F 06 A 5-l 3Dot admits pilor was fryiis 'Rome-|ilil;':i!;i;o[,1itary d.or_ygn Italian investigators remove data from jet'that hit cable killing aLL 20 people aboard. F L2 A-5-t E- Marines relieved Lt. Col. St,ephen Watters for the accident that killed 20 people. Mr L2 A 4-L DC-Marines in cable car accidentrltalyrto be punishedrsays Pentagen l'grf Mr 13 A s-l Avianorltaly-Crew in cable accident could be charged with involuntary manslaughter or negligent homicide -L998- t4x 27 A-5-4 DC- 4 man crew of a lrlarine Jet that severed a cable car wire in the Italian Alps charged with invol"rntary manslaug- hter and negligent homicide. MY 7 A-15-1 Camp LejeunerNC- Marine jet,s were 300-500 f t. above ground before slicing ski cabLerflZAel.pf_S

    pilot & navigator of Marine jet that kilLed 20 in lt.aly Aq 27 D 2-3 KUdsin, Michel W., Ag 20, 31, died when F/AL93 Hornet crashed durinq trainingrN.Australia ]-999 F05A5-1 Judge rules Capt.Ricliard Ashby whose camp Leieune,N.C.- prane s6vereil cabie car wire,,* *r.,91'"3;:"X"J:= f3.,|5"Sio.u" MARIMS: Affi.O: ACCIDHIT 1 999 Mr 30 A-5-1 CAMP LE.IEUNE, N.C.-Navigator of Marine jet thar sliced ski cable in rtal_ian Alps said it was 'stupid' to destroy videotape of flight-pleads guilty to obstruction Ap 29 A-5-1 Camp LejeurerNC- Capt. Richard Ashbyr32, went on trial on obstnrcticn: charges" q My 11 A-6-1 CAMPLEJE"uM,N.C.lMarine pilot gets 6 nos for goidola acc in ltaly that killed 20 D t0 A 3_l San-Diego-7 Marines missing after helicopter crashed in Pacific Ocean during training; 11 others saved MARINE: AERO: AIRCRAFT:HAWKER SIDDELEYIHARRIER't 1969 Mv 15, A-16-1Rrre WASI,I-UOSDOMARINES Pt'RCHASNNG 12 NAOVE FOR FIqHTER ATTACK Sq AORON TO BE STATIONED AT CHERFIY POINTr N'C.-HElNLr JRo INE: AEROI AIRGAff: ,HELI60FTER I 956 434 arFoRorOoNN.-TwrN ENGTNE !iu*,*r^co"renrS-so, n,r, !1136 oF L62.7 sETs NrEl* HETGHT REcoRD oF 121000 FT. ---1958t-- Hr 2, A-B-1 1* 3 COMBAT DII'ISIONS TO BE EQUIPP.ED TO LAND BEHIiID ENEMY TIUES -BY WAY oF HELrcgprEi _ :-1967-- S-zar-a-io-[ SAtcoN€ US MnntNE HELtcoprER usED To cARRy suppLtEB ERsu ro MnRliuEs etoruo DMZ, cRo-u_][DED BEcAUSE oF srRUcruRAL oEFtc- I ENcy --IgBi- Je 1T t A_17_gM ll1lfrglqq lorIm.-LAR-cEsr !,tosT pounRFur. tN bEsTERN tpnt.o VERED yEsrEBDAy To lvhnt re Conp. -L993- 9L2A4-L Camp Pendleton, CA - All-lW Super Cobras were grou:ded after 3 accidents Look the lives of 8 marines. MARIIIES : AERO : A]RCRAFT

    Repoer ExERc r sEs coNDUcrED r u TRANspoRr r.ito. co*aor'iro-6ri-5i-iriico", R HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFUL 81953- F 5, 1-6 IEw JET-SKYKHIGHT.SHOOTS PLANES DOI.JN WITHOUT SEEING TI.IEM b,ITH HELP IF tsADAB F 6, 6-6 BovE MoDEL usED To DowN RED pLANES tN KoREA AT NlrE wtrFlcur SEE|NG THRU usE oF ELEcrRoNtc BRATN on ReDln-CaRvrs l4v 21, 23-1 BB MmrNe coRp AvrATt rN Nor{ EeutpED FoR llAGtNG AToMtc wARFARE r,nrN ENGrNeo (srronsry) neu,;l3T;-.*or, rr ro ./A*1'rt3;Lg:lEt uEFUryrfKAtEuDEMONSTRATED BYDy ABOVEAEUVE c .- a, S Ll ,6Z_3 - D.C"-A,TANINES UNVEIL NEIi' TYPE COPTER HITH NE PD.ROCKET ENSiNCS HIDDEN TIPS OF ROTOR BLADES IN Dv 4.a, 14-s. ROTQRCYCLES,)NE IIIAN PORTABLE COPTERS'ARE GOII{G, TO B8 BUILT FOR THE mw CoRps ron expen|MENTAL PtFPlsEs D 2, A-!4-t inmio oBSERVATT sr Jt-s-irtNeEn6 s,:eE RF-cErvEDohoNco't-1968-- FrRST oF ue* rvri'or TTACKAcK AIRCRAFT,AT RcRAFT O/ l0A .rA 7rc-1r-4 LF -eun&H71- ICAI.LY LIKEl eeE',tb1t'flFq6oFa[c$6EEeil;i?-T]'t][dHf fi eo66n56R/SRTtoALLY *-tgzl- ]4n 15- A-13-1 LA-l,trv AcQUrRf .EEr DESIGN cALL'D suau ircrlcAL pp111 MoBtL!ry ,LATF.RM i*tF)"''cLE 14v22, B-2-1 \l Mantnes AGREE To BUy Eh,lNc-trltrue F14 on F1l uerrens tNsrEAD or F{,rrs rRom Navv -1977. l4v 22, D-11-1 DC-conrnovERsy oven F15 on F18; rdtLl TltEy eui 200 or E,THER, oR a Jno, rue F1{-Herrl -1977- Je 20, A-3-, DC-CNAST-PRONE VERTICAL TAKEOFF t,ET FIGHTER HEnnIen AV8 lMPRovEo _1990_ s 25 4_6_1 L.A.- 4 -L993- s24A4-L DC - Grotnrding most of its 11150 airplanes & helicopLers for 2 days next wk in a safety exercise . $ARIITESI REROr AVIATOre I 939 Form 1556 S 24r1-L1'6 quALsFlcATlo?ss FoR *Euts_tr6+Tffi REDUCED Ap 26. 7-1 5 JErRetrERs A$6orcG f3 irrcfiGEn saeaulreo rnou,ihvafirftYte6ffirclu f iruilgOCerfunrCnftrt@rLtsT ra .^1 . Mr;.D vro Tsonasor.*,r,.'0,* co*i]o?-ilt|Il;tt rrr rfo[irll'3i1.,' nsryrnroNr uers, Ar NrGHr t{'gISTgs.gyjMENr ro ,w i,tt1, MmtNe CoRps TooaY AHNoUNCEs PLAttS FOR INCREASING ITs-SUPPLY OF Pl -a I a r u r no iioonau roR coHM I ss rirnouEx rn jrJTgBE-y- 0N? irh$.i+c[*Ds u/ASU-MANINE MAY AOO 1 YR SERVICE TO ALL REGULAR. OFFICER PlLors o 1Bt A-4-4 ialnin-ioo MANy REstcNArlorus & Nor ENou.GH_rRl!ryiE: REASoN UairNe MAy EXTEND DUTy oF REcULAR oFFICER AvIATQRS FoR 1 vEen l'lARlNE - AERO - IQUIPfiENI. . l?55 ,h et-t ASoVE HAS NET{ RoTocHuTE FoR DR0PII{G SUPPI.IES zt, 04ARINES- A[R0 - lN EUoqPr 1952 AG r.2,1-28S2 PANCS- HANIzuT FLIERS TO BE URANSPERE,D HERE To tsol-srER liesreRru atn FSJER FIARINE: A&0: lN JAbAH. 1961 W 22, C-tt-a koufirDeo rN -JeBru roa LACK oF PARTS FOR AIRCRAFT -1989- My 4 A-13-1 w Aha, Japan-Oki nawans don rt want marine jets in area. 1961 & 15. A,-11-2 BEGIN OUIZ O{ DISAPFEARANCE oF KoREAN tdAR HEio 8x3T:iE$EY+'*A[l8E" wHo6 tR/iritri{G FTAf{CE CRASHED &u 3neo rN I{ARYLAT IIWS" : AERO I S,IANEUIEffi F.qrm 1656 .Ja L4t'' a,t Br- Srn pLAt0ES |-EAVE FLAr ron 1'dEsr lr{otes roR MqueuvEfrS- .E -4.32. ro xoro LARGE scALE *rAlrEWEE--L947-' lffift= seer^ r.a. 1nr f#i,B&- u*,. &hntnd F1iERS BA?TIJ MoCK FOE oN tst.AilD AT cALtF.- --', I 943

    Lreur. coL. BuRNErr lyrLL sE coHfifiSlfif orrrcER Ar so*Te^6i*r'Xii

    noas Tqvo-Bn r e .Genr.JoxH r i{ *o* * .o*rffi;}n3?-.i^u?3:"'lif# cor". AIRCRAFT WING [,i,\li lLES : AER0 : P,'\RiC!,I-[E TR0CPS t94t Fora 1656 Ja 12" L-72-8 3 orr lcEns ,1.4 r',lEN rRA r il I NG ,r\r LqKEFtuRsrrN...!" I'IAF,I NES: AERO: , t?AY 1960

    rHousAND DE'K pouND prLors AsovE *#pAy Severu oF ,o oS 3linn, Losr i,i\i,.lll!:5 : jiillo : iiicitu lT5 I DrIi,r_rlT l95l F 26, o-s iigcnr:rrs ro BEGru Boor rnArrlt:rc ,,h 5 ,ARlnES : AER0 : RECRIJITS 1946 -AVlaTtoN pERsoNNEL i,rAy RE-ErrrLtsr FoR Gnosss tu-Euiit ---1951--- 0 31' 1-5 Blt-ry }[BR!so!113, Vewoa.t,rArlLr-. ro BE crvEN G6LD vnNGs oF FlGttTER ptLgT AFTER DECrD'NG OF+ tlARl$tE CAPEER-Lg63- I,iy 29. A-11-1 Gnosse ltr l4nnrrue AtR RrseRw uNtr uNTtu Jl1 ro AccEpT n.lrN wreHrNG To FULFIL THE!R MILITARY O6TIEITION THROUGH SEUECTIW STRVICCS 6 MONTH PROGFNi{ I4ARINE - AERO.- RESERIE . DETROIT 1954 * oF ABovE ro FLy ro EL ToRo Carrr FoR MAHEUV.*! " MAP INE: AERO: PESERVES, MA$JELIVERS t954 Ao 15, 1-1^-3 Der.area ?{EMBEFS oF ABovE LEAVE FoR SUMIJ'ER MANEWERS AT LL TORO, tF. 1935 t',lARlt\ES : AERO : RESERI/ES : l4lCHlCAil Hone ErR n'churrs,soue*r:Ghoi.#Et Hf8. couplo'ilb 5'r ffii-8r voLUNr EERS-EERS --1949- Sq 3.3- 9-2q-2 Lr. coL. Pnrutp B. lhv AsstMEs co&lrrAND Aln [rerecul,teilr ai Gnosse lsue 5 4,'' L-2-5 Manlres at GRosse lte ro pARADE FoR NElt couMeNosi. - - F{aRrrue RESER,E RADAR u,rr oro*ffit?ffi*, o, e^*[.t?i.'3iirron JA 13' 5-2 Donar-o p. TnovEn ApprD. corudR. ;,13?fI seuAD ,u.f*iB:.o1..t SuspeNstoN ENLTsTMENTS Ar GRossE lLe arurrourucro ai--C-o]'pirirp B. Mav FonM new MERTNE Arn REsenrrE Fronren Souaonou * 8X"138 1i/ lthJ. TxoS. N. MqRey AppT. coMi,rANDlNG oFFrcER *r4tfll"L-tDruced rrcnT seuADRoir lr Gnosse lle; ver ptLors souGHT _19q5__ JL 18, 2-4 Porrlr-$ovE urtDER , *..*illnffin,*u FtspFERs or Hrcn ABovE REsERr, .*'#SFuiii orrro.JF*rtpr3ff** & MrLrr REVtEw To BE HELD Je.8 ar Gnosss lsu AtR STATIoN --1.956r- Jr- 20; 6-L AtRFl r REsERvEs'tNNTJL^YLJ r rt GRossEu^vJJL lreI E ilourlVW o\ts! MANEWERSrvr^rYLgvrn -.-195f;*_. , wt'iy 21;21,; 18-318:-3 New ptanrrrre ur,rir eol4r,rssroNeo' ar'e*ffi1'?l;-goi.osse lLe BAse l,lRl"lR 20.20, 13-1 BRtg.GEn.FRaruK C. Cnorr ro lNspEcr--1959- 6 uantNEMARTNE ArRAtR n-esenvengseRVg squseuADRoNs AT aBovE MR Pl-21- 6-5 flR?He.*. Fnnar cnorr syAs pRopELLER DRrr.*DRTvEN PLANEs sritt;ll,-l-3 usEruu-Ptpp --1960+-"**ll Ja 23. A-7-5 !{t{. H. KuNre JR. eecol,Es BRIGADTen eei.liili or iEn'dEr'rEcaLs oFFTcERS or l4nRtrel4nntrua CBRps.-l,hRruECpRps. lhRrue ResenvEs F 2. A-15-1 BRrc. GEt'r. FneoERlcr Leer ro tNSpEcr lilnrrue Aln ResEnvE ur.,rrs BASED A GRossE luE Naval ArR surronsurroru F 3- L6-18.6-1 fltgt.t Bnte;Gen.Wt"'t.H.KurNKE JR. ieLts or pART lN seaRcf, FoR MtsstNG ANT

    I sue t'4aC t Nes eEr nrew coMMAND r NG orr l ceR. Lr.CdL.GEo.D.Wottcnrol1 *t962-- Hv 23, A-6-1 ETED FoR ut[-lMlrED QuorA FoR 6'+{otffH RESERVE PRoGRAM .. ;;;;; r.Nrr.rHE 4rn MrRrre a," o,*u ;" [l$1. o' i-srairon ruis wEer -*1963- ^r%la.Htf-.}JA 23' A-8-2 Gnosse tlg nsrRves ?O RECEIvE EFFtctEr{Cy AI{ARD & 2 sAFEry CtTATIor.{s 0 zz- B-o-t t" RoeEnr L. ,Rargsur'l NAMED collelAF,DER oF Gnosse lt-e l,laetrue'Atn Resenve fna,ru1ruG DE-racm.,ut'ry &, N 23. A-15-1 lil^il$.DR]'3i'M:''[**D,eHrEF oF P,ARrhrE Gnp^- Arn &3i*d-+kt*, *, r wEEKEND cHEeKrrue Gnosie |LE_gtgrt4lrR srArroir rER2qI"6Ip_ffT sErrnrDGE DETA'HMENT or*riIi'l3lir"rrrun orlvS';.Xi6;3tl TrrrswGnrH -$76_ Ae 5, B_1_2 E Atn Resenve TRatNtNG Derqcmnerr ar SEITRtDE Atn frleru GuaRo Blse ro BE DEAcr0yATEo rH!s FALL-TIrtsuoatn N18rB-'t-2E AlrecooH MaRtue Atn Resenve Uutrsr I.tAvE BEEN DEAcrl vATED Mantrue RESERv!srs wlLL srlLL fnalfu AT THE BASEr Ttrsr*Onfu l,i':rRlllES : AEIS : RESII\LS : l,BtslLIZAT|t[,t , l95t Jn 16n 1-2 Gg,';,ssr ItE FrettrcR seLAD ,..LEPJrED FoR /rcrrvE DUTY JA 20. 1-lFINAL Io oqltt I 9 M-RE AtR RESERVE SQUADR NS ur lt, 1-1-6 4,600 A{IFE AIR RESERVES TO BE CALLED UP r FRoM GnossE lt-e. teavE ron ouaufffo-Vl" 2ai,#t ABovE.BAcK tN DET. oN Hot-toliy vacarioru -4947- JL 15. 7-1 T. CoL. DIN Tonqev AssrJMEs oIIER-ALL c6Nr'rrrun or ile-r]"filniilethnlile Alnqln Conps ESERVE l{y 9, 1-10-2 3* ERvE FLTERs ro MANELTvER tru N.C.,- --_1%9:- JLy-10 AG 5- 1- gantr,re uNrr Ar Gngssr lue cerueo ro;l??Frrt ffol'rll'o 4-'t-2 lvhntruEsNEs roTo cALLCALL 13 NoneMoRE RESER,ERESER.E FIGHTER seuADsSQUADS ro o0woow eeronEse JIi,I 1

    t,tlR,*E Arn ResenvEs ro or*,rrTt8ik, r.. $ff,lo+fttS WEEK 23- E-L5-3 72 t'hnrrue Arrac< seuADRoN 231 wrNs cril13P1rr,ir^. ofE-i?iofi;'ft;rftarIoros Aruuuel 9,AFEW:TY AWARD FOR 1961 0 12.12, c-15-1C-15-1 tuE Atn uNlrs FAcE tNspEcrtow I Forra 1656 MY 31.6-6-3 RVE^CORP9 UNIT BElhge ORGAI\I|,ED ltt oET. JE 10: 9-3 I{E LOBPS AIR RESERVE BEGINSBEG rHS REoRGoREORG. ii'GnossE'AT dtrE;,.ffi I E',.f,io : tH co}&tAmD OF :o?:fi .Cilg^[EsERvE u 13,6-6-313. A{- RecrutrsS ronFOR RsseRtmsI{E5ERIE,S BE|NGIBEING REctsTEREDPFeIe?FpFr} N BErNo RE.RUTTED roo dill#ffi,n,*u o, e*{.1e31.3ffiil 6-2 pHrBlAN & cRsrrwREcKED EN Ror,rrErgaFE rH tur*#rilt w ie'. tz-z oN wAy ro Gnosse lL. ,61&3#;t *,r* ,o^, - JE 7r .8u",,* Resenrre n,-,.*!*#'?iil..r,oo t*2 rtEca o ,.1, 1-14-1 rprrcr oF FLesE- rrru"*1T-ffiu--- AP 2, 434 DErRo lrERs swonr't I N AS Av tAr toN sFei leutsrs.-' tsrr'sr aw- Ir rg,re, orHER-t,;onOTHER-THAN u.',d*ilG. I'IERAL 3[i0l#.jliil?:rsrs'SERV|CE @!947--a il98: l!1Pan JorlARlON '.t.I,ARL ARL ORcANtZlt{tORGANIZINg t41Elrygl;OnpsrtAR trre^cont 1ST UefETJ _UtOtfen- sorAmotr >L'J+9-€ AP f, *B""rFf irf ,^$:unffi,#'er.1ffi"ffift #*i#rlT+%?-L*[tE p!-ANs tss iaruraa AunArua ealrp:,u^*rcarrp: ,Efloe#ffiurElog#&?d ffiEAflgppFFppLANtB6s"Epp6["p.o* # +'d,t"t+-.1r;;; ncn-u,-u-''ioR,ueiotr.r-t'io*,*, Bol,sxrsBousxre JET.JErs ;;lffi;rs;r-lHim or HauaT,'ii*tfr;?'. AR"D,R"D To' clvectve 24 HouR AIR DEFENSE'EAM HERE -71967--- Mv 6, A;-5-, /lss-MaRrNEsss-MaRrNEs ro cET AtR FoRcE TRAtNtNG *197r- _F 4, A-7-1 lDor MIRTpE,ENLtSTED,hRrrue,ENL!srED l4ENMEN sERvINGSERvING AS PlLors,FlUOrSr Fg-Yttuc Peorus, RET!l iiiiii ii [eEri[eii ;'1;- i Li'rt-zFr I N sERv ! cES 3 NAvY. oc-narinec-lt"ri ne corps commandme"i'3??"* stop for 2 Qays of refresherref resher safety",, trai"r,jiil"u;:;lr*:3" n iirg af ter rash ---L99L--- Ag 27, A-L- Charleston,SC-Vulture(bird)harleston, SC-Vulture(bird) downed jet after colliding at5( footoot al-titude -L992 Jl 29 A 10-1 Talktalk of ditching product.ionproducLion of the.cosLlythe.cos V-22 Osprey,an experimental:xperimental hellcopter-airplane-Edit i MARINBS : AERO L995 146 w29B3-5N In 3 resenre aviators accidentally bombed a cabin crui ser in Iake kie. 1972 c J 1, A-9-B Race BnRouross, NonwAY--Flnsr lrureRcorurtNENTAL A !R CONTROI. STAT I sET uP HERE, rueanUv 2J00 FEET ABOVE INLET or Apcroc Seao MARINES: IN ALBANIA l-995

    2 U.S. Marines wounded in bar fight iIARINES: ARMS: AT0"lC 1959 r4aByo DWelOpeS A-BOMn MISSILE TO BE FrRED FR.M,o*f*torAiSEi .o* fuiARII€S : ARMS 1943 tq' AppEau ro ErnorrERs roR **,u&tPoA6f,€. ,* cLosE F,u[rt'*A D 29, 2r-6 t{lnrNes onop Fl-l CARBTNE AS A----1954-'- IEAPON 1955- - f{R 13, l._3_5 l4lRtrefs DEcrDEs ro REpLACE rrs 10 tNcH BAvoNET HtrH ARuvrs 6.6 r iioDEL Ja 4, 3-t 1H Repont MaRtues rN MiDDLEAsT HAvE----1957*- AToMrc ARTTLLERy .r-en,-r-,,rF h-..-"- r b^-^ .^ . N 1, A-zo-t 3c Denven-PFC DeNros [- Ross,19 unore-ildie-=:1?9e: ro ,AFE'{TS ibi'eTsror- sAyiB RtFtE ls iotr pRppER EQurpr4EN? FpR GUESCLLa_Wlnnn.qe urss-coRps rru vrEr rEs,rvc ,;;1i3u; MF:MEtrR uo"8r3fu*%3-3*^r. ,uuo ON FAM.LY s 30, e-15-e Wnsx-Onoaneo 100r000 cams Lt BRtcAitr FoRusE or{ tHFAHTRy t,EAPOBS IH SAI{DY-& TCUOOY AREAS OT VIETI{AM i'IARtNES: .qTHLET ICS t952 .,rt z, at_L iITHLETES WI TI{ fdARI NEs GIvEN CHAITICE TO tMPRoVE THE I R 5Kl LLS-'SAL'EMtE wtRlMS : & AToM BCf,4B 1947 A '-p 161 38'8 NEs prat AroM oMB rEAms FoR l-AuNcHrNG srrEs MARINES : AUSTRIA 1987 Ap'14, A 2-5 rsocial 3dot V I enna-5 gua rds reass i gned for contac-tt wlth natives Ap 15 A-3-4 DC-5 marine guards ordered to leave embassy in Vienna for questioning in govt. invest igation of security Iapses. Ap 15 A-3-5 No-dot DC-4 marine guards at embassy in Vienna are being sent to U.S. for questioning as part of widening investigation. B{ARISIES - EAD 1934 il 114?rt-1 Hrsrow oF AmvE & rAusn ts-"g,rBgPelg& $,{usrcrans un,rg* prorEsrs * ,SiffigE,* : T,,r%Urffi{d;Nt* Dgt Crty eouncrr REFUsEs l'{lnrr'te enfi5'Fur{o oF $1,@6- --' To saneproe Clrv :{ALL JL 18 .rltz8: 74-o Arrcusr 0LAcuEz lN TowN wrrH Hts QuUrTlco !,lnnlrue Blno :.i-fg4S;- My il!. 31-4 glt2[3a r &h n I r're'lPr;#lg t'h" E'H'dqEs-m &. Tnitl ;3" bE ^r HCIUsE cor.t,t.cG,RECTs Ft-Au, tN BILL u,lltcu rlrouLD t-tAvE oesrRdvro anr.Io flrsrwv or' *"%jig hoposeo rRrp ro DErors zsom-.fig?5 BtRTrlDAy panry ne.lrciEo--'

    Lr. coL .HM .F.sanrelauA*rj. co*Ducffi;r-lH?i.i,.. REr r RE ffir'f3r'o-t N 4' 34-3 pLevs ro ATDTEHcE oF z.o0o ,, rdi-ilF,lffi,* _ E-lgsgF- 0 13p 32-3 lH PLANs To comcsRgr 0 15rx rN RoclesrcRlHrcHo Mv 3. F-9-7 [E I'lARtne CoRps Scxoou Bero rnora-1964- QurrurrcorVa.ro vlsti Der.]4ry L3 & 14 ' *1965E Hv 31, A-X4-4 Hesn.-Dtr.Co-.Atae,Rt knoappeR LETs AsstsrArr DtREcr laorrE FoR ALL PRESIDENTIAL PARTIES-UHE5HIRE O 22. B-9-3 6S Anoenrr,r,a-ilrar-r- Cnorao pELrs rHE AFovE lgtir,-i6rieu ieds _ ---1969-- Ja 2{, A-12-2 WASH- NIXON DISPE'{SED WITI{ -PIAYING- OF HAIL TO OHEEF tdEHN HE SIToRE' lN HlcKEL. --1971- - S SrA-2O-1 Race BENertr coNcER T FoR Der POltce Aruuerlc LEeduE To BE penronMeo By US MaRtrue Baruo on Ocr 9 at Coao Anerun

    Neu Navy HI0P coac,Es BAND ;l3lf-.orro"Il 3i;"1-33;1.^' to Conps Herrl ', I.IARINE: qASTS: CAHP DAVID 19s9

    HeoEnsrowurMo.-3 MAR r Nc sFcuRr ry quARDs ArAo.ovr, tpo, Jo*3io?il,uo,., FoR THcFT 6r corts;THFY ARF JoxH J.l'.ctLLryrJls.L.rouNN & Rocrr-Zupro It€STBASES!I]ETROIT r cr' ..iHArER & SE$.VANDEETBERc o#ff Iff r,rR TRATNtNGF%8E . Bnown rNTRo BILL FoR rRAflFrrsrc srArror lT DaT. El TonorCaltr-Bnle GEru Jonru F. Doeatr'rcoMMANDrnre iEi 6r^ABovE. ro cHE K souRcE oF sroRy rN BASE pAFER sollctrlNG IEMBERS FoR Jonlr Bincn Soc ErY -1988- Ap 10, B-1-1 ElTorolslof3govLownedairportsbeingconsideredfo cohabition by miiitrry E civilian iarcraft-VJaldmeir 1 959 t-tARtiEs - 6As6 - cAltP l{Ah6$l F 27) L3-3 [!,rHtrBt xet{A-But Ll rG mr 6r@0 HAH urt{D-pRooF cA}rt -1975- D Ir D-9-2 1-ooT Toxvo-] mARtNEs KtLLEo, 7 lr.luReo tlt ExPLogloN D 11, C-7-t -NEmss oF 4 MAFtHEs Ktt-t EolRlcHARD Snnvocr 25'lannv J tGsBy 24rJas H.UroeRwooo & Jas.S.PaRsnEuu i.i,\lililEs : Em : Cll,lP LEJEUI,tr l95 t jE lnuu;rv snEu-s ljtLL I i.ARtirEs.uolrrro 23 rrr DRTLLs . #: f# iGT 'RA?lcls ' rR\E tilLLED BY'DEFECT|I/E 5I{ELL AT uet.tp lgftutE ,E zz" a-z TLLIAH A.BluERrETrlrouNDED Ei956,-;rN MoR?AR BLAsr HERE IHAB [:.r#, e Clre Le.nuxr rN.C.-ErB r r r Flanriles ulrDERGo 2 reers or-riiriliie HACI{ERN rc 25. 16-1 lH GD.RAp I Ds-ttr ct{^EL J,Cortlx -tg:igt-iTiFiffit*oto $sro ron rfrvEi'uii[iei' i To ERRoi ABoUT sor RoERT. AT ABorrE G1g5g.- Ae 12, Sa-3 Drrnotr p14p1prSGT.H.Hnv Canarut r!ILFD AT ABove rrtr,r irzoorA ANTI NK ROCKFT FXPLODFS PRFIdATURTLY N 8. A-2-1 AYEJrtvtLLE!N.Q.-2 NeeRo r.ranlrues.SGT.EnruesT-1965- F.JoriSloreS oror-Ki Kv I PrcPrc.W :N T.ARSAD OF HHTLA. WENT o}I RAI,FAGE,HELD FAiITLY oF WHITES PRIS oPE}IEDoPEllED F|REFIRE oN 5 cansGARS "---{969--.-----Jt24J'aaza . t- A 44 14,^t c-1rJ-t 1t-l -1 5 NRnINES HURT tN RA.E i';;;;;: JL 29, A-4-6 NEGRO AND PUERTO RICANS CONFINED TO ABOVE IN CONNECTIONWITH THE DEATH oF cpLoEDwARD BANKSToNE ANo tN,JURtES To 14 wHtre MA R I NES- caNp Le.,e,;;:-;;;13f3;;;;;;;l:^1.7;,';13;1,- FR, c, oN Ar rr-us BASE- -KELLv. Ae 29, A-4-4LF CAMP LEJEUNE-1 1 l'loRE MARTNES CHARCED t{tTH R,OTlNc.,rUt_y 20 Ar ABovE- -1972- Jr_ 19. D-B-B Came Lr.reurue, NC.--NlcHoLAS B, BlacrwELL Krr-Lio tN HELt- copTER TRA tN ING A'cc TDENT; Roeenr L. CaRsTENsEN AND Mocuast P. CuRTts, tN\ruRED; F. G. MenGHE_&r- Mlssli\tI ss li{G G. -,g[|i ' Mx 2, A-1-5 SeCuntTY TtGHTEt{Eor Eponr sAYs BASE yULNERAaLE To TERRonl A? ATTACK.


    ' 'r958 II'ES: 6ASES: CAMP MATTFEI,,S AP 15,8-3 Bo DrrGo-auro or Ser.Eow,A.R egnrs COMFS ROARIT'G OVER ROAD DIP & PL tr,TO GRP OF MARCHIilG MARI"'Es;15 HURT I,1ARIhES : BASES : NNRfi CAROLITh t94t Fomn t6s6 M* ,nfl#ulB fit-ix,.JFttt-,metm.gg8&',i,'fJ"dF+^t-t5*t|,bh'tg1o;o'naase- HAR INE: PARNIS iSLAHD,S.C. I 956 srarr sGr.Marugw C.FlCeoN HELD FoE r{rrE aiARrH.roo 3i 3ir'i3,h[ rno* LlvEsLtvEs oroF 57 maRtNENIARINE REcRUlrsREGRUITS ApAP 8rxuTFr Apao r?17- 3-6a-a lleanralo RE\rEALs rxer Bosav LEe HrLEv,$4aRrNE REcRurr,ibo['irr5 ulr: nr ER THAiI RETIrRH TO ABOVE MV 1, 1-8 Sct.Mlrrxew Mc(eoru REVEALED To HAvtNG BEEN DRUNK oN NtrE lF NtrE MAR & wir-lwrr r srANDsraND counTcouRT MARTTALMAprrar |[email protected] 24-lH NmrsEn oF rNcoMrNG REcRutrs DRoPs oFF DRASTIcALLY DURIg: couRr-i{ARTll flL,H lE$flor,p*.Douro ttr*s,n cALLEprED ro ur*Gr'€ ,n "rt"rr 3%or*.ni.l:dhI* Elmfl** J.B rtue ro BE .ALLED BEFoRE GRT-r{AirrAL FoR prffc,rro pw lil SIOTAGH fr1987a F 7. ZA-1, 4 DRTLL tNstRtc?oR9 HERE TAKeI oFF ..oas tia nausr Clsi- srH DRTLL r*srRucroRux ur{uLRuhrDER rNeurRyrNQurRY F(FoR ALLEGED ,orf"lii RECR- -utrs J- y5:r695"-t Vrusqr oEllEs eutz 6 BRUrALsry nLL_Ir.SEEg.* ru :S-c nSwrrTH'aRTi fi, 7 vn cn-o Mantagrlr ERrsarRceR negrD w mairst GRAD5 FR6M I lESIErt rnrsrirrc?ors FEED #H*;* Ro.BHr@ *tr8rr$*' r , , Dg-,A-8_4 r ALLerutoww, Pl-l4as.HlRGaRET Z tMEs-1965-- r&FR r Er\D EAKED, 100 odzew cooK I Es FoR SON I.]I}iITRI AT HFOVE TRAIN'NG STATTON & REST OF RECRUITS AS A DRILL rNsrRrtrroR sArD sHE corrLD lsgsd7:LEur Mr.Er ts.,?: f,tt_5* inare up REgRUtTs ln g rectrc-rrqrs oF TRA altxd- --t - -'

    J. e ru'.cenr- w. Horrmn;-373i;;;;i' 1Z;P;?;'?-^ r N rNG as trNoERosr GaRoeru rr \ MARIf€'5 : ffi.iHf : t946 1,1*n1ne_orrrcER {A,R!NE OFFTCER rlELDHELD FIR BRIBERYBRTBERv &rorvEestom&'Dt' oF esilnalfd Q@r000 puot-Jt fiE".h$fr ffigtrm $#,, y,l1 tSS.Fx eRAFr;**;;#-ki*p$ B,-r:fli, "?ab!,#rg#L &tE 1r'13, 6-7 Pnrsoatens QUELLED ,* o,o,ffiii?ffi, rAcKs Rror By ,_- ?..^^,, ,.-__..-- . B_- UAEHT?_gutFDs .CnAs H.ixanuu & pFe.!{!lrre' .,ioRorm Jn onoun ,t** XoFT'6iE*fl** F?r corurrn,s ti11rryq^cono, rHAr o1r"r*ffil3Plffi -* l',fr3TEArEN oN :.-1S,,1-.T:?:?.o_1-$qlr999;li_L=- 6Fi.S.Hlniiri,iiniiv-^".r 25,-6f,! ''^ "'" Cnpr Henrnv WILLERs rofulrs-TltEFT To uET-LAa VEcIAs"' prc ^I-- 3 r,f r n .!{rn I m s, .&; :o.il;i;. :Dr; ;;..1 ol.fi i*7;{- URT lll ExPLOSIOtt oF ROCI(ET " N 3, A_1g_g PexoleroN-aoDy yF Crup or 18 oLD MARtnrermtsslrsc srruce'F!" 2rio, ts FouND ON0N TARGETrARfiET RANGE KILLED cY SHELL *.roEo- tr 2< 4r* b1959-- -crr- Ja 31. 14_6 re i5 r ei[1i' fr oi' Frirzve,r e r%H?iI HARTNE B:;'BASE;DoNE ?l;ip I;.HA[,'lN ABovE "jTgr, E8S6OE- --1eG7=-^ ,Pf8:,Pff; A-r_1A-1-z I gn'#f;fl 96H r f;sgirsHEB.f,E,Flii'$r;+sE,q1B, I'i. iiislnn.?il,, o,- J tet A-t)-l 26 fiaR Ir NEsNES ra,ouLDEDIa,OULDED WHEN GRENADE EXPLoDEDEXPLODED I N GRAssGRASS F I RE DURING SHOOTING TRACER BULLETS rRoMFROM AUTOMATIC RIFLES --1969-: S 14r A-2-1 coMMNADtNGtNc oFFtcEROFFICER 0F ABOVETMAJoROBERTSoNABOVE;MAJoROBERTS0N ADMITTED CASESCASE OF MISTREATMENT,REATMENT BY GUARDS AGAINST MARlNES- ' sS 50,5o, A+1O-2A+10-, MAJOR ROBERTIOBERT F I NNEY NAI.4ED NEW COMMANDER OF AEOVE-- --1970--:------Jn--t7lw--T---- 1{, A-?-1 MENrNG,rrs:N ING rTlSITIS cAsEs-;il:e[3;;ilil;-;i^-1tlrA-3^3,.'CASES BRING QUARANTINEqUARANTIN TO MARINE CAMP. ' F 12, A-',18-1 DACtr 15 MARINESR INES HURT tNIN RAtlPAGERAI.lPAGE BY BLACKS ON THE BASE JL26, A'18-' ( sEcuRtrYSECURIITY ITY ARouNoAROUNoAROUNO PnesPneSPRES NlxouN IXOtrt cqr4PoUNDCQ$4POUNDcqn,tt INCREASED AFTER GUARD BgAiiitBSATEN:dr lnoAND ARMoevARMoRYARMORY RAIDEDna I DED AT CarapCAMPUAI PeruoLEToNPENoLEToN. o - ---1971------1971 Ap 4,4r B-9-1 loor NlxoruON crvESGIVESG rvEs AwAYAWAYATJAY 6 utuesMtLEsMILES oFOFop BEAcHBEACH oNON BAsESASC TOTo Ca.Llr.CA.L TOrO BEBE'MADE MADE tNToINTO PARK.pARK- LAND spEcuLToRsSPECULTORSSP ANbAND ,pARK,PARK OFFICIAoFF qNr Notr)w wArurwA NT aLLALLA LL oFOF crcslt"lP.c$.4ry1p.C i0,*$4P . 4olQ"'lC.;!fu!AG10."C-1- 5-1 TNANKS TO CAMP)AMP PENDI-ETON IS COFISERVATIqUI"StCOFJSERVATIgUI DELEqETtr "Edbr-bGt--raln'oeb-"EEbr-bGt--ratnoeo itA'itNE't"lARlNEs srArtsfAf-1972*-1-1972- ioNED HEREo it-ll Nn 24, 8-16-1 SlrDrEoo--Scrs0laln J Juntrl?rfxomls Oean Blnmillrp2, aaro cturLtAfl BAsE EMpLoyE Crlnues Scprr ltlonearr2{rlnnEsreo tr THEFT OF FtILITARY WEAPOIUS ANID ANNUMlTlOit. i ---1976--- N 30, A-4-1 Wasu-MantNES To otspERsE KKK one.AT BAsE By TRANSFERtNc Klanl memaERS To orHER srATloNs Ja 2. C,-1-4 cF-Atuonew0|Tooue,8,&JoHruERlcKSo$.t'1tlr,K.r.ffi6.BLAsT HAD BEEN CAMP I NG OUT D 2, A-12-2 lDor CP-l mone BLAcK MARTNES HELD tru l{KK ATTAoK tN BARRAcKS oN WHITE MARINES -1977- Ja 5r D-4-t CP-3 AkOL KLANSMEN SURREIIOEREO AFTER SKIPPEO HEARING Ja 27, A-10-1 14 BLAcK MARtmES cFIARGED t{tru ASSULTING wHtrEs THEv rHouGHT wenr KKK MEMBERS ro sTAND TRtAL" -19T1- O 9r A-4-l Fr.aroxe;l ilANITE OFFIGER EETTEHOED AfIO FITIED IT EE8AULT CESE -1978- PEuotetor, CatrF-SGr. EaRl Holuev J. J/ r!r. %-{djf*' j#r#'[JJ5'."^i:*fitru MlntNE B b Si,Hff#^ruoovasquer,,*rro.uJioifi ionto I MAN To r,lenos arNaVV HSOP. , StaaeeoJOf ftCOUUerUv&Jaruef$&RR DEATH Jt 1, A-5F2 HouoeelulL HALE PnosrlrurE RlilG OPERATIiIG OUR OF THE GAMPT 12 unntNEs olsollAnoEo & corrtnut HQ PEOBE 9Y T'IILITARY MantUe oBILL l$srRuoTons AT CAI'IP Psnotstor GHaFGEE wtTB BEATtnc 150 REGRUITS. tgg4_ D % A_1-2 frisrv $auornel Jerrnav T. l'tlzilEn & 1 otms oH@ lr qrRoEn oF STAFF 5oT. G NUO TNOTAilI. PFELIETIIARY EIAE SETr M^,RlNE: XHSf,gI H.M.Sl,1lTH 1956 ' \' PEaRL Hane'rR-)FFrclALLv DEDIC^TED Ja 31sr ll,ES : BASES t94t ? 4')1t 4a'128'2 Ee.paqu srnren DRAFTT* ..*aTreolffi 8A s.F-qry.etr.larsr^ 11to":'l{ltt,r#[r'r*G tt-"&tl'Srtrr Man*rsf,,.-...-- ro BE ss*r -ro :i:Tsru 0,.* *r*rIFrr'P' s 12. 1888"2 DE &eams r uBrABr, r sr{ED * nr*c6'_$ffif]ffi*e^" r rn AP 16, 1-4-a 3X PARRTS lsuruo, S.C. -ila.1.Geru. EUttE P .MosEs l*tew Sone'i,laltir{ni i.-195{)a , CaMp Pe$uLETolr cAHcEr.s ptjrus roc nooeo JuLy .lt- 2, 28-3 "Bnoryru-BaeoERs' rHoSE LtVtNG Orr-1953- ElRnts lsuruo aasr iivi oN SLtht BUD- eer-Cpl.Pepe WaroMe I n ---1966--- JA 7. ,\-12-1 SauDreeo-rrG scHooL }./trH No DRopouTs--r6t$rJ'fl6t$y xrit i6 ;.fra'6,loEbit6, Hrr.lre Dtvtsr22l oF DET EEcAlcE 18tr vlcrlu ro olE siilcE Ft EflFLArtEo 8A8E lr Jrpar-SrucEn --.lgg0- Je 2[toa-2-1 San DtEGo-cANNED MEAT trAs ExAMINED YESTERDAY As PosslsLE cAusE oF FooE PolNsoNlNG THAT rerueO 509 MARINES. IES : IIflB E-ACKS " 1942 Form 1656 u$trS,'.'o1'7 ro ENLTST @cRoEs .uNE 1 Elil.rsrrue 5@ aoolItoNAL hEoRo REoRUtrs nr.u Fts,,on- en ns-$4 Rs. B. J. Gr r u,- nr ru"frSiuiii-*, u*r, otri i*-ff *ruo, * Flanf i{E ur,rrri ---1969-- F g, B-5-z lemoru Jourusoru TAsK To ADo MoRE NeoRoes ro ManiNe bonps-McCr- :AR Aa 1J, C-6-2 HONOLULU-ERNEST BRANCH CLA I MS MAR I NE RAC I AL B I AS- i Ae 25, A-10-5 RAC IAL S ITUAT ION INS IDE ARMED FORCES IS TENSE ENOUGH t.{ITH OUT BEING EXPLOITED BY SERVIUE POLITICIANS.-HE!NL. Aa 26, A-6-1 LrFr Can4p Ls.JruruE-27 AccusE D I NFATAL BRAWL wH lcH K I LLED EDTTTARD BANKsroN, S 3, A-5-1 ASH-GEN.LEONARD CHAPMAN ORDERS END TO RACIAL VIOLENCE- S 4, A-22-1BacE tdASH-GE|l. LE0NARD cHAPMAN JRr BARS BIAS lN MARINES- --1969--- S 26, 8-15-1 AMp pENDLEToN-ABovE rRY I NG AFRo HA I RcUTS-- r, D-10_J nnce TRTAL ts oN FoR 4 NEGRo MARtNES AccosED oF RtorlNG AT U.S Nevnl ArR srArloN. ___1r7o__ _-11, =_9_1 TL. CoL I(ENETI] I-I B:RTIIoUD JR" DISCUSStr5 RAC: ISSUE l),1 THE l'li\R lN:S- GOCZI(O\;Sl( I .

    Qem Roeenr Eo CIusxrcau JR, *l?T$; ,o*u^ool$rl1lrh3ti?mo*,*, eonps EoAso-Wourgps N 2r, D-1-1 Lut-u--Gsr Louts H Wtt-sotl sAYs conPs HAs RAclat. PRoBLEMS a -1971- Jr '10,r A-11-1 6 sulaxs FAoE ct{ARcEs tB flEs NlvY anawl AEoARo Susren. -1974- AP 25, 8-6-1 Eace Conps suED FoR ALLEGED JoB B I As AGsr BLAoKS AND FEMALES EMpLoyED AT suppLy oENTER ltr SouruFHtsADELpHtA. -1976---Jz!, A1G1 E.ACKS 1976 Ac 10rD-23-8 l-oor !,Jasu-Orp I cERs rEsr I FY IT IS NOT POLICY or Conps ro Ltmtr BLACK ENL!STMENT N 29, A-2-1 1-por'/ .rpPei'r oLEr ou-11 BL AcK Man I nss ARRESTED FOR ATTACKING ITE MARINES MAY HAVE BEEfiI BREAK I NG UP Ku KLux Ktarrl mEErtru N 10, A:,r-1 Wasn-MantNEs ro otspeRsCempPeruolsroru KKK HEMBERS To orHER STATt O$'S D 2, A-12-2 lDor CPltpPeiroueroru-5 MoRE BLAcK MARTNES HELD ttrtKKK ATTAcK tN BAt RACKS oN rdHtrE MARiI\ES D 7. D-5-5 C4r,le PEpoelToru-KuaN LEADER srRucK lr Manrr'rE nE[niruo; Davlo UUKE 26 HIT BY WOMAN I{ITH SIGN DN 30,2N CE-1-5 2 E Clrqp PenoLEToH-CpL E F Henrnv. BLAcK pr-elo5-6uir-iy-To LEssER couET tN BtAs EtcHT __:1977___ $ Ao 1, A_4_1 (tnr0rtruave-US Acrs ro nelrMaRtNE FlcltssrAs RActAL tNctoEturs pATRoLlrgT& !NG cuRFEv& sreppeD up JL 20. A-1-2 Moutrono PT mARINE Assoc. HoLo GELEBFATIoN I ru Der.-lilcauE -1979- F 2r, A-19-1 Col Fnaur E PerEnse[ JB lsr BLAoK To BE iIoM FoF qEHERAL I MantllEs -LggZ O ll A 7-l Racial di spari ty in Marilqrsr- Th.y are under,r5p;ef_T ted -1993- ', N03'A5-l .Carl Mundy apologized for remark about minoriLy ine offieers not performing as well as whites N16A4-l 1 not shoot,swim or navigaa-"rf,g?I"tl as white\L O 2_t leigh, NC-Special programs to help recruit, promote blacks r' tz a V--s l -1995- Blacks grudgingly allowed to enlist in Marines in June,L942 Greenwood l.tlAR INES: BOLIV lA 1972 Hn O,A-20-l Ll Pez- US r{ons MaR tfles wHo .JPRoECTED US Ea4slssY HERE UHDER ATTAOX 8Y GUER ILLAS Llsr Aucusr-BeLNAP t4ARll{ES I CALIF0RNII\ 1942 IEL tfifir*er.ie ANr [shRiNEs BETNG eTTARTERED Crulfiulq"stsyts dfi ser DrEGo-GrvEs huGH *.Lcr.* r"Eigfu Frenrre ,#gfffi, RrttDcn.pH ["rllE"g#tr[iilfff ?iAnt i!?s our or ooexoiisq,F.^ufr$:-. SrH DlrcgrCeutr-frltgslNG !4ritil' conP FLAG FouND rn fr'6t#-&3f,-'n^*n

    H LIL!F.-11 HARttrs ttsluolne Ceu. o ,,, r^l?"}'a*?*" Los? A IPF T H F.OR g?FAt_1tr16 1 ert{rRAt'S FLAG FROH RICRUI? DFPOT 3no Aupxrsrot6 TRAcroR Blrrlutot Sr.l{nnrpe D,rr.otB ?3'"ffi?rn t HorE FoR DEcEASED l4,rRrne Asrlev_[fffi MonntsrSonS'ra1.Lr_: Eunern;Caer"Jouu l)tnaruT & creu sHoppED FoR ToYs_FoRs'yR oLD e lnt ,Crc l,roR CnnrsrMls-oNE oF vrcrtuE or CaLlr. rtooo-BeRny MARINESa !N CAIvIBODIA 1975 Mv 16, F-1-1 h/nsn-Deretus on 15 xR Kon Tnruo ASSAULT OVER SE I ZED S$4avae uEz MARINES : IN CENTRAL AFRICA

    D.C.-U..S sent more marines in to #protect embassy against street violence ll€ | CHAPLAINS 3 t943 gaer lson mLr Rossraeae rnst4ffirilffsxapurrm CORPS ro sErvreEo*?to,ti3^, Gtrqn.e Cmpr-ir I Ns F t,Nl ru r*ifrtff&-ir ro *. rro**uu?r?fiitf;*ru**' 44 - J Freo c"qre*u, AprD cr{ApLA,, tutu*iilH*Flou* *-L952-- 0 L4, 1'*2 Cnapuarn Roer F Banutr A pRtEST utrH MEDIcAL DEeREE Rev 0Lrven K o,gr-sAcls ,o*" ,,fr}ffi; rm nanrnes€.ffi.*3&uu'* --197r-- 14v22, A-21-5 Navv Capr. SAMUeL SoeeL xrxa ts 1sr RABBI ro sERvE As MEnlNe HEAD cHAPLAtN MARIlffiS CI{INA SXHIES BY MAtrON Gfi!(.SMED - - BI'TLffi Wg Fora 1656 TLa Dotroit Nawa S 1, 3-8-1 let of arttclee teL11ng of, bl"oodless coaquest of Ch1na by U.$.Mantnes $ 2r 1"4-L 0rderod to proteet Amer!.can'Llves wlthour blod shed S 3, 22-L Marlnes kept occupted to avold s-pltfel.l-s 4, 3?.*L rnotectlon of Amerlcans ln PelplnA & [lentsin S 5, 36-1 n.w roaas cl-eaned. & Chlneso soLdiers bougtrt off' S 6, 56-3 Flghtfrng flre at $tandarit orLrcg;p}3Bt near *lgPIEtE er on chlneso won by bldg.br:1deen&* t4l\ R I tlES: [N CHINA 1927 1656 F 1, I-J Manr 1200 MARTNES. sA n- FRoM Saru DIEGo ro Cnrlrl r1 F 24t 1-4 CoL. C.S. Hlt-t- & MaRtr,les ARRTvE AT SHANGHA ! TODAY F 28, 2-3 BRlc, GEru. SrD. BurleR oRDERED To .Joln MaRtNES lr,r Cxtrul 2# 15oo mone .RDEFED ro curnra Mn 26 ,.i'r:''r!lt-' MoatLrzATtoN oF ADDtTToNAL uNirs ro sEND ovER UNoER wAY S[- MULTANEoUsLv h,trH sTATEMENT or Secfy Kelloec rHAT U.S" t,ttL USE TJHATEVER MEANS NECESSARY FOR PROTECTION OF FIERICANS An B, 1-1 MA rL ]no sHTeMENT To BE MADE AFTEn 1500& oFFrceng & MEN REAcH SAN DrEco ABour Ap 12 At 9, Z-Z Oeoen KoR MAKTNG FEADy ANooHER DETAcHMENT BELtEvEo ro BE oNLY PREcAUTIoNARY My 11 , 9-6 100 uerueeRg oF Der. DrsrRlcr EpwoRrs LeacuE pass nesolUTloN tqKrNG GovtT To REcALL Mnnrrrs rRom CHrrul D 2, 25-7 660 ro co FRoM Hgruolur-u ro Suarucxa Mv 2'f , 1O-4 To euano A'aEnrcANs,- p;;1ffui-r,ENrsrN Je 26, 21-Z To srny rru CUtNA sAys 6Ecty WtLesn Jt 24, 2-5 1200 onorRED t-ltrHDRAr,rN; 26eO ra REMA tN Ao 14,1B-7 Pllv polo !, I TH BRoor{s & mules D 21," 1-15-5 1 ,000 t+t THDRAt^rN FRoM Cu I rua ARINES OI{INA Ly29

    Form 1656 The Detroit Nowr ta..P,3., 3A-7- Last. -rllthdra$Eo ,from Noi'-th cnl-na. - J" " - - '"";" "' ". " ' : '- . .:. .. . -. . '" :'.:.' My Llr ltr-l' 2O guardled, &brtban-oureuls,tE. la Shaaeea, for- !1$1 eoaeeoslon qpalrter of Canton & a; e< f{nvv Depr.oRDERs ,"orrr,r* r*ffil8ffiE rroso 4rH REGT'TE,', srAR?s lor, or?lffi,iE ?:"'11f^Ut[:,-s 24t 1-1 B- srx TRE'ARE FoR oF NArL.'EAR ,*rr*rrrtl? SnqucHnl"o 'EFr.-NsE 27r t-7 Bu srn ijs r.ranr*Esr.lARlNES OR[IERED.RTIERED roTO opE,'rOPEltI FIRE ll{ SELF-DEGE$'ISE 'J5 ,,il-13'3i.i-rr"roor' 31, t9-8 B S ---1938--. )Hcr,rcHnl& 2 UN|TS OF -ARmES To BE WTTHDRAWU F le rRONr F 16116 IqEN qAqr JAP rmooqs FoR 4rtt Ap 13. 1.1 B Ehqt$q)UUl4RlNEs'.:oTo)HANGA!ToPRoTEcT44ERrlNxEREdTs TrrE s .l. 7,1-6€tsr US l,fanlms &ps rN urffili?t-* AG 16rl-4-egl tE l&nt$es DRrvE'MSE .Ap rreops rLSE&&f4iEA lt{ Snam1el."-" I IIIES TAKE UP peEcAur lor,tARY PATFtoLs ar &uruonnt {L'uro.'S3 THREATET{ TO DtsAsr [hntms AFTER THEIR ARREST OF 16 JAF! N 14. 1-5 Crrv Mav ge wTTHDRAv,N rn Snnuogal F 1q--i.o !696 [hR.lIEsldAR.lIES LAH0EDLAHoED erA? SnerrerqrSHA!6HA 1 t-tltfilea APlf rl31-1-7 I.DZEN U5 fttARI}IES IiI FIGHT ITALIAN uilnruesMARIII ru sn+iibfi'rl# !3r13.o pharnes TRESToRE oRDER !N SHANoHAI'T'lITH cuN rt6H?fi Iu20.24 V9, 24 "o{fSxauemr 0 Z:1,.'l L6- Bgi,lo '3I_qf#P'8rs"i!3$rl'^J':?ni OF ING llfitf.CoHOlOgRlttg m$i['":ilffi S|THDmBAL Or*HlnrneS in pe tpttrO.Tl ffieffi.iTffi&t"6gs dffi,i?$%.Ii.3i.I*13[^* zii J:Y.Arlhg[|qRFAI-trffii REcoitr,tEroeo wr rxoaatral;uriiii.Anmo tofr.E3;t[48[rNA As t05 FAgfrtB pnes.lhRRrson r* crrm er ss D fl. 63-8 ieRtueB tru Perptf{G DtsnRMED eY JepS -*t94:5--- 0 15i'1-7 Fltuau nle sAys MeRr$es or U-,ro BE vJtlHDRA'.yu rn N.Cnlrun-.sQort.N-5, 19-6 I N.A CorvlrvluNl 5TS cHARGE-Geru i'ieoel/leYER Ll @ t'l A, L4-? Torooo-flani r,rrs occuiiir 11o sinarEG I c Po I ltrs tu I'I.CH lt\tA-'EDA.{:D It T h4AntNES.- Criil$ 28-3 NlrE Lr-Ee,u 'rEDEMEvER rru PErprr,ro DrscussEs wrrHDRAvrAL o.\,fi{ ff?:Ll'u, ByRnes REprs MnnrruEs ro LEA,E exrnl N u. #-J*-%F' Lts DoUBLES MARII{ES er [bnru Cntt'ta GARRTSoN er Cglruwamoiao-N L4.7-'4 f,tlrrun eow FoRcEs LAI{D AT TstruGrao:BacKgD sy tjg GUNs -N 16. 1-7 unluese Reos rrRE^oN rR opTRArr'r US tsr I'hRrNE Dlv. ltl 2L., t:L BSz .,ARINEs.Iru IJoRTH UHINA BECAUSE OF PRONIISE I,{ADE +1PS -N 2" l-q Rq 2 f"tr,Tff#if;#$.j^ittHrlh.l,,ffi iil,lil:':iilila'll:su"L Nor BE wrrxgn6r{Nrxy [dmtue ltlueo By cuNmtru, AMentcANs FIRE 24 sHELLs r[r{'vrlrace $,hRrnEs vrurGE AF'ER GuNMAN sr-nys Hnn*re B ia.t;ll* Unlnnlae,o U_S'HELL manrNE rlJouNDED sy uHtNese rlB T-teNrslN D_20-' 25-5 Cyir'lese r,EDs FREE 6 l,lanlr'lEs HELD FoR 38 DAys D z--. tg-l ..1 t eruts LN{JS MAR-I t{E \,vouNDED_ By _uN r DENT r F I ED AssA I t-amr -D' T, t0-l wEsLEy 5tzoorN H KoRLtcKtrH L tsLouNT SAFE AFTER ADVENTURES- tN CHTNA pg*gn1sr rRoops sAvE 2 MrnrNe FLTER' *,Ho, sr.RvrvE, 3"i3; F'u o,., sfFrx ereus oRops cxnrsrr*s pAcKAGEs ro MEN r"o, *P*?it t? o-, f-S sHeLu v.rLr-AGE run Aspreru AFr R zJ'ianrruEs wedi snoi"D2t:25:-d Hor4EStCK t\l.AR INES Hf T U5 POLICY lN vHlllIA L. 22-1, Mrntms sAy puaLrc se rNG Mr!fit'ffr5'*, tr{aRrNes NG KEPT- IN CH 'fr'[c.1Tr',u,fl M r ss I ou 53 ,OOO Cn I r,n Man t lEs t NoREASED ay 3 .JoBs dEP IJATES. SAYS l;ARlllES IJILL BE KEPT lN uHl.t'l,A t\t!#;3, !HINESE r\ATtOr.lALlST YUUTH (fiiup PRESENTS $5O0 To http,gi ,{MPHrBr I,ORPS AS TOKEN OF ADMIRATION ,EB Lz.O@ MARINEs TO oUIT NORTH GgINIa ..AP 18. 46-3852 S;ENTRIE5 ATTACKED BY &IINESE MY-18, I.J 2 $&R|NES AtdoBo 7 sFor wHEN TRATN trAs FTRED upor{ BYIY HIST,MISTAKEAKE BY I HEs .JE tq13:lqa;:5-8 Conps lvhelNs "Je tsThnrues 3ep AnpHlalous aecomes l.s :9u.9 $hnrmes pREpAnE DEFEFIsE posirtoNs ar TstNGtEo 4

    a 7 Elaerues,TAKEr pRtrsoNER By 80 anMso eHrNrsE .h- L6: A4S 7-.fiinnlnses.KtDHAPED.sOr.GHT BY SEARCHIi,IG- PARTIES 'JU 201 2-5 ev f fffiiflE3 EIgTUH'"H1f??tEA'n-? Eos esdj'?.%* 4 llSu) t'{lnrNesI'IAR|NES rtlurorlgKlLLEDrlg vrouNDEDWOUNDED rru.-Reoiru.^KED AT4BIJSHAMBIJSH NRrIR PErprrhl'Elptl{G -.n.8128-1-tn.'JL)ZW Fgsrrlm-Reos Mwt !t't t

    ;ffi,,t E+,=F, tr lt 5.I1,Lrig,[,1Ifl. Jw+$,! :* :.- h ?idr".?,i, u. . zs u5 i'lanrrues FBEED By_cHtr{a REDg- dtr6l ,ff RE TqARTNES SEnr. rO.TstHorAO ro EVACUATE AMERtCAXSTf,{a&rS5 AN To Got"tpLETE evacr,nrtolt rnot,t l,tronrn CHtru av JaH. -:r I INES: IN CFIINA p 1n, 57_6 o BE MovED ro SnruoHal FRrM Ttgg:11nor___ Ja 4, 4-8 Mfi ,* Hx ; ?; 9' ?l' r l,Eiu!' ?, i I l+l' R; i l5,E,il'?54'i r'1,;.2?* ,nrrues srArrrNED ar-tiiuqraC AtRpirRr MAY LEAVE^,,i^ .l- -3r 51-5 :i'l'ffi rrcii'si;ii',neo'ai TirNGrAo^rl BE rRA['rsFERRFq | lt.??:] bh, Tl[' s::;i+lh-l+ lLt;'llff 'nisiil^Pi-I3 ^[E iiE*ffi *lJAf ' I O. ?1;r*147-{c 'srnerao-i'ilRrNEs i tvs un BARRAcKs-otu-Sn51ruNG U cau'us. F:?' l9:2 'iiii6iiio-z';Rij6i rniilsFonii'iirii-r,o^o Yaurq ueave Ae --:23, 2'1 lXI6r'5i'-n^ilfiEi'''i[ii*iir''riiie'i ;6ii^c'.;il'- -197r- Ju 10, 8-7-2 tlS mlntNEs BAcK oil t oB tr PerlNG.HElNL M,\RI I{ES- CI-II NESE tq52

    i.'lY 59-3 (YeryO 8,, l-r.Lt rrtret I .Youme ) Jo I I'IED $lan r urs TO VIST HOMELATD. I5 FESERV tST Llv r wG nt HaIEt Panr-Scnacne nr,t MABINE EORPS - OOMI\,IA]SDAIT I93O

    _ffi [L. Ben E. *r1rer'*,,ffi:#;#'::^:t;i-ul by pres. Eoover r '|! ?' r-rti+ LIEUT.GEIT.ALEXANDEF ANCHEN VIXOEONITT RECEIVES HtGI{ COMMAIiID wesx---Gar E^.RL E. 4-r;;;;l?'?r-;;r rr.oll';"3;1-3"fr^-- DANT OF THE MARIruT CORPS N THE YOUNGEST AGTIVE DUTY MARINE EVER pRorrrorED ro FouR_srA[g1g!* Ap 1gr A-1G2 DC-Gen. Roeent BeRRow NAMED sy CARTeR. 1949

    Aui.!Tr. F. FhlsEv BAcKs pERuAEEdr hhn l ue Conps

    Tntn'rqn .RKED By nep G.ffiflmfiffi, REeuEsr *f.3tr'tif*s sr(rLr-ED AGAIIDTSTSclitroisrs &6i opoLtcE.POLIGE FoRcEnFORGtr. S 6'6, 1-51-S ihES- aoru oven sTATEMENT-gv_ PnEs.Teul,ul'l 4'23-? Jos Rasnro,orHERs, ;^; --I955-*l?3:r" *-.fri;'ro* *.* evn.t3' 4r_t. 1-1 LF Teo tdlr-llewi spt?rric nlo A?-167h HAi;iriirimn^r & L^rE su*Iri&r*l AP 3. 69-1 SaRasoterFue.-Gov.t{tLLtAMs REFUsEs ro rALK Aal.jur Hls neuiiriiaiour oSvc-R.r*T.ol,E .- AP 6t 1o-4 - cLArMs Teowrr-r- r rus HAs FoRcED ro ApoLdiaE'r-t"ilort M ^. - -- JL 28, B-12-3B-trz. Atcn ctvru -LrsenrrEs uNro* ATTAcK oN MARrNes-sra NooJhu28l e-19!8!- JL 4,'' -"15-5 &x.Rarooupx !{.Patg sAys tG relRs f'harre Conps uev oii Ja 19. A-3.6 os Angelrs-Nltrt CotqmailDrR Hwar Rosem-1960- or Mlntne Conps't-EAGUE sAYs uousn tnreRFERE tltrH l{aetues & peopug tuHo sAYS Foor SoLDlER ls oBsoL ETE G^rr eE rxerHE Manrnes e x*o-totansHrur-x*o-totansxrur- ltri,'ij##i"rir"ij#;" CaMp Le-Etnte-lssm or moAztne CavallenCavat-ien-;i.r3**--ri-rT'**- BANNED AT sAsEsAsE-DuE DuE To DEGRAD- rNe sroRy oN MARtt{Es av Brte Geru.Wm.B.McKEAru Hv fa. Al{ 1rt-1- -. _ s?oiv En f' sEcy RoEsRr s.Mcmrmi;;6-i\rrt[6 iiiicr olv'ulrf, iel'srioudlirctcev it{ 13' '8-l-6 ltsr x Ger"5y16 H"Snoup $rrc uARrttEs READy TollKE Ary tsLAHDi# HTIE ffia1#,1rffiffi-,irtJffiff ffi;" '" d^l}, Lt. GEu. J.C. Ft-Nx,spEAKs AGAtNsr ArrENTtoN GtvEn Aiw SpecreiFoncEs GUERILI.A WARFARE-OPERATIONS NOT NEW IO I4ANIruES wEs,-sruoy sAys MARr NES r;-;1?fl-ii'r,- "ltr3l;*oil3-1r", MARIiIESI MNSMIPTIffi , rr' & 3t 9-6 Der.kcv lJlr-son slvs- [hnrnE sooN rtLL HA\rE ro REsoRT Tc DRAFr ro KEEp lrs S?RENGTH N A-3-t D._rvERa,CaLrF 7- Pw.THc{'rAs D.Wtut-rs or Prco -196F 0s oNE or Ftnsi DRLFTEES TAKEN INTO fv]mrrueS lrruCe Konerru waR N 11. A-6-3 asi,-Cnrictreo' irs dec.nnarr cALL aEcAusE oF FrG .rilii oi' nicnurrs MAR I NE : C0NSC I ENT I 0US 0BJ ECTORS 1994 Ja 21 A 5-5 Camp Lejeune, NC-A Marine Corps hearinq will begln Eo deEer mine whether 9 reservisLs a-re cohscientlous objecLors CCIJRT t.lART 1937

    Form 1656 0 22.2-€rtrSCL4 a 6-9naJr- pAYMsr I G. GEN . l-hRoLD C .8, r s r E6ER, . Ek*Zf]COURT pnr_r MARTMARTI IALEDau r %[[q6g-Brs hRI Zzl24, . LL-?-2 Gr.Guv acrrrr{srrr co'v.oFconv.oF MrsrREATml-ltr+Op-FNO AUER.PRI9ONERS BRIG -ON "Guy MrsrREArm]fi![iigf:gg.Rs rNIN -=----tr947--- %lc#:"iA-r2; {iiin$ Tntnu oF htARtNE iN CHInA oN RApE cHARGE To coNVENE tN ABout UEEK

    Fnerc r s Ttss*rc,.,enr orefi;t?T;'; r o ror,,, r.v : Ft.lg lIil.*AL r Fr

    'suor.,r- gAFconpoFtsn p eenrE6ffiFr. no r Ds rc r-EAR#, fgrlfi*n *,, D 6UAED :-----1q3i6*- Ap 15. l-1-5 pARR r s t sLErorS.C"rlAR r uE C,e. .cosrioinS'iiiii-s o*?it-i&srnucroRs xanrrALED FoR irALrREArr#!{r or REcgtIi prsr 15- tr$;f"a-couir rf1 l{i?ixEw C.FlcKeonrrH.i LED o REcnutrs oN DEATH rlAncHrro IACE couRT- ,ttt tttlt- Hr"*rtrf,#Asrcnart crvE* 12 l00s Ar -*Jfu:i-iHEN Fd,n cuJtrjrv oF- illAL?FEqTTNG RECRUTTS Ac 61 22-1, FlcKeox VEnolcr-EotT. O i Sacv or Naw Tnomas ro LEr Scr.l,hruew l.tKeor.r srAy rN !u{i"li-l1 r*. Mrnrue counr rs REBUKED a ctir tlr ssr'Horr., HcKeon's0slmhH'-o^..,, Po*R rg lsuanol8.co-cgunt u*r,oiTl6lfr$fr.,-,. ror r?r*?iu'9#ru,, trl sroMAcH To-BEGIN 0 12rN 0 13. 11.6 PmRrsAr^tg lsuaruo.S"e.-Cpl.RrctanotggFrrz9eckQ sEat\rs.^rre J"BtuuevasrbsL GrvEN 2 mos ron-iunosino REGRU lT DENIES llE D,lD lT 0 19. a1-Z )nRq rs lsuenorS.C.-Ser.ALFoRo Lee I'tLaqgnurnrl.teoau or HodoR HtNI{ERrGt 3 uos ip .lilu ron BErNu DRUNK & AhICL 0 25, 1g-1 leoaL oF HoNoR urrvnEn AurReo McLlueru-lN RELEASED rnornr uaiL arrEB 3 uc 8f , frryflffrtlur5irt8l.8dl'ri*#io'38o FoR MALTREATT NG RE.RU, rr,o0ri8i3'iio,, NG TRTAL ane-Sor5 Alrneo ScxoNs.Roer e.LAnvre.Bosev B Ftlir,resroN-Jaues *#l5TSf&',,FP%J,iT'ffif'Tt[T"f-'p'f r*n'"'tt[T.'P.d1*o$]igfi 5ur- rARi-, ;5 ls-FnEoenicr RerurottrDRtLL tNSTRUCToRTGtvEN vE-AR ron ulstneat- tNG Boors N L9r 37-L 'w.RtcHaRD RtsrueR REVEALs IHAT sEcRET il-AcK MARKgT rnlaLs RESULTING tH.coJRT MARTTAL or 9 eNLtsrED MEN wHqRE HELD I{HILE HE wds lN coRPS SGr.Dofl HAr .Berrerr,Cru C iiezr.err {gqtbBFg-BRUTALT?y , ,: ::;'-4 SaN Dleco-C.pr- E H Loeie mtrs REcRUt?-REotE€D rN RANX F Za, A-Z-s Pmnts lslano-4 DRTLL trsrRucToRg To STAND couRT ttARTtAL ron ulstnea ING RECRUITSINAt'tES LISTED i{ARlr\B - Cd.RT-f{ARTIALS 1957 ill san lrteoo-L9 DRTLL tNSTR,CTORS GUTLrv utSTREATiE*rF-frstr3:j4{n 2,215 SGt. Damter- J eonev Fouio tNNocENT-SENrENce Ser Cxrni-es-l'JfoesRLES L JO RE- DI'CEDDrrcED ltih 3.3; B-7-1B-7-lB-7-1, Sor. Cmey Fotrip rNN&ENr-Sl-A l,lansxar-u f\h 9, 5-4 t s lstaruo, S. C.-Cpr-.hlm.R.ldarsH, Dn I LL I NsrRUcron 6F a counrs TAPPONGAPPONG OR ToUCHINGTOUCHING RECRUITS "cor,ry,..'IR 10. A6-1 mnrs lslano.S.C.-S+,IAN;5:e';:5+,';il-eouii couRr MARTTAL sENrErlcEs DRrLL tiiin[&oi ou 3'!.!os Ar HARD LAqoR lll|th Zg.29. 12-81A-g 1H1l{ 1S' ti*r t Ufr"rr'6 ?11.{'FACES .ffiCOUtrt-itAiTtAt Sl?{ FoR ASSAULTIiE iEciUIT. Ae 4, 57-3 Panirs lsrmlo,S.C.-Counr Manrrlt- or Lr.t{lr.6nnov qE ron arilcK oN REcnu TO HELD AP 9TX AP tar 3?4 Plr,Rrs lsuauorS.C.f tRsr Lt.bjrg.D.CoNRoy GtvEN DtsHoNoRONORABLE DISCHG. FR. SERVICE Ae 21, A-2A-4 Cr.vt a orv. ltlrrlbr tutrany l^r\t Appeals & cAsE orvf Cpt.CavletE.iRvrEavAlErE -6 .vhE6lY.orulru. in!t! ontG.TALK-E N SUARDgUARD & 3 orHERs ro EscAptNGESCApTNG so HE couLDcoulD coLLEcr-.$6a.OoOcoLLEcr S64-000 rrrofi rxrs' mf5o3%!8P,$il' iElr.S?ti[ltGnrrru orvEN 4 Mos FoR REFU'AL ,o ,ru" o*rl JL 4, 1-8 ----L957-- N SAYS HE ' COnpUS OtntSf l rTexaS-COur'lANDl$lG OFFJCER OF NAVAL AIR STATI IHAZIN nai neCONprellOeO CCdnf-NlnrrAL FOR 11 I'hnlNE GUARDS.ACCUSED')F 6RtG PRISCTNERS JU 7rR-11-1 3*^ eoUAf or tgeutRy CLEARS PF J',Xru T.DYE oF FATAL SHooTlfrG oF PVT.GILOR' ie RouroHoLA wHo rRIED To ESCAPE FRoM PRlsoN 0 6, C-24-4 Sase,:g Naval BaserJapan-16 l'lantHesrFoRMER wARDEI's oF ERIG-.HERErfE$G HELD FoR AaoVE FoA ALLEGED MALTREATFTENT OF FELLOW SERVICEMEN-fRlGGS t{ L7. A-L7-t YoKqsurr Nn el BrserJrprN-u.S.itrnrtrre Ser.MeunrcE BEEsail etve-lr 10 oavs & $30 rtNE FoF snurAuv ro NAvy pRtsoNERs rN cRtG D 25r zM PFC. PATRICK J.STALKER SENTENCED TO 1 MO.AT HARI, LABOft FOR PRISOIER ABUSE -1958-1_- JA g, g_3 lH DIsoo MARtrrrE OoRPS RECRU T,DEPOT Oi' CHGS OF HAVIf{G FITiIANTCIAL DEALIII'GS ITH'RECRU|TS Je Ll,7-4 3lr,t DteGO-SeT.FhANK J.HUnpXneV-' - - FOUTTD GUILTY oF LOAt\t.lirc RECRUITS MOT.'EY; 6ivEet'a-ieans Je !2, A-18-3 RrRaurt- Foti'D GutLr" Voi6'iumr.l,iorw-Sor.Poq'r "t_ff1t.,t1-L1r"1,"1o".*. cpffi..tfflrgrd.fr.;;*. tsaran AnoRrws HELD ri, roril.niltffiF sot. Serr DlE6g-q,er.Oswauo Lal'oRy AceutrrED -F GETTtilG FUt'Ds FR.RECRUlrs II..IES: CT}UBT MARTIALS I 958 p.s.-px-j'iARrNE .FFtcERr&Hl J.Ecar,'raFTen' 15 vn nn""'frtPLlJtilr. v counr-Bnuu ,-- ,,. ..__ Ja rgrA-ao-r1 Geuesegp6rlur--Tr6ot.Jai{Es- ^ J.HousE wANTED ror AH0L t orlEr cituEs MRs.Mrcxaru coru-r! $:so ro..wrn rRor,r Gov'r rou ro..r*r33ir'i3" --root ' oN lJAs tN pRtsoN-TrR HoRsr ,r ---O fS, li-iJ Geup LeueuG.r,t.c.€ir.anc", E d-"T.R comrrcrEo rmr-eirffi' A;'F, Senaonn tm LEglnou N 16 B-1-1 2* enRlS f SLeruOrN.C..€EneFAL COURT MARIIAL ORDEREO rOn-3 UrntrE DRILL I tRrrcToRs Accu9ED oF RoUGHT|AG Ue 6 u641_1g3gUEEg Ja 2, 23_5 PanRrs lsuaNo-Two uoRe MaRlNc DRluulNsrnucroRs DUE roa 6ounr MARTT'AL Ey ARE Ser.Krupn Cnallr & Ser.${tlurRo Poss & Roruclo Helurn

    rNr r co.vr.-i'iAi r NE coRps oFF rc, ffitffilffirr.*n*rt*l;L,.u IB W-GEFIERAL COTPT M RTIAL uene^., .L 6TH & 10. A-1hs Sln,n Fnmlcrsco-&rmssFnatrclsco-Dererss rc Pw.StoroPw.Sroro [email protected] .ruci-ueniefrie.aLncr-uAiieirie.c jx SToBo JATLED tfl T![ycELL Fon 43 oevs-rg6:- MR 30, ,4F1-5 Sar. Canuroru .lo9lqgqr:Q411r- L. Sr_ay sr I sc H^R.E n' r" i itREai iru6-nEd r nL rs-ALso c o'r r c,eo'?f :t9*3 Bi"r:RI'ffi Ii Sus rcBev MvelBase,:t E couRr-lrABr t ut oc6rirrEo Z NXi I ilislLir'rie-epse JllaiS q.TUOi,nS ! Cpf .Je,SSe A.Eow4noSrACCUSED tN FATAL SHOOTII,IG OF Friiprru6 rResplssER ar'6lDE BAsE DEc.13 t{ 18. 4-20-6 ;o*i's iir-ar'ro^S.U.-DRiLL lNsTRt-cToRs.S"SGT"CLYoe S.C6cllerlrsoturSGT. =alo A.Srewaqi & Capt.J.I^J.NcLSOSI wEmr EEFORE- COIJRT^MARTTAL ON CHG. oiEx?irG-'G' d'qEc^Riiii! N 20, B-e-s annrsln r s I slaruo.S.C.-S.SGT.CIYQEslaruo - S-C--5-Sor.Clvoe CpRrueuts6.t^DRtLLCoRNE L | 509.r .DR r LL rNslRtcroR,r, NsrRLcToR.NSTRLCTOR. acQrACQI I'rt rrEDTTED cHG.Mrsrne [rinrc nicnurrs-Scr.horuaLo._A.SrEwanr.g-cf6.-NZZ- - & !^el"J..[llilrt-soruCpr-.J.WiNe t-soru ro BEFoRE cnuRr uanr-r rl-i'r't-sarar N 22;D-i1LL22- D-11-L F _ nnrS Isr.qND.S.C.-COURT MARTIAL STARTED FOR DRILL I}-ISTi]tETORS >GT" ruarn A.SrrwA.SrruAqr & Cpu"JEnnv trl.llesoill FoR RotGHl'tE.s-s oliiif N 24^ A-3-4 PanRrs lsraruorS.C.-sGT.Dntrraro SrswaaTrDRlLL rNs.T'1qa'iioriouND rNtrocENT MISTREAT IhIG RECRTIITS lEl-:gfee8gglrrED P^RFts-lsLAr,D-CpL .ERRY H rr{ cRuEFrI2rFdll_r o" Prnnrs lsuaruo-S.C.-Ser.PluL qE-ytuolos.DRlLL rNsrRucroR'sENTc 2 YRs HAR r-iiinlotriie6-io-pirveri &-io roniirr'prv & GEr DTSHoNoRA6LE DrscH^RGE .,'"X.i mtu33i.. ' J fr lc q u r r r eD Ma n r us su, ftli3, *o *, r, S-biblffil'i?5OF .r ur ALL 4 couNrsCOUiTS"f, oFOF MALTFEA*.r,1_iA&r:rurrMALTFEATMENT oF RECRUIT Roeenrof{onrnr FeF Praonr Io )2 ?.XtgfyJB,%+ *.3 * =.B','i H$ Mt fi YT f It. $ ^ u ?r[[8 ; E3',fi h5 $:' ["Y' i.I0Ifi .'1,3 IL i o' INES: C6URT MARTIAL5 1967 DENauorvrermAm-cpu.sramrEy JrLuezxo oF *033.15ir3-tif. r*,- sorc AT HARD LABAoR & Prc.RomlLo A,Ptarxowsrt oF NJ senrrc 10 yRS pRrostrt FoR rilurtLlArton sLAyrrue 2 S.V,Fr4lrb!6g4ns Pannts lstaruorS.C.-SGr.MtLroN A.VancouRT FoUND tNNocENT oF cHc.oF MtsTREATtNG REcRUtrs AT Recnutr Depot HgRe p DaNanre , s. v0ErNau-RorurrosA. I arxowr^ , , c, o *11.f,: n3;f;1, ,asrorn- LEYJ.LuczrorHAvE BEEN coNvtcrEDrALL pLEADED lNrilocENTrALL CASES SUB\rECT E To FURTHER REVlEr,, truWOSx.-f ^ro U* 2g. A_g_4 Prc Cnnr k/ KEaTAN cErs sENrc REDUcED z4 Y9*3tlru;k* .o ory;STaruluv J Lucrro cErs lrrEiPrcAHruor-oA.Frarroulsxr cETS _1o_vns_rN oEATH or VlEr qrurliarus Mv 18, A-2-2 5x PuuBerrS Vrerruam-CUARLES D V/rr-reRsoN sENTENcED ro LtFE tM- pn rsoNl.teruT sA rD K TLLED A pR tsoNER BEoAUSE Lr onorRo u tm pewrrue D. Epps o.euiiilS5f;;;u*n.o r,rru^,".Z?ar$r*;3rTl:: T C.qNV I CTED OF CARELESSLY CI SCI{ARG ltt Vler I NG R I FLE I N DEATH OF BOY ' ,, S 24, d*7-3 lDoT grNaHe -S.VlErrunla-LaluceCpl.JoHND.&LKNAp--L96u- cr.-MARTT aleo e ut LTv oF MUR- DER I NG'S.VI errvmrrsE c r vr Lr AN N 17 - A-4-1 Horrlr ra\hruc-Pvr. RoarJ.V r cKq Rs RcvD.C ouRT MART I AL FoR rotdorn t rue 5V t -TN AMESE IvILI ANS ATVAI'INUoNG BRIDGE,PLEADS INNOCENT,IS ITf"IARINE JUST,CE OR I rrcE D 16, A-2-1 sPrc Roar VtcxeRs RELEASED FRoM LtFE sENTc lN DEATH vlET crvrLrAN ---1969--- Je 18, B-7-7 l psvciHrATRtsrs /sRE BE!l-!G sENT To vlET NAM To ExAMINE fuaRtruE MARTTN ALVAaez 20, AccUSED OF MURDERING PRISoNEERS Je 2J, A-1'4 AtvaREz PIRK FREED BY ABovE MaRrrru oF HlcHlaruo HU I.tst-l'.- cAMp LEJEUT4EeNTCo-FlvE MARINES CI'l RGED WlrH THtr mUn6Enlr cPL.EDV/ARD BAfiJ I(STON Otr 14 lSS. s7 I A_2-7 6 r,rrw MAR I NEs ARE I ND r crED FoR THREATS oN pRES r NxxoN. x,$xpsoffi-xffix fi6@$s rd,qJ@uo&nr00,ffi^)a( )omr,oaro( *x.locre< neng )ffipfi( x.flH(ffi)eg!&msg( x&tsdH$prP€( RlhlESl COURT MARTIALS 1970 Prc SvLvesran T Hurqorev sENrEircED ro 9 vi5 iiir-riroa FoR ELUBEINE OEATH OF UH'TE TIAR I !OE I N RAC I AL BRAHL LAST SUIII!4ER Mv 17, A-25-1 . MARTNES To BE TRTED tN MURDER or lf Vrer crvrllarvs; RUMoR :D MASsAcRE oF JB orHen Vtrrs UNDER tNVESTtGATtoN JE 11,A-15-8 Jnmes tdallace, RoaeRr VreeurANyrDeNNls FnreoeN & eonnao MeI LLI FACING COURT-I'IARTl AL FOF DtSOBEYtNc ORDER TO GET HA tR- cur Je 22rA-2-) SeNreNceo MrcHnel A Scxwanz ro LtFE tMpRtsor{MeNr AT HARD LA BoR FoR MURDER or VIET woMEN & cHl.roneN Je 24, A-15-1 Dn Nnrue- Tnouas R Bovo FoUND INNocENT oF Klt-tlNe Vler N Af,D oHTLDREN. Aa), 8-'10-1 4 Dor Sln DtEGo- ! ManlNES REsERvlsrs wHo REFUSEo ro cur rHEIR LONG HAIR FOR WEEKEND DRILLS WERE CONVICTED BY A COURTS- MARTTAL BD Ac 10rA-12-2 tDoT 8 neseRvtsrs SENTEIIcED To FIARD LABoR'FtNES oB lEDUcrtoN qF NANK FOR REI'ECTEING ORDERS TO CUT HA IR FOR TCEEKENO DR'LLS ----197o'--- AerloA-1"1-1 )Dor Da Neruc-Pvr. .fiaruoelu D HeRRoD wAs Acqu lrrED oF MURDER cHARGE rN DEATH or 16 VterruamesE woMEN aruo igTLDREN --1971-- Ap 11, A-10-1 Neun Ortruawa- Man!rue, ReYmoruo BuRws eErs 20 vns lN sLAYfwc or Gl Jt 21, A-6-4 MaRtruerscr. TeRRRruce JosepH ELaERT clvEN 2 vns FoR MISTREATMENT oF SoLDIERSo Ao10, C-1O-2 Menlrue Ser. Jotu M. SwrErueY ACqulrrED oN cHARGES oF DESER- 6,1:1, ii.Ytlill.llr.swEENEyrt pR TBoNERS o. roAt'1fr '*tv.lI;t^, SaruDleoo--Dnlut tNsrRUcroR AT Boor cAMP NEAR Sene nEtleveo oF DUTIES AFTER SLLEGEDLY PoUREO SCALDTNG'._ WATER oN RECRUITS .PAcI r sErus l-nt^o H tM.. To x9tp.--i923- Mn a- A-z-t H.MF fixiP#'".-EISHrS^5' k f',i:+ElJ;l8iiff "' ::T{fl!y.'ffiai'Al.a-qisi;%f.r GU I LTY OF MALTREAT- \daurEoaru , llu-Man t meop.ulu,pt;{. MAsotrt FOUND necnulr8xXtt MENT tN couRT MARTIAL STEMMtNe pnoil-iiEaiirtretfnvi Srevegsrawruvcnvr lS x975 MARIf{ES - Moreem, tur--rheprrnrunxtrreEycns FLEADa liJ*E-k*+ rr-, PROOEEO!trOg AOSTCPL.I{EBO.'SAPOPOVTCN FON EEATTTEHTUYRECRUIT Sr_evedsrrwilYctiY N4, A-1-z Female orrtcenrMlnv NtFLrs, aErf{G couRT I{ARTTALED FoR HAVING SEIUAL ti|TEFCOURSE !r,lrH- 6 EUr-tST EOMEN lUyUIe. . : -*-1976--- [4y 2, E-1-8 Fanntslsunruo-TRtALs sET FoR 5 mone sGTS FoR MtsTREATING RE

    ?$r'rtetJ* or.roru- 1 g au ecx M AR r N Es u* r r.tE r2Pan\?;l.l;ts8'z HI.]TE MARINES MAY HAVE BEEN BREAKING UP KUKLUX KLAN MEETING ---1977--- N 11r D-15-1 W sanD r sco-scr.ioauNonR r s FAoES eeIlFT-rrrARTt AL.AcousErr' oF sET- TING REcRurr AFTRE ^ uL [t A-V4 ] onru lrusa.lcrbns ar Clmp PENDLEToN--1912- oHGD wlrH BEATING.l)u frecnurrs, -t980- Nh 10,.e-5-1 ftpa3leJeuNeeN.C.-RoBERT R. Gan[ooD FAcEs rRIAL As VIET TRA! -1980- Jr- 4r A-6-1 Camp Grloen-N0-pAlR FAcE couRT-MARTIAL FoR REFUSING To GROPE THRU GARBAGE FOR DISCARDED SILVERT''ARE

    scor DurucAN FAcEs cl{ ron REFUsTNG ro .ii*ll hlf;l.l McAleerueru Jt' 11t A-14-1 Scorr Duncent or Ponr HuRot'l REoIESE oouRT IIIARTIAL FoR RE- FustNG .RDER oF ptG_SLop sgay.-LDtTr Jl 15r B-2-5 eD CEMpLEJeuueNC-Scorr Duucatu FAoES coURTMARTI AL Jr- 18' B-4-5 N Scorr Dur'tcaN loses-I4cALEENAN t NE.PVT SCOTT DUHCAil GAIT{ED EARLY RELEASE FROM BRI ll 1i, i"-]-i

    0nttp[-E"leutlr.-i;ocIi;T tifrll".tooD Anur:]i'lEtl'i':l To BEG I I.J -rF1- r J, A-J-1 PANEL coNTINUED DELIBEBATIONS ON FATE OF ROBERT.GART{OOD- FLEMI NGr MARINES e C0URT MARTTAL l98l F 6, A-1-6 Cemp Leosurue NC-GaRwooo GUtLTy, couLD GET LIFE TERm r $4, A*1_1 CampLeJeuNErN.0.-RoBERT Ganwooo DtsHoNoRABLy p tsgg@- & ne- QUoED ro PnlVAE. Ac 10, A-2-2 Pvt Snarunon PaRezoo couRT-t'SRTIALED FoR FoBBERv Ai CAMp kmoLeT'oN BRSEFLY ESGAPEDT HELD AOy 12 HO8TAGE tN OCEAT1EtDE -1984. Mv 17r A-12-.!-4007 CampLeueu$E,N.C.-&-AoK MusLlE rn,lRtHe ALTnED k trptnr 2I VHO REFUSED TO GO TO BEINUT FOUND GUILTYO MV 18I A-4-' Cpu AlrReo &trrtru 22 or Cntc FoUND GutLTy. --1986----- Mr9, A-4-4 l'l,arines convicted of mbnslaughter' -1987- Ap 7 B-2-5 I -dotX Robert Lowes,ZT, s Philip Dowdall,2l, to be tried for joyri -1937- Ap 27 A-3-2 DC-Prosecution of marine guards accused of spying may be in jeopardy by lack of evidence. MV 12 A-1-5 apDi9go-MFf ine CorBs-wil'l,:tl'y':11r Egtg on'cf g'-of f raudulently epi r',s t i ng .: recru I t g t;f rom,tDet : I Pe rshi n9r H igh " -Gi ra rdaS i ncl a i r ^ i :': : . i. l'' r i' i MY21 ,A-4i1 ldotX Marien Sgt John Weirick win not be court-martialed but ma face civi l ian prosecution for spying Je 19 A-2'1 Staff Sgt. Robt. Stufflebeam,25, of Bloomington, lll., to

    I y i no about i t under oath . ie 22 A-l-6 SunlD iego-Coiirfjmait ii i starts f6i Pe rsh i ng rbcru i ter Sgt. Fia6t<: Carnp,-;6 i rard .Je 2J A-3-1 QuanticorVa-Marines wi I I not court martial Douglas"25, Beane, Vietnan deserter. Je A-'l'2 SanDiego-Recrui ti ng Sgt Frank E. Camp found innocent of c s he fnEudulentlY enlist d Det youths-Girard MARINES: C0URT MARTIAL 198V Jl 10 B-5-1 San Diego-Sgt. Cynthia Pennyfeather,2S, of Wayne, is 2nd to be court martialed in Pershing grade tampering.-Gi rard J123, -1 o-1 Defense charges bias in spy trial of Clayton Lonetree, Ag 22, A-1-3 Quantico-Lontree convicted -1988- Ja 25 A-3-z Quantico-Cpl. Lindsey Scott faces 2nd court-martial in rape case F Z0 A-3-6 Quantico,Va-lmprisoned 4 years for rape, Scott acquitted. D l1 A-23-1 Father of Lance Cpl. Jason Rother, 19, who died in desert after being mistakenly Ieft behind by his unit says Mar- ines deceived him. : -1989- F 25, A-3-2 CampLejeune-Mich officer, Al Ien Lawson 25 of Fl int convict d of negl igence in desert death of marine Jason Rother. -L992 As 20 A 2-5 Marine drill instructorrsgL Clifton Ford ac{uitted on L2 charges in sexual harassment court-mart.ial. -L993- Ap7 A4-5 |4cgadishu - Gunnery Sgt Harry Conde of Fuerto Rico was re- duced on grade in rank and fined a monthrs pay for aggrava-

    - I 996- A.p 16 A5-5 Honolulu-Cpls.John Mayfield and Joseph Vlacovsky being court martialed for refusing to blooflorll sive flN$_gesistrv 2_marines,Honol ul u found gui'l ty of disobeying order in blood sample incident r,tARlt'rEst lil cRrTE 1956 Ae L2, 1-8 LF AgovE ouE To vtstr ABrvE EARLy NExr inNTH MARINES : CRIME 1996 Mr 13 A 5-5 Okinawa, Japan-Rodr i co Harp and Kendrj-ck Ledet,sentenced. t 7 and 6k yrs.for rape of L2 yr.old girlrappeal gentences hMRII{ES T IN C['BA I 933 Form 1656 fte Detroit Newe 4 lrARsHrps eARRy MARTNEs 6 sArLoRs ro riie*o ro DEFENB v dTf#fgr BarruEsntp lr.fvo,ltrue & pantrues 8BDEREo ro G.lae I rnsr &Ln r Ne conps sr v.,cusAli'3?14:nr * rE ggsrtt Tr,*;];t* J.).MAR1NE5 sET up Cusl eass pernoL & z, z$ oEtAeHuEHT oF U.S.renrHEs HAI aEen UITHDRAHN FRoH e 0uem vtLLAG€ tn UAKE OF BITTER PROTESTS FROM UUBAT REBELE _1960__ ' & 26, a-1-1 AurReoo Yaetn,utr,ttsrER oF JusrtcE,sAys lr tE MARINE5 IJND IN Cuea RE WILL BE MILLIONS OF CADAVERS _L966_ Ja 14^ A-LL-7 6* [JAsH-L-000 Manlt.tr FTGHTtNG MEN THrs MoNTH GoING io Guio,rar.rinao AAY ni;;rir--t;;; ;;''ffi MoRE DEFErfqr^vE sTRENGTH THERE f,t 22, ytl-a 3Dgr Javaru a-2 reEri t ts r,raq r Nr s;;ii3f i.- ru* AuTHoR tf r ss outst6U15 I pgGaNrpgGANTAN O NAVAL BASE,RELEASED ""c,,r-t983- Jt- 51t A-8-'! 00-MentNE GUARD Jomru BaeRwALo ro EE sENr t{ome DUE To eompLA 8&rTs ABOUT AN'd',t-0aSrmO S!{0RT HE rdORE rdasrr3,400 MARTNEs & 2 aMpHrororrs rAcK ,oorr,odfiril'-t;ilI AMorrNr, 4vatLAtiLE FoR iJsE rlr Cvpnus rr NATo pEACE-KEEptrG ExpEDtrloru rog set r rN ^ ---1967-* trta 2f , A_4_1 Nt cosr A-SGT.JacrKl r nuE&Scr.Hu6rrRaeraND wouNDEo rirsrLE slrrr N tN PARKED CAR lr'tTH 2;Ctnls It',iES : DAV 1941

    rrVALLey ^--1958-- S 15, D-16-1 loor*- FRetcuteR CAuprf 1s Gnelr LAKES rrnbi FLoATrruc muE sEUM To BE oN ExHtBtr S 26 FIARI.NES: .DEATI'{S ." ': :" ,';.,,!,i . . ",.., '' "1957 PimroeoN ,i*,.r. To -E rrro*E sr*poi*srrc- !{HEN rNFo*o,*uolu3i*?;to, DEATH OF A6OVE SUCH AS DEATH OF A^OVE tN AIR cRAsH -1985- Jl 30, c-4-2 po{l"fluron Marine LAnce cpr L_a,u46u_Lee o"*{',ryl,r5lded bv Cpl Steven E. Savich 23 fron Dlbrn found dead of gunshot wound in his bed in Di ibouti-Bradford 1988- Ap l3 A-3-2 1-dotX DC-Mariners death in Panama called accident. Ap 13 A-3-z Panama City-Marines were firing at suspected armed intru- ders when marine was accidental ly ki I led. Jul 7 A-3-1 Brian Murphy,21, of Dallas, fatally shot by another sentry Lance Cpl. Michael Krone Jr,,l9, of Seattle, apparently in an argument at Subic Bay Naval Base. 1988- i D U A-14-l DC-Lance Cpl. Jason Rother forgotten by col leagues, perish- es in Calif. desert D 11 A-23-1 Rotherrs father says Marines deceived h im on sonrs death.

    1 989- Ja 13, A-3-1 deseru death 3 Marines charged in F 2, A-3-1 Sgt CHris copher Clyde oui I ry i n deserE deaEh of Lance CPI Jason Rarher 19 F 7 A'3-1 3-dot guilty in death of Cpl. Jason Rother, who was accident- ally abandoned in Calif desert last summer F 26, A-3-2 Camp Lejeune-Fi rst Lt. Al len l-awson 25, of Fl int convicted of negligence in desert death of Jason Rother. Mr 25 A-3-1 Marine Corps faces $1.25-million claim in death of Jason Rother who was left behind in Calif desert during trainin MARINES : DEATHS ______i28e Je 3, 9-17-4 Lanee Cpl. Mlchael P B6gucki of BUrr Oak mlssing after copter crash i n Paci fi c-Tal ki ng Eon EJEssup N24A3-l 2 llarine pilots, Todd Travis,Michael Vidusek aboard a hel i- copLer from USS lwo Jima that crashed,sanked in MediEerran- ean, declared dead. D 21 A-9-2 ldent it ies released of 7 of t he 18 who died in American mi I it ary assault on Panama. -1990- Nb 1l c-4-1. Serrices for Cpl Estella Pearson, 26, shot to death in Va. parking 1ot while invest,igating pres Bush helico squadron, set in Det. O 18 B 3-6D NY poli,ce are.invest.iqa!ing Stabbinq dearh of U.S. Marine cori:oraf , Weridy Vaughfi f roi6 Det. N 11 A-3-1 Dhahran, Saudi Arabia- Marine shot in head as he slept -t990- N 14 A-4-2 2Dot Manassa, Va-Markeithia R. Reeves, 24, of Suitland, Md, will be sentenced in killing of Cpl. Estella Pearson, 26, in attenrpt to hid embezzlement scheme -199.|- Mr l7 A 3-.r QuanEico, Va''2nd Lr Anthony Marchina, 24, of Troy, d rowned durlnq basic Eralning -1993- S16G 6-t Autopsy to be performed on Pfc. Erick S Stallinga, 21, of Grand Rapids, to find out wlry he died after a eX€f- Iance Cpl Maurice Anthony Williams, 2L, of Det fourd dead from a self-inflicted gr:nshot wotmd aboard ship. - Brand- Williarns 07B1-1I^7 was a nice, sensitive & bright youtg m€il:. - Bratt & Williams MRIITE : DESERTERS t942

    bTslrry * ,,ryL-r.HAS.iyEuBERT [',iiHrlal:::::: i:::::':JAILED FOR :- DESERTIi,tG *- tN 5nruryL'*:Hd$rli'^, DlEGOTGL. s 22' ?4a- Eowmr GnarEK r€Nr AvoL ro ,ru*, ,ill'fo- MAY- BfiRrltls$lpo ro-- THATrHAr BRANCH oF sERVrcESERVIOE -Mn Z3';frrf- '' -rnxtllntt;-1945-- Eot^1. HAZEN' JR. ffins" KeNuerU [,,ji lCr

    Jacr Roerars or ScorTSDAt-E, aR tz. JAt LED ron orse nir iii'rr.r f SqZ

    Hasx-A!{oL }ta R r rE, . tgg, g. urn**', ti$3-t rrr.L rcE rEE MEN,FOEIED THEM & sToLE: THEIT.y!!.F6tF*T* cAn ---1969--- Jr 16, A-18-!r-.r. qu trs u.s. BAsE AND AsKs cUBAN GovERMENT roR AsyLul,l .- HANRy LAcKEy wHo ts Ar HoME tN pHtLADELpHreJe 11, A-16-1 AFTER sERvtrue 1J MoNTHS tN vtETNAM sA tD THAT He T-RETU THERE NO MATTER WHAT- s 16,'ioruf A-2-3 ALBANY'NoYT.DAVID Lo SPRAGUE SURRENDERED TO FACE DESERTION cHARGE AFTER L I v I NG 10 vnsr UNDER ASSUMED NAME- Ju11, ,A-1-3 Souru vterirA*a- Joruq M sr.ro,lilto3'3;;-r. PRoTEST BRoADc ASTED I NG bJAR I ITI V I qr [\Iav tsy Haruor Rao t Ae 26, A-]-)Race Sroqruour'r- JoHtl M SwEeltey , DEFEcToR sAys .Jo lNED V t e r Corue tn 69 AFTER MARtNEs LEFT HIM suFFERTNG h,trH MALERTA To DrE. ---1970--- N5, A-7-1 Mln t rue Scr. Joutrt SweerueY oHARGED w lrH DESERTED FR. WEST aavron NY. ---1971---Je 17, A-12-4 CHARGEO WITH DESERTION MAK ING PROPAGANDA BROADCASTERS rR.HANo t- Ser.JoHtuSwEENEY Ac10, C-1o-2 MaR truE Se t. Jotrl M. SvlEgl,t Ey Acqu trrED oN cHARGES oFDESER- rroN lrv VTETNAM Ae12, A*lT-1 Qunrurtc0, Va.-Jow M. Sweenr ey, sAys rrPWrs ARE BEING usED As poLtrlcAL FoorBALLStr tN N.VtErruapr ----1972---- JaZJ, A-6-2 'HomE'- NS IN JAtL AFTER BETNG REFUSED poLtrrcAL ASYLUM tru Cutue s 21, A-21-1 Camp LE.leurue, NC-;{IVOL ron J veEns, Pvr Hoy M-1c1auD GET MAs tMUM SENTS or liViIni-erien runr1tNG 5ELF lN AT Depr Nnru SCorrrv; ALso orsrofuoReBLE D [scHARGE. -1?75-Jr 1)s C-11-1 .s.uE." TR'/ l}lG snND t Ee o--wrn suruEnlailD I{AY I i' l4an I tlES KEEP I I'JOT JOSSPU TO ANREST H I I,1 FOR BE I IIG qES.E..3T.EB: CLA I;{6 S , AN DtEGo---MARTNE LAsr NAME SuTHERLAND rN BRte As DEsERTER' Ays HE !s tNNocErur hltLLtAM R, Nor JosenH; mse INvoLvES rorHERs, cousnus, $1 MtLLroN LEGAL clalmrAW0L,aruo FoRcERY. ' D 20, 8-15-5 Saru Dleeo--\,/r,t R SUTHEnIAND r\DMtTS HE ts \,/tLLtAM R SurHen- LAND AND Nor Hls coustN oR DouBLE; DRops $}1 NrLLroN cLArM AGST ctry AND FlantltEs:' ADt4 lrs oESERTtoN. --1975-- ,ta 26, A-1-1 Fnesen-Ex-Man r He0onps REsERv I srDonaloRavDunn429ro t scxlR uNoenFoRors emresry pLAhtrAEREsrED As DEsEtIEEdHtsUff,qEEo- xamr29rorFnAseRrARREsrEo ron Jel71 DEsERT|or or{ TEo nARRAnr, r rFnlsen.Ja2l3SrEvenDlleLEsL I E, ARREsTED I Nldan- tEN FoR lgTrAWOLrALGo oH oUTDATED wlanarr-Wowr Je 1;OrD-4-1 MlRtltEs ADiilE nlsrAKE lt{ ARREST or DonaND".DuilHAm-Rynn fo-ro r 27,, A-tr-4n-l-.t Der.pLat)ET.pLAt NGLoTHEsMANTkVERNoHGARvHUMESTARRESTED As oESERTER- Ma A-1-2 h/rn/r r-r r ue -1976- 2lt b---oesenrtogsb---oesenrtorus up N 25, D-1O-3 ! uoapenroeNcErMo-MARINE DESERTeRTRIcHARDEMMERtcH aRnasreoARRESTED, S AFTERER 6 YRsvRs -rgz8--197*4978-' JL 1,1. A-2-1 AN DteeO-MlnUELD|EcO-MANUEL PEBA tllgstHctllSSlHO FoR I Wfs FoUHD tH ABANDOIIED MESs HAr.L IEAK & OEnYOnnteo -1!$1- Fh 16, A-2-215y Bosrou-FnAilcts Tesntenr2g, coNE FRbi{ MARINEs FoR t0 vns FAcEs CoURT-!4ART|AL TR tALe _195- llvlA, A-12glo,

    -1985- D 21, A-10-1 Sydney-U.S deserter, Douglas Beane, found -1987- AP9, A-12-3 Camberra-Austrafian court rejects U.S extradition bid for Vlet deserter, Douglas Beane3g MAR I NES: DESERTERS 1987

    Je 1 1 A-3-1 Quant i co, Va-Doug I as Beane ,39 , of Vt. , AWOL for 1 7 years, to face desertion charge. Je 23 A_3_l Quantico,Va-Marines wi I I not court martial Douglas Beane, vietnam deserter I99o- Je 13 A l0-l NoDo Ron Jacko enlisLed In the Marines Lo avoid Ooing co Vier- nam.Love for mom fo,rces deserLer Lo run himself lnto Marines --1991--- o 11, A-5-1 Marine Lance Cpl.Christopher Green,goes AWOL,being treated for posttraumaEic stress for gulf wer veE-Hodoes i,[ARINES DET, Lvn 10, 1*"1+-5 l06th Oornpang, ooly reserve coirli-:3.11f in l[i,..ilo iYest, leaves Jl 10 for Quantivor Va., ror 2 ueeksl trainir:g S zz.Lg,4, r lhnrHE Gonps.Ress*-.-1g1gg.6ib-193?e ro E oreanTeof 'MEDidAL,rr_, Lt.Come.&s"E.h&tcorssou REcALr.Eo To Acrtt E oury es examlnnn AT UET.RECRUITII{G SfATlOtl 33-7 gAtL -o!${l-q _ JA l6t fEr.ssn AsoS 1r00O ro ron RArrallero, Cuaa . puarrc AS'GD ?o cor{rRr'UrE lm%?ffixom*" Jtd: ffi flnnrue bnps &xtltary tlup t EAtces ccxtxtEs EvEf,ry Trureoef ir-Mlcr uffisoLloATo Gas Coe 415 ta-trrono Jo 16, 3-1 [hnrnrs ?HAilKsFr[- FoR cooxiEg Form 1656 The Dctroit Nowr ---1943-+ JL 20, 5-1 I'btrreRsrwtveg AND SlsTERs ro IEET Jt tl N 51 35-8 [tsrnorr-ro oBsERvE [t 10 As MARtlFldr&Y. ;;;;;;;;;;,;;; tfi8flh L,eAneonN ff F; 3:f i,tanrr.rss HoironEo ',Lrrutn{ eafr$1j[G:PARW Aue. ro ae . eatpSt*s'i-d; I 25OTH AhBTIVT P[.AT@N TO BE II'IdJCTED &26C S#lr-?s4rJ, aaa Ats{lv, ptATooN to BE clvE$ sEt'DoFF JA 2727, t 3:3 TT,RECRUIIS.TAKE OAIH AT CEREM NY AT FOX TTTEATEE EH I'8' z3-1: 5tH IHFAHTR" EhTrALlorl-HEErYlt to rlAvE ioq.ifl , ---t%2---'l! MY frt.O_ryt1,0 T wELcoilIES HoI,IE 2 MANItr{A NE BAtTALtgNS rR* tl*tltilift"Konsl ro,1a-of EINES BACK TN KONEE HONORED AT PARTY T r6HT- Je-'2L, 6,

    Dsr.ltlerilE LAuNcH THEIR DRrvE FoR lTovs ron Totsi ,&'A"iHu !{rcn.HaRrms ro BE e*srffilFtTu* o, a"r**q*"fffLb3t* T,rir eRps or Drr"Manrrue OoRps REsERVrsrs oN t.tAy ro* r*ff*,"G or,r Easr :oASr rHls WEEK Ja 18. 10-1 MmrtlteS To STAGE PARADE Dowtt l{coowaRo----1955d Ave.Ja 21Sr TO RAISE FTNDS FOR POLIO DRIV€ MAR INES: DETR0IT lgST

    33 FT.TRATLER rJrrH ExHrorrs or ManrNe r,oRps LIFE ro o, 3 LocATtoNs ARoUND DET.DURtNG 10 DAy vtsrr;L@AttoNs "E"oiSrllilo& DATES LtsTED 5rr rr.rnl*rRv Baruurou Reseffitffir* z-*,EEK r**n?,fiutl?tc*, Jeuxe.N.C" UI[il:i:fil.KENzrE-Jh.*r IEETER ro Eorron or*, **"9#'olilro* .rdrp.7TH HAR|r{ES DtV.tr uE?. ___1g60_- Ja 1g- 4_21..1 ALL "ARTNE RESERvE oFFtcERs URGED To ATTENF MEETING JA zlsr --1970-- Je 16, A-2r-1 ISLATlVE EYEBROI'S RAIBED OVER PROPOSEO DONATION BY STATE GRavsavEN suBDtvrstoN To ctry oF Dernoll-pstLLtps D 12rA-2-' CaPr Jonru KruAPP IBS oNE oF MANY WHO COLLECTED TOYS FOR pRoUECT Joev sporusoRED ay I,O(YZ RADto ron Toys roR Tots -1975- Mv 11, A-1-1 Ssr Devlo E ScnruEtDER r,,RorE MorHens Day uerren -1- 980- Jt 1t C-4-f 0 GOP rtES up YroHT FLEET AT MARlrua-Dovloart -1990 As 16 B 3-4E DeL school bd has agreed to piy former Pershingr Hiqh School Eeacher, Donald Gorence $125,000 to setrle lawsui ! aS,sE dis tricc. He reporLed qrade [ampering Eo al low sEudenEs to joi lhe Marine Corps It lnl \ I 943 - -tsArcaF Form 1656 _-- :_ Ao a3, 1?_a Fnntmr SlunrccH otsclrARoED FoR pityglcAL otq sEflLtflf:pie!r''' oa, uicirianaei"i;ii[-urnrres --194,i:-- ' 6'08 T:wzZi -.&HB F. C^Eoxtsrsn DtscHARGED EEcAUsE HE ts oflLv 15 \Zf4 PATRTCK JiFrr.rSr em Anrrun Htutct- Gtl,Er{ rcolcar- otsenences Louesmm -Tor.rmy ro sE DTscrlaRGED d"rfl-rffi Bovo Boaosrmuf suRvtvt[$G BRoTHER oF FtvE tN sERvtcEs aErs riouoneer-e ,ICII{TSCHARGE --L945--- Je._s; J-6^ &9f,hrr- SYSTEM BEII{G UIORKED OUT FOR r 6 f#S: gt $q:EHEr,ff 6;H5' nI $ 'JEr'{g'ffir tlau.Joeffi {$EHds,iff FossrrLv lrG ACETRELEAsED fith'., il} r'*ar t,CI ,UTs DTSCHARGE POII.JTS TO 50 FOR I4EN AND 20 FJOR i "roEEIv-N 27. 2-3 BS 2 fur Jecr MEcNloEnrsoN oF Bnre GeN l-huoonDrGrvEn EARLY DXSCHARGE N 30r 29-6 tlh rL 111000 [€N oF' 5?H Dtv,To Bs 5ENT t{ol,tE oeE set.Leleuo D I aloND. RFEeT i/ent ruE Io t scHARoED A, .*tDsu'. T;-Es'- }STAINING DISCHARGE- FOR sON BY @N.IUACNIDER HAS htErrrm ovERsEAs Rqt"E-Eo tr' GEoner ih.rDRzEJEtrsKl RETURiTs---t946--- Hirt,le :GtveN latE cnn,=r*,,# lF"*i\a-z 400" sEND pET tr loN to PRes.TRu!,tAN pRorEST I NG PO il'rTs sEntEarurs & 3 oaRPomLS REoucED POLIgY ]ISCHARGE SCORE FOR SOIVEN REDUCED -bJl6 OF T ORPS t'lolrv DEi?OB I L I ZED UiSCHARGE PoIhITS, cUT To 40 I/R.1]. JtscH,r,nGE PorNTs cur ro 40 Prs cur ro 36 np t5 h,hLr peRsoNNEL wtrH 30 PotNTs ELt 12 e0N?r€ u'rY ?o euALrFY Fof, DISGlun€E E,.,LtsTco nrssnvtsrs cALED BEFoRE -0_4119: RessBvE oFFlcBs cALLED sEFoRE .nJL-ra, 1950 ro BE Dt

    Jrcrsomv r ure-fiaR r ue ser. Leunenr" .hffil::l;;t" r?rlll *, RS HERE IN ARIG.IS DISCHARGED 0 23, 3-6^?f* qL roN.'HlloNr o-Man rdede uapr.RrsraRoUapr.R tormt u4.P=gtnBgg'_:"- pfi"?B: --;--1958;-- i,iR 19; gtle,on52-6. fiXiTnr. rhn I tlE conpswnr J orreRsvr r r-nJ i.ooo, t evv EftLISTED Ulil VUILI.TTARY EARLY DISC"ARSC"ARGE TO ClVlLlArr LIFE THlS SPRlrtG F fg.fs-f Cpl -Marxrw $iCteom.uraorR oF "Dearn xtrs--1959-e uaRcHr To Br HoMIRAE-Y DlScH CHARGED LATER THIg MONTH D{SeHAncEs 1962

    20 yR.oLD MARTNE 191tg$ryl:1q.119e-rytrrED.v6 ,*r,*.i'*9+ ftm-l*,rEs rN EMOTIS{ALEREi|O!|Y FOR BADeAu COI{DUCTvwuuLt AeA- ^9, A_1-4a . Geu.r)avl"r sxoup ManrNE cones cplauAloANr, BANs ANy RE'ETrrroN oF cRrM CEREMONY lN wHtCH a 2A Vp OLD -EATHERHeeX waS DRUMMED oUT OF SEpVICE Tlt*iiT.rqs r^DEFrNr?E-y Ac?rvE quw rouRs oa-so-k4s^fih3 & uanr NEs ai uAJoi iiE i['I*IdtliYE_Fffi!_.Rr$'s-rgilEgRsl_:_z {esx-CrRu U.Otcx.f f yRS AGo ousTED rRopr llanrNES tlrTH'arD cortDlcT Drs- I.HARGE ron srErliruG FRoM |lrprr'rgs-HAs pRovED Hrs TNNmENsE & eErs PnEs JoHNSoN To GtvE HrM pgq5614AL pARDon, n 16 C.->z-t Peant HaRaonrHawArt-SAtLoRs Flraxael L.Yaruree or Ce[iF [ l*rniv !,l.BoB- qlvEN D r ScHaRGES-l{ AR r irE J ac Gonman, nr t lrl S : I :lD^g !ryP:p.I_ K anoo TO GET OHE^!.$ !N JA. -ALL^ DISONEYED ORDERS ---1975----NBr A-6-5 llentaren [-r. Manv Ntrlls, cuARGED rnrr r{AvlNG sExu]AL RELAT to[ts rdtrt{ MANv EitLtsrio mem- nesrcnrs.*1;;;:r:; Lr.Menv Ntrlts, AccusEo or SExUAL MtscoNDucr otscHARoED" -1977- 0 9r A-4-1 ClHp PEroLsTOf,, Crul6-1tX1stre'drrrOE6r HERl,lAil FLETOHEB cstrrB,vE,AE]I?EIAE|i F!.rINTI rBIIFD .r-' I[ IEAIULT GASE. El|E C& TJ66 EI;EIoIITGE ". --:;g7g:""--, -* --tr1i-[2; B:I:i Kevt1r \iltrraRoor r21, ot5oHRAC-E; FOR ERR9NEoUS ENLIsTI4ENT-lLK -19;0- 0-?e-A-2-1 LA-gor RmeT Jcrnoaru HOTJORABLY: DISCHARGED AFTEP PoSING .NUDE

    3 cA fipofE $*d',IEn,' ffi .t i'3f" rE n r ea nirlffi ' J, . H o Hona Euy'vt"'l a'k' ;3' coLLABoBArinro ullrn ENEMY 1p [|E-To -4794- -s 28.zv, ^-)-vA-5-6 Evl BnootNE suEs ovER HER DtscuAFGEr sAYs'sHE urAs Nor PREGNANT -1986- D 2, A-3-1 3dot U.S SUpreme Court to decide if marine was wrongly discharg after defending rights of pregnant marines 1988- Ja 26 A-3:1 l-dot Robt. Stufflebeam demoted but honorably discharged., t:i MARINES: DISCHARGES iggg ttr 27 A-14-1 Tustin,Cal if- Mechanic Cpl .lKirk Hill discharged after he cross-connected instrument switches on hel icopter to prove pilots were flying unsafe aircraft. AP 20, A_3-l 2 women honorable dischanged rby neason of homosexual ityr -L994- Ja 6, A-2O-3 SanDlego-3 may be dlscharged for poslng nude for gay mag 197A lsr DrvrsroN DEsTGNATE, FRo wTTHDRA,AL rHEr*tiiif;irl av ocr 15ru HRTFESE DCTS 1943 r s' F,u.Mlcmeu J.lLvtoqfrzx ret.l$otfrLllf{,Gv ans uEsD hnlrug, coRps MoRE cot€ERNgD ovER netgd$s- FoR THEIR Ja 9, eoro5 iiooi rHAN coMruENDArroLgiffI_rHEM Bv coMMANDER -*#F.ra. 1_4-5 Taopacau cL*iArE on roo HARD eo;;}ffi?iLl ru. r* #r't'rtfi-ro- lb uone Docs NEEDED uNrrL [hy 15 [fo e^ rr lflanlpes AsK FoR r.oRE Docs S 24: I-7'8 \pDlTlOML IcJAR QOGS NEEDED r) 204rr 15-1 AppEer raAne ro lJErnnnrpnc.rrErRroorERll FoRtrnE ttn-nme 6v Lraa. fla -.f, ffi[$#"E l&agilev lhr,r. 31- *, g* mgA i-7 ft(w ro B ER'4AN, BUR t ED r,, r rHFrttf il?rol;r--., ryo ns ---1952- ' A6'13,13-7^&-41 ftkrmuEm t4Ass- EREKrl.oyR,ouo DoBEnT4ANsBUR,ED rn rrAc-onapED eAsKET wrTFr MlLrrARy HolroRS ___195g__ F g, 2_5 5* coste MesarcnLrF.-ncKrn THE Al5atto" sHEpHERD Dqc HHo sAvED LrvEs oF 51 MARIi'ES DURtNG lirvAsloN oF OKI$AWAr ls DEAD u.von LucrHen I tt,sero ro BE ,-orrfil$ffiffi*f*'3t ffilftl frL riirs Hrs 19ri etnixorv ---1966--- D 27. C-22-1 DeNarua.VrErNnr.l-Carqp Ketsen HAS TRAtrueo &Hlruot-Eo 55Mlnlrue PATRoL'Docs ltuV t etnaN-Hnnoeg -: I 7uu-- u L7, u-u- | MRs.Sretrt tev MacN tsu.GlRDeru u lrv sa I D ART t cLE lru Nrws otrt ooe Ktrue & Mantrue Jonru Monaru rru VTETNAM sHows Ktrue ts Doc SHE WNCE OWNED I{ARIEs - IN D&IINICAN REPI.BLIC np '6-FEnEorut.tar AtsovE HENT AsltoRE ZZ To AtD 0N EvAeuAitory 6r pRorEcr 1oo ABovE LAiDED ro Auenrearc rt,! DR as ,13r??uu;3il,*., moscou-RussrA .HARGEs L6 rweRvE&rrroN r^ m orr^tL'3mt;l;3^*"- C-8-1 wesr*-LBJ REcErvEs Gop supronr lN sEilDlre ftAnr*ruio'Eft l€w Tnouege roR lCrsn,Tre He6lxes HevE Lraoeo+o,it T56 }IORE HARI]€S I.AfrDED Iru tX Ap 29 BRIr{GtftG ToTAL l4oseotr-Russ le&CueA cRtrtc tzE MARI NE LAhDt i,Bs I -*1965-* Flv 2, A-1,-8- WAsH-l-6 AiusOUtS€s ro 0 AS THAT lr utLt- sEND MoRE TRo6Ps To DotdREP HR 3. A-1-5 DOMI KEPUB^ hJAsH.-PRES.JOI.IUSOH OFOERS 4,500 MORE AMER.TROOPS I NTO I$ICAN Lle MY 3'' A--l'-7 $ts;Ppzuy3o3 -ABf '; I nffi ff , 5',','ou? ilES' I FF"5l fu'., *eB Ie' 4 t;i;|, 3 i^. H,qnrr,tEs BEll's SENT rnrrO DOaTNTCAN REpUsUtc !{v !, A-1-Z 6* r NE K ILLED By sNtpEF F I Hy A-1-6 ili-riijDouinruqi:U6-f'iin nHo[4ENTFE 4, WaSx.-PneS.JOXtCSOn TO PULL tE rnOOpS OUT OAS CAN PFESENT PLAN THAT rdrLL BRTNG PEACE otu tsLAruoi MY 4' A-1-8 Sa1iioDociFrco*eeeu trBOoPS.UtoeR CoaHuNtsT LEADERSHI P BEGI H MA5S I NG Fonces r.ronrn'& sourH or t-lS FhntNE DEFENSE PERIMETER $4v 4, A-1-8 6+ SnuroDoNr INES & PARAT wrrx CoMM.-LED REBELS I , t{v 6, A-1-5 SeNro Do,rtt'trco-l Mantrue KtLLEo & 2 rlowDED & 2 cAPTLREg BY REBELS T,DAY Mv 6' A-1-7 ROW6.10 OF ZlOrur ltL. wOtBtDEO-b€EK lN ABOVE Wlst1-La1tCe-rciroir-Losi CpU.RUSSSUU - A-1-5.A-1-6.^Go nevritrEnoLi rcirot-Losr sdxBorH GcBLEGS (rof,-fMvMy 6. 6r inro oo*iuso-i-G ur*nrEs KTLLED By REBELs,2 Xl!1.).^t r*, ?E]lg= r o BE G, N r ]D R Au, * rSflffi I [3.fl = As coNrrNG',, l,TS :f;H nn,%RB' ;[SfisE$He$uHE*t FEtl EAYs -ti,Jfffii 1965 F1v 7. Ant.{ iru" Dorrrueo-lr ts noorrop sNtpER wAR.ts cALr oilE laoadtr & Nexr Mffiitr uTo$tATtc F|RE .FR.qM No{HEE BuRsTs 6f-rr-B,LrrcHano My 7. 8-4-6 rmro DoNllloo-4 LE MARtiEs rluuo tN BLrzTNG GrlrFtGHT lu r*our or NERAL HOTORS DEALERSHTP-BLANCHARD l4y 9, R-19-3 lr,l 1916 ManrNEs LANDED iru DoulurcrN Repuautc.EvENTs iru nevolr-roRN RE ,UBLIC BORE STR'KING SIM'LARITY To THOSE oF 1965-Tneuslrv sqNro Donr neo-BEFoRE REvor-r Do*r rrrrcnru ARMv EsrrMAHr'?+ rt163u-ro.*o I€N.REEELS CHARGE 8 TRLC(LoADs or DOutrufc!N TRoOps anoucsf tNTo ZoNE Gc0prEo sv tB rRooPS Mv 13- A-1-4 Saruro l)ourlqo-AruornER MARTNE KTLLED Mv 1Z ev sNtpER siseL,enrNGr[rG t"hrBER To 18 rtILED stNcE TRoops LANDED 2 wEEKs AGo secv. EtrserrE $4.ZrEreRr pRArsEo AF ron o,nr-,rrTIe1if,t66'iloor. * 16,000 roNs cArlco tNro ABovE |ru 1,800 FL|GHrE "rftfif:!=_1116-5,rt Hlsn.-t6 HAs FoFMALLy oFFERED To pur rFoops tru Dopr.ReF.uhDEF cG{MAt{D ff 0AS AS pART oF HEi{tspHERrc pEAcEKEEpING FoRcE oN IsLAND yiigg.& ,,il6'9i6ps H,€H ift'fl&RrcAs, 6hf^I"i#.,rHDRfu "#HY 26, A-1-7 SNqroDanlxoo-l$ BEGtits I{IT}TDRAwAL oF TRoops rnoq DR As 600 ARE REMoVED Hv 27, B-E.L SawoDwrrGo-rStteur SlNi-srtpER utrH stLErcEF or'r Guit'HoFKs our AT Boutvrn^ AvENrrE Mv 28, A-L-7 WAco,TEx.+Res.Jonmson sAys ts tssur!{G oRDEBs ro utrHDRArr 11700 moRe Aren.urutrARy MEN rnou DP Je 1, A-1-1 6. lCasn.-Pnes.Joxusom sAys coHDtrtcNs il{ Dou.Fgp.xavE tHpoFvED To ExrEM EE ts ulrTFTDFA!, Inc 21000 AF I NES JE 2. 8-11-1 SlrwoDour arro-2 1000 fioRE ARrilEs ro BE Pu-LED ow-or DR .h_ 4- D-13-7

    SrlfilJ .elasr oF.tr.s.t{qnr*Es wERE sA*-rNG ffriuu.r.*r,*. TODAY .. , "*^fu& 7. A-6-2 5r Caolp Leururte-N.C.-MrctNE Comps. BRre .Geru.Jogw G.BoureR hrHo coiti{ANDED ffir :*- J:[H.r ; ff .:^ ]:,'i #: fi::.' [*e?[?+H: ; Tft CANINAEAW OFF COAST WHERE NEW VIOLEiTE PERSISTING "- 1974

    MantNss vJtru RIGHT To I,'EAR SHORT ,lH i RED T,' I GS OVER LoNG HA I R- GEsERT -1976- de 20, C-7-5 OG-Sup Gounr REdECI?ED APPEA!.6 6V RCOERVTETE ORDENED TO rEEP TIAIR GIIORT 1967 MARINES : DRUGS r .l , v-v-l Horuouuuu-ManlnrE CoRps cHEoKrNc oN cHG. av VrEfruam MARTNE lrlr[rlr lsoN Aroa r ru HonotuLu pApER THAT r4AR r NEs sMoK I rue por & so DopED up UNABLE To FtcHT Vlereorue --1971--- Jt1Q, A'1>-'( Wasx- Nnvy alto MARINE ADDlci$ nLLowED BREAK lF cooPERATE lN owN REHAB ILITAT loNr -1972- O 10, D-8-7 25 Sa rcoN sENTR tES REPoRTED oN HERo lN: cUARDED US Et'legssv THERE. -1975---J815,414-4 Mr.CutgBtNc rtlEoRY FoR.^ryhRlNE DRuo ADDlqrs-.- ---1979--- S 14r A-9-1 AM Wnsu-5 r4AR I NES tdHo HELn I'tA I NTA I NPnes.CaRTER t s HEL I copTER FLEET TRA$ISFERREDTDUE To oFF-DutBflAR t.luaNa ffYtlT_ZO_tAm SANDtgOO-lhS UAUTCHED ToUGH NEtc CRAOKDOUN ON DRUG tigEo 'ED t'lAR I NES" : ITOR I ALS 1950 -:4-i fnes.TquNaN ryA[Es !.IEAN^cHARGE vs IARINES S-ril-HaRMOr'tv- I RUI'l.qNrS SLIGHT I t\,G OF $,trAP[NES BLOI'J TO lltTER-SERV tCE EffuouoLorE,i,A*,,*.,[flr[]ffi rDABr-E Sgx.lilrusrrED-S#r[Ayh'#*ouGLAs*ffi BLAsrs MovE To ELtMtNA"TE esovi Natrl GurrLEriri p-rrHET Pno,rLerors or LenoeRsH r To sE..D HAR r.'Es-ED, r.%.'i6rt#5' Ut{Et rwr TiArHtm cqilr?stEDlr MMINES:, ENCINEERS: 3RD FIARINE A{INEERS BATALI1N lg5s

    ToKvo-ro eo ro 0xrNawa rR...lapaN F)R cotlsrRucrtoN rhoifirfis illARll'lES: ENLISTITIEIJTS I 933 JE 25' L-?-2 3* oCrorulfi6r 300 As urup rorun#tE*a?ffiqai$r?,ElrEF. tr... ._-"--._; [h 2O1 €-7 f{LIgTIdENTg To-^ EE__ AccEPTED lfl-. ^:r9{=DET ron a weers . rrilrrDHEmf' e 1944 1 I srro BArrLE WELL Egrrrerm " FoE ffiRl*i$E- coriFoRr-&tc*.r*'8' tlaprrurs rRy our n,.0, ,.uoT;;;;-;*?;;il Mrre ,, u ,,r,on'50'S0olFluuo POSSED tJiTFt BABV T^,NK tlR 13^ 1-3-5 MaBtre 6Rpsf HAs DECIDED To REpLAce tri 10 tr.rcx BAy NET rrix-Anwts 6.6 tncx MooEL --1955-- D Lt, 6?-2 I'lantnres ro usE ELEcrRotlrc cRArr{ To HELp--1987* KEEp rRAcK oF rrs Eeur"rE}r? itlARlNES: FAMILIES 1956 oKyo-l{aRrNE bMMANDen ieu.Rarorpn Pare ExpEcrs zsU iii,ffi'ro ,."o JVES._&i. & FAMILIESFAMILTES HoMEX.Ome FRoMrROna JaperuJAPAN >Lg57b liVliy r_2^fZ- 6--Al-ls-tl-15-r LItusoN utrrs I'hntxE BAH ox FArrilLles-.1957b 6yEnsels- "' '5t --1965-- F 9. t-12-7 Spnelo oF ToGETHEFNESS-I NFAtB To MALEs-lt.Mr.ulEn ---1966--- D 15, c-24-1 MenlreConps FAMTLY ASSISTANcE pRoGEBM cREATED FoRDEt.AnEa DEPENDENTS OF MEN IN THAT SERVICE INES: lN FAR EAST 1955 fl 10' 13-8 .LEuuel snEpnEno .ln. anprvEs To rNspEcT ABr)vE 0 4, tl-7* Cmps reomEs sTArDAio rouR--1960r- oF Drrry FoR Fen Eeit FroM 1s ro 13 t953

    Bn, c.Grn. JoHrl,C.McrluEEN ro coNFrR MAFKsMANSH,, u,,ooJ! P:*ogi3rr,- H \M[' ps grH t -\NsH t Jr- €lqqo- . I s A-lt-u AeorrE ro FLy FR@r Gnosse lt' Mvrl case-i5'Cer,re LeJnih]ntle.Fon ER TRAtIIIiG MARINIES: 5 TH MARTNE DlVlSloN 1953

    Dsr.aREaRESrDENrs.wHo sERvED rN w6Hio.+r;in- r r wrrrto3irliro.i.ro o END ANNUAL FETJNt.N tH Der. Nexr suinasa ,k _za" z9t- ABOVE TO HAVE REUNIOI{ IN DET THIS -tpll-nIIEEK-.c.'.TttIs - . JE 2- 5-2 MtrMEFp. oFn F aaovE's An 116 t c Drvrsrc*h. r/. - ..1. H.LD 4rH t 'FtBRE+r ANr,ruAL RE,NrrN ir,_i1jv-ii-oo-v-re ** *'J*l#ffi :*:::i::::"::ti:i-'"Ai;#i :iT .f:itTll F,R r'{o *il*o, *,' ,I? bi*r.rl;[ilifi .F-::* ^, Hasx-uHtt FEAcTtvATEo :: t{g: M,rF I hlt-_i : F ll,l rI, cES t953

    Mn 22, 1,-?7-6 \']]VE TN C.1NS D L I XTE ITS RECUR I T I I'G. t,E 5EI VE T^ )FF I ,1FF ,rur ^ CE PRI)CUFFt4E T tcES Tt{RU l_J.c,.oru Apn: lu 1sr r,, si,vE rr+trrEv & t.,tAt\tpotiER - 6 81955_ Jl 15. 11-7 5EC. ILSO{ ORDERS FUND VOTED FOR ABOVE, TO BE tltvESTtGATED- b1960-- JE 86, B-1Q-S €N.+tousE coNFEREEs K1LL $4^ prt, LI N FUND TO HIKE THE I'IARINE LORPS FI tlE FoRcEs 251000 ABovE PRESE$,T STRENGTH 1960 & 7, A.{,&A Tn .nrr lts zrn rLEE rr Prcrrrc E4ARII{ESI FIRST bT{RINE DIVI t94s puto' anE BE,r{G rdADE ro HA'E pARry.FoR ALL ,.rrro*!{uol,of in, #tt. 40 8Er rcnrbens cELEeMTE ro a{n!v or Guaoau.o*. ,lfiol1*3irrr^, 6*-1953e-_ S fer- io-i' ,ARDED PRESIDEXTiAL UT{I?E CITATTON 21n=.,.Kg$l:rytyq! or sEq1,. crvEs KEy rocrrv ,o o*r! 3gi.it,".RArED CAPITAL FR. CO}S,II'NIEST 3 YRS AGO .Qaror Pe*or-eron,Gurr.-ABovE ro;;;;*3tiffi ,ru* ,, i3 l?+rS;ir* ,*. '" BovE DUE To Leeve KoReA i,lR- i7; d-i ',ffFfflflf*i$iiltfuli$lfir!!:% Konee *o?\,,lTt-, ::T f.- r:_1"r^r,o: ,_o aniivi ririrqt'ii ronie l" [,?i carp Pgr,loLeroxrcaLrF.-sMALL cALTBER ARTTLT ERy rs on6iiEi iccr wHEN rr ExpLoDEs'HELL N ::ri::y^:.i-.T::-l1i..a rytqes -33 21, o_1 Ausrnt r A FoR .*' .*IrE* r ru or.vrgr a*uv +I^.EI-BiS,y-ne, 93 -oqlrlilslie' Ifl.U;lrtot.awa-7r000 Mrn rnrs oF AEorrE oiv. rll Caoap-Pi[rluEr6r,lre el- ur a TONS-SUPPLf ES I:ANDED HERE.I{HOLE DIV. WAS I{OVED ! .-1956--- , -b 16- A-1-8 Sarcolu-lBSAIOOU-T.B tE[E NierresMININES HELD oFFOFF eso-irrrerrNG25O ATTTQKING Vlgl-ud{eVIET "CNG 'roR FOR 5 HRgHRs I'rrl ursT-uan sTAtrDrwil-L Go Drt'rN tN l,lenrruE C..Rps HlsToRY --1970-- - tt4n 1 5, A-2O-1 V/NSH-TO SUIT NORTHERN PROBINCES ON SOUTU VIETNAM AFTER siavrt'rs Ar DaruAlte FoR Ftve vRs-HelNLrJR. f,lARltl':: FLAB 1959

    Sar Dr'Go,C4utr,r-l''lapsr Conp oFpor R?poRrs rHrFr #tl:at3ilG Foirhp IN HOU' OF UPL.KAMON LAMBFR 1952 u*rg oF 1sr HARTtsE Dry.otr, lonmu FRoNr ro *r ro**13,$ 3ti?n." WEEK DuRrs6 5gtrlrER S 16. 2_3 xrre ^ JoHn & RosEnr BuRue coupuAtN oF HolaE cooKtNG AFTER Hanirue CoRp ears Ap I2t 8-6-1 3r HasppREp.DarurEt J.Ftoog lN Hotlse-1965- AppRopRt ATt oN srreccnli.Hr.: aRtuG asKEo wsv l'lantNEs GET eRaoe C MEAT & f'pw oers cRADE B ,+1972- S 29, A-3-1 Cnar!oNs--TEAcHERS GET TASTE or Mantrue Conps Ltrg.-BuLLaRo 1945 pRo$ttsED JE 14. 1"-6 GrvE A pARTy EO Fneuces ii,lEi,jiu,lANrv,tHosE BRorH.n lwo Jll,ra Jita,otea ct,t , LeHavne-JeFFR t E MourGoaenv r2l rCx t ., IJS MAR r NE rsENT. 15+roNrxs pR tson FoR ATTAGKIG & wouNDttrc HorEL MAMGER Nov.15 t97l

    J^a*"o*- i'r,McLaue J^Hn Hr ar ro'3;"'-3l1, FUR!-oucH THANNS TO "YOUNG SISTER MANCARET WHO SENT"rro" AOMMANDER LUCKY VOODEN N I CKEL. 015, 8-10-1 MMENTS oN Jont't, G ETT I NG FURo UGH TH Afi,8S To TO S ISTER ts k,ooDEN N tcKEt-o Eolr NARIiES : I$I @EAT MITAIN 1960

    LomorT U.S.Flanr NEs cHGLwtrH sr.{uGGLt nG cIGARETs &*risE* F 3.t E-11-6 Loruolr 7, [hntNEsr'|AKlrtE LosELVJB sTRtpEsJlIllrE5 FoRI(,K sHWGGLItrGJffiUU(,ULIB(i F f r l\J,_^ nR .S. a,raassy uNDER F r RE qRor4 r l r sH l lps sp,Flp r r r bH'Flr-ii Xnir srs \sst'trFon LETTING 15 uaRtNEs App-F.rA-lx oru a TV pLAy . oooru-ts r,rrRrns r{or-Drip *ii1.3Hilil sLEEw s*:-t}9ft'!-fr*rFiptil EOtiG OFF-h,|lH DtpL(trtATtC ASSTJFAT€ES & gES-ASStt -T FOnCE OF |RATE INES : lN 6REEG l94B Asston ldlnriles ro tS sHtps rH Gneer & lrautau poRTs- -' tvlARlltES a GREI{ADn r 983 a 261 A-1^2 I ruvas t oN oF GR etraaa L lsrEr'tED To or{ FIAM t?AD ! o*FiARTl r{ a z6rq T-r*f DC-23 Yarurs wouNDED tN HEAVv REs!srANoe A 260 A-1-6 D0-nensorus FoR ! NvAs !oN ExpLA I NED 0 28, ,A-12-6 N Oer Ctrv eouzuctL opposEs U.5 tNvASloN m N 1e A-1-5 DC-U.5 Fian! rues I NTTADE trsLAND iuR GRerunoa, 0anR ! Roou N A-1*6 DC-U.S Tnoops dttu trnve GREruaon tJ ffr', A-16-'t 5 I rr I GH ENADA-ED rg, aav I T fii A -Z-a CHRIsTM.qc TARGET Fon TRooP PULLoUT -'984- Ae 6, A-7-1AM 0C-US opERATIoNs suFFEneo rnoi,n sERtoug oEFtctENctEs & mtsr AKES SAYS REPORTT -1W4- MYlt A-z-5rlDor EnpIpLEJguNaNC-EI'4PUI BIOI.!S UNI T RETURNS HOME r S 121 f.P.-71o,or FnvetrEvlt LEilC-AnMy pnoEEs sHAnoEB oF Loorlt{G, unoltoDotBG By SOID|EBS !'N GnEraoe -1986- Ja 27, A-8-l LA-Women were deployed as flight crew members during '83 in vas ion . i 1 958 .k zt, 46-a lNrrrrnv BATrALIort rAKE Top HoNoRS !N STiiALL EORE COHPE?ION AT Gnrvurro MABINES r E&IEI LYZ9

    Form 1656 TLo Dctroit N.-. D ?, 1'B Eoover orders uaalaeo sent tor to cotrs rvltb Bolttld, rlleordlors lry Eoovor to sea(L Eosoa6o to Ooagreeor D ?t to &eaL s,lth, Elttratloa : L930 la ?,O, bE CoL.Blchard M.Grtts, comrendecl by Acting Sec.Ennest l. J&DcImr'of Navy Deptrfor bls work 1B Eattl &rrIfig recent dlstrubairces Mr 5r 2O-3 Leadens of lndependcnec Eoveuent unlted ln appe aL to Eooven Conrm.;deqqnd withdraval Ef, &Iarlnes- , &L _ JI 5, A-9-1 Shy alo U.S.Marlnes oeEqI[F Ealtl-Babbl Leoa Treln -OVERT- f.ranrs unm ro iFvE ,rn*t*rliiffi3- gorlrE.OeT f.:i?r?, 1I,* t'1tlnq,qs To oF l-hrrtseolr D I tEsr raanriis io-*errRN ev JuNe tr u. d9:1fr3+s To oe er-elreD op Mnnltrs ev Arn. tro-1934d JLzirz6-C-| MRINES sEclt{ TO EVAGUATE lSLANo AG 5.i.-1-2 Mrcn ffinrmes ro LEAIIE AG IO,AFCER 19 vRs oF occrrpATtoN AG SI1-10-Z T-D S'ITI{DRAT" I READY TO FROH TATTIAN* VENTURE;PEACE*:: u"nlcArs''ff PROSPERITY RESTOG,D .i!"lHli:53l*.fd*Ni!!,re4": 'EHI%INF.,''- [S rlae coffEs ooml;thrrren rua $TFuRLED G izrs-r:-g g" Fhtrt reanFUL As tvrARlNEs co:ISLANDERS REJorcE our\{AR?Ly.ErrJr pRlvarELy ryueelqrrSEfiIoR6[EoBr,,BokIHEslBiffi er I, rI BES;rAf,r wqF mFr],EffiHtlIE E6elnTrc$smernrrc$] * *lflrBSB * *Fi!ffi &ir,*fl, Att mve BEEH woilHbnAf,m , \e z\ A-:E-5 - Wesn-Al.qeniCAN AMPHtFtous FoRcE-1966a-1 TNCLUDTNG CARRTER Boxrn a ffioRrruE srTT -f oN oF 21000 $.rEN ARE LY|NG orF Hrrrt -t994- S 25 kI-2 itie_n - Marines kilIed 9 armed men outside.police sLate. ftI,q.Rrm$ ! II&.llrIAII LY:27 t 2" 25-7 600 ordered to s,hanghair'ffi l':lR 31f-23-!' 3no lvhnrNe ErEHse BlrraLro^r #Efl8r-ro Hnsnrr 1gB2- S 5, B-10-' !,' Bnv0lw-PFC BvRanr N $ourrnleLLzl FouND sHor ro DEATH AT Peant Hanaon

    Form 1656 Tho Detroit Newr MARINES: HEALTH 1969 Mv 20, A-8-2 sAN DtEeo-REcRulr DEpor coNFlRt'tED lrs 25ru case op MENtNclr TERRY LO FESENDEN IN' SERIOUS CONDiTION -1975- .Ju 14r A-6-1 Race WesH-New cMNDT Geru Louts ldtLsor DEoLARED srAR oN FAT MARI -1978- N 10r D-1-, ARRTS lStaruOrs.c.-1r1 RECRUITS BECOME ILL AFTER TYPHOID vAtie t NE. FIARINES: I{ISTORY T92g Fors 165(' Ngr64 tLL RoUND our 154 yps cF srtFRtNG HtsTlRy f'iNll QJ vns oro lrj lorm O-'7:-l lnrx;concRADULArED ev RoosivEr-fi lt'rI]'s-f ' pF^y^p,-gq_N I'IAKINEr{ARtNE (;LLET'}iATE =::i$i:---uer- . Hr cFUr \rErsVLI5 CELEBFATE J,OOTTI166rx-G7;3t.1i;- arqutv.ANIIIV. tNIN "E?. NI! lnrx1OTH LoR,s, TRaorrr.,N )F^lrE*orsr., rs *ttr1'r1it*' ,;Ii1rrilt*rEs AsKs Diiii iieni-ro-pai"in iElre rc manr rui6-fniniu,167rx 'lrve ouon^r.rus pEpurArtrN srNcE oRGANrzArroN rn. 1778-Euirl tr id-E-z )roRY'F i'rARrNE ACrr,rN'* 167'H_aIiBilj_to-Lr.ceuf,Tx?:.!A:95S,,t &rpl gyEr:F.rs.Ey EplrroN JUsr r67illn!!o-ior^" ., 'lg,'3;?onttt rIL}I OPENINC; AS SALUTE TD UARINES )N 168rX AMruIV. I'I 1O?H tr^..^.,-- N 7, 1_14_g QauquerDANeuEr roNtcHr ro MARK 16BrH16BTH B|RTHDAYBIRTHDAv N 9: L4_2 rr MARK ANNIvERSARv y 22-2 lfiIT?.lr-pll9llgl_r,:ir)R3ilrdNE ta, -II] lrrrn{orr.9,]MP4N!'EP,U)L.ftJNT,ASsURED '- MEN WILL STAND BEHIND UIRII,Ig CONPS * N Ln.324 ISTOPICAL SKETCH ev REx llHtre N 11,',50-4 Tur uenrNE coRPs VETS TELL OF CUADAT-CANAL BATTLE AT ANi IV.GATHER- ruo-Fuuuen to^ n-7 THTANN V. $i 1^r 3: 2-7 .rLrN Sia"r-Ey rr s Ea,< tN I)Et. 'H 17019 ANt! lv. E.--194c--- N 6- s-1 70TH BTRTHD y ABovE'BANQuET lt{ ller. N 1^TH N zl 28-1 nrre 2 iinoes r') BE gpEAKEps Ar cELEsRATtoN lt lnTH N e: 24-4 SrarE ro uNFUFL rlle.s fi 10rH To HoN R aBcvE N 11- 1-14-4 (al.Sraplev ADDRESsES CELEBRATIIN -F 17oTH ANNIv' lu Der.' N 12, 26-5 2. t-Lo-S 2* INES ro xoru,R 17ztto ANlrrr,. o, D.rfil;lnll#; 8; 18-7 y-Sierin.Sier_en iirssrrs N fOrxlOrH asAs ,'leRrnEr"len6le, o*psonps DayDav ,r.nrn Mrcn.Flr N 8. 1-4 172NDND ANiIIV.Arurutv. ToTO BE HARKED BYAIR ATTAKC lN]N wAYNDoTYEWAYNDCTTE l\N giH & FLIGHT vEn Dgr. N 10 4-7 eri.A.Vlr,roencRrFT RETrRrNG.sAys luiaR.tnes ARE PREPARED N 10' 2-5 F? .GELEBRATES.Fl FRlla?Fq 172ND ANNaNNrv-l'lanlruEs I v.l'lan t mgs N lrlTH10TH ---ieaa- a !9. 24-7 174TH ANNIV.ABDVE TO BE CELEBRAIED NIIi 1ITH1 - 24; t-s-t ffa .GEn.Sau H:uano ro BE cuEsr uEr.cEL? T'l;[H;'roN,CELEBRATION NI\ lorxo INES:..HISTORY

    ,r.c,eru.Sana Hrwano ro aE DEr.c-uEsr t\i l^rH rN rzsno aru?rlh 1:18:i rs 5'rr oR MARTNE cAMpAr NS cELEBRATTNG sE anare-""- "-N"i:"6-d'neur,r idard ei-Bodr- AqiLLAc.r\prLLAc l! loru].orH N 5- 6-8 173no 4r lrtrV. ,r) BE oBSERVED i\j ,ll 2f:S 173RD Ar"Ntv.,1AR!NES CELEBRATED tN DEr. [r, "lrrH;rEN.SA u Fi:wano ro AK [ii' -1-. 51-6 III Vl: 9lD-I?plyj.pRArsED By EN.MensHauL ti II,-z-a 3TH flARtNE REGTMENT CELEBR,\TES 1 5TH B|RTHDAY wtrH BtC euasr tN EA ^ n 29. 2'-3 fltcn.ouoesrC}I .OLDEST T.IARINE,(IYOCr.rARrNEr0-yoq ----t952-crnlr'raiar,r,rrCTNIIIAHAN,TS BE H)Nr*H)N)R euesr*iiGUEST Ai ANITXOAVBRTTHDA - oF AB9,VE tN DEr. N 8TH -:--1953--- _N 10. 26-2 tN THE T4ARINES-LDIT. ----1C54--- 0 13.',1n-1 vEyg_r?-9E!E.q!lIE. 12 cELEBRATE, llstrs 17e179 ernrxoavBtprHDAy N 1nru1nru. 0O Z?.z?,' sL-t-5L-t. tNE IpRDS MEr{oplAL FLAG RAtstNG'nt lw'r Jtua.How NEARTNG'coMpLETt !['rE llsrlly DccuME]trS rD BE pLACEo rw riloNumEmr N 10, 5-1 . ,hEMUEL SHE-ARD I.DEDtcATED TrDAy MAsstvE STATUE mruoRirueilNG U b.v. F fli.Htii fi:i?-Et' :1,-Fb]tr,l'3.Y[[i^r.- -;. *tti"i$# rHE r R 17erH aNn r v^[r ]*,,?i;g y BAr ;- ; 5 affiFANrn rAL' ; ;;- ; l;i],il^d I+'l' iirfl 1lJJ.. N iOrm * vR Ar,i'rv. oF AqovE IIffi i: ri'.-L llil;d; il6 or Le-JtroehvE LAToED uei,i-iimei aermEllti#nii g.S.HrntNEs ro mrnx 183no ANNlv. oF FoUNDING oF coRPs * T.llrrf .rEs uerr 183ro Ai^rv. oF @1959-- i'ir"T- :il::::,T"I;H':::::.:T;:I:.il::^;:: _[ft;iii, g-rs-, ffariires-rrARrFlnniNes HARr 1&4tr1&4tH ttRrloAvttRrlDAY N 14.14, 4-6-5A-6-5 _ . . trBIBYO TROiI COPTER REVEAL- {ANINES DEVELOPE A-BO!48 MISSILE TO BE TINEO -eii'ai-conprs t8arx BIRTHDAY €fEo - H 11r A-20'8 0ssrnw 1S?n BrR?)DAy N ir, A-a€ EALL er Vers l.,tstcoirAL To n*mr 1STH-1961- At{t{tve --1963- N 8, 4-12-1 Drtnotrrs 1sr Barrattolt l,'ttLL Hosr ALL DET.AREATs PAsT & pnrserut MaRl 5i ar nruu,'ar BlnrsoAv Balu cELEBRATthtc 1BBTH ANNtv.oF Fout{DtNc oF coRPS t{v 9. 8-18-3 lu rsro Mrntlles LANDED rru Doalrucr-tl-fgft'!.fg,fyFgii--ii-nevolr-ronN--1965-- PUAI-IC BORE STRIKING SIMILARIfY TO tH6E OF.1965-IREMBLAY r{ 4, u-r DtnruER DANoE ro !4ARK 191sr ANNIv. oF MARIUeMan I ne Conp.CoRp, N4 IN Rona HallrLt voH r a ts N 10, B-B-4 DaNnrrroXilXltXbX Man I NES cELEBRATE THEIR BIRTHOAY BUT CONTIN UED PAERoLS I nVt Erruam N 10, D-12-1 1!1sr BtRTHDAv MARKED lru DEr N F-B-4 1)2r,to BTRTHDAy o, ororfl;'3[l;;;ED HERE ?6 -1968-- N 11, A-4-1 191aa ANNtv. or MARTNE coRps cELEBRATED HERE N 11. A-1 1-1 USMC rs 193 --1970-- N1 1 , c-5-1 Mantrue C5nps GETTTNG ToucHER As trs stzE ts REDUcED.HeTL ---1975----N9, Cl 1-1 Mnnlne Coaps ane 2@ vns oLD THts uEEKo_ HsttuL, pRes Fono HArLs MaRruEs om 2oorm r.ll3:t-5*il, u-r-r, PRes G.FoRD ATTENDED 200ru BtRruoav EEr_EEReitorus. N 27r B-r-1 -197b efilLAR 19 oounrnlEs llou rrti!-1tqrue.Gonrs318 nave aoHE .u;Fm E;r€rs coutw*9ffi-111- N 16e c-tr-1 Wnsr-CeueBRATES 202tro ANhtl v.Nov'1O-HEl rul -1995- F12A9-5 Blacks grudgingly allowed to enlist in l"larines,beginning in June 1942-Greenwood MARINES: H0M0SEXUALS r 988 Mr 18 A-3-2 Parris lsland,SC-2 women marines testified they had sexual contact with fema,. serseants f rom tjrif_Jsland. $!Uj_ NC Frireldrs Lounge (Ereedom _Jacksonvill, - Way) near C,amp- Iejeune is frequented by military homosexuals. - Hodges My L7 A 5-1 Militaryt" guy ban divides 2 generations, Fred and Scott Peck are -gay. Father and Son Ag 25 A 4-L lanq-Pendl-eton,Calif-Military found little evidence Camp Pendleton Marines in homosexual pornography ring.L... Ag 26 A 4-L San Diego-Marine turned himself in;posed for nude pho ,parL of underground pornography r production ring -L993- S8A5-5 DC - Sgt Justin Elzie is suing the govt fo-r- discharging hi-m fr6m rhe servi-ce. N 11 A 4-1 ash-Judge ordered Marines to keep Sgt.JustinELzie, gay, active duty r.r,'rl{ [ il;5 [ l\i ilLlr';uui(irS]{ I 983

    t'iaruEuVERs To LIAaN il,rn xlrr i'll cRn,r,er.lrt MARINES. HOISPITALS t95 t

    21 manrilE Hosp lrAr.s Now ruomr S:!$=gru.,.*r*."ti e3;;,.. HopsrraL r,^ru N.t4"- 6s parn.*uu Fo*"Tiiii- H-tff*13&3Etr.u* ro FlovE ro EroHosPrrAt --1966-=- D 2, D-12 1 GneerLlres-Nlvy pREpARES HosptrAL coRgsmEN FoR TERRoR oF waR-Dowov MARINES: I{USING ' 1957

    D.C.-ihnrNES MovE rNro woruenrs aARRAcKs HERE DUE ,o Hl.3':'*ll;!o ING NEEDS MARTNES 3 INDIAI\I oCEAr\r 1980 Ae]0, A-4-1 Camp PeruoteroN-MaRINES ASSENSLe 2 uNlrs FoR READtBT{ESS Jl 1Br A-18-1 Al4 EC-1800 l"lantntEs oru 5 sHtps sAtL THRU REs Sea ron lruotar'r 0cEanr IdAR!NES- lFlFAi{TRy- lTH INFASTR9 BATTALI0N t95t N 8. 23-1 ABoVE RES.ERTTE eRp Io HAVE HDo. lst ET N 12, 19-2 Li. -Cor-. JEs.F. I*GerEeii"roaaE'o'reAii 5F' ieot E Ac 19, 8-4 rvE rN cnup LE..rEur,re,N.6lil*'f';G MrLrrARy TRA i NI ING-sCHACIIERN Seu l-ynooru JoHilsoN FTEADs sEN.REpT.eHA!?Grue aeo/E wrrH wastE-&{.|-hyDEN ---1976--- Ap 9, A-1 1-1 Rlce .SemNupn ANNout{cED PRELtmt!{ARY srAFF l!\lvEsTlGAT|oN REpoRTED ABUsEs orMeRlne0onps Recnutrs lN BAslc rRAltllslc TER 2 DIATHS -1990- I{r 9 A-1-5 DC-Det. marine corp. Estella Pearson, 26, was heading probe into ernbezzlement by personnel assigned to Pres Bush's helicopter squadron r'dren she was shoL to death in Va. parking lot. lvh 10, B-tr-1 Sr ANnrARaon-2 Vers [rNtrs sEEK BENEFtTs FoR ELDERLy pAREETS oF Geo.HlnmsrMAR I NE K I LLED I w 1942 Je 10, A-1-.6 [-aus-!-eurmAKER AsKs BENEFiTs FoR sLAIN Gl, Roa. Bn Hurr IRAQ I{ARINES: IN 1 958

    Brororo-Tvro U.$.!{qrNE.s- FRoH AmER,Euaassy GuARD J^ILFD Inldr'rn- oops;THiy rne Sor.Geo.Hrutltou & PNrutp C.Sutrn "i MACmI[S !t\! !5nAEt r 983 M: tF . ,A.-?*1 nn-lle ..qrr !spAE! g"-!:pcJ !.r*Trn nrr4:Et i,e rf-tE-l n rt,anf:5 TFrF-4:= it,lqf, t_81'ES .r5 !!q g4Anllr.-S !1'"-1988- tEFA"!n:J6 Jl 27, A-3-1 4,000 Marines on maneuvers I{ARINES : IN ITALY 1998 My 27 A 5-1 Rome-Italian prosecutor moved to indict 4 crewmen who sliced cable line in Alps while in flight;20 died 1954 r ! Ja5-3-2 FR. LEAKv f tL lTr)vE ButNS Dolcr z uaiinri'rer*rrs ar cAup !{c- l'rerR:4"lorvo-rrRe TNJURED & pw,Eo.SclErJRER KTLLED .l- 9, 2-8 Toryo-gte stllrcH ,N BUs|NESSES wHEr\4 MARINEs LEAVE ;ap rowtt orrr Osa

    GE*s Eowano CnArGrlom cusxN+ru To cor4r.{AuD r,,onl*rJLrirta*-t "r ogt2.of5io lhnruEs eAcr rlL[fuEA-FoR stH rrEE tB^-Bo vEAG Mantnes LA,ilD rKoffEA-SAv EAR rs oVER.HILLER Ac a* f-Z gsa l,hnrues usE ]ELrcoprERs ro rruspEcr REFUGEEs As 51 34 $hnmtes FIRE uPort EAoH oTHER trq 6-g1.st4ALL ARI'A.eE uL-lJ.S.HARrNEsUL-U.5.PIARINES roTO PLAYpLAy Smra)AIITA O-tus(J.AUS ioTO soMESoME lorooo1Or@O KqnEi*FBREAH iilrl*,CltlLDREt{ U.S.mrry 24rt{ Drv. To REpLAcE HaRrne !.sr Dtv. rN Konea 6'rr'll, 3"500 H^RTNES s^rl. FoR JApAH4!rp]1l$B[_- ia 12, 8_3 Cmrp PeNoleTON-lST Mantne Dtv.TO RETURN FTERE WHEN tT tg t{tTHDRAt{N FR KoREE INES - lN Ko?EA 1955 #JA 24' t5-5 TH INFANTBv Dlv 19 pfptAGE 3sr uant*E Dtv rN K'REA seouL-sourx (oReaN N rrL asseugLy GlvEs LETTER oF AppREc,i?iol-?o o ron *rErn aiii.rr,r-iH-Ronean si.i4ani*s'Drv. wri i ru, ts_r. Seoul-3.000 TRoops or 1sr MARTNE Dtv. BoARD lqavy sxrps lu lncnox H eon rooAv & ldtLt- leavE Sourx KoRea THts wEEK ENDTTHE BTH ARMY sAys tsxxaxx. lsr Dtv. DUE ro LEA,E ABovE ffi 19: # lsr orv ts LAsr ro LEAvE KoREA k ?2.'{g-4 " PwarpU.S.HARrNE 1sr 90 to{ ANTI ATRcRAFT BATTLATToN ro LEAvE'Fon U.S. tL' 5e-2 'FiI-I:ff33I-r* Hnnrna Arn Hrne ffi'P3Filrooo* INES: IN LAOS l96l

    Flollor-uludj.s,Nrw xEEps 6,000 ARTNEs IJELL HrDDE*Ain',rl;-#i3 ror^" -197r- Je 2, A-5-l U.S, Laos REps aeneE To TRANSFER U.5. r,rARrNE Acct sED oF ASSAULTING STUDENT MAR INES: LEAIES 1956 pnnnri'israno,S.C.-,Boor LeavE, ro BEcoME rHrNG oF 9o3f'#Ltoriu* Nov.lsT N 15r5H RecnuITS TO GET 15 OAV LEAVES INSTEAD OF PREYAIL'NG 10 OAV OilgS AFTER corrPLE?rNG BAelc ---1969--- Ja 15, 8-15-1 LaruceCpt.Venru LantMER LEAvE SNARLED up By M,,RtNE RED TApE- Russeru S 4, A-A-1 ARBORN MAYOR ORV I LLE HUBBARD GETS KENNETH BUSS HOEME FoR H r s DAD ls FUNTRALT- cooD. tURlfES " IN,LFBAIOI'I I 958 rsiEgsr{8E tJpHot ke rm }hnrms To LEBAtsot lolqJE. AHH,..U}rcED HTNIMS LAfiDIiE tf| rm ll^iitEs rr Lraruom'oDAY posEs pRogr-:es€Ul rranC rrrr rAi tr l{anrtds io ltaarsox.move-

    BAIESE GiEET IIARI]€5 FRIEiDS Itsinorteis rcora t'tmrrcs^3 rr Lierior lsEr$rouEiiEr$rouEi Aouttg nts(ntsg w8Y gErDtmserDtm }lAnrxgg$11$lARr tg€ioroHEt pRAtsED ev 3 HtDfesr NArtofls Fon Hov lvtETg DE!{AD l.ts rtnronrr rr Learapm AT o!GE- nAT t9 LE6AI- AuTr.r itry rorEtsen*oysRrs sEaDtnl6 \J.nAlEEfl 16. 28-1 16: 29-3 f,:6'. 26-l 16: 26-3 it:I#!6;24-3 ?z-v Ir,= tfirser,rteD etm*r ,,*.qr"itfilPb f Iil #, Urer ltrr tiatilrro-itior.6trr6:6ui'EiPEiArEc]PrcE-Eor conrs-btr + lq; 32-[=- lif;iiroF;ileii# Ji rz; 1-8 B HAR'|EEs. ri[Hl*"FH#:r,I,il3:lili'2 * i3: fli t' tloscrLroo.om-Russtrni oenmstRATE AT U.S.EtolSsY----f- .-h. 18r 30.6 E:iu',-hi€ff{AL oFpog?:of ?c LAm:Hc trcaEAsgg J- 18. 1-4 6i Barnur,Leeruor{JS.oous-ED rrs FoRcEo oF MARINEs t* fTHlnrI?."aI-3033 Mecou-RussrAN ?Roops FrGHr cRouDs .l- 14, 5r l'{iW-ir_Cei nouerdur'r lilews 0ofren tN UHIcAGO^ sAvs 10 MEt{ FRoH HtcH.HAvE L^NDED rH Leaauor trrrH 1sr BrrrrLroNrBTx PlrRrNE KEcfMMEtillttt, _AusRtcau Glrs & Leelru.eu wouer-Fopon .l--19, 2-6 Conmmen or Arurrrr c Aner ruret uaR tNEs,Ll.GEN.Fou- ti-t$:ptS^RR lv- 6E,"rr- us.rreHrsR pLAlrE cRAsl{Es rN HrLLsrANorrr^ 1rrr,1'froifr'ts 1rl*t wirx eu-uiT Hot-Es rHRu lr '[- 19r 1:6^ RisCrarivEto iiaius LIN lreaNon Acrton .. .l- X. A-2-7 tiS.ir'iiieasi-pior,rlsis sRiilG rRoop snowoown-i{lcrro}rER & 6, A-!L-;- 2 Lt.Cot"Hrnnv l{roo pnatseD FoR Htg ironK tl{ LEBANoN HARINES: IN LF.BAfON I 958

    AHreu ras,LemnoN-SGr.DoNaLo Krlnry rs Amore [J.S.Men, nrrlnil'.i#.o FtRsr .h- ?1, Z-z &rrurr-SpAB soFT DRlNKs - Henrr{qsM ' so.o ExpL@z;no or"}rBf - I-Fmlers w,y MARTilES ARE THE'E .r.'h.'i1t 'EL;.-gEBANE'E iH?eX *'E"Yfl"ntiE&, la*..too &rusxru or Der. ro .^" ,ih-Sfr +36s Ht9_!ArDEg-!!TH-u-.5.HARtirES mt LEBATpN ..L 2t, t3-1 & H^rr .-lTa lffi'#iilk.d;r*on "lll*QurroEs *. #z ?s' U.S..-rert!E'sr@r & !(tt.txD_ty U.S.sErrRy E EI io-a lrr.KrouLllrD HAtLs H^Riy TiinAm Fm lAcKttc PEs.ft %i.gg:;LtfiDr.G esoLr cl no.Arno-As tAit DAR r ry coNF,'}r I rs r-^f{D r fG, -#i3l?e-1 HE Aft oH oun &u;uo ArD FR.UI{-EDfr &-23.27-l LEAFTETS DROPPED IiOPLAfiES TELL UHY IIARISIESARE, THERE I 'A u.s. pu!.Lo.rr rEAR,sAy LegrNese ffi*aE:} u.'' "' .,AfiE3 J.HADSYfiTI{ PiEDIC?3 Ti@P9 YILL UIIIiDRAU SOOfi u.s.FEveuAcrDEln 6ses6srffix G?.'r AFtEi oo*r,*iur?ll &l?"tr, ' -e'1958l*o icfir6al{rrr-tY tY BE rnur-panlre ffC lhuten eonffini{ilffio,-trlS,rtulEi ;irdii iirtx Exor- Ac tz, L-z I.S.wtrmonewAL,.S.wrtNonlwALoJrltllllluI{AfAL oFvl BATTALtoNBATI^LloNEIrlaALlL'r! oroFvr F'hntrG^rrtrJ NEs FRoMr^vFr Lretruou^Lr-D^trertArr. 1s-qollllctrnor MrLr TARY DECIS I ON-BARNES U.5.tSU.S.rs wrrHDRAhrtNGWITHDRAhIING oNEONE BArrALt-NBATTAL oF FhRtr.:rs FR'td LiEAIgl sr_r MARrr,lEs BEGrx ro uovo [esaNoN-EDtr AG lii ao-a Biiiui:r"760 Nairx=Es irex-oEen io uave Leearuou Ac 13; 40-4 ll.Dernoir AREA t'iARtNES tr{ LEBAilotl puLLouT AO 12, A-24-1 ku u"sr tr[-L or or l{mrrEs BrE tr Leeero* s u, rt-s rRu?-ziD, &lAFtNE1J$tr ts LE^vtirg LEBANoN s ts; rr-s tRU?-? rAitNE U$ilTS to QUIT HEnE S 16, l-t

    Hl:illTi,l;'#fliL';^r'5ilTil BATTAL' o*.'i'l3,,iil,ul*o*,.", t#.h1urrrE rAn*s HorrE rx EEr,Eef, FErDrs As FriG &fet-t-i';.r*t 0 1, 65-3 Fgtnw-Lesr U.).lhRrNEs LEAVE LEBANoII Jr- 11r A-8-1 Bernur-u.s mrv REPEAT 19w t,*il??o'i' ,t { l. ihntrues s lru LEBAUo$I 1982

    iil , Aa 25r. A-1-5 800 t-atuo ro ArD EvAcuATroH or PLO rnom BetRur s 8, A-2-4 Betnur-MeRrNEs READY To LEAVE s B, A-7:1 Bet nur-l1eR I NEs BATTT-E BoREDom s 10, A-2-1 MeRtNes PULL our s 11, A-A-t MlsstoN AccomPLrSHED s 29r A-'.-6 U.S manrNEs BEG|N Dury lru LEaaorugs 0 1, A-1-6 155rmn cLUsrER sHELL K I LLED U.S I'lant ruEr vrouNDED ] oruens i, &xIsT 01, A-1:

    Antrt- Snanoru FEARED mAssAcRE -1982-- O Amoro rxe FtRsT COr{TtNGENT OF mULTtNATIOiTAL'OrA-2-5 pEiACErEEptt{o FORoErril LL BE HomE ron Txearxsotvtt{o. N 2, A-4-2 RINgS TO ExpAND DUr r Es ro BEe r N UT, oballr"o "uil,fiohB, 't-!: BtEnur-AssiLANTs r{ou!'lDED 5 US mnnlNES tN GRENADE A-rrAcK m ?nr ,,tr_,1_1 D, Bgl nut-Gl,rtJFlRE E. !nr4s Man! tte e ot'.ltlAt'iDEn Arn A-l-" B,qi:r-'f-Mnr.ltjEe Ti f ARFtY t-^AltED ',/E,rPClts Jt- 2'! t A-4-tr [6 coalsgoens]@uero M66lntEs tNTo ?ENsE AREAs orteearon ,lt 22rA-2-2 Betnut-Mrn!e{E Ar{D Neev enR eoNTRor-s-ER rfriduREo. Ae 5r A-4-g Belnur-&ponTs oF' !/EEKEI$D mAclllFJG GirN ATfAcK oru,US soLt)gERs csruellRryE.- .-.. . Dury- i3' hkE. 5ti' SlairtNE] - KTLLED-:,.,,,^,o tN LINE .,or ptn*l uesr tN LEBANoN I e83 cAME UNDERART0LLERY US MnneNE ENcAMPED ATBE0RuT A0RPoRT FIRE AGAI Ne 581 A-1-] Senp MoRE Tnoops LEBANoN AsKs [JS. S !1 A-.1-2 DC-Corueness AND ReaeNiu NEAR WAR.POWERS CLASHSEEPARD S $, A-2-1 Be!RuT*PIAR:NES AREA SHELLED AGAiN s .!& A-1-4 l BEI nur-U.S ulNes t{anl r're FoRcE s 12r D-12-1 BeIRUT-MORTAR' ROCKETS KEEP I4AR! NES EDGY.REID S 1', A-1-6 DC-lrlantNEs s ll! ttBi{t,-iol{ re83 0 25s A-16-1 BE I RU'r-Eo t 'r 0 25 c ,q- 1-1 BEt eu'r-roilL AT 20J 'orao Q 24-, A-1-Z DC-t4an!NE-c oFFER HorLr.r FoR RELATIvES IAAI 694. l49B aruo 694 1495 , 0 25s A-2-1 DC-Haur A Mil-Ltoru U.li rRoops srArroNED AtsRoi"alll? VULNERA

    2 Der ['4usu I N] LEAD ERS oFFER D I FFER I NG bl EH?-frS?3?-, Locar FAMILTEs sA\r closc To PHoNEs roR r,tono ott soNS

    Tnausoy FA*-s ehz! rr4anrruE RE.RU,r"-3^i3l-5'o lr, A-:-i, Aneal Anaes coiJDEl.l{u'o Bot'4Bl po-ScnSea'nu CI 250 A'1^5 2 i,1tcu MEn AMoNG'"/ouNDEDe LannY JdirtxtNsj2 on Poturlnc & Roruar-o DuPl-alrrv21 op Ft-l ruT anra-T! TTSt{oRTH&PotrElts *1981* A ?5 s A--s-6 [u1anI IIES ST/\\, SPLITS I-EVI N & RIEGLE-POLLACK o 25s A{1F4. Tuousanos oF FAr4tLlEs At*rAlr r,JoltD ot{ DEAD O 25t A'14-l DO-U.S HINTS tnar't xrueru BoMB PLAirr 0 ?5s A-14*2 DC-REaearu SAys I',lnnllrEs tdoNT LEAVe BEtnur-seHuq1ee a 25t A^14-2 246Otas TNT revetED LBDG' tloRE THAN lOrlptes MoRE THAN NEEDED*IvbOANN O 25c DC-HousE To REVtat,/ F1ARINES RoLE 0 25, C-18-1^-14'5 BEf nur-r'rap oF TRUcK PATH 1ZGt A-1-1 2 DerRotrEns MtsslNG tN Belnur BLAST 0 26, A-1-1 Brlnur-VP GroneE BusH vtEurs HAVoc O 26, A-2-1 11TH AcrtoN FoR l'4ant NEs sl NcEt4-5 O 26, l'v4-1 Sl t cr

    ARfl goolr DtFRanuco 6Ltl/Ee oNE oF 2 sunvlv!NG EyEl,/irNEsgES BoweRnqaN D 211 A-2-6 , OfrRelcAN TAKEa HEAT FoR BLAsrr u,ANTs t{o co}rMAnDERg puHtsHED I 0 28. A-1-6 peiricor i['to"t o.[,it., D d; *44' g0-Feppnr sAYs E0MB slrsl|Aal. NElll fREilD . D 8o Df ? TTTENTAL! BEt nur-MnR I HEs ADopT FFTiHK ER TY-Bann5,rnrl.&hfl;3, Do-neponrDC-REPORT RtpSRlPs @FIMANDER@MMANDER llllN 8oMB|$GBoMBlt{G uD D;0b1-5't)ib1:,5' O.GREAOA}I AIQE. PUT8 PABT OF CLA!iE FON BEIRUT ON FENMEN PNEE rr ,, I -19,85- o )1r .n--J.6 DC.TASPAR WE TITIBERqER b{ILL ORDER REY IE!,9 OF !,IILITARY ,PERFOR flGE.,IN THAT GOIILD oAMAOE CABEERS OF SgME OFFICFFS I.EBAfiION o 11, A-i-d 0C-Tte,o,NElLL To cAL!" FoR MoRE RAPTD ENo ro MARINE MlsSloN f ot984-t )s*- JEv^ 2t' A-1-5n- t- r l l{x I-EBANONr Fqa'au - " )C-D(- CIA OIRECTORS SAY THAT MARINES SHOULD BE PULLED OUTO Jr 4r A-6-4 OC-5EU CXAS PEACY CALLED FOR UITHORATdAL OF MARINES. P BulLoS FoR PULLOUTo Jl 6, A-1-4 Do-Rencan HoPEs 10 tlovg fqRlEBg our oF LEEAnor-lihltuNus li) , r I JegrA-1-5 B-rnut-tlis mnAtisq Gtu Eownno 0 GAB€Aoo uS YdlT-ft"" I(ILLED BY EUHFIRE Belqur-U$ qHrfis FTRED 13ga6 mrs AEovE LeeailesE cAPlrAL i I MARINES s lN tEBANON 1984 .,"'ili?i"l-l;f Jt 26, u6-'l DC-kloErrr, 0lNetLL spt.la oN ltAnlNEs !ls LesaNoN_ Jo 5t r A-1-5 Betnur-Sgt treg baoeneo THErR FtclrrERs ro oBsERvE .oEASE-Fi *rIen sERtEs oF BATTLEs KILLED 1 MInINE,, cIvILIANS.

    ,,rrra-MeRtNE I s 261aa sERvtcEmAN To Dt:^ '1,rit?:i DC-Dgrns oALL FoR lpRompT & oRoenlyl wlrnonawAL oF ALL mARl Es AFTER Z6r*o sERvtcEtBAN KtLLEo. F 1r A-2-4 Etnur-US pLANES spED ovER BEiRur. Alt- gutET AT Fllntns oom pouND. SuAtN mARtr{E tDENTtFtED ns Geonee L. DRamts 19. DC-HousE Dems supponr REsoLurroN oALLr*nFrtfi $A$;Jr trrrHDR -1%4* F 4) A-2-1 DC-EEOaU SAvS u LEsaS{Or,' REt-tES ON MARTNESF 6, A_1g.1 DeMs unee wlTltDRAr{,ALa A sHAHEeEss PoLlrlo6l p1"gy=Eolr F l, A-nn2 DC.OeIts DEI.AY voTE ON PULLOUT F 8, A-1-4 ffieoau oRDERS wtrHDRAwAt op 15@MantruEs rRom LegaNosr Ber nur-tvhRr NE cHRoNoNocy lr'aroifr!,, Potnr $fuou CegfF-TEXT oF REAGAN oN pogLoUT F )1 A-1$1 DAmAcE Cournql !N LEBaNot*t-Eolr i i f 9r F-1'5 Dnuse uenu U.S ro HALT THE SHELLI NG F !r A-:1-1 ffirffEacarq sWtToHEs sTRATEcIES-THoMAs F 9, A-2-5 DC;BEtRur DEATHs DRAw REBUKEs F !; ff-10-1 D0-quruour pLEAsEs Cor'leRess F 9t 6.-3-llrt .OABIE TV F!'RM SENDS BETRUT MABINE$ VIDEOTAPES TROM DET aReA gamtLtEB-PIARTIN i{,tiRlNES I IN LEBANON 1984 F 10, A-1 D0-[detNBERGER RAtsED DouBTs ABour How mANy mARtNES wour-o BE wl THDRAIT,N F 1'! , C-14-1 Belnur-All BUT 200 on rHe 11300 mnntruEs couLD BE wtrHDRAlrN F 17s A-5-5 fiy'0 ancx Rrlearu oru Belnur F 'l8r A-A-1 oilReeean Iaunrgres puLLour F 20; A-5;1 RueleH-NC-$4antNE r,rlvEs IdARNED oN MA!LBoMBs F 21r. A-'l-5 BAINUT-f4NRINES BEG!N h'ITHDRAUING TO OFFSHORE SLIIPS F 21? A-1*5 BE|nuT-pULOOUT coNTtNuE$ F 22, G-B-1 Bto fu:tRUT FARstdELL F 27, A-1-, D0-Raeoeru srrs U.S tplDNT sue ourt-ScHusrEn F 27t A-1-5 Belnu?-MlRlNEs r{o!r or{ 6rn FleetrsHtpso -t984- MR 2r A-1-5 IE-$ttuttz pur PART oF BIAnE FoR lrs REvERsAL lfl LEBANoN oN Oononess hrHtcH DEmANoED wITHDRAIIAL. Mn 4r A-1-5 WlffOneWeL OF mARlilES HAS STAiNEO AmeatS PREST!GE BELIEVE flsnlEr- & mooeRarE ARABS. t'ts. 51t A^2-1 Do-Raaaaru iTELLs CONGRESS U.S UOA IS DONE IN LEEANON i r Ae 6, A-2-2 D0-Coruceess mAY BE REsPoNalBlLE FoR DEATHs oF mEN lN LE N sAys Reaean. Dems DENv BLAmE. Ap 26) A-7-1 BeInur.}IrRIflEg HEADQUARTEFS UNtT TO BE DISOAHE€Dr A Mv1, A-2-!{'oor eampLeJeuNsil$-AMPHlBlous uNlT RETURNS HoME Mv .lg, h_b1 Buacx lfusltm Cpl Alrneo GntFFlN 22 or Cxlc FoUND GulLTYr Reeuseo ro oo ro Le BANoN rrrlrH Hls uulr. Ja 17r B-1-1ST Mlen MentNEs KILLED lH LeeaNo$ HoNoRED lN cEREMoNY MARINES: IN LE 1985 Jl 18, AD-2-1 af criticized for handl i ng after 83 bomb i nb Ag 22, B-1-1 DC-Commander of U.S. barracks in Leb. where 2\1 killed be- I ieved his base was imposs ible to protect from attack. -1986- s 24, A-5-4 DC-military commanders ignored warnings prev to 0ct20r83 attack that killed 241 U.S soldiers in Lebanon 0 23, A-7-1 DC-Today marks 3rd anniversary of Bei rut bombing -1987- 02\, A3-1 Ath anniv of bomb that ki I led 241 -1988- F 17 , A-1 -1 -3 Bei nut-LE Col Richard Higgins of UN peacekeeping force, kidnapped F 18, A1-4 Be i ru E-Gunmen abduc red L t Col tr{m R. H i gg i ns 43 'l - 1 990- s 3, A-3- 1 Judge hal ts dlstribution of book by former lsrael i tpy abouL 1!81 bombina that killed 241 Marlnes S 26 A-1-3 Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia- SecuriEy-conscious Marines known terrorism all too well -L992 O 15 A 2-6 LDot Ellis Rubin claimed to be chief planner of Oct 23 L983 Marine barracks bombing itr L6banon,but Lhey freed him. MARINES: LIBERIA 1996 Ap 12 A 5-l rovia, Liberia-U.S. marines head to Liberia to evacuate forei gn nati onal s duri ng ci v'i I war Ap 2l A 5-5 Monrovia,Liberia-Marines arrived to move gunmen off the streets