[,nmHESl , JOHi,l C. r Affi'lED FOtrES: 1944 AwaRogo AtR tdEDAL Form 1656 MARCHESI, ROSE MARfE : VOLUNTEER 1gg7 Ap 16 d. L-2 Eastpointerslrto be honored. as Macomb Countyts Red Cros6 Volunteer of the Year-Ilka . AGEtr?-tit-ct{AR6E oF r* 'osffit8:ffi ro succEED di^gls:-' MARCHETTI, DOMENICA : DETRo lT NEIJS \./R |TER I , Mich may tax dealers in drug war Je 13, B_1- 1 Jesse JAckson visits ailing Ed Bell-a Schaba th Je 18, A-4-1 Detroi t real esLate home appraisals ofLen low Je20,A-1-2 Confidence soohts PisLons fans afLer loss-E Lopez Je 21, B 1-4 Trini ty LuEheran Church ro offer ugly art fund raTser JE 22, A-9-1 Pistons lose game, win TV ratings Je 2l+, A_1_6 .30,000 greeL PisEons-E0Url ian E Rodrigues Je 25, A_19-'l 45,ooo Jehovahrs wiLness to be aL conv at silverdome J.30- Jl3 Judgi Elvin DavenportSS died Je 26 Je 2J,c-1-2 -1988- Ju 30 B-3-2 N Frank Garcia Jr, 40, teaching aide at McGraw elementary school, to stand trial for molesting 5tn-grader. Jl 2, A-6-4 Hundreds flee as 1200 acres furn in HiawaLha NaEl Forest burns-Gadomski Jl 3, A-1-2 Fires kil Is girl \, in Pine Rldge Townhouse C0mplex in Tayloi (Katherine Sreiner4)-CWark Jl 7 B-1-4 N Tracy W" Macdonald,2), of Waterford Twp, wins Caribbean island in Coca Cola/MTV\tsweepstakes" Jl l3 B-3-2 N Hurnane society says horses on farm owned by Barton Green- berg, recently Diamond Mortgage chm, are mistreated. JI 14 B-3-2 N Blood samples show one horse on Greenbergrs farm suffers from an illness, not neglect 6 malnutrttion. MARCHETTI, DoMENICA: DETRoIT NEWS WRITER 1988 Jl 20 A-1-5 Marie Blondiars house of bars failed to save herl she died of injuries sustained Je 30 when robbers broke into her home, robbed 6 beat her E fled. JI 21 B-3-5 N Blind Metro Detroiters can nowrreadrthe Det. News by using their touch-tone telephones. Jl 29, A-1-z 4 on-duty Det officers broke into crack house, Eerrorized owman, searched for d!'ugs, guns-ESLinsonEMcCaughan Jl 29, B-1-'l Missing couple, Scott Swanson E ftife Carolyn feared parent disapproval-aBasheda Ag 2, A-1-4 Many rememben Cardinal John Dearden-EBenneLLEPowers Ag 5 B-1-z More kids being shot accidentally. Ag 9 B-3-1 0 Cecel ia Kotowiczr'/2, & son, John 156, die in f ire. -1988- As 10, B 3l1N Serial rapist assaul ts, robs woman23 in her Nl'l Detroic home Ag 11, B-1-1 3 ki I led, oEhen violence I isued (deadman scabbed pol icema was shoE by officen, man20 shou by cop nr Marygrove, Bl I Iy Lewis3l beaten aU KErchevalAAl Eer; Yvonne srokes26 stabbed RR E Magnol ia, 2 more woundud)O, nr ,r, B-4-1 PromoEion of 75 mone DeL sergeanLs E I ieuEenanLs approved As 29 B-1-2 Pi lot Henry Boersma ,39, of Grandvi I le, swims to safety af- ter crashing into Lake Michigan. AS 29 B'1-2 Bullet shatters Kenyatta Jeffersonrs dream of becoming a football pro. AS 31 B'1'2 Carrie Drod- ""r.r=r'lrlr, of Ida has been sel I ing steer at state Fair MARCHETT I , DOMEN I CA: DETR0 lT NEWS l,JR ITER 1988 s 2 B-1-2 State Fair attendance laggingil4% behind last yrs. s 4 A-1-2 Campers getting soaked on Labor Day weekend"--a Tschirhart s 6 A-l-tr wSU profs, Pontiac teachers strike" 5 Io^g116-r Men of Peace swap tales of when they were boys of war in the 17th Bomb Group. S ll B-1-2 Family of James Earl Yoemans of Wy. losing hope after week s 16 B-4-1 E Prominent Macomb Co. psychiatrist Dr. Adolpho Brane jailed for ignoring subpoena ordering him to testify. s 22 B-3-2 N precaut ions d i dn,t save Sel fri dge sec Carol e Jean Waddel I whose husband Danny,44, killed her in her office. -1988- S 29, A-14-5 Carhol ics beg Cardinal not to close ai I ing churches- s 30 A-11-3 Suburban Catholics voice support for Archdiocese plan to close or consolidate 48 parishes. 0 6 B'1-6 Adlai Stevenson High in Sterl ing Hgts primps for visit by Pres. Reagan. 0 11, B 1-2 No plea bargainning for Macomb drug dealers says Frosecutor Carl Marl inga- 0 19 B I-2 ChrisLine Marie Burzynski of Sterl ing Heiqhts for Perjury, i n accus ing 2 rnen for rapi ng her in a bowl ing alley 0 19 B 4-lE Rosevi l Ie lli ldcats and Brablec Cougars Lo consol idaLe, GuesE Junbr High 02281-5 h?J,i$"y d i spr ay, i ncr ud i ns a $j Eyr?[rrSIISS Bfiy"i[f "ri"?r MARCHETTI, DOMENICA: DETROIT NEWS WRITER I988 o 26 B-3-1 E Spl itting hairs on issues in 13th district. 0 27 B-1-2 Donna Marie Johnson,28, of Warren, shot 6 killed by Det. police Officer Edward Blackburn,30, after high-speed chase N 4, B-3-'.lD Pipe bomb explodes in car in Macomb Twp, kills Stefano Filiccia2Z, hurts 2 others N 11, B 8-4 Police waiL out hosLage drama in Clin[on Twp, find only 2 hosEages, no gunmen N 14, C 3-2 Child sex Erial involving Catholic priesL Rev Lawrence Nawrocki to begin this wk N17, B-3-2N Dawn Marie Roclalski, 18, convicted of murder of John Knoch. -1988 N25Bl-2 Volunteens make ir a happy day for elderly and poor, 0llie Easley savoring a tradional Thanksgiving meal N 25 B l-5 Diseased cattle are found in Macomb, U.s begins probe, shut s packing plant N 25 B 5-3 Thieves hit 5 churches in l/arren N 25 A 4_l Shirley Borchardt, and daughEer Andrea Wangel in and thei r 9-hr Macomb spree, which was exhausEing N 30 B 3-l PriesE Rev Lawrence James Nawrocki pleads no conEesL in sex case D 20 A l-6 ParenEs say use of sEeroids drove son Michael Keys Eo suicide, senior aE LtAnse Creuse Hiqh N. or Macomb Township " D 28, B_1-5 Bob Gorski 13, wins $10,000 in compuLer game conEesE D 29, A_1-6 MErcury Eakes tumble fron 57 Eo teens D 30, B 1-1 Cardinal Szoka Eells priests of faLe of 48 parisE-es D 31, B_1-2 500 mourn ChrisEmas crash vicrims:Edward Tuski50, wife48 son21, her moLher Theresa NowakT2 (Harry Majewski34 e Mark Andrew Sm i Lh27 al so d i ed) -1g8g- Ja 5, B-3-1 Arthur CarLer elecLed Wayne Co bd chairman again-EGirard Ja 7 ,B_l -6 Carolyn KirkpaErick46 of Grosse PEe rescued afLer her car went inEo Lake StClair; 4 pulled her from icy water JA 19 , B:-2 Cathol ic priesE Rev LAwrence Nawrocki draws 4-15yr jail erm tor sex -1989- F 5, D-3-2 MLCIemens remembered, days of 70 hoEels fon mineral bauhs F 5, D-3-2 Max S lmon wanLs Lo nevive MuClemens baE.h house, of fers Ache-Away rub F 6 C-3-Z l-dot Kafan Bahjat Hana, 1J, of Sterling Hgts, to be tried as adult on drug charges. F I0 B-1-5 Kafan Bhjat Hana,17, s bro. Durid,22, guilty of cocaine chg F 17, A-1-2 3 die, 55hurE in fire at Blllinghurst llotel ,71W t/illis-E lLka F 17,A-1-2 3dot DeL cop Sgu John SEevenson35 hero in Bi I I inghurst Hotel rescues F 17,A-t-5 3dot Arson I ikely ar Bl I I inghursr H0rel-al lka Fl7,A-4-13dor f ire kille Wil I iam S \,/arersS8e wife Fern 87 in rheir S0uthf ield trai I er-&Tschi rharE MARCHETTI , DOMENICA : DEIR0IT NEWS WRITER 1989 F 18, A-1-2 Arson probed in Billinghursr Hotel fire uhaE killed 4-e Manrindale sMi l ler F 18,A 8-1 Billinghurst Hotel residenLs Iost possessionsl some losE friends F 23,8-1-4NoD0t Bill C0sby Eo miss Blll Cosby Day in DeE F 20,A-'l-2 St AgaEha wind Cathol ic CD-baskeEbal I ti taT- F 21, B-1-1 U0fM S Euden E,s accuse AI I en Pa rk of rac i sm, tol d Eo I eave while taking down sEreet numbers for survey Mr 4, A-t-4 Mixed emotions over acquittal of 36th Dist Judge Leon Jenki s -6Kocieniewski Mr 13 C-2-1 Suicide death of Michael Keys spurs parents to action 'i' aga i nst ste roi ds . - 1 989- Mr 18, B-t-5 2 brothers die as fire desLroys hom aL 5237 Chopin; Killed were Jessie Dumont4 a David2 llr 26 B=1=11 Society getting tough on drunk dri vers. --E Ankeny MR 29, B-5-5E Kendric YoungbloodlT arresLed in rai d, charqed wi th ki I I i David Bonno306Malcolm Gardner23 Ap5, A-1-2 New AIDS counseling law sidetracks al Ear-bound coupl es Ap 13 B-1-2 Mary Luciars pet cougar is a beloved househol d pet to her but to neighbors itrs a wild animal. Ap 14 B-2-\ E Law to make illegal use of steroids a felonv is urqed. Ab 19, 3:3-2 DWE MacombCo.
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