The Mythology of

Discovering the meaning behind the poses WORKSHOP RUN BY ANUSHA WIJEYAKUMAR

Have you ever wondered what is truly the purpose of Savasana, apart from it being a well-deserved rest after an exhausting and most likely rather sweaty asana practice? Or what could possibly be the philosophical meaning behind Downward Dog? Perhaps understanding the meaning behind the poses will bring a new depth to your practice. Or just provide you some new nerd knowledge to enlighten your friends with over your post-class beverage.

Join Anusha for a 2-hour workshop that will include an in-depth exploration of the philosophy, mythology and meaning behind some of Yoga’s most popular poses for the first hour. Followed by a calming meditation and rejuvenating yoga flow incorporating all of the poses covered for the second hour. This workshop promises to leave you feeling relaxed, refreshed and with a slight spring in your step as you leave, hopefully more knowledgeable and with the ego in check of course!

Poses covered will include: ™ Sun Salutations/Surya Namaskar ™ Eagle/ ™ Mountain/ ™ Crescent Lunge/ ™ Downward Dog/Adho Mukha Svanasana ™ Fish/ ™ Warrior/ I, II and III ™ Corpse/Savasana

Date: Wednesday May 27th, 2015 Time: 5.30pm - 7.30pm Location: Panajachel Center Lake Atitlan, Guatemala Cost: Q200 Register: [email protected] Anusha Wijeyakumar

Anusha Wijeyakumar (MA, Dip Mentoring, CPC, RYT) is the Director of Shanti

Within, a Wellness organization that ofers holistic bespoke Yoga, Meditation,

Corporate Wellness and Mindfulness coaching packages to individuals and corporations. Anusha teaches Vinyasa, Yin and Hatha based yoga for all levels to private and corporate clients as well as at Wellness retreats that are run by Shanti

Within in southern California. In addition, she is a published spiritual writer and being Hindu, has a vast knowledge in Hinduism, as well as in the areas of Meditation,

Mantra, and the Philosophy and Mythology associated with Yoga.

Anusha has over 15 years of senior management experience working for Fortune 50 global corporations, not-for- profit charitable organizations & private companies in three continents. She holds a BA, MA, Diploma in Mentoring, Certified Professional

Coach qualification and is a Registered Yoga Teacher/RYT with Yoga Alliance and a Meditation Practitioner. Anusha teaches yoga in a way that honors her students and her teaching style. Her teaching methodology is focused on alignment, breath and beginning the process of quieting the mind, and going within to discover lasting inner peace.

More information on Anusha can be found by visiting visit and