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Tyler Chambers Table of Contents The Boise Loop: Enhancing Walkability in the South Boise Suburbs through Easement Acquisition Tyler Chambers Table of Contents Introduction 1 Abstract 3 Research Question 5 Problem Statement 5 Context and Purpose 5 Project Goals 6 Conceptual Framework 8 Theoretical Approach 10 Literature Review 11 Access and Livability 11 Easements Programs 13 Walkability and Community 16 Summary 18 Interviews 20 Professionals Interviewed 20 Interview Method 20 Interview Topics 20 Case Studies 23 Village Homes 23 The Anza Trail Coalition 26 Logan-Hyde Park-Smithville Canal 28 The Loop 30 Site Inventory and Analysis 32 Photo Inventory 33 Connections 34 GIS Analysis 36 2 Program and Materials 38 Design 36 Native Plant List 42 Overall Design Schematic 43 South Cloverdale Neighborhood Amenity 45 West Victory Park 48 North Cloverdale 53 North Five Mile Crossing 56 East Victory Wetlands 59 New York Canal 62 Five Mile Apartments and Park 66 Conclusion 72 Bibliography 73 3 Abstract From the 1970’s to the early 2000’s, the suburban fab- and travel. As neighbors begin to walk through the land- ric saw unprecedented growth, resulting in vast land con- scape, there is an increase in the likelihood of social interac- sumption. The effect resulted in the increasing distance of tions among the neighbors, thus promoting a healthy sense required vehicular travel through suburban neighborhoods: of community. Positive aspect of the landscape including a hurdle for access to daily destinations and needs for resi- access, walkability, and community attribute to high livable dents. These vehicular-dependent neighborhoods that make standard for the suburbs. up the suburban fabric are developed with minimal stan- Offering a design-solution, this project seeks to cre- dards of pedestrian accessibility, walkability, livability, and ate a looped pathway along existing canal easements in community. This project seeks to heal the negative effects of the Southern Boise Suburbs, linking suburban residents to suburban sprawl development in Southwest Boise. This is their daily amenities and needs. This is accomplished us- a challenging endeavor, with numerous barriers to change. ing a pedestrian-oriented landscape that puts emphasis on With so many individual property owners and stakeholders, people, rather than vehicles. This presents the perfect op- how can implementing positive change in an isolated subur- portunity for healing the suburban fabric from sprawling ban world be possible? development precedents that have adversely affected the This project explores the opportunities and benefits average suburban resident. of the retrofit of suburban neighborhoods, to reach goals of accessibility, walkability, livability, and enhanced sense of community. It also delves into the dynamics of communica- tion and cooperation with private landholders of Southwest Boise suburban neighborhoods, and the importance of easement programs that make a retrofit of suburbia pos- sible. Using easement programs that seek to benefit all parties involved, new easements can be formed to serve as pedestrian pathway corridors to provide access to desired destinations. By increasing connectivity through a retrofit of the landscape, the walkability of the area improves, and resi- dents begin to use a safe pedestrian landscape for exercise 4 Introduction Research Question Problem Statement Context and Purpose Research Question Project Goals How can suburban neighborhoods in Southwest Conceptual Framework Boise be retrofit to improve connectivity and walkability in order to reduce automobile-dependence and promote Theoretical Approach healthy lifestyles, by adapting existing easements and utiliz- ing incentive programs to create and maintain new ease- ments? Context and Purpose Problem Statement There are many suburban areas in the Treasure Valley that would benefit from an enhanced sense of community, As trends from suburban low-density development enabled walkability, and environmentally-conscious retro- shift to higher-density sustainable growth, there are many fit development. After World War II, there was a push to suburban areas left with car-dependent, unsustainable provide more housing for returning soldiers and domestic designs. The need to retrofit these outdated suburban devel- workers contributing to the war effort. Changes in lend- opments is imperative to achieve improved walkability, and ing, planning policies, transportation systems, and hous- thereby create an enhanced sense of community, increased ing construction, coupled with a growing desire to live in access and connectivity, and proposed ecological function. suburbs, lead to urban sprawl. Such a development trend Using proven methods of sustainable development and in- saw unprecedented land consumption at an alarming rate. centivizing retrofits in a way that benefit private land own- What we have now are suburban neighborhoods that are ers, suburban developments can be retrofit to better serve completely automobile-dependent, and promote isolation the community and the environment. rather than community. The Southern Boise suburbs would 5 benefit from an enhanced sense of community, enabled walkability, and environmentally-conscious retrofit devel- Project Goals opment, that counter-acts the post-WWII urban sprawl This project seeks to identify easement incentives, development trend that saw a dramatic rise from the 70’s to mechanisms, and strategies with private landowners for the the early 2000’s (Duany 2000). use of the public and neighborhood community to retro- Suburban neighborhoods consist of predominantly private fit suburban neighborhoods in Southern Boise, to achieve land. In order to create easements required for retrofit de- increased walkability, connectivity, sense of community, and velopment, communication and collaboration with private opportunities to integrate ecological processes. Shared-use, land owners is mandatory. Through incentive programs that non-motorized pathways are proposed through neighbor- detail obtaining and maintaining easements, private and hoods to increase circulation. These pathways stem from public users can come to an agreement that achieves desired a nearby canal (retrofitted as a trail), which serves as the goals for improved connectivity, especially improved walk- “spine” for the trail system. ability. The vision is to identify suburban neighborhoods in South- This project contributes to Landscape Architecture, ern Boise, which are located relatively near to existing canal as it acknowledges, and seeks solutions to, several issues easements, and are also in need for improved connectivity that are apparent in the suburban world. It acknowledges throughout the subdivisions. Legal incentives that support the need for positive change in suburban development, the easement creation through private landholder properties fact that most of suburban land is owned by many different are researched and utilized. This is for the sake of improv- private owner, each with their own needs. Retrofitting the ing connectivity to nearby amenities and needs, improving suburban world requires that a variety of people be consid- walkability to provide recreational opportunity and to pro- ered and incentivized to achieve goals that seek to benefit mote healthy lifestyles, to enable social interaction between all involved. This project goes further than offering a physi- neighbors along these new paths, to incorporate wetlands cal solution to the lack of walkability in existing suburban and stormwater management tactics that support riparian neighborhoods. It goes into the dynamics of the people of habitat, and to ultimately reduce dependence on the auto- the neighborhood, their needs, and their willingness to con- mobile as the primary traveling source. tribute to a cause that realizes a greater suburban world that is a home for people and pedestrian activity. The goals are as follows: Demonstrate the need and benefits of retrofitting Southern Boise’s suburban neighborhoods to be walkable and ameni- ty-rich. 6 Research and analyze mobility, accessibility, and connectiv- ity to the needs and amenities of residents, to design safe trailway systems. Understand the suburban neighbor’s perspective and needs, finding appropriate accomodation for them in easement programs that seek to create trailways through neighbor- hoods. Emphasize qualities of walkability and sense of community through biking and walking as alternative modes of trans- portation, thus promoting exercise and increasing the likeli- hood of casual interaction between neighbors. Propose the integration stormwater retention techniques, and promote native wildlife and riparian habitat. 7 Conceptual Framework 8 Conceptual Framework The Conceptual Framework diagram, as shown on to allow for easements, and the easements set within 100- the previous page, reveals how all the major concepts of the year flood zones that, due to its flooding nature, are unable Boise Loop Project are interconnected. There is, however, to host any development other than the facilities and fea- a “main path” or logical process through the framework, tures of this project. Easement programs allow for pathways showing the orderly path in which the concepts occur through the suburbs by establishing a fair agreement that chronologically, thus revealing the cause-and-effect rela- yields easement pathways through existing canal easements, tionship between several of the project concepts. and proposed neighborhood easements through private and It begins with the major issue to be
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