Receipts and Disbursements
RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS. COMBINED STATEMENT OF THE HECEIPTS AND DISBUHSEMEXTS (APPARENT' AND ACTUAL) OF THE UNITED STA. TES FOR THE FISCAL TEAR ENDED JUNE 80) 1875. TREK. SURY DEPT. RTMENT, W+SHzNeYom, D. C., Deceviber 1, 1875. S1R: In compliance with instructions received from you, I have prepared for publication in the book of Estimates a Combined Statement of the Receipts and Disbursements of the Government, by appropriations, exclusive of the principal of the public debt, for the fiscal year ended June 80, 1875, exhibiting the various sources of the revenues; the apparent expenses of each branch of the service under the several Departments, and of each Department, on account of «salaries, v «ordinary expenses, " "public works, " "miscellaneous, " and "unusual and extraordinary;" and the actual expenses of the same, and the actual revenues, by deductions from them of those items ivhich appear in both accounts by requirements of actual revenues or true exyenditures, and other items ou account of branches of the service law i but which are not intended to be self-supporting, the expenses and revenues of which must by law enter iuto the accounts of the Treasury. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. T. POWER, Chief of Warrant Division. Hon. B. H. BRrsx'ow, 8ecretary of the Treasury. RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS. RECEIPTS. 8tstss snd districts. Total by districts. Total by 8u&tcs. Gross receipts. Dcductious. &&'et receipts. Prom Cttsfcr&N- Maine: Aroostook $5, 925 33 Bangor 4, 014 90 Bath 10, 912 17 Belfast . 2, 255 95 Castine 1, 113 00 Frenchman's Bay 4 40 Machias 1, 911 94 Passamaquotidy 35, 591 26 Portland 437 242 58 Waldoborough .
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