Areas of Study
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Aerospace Engineering/Biological Sciences — 53 AREAS OF STUDY which three hours must be at the 400-level, and three Aerospace Engineering hours of mathematics/statistics. To pass the qualifying The Aerospace Engineering Program in the De- examination, a student must have obtained a grade of partment of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of- B or better for all courses with a GPA of at least 3.25. fers comprehensive graduate education in a number of The comprehensive examination and the final ex- areas. Aerodynamics, gas dynamics, hypersonics, aero- amination, consisting of the dissertation defense, are space system design, aerospace propulsion, aerospace conducted according to the rules of the Graduate Facul- structures, and flight dynamics and control are the ma- ty, the School of Engineering, and the department. The jor areas of emphasis. A great variety of interdisciplina- Graduate Faculty has a residency requirement which nury programs meeting specific objectives are available. must be satisfied by all doctoral students. The Aerospace Engineering Program offers the master Typical examples of research activities are: analy- of science and doctor of philosophy degrees. sis and design of composite structures, structural The master of science thesis program consists of acoustics, aeroacoustics, smart structures, active and a minimum of 30 semester hours, normally including 24 passive vibration control, optimization of systems based hours of course work with nine hours from the aero- on structural dynamics or structural performance, as- space engineering core curriculum and at least six hours trodynamics, guidance and control of aircraft and mis- in mathematics and/or computer science. At least six siles, robust multivariable control, neural network archi- credit hours of 400-level course work must be from the tecture for control, estimation theory, real-time flight major field of study. In addition, a thesis from research simulation, non-equilibrium shock wave structure, that is equivalent to at least six credit hours in a major propulsion research with emphasis on how fuel vari- area must be prepared. The master of science non-the- ables influence combustion, atomization of liquid fuels sis program consists of a minimum of 30 semester in supersonic flow, flame stability in combustion sys- hours, including at least 18 hours of course work within tems, ramjet and supersonic combustion ramjet stud- the department, of which nine hours must be from the ies, computational fluid dynamics, laser interaction aerospace engineering core curriculum, and at least six problems, free turbulent mixing, unsteady high angle of hours in mathematics and/or computer science. At least attack flow configurations, computer simulation of sep- nine credit hours of 400-level course work must be from arated flows, low-speed and high-speed aerodynamics, the major field of study. aerodynamics of highlift devices, aerospace system de- The aerospace engineering core curriculum con- sign, and viscous effects in transonic flows. sists of four areas: aerodynamics and propulsion; con- The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace En- trol/dynamics/stability; materials and structures; and gineering has many well equipped laboratories located mathematics. in the Mechanical Engineering Building and Mechanical A student pursuing the doctor of philosophy de- Engineering Annex on the main campus, and a subson- gree normally follows a program of 90 semester hours ic-flow laboratory in an off-campus facility. Some of the beyond the B.S. degree or 60 semester hours beyond specially equipped laboratories on campus include: a the M.S. degree. For those with the M.S. degree, the 60 supersonic-flow laboratory with a Mach 4 blow-down hours will consist of 24 hours of course work and 36 wind tunnel, a hot-wire anemometer system, a hours of thesis research. The Ph.D. course work must Schlieren system; an airflow test facility; an acoustics satisfy the departmental core course requirements for and vibration laboratory; a laser diagnostics laboratory the M.S. degree. For the 24 credit hours of course work, equipped with state-of-the-art lasers to conduct exper- a minimum of 12 hours must be taken within the de- iments related to aerodynamics and combustion; a partment and at least three hours of mathematics/sta- composite materials testing laboratory with state-of- tistics. At least nine credit hours of course work must be the-art material testing system; low velocity impact fa- at the 400-level in the major field of study. In addition cility and high speed photography equipment; and ex- to these course requirements, a candidate must prepare tensive computer facilities including a personal a dissertation based on analytical and/or experimental computer laboratory, advanced computer graphics lab- research in a major area. This research must be equiv- oratory, computer learning center with engineering alent to a minimum of 36 hours beyond the M.S. degree. work stations. The flight simulator program at UMR in- There are no foreign language requirements for corporates a fixed-base real-time flight simulator with the doctor of philosophy degree in aerospace engineer- out-the-window display. ing. However, a reading knowledge of one foreign lan- guage, German, French or Russian, may be required for Biological Sciences the doctor of philosophy degree if the candidate's advi- sory committee feels that it is necessary. The department of Biological Sciences offers an A candidate for the degree of doctor of philosophy interdisciplinary approach to addressing problems in ap- must pass a qualifying examination. The qualifying ex- plied and environmental biology. The program empha- amination consists of taking a minimum of nine credit sizes research that focuses on understanding environ- hours of approved graduate course work at the 300- and mental responses and adaptations in biological 400-level, including six hours in the major field, of systems at the cellular and molecular levels. 54 — Biomaterials/Ceramic Engineering Departmental research efforts are distinguished by their and press, numerous general use incubators, growth association with other science and engineering disci- chambers, shaking incubators, sequencing gel appara- plines on the UMR campus through collaborations with tus and power supply, UV-Trans-illuminator, Polaroid the Ceramic Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Chem- photographic equipment, assorted teaching and re- istry, Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Computer search microscopes, nanopure water purification sys- and Electrical Engineering, Geology and Geophysics, tem, UV-Vis spectrophotometers, dark room, Beckman Mechanical Engineering and Metallurgical Engineering scintillation counter, microtiter plate reader, semi-auto- departments. matic cell-harvester, media prep room with autoclaves, The Department of Biological Sciences currently -70 C freezer, and automated media dispenser. Faculty occupies space in Schrenk Hall together with the De- and students also have access to a DNA core facility at partments of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. Jux- the University of Missouri-Columbia which will synthe- taposition to these departments offers a strong aca- size oligonucleotides and determine DNA sequences for demic environment with ample opportunity for a reagent-cost price. The department also has access to interaction of faculty and students that is appropriate to the University of Wisconsin Genetics Computer Group an interdisciplinary graduate program. (GCG) programs that are available through the DNA Students who participate in the Applied and Envi- core facility and are accessible from campus wide Com- ronmental Biology Master of Science Degree program in puter Learning Centers (CLC’s) which also provides ac- the Department of Biological Sciences would have ex- cess to software necessary for molecular biology appli- ceptional opportunities for performing the interdiscipli- cations. Equipment for environmental microbiology nary research critical for understanding and solving en- include a sterile microdrill/micropipet system and a Coy vironmental problems. An understanding of the anaerobic chamber. environment and associated problems requires back- ground knowledge and applications of modern technol- Biomaterials ogy derived from many traditional fields of science, mathematics and engineering. The unique focus on en- The biomaterials program in the Department of gineering and the sciences at UMR offers opportunity for Materials Science & Engineering offers comprehensive integrated course work and collaborative research deal- graduate education in a number of areas including the ing with the complexities of environmental biology. In synthesis and characterization of novel biomaterials, addition, faculty in the Department of Biological Sci- the design and fabrication of scaffolds for tissue engi- ences are actively involved in research centers on the neering of biological tissues, interactions of biomaterials UMR campus such as the Environmental Research Cen- with living systems, and tissue-engineered restoration ter, the Center for Environmental Science and Technol- of biological tissues. Further information on these op- ogy (CEST), and the Graduate Center for Materials Re- portunities and facilities available to carry out research search. in biomaterials may be found under Materials Science & Equipment items requisite to quality graduate lab- Engineering. oratory experiences in the biological sciences are cur- Degree Requirements: rently available within