Editors: Viktor Škedelj Renčelj, Alja Pušnik Kramar Dear Reader, in international musical currents. This is Editorial Board: Barbara Švrljuga, Tanja Benedik no doubt the result of the collapse of the Translation: Steven Loy, Neville Hall, Katarina Juvančič this booklet will be your best guide to dis- former common Yugoslav cultural sphere Copy editor: Philip Burt covering Slovene music, the richness, vital- and market, which has forced Slovene Design: Eda Pavletič ity and diversity of the country’s musical musicians to redefine how they work and Print: Littera picta d.o.o. worlds, some better known than others, communicate with their potential public. Print run: 3000 but all worth listening to. Publisher: Slovenian Music Information Centre (SIGIC) A positive result of all of these turbulent Address: Trg francoske revolucije 6, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia events are the lively, varied, sometimes Telephone: +386 (0)1 241 20 82 In the following pages, you can find a great rather elusive but always intriguing musical E-mail:
[email protected] deal of interesting and useful information activities in Slovenia. www.sigic.si about the best Slovene musicians, individ- ual music scenes and the specifics of musi- In addition to a presentation of musical cal activities in Slovenia in general. Written creativity, this pocket guide to Slovene mu- by recognised Slovene music experts and sic also offers abundant useful information, writers, the texts provide information in a the contact details of the most important This project has been funded with support from the Ministry of compact and readable way about the mu- institutions, concert venues, organisers and Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the European Commission.