NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. Juhlisgth H).L Iutgoritji
l,lumb. 20. 801 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. Juhlisgth h).l iutgoritJI. WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1924. RRATUM.-ln the New Zealand Schou! of Mines Scholar- , the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said E ship Regulations, published in Sew Zealarul Gazette Dominion, do hereby set apart the Crown lands described in No. 15, of the l:lth March, 1924, page 688, for'' Subjects l, 2, / the Schedule hereto as provisional State forests. or 3 and 5" in the last paragraph of Clause 8, read "Subjects --- 1, 2 or 3, and 5." SCHEDULE. NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRIOT.-AuoKLAND FOREST CONSERVATION REGION, Change of Name of Locality " Buclcley " to " Tolaga Bay." Provisional State Forest No. 113, ALL that area in the North Auckland Land District, being [L.S.] JELLI COE, Governor-General. Section 4, Block II, Whangaroa Survey District, and con A PROCLAMATION. taining by admeasurement 450 acres l rood 28 perches, more or less. As the same is more particularly delineated on W-rHEREAS settlers in the locality known as " Buckley," plan No. 3/1, deposited in the Head Office, State Forest in the County of Uawa, desire that the name of such Service, at Wellington, and thereon bordered red. locality should be changed to "Tolaga Bay," and it is considered expedient to alter the same: Provisional State Forest No. 114. Now, therefore, I, John Rushworth, Viscount Jellicoe, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pur All that area in the North Auckland Land District, being suance and exercise of the powers and authorities oo::ferred Section l, Block X, Kaeo Survey District, and containing by on me by the Designation of Districts Act, 1908, and of all admeasurement 497 acres 2 roods, more or less.
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