Jumb. 21. 901 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE WEI-<LINGTON, THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1926. Land proclaimed as a Road, and Road closed, in Blocks VIII ·1 Land proclaimed as a Road, and Road closed, in Block VII, and XII, Taylor Pa88 Survey District, Marlborough Oounty. Waiwera Survey District, Waitemata Oounty. [L.S.] CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor·General. [L.S.] .CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General A PROCLAMATION. A PROCLAMATION. N pursuanoe and exercise of the powers conferred by section "N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by I twelve of the Land Act, 1924, I, General Sir Charles I"_ section twelve of the Land Act, 1924, I, General Sir Fergusson, Baronet, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Charles Fergusson, Baronet, Governor-General of the Dominion Zea.Iand, do hereby proclaim as a road the land in Taylor of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim as a road the land in Pass Survey District described in the First Schedule hereto; Waiwera Survey District described in the First Schedule and also do hereby proclaim as closed the road described in hereto; and also do hereby proclaim as closed the road the Seoond Schedule hereto. described in the Second Schedule hereto. FIRST SCHEDULE. FIRST SCHEDULE. LAND PROCLAIMED AS .. ROAD. LAND PROCLAIlIIED AS A ROAD. A:PPROXWATE areas of the pieces of land proclaimed as a. ApPROXIlIIATE area of the piece of land proclaimed as a road :- road: 1 acre 0 roods 34 perches. A. R. P. Being portion of Lot 3 (D.P. 5061) of Allotments 163 and 5; 16 1 0 Portion of Sections 92, 93, 96, Block VIII. coloured red. 12 0 20 64, 65, 66, Block XIT. Coloured red. SECOND SCHEDULE. SECOND SCHEDULE. ROAD CLOSED. ROAD CLOSED. ApPROXIlIIATE area of the pil'ce of road closed: 3 roods MPROXDU.TE area of the piece of road closed: 28 acres 2· I> perches. 2 roods 37 perches. Adjoining or passing through Lot 3 (D.P. 5061) and Lot 1 Adjoining or passing through SectiollR 69, 70, 87-94, 96, (D.P. 15060) of Allotments 163 and 5; coloured green. Block VIII; coloured green. All situated in Parish of Waiwera, Block VII, Waiwera All situated in Meadowbank Run (Omaka), Taylor Pass Survey District (Auckland R.D.). (S.O. 23555.) Survey District. All in the North Auckland Land District: as the same are All in the Marlborough Land District; as the same are more more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 64776, 65Ml, deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at at Wellington, in the Wellington Land District, and thereon Wellington, in the Wellington Land District, and thereon coloured as above mentioned. coloured as above mentioned. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ Given under the hand of His Excellenoy the Governor-I General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under under the Seal of that Dominion, this 2nd day d the Seal of that Dominion, this 2nd day of April" April, 1926. 1926. I J. G. COATES, Minister of Public Works • •1. G. COATES, Minister of Public Works. t I GOD SAVE 'fHE KING! GOD SAVE THE KING! (P W. 43/255.) I (P.W.34/2453.) A 902 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 21 Additional Llmd taken for the Midland Railway, Arthur's Portion of Street cloaed ':11 the City uJ II'ellington. Pass Section (49m. lIck. to 51m. 6/ek.) [L.s.1 CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. [L.S.] CHARLES ],'ERGUSSON, Governor-General. A PROCLAMATION. A PROCLAMATION. N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by I section twelve of the Land Act, 1924, I. General Sir I N pursuance and exercise of. the powers and authoritie~ Charles Fergnsson, Baronet, Governor·General of the Dominion vested in me bv the Public Works Act, 1908, and of of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim as closed the portion of every other power and authority. in anywise enabling me in street in the Oity of Wellington deRcribed in the Schedule this behalf, I, General Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, Go· hereto. vernor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do here by proclaim and declare that the additional land mentioned in SCHEDULE. the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for the Midland Ibilway, Arthur's PaRH Redinn. ApPROXIMATE areas of the picces of street closed :- A. R. P. Adjoining or passing through o I 5'44- Lot 25, D.P. 4798, Block IX, Reserve K. SOHEDULE. U 0 12'5S Lot 26, D.P. 4798, Block IX, Reserve K. ApPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land taken:­ o 0 IR'!i9 Snbs. 29 to 35, S.O. plan !i3/39, Blocks XI and XII, Reserve K. A. R. P. 3S I 7 Being Rection 3583, Block X. Situated in the City of Wellington. (S.O. 1974.) 66 3 25 . 3584 X. In the Wellington Land District: as thc same are more 20 () 24 3585 XIV. particularly dclineat"d on the plan marked P.W.D. 64567, Situated in Otira Survey District (Westland R.D.). deposited in the office of tho Minister of Public Works at Wellington, in the Wellington Land District, and thereon In the Westland J~and District; as the same are more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 65609, coloured green. deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at Given nnder the hand of His Excellency the Governor· Wellington, in the Wellington Land District, and thereon General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued edged green. nnder the Seal of that Dominion, this 2nd day of A pri!, Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ 1926. General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued J. G. COATES, Minister of Public Works. under the Seal of that Dominion, this 2nd day of GOD SAVE 'l'HE KWQ! April, 1926. [P.W.51/920.] .T. G. COATES, Minister of Public Works. GOD SAVE THE KINo! Eand.• Bet apart as Provisional State Forests declared to be (P.W. 14/21.) subject to the Land Act, 1924. [L.S.] CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General Land taken for the Purposes of a Sired, in the City of A PROCLAMATION. Auckland. N pursuanco und exercise of the powers and authorities I conferred upon me by R<'ction twenty of the Forests [L.S.] CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor·General. Act, Hl21-22, 1, General Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, Governor-('."meral of thc Dominion of New Zealand, acting A PROCLAMATION. on the recommondation of the Minister of Lands, do hereby N pursuance and exercise of tho powers and authorities proclaim and declare that the lands described in tbe Sche· I vested in me bv the Public Works Act, 1908, and of dnle hereto, being portions of provisional State forests set ever)' other power and authority in anywise enabling me in apart by Proclamations dated the sixteenth day of March, this behalf, I, General Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, one thousand nine hundred and twenty, and the fifth day of Go~ernor·General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do July, one thousand nine hundred and twenty, respectively, hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the and gazetted on the twenty-fifth day of March, one tbousand Schedule hereto is hereby taken for the purposes of a street, nine hundred and twenty, and the eighth day of July, one .and sh"ll vest in the Mayor, Councillors, and Citizens of thonsand nine hundred and twenty, respectively, aro required the City of Auckland, as from the d"t.e hereinafter mentioned; for settlement purposes; and, in accordance with the provi­ and I do also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect sions of the said Act, such lands shall, from and aftor the on and after the twent.y-~ixth day of April, one thousand nine day of the gazetting hereof, cease to be provisional State hundred and twentY·8;x. forests, and shall bt>come subject to the provisions of the Land Act, 1924. SCHEDUI~R. APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land taken:- SCHEDULE. A. R. P. Being Part ALL that area in the Nelson Land District, containing 9,080 o 0 22'9 Allot. 18A, Block XVI; coloured pink. acres, more or less, situate in Blocks IX, Flora Survey Dis­ o 0 18'0 Allot. 18A, Blocks XV and XVI; coloured trict, X, XIV, and XIII, Monnt Arthur Survey District, and blue. 1. and V, Wangapcka Survey District--commeneing at Hough's o 0 15'4 Allot. 18A, Block XV; coloured purple. Saddlo between the Crow and Skeet Rivers in Block V, o 0 8'4 Allot. 18A, Block XV; pink. Wangapeka Survey District, thence proceeding in a north o 0 6'7 Allot. ISA, Block XV ; " blue. and Ilorth· easterly direction generally along the western o 0 6·7 Allot. 18A, D.P. 12408, Block XV: coloured boundary of Wangapeka, Monnt Arthur, and Flora Survey purple. Districts to a point approximately three-quarters ofa mile o 0 18·S Allot. 18A, D.P. 12408, Block XV: coloured north· west of Gordon's Pyramid where the district boundary pnrple. is intersected by the bush·line; thence easterly generally by Situated in Parish of Titirangi (City of Auckland), Waite­ the bush·line to the boundary between Monnt Arthur and mata Survey District (Auckland R.D.). (S.O. 23367.) Flora Survey Districts; thence southerly generally by such In the North Auckland Land District; as the same are survey district boundary a.nd the national·endowment bound­ more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D.
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