Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwaters, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 355-360, 3 figs., December 2016 © 2016 by Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, München, Germany – ISSN 0936-9902

First reliable records of distribution of Brachyrhamdia meesi Sands & Black, 1985 (Siluriformes: )

Veronica Slobodian* and Flávio A. Bockmann**

Brachyrhamdia meesi was originally described from “Belém, Brazil”, based on material from aquarium-fish trade. Since its description, no voucher specimen of B. meesi with reliable locality has been registered in a scientific col- lection so far. Furthermore, this has never been encountered in Belém and surrounding areas in Lower Amazon, an ichthyologically well sampled region, which led us to believe its type locality is erroneous. Based on recent fieldwork in Río Ampyiacu tributaries, Peru, and a thorough review of fish collections, we report for the first time the distribution area of B. meesi as Upper Amazon of Brazil and Peru and the first case of sympatry between Brachyrhamdia species.

Introduction & Eigenmann, 1888 (Heptapteridae), with which they share similar color patterns and body habitus Brachyrhamdia Myers, 1927 is a of Hepta- (Innes & Myers, 1950; Sands, 1980, 1985b; Sands & pteridae comprising six valid species and distrib- Black, 1985; Lundberg & McDade, 1986; Axelrod uted throughout Río Orinoco and Rio Amazonas & Burgess, in Axelrod, 1987; Hercos et al., 2009; systems (including Rio Tocantins basin) and Guia- Slobodian & Bockmann, 2013). nas region (Bockmann & Guazzelli, 2003; Ferraris, Brachyrhamdia meesi was known to aquarists 2007; Slobodian & Bockmann, 2013). Species of before its formal description (e. g. Sands, 1984), Brachyrhamdia are popular among aquarium-fish and became even more popular since. The spe- hobbyists, mainly due their striking color pat- cies is relatively common in aquarium shops, in terns, and much of the literature on the genus is Brazil and abroad, and is usually misidentified addressed to aquarists (e. g. Innes & Myers, 1950; as a species of Pimelodella (Sands, 1985b; Sands Sands, 1984, 1985a; Sands & Black, 1985). Species & Black, 1985; pers. obs.). Individuals of B. meesi belonging to Brachyrhamdia are remarkable for sold throughout the world supposedly originate their mimicry with some species of Corydoras La from ornamental fish trades of Brazilian Amazon Cepède, 1803 (Callichthyidae), Otocinclus Cope, and Leticia region in Colombia (J. A. Zuanon 1871 (Loricariidae), and Pimelodella Eigenmann and J. I. Mojica, pers. comm.). Despite its wide

* Laboratório de Ictiologia, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo (MZUSP), Caixa Postal 42494, 04218-970 São Paulo, SP, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected] ** Laboratório de Ictiologia de Ribeirão Preto (LIRP), Departamento de Biologia, FFCLRP, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. dos Bandeirantes 3900, 14040-901 Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected]

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Fig. 1. Brachyrhamdia meesi, MZUSP 118426, 45.5 mm SL; Peru: Loreto: Río Ampyiacu basin. popularity among hobbyists, until recently there length; xr, x-rayed. Map was produced with was no record of B. meesi in scientific collections Quantum GIS® 2.6.0 software. accompanied by reliable locality data. After a detailed screening throughout most sci- entific collections of South and North America in Results and discussion pursuit of Brachyrhamdia material, we found some specimens that allowed us to enlighten the dis- Specimens from MZUSP 118426, MZUSP 118427 tribution area of B. meesi. Those were specimens and MCP 29849 were unambiguously identified as of Brachyrhamdia caught during recent fieldwork B. meesi due the presence of a lateral dark stripe, in the Upper Amazon of Peru, carried out by wider below anal fin, extending from pseudo- ichthyology team of the Museu de Zoologia da tympanum to caudal-fin base, a dark, rectangular Universidade de São Paulo (MZUSP), Brazil, and mark near caudal-fin base, unpigmented zones specimens belonging to the Museu de Ciências e adjacent to the dark lateral stripe, a sub-ocular Tecnologia da Pontifícia Universidade Católica blotch, a first pectoral-fin ray (unbranched) bear- do Rio Grande do Sul (MCP), Brazil. ing few (4-6) retrorse (tip of dentations oriented towards the base of pectoral fin) to straight denta- tions on two-thirds to half of its posterior margin, Material and methods 36-38 total vertebrae (cf. Slobodian, 2013) (Fig. 1). MZUSP specimens are from Río Ampyiacu tribu- Identification of specimens follows Slobodian taries, Upper Amazon river basin of Peru, and (2013), Slobodian & Bockmann (2013) and Bock- MCP specimens are from Mamirauá lake system, mann & Slobodian (2013). Listed specimens Rio Solimões, Upper Amazon river basin of Brazil were fixed in formalin and preserved in ethanol, (Fig. 2), so that those three lots are the first mate- except when noticed otherwise. Institutional rial of B. meesi with reliable locality data. Another acronyms follow Sabaj Pérez (2014). Abbre- two specimens (INPA 8047) have a locality record, viations: c&s, cleared and stained; SL, standard but since it is near a pisciculture station and due

Slobodian & Bockmann: Distribution of Brachyrhamdia meesi 357

80° W 70° W 60° W 50° W

0° 0°

10° S 10° S

80° W 70° W 60° W 50° W Fig. 2. Northern South America, showing the distribution of Brachyrhamdia meesi ( ) and B. marthae ( ).

Fig. 3. Peru: Loreto: Laguna Shangay, Río Ampiyacu basin, one of the localities where Brachyrhamdia meesi was collected, together with B. marthae. (Photograph by O. T. Oyakawa).

Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwaters, Vol. 27, No. 4 358 to the absence of other records for the region we This location is relatively close to the region where suspect they were introduced. All other examined B. meesi was found. Belém do Solimões is a locality B. meesi material are from aquarium-trade. sometimes referred to as “Belém” in the literature Brachyrhamdia meesi was described by aq- (e. g. Géry, 1963; Géry, 1965) (M. Marinho, pers. uarists based on specimens from ornamental comm.). fish trade, in a publication targeted at hobbyists Those two localities of the Upper Amazon (Sands & Black, in Sands, 1985). The description is where B. meesi was encountered are very close to brief and the type locality is uncertain. The three each other and are situated at low altitudes (about type-specimens were reported as “collected near 80 and 130 m asl). At both sites specimens were Belem, Brazil”, in March 1985. It is also said the found in places with standing water, abundant first author received a shipment of fishes from vegetation (macrophytes, flooded forest, riparian Germany, which included some fishes from vegetation), and substrate of mud and leaf litter Belém, Brazil, but no further detail was provided. (Fig. 3). Water of Río Yaguasyacu is transparent to Despite Belém and surrounding areas being white while that of Laguna Shangay is transparent very well sampled ichthyologically, there are no to dark (O. T. Oyawaka, pers. comm.). Specimens records of B. meesi from there in any collection or of B. meesi were found among riparian vegetation, publication. In fact, no other species of the genus near the shores (O. T. Oyawaka, pers. comm.), is recorded from Belém region, which led us to broadly similar to the habitat where B. thayeria believe that its type-locality corresponds in fact was found (Slobodian & Bockmann, 2013). to the origin of shipment. Indeed, Belém, capital Despite Brachyrhamdia species being known of Pará State in Brazil, is known as an important to mimic other (Innes & Myers, 1950; hub for ornamental fish trade. Sands, 1980; Slobodian & Bockmann, 2013), no Brachyrhamdia meesi is the sister species of other with similar coloration was observed B. marthae Sands & Black, in Sands (1985), from at the three localities where B. meesi was encoun- Madeira-Mamoré-Madre de Díos system of Bo- tered. Therefore, despite the indirect data given livia, Brazil and Peru, which has a good represen- by B. meesi being found mixed with Pimelodella tation among the main Neotropical fish collections species in aquarium stores (Sands, 1985b; pers. (see Material examined) (Zarske, 2003; Slobodian obs.), there is no trustworthy information about & Bockmann, 2013; Bockmann & Slobodian, 2013). B. meesi mimicking other catfishes. Species of Brachyrhamdia are largely allopatric Currently, B. meesi (together with B. marthae (Slobodian, 2013; Slobodian & Bockmann, 2013), and B. rambarrani Axelrod & Burgess, in Axelrod, each exhibiting somewhat patchy distribution 1987) is on the official list of species whose cap- throughout the main drainages of northern South ture, transport and trade is allowed (MPA, 2012), America, likely due to peculiar ecological require- which is quite surprising when one considers that ments (Slobodian & Bockmann, 2013). In contrast its geographical range was not known and that with the distribution pattern of other Brachyrham- its only known locality, which is its type locality, dia species, the recently found B. meesi localities is likely to be a mistake. In the last evaluation of are partly overlapping with the distribution area threatened fish fauna from Brazil (MMA, 2014) of its sister species, B. marthae, so that specimens of B. meesi was considered Data Deficient (DD) us- B. meesi (MZUSP 118427) were found mixed with ing IUCN criteria (IUCN, 2001). The new data B. marthae (MZUSP 118428) collected in Laguna presented here on B. meesi add new information Shangay, on right shore of Río Ampiyacu, Upper to assess more accurately its conservation status, Amazon river of Peru. This comprises the first allowing a proper reassessment of the risk of reported case of sympatry among Brachyrhamdia keeping this species in a list that allows its use species (Fig. 2). for commercial purposes. The above-mentioned scenario suggests per- haps the type specimens of both B. meesi and BOLIVIA B. marthae species were collected together in this Material examined. Brachyrhamdia marthae: : AMNH 39747, 1; Beni: Río Itenez, 2 km SE of Costa Upper Amazon region. Another possibility is that “ ” Marques, in Brazil; 12°28'20" S 64°13'49" W. – AMNH Belém , stated as the type locality of B. meesi, is 77576, 4, 22.6-26.8 mm SL; Beni: Río Mamoré, about actually Belém do Solimões, a locality consider- 5 km southeast of Limoquije; 15°23'60" S 64°45'60" W. ably further west in Amazonas State, Brazil, – AMNH 225416, 1, 27.2 mm SL; Santa Cruz: Río adjacent to the border with Colombia and Peru. Ichilo, about 54 km south of Boca Chapare; 16°23'32" S

Slobodian & Bockmann: Distribution of Brachyrhamdia meesi 359

64°41'11" W. – MZUSP 27823, 2, 30.8-32.1 mm SL; Rio a thoroughly revision of the manuscript; Osvaldo T. Chapare between Todos os Santos and its mouth; Oyakawa for picture of Laguna Shangay and providing 15°57'09" S 64°45'24" W. – USNM 305631, 15, 2 c&s, ecological data; and Maria L. S. Delapieve and Zilda M. 26.5-33.2 mm SL; Beni: Provincia General José Ballivia Lucena for getting information from specimens housed Segurola, borrow pit by road at 1.5 km W, Río Matos at MCP. Heraldo A. Britski, Barbara A. Brown, Jeffrey crossing 45 air km E of San Borja; 14°55'60" S 66°16'60" W. Clayton, Carolina C. C. Doria, Aléssio Datovo, Norma – USNM 305864, 40, 2 c&s, 34.1-42.2 mm SL; Beni: E. B. B. Feinberg, José L. Figueiredo, Susan L. Jewett, Carlos A. Trapiche La Pascana camp, ancient path of Río Maniqui; S. Lucena, Zilda M. S. Lucena, John Lundberg, Naércio 14°38'18" S 66°17'04" W. – USNM 305891, 3; Beni: E.B.B., A. Menezes, Osvaldo T. Oyakawa, Larry Page, Lisa F. Trapiche La Pascana camp, ancient path of Río Maniqui; Palmer, Lynne R. Parenti, Mário C. C. de Pinna, Lúcia 14°38'18" S 66°17'03" W. BRAZIL: MCP 15555, 3; Mato H. Rapp Py-Daniel, Sandra J. Raredon, Roberto E. Reis, Grosso: Pontes e Lacerda, Rio Guaporé and flooded Ronald de Ruiter, Scott A. Schaefer, Melanie L. J. Sti- area in Pontes e Lacerda, Rio Madeira basin; 15°12'00" S assny, and Richard P. Vari ensured access to the material 59°20'60" W. – MZUSP 30771, 3, 32.8-45.1 mm SL; Acre: under their care. We are also indebted to I. J. Mojica, J. Tarauacá, Rio Tarauacá, Rio Juruá basin; 8°10'00" S A. Zuanon and S. Grant for sharing information about 70°46'00" W. – UFRO-I 10982, 128; Rondônia: Corumbi- aquarium fish trade. We thank the two anonymous re- ara, unnamed igarapé at Estrada dos Bois, affluent of Rio viewers for their valuable suggestions. Research funding Corumbiara; 12°59'54" S 61°08'52" W. – UFRO-I 3277, 1; was provided by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Rondônia: Guarajá-mirim, Rio Pacaás Novos, near con- Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP, Proc. No. 2013/18623-4 fluence with Rio Mamoré; 10°52'07" S 65°15'42" W. PERU: to VS) and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento RMNH 29424, holotype, xr, 76 mm SL; Peru, aquarium Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq, Proc. No. 156515/2010- import. – FLMNH 128932, 1, 24.0 mm SL; Loreto: Caño 5 to VS, and Proc. No. 562268/2010-3, 309752/2010-8, Yarina, affluent of Río Pacaya, in Pacaya-Samiria Na- and 312067/2013-5 to FAB). Additional support also tional Reserve; 5°21'49" S 74°53'20" W. – FLMNH 128977, provided by National Science Foundation for the ‘All 5, 23.3-33.0 mm SL; Loreto: Caño Yarina, affluent of Río Catfish Species Inventory’ project (NSF, DEB-0315963). Pacaya, in Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve; 5°21'49" S 74°53'20" W. – FLMNH 129036, 2, 29.0-32.5 mm SL; Loreto: Caño Yarina, affluent of Río Pacaya, in Pacaya- Literature cited Samiria National Reserve; 5°21'49" S 74°53'20" W. – MZUSP 118428, 11, 27.1-36.5 mm SL; Loreto: Laguna Axelrod, H. R. 1987. Two new species of catfishes (Si- Shangay, in lowland rainforest, at right margin of Río luriformes, Callichthyidae and Pimelodidae) from Ampiyacu; 3°20'33" S 71°56'01" W. – MZUSP 118425, 12, the Rio Unini, Amazonas, Brazil. Tropical Fish 27.4-31.3 mm SL; Loreto: small river Agua Negra, left Hobbyist, 35 (12): 22-25. margin of Río Ampiyacu; 3°20'09" S 71°56'34" W. Bockmann, F. A. & G. M. Guazzelli. 2003. Family Hep- Brachyrhamdia meesi: BRAZIL: RMNH 29425, holo- tapteridae (Heptapterids). Pp. 406-431 in: R. E. Reis, type, xr, 56.5 mm SL; near Belém. – INPA 8047, 1, xr, S. O. Kullander & C. J. Ferraris (eds.), Check list of 1 c&s, 43.4 mm SL; Amazonas: Manaus, unnamed the freshwater fishes of South and Central America. igarapé near to the road to pisciculture, km 21 of Edipucrs, Porto Alegre. AM-010 highway (doubtful locality). – MCP 29849, 2, Bockmann, F. A. & V. Slobodian. 2013. Heptapteridae. 44.2-50.9 mm SL; Amazonas: Alavarães, Ressaca do Pp. 14-77 in: G. Torrente-Vilara, W. M. Ohara, T. H. Vila Alencar, 1 km south of Boca do Mamirauá com- S. Pires, J. Zuanon & C. R. C Doria (eds.), Peixes do munity, Mamirauá lake system; 3°07'25" S 64°48'02" W. Rio Madeira. Dialeto Latin American Documentary, PERU: MZUSP 118426, 11, 36.9-48.2 mm SL; Loreto: São Paulo. creek tributary of the right margin of Río Yaguasyacu, Ferraris, C. J. 2007. Checklist of catfishes, recent and Río Ampyiacu basin; 3°20'51" S 71°59'09" W. – MZUSP fossil (Osteichthyes: Siluriformes), and catalogue 118427, 1, 35.0 mm SL; Loreto: Laguna Shangay, in of siluriform primary types. Zootaxa, 1418: 1-628. lowland rainforest, at right margin of Río Ampiyacu; Géry, J. 1963. Copella vilmae n. sp. (Pisces, Characoidei). 3°20'32" S 71°56'01" W. NO LOCALITY DATA: LIRP 9079, Senckenbergiana Biologica, 44: 25-31. 1 c&s, 51.8 mm SL; LIRP 10250, 9, 1 c&s, 55.8-74.9 mm — 1965. Poissons characoïdes sud-américains du SL; MZUSP 87209, 1, xr, 57.7 mm SL; UFRJ 397, 1 c&s, Senckenberg Muséum, II. Characidae et Crenuchi- 43.1 mm SL; aquarium fish trade. dae de l’Igarapé Préto (Haute Amazonie). Sencke- nbergiana Biologica, 46: 11-45, pls. 1-4. Hercos, A. P., H. L. Queiroz & H. L. Almeida. 2009. Acknowledgements Peixes ornamentais do Amanã. Instituto de Desen- volvimento Sustentável Mamirauá, Tefé, 241 pp. We are especially grateful to Fernando Dagosta for Innes, W. T. & G. S. Myers. 1950. The “Imitator cat- drawing our attention to collection in Peruvian Amazon; fish,” which mimics a Corydoras. The Aquarium, and to Manoela Marinho for mentioning the possibly 19: 222-223. mistaken toponyms. We also thank Mário de Pinna for

Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwaters, Vol. 27, No. 4 360

IUCN. 2001. IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria: — 1984. Catfishes of the World. Vol. 3. Dunure Enter- Version 3.1. Second edition. IUCN, Gland & Cam- prises, Dunure, 145 pp. bridge, iv + 32 pp. — 1985a. Brachyrhamdia meesi, Sands and Black 1985. P Lundberg, J. G. & L. A. McDade. 1986. On the South 58b in: D. D. Sands, Catfishes of the World. Vol. 3, American catfish Brachyramdia imitator Myers Suppl. (first set). Self published. (Siluriformes, Pimelodidae), with a phylogenetic — 1985b. Brachyrhamdia, cryptic or mimetic catfishes evidence for a large intrafamilial lineage. Notulae from South America. Zoomimesis, camouflage or Naturae, 463: 1-24. mimicry. Pp. 58(9)-58(11) in: D. D. Sands, Catfishes MMA [Ministério do Meio Ambiente]. 2014. Portaria of the World. Vol. 3, Suppl. (first set). Self published. MMA nº 445, de 17 de dezembro de 2014. Diário Sands, D. D. & B. K. Black. 1985. Two new species of Oficial da União [Brazil], seção 1, 126. [Published Brachyrhamdia, Myers, 1927, from Brazil and Peru, 18 December 2014]. together with a redefinition of the genus. Pp. 58(1)- MPA [Ministério da Pesca e Aqüicultura]. 2012. Instru- 58(8) in: D. D. Sands, Catfishes of the World. Vol. 3, ção Normativa Interministerial no. 1, de 3 de janeiro Suppl. (first set). Self published. de 2012. Diário Oficial da União [Brazil], seção 1, Slobodian, V. 2013. [, Systematics and Bioge- no. 3, 26-42. [Published 4 January 2012]. ography of Brachyrhamdia Myers, 1927 (Siluriformes: Myers, G. S. 1927. Descriptions of new South American Heptapteridae) with an investigation about its mim- freshwater-fishes collected by Dr. Carl Ternetz. icry with other siluriforms]. Unpublished Master Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, dissertation, Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão 68: 107-135. Preto, 316 pp. [In Portuguese]. Sabaj Pérez, M. H. 2014. Standard symbolic codes for Slobodian, V. & F. A. Bockmann. 2013. A new Brachy- institutional resource collections in herpetology and rhamdia (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae) from Rio ichthyology: an Online Reference. Version 5.0 (22 Japurá basin, Brazil, with comments on its phylo- September 2014). American Society of Ichthyologists genetic affinities, biogeography and mimicry in the and Herpetologists, Washington. Available from: genus. Zootaxa, 3717: 1-22. http://www.asih.org (accessed 11 September 2015). Zarske, A. 2003. Wiederbeschreibung von Rhamdia quelen Sands, D. D. 1980. Corydoras, or are they? Notes on (Sands & Black, 1985) (Teleostei, Siluriformes, Pime- colour pattern sharing. Aquarist and Pondkeeper, lodidae). Zoologische Abhandlungen, 53: 47-55. 45: 40-42.

Received 11 October 2015 Revised 9 May 2016 Accepted 4 August 2016

Slobodian & Bockmann: Distribution of Brachyrhamdia meesi