1983 Moundbuilder Cross Coun Try Team Would up with Its Third Consecutiv KCAC Title

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1983 Moundbuilder Cross Coun Try Team Would up with Its Third Consecutiv KCAC Title 1·9·8·3 M·O·U·N·D B·U·/·L D·E·R Southwestern College Winfield, Kansas ,", .... Impressions • • • Black cats, whacky relays, torch­ light processiolls, moundbllilding ceremonies, and the "77" must all make a puzzling impression to ,a newcomer at Southwestern. It is t!tr.ough these unusual events and sights tlrat ties are formed, binding the new to the old, the past to the present, and making all SC Builders participant' ill the proce:,'s ojform­ ing S outlnvestern's I "'press; ons. THE SPIRIT Of- the JIO " lives on. ""IANY TRIPS UP A ' D DOWN the "77" to and from the libr:uv leave an indeli ble · mpre <Ion on Anneliese Snyder. 1 LO AL DE IANTS, Chris Turner. Steve Delano. Mike Lambing. aul Bixel, contribute something they're: very proud of t th~ mound. C Y RCl A S L 'TRODli E fr~hrnan , Purn FergUlion. IO the finer uimcnsion5 f toilet pn per usage. SYMBOLIC CA lPUS LANDMARKS are identified during a lorchli ct:remony. ~teve Relhorst and Mark Richardson help light the wCly. J outhwe tern- Tough economic times have maile thei,' OWII impact, As injlation continlied and unemploy­ ment rose- the impact cOldd be een at SOllth­ western. Concern ove,. personal fi"ance alld fll ­ titre employment became evident~ Throughout tlte chool a lIew eriousne s showed itsel/tls tudent began to be more goal-oriented, somehow hoping to Ubeat the odd ." J£fF D PL L1V G proof that biology m;)Jors d get out of M o~~m a n. r CO, IPARATJVE STUDE, T Jamie V, nwinkle identi fres her shark to lab aid Shawn Fanshi~r. TO ENS URE THAT PLA E in the working world. an honor dorm student spends extra hours . tudying. TAK I G ADVANTAGf Of THE QUIET at­ m,)~p h erc of the library, Shen Ashloc k prepares for an upcoming class. Times are tough but we'll make it. When fac d with challenges Southwesterners make their move. They examine the c.-isis, share ideas, plan ahead, and take deci­ sive steps toward a positive fu ture. SHARING ID EAS on a new ~-o lu lio n to a problem is Richard Cou rt /1t~y and Carol St! n eman. Physica l duca t ion major Vicki Bennett ga ins han ~ - on t:q:IC:rie nce in the traming room. 6 --­Moving in a Positive Direction 1£ rl' RABE LEN DS a helping hand to a Tri Beta lean-up projecl of Mos. man 101. TANTALIZING TREATS aTC ne 0 the m ny things offered by C'.lfeteria personnel, Darren Boyd and Paul Bean A POOLll\ r; F EFFORTS by Will Wabau nsec Danny Arthurs, Mark Pre ­ k' . nd :) rr y th:intJehnan should gel this car running In no time. KA MIKAZE SLEDDERS, Garth flaming, Curtis Rowe, and Kirk Landman keep a wa tchful eye out for the nearest tree. FOOSB LL IN THE BUILDERROOM eotertains Pal Timmons and Sam iezczyk. Positive . .. About Ourselves A positive attitude makes tile difference! Balancing a seriou 'ness ofpurpose with a jiln spirit ('relltes a positive app,'oach that helps put the world in pel'­ spective, GO D ES('Af'E from pressures can ulway. be found by Kim Mercer wh<l n she take a spin on he r bike WINDING DOWN AFTER CROSS-COUNTRY PRACf1CE. til Lam bing looks for a victim in a game of ri~bee. TO T KE BREAK FROM THE CONfl ES of the rehea al rooms, Jim Strand, Kevin Ganoun . nd Pa ul Strand proe lite wil h their recorders. 9 SOUTHWESTER · HAS MORE CO M­ PUTER [lOwer per 6llld ~n t than any other col· lege or univcr tty in Kansas. OUR OUTST ANDING DFBAT EAM has suc ssfu lly defeated ·chool from all over th nation. TIle highlight of the y r w a1 the Pi Kappa Delt N tiooais wh re two teams won national ranking. Terri MeCorkle and Mi­ helle O'Da niel came in Third and Andy Alli­ ,on and Gayla Rapp took Fourth place Coach Gary Horn w Iccted N a tional Vice Presi­ cnt of Pi ' appa Delta. Why settle/OJ' second best? Builders have the talellt, spirit, and drive to make it to the top. The records speak for them­ selves. We are POSITIVEL Y OUTSTANDING. IN NA 1I0NALCOMPETlTION at the Liberty Youn g rllst Symphony Compcliti n, Clarinetist Karen Crilig wa~ runner-u in th Instrumental Divis lo . 10 Positively Out tanding ESTERN on the ma p aining natiunrtl recognition. 11 American or superior p rformanccs in three sports : he as the Cross C un try a ional Champiou, h won Second pIa c in the 3- mile run in Indoor Track iilld as the National C hampion in th 10.000 meter run in utdoor T rack. MI E LAMBING too w A ll m~ri ca n in three sports: he plae d Third in the "ross Country Nationa l C hampionship', he pJ1l ced sec nd in the mile rWl in Indoor T rack and he placed Third in the 1500 mel r run in the Nalionlll OUldoor Track Champion. hips. ST · VI:. AVIS was nll med All American in Outdoor Track for placing Second in the Javelin. T M AUDI. EY was .named All American in Outdoor Track for placi ng in two events: he placed Fourth in the discus and Fourth In the s hot put. Tom also was nam ed All KCAC, A IA II District 10, A JA All American and Kodax All American in footba ll. COACH JI M liE MER w~s recognized for ou standing coaching in Track and Cross Coun­ try . lie was named oach of the ye r in CroS! Country and Track by the K AC, and in Track he was named NAtA District 10, and IA Area 5 Coach of the Year. Our track team a . whole placed Fourth in the N AJA. TO M A LViN was retogni1ed for superior p rformance in football . He was named ALL­ KCAC, NAJA All District 10, and N IA All American 2nd team. 11 At THE FeA WATERMELON FEED Blanche and Sarah Hartley" igoul". MORNI G CH PEL gives K}'lll Goering a chance to reneel an reli ' ou s v lues CAUGHT IN 1\ STrCKY SITUATIO at Ii mllhllmel w roestare Krislina Paulin Ind Mic heH Anderson . linda Peder on .1 waits her I urn Lo roast. 12 STROW G A ROSS CAMPUS two stud nt5 head for cl:lSl . FALL IMPRESSIONS Blellding home influences with a new life, the traditional with Ilew evellts, the seriousness with filii, the pl'essures with de­ termination, Southwesterner take the Jinx on their. side and positively move ;n new directions. 13 Jane Williams CI'OWIlC(/ Queen A right sunny day hailed Homecoming 198 ' s th&; C ornmunity provided the spark whi h gave life to the "Fantasys . of the builder pirit. eni r, Jane Williams w crowned queen in a special ceremony which I i hlight d a festive weekend La. 1 year's qu en, Ke i lexander pre­ sented Jane with her crown and bo quet of roses. Jane is a senior busines" . dministra­ tion major and a hon r student. Her home i Stanton, ichigan. VICKI RICHARDSO ,escorted by Tom Girard, represent d the Cheerlead rs. SARAH H RTLEY, a enior nominated by SAA, wa e cart d by M ark ensing, Repre enti ng PSL, CAROL CAMP was escorted by Paul Bi el. SHERYL BILL­ R, nomina ted by the Beta Rho M u, was esc rted b Doug Smith. JANE W rL­ UA MS w chosen to represent Reid Hall. As the royalty left the lield, escorts pro­ duced fi e pairs rgre n ung\ass s for pro­ tectIOn ag ' nst "radiation cxposur ?", 14 "Fantasy" Provide Spark Homec ming festivities began wit h the registration of the homecoming choir and gen 'fal alumni. After the choir's mini con­ ceTt, the annual Homecoming Parade took place d wntown Organizational floats cen­ tered a round [he gener I theme of Fanta'y as the queen candidates made t heit first appearan e After the parade. lunche os were held for the classes of 1957,1 967, and 1972, along with g ner I alumni. The queen corona tion took place at 1: 30. As an added a u rae lon, the Southwest rn Entertainment Company perfo rmed a pre­ game number to Aldo N va's "Fantasy." The game against t. Mary of the Plains began at 2:00. The Builder' 3\-0 win made th d y fo r ans. !\. special half-time presen­ tati n, the Recognition award, was given to Albert W. Hodge , a for m r Southwe tern Ba nd Dir ctor. Several H·gh School bands made guest ap earances. During the game, dorms \ ere judg d for theiT decorations. Sutton took first place. foll owed b . Honor orm and Broadhurst Hall. The evelllng began wiLh the Iinal perfor­ mance of the play " Pippin." Ending th big day was t he traditional Homecom ing o ncc, fea\uring a live band known as "Ecl ipse" oUl f Wichita, Kansas. JANE W1 LLlAM G LO WS as she is annoullcoo as the Hllmecoming queen. Her escort wa s Doug Ba rto. LAU A MERRELL, portraying the school mascot, enjoys her tiC1tt sem.:'ler at Southwestern . PHI BETA LA MBDA lOOK flRSTPL CE in the noat contest.· fantasy me true. DROADII RST Ii. MS IT UP as t cy took first in the.
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