HOUGHTON CONQUEST Village Newsletter

August 2021

All the latest news, events and reports for our Village inside……. HOUGHTON CONQUEST PARISH COUNCIL


PCllr Sue Beaumont PCllr Brian Blackall PCllr Peter Bullock (Vice Chair) PCllr Tracey Fry PCllr Bec Hares (UCllr) PCllr Liz Lovell (Chair) PCllr John Miller PCllr Anthony Mullin PCllr Bryn Whitaker

Committees, Working Parties and Representatives

Highways & Horse Watch PCllr Fry Planning Sub-Committee PCllrs Beaumont, Blackall Bullock, Whittaker and Mullin Village Hall PCllr Bullock Play Area PCllrs Blackall and Miller

Sports Field PCllrs Blackall and Miller

Allotments PCllr Lovell

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 2 School Liaison PCllr Mullin

Police Liaison PCllr Beaumont

Tree Warden PCllr Blackall and L Askham Newsletter PCllr Bullock Community Facebook PCllr Fry Website Parish Clerk United Charities PCllr Beaumont Covanta/BACI/Millbrook Power P Rolfe Climate Change Champion R Blevins Parish Council Clerk – Gill Wiggs Tel: 01234 270016 [email protected]

All correspondence should be forwarded to the Clerk to the Parish Council: Gill Wiggs, 10 Parklands, Bedford MK41 9LZ The Parish Council usually meets on the second Thursday of the month except August & December, in the Village Hall committee room at 7.30pm. Parishioners are invited to attend the meetings and time is allocated for them to address the council.

Central Councillor: Bec Hares T: 01234 742542 E: [email protected] If you have a matter you wish to draw to the attention of the Parish Council, you can contact any Councillor, write to the Clerk, or attend a meeting. If you wish to speak to the Council please notify the clerk or the chairman before the meeting, so that you can speak during the time allotted.

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 3

Parish Council website

You can register for email news updates from Houghton Conquest Parish Council by going to houghtonconquest- pc.gov.uk & click on the "subscribe" button on the home page. We promise we won't inundate you. We only post news items that we believe are important to Houghton Conquest residents. Subscription is completely free of charge Thanks, Houghton Conquest Parish Council

Please note that the closing date for insertion of copy into the October 2021 issue of The Houghton Conquest Village Newsletter is 21st September 2021

You may send copy c/o Clerk to the Parish Council: Gill Wiggs, 10 Parklands, Bedford MK41 9LZ or send it by email to the Editor: [email protected] All contributions are welcome but are subject to the editor’s discretion as to size and content

Place your advertisement here For a reasonable payment to Houghton Conquest Parish Council, you can reach the entire Village every two months.

Copy may be emailed to [email protected] or posted to Gill Wiggs, Clerk to the Parish Council, 10 Parklands, Bedford MK41 9LZ

Payments to Houghton Conquest Parish Council please

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 4 Parish Council Updates

Chair’s Report

Hello Everyone and welcome to the Summer edition of the Village Newsletter.

Your Parish Council have now held two meetings in the Village Hall where we sat in a large circle as per Government guidance. We currently have one vacancy on the Council due to the resignation of Bridgette Cooksley. I would like to thank Bridgette for the efficient way in which she undertook the role of tree warden and how quickly she managed to get work done on overgrown and dead trees that were causing problems in and around the sports field. Details of how to apply are displayed on the noticeboards so how about joining us and helping to improve the Village for everyone. We are actively seeking a new Clerk as the wonderful Gill Wiggs is retiring at the end of the year. Again details of the job role and how to apply will be on the notice boards as well as Facebook and lower down in this newsletter. Further to the pre-planning application for the telecoms mast a further application has been made with some alterations from the initial submission that was refused. The new proposal is for a 15m pole with cabinets below with the cabinets being painted green to blend in with the surroundings. I hope that you were all able to put your

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 5 comments onto the planning portal and we will report further once Central Beds have made a decision. The playing field continues to be well used for football training and personal fitness training. Unfortunately, we do not qualify for FA funding to improve the pitches but other sources of funding are being explored by PCllr Blackall and PCllr Miller. It is possible we may qualify for a CBC Community Grant. The Community Orchard is ongoing and there are further details in the Newsletter. Please let us have your thoughts on this project and tell us your ideas so as we can incorporate them into the plan. Parking continues to be an issue in the Village. The Knife and Cleaver Management are aware of the issues and have sought to improve the situation however a satisfactory solution has not been found as there appears to be no other suitable parking in the Village. There are also parking issues relating to the school drop off with some thoughtless, dangerous and illegal parking going on. This appears to be the parents doing the school run. During school start and finish times the Village Hall allow parents to park in their car park. It would appear that even this short distance is too far for some inconsiderate individuals who seemingly believe that they are above the law and can park wherever they wish. Some of these individuals have even been verbally abusive to any residents who dare to remonstrate with them. Not a great example for our children. Your Parish Council and the School are hoping to resolve this issue before the return to School in September. Your Parish Council do not meet in August so if you have any ideas or concerns you wish to share or discuss you have until September to make us aware of them. If we don’t know that a problem exists we can’t help sort it out. Also please consider joining us – applications from our newest residents would be particularly welcome (provided you have been in residence for twelve months).

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 6 Have a great Summer and we look forward to hearing your views through the usual channels.

Warm regards


The Chair’s newsletter is intended to provide a general update. Agendas and approved minutes can be viewed on the Parish Council website www.houghtonconquest-pc.gov.uk


In my last report, I hoped that we should soon have sunshine. Tonight, I am writing this on a glorious evening in July. We have gone from “too wet” [May] to “too hot” [July]! Who knows what the weather will be like by the time this Newsletter is issued? Understandably, when the days and nights are hot, everyone craves fresh, cool air. However, I have noticed a number of windows left open, regularly, downstairs. Do remember that much of crime is opportunistic, so please ensure you are not allowing entry to the criminals.

Unfortunately, problems continue on the Kier estate. There has been increasing anti-social behaviour from a small number. The ASB includes threats, spitting, rubbish thrown into the ditch down Banks Croft and hedgerows destroyed. This behaviour is making the lives of ordinary residents a misery. Sadly, our valued community police officer, PC Dagley is on long term leave of absence, owing to illness, so plans to deal with this behaviour have gone awry. However, I have been, recently, advised of two officers,

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 7 who will deal with any immediate concerns. These are PC Mark Payne and PCSO Hannah Beddall. I trust that with their support, together with Stonewater, we shall be able to deal with this ASB once and for all.

I am sure we all send our best wishes to PC Dagley

Meanwhile, enjoy the summer and stay safe.

PCllr Sue Beaumont Police Liaison Officer

Some words from your Councillor for Houghton Conquest and Haynes Ward

I’m Rebecca Hares, your Central Bedfordshire Councillor. I’m an Independent, meaning I’m not aligned to any political party and am solely here doing my best to solve problems for residents.

I have three children attending local schools, and one has just started an apprenticeship, and I work at Waitrose in .

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 8 I appreciate many of you are concerned about the O&H Land proposal for Park, a 1,200-home cul-de-sac connecting to the B530. Residents have expressed concerns about the sustainability of the development given that the promised Train Station is still proving to be elusive and the proposed road infrastructure is based heavily on the provision of this station. I have already taken these issues up with O&H and will do so again.

Do you have other issues you would like me to raise?

If you share these concerns or additional issues that you think require the attention of the planning officer you can also send your comments to [email protected] or to: Planning Department, Central Bedfordshire Council, Priory House, Monks Walk, SG17 5TQ

I have been working with Julia Archer in providing a temporary transport service for the children of Village 4 to school. This last half term that transport was via taxi, however once the new school year commences in September may see the service increase to a bus. Julia has worked really hard to gather and provide information for residents to gain access to this provision; if you live in Village 4, have a child commencing school in Wixams this September and would like to see if you're eligible for this service please let me know.

I have been busy working with Planning Enforcement over the past 12 months trying to gain some momentum on some longstanding issues, particularly in Mill Lane. I know this hasn't been going at the pace we'd have liked, but I am pleased to say that we are finally starting to gain some progress and I will continue putting pressure on Officers to expedite wherever possible. It is unacceptable that this has been unresolved for so long.

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 9 Parking Enforcement: I have been made aware of a volume of issues relating to parking, especially over the past few months. I have requested support from the Parking Enforcement Team who have indicated that unless there are marked restrictions on the tarmac, cars are blocking junctions, private driveways or restricting access on the footpaths to a point where a pushchair or wheelchair cannot pass; they are powerless to intervene. If you notice any of the breaches I listed, please do report them to CBC on 0300 300 8301. If there is no action, you can contact me with your reference number, and I can escalate it on your behalf.

I understand there have been serious issues taking place on the Kier Estate, that residents have been worried are not being adequately addressed. I have recently involved the Anti-Social Behaviour Officer, from the Community Safety Unit in order to investigate and address these issues. The Officer has already been on-site and has been liaising with Kier, Police, relevant landowners and myself. It has been resolved for the Council equivalent of PCSOs to routinely visit the estate to dissuade further antisocial behaviour.

If you have any issues that you wish me to raise with Central Bedfordshire Council, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected], on 0300 300 8505, or via my Facebook page: Facebook.com/CllrHares/

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 10

A Community Orchard for our village If you were to come into the Sports Field from the Village Hall, you will come on to the football pitches, but did you know there is some ground to the righthand side of the field? It is also accessible from Cherry Close and the Parish Council is planning to turn this area into a community orchard. Whilst the land is currently in need of some tlc, with the help of the Forest of , who are delivering part of the government’s ‘Trees for Climate’ programme, we will plant some fruit trees in this space, put in a suitable pathway and make it an area of interest for the village community with the bonus that once the trees mature, there will be fresh fruit that will be available for villagers to take for their own use. Hopefully, we can encourage the younger generation in the village to participate as we develop this space and that they can benefit from seeing the growth of the trees and reap the fruits of their endeavours. Because of the kind generosity of the Forest of Marston Vale, generic native varieties of trees such as Apples, Plums and Pears will be planted along with native mixed hedgerow. As we go through the clearing and planting process any volunteers will be most welcome. Indeed, community

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 11 participation is at the heart of this project. We expect the trees to be planted during March 2022 and, if possible, some small celebration for the participating children and their families will take place when the weather is hopefully on our side. The pathway will need to go in prior to planting and of course be suitable for the whole community and some benches will be made available to allow people to quietly sit and enjoy nature as it grows. We intend to plant some hedgerow around the perimeter of the area to offer some privacy to those neighbours whose gardens back onto the Orchard and it will also act as some form of security/sound barrier. Regular maintenance will of course ensure that the Orchard does not get out of control and if villagers which to help here, again we will welcome everyone.

We have a rough idea of what we can do but we are interested in hearing what you, our community think of this idea. Therefore, if you have any comments that you would like to share, please send an email via the Clerk to the Parish at [email protected] or write to her - Gill Wiggs, 10 Parklands, Bedford MK41 9LZ

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 12 Highways Directional signage for the Sports Field and Village Hall has yet to be addressed and we await action from CBC

Various parking issues still continue, in particular, school drop- offs. This will subside for now during the summer holidays.

To report any highways matter to Central Bedfordshire Council (CBC), log in to the following website http://centralbedfordshire.gov.uk and follow the instructions.

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 13 Speed Indication Device Data Summary For the Period 10-06-21 to 08-07-21

Arriving – from Grove to the High Street Departing – from The Grove to Violations 58.38% (59.54%) Violations 70.72% (73.14%) Of which 67.4%. (64%) = 21-25mph Of which 60.8% (59.7%) = 21-25mph 32.5%. (35%) = 26+ 39.1% (40.26%) = 26+ Average speed 26mph (21mph) Average speed 23mph (22mph) Average Vehicles per day 270 (152) Average Vehicles per day 251 (142) Total in period 7,567 (7,684) Total in period 7,034 (5,205) Highest recorded 54mph (57mph) Highest recorded 45mph (55mph)

Arriving from Chapel End Lane to Oak Departing towards Chapel End from Oak

Violations 52.43%. (50.97%) Violations 69.48% (70.76%) Of which 73.4% (73.4%) = 21-25mph Of which 56% (54.4%) = 21-25 mph

26.5% (26.5%) = 26+ 43% (45.5%) = 26+

Average speed 21mph (20mph) Average speed 23mph (23mph) Average Vehicles per day 702 (398) Average Vehicles per day 1,078. (1,072)

Total in period 24,650 (14,396) Total in period 37,880 (39,623) Highest recorded 53mph (48 mph) Highest recorded 54mph (63 mph)

Arriving from the Oak toward Vis Blinds Departing towards Vis Blinds from Oak

Violations 1.76% (1.54%) Violations 3.4% (n/a) Of which 84% = 31-35 Of which 87% = 31-35

16% = 35+ 12.8% = 35+

Average speed 20mph (19mph) Average speed 20mph (19mph) Average vehicles per day 623 (971) Average vehicles per day 763 (n/a)

Total in period 10,574 (8,210) Total in period 12,954 (n/a)

Highest recorded 48mph (51 mph) Highest recorded 65mph (n/a)

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 14

All Saints Church

Rector: TBA Assistant Minister: The Rev'd Roger White Reader: Mr. Robert Heley 01234 740927 Wardens: Gary Mudd – 01234 741871 Chris Robertson Services: Sunday Eucharist - 9:30a.m. Family Service - First Sunday of the month at 9:30am (Although this doesn’t apply whilst we are still in lockdown)

Church Social/ Fundraising committee Sarah Hanant 07900 927050 Margaret Tyler 01234 740964 Brenda Hartley 01234 740482

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 15 Church Roof and Other Issues

Hello again everyone, here is my usual update on things.

Main Roof: By the time you read this the stonework and flashings on the roof (with a nice new cross) will be complete and all the plastic fencing will be gone. That will be a great relief to us all but that means we are back to the jobs in hand in 2018 before the roof was stolen. That is: Repointing of the South Wall and a new heating system so we will be continuing to raise funds and applying for grants. A big thankyou to all who have given goods to sell, helped at events and with sorting and donated money to get this far.

Churchyard: There have been a few issues with the churchyard recently and so we have been reviewing things. We have recruited a new helper with a lot of experience to look after the new graveyard in particular. This means that it will have more regular care than just the once-a-month cut that the Council were able to provide. We thank the PC for their help with this, over recent years. We are working with the Diocese on the ‘Living Churchyards Scheme’ (in tandem with Beds Wildlife Trust). Please see my separate report on this and Churchyard regulations.

Services: Our Rector, Stephen has now retired and the Church is in Vacancy. It will be some months before we get a new Priest appointed. It may also be that, with a Deanery reorganisation, our churches at Wilstead and Houghton will become part of a team ministry for Wixams under the Vicar at Elstow.

Meanwhile, Sunday Morning Eucharist at 9:30am continues if we can find visiting Priests to cover, or there will be a service of Morning Prayer if not. It looks like we will start to sing Hymns again from 19th July (though still wearing masks), which will be a real treat but we are still waiting for the latest advice from the Diocese as I write. I’ll give interim updates on Facebook. You

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 16 may like to know that Richard, Bishop of Bedford will be officiating at Eucharist on Sunday 1st August and will be blessing our new roof in the service.

Weddings and Funerals: These look to be going back to normal but would still advise caution. Again, I’ll post information as I receive it

Church Wardens: As you may know I am now a churchwarden, taking over from Margaret Tyler and recently Chris Robertson has also been sworn in, taking over from Pearl Tomkins. We thank Pearl for her service to the church though we will still see her at service. We wish her and John well and hold them in our prayers.

Lockdown Library etc: We need the church tidy for services so we can’t clutter it up too much! Looking forward we will not be collecting goods at all in August but please hold donations over for a Jumble Sale on 18th September. We really need some space for storage of donated goods, so do let me know if you have an empty, dry barn or garage we could use

100 Club: After a break due to Covid the draws have been made. £10 to each winner. Jan: Martin Day, Mick Manning, L.Fuller. Feb.: Chris Robertson, C. Hale, Christina Mudd. March: A. Fuller, Terry Albone, Richard Jones. April: V. Woodburn, J. Cox, Shirley Redman. May: Zoe Birch, Jenny Murphy, Gary Mudd. And June: £50 winner: J O’Shea. July: Mrs.Bright, Mrs. Beddoe, Len Watts. Our thanks to all who take part. If you would like to join 100 Club or find out more, please contact Carol (01234 381393) or Jackie (01234 740635).

Please check posters and Facebook page for further information and events.

Stay Safe Best Wishes, Gary Mudd (01234 741871)

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 17 Churchyard Regulations and Management

As I’m learning on the job as Church Warden I thought you might like to have a quick summary of what the diocese allows (or not) regarding burials and memorials. You can always google the St Albans site and look up the regulations at any time if you wish. This is a précis of some important points. I apologise if this all sounds a bit dry but I’ve just quoted the regulations with a bit of over-wordage trimmed out!

• A family own the memorial (Gravestone etc) but do not ‘own’ the burial plot. It is the responsibility of the family to maintain a memorial in good repair.

• Memorial Plaques (over ashes) shall be flush with the turf and measure not more than 300 mm (12") by 300 mm (12"). (Any flowers planted should not exceed this 12” square, or not by too much)

• If a flower vase is desired, it is best placed in the base of a headstone or cross or a part of a memorial plaque. Separate vases are not permitted, except where there is no headstone or cross; then a fixed vase with a memorial inscription may be permitted instead of a headstone. Free-standing plastic, metal and glass containers are not permitted as they are safety hazards.

• Fresh flowers are encouraged as the symbol of the gift of creation and the brevity of life. Bulbs are similarly encouraged as a symbol of resurrection. Silk flowers are only permitted in exceptional circumstances, at the discretion of the Parish Priest, for example where rabbits destroy floral tributes. The PCC may remove dead and

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 18 artificial flowers (including silk flowers that have deteriorated) to keep the churchyard tidy.

• The grave should be kept level. The planting of flowering annual plants is encouraged as a further symbol of the gift of creation and the brevity of life. The planting of perennials, shrubs, bushes or conifers is not permitted, as they impede the maintenance of the churchyard. A growing shrub or tree roots will disturb the grave and may eventually damage the memorial stone or an adjacent grave.

• It is understood that in the days immediately following a burial, the family and friends mourning the loss of a loved one may wish to place items on a grave to commemorate their loved one and as tokens of their love. At the discretion of the Parish Priest and PCC, such items may be left in place for a reasonable period not normally exceeding 6 months. However, the Parish Priest will ask the family to remove items which may be inappropriate, or which could be a danger (e.g. glass jars). Those items which are not in accordance with the Christian faith may only be placed with the express permission of the Parish Priest. The PCC has responsibility for the maintenance of the churchyard and will take reasonable steps to notify families before removing items.

• These items above are subject to common sense, so please do talk to us if you are unsure.

• Wildlife: The churchyard is a living sanctuary. In the bird song, scents and colours of the flowers is an affirmation of the continuity, vibrancy and resilience of life. The Parish Priest and the PCC should have due regard for the wide range of flora and fauna in most churchyards. They

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 19 should develop mowing and maintenance policies that respect and encourage the diversity of wildlife to flourish.

• In line with the above policy we have liaised with the Diocesan Wildlife Officer and Beds Wildlife Trust to join the ‘Living Churchyards’ Scheme. They have assessed the Churchyard and, in general, have approved our mowing scheme in the old area where we mow the North and South sides alternately, allowing wild flowers to bloom and insects to feed on a 3-4 week rota. You may see some specific areas left to grow longer. This is where plants have been identified that need longer to flower and set seed before cutting. The very wild area to the North of the church will be taken in hand and then cut each spring to allow overwintering habitat for insects. • Where access is needed to extant graves and Burials of Ashes some ‘paths’ may be mown a little shorter at the discretion of Chris and Tony. • Work needs to be carried out on the boundary with Sybils Way to deal with undergrowth and excess ivy. Other trees and shrubs will also be taken in hand or removed as needed and a more detailed management programme on the new area will be put in place with our new churchyard volunteer, Tony. • As a matter of interest, the following were noted on a quick survey: various Plantains (including Hoary Plantain), Rough Hawkbit, Buttercup, Yarrow, White Clover, Lesser Trefoil, Self-Heal, Hairy Violet, Lady’s Bedstraw, Bird’s Foot trefoil, Common Knapweed and Hoary Ragwort.

• In order to carry out our Duty of Care to Wildlife the use of Pesticides and Herbicides is not allowed.

Gary Mudd

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 20 Christian Aid Week News

Huge thanks to everyone involved in our fundraising efforts this year, both volunteers and donors: we raised a very impressive £1274 (including £50 on the Tap Simple online giving page and a couple of late donations) which will go a long way to helping people in really great need.

I already have a couple more volunteers for next year when, hopefully, we will have a longer period to prepare for the big week, be able to properly cover more of the village with the house to house collecting, and maybe even get some volunteers to do sponsored activities!

Helen Mudd

Email: [email protected]

(Houghton Conquest Christian Aid Week Group organiser/treasurer)

Keeping our beautiful church alive and active! About 18 months ago, I attended a meeting at which we and other local parish churches were asked to find a way to increase our congregation and our “Mission” in the parish: in order to survive we need to find a way to halt and reverse the steady decrease in size and increase in average age of our congregation at a time when the parish population is rapidly increasing… This prompted a dream about all those in our parish who, I know, regularly worship elsewhere. Some of these previously worshipped with us here, others had maybe tried us once or twice before deciding not to join (presumably our style of worship did not suit, but people so rarely feel able to say this) and a plan began to

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 21 form in my mind that we could try transforming our jaded 1st Sunday of the month “Family Service” into a lively and well attended Ecumenical Service, open to all practising Christians of any denomination resident within our parish. I put this to the PCC and they all sanctioned my idea of writing to a few known people who fell into these categories prior to publishing in the newsletter, to gauge interest in its implementation… This was ready to deliver to the selected few at the precise moment when the country was first plunged into Lockdown, so it has “sat on ice” but now it has been decided that we should skip the personal invitation phase and throw the suggestion open to the whole village! We would like to invite you to join us to form a small working party to devise a suitable form of worship, not necessarily rigid, which could fill our lovely church, if only once a month, and thereby secure its future. Please offer this idea up in your prayers and let me know if you feel able to help make this dream a reality. Feel free to offer any skills or experience you may have: leading prayers, playing musical instruments to lead the singing of worship songs, etc. I am well aware of the saying that “you can’t please all the people all the time” but nonetheless I have a Utopian vision that we can create a service incorporating the best from several different traditions… Please offer any suggestions, including whether you would like such a service to be Eucharistic or non-Eucharistic (i.e. Communion or not), or even if you have a completely different vision of a way forward that we could discuss! I believe the time has come to set aside our differences, concentrate on the core beliefs we hold in common and make our beautiful church once again a focal point for all Christians in our community, if only once a month (with the added bonus of reducing people’s “carbon footprint” by travelling to other churches a little less often)!

Helen Mudd

Email: [email protected]

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 22 Village Clubs, Organisations & Events, etc.

Village Hall Regular Events


Contact group contacts for details.


Monday Indoor Bowls 2pm to 4pm

Whist 7:45pm

Tuesday Line Dancers 10am to 12:30pm

Brownies 6:15pm to 7:30pm

Rainbows 6:15pm to 7:15pm

Wednesday Line Dancers 10am to 12:30pm

Novice Line Dancers 1pm to 2pm

Thursday Line Dancers 10am to 12:30pm

Houghton Pioneers 5.30pm to 6.45pm

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 23 Friday Toddler Sense 9:45 am and 11 am

Indoor Bowls 2pm to 4pm

Qi Kwan Do 7pm to 8pm


1st Wednesday Art Society 7:30pm to 9:30pm

1st Thursday WI 7:30pm to 10pm

1st Friday Quiz Night 8:30pm

2nd Tuesday Garden Club 8pm to 10pm

2nd Thursday Parish Council (Committee 7:30pm Room)

3rd Wednesday Art Society 7:30pm to 9:30pm

3rd Thursday Village Hall Management 7:30pm Committee

3rd Friday Family Night 8:30pm

Last Thursday BINGO 7:30pm to 10:00pm

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 24

To Book Contact: IF YOU ARE PLANNING A Mrs Christine Dean ONE-OFF EVENT OR 01234 741182 REGULAR MEETING. DON’T [email protected] DELAY AND BOOK TODAY.

• Run by volunteers for the benefit of the villagers. Hire charges are very reasonable with varying rates for day, evening and weekend, with residents getting preferential rates.

• Fully equipped kitchen

• Licensed bar with air conditioning at £25 hire charge

• Large hall including stage area with curtains

• Small committee room and lounge area

• Large car park

Village Notice Boards

If you would like to put notices in our boards, please: • Hand them in to Houghton Conquest village shop.

• We have 5 noticeboards, so please provide 5 x A5 copies to ensure a copy goes in each board. Regrettably, we cannot accept larger than A5 due to limited space.

• If you provide only one copy it will only go in one board. The choice of board will be at the discretion of the Parish Councils representative.

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 25

• If you are advertising an event, please allow plenty of time, as our noticeboards are only updated once a week.

• We do not accept commercial advertising, unless it is for community activities, such as local classes.

• Space is limited, so priority will be given to local community events, & is at the discretion of the Parish Council’s representative, who kindly keeps all the noticeboards up to date.

Any queries please contact Gill Wiggs on 01234 270016, [email protected]

Houghton Conquest Garden Club

Things still being uncertain no meetings have been arranged yet, but if you use Facebook keep a lookout for any information, or we will let members know when we can meet again. We are certainly hoping to have our AGM on 12th October. Thank you to

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 26 all who came to our plant sale in June, it was good to see so many people there.

It’s a good time to sow foxgloves and other biennials either in pots or directly on the ground especially if you have a wildflower area. Sweet Peas need cutting regularly to prevent them going to seed, and side shoots on tomatoes should be pinched out. Lots of plants say thank you for a feed at this time of year, and the usual tomato feed is good for most things.

Let’s hope it is not too long before we can meet again.

Margaret Whalley

01234 740892

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 27 Houghton Conquest Art Society

Hello folks. This edition I am unashamedly promoting our open day because it is especially for you, the good people of Houghton Conquest, 0 to 100 years. We decided we needed to, as the saying goes ‘put ourselves out there’ so on 25th September in the Village Hall we want you all to come along and meet us, see what we do, look at what we have created previously, have a pleasant morning or afternoon and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea with a nice slice of cake mostly homemade by our members. Maybe take a chance on the raffle. We have something for all ages you can try out some of the things I have talked about in previous columns, with somebody from our club who will guide and help you to produce something to be proud of. There will be beautiful cards from our member Patricia, which you can purchase, but why not have a go at making your own special card as well. Patricia will have, for sale, at a very reasonable price, card kits to take home. You can try out graffiti without spoiling your walls or those along the railway line if you are so inclined! We have looked at watercolour quite a bit in this column, during lockdown, now you can try it, no need to buy or bring anything, enthusiasm is enough, just try and see if its for you. I will be demonstrating and helping you with coloured pencils to see if that’s your thing! I will have a bargain basement box for

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 28 sale. The thing with being an artist in lockdown is you end up with an awful lot of art, with no art sales or exhibition going on, so for less than £5 there may be something you might like to take home. We will be starting back in the village hall in September, every other Wednesday evening and we would be so happy to see some of you come along and join us, you do not need to be of any particular standard, just keen on arty things. We have a great programme of demonstrations booked for the next year and we are all very friendly. If you would like to find out more or talk to somebody about the club, please see the website for more information on how to get in touch. I joined three years ago at the open day; I hope you will too.

Best wishes Barbara. Houghton Conquest Art Society Publicity Manager

Have a look in the gallery on the website for more examples of our work. www-houghton-conquest-art-society.co.uk

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 29

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 30


As we reflect on another year, we are so proud of all of the children for their resilience in the face of continued disruption. Despite this we have had some truly amazing magic moments over the last 12 months.

We have a revamped playground with lots of colourful and fun graphics, including phonics, numbers and sport activities. This has really enriched the time that the children spend outside. The bright colours really look amazing .

During the summer term the children have been exploring growth as a whole school topic. The year 2 children’s focus was ‘Into the Secret Garden’. They have been planting strawberries, cabbage, lettuce and tomatoes. The children have really loved getting fully immersed in planting and

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 31 watering, and now have some yummy produce to show for their hard work.

We were very lucky to be able to offer the children in year 4 the planned Bush Craft trip, it was touch and go for quite a while, but the government relaxed the rules just in the nick of time, and they were allowed to go. It is a really important that the year 4’s get an experience that supports their transition to a new school, and staying away from home over night, under canvas is a big challenge.

In the penultimate week of term we had a fun day underpinned by our values. As we had missed the annual ‘World Book Day’ due to the lockdown earlier in the year, we decided to also include this. The children’s costumes were fabulous and had some amazing activities to take part in including a bear hunt orienteering activity, scientific egg drop investigations, making cornflake cakes and a whole school values rainbow craft activity.

Sports day took place, albeit a little more quietly than usual, with no parents present. Despite this the children still enjoyed the day and the wining team this year was the yellow team - well done! The Huxford Cups were won by Chloe Macrdechian for the girls and Luke Worts for the boys, congratulations to both they were very much deserved.

We would also like to congratulate Eliza-Beth Semple for winning the Padian Award for Community Spirit, also very well deserved.

The sports theme has continued this term and we have had visits from The Bedford Blues, Skip2Bfit and a football freestyler. It is so good to see visitors once again to support the enrichment of the children’s experiences at school.

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 32

As the end of term approaches, we bid a fond farewell to our current year 4 pupils and wish them all the very best of luck as they transfer to middle school. We look forward to welcoming the children back in September, including our new reception children who will be starting school for the very first time.

We are so proud to be part of such an amazing village and really admire the courage, kindness and support which we have seen in our community over the last 15 months. We wish you all a restful summer.

Mrs A Allen School Business Manager


The friends of Houghton Conquest Lower School are delighted to celebrate its 19th anniversary of its incredible relationship with the school this year. And in what has been a very challenging and demanding year for many pupils across the country, we must pay a massive tribute to all staff and parents involved with the school, for their dedication and

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 33 strength in supporting all the children to achieve so many goals this year. With all the restrictions, lockdowns, and group isolations, fundraising in 2020/21 and planning for 2021/22 has been vastly hindered, however, with the support of the Friend’s charity and parent volunteers, we did manage to raise £2800 for the school, which provided brand new chrome books for use in the classrooms. In celebration we are also delighted to see the year 4 children graduate from lower to middle school on Thursday 22nd July; we wish them the very best of luck on their journey and congratulate the year 4 parents who have driven this day and worked so hard, you have been fantastic. Similarly, the pre- school children are moving on up to big school; they enjoyed a fantastic party and magician on Tuesday 20th July; it has been wonderful to play some part in these festivities with the children, parents, and staff. Finally, all our years are moving up, and we have new parents and children coming to the school in September, we are really looking forward to welcoming our new friends. The year ahead looks much brighter for everyone, and we are very excited to be in discussion with the school over several exciting projects for the next academic year. More details will be released as we enter September, but we are ready to support the children and school however they need us. If anyone would like to join the Friends charity as a year representative, join the committee, or just volunteer to support our various events, please do contact us on [email protected] and I will be in touch. It is fair to say that without parents and volunteers, we as a charity would not be able to provide the support for the children that we do. It is hard work at times and demanding, but the benefits provided by the fundraising we commit to, provides incredible support for our children, from enrichment activities to days out, equipment and materials for education. We could

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 34 not do any of this without the support and generosity of parent volunteers, parents, and the school. Finally, we have added the charity to the Amazon Smile list of charities; if you shop on Amazon, please could you consider adding us as your chosen charity? Just type into your browser of choice, Amazon Smile, select Friends of Houghton Conquest Lower School as your chosen charity, and shop away as normal. You get the same deals; the charity receives a donation from Amazon from every sale! Thank you so much for all your support, stay tuned for the exciting updates in September.

Best Wishes, Friends Team.

Bowls Club

When the club is open again, we will let you know, but for your information carpet bowls is an easy game to play and gives you some exercise but is not too strenuous. We normally play on Monday and Friday in the afternoons in the Village Hall from 2pm until 4pm. The majority come for a good natter, a good laugh, a cup of tea and a biscuit – also a game of bowls. This costs only £2 per session. If you would like to join in, please come and give it a try.

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 35 Houghton Conquest Care

We have continued to have calls requesting transport to the local Covid inoculation centres as well as the usual requests for transport to local surgeries and hospitals. We charge £3.00 per trip or 30p per mile for trips over 30 miles.

We are always looking for new volunteers. Most requests are to take people from the village to doctors’ surgeries and hospital appointments. If you would like to find out more please contact either Sue or Kate (numbers below). Any expenses incurred can be reimbursed.

Date for your diary – we will be holding our Annual General Meeting in the Village Hall at 2pm on 23rd October 2021. Please come along to hear about the group’s work.

If you need help, please phone 07969 982 970 and leave a message. One of our volunteers will return your call. If you need transport please try to give us at least 24 hours’ notice.

We charge £3.00 per trip or 30p per mile for trips over 30 miles. Kate Smith (Honorary Secretary) 01234 740522 Sue Derrick (Acting Chair) 07886 459225

OUR PHONE NUMBER is 07969 982970

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 36

On a lovely evening in July we were able to meet in a member’s garden to have our long postponed AGM, and we are hoping for another good day for our annual summer party on 5thAugust. If you would like more details about this please give me ring on 07951024876.

We have planned a few meetings for the autumn and just hope that they will go ahead. On 2ndSeptember we hope to meet in the village hall and have an evening of crazy bag whist, and then on 7th October a member will be giving a talk on what it is like to be a store detective. There are plans for a cookery demonstration in November but more about this when it is confirmed.

I hope everyone has been keeping well and taking advantage of what summer weather we have had.

Shirley Johnson

Houghton Pioneers

Unfortunately, we are unable to say when we will be back Pioneering but will know more after the summer break.

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 37

Ramblings That, there Parish Council

As you may have read in the Chair’s report, we now have a vacancy for a Parish Councillor.

Any applicants who wish to join the Parish Council and play your part in the community, should either email the Clerk to the Parish Council at [email protected] or write c/o Gill Wiggs, 10 Parklands, Bedford MK41 9LZ. You should explain a little about yourself, how long you have lived in the Parish (minimum 1 year), what experience you might bring and so on. The council is made up of individuals from all walks of life and from a plethora of backgrounds and age groups.

Well…..we had the football

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 38

Whether you watched it at home, with a few friends under the revised lockdown rules, in the Knife and Cleaver or the final at Wembley, it is fair to say that if it’s your thing, it was an exciting tournament. – regardless of the final outcome.

Closer to the end of the Pandemic or just the start of the Pingdemic?

This month (July) has seen the relaxation of many more of the lockdown regulations amidst a sharp increase in infections.

Some settings are still expecting or are mandating mask wearing, some are not. Many folk are being pinged by the NHS app and are having to self-isolate. A number of schools closed early for summer as school bubbles became compromised.

Some say we shouldn’t have relaxed the rules just yet – others say we need to remove all regulations and should have done it earlier. You will all have your own opinions on this and my own opinions are my own opinions!

There are, of course, other changes to come in the middle of August around double jabs and isolation and talk of “Vaccine Passport” use in September, so doubtless further heated conversation will follow.

Hot, hot, hot!

………It has been! I have had to add to my checklist when leaving the house to add sunglasses and hat to the usual keys, wallet, phone and mask I usually have, as I prepare to shut the front door. I would love to say that the hat is a new edition, but sadly the follicle challenges started years ago.

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 39 We will be in harvest season between now and the next edition and we will see the familiar procession of combines and grain trucks pass through the village as the local farmers enter their busiest time of the year.

The good weather has brought much business to the Knife and Cleaver, although another factor in this success is that we seem to be – for the moment at least – 2 pubs down in the village since the start of the pandemic. The Chequers is up for sale and the Royal Oak’s landlady officially retired towards the end of July.

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 40

The Royal Oak

Jane Laundon was landlady at the Royal Oak for the best part of 3 decades and many villagers have special memories of times spent at the pub.

There were a great number of charity events over the years, supporting many good causes, mostly local ones and in recent times raised substantial funds for both Houghton Pioneers and Cromer Lifeboat.

The memories of locals during Jane’s tenure, of the fun times and especially, the village characters, both still with us and sadly now departed for the Public Bar in the sky, are too many to mention in this short piece, however, selected highlights will appear in later editions.

I am gathering these memories together and any input from readers of the newsletter, would be greatly appreciated.

Currently, it is not known what is next for The Royal Oak, but any speculation you may have heard up to the time of the publishing of this newsletter IS NONSENSE !!!!!


Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 41 THE GREEN PIECE

Good for the Planet, Good for Everyone

Welcome to “The Green Piece” – a place where we can share ideas on how to live a ‘greener’ life. Please send in suggestions.

Climate change has wrought terrible destruction in recent weeks with raging temperatures (49.6°C) and fires in Canada and flooding and landslides in Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium and Austria, sadly causing loss of many lives. Angela Merkel said, “It’s terrifying. There are no words in the German language to describe this devastation. The lessons are what we know already. We have to hurry. We have to get faster in our fight against climate change.”

Besides reducing our carbon emissions to avoid global warming we also need to look at our use of resources and the way we are polluting our planet. Did you notice amidst all the sport, and keeping up with changing Covid restrictions and travel conditions that it has been “PLASTIC-FREE JULY”?

A big well-done to anyone who attempted to go plastic-free. Please share your experiences and any tips. I admit, with a hectic month, I didn’t aim for plastic-free but did try to be more aware of what I was using.

Plastic has become an increasing part of our lives and in many instances it’s hard to avoid. The problem is that whilst some of it is recyclable it doesn’t all get recycled (you have probably seen scenes of plastic mountains in Malaysia and Turkey, contaminating the environment of the local people – it just isn’t fair for us to dump our waste elsewhere), much is not recyclable and will be around in hundreds of years’ time in landfill. There’s also the plastic that’s been dumped or found its way into the

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 42 oceans (7 million tons a year), ensnaring animals there. Earlier this month I spotted a limping goose with fishing tackle wrapped around its leg (reported it to the reserve warden).

Don’t get me wrong, plastic is a brilliant material in the right place. We need it in medical equipment, computers and, until biodegradable alternatives are found, it fulfils a useful role in prolonging the life of fruit and veg.

We just all need to focus on using less of it, especially single-use (or few uses) plastic. Almost half of all* plastic produced is used once and thrown away. (*300 million tons pa)

Take a re-useable water bottle or coffee cup when you travel. I’ve noticed water refill points in stations. Not sure at the moment with Covid how it is refilling cups but ask. Or take a flask.

Take your own shopping bag. If you need a straw get a reusable stainless steel one.

Can you wash less? I’m referring to your clothes here, not you personally! Microfibres escape from manmade fabrics each time we wash them and find their way into all water systems in the world. Microplastics have been found in fish, in people even newborn babies, in ‘unspoilt’ Antarctica. It’s often enough to hang your clothes out to air rather than washing them after every wear – saves you a chore and the cost of detergent, electricity and time and will also prolong the life of the garment.

Can you reduce how much plastic you buy? - opt for loose fruit and veg where available - try taking your own bottles and containers to a refill store eg The Store, Cuthbert St, Bedford; Flitvale Farm Shop I realise we’re in a village and you don’t want to use extra fuel travelling miles out of your way but if you can combine it with another trip … Another possibility is to buy in bulk (share with a friend?) to use less plastic overall or try a different brand that comes in cardboard.

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 43

-“Think elastic (flexible) when it comes to plastic” - whatever you are buying stop and think “Is plastic really the best material for this?” Eg a metal dustpan and wooden brush rather than plastic. I’ve recently started using a loofah instead of a plastic washing- up sponge - it’s great, is lasting far longer and will eventually go on the compost heap. But don’t change items for the sake of it. If you’ve already got a serviceable item then keep using it eg plastic flowerpots can be washed and reused again and again. Margarine and ice-cream boxes make excellent freezer or general storage containers. Cereal packet bags work well in place of new plastic bags (and bags can be washed and reused).

Be alert to plastic everywhere! Do you really need it? Can you use less often? Can it be recycled? Every little bit will outlive you (unless recycled) even the coat-hangers, fake nails, astroturf, plastic trinkets, balloons … As a child my school banned biros and felt-tips and we could only use pencils, crayons and fountain pens. I can’t now imagine not using biros (or having felt-tips for the grandkids) but Terracycle will recycle all brands (collection points at many Rymans and Colemans branches – check online). All sorts of plastic items can now be sent for recycling incl contact lens cases, torn paddling pools (upcycled to bags).

Ampthill Climate Change Group (ACCG) are putting together a directory of places to recycle the items that won’t go in our green bins. Hopefully it will soon be on their website www.ampthillclimatechange.co.uk Central Beds Council assure me that our green bin waste does not get dumped overseas. I’m hoping to get a definitive answer on those awkward plastics that are labelled “Check local recycling” and will let you know. For some soft plastics labelled “Recycle with bags at larger stores” there are bins at Waitrose and other supermarkets.

Bedfordshire Climate Change Forum talks are continuing each month on Zoom and are now recorded so if you can’t make the date you can listen at your leisure at home. Talks are free,

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 44 optional donation. Everyone welcome to join – see website https://bedsclimatechange.org

The Great Big Green Week 18-26th September – lots of events being planned in Bedfordshire – films, kids activities, information stalls, repair shops, litter picks – see greatbiggreenweek.com, Sustainable Bedford, and ‘keep your eyes peeled for info’ (programmes not available yet)

Rosalind Blevins [email protected]


Growing Your Own this Year?

Why not take part in MYHarvest, a national project on food sustainability? All you need to do is record the weights of your produce, note the area they are grown in and submit the results online. (I’ve found it surprising and very satisfying to discover just how much I’ve grown including 34kgs tomatoes last summer!

Vegetables and fruit being recorded include potatoes, tomatoes, beans, onions, courgettes, brassicas, apples, currants, strawberries. A full list and an explanation of what simple measurements are required are on the website. You don't have to record everything you grow - you may just chose to submit details of one or two crops. Everything is useful.

MYHarvest (Measure Your Harvest) is a collaboration between University of Sheffield, RHS and National Allotment Society, looking at the contribution home-grown fruit and vegetables make to UK food production and sustainability. The role of gardens and allotments in increasing household food security in times of crisis, like the one caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, is very relevant. It may also influence future planning with regard to allotment,

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 45 community and private garden provision. See www.myharvest.org.uk.

Your help with this exciting project will be much appreciated. Many thanks to those already contributing.

Rosalind Blevins [email protected]

As I put in the last newsletter, we are still planning to start again in September, subject to any government guidelines in place at the time, and any restrictions put on us by Parkside Hall. So please put these dates in your diaries: Sept 11th Oct 9th Nov 13th Dec 11th We will be announcing the film list shortly. If you have any suggestions, please let us know – the afternoon matinee is usually a film suitable for the younger viewers, with the main feature in the evening. Take care one and all, Trevor Blevins and The ZONITA Team. www.zonita.org.uk email: [email protected] www.facebook.com/zonita.cinema

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 46 The Jigsaw Club


Are you disabled or feeling socially isolated due to a lack of mobility? The Jigsaw Club meets fortnightly on a Thursday evening, from about 7pm until 9.30pm and provides a varied programme of entertainment, activities, speakers and outings; refreshments are also provided. We have three wheelchair adapted minibuses, one of which could pick you up from your home in Houghton Conquest or Stewartby. If you would like more information or would like to come along and give the Club a try telephone Sue on 07886459225. For the more able of you who may be interested, volunteer members are always welcome to drive or escort on the minibuses or help support our disabled members, for example with their mobility, or even by just chatting to them. If you are interested in helping telephone Sue on 07886459225.

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 47 Part Time Parish Clerk 12 hours per week - working from home Houghton Conquest Parish Council seeks a highly motivated and enthusiastic person to be Clerk to the Council and Responsible Finance Officer. The successful candidate will be employed for 12 hours per week, working independently from home. Working hours to suit, although attendance at approximately 10 evening meetings per year in Houghton Conquest will be necessary. The role of Clerk is to ensure that the Council conducts its business properly and to provide independent, objective and professional advice and support. The Clerk is the key point of contact with all other authorities, contractors, suppliers, & the public. The Clerk plays a vital role in Council meetings. The successful candidate will need to possess great communication skills, be self-motivated and have the ability to prioritise their workload independently, without supervision. Terms & Conditions include: • Starting salary determined by National Association of Local Councils Pay point 24 – 28, based on experience and qualifications; £9,590 p.a - £10,452 p.a , employed for 12 hours per week. • Membership of Local Government Pension Scheme • 21 – 27 days paid holiday per year pro rata (subject to years’ service if already a serving Parish Clerk) • Working from Home Allowance - £200 per year • All equipment provided

Duties include: • Acting as impartial advisor to the Council • Organising & attending meetings, preparing agendas & reports, & taking minutes • Management of budget, & day to day management of accounts • Payment of invoices & management of on-line banking

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 48 • Production of annual accounts for audit purposes & completion of all statutory returns • Dealing with enquiries & correspondence from the public & other bodies • Management of website & payroll • Administration for allotments & newsletter adverts

Our ideal candidate will have the following experience and skills: • Applicant to hold, or consider working towards, a Certificate in Local Council Administration (CiLCA) • A good understanding of Local Council administration & the legal framework • Competent in using email, Microsoft Office Word & Excel • Possess a high degree of literacy and numeracy • Excellent written & verbal communication skills • Good organisational skills

For more information, please call Gill Wiggs on 01234 270016. To apply, please send a CV with a short covering note and your full contact details, to [email protected], by 30/8/21.

Commercial Advertising Rates:

Annual Rates = 6 Issues

£10 per half page = £60 pa. £20 per page = £120 pa

Published every 2 months; April to February

Copy may be changed subject to receipt before published cut-off dates by prior arrangement with the editor

Payments to: Houghton Conquest Parish Council, c/o: Clerk to the Parish Council: Gill Wiggs, 10 Parklands, Bedford MK41 9LZ

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 49

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 50

Tim Downing Washing Machines, Dishwashers, Dryers: Repairs & Sales

20 years ’Experience A quality service at a competitive price

Clophill: 01525 860148 Mob: 07969 545276

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 51

GP Air Conditioning LTD 07904 531677 [email protected] Installation – Design – Degas – Service and Maintenance

Part of Checkatrade.com

Black Cricket Animal Services

Outstanding care for your precious pets

pop-in visits, pet sitting & overnight stays small pet boarding walking & exercise pet taxi new enclosure set up animal collections and smallholdings support

Exotic species specialist


www.facebook.com/blackcricketanimalservices 07922155565

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 52

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 53

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 54

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 55

Wildlife walks & talks Dragonflies and Damselflies* with John Curd Saturday 7 August 2021 Moor Nature Reserve 1030 start (Brook Lane, Flitton, MK45 5EJ, TL 0555 3591) Drive down Brook Lane over the bridge and park at the barn. Hopefully, we will have a bright sunny day which will bring out a good number of these enchanting creatures. John will share his knowledge and enthusiasm for the lovely dragons and damsels! Families are especially welcome. *£3 per adult Please note that for much of the walk, we shall be on a boardwalk leading to the pond and this can be slippery when wet. The area surrounding the pond and some areas of the Reserve can be wet and muddy. Please keep children under supervision at all times. Please make sure you have appropriate footwear. It would be a good idea to bring binoculars if you have them. We very much look forward to seeing you! Booking is essential, as places are limited. Please book with Ann by emailing: [email protected] or ‘phone: 07580178889.

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 56 Open to all. Events have group size limits. Please reserve. To book places or for additional information please email [email protected] or ring Ann on 075801 78889 between 6 and 8 pm or at weekends.

The Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire Registered charity number: 1000412 www.wildlifebcn.org Flit Vale Local Group www.flitvale.org.uk

Registered Charity no. 1077055

Youth Rangers wanted at Wood Local environmental charity The Greensand Trust is looking for young people aged 13-18 to take part in our next Youth Ranger Scheme coming this autumn to our Maulden Wood location. Free to participate, the scheme is a perfect opportunity for young people interested in conservation and the environment to learn new skills, gain valuable work experience and a recognised environmental award, while

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 57 having fun and making a difference to the environment and the local community. Greensand Trust Chief Executive Gill Welham said: “Our previous Youth Ranger schemes have been incredibly successful and it’s been a pleasure to watch the young participants get involved. We’re proud to be able to offer this as our 5th Youth Ranger Scheme, helping a new generation of young people become volunteers while receiving valuable training and an insight into what’s involved in a career caring for the environment.” Starting in September over six months, young rangers will be required for two sessions per month, including one weekend and one evening. They will plan, take part in and lead practical conservation projects which could be anything from planting trees and creating trails, to making bird and bat boxes. They will also work alongside other conservation volunteers and gain a John Muir Award - an environmental award scheme focusing on discovering and conserving wild places. This scheme will be based at the Trust’s Working Woodlands Centre, Maulden Wood and will involve practical tasks on a number of our woodland sites and nature reserves in the same area. Although the scheme starts in the autumn, places are limited so now’s the time to apply to join. To find out more or to sign up, please call on 01234 743666 or email: [email protected] Any companies interested in sponsoring the Youth Ranger Scheme, or for information on other corporate sponsorship opportunities on offer at The Greensand Trust please visit www.greensandtrust.org/corporate-sponsorship

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 58 A note from your Editor…

We are always happy to receive your articles/comments/concerns/reports on events and hopefully I have included as many of these as I can. As always, delivery volunteers are welcomed, if not immediately, then for the future as regular volunteers step down over time. Contact details are as follows: Email: [email protected] A note through my letterbox at 38 Victoria Drive or call or text me on 07748 187069 Pete Bullock Editor

Please note: Whilst the cost of the Village Newsletter is kindly funded by the Parish Council, the articles in this newsletter are not necessarily the opinion of either the Parish Council or the editor. Editorial comments are completely independent of and not a reflection of the views of the Parish Council. Letters and articles for inclusion are welcomed, subject to the standard appropriate editorial control. Any questions for the Parish Council should be directed at the Clerk to the Parish Council.

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 59

USEFUL CONTACTS Around the Village

ART SOCIETY Mary Rich 01234 272470 BROWNIES & RAINBOWS Laura Cullingham 07747 549531 CARE GROUP Sue Derrick 07886 459225 FRIENDS OF ALL SAINTS Carol Juffs 381393 CHURCH GARDEN CLUB Margaret Whalley 740892 HOUGHTON PIONEERS Liz Thompson 07810 298069 INDOOR BOWLS TBA VILLAGE HALL BOOKINGS Christine Dean 741182 WOMENS' INSTITUTE Shirley Johnson 740265

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 60

Contacts outside the Village

AIRPORT (London ) 01582 405100 BEDFORD HOSPITAL 01234 355122

BUSES (Grant Palmer) 01525 719719 CHURCHES C of E - Revd. Stephen Toze 01234 740423

Methodist - Rev. Silas Wood 01525 571392 D.H.S.S. - (Bedford) 01234 365155


Lower School - Houghton Conquest 01234 740202 Middle - Stewartby 01234 768224

Senior - Wootton 01234 767123 Holywell School - 01234 750381

LIBRARIES Bedford 01234 718178 Ampthill 0300 300 8053

Flitwick 0300 300 8057 ELECTRICITY (UK Power Networks) 0800 029 4285 General Enquiries ELECTRICITY (UK Power Networks) 0800 316 3105 Power Cuts or just 105

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 61 ANGLIAN WATER 08457 145145 HIGHWAYS Dept. (Helpline) 0300 300 8049

Forest of Marston Vale 01234 767037 Central Beds Council 0300 300 8000

POLICE (Emergency only!) 999 County H.Q. 01234 841212 Incidents needing non-urgent response 101

Reporting Anti-Social behaviour 101 Crimestoppers 0800 555 111


Travel Enquiries 0345 748 4950 Silverline 01923 207258 Bedford station 0345 748 4950

Flitwick station 0345 748 4950 DOCTORS

Ampthill - Houghton Close Surgery 01525 300898 - Oliver St Surgery 01525 631395 - Greensands Surgery 01525 631390

Kempston 01234 852222

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 62 REGISTRATION Marriage & archives 01525 403430

Births & Deaths 0300 300 8089.

Should any of the above contacts be incorrect, changed or if additions are required please contact the Parish Clerk or email [email protected]. Amendments will be made in the next Issue.

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 63

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - August 2021 64