Massively Parallel Dynamic Programming on Trees∗ MohammadHossein Bateniy Soheil Behnezhadz Mahsa Derakhshanz MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayiz Vahab Mirrokniy Abstract Dynamic programming is a powerful technique that is, unfortunately, often inherently se- quential. That is, there exists no unified method to parallelize algorithms that use dynamic programming. In this paper, we attempt to address this issue in the Massively Parallel Compu- tations (MPC) model which is a popular abstraction of MapReduce-like paradigms. Our main result is an algorithmic framework to adapt a large family of dynamic programs defined over trees. We introduce two classes of graph problems that admit dynamic programming solutions on trees. We refer to them as \(poly log)-expressible" and \linear-expressible" problems. We show that both classes can be parallelized in O(log n) rounds using a sublinear number of machines and a sublinear memory per machine. To achieve this result, we introduce a series of techniques that can be plugged together. To illustrate the generality of our framework, we implement in O(log n) rounds of MPC, the dynamic programming solution of graph problems such as minimum bisection, k-spanning tree, maximum independent set, longest path, etc., when the input graph is a tree. arXiv:1809.03685v2 [cs.DS] 14 Sep 2018 ∗This is the full version of a paper [8] appeared at ICALP 2018. yGoogle Research, New York. Email: fbateni,
[email protected]. zDepartment of Computer Science, University of Maryland. Email: fsoheil,mahsaa,
[email protected]. Supported in part by NSF CAREER award CCF-1053605, NSF BIGDATA grant IIS-1546108, NSF AF:Medium grant CCF-1161365, DARPA GRAPHS/AFOSR grant FA9550-12-1-0423, and another DARPA SIMPLEX grant.