Media Culture and Cultural Techniques Working Papers N°003 2020 » The Coffee Machine Potent Mercantile Metaphors of the Programming Language JAVA « Markus Krajewski Department Arts, Media, Philosophy N° 2020.003 »The Coffee Machine: Potent Mercantile Metaphors of the Programming Language JAVA« Markus Krajewski DOI: 10.5451/unibas-ep78171 Media Culture and Cultural Techniques working papers BMCCT veröffentlicht Arbeitspapiere im Forschungsbereich des Basler Seminars für Medienwissenschaft. Die Arbeitspapiere erscheinen in unregelmässigen Abständen in deutscher und englischer Sprache. BMCCT publishes working papers in the research area of the Basel Seminar for Media Studies. The working papers appear at irregular intervals in German and English. Cite this item: The »Basel Media Culture and Cultural Concept and design: Markus Krajewski, »The Coffee Machine Techniques Working Papers« (BMCCT Mario Wimmer Potent Mercantile Metaphors of the working papers) are published by Programming Language JAVA«, BMCCT Hosted by University of Basel library’s working papers, (August 2020) No.3 Seminar für Medienwissenschaft eterna server (DOI: 10.5451/unibas-ep78171). Universität Basel Holbeinstrasse 12 4051 Basel
[email protected] under the creative commons licence Department Arts, Media, Philosophy 4.0/ ISSN 2673-5792 . The Coffee Machine Potent Mercantile Metaphors of the Programming Language JAVA . Markus Krajewski Department Arts, Media, Philosophy, University of Basel,
[email protected] DOI:10.5451/unibas-ep78171 »Te best Java is a very excellent coffee« (Ralph Holt Cheney, 1925) 1. Prologue The Program of History In the beginning was Green, and Green was with Sun. »And the light shines on in the darkness, but the darkness has not mastered it« (NET Bible, John 1:5).