Etn1972 Vol18 09 USA

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Etn1972 Vol18 09 USA THACHDEWSLETTER and Tra1:k5tats UNITED STATES OUTDOOR RESULTS DECATHLON , Los Angeles , Calif ., Jan. 29- 30- -Bakley (Westmont) 6970; 2. Harvey (USAF) 6855 ; 3. Cox (unat) 6712 . AC , Compton , Cali f., Feb . 11--DT , Lister (P Coast} 194- 9. AC , East Los Ange les , Feb . 18- -DT , Lister (P Coast) 198-1; 2. Van Reenen (S Afr-Cal TC) 192- 0. AC , Ruston, La ., Feb . 19- 0 l00(nwi), McGee (Ale A&M) 9. 4. JT, Bamburg (La Tech) 240-8 . TRI , Austin , Te~ . , Feb . 19- - 12_01-:!!j:(12..:__0mPb}, Hodg_e..§__(Ie:~LH -=-0;_ _2_,_Lightfaot (T~ x)_l4 _._L - 440TH; Colgla zie r 1ACC) 5T~7 (previous PR of 54 . 0). AC , East Los Angeles , Calif ., Feb . 25-- DT , VEI Reenen (Cal TC - S Afr) ~; 2. Lister (P Coas t) 194 - 0; 3. Weber (P Coast) 177- 7. AC, Fresno , Calif. , Feb. 26-- HT , Tice (Fresno St) 188-3. UCLA - LONG BEACH STATE , Westwood , Calif. , Feb . 26-- 220(ok) , Gibson (U) 20. 9. 440 , Brown (U) 46 . 6 (also 46 . Or). 3000mSt , Pettigrew (Strid-guest) 8:56 . 4 . HJ , Arnold (U) 6-.U½; 2. Fletcher (U) 6-11½; 3. Stones (U) 6- 11½. PV, Smith (L) 17- 1; 2. Mooers (U) 16- 1. TJ(ok) , Butts (U) 52 - 2¾; 2. Metc alf (L) 50-3 . TRI, Tempe , Ariz ., Feb . 26-- HJ, Shepard (P Coast - guest) 7-1 ; 2. Allen (Ariz) 6-10¼. DT , Gunzel (Ariz) 186- 11. AC , Santa Barbara , Calif . , Feb . 19- - 880, Ryun (CW) 1:54 ._9; 2. Winzen]'ied JC}V) 1:54,J) . _ Mfle , Ryun4 :06. 9; 2.=w inzenried -4 :07. 9. - ---- -- -- - - - AC , San Francisco , Calif., Feb . 27-- 50 - kiloWalk(on track), Kitchen (Athens} 4:13 :36. 0 AR (old AR 4 :15:24 . 0 Rom ansky /Dela TC/ 70) (en route , set ARs at 40k /3 :20:00/ , 25mi /3 :21 :16. 0/ & 30mi /4:04:35 . 0/). (fifth performer all-time world on track} . UNITED STATES INDOOR RESULTS GREEN -WHITE , Ypsilanti , Mich ., Jan . 15 /220-yard flat synthetic="d"/--600, Vinson (En Mich) 1:10. 0. CONNECTICUT - RHODE ISLAND , Providence , R. I. , Feb . 9-- Wt , Paliwoda (C) 62- 5½; 2, Furness (RI) 60- 0. NORTHWEST OPEN , Minneapolis, Minn ., Feb . 12 /220-yard unbanked dirt="d"/- - 300 , Wel­ ton (unat) 31. 2. 3Mile , Slack (N Dak St) 13:48 . 4 ; 2. Tomczak (TCTC) 13 :1,8. 8; 3. Timm (unat) 13:52 . 2. HJ, Heikkila (unat) 7- ½. NAVY- ST JOHN 'S, Annapolis , Md ., Feb . 12- - HJ, Harkins (N) 6- 11. Wt, : Bregar (N} 60- 10£. CONNECTICUT -BROWN, Storrs, Conn, Feb . 13-=Wt , Paliwoda (C) 60- 2. YANKEE CONFERENCE , Orono , Me ., Feb . 19- -Wt , Paliwoda (C) 61-5¼, TRI , New Haven , Conn ., Feb . 0 19-- Wt , Greenwood (Prin) 62- 5. ,.-.. INDIANA -ILLINOIS , Bloomington , Ind ,, Feb . 19--/ 220-yard unbanked dirt="d"/ -- 300, Wal - lace (Ind) 30. 9. HJ, Adama (Ind). 7- 0. · MICHIGAN STATE - MICHIGAN, East Lansing , Mich . , Feb . 19 /220-yard flat synthetic="d" / -- 60 ,. Washington (MS) 6. 0; ... 3. Dill (MS) 6. 4. 300, Dill 31. 9. 70HH, Murray (M-Jam) 8. 3. 70LH, Reeves (M) 7. 8. SP, Adams (M) 58- 10. MileR , Michigan State 3:16. 5. MINNESOTA - PURDUE , Minnearolis , Minn . , Feb . 19 /220 - yard flat dirt="d"/ - -300, Burton (P) 30A . SP, Anderson (M} 59 - 104 (best-ever by Big 10 thrower, indoors or out). WISCONSIN-TENNESSEE, Madison , Wisc . , Feb . 19 /220-yard flat dirt=="d"/--880 , Cordes (W) 1:52 . 2. 70LH, Johnson (W) 7. 8. HJ , Matzdorf (W) 7- 0, PV, Crail (W) 16-1¾, TJ, Onyan­ go (W-Ken) 50-¾, Page 81-- March 2 , 1972- - Vol. 18 , No . 9 US OLYMPIC INVITATIONAL , New Yor k , N . Y. , Feb. 18 /160-ya rd ba nked board =" c "; atten­ dance J.4,4 08; fro m Bob Hersh / --5 0m , tie, Meriwether (unat) & Washi ngton (Mich St) 5 .. 6 (Wash ­ ington =CR by Washington 72); 3. Pa pa ge org opoulos (Gr) nt. Heats : I- 1. Papa·geor go poulo s 5 . 7. II-1. Me r iwet her 5 . 8. III - 1. Was hin gt on 5. 6 CR (old CR 5 . 7 T urner / Ore St/ 69 , Clayto n / S Jose St/ 70 & Washi ngton 71). 500m , Tur ne r (Spt s Intl) 1:03. 1 (3rd performer , 4th- per for ma n ce all -ti me worl d); 2. James (BOHAA) 1:03. 8; 3. Elwell (Te mp le) 1:04 . 0. 800m , McE lroy (Vill) 1:50. 9; 2. Pla chy (Cze) 1:5L 5; 3. Ba ch (NWn) 1:52. 4; 4 . Ouko (N Car Cent- Ken ) 1:52. 7; 5. Savag e (Man) 1:52 . 9. 1000m , Von Ru den (P Coas t) 2:24 . 3; 2, Murphy (NYAC- Eir e) 2:25 . 2; ·3_ Mosser (W Va) 2:25. 8; 4 . Philippe (F ord ) 2:25 . 8. 1500m , Wattle (B Green St) 3 :44. 8; 2. Del Buono (It) 3:44. 9; 3 Dyce (United AA-Jam ) 3:45 . 1; 4. J. Mason (P Coast ) 3:45. 4; 5. Wright (Vill ­ GB); 6. C. Maso n (NYAC-GB) 3 :45. 8. 3000 m , McLaren (Can) 8:04 . 6; 2. Sink (B Gr een St) 8:06 . 8. 55 mHH , Milburn (Sn U) 7. 0; 2. Hill (Ark St U) nt; 3. Howser (Fla TC) nt; . .. dnf -­ Coleman (Phil PC). Heats : I-1. Cole m an 7. 2, II - 1. Hill 7. 3. III - L Milburn 7. 1. IV - 1. How ­ ser 7. 2. 1500mWa lk , Laird (NYAC) 5 :50. 2; 2. Daniel (NYAC) 5 :51. 5; 3. Kulik (NYAC) 5 :53. 3; . .. disq - - Rom ansk y (SJ Chargers) 5:4 8. 7. HJ , Brown (Cal Int) 7-¾; 2. Heikkila 7-¾; 3. Rade ­ tic h (Staters) 6- 10¾, PV, Wallick (Mia m i/ O) 17-!; 2. Struble (Md) 16- 8£; 3. Blair (Penn) 16- 8!; 4 . Hurley {Fla) 16-1; 5. Roberts (Rice) 16- 1; ... nh --J ohnson (Ala) , Papanicolaou (Gr) & Spr ung (USMC). LJ, Tate (NYPC) 25 - 10¼ (25- 10¼, 25- 1¼, f , 25 - 5 , 25 - 4., 25 -8_½); 2. Col em an (US Arm y) 25 - 2½; 3. Rea (Pitt) 25-2; 4 . Boston (Knox T C) 24 - 2£; . .. 6. Beamon (Adelphi AA) 23 -4!, Thro ws held on 2/ 19 at West Point : SP, B. Wilhelm (US Army ) 59 - L Wt , Ha U (unat) 63- 11¾; 2. Hart (US Army) 60-6 . 1600mR , Sports Inter natio nal 3 :15. 0 (Fl etcher 49 . 9 , Young 48 . 6 , Barrow 48 . 5 ~ Turner 48. 0); 2. North Caro lin a Cent r al 3:15. 1 (Bas sett 50. 4 , Sa ng 48 . 5, Ouko 47 . 9 , Black 48 . 3); 3 . Adel phi 3 :15 . 1 (Davis 49 . 5, Ro ss 48 . 8 , Wal ker 48 . 0, McPh erso n 48. 8); 4 . BOHAA 3 :16A (Matt hew s 47. 8 2nd). 3200mR , NYAC 7 .28. 4 (Zi eminski 1:54. 2 , Li quori 1:51. 4 , Mo ck 1:51. 4, Murph y 1:51. 4) ; 2. Manhatt an 7 :28 . 8 {Rothrock 1:50 . 2); 3. Villa nova 7:29 . 8; 4. Ford ­ ham 7 :34. 0 ; 5. St. John 's 7:39 . 6. CENTRAL COLLEGIATES , Kala m azoo , Mich . , Fe b. 18(a) - 19 (b) /220 =yard unbanked synthet ­ ic="d" /- -60(b), Holman (Drake) 6. 2. 300(b) , Croc kett (Sn Ill) 31. 2. Heats(a): I - 1. Croc kett 31. 0. 440 , Jor dan (Ky St) 48 . 6. 600(b) , Vinson (En Mi ch) J..;;10 . 5. :W.eats(a) : I-1. Vinson 1:10 . 8. 880(b ) , Wells (En Mich) 1:54. 6. l000 (b) , Smkel (Cent Mich) 2:12. 5 . Mile(b), Ha r ri s (Wn Mich ) 4 :04,. 9; 2. Ma cdonald (B Green St) 4 :05. 1. 2Mile(b) , Sink (G Breen St) 8:58. 6; 2. Wottle (B Green · St) ~:00. 0. 3Mile(a) , Harri s (Wn Mich) 13 :43 . 0; 2. Minty (En Mich-GB) \3 :45 . 6. 60HH(b), Jacques (Nn Ill) 7. 5 . HJ(a) , Bernar d (Sn Il l) 6-9. PV(b) , Robards (Wn Mich) 16-4. LJ(b) , Haynes (Mid Tenn St) 24 - 2. TJ(a), M cClure {Mid Tenn St) 50::-8½. SP{b)(:or ti na (N Dame) 60- 10; 2. Bilder (Nn Il l) 59-10½. Wt(a), Sch oter man (Kent St) 68- 10 ; 2. Accambray (Kent St - Fr) 66-1½. Mil eR (b) , Eastern Michigan 3 :16. 9 (Vinson 47 . 5) ; .2. Southern Illinois 3:16. 9. 2MileR , (b) , Bowli ng Gr een State 9:39. 6 (Wottle 1:50. 9). DisMedR(aJ, Bowling Green State 9:55 . 2; 2. Air Force 9:56. 6. Teams : Southe rn Illi noi s 96; 2. Easte r n Mi chigan 89. QUAD , Law r enc e, Kans ., Feb .1 9 -- PV , Hatcher (Kans) 16- 6½. '---" [--'-~-- ~ RI , Iowa crr y;- Iowa;-Feb :- t~-jtt -6~yard -fiat-syn thecie=~--=44 0,-fene -s-(NE41 -G)-48~ 3-= "b~ Mile , Clark (Iowa) 4 :05 . 7, TRI , Norman , Okla ,, Feb . 19--PV , McCol m (Okla) 16- 2. COLOR ADO-NORTHERN COLORADO , Boulder , Colo ., Feb , 19 /220-yard un banked synthetic ="d"/ -- 60L H , Lo ckwood (Colo) 6. 8. PV , Wedman (Colo) 16-·5. MileR, Colora do 3:17. 0. TRI , Pocatell o , Idaho, Feb . 19- -PV, Smit hey (Cal TC - guest) 16-4 . Track Newsletter supplements Track & Field News with ( 1) mar ks of US and inter• Matthews, Kauko Niemala , Hakan Nordqvist, Lloyd Swindells , Vladimir Visek . national men's track and field competitions , indoors and out , which qualify for T&FN 's annually revised reporting standards or which are achieved by world ranking athletes, (2 ) Frequently used abbreviations : exact wind readfngs, if available, are always given in miles per hour lmph)-ok =wind below legal limit of 4.473 mph ; windy=wind exceeding 4.473 complete summaries of major competitions, and (3) selected highlights of cross country, mph; ".
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