10028 the London Gazette, 27 November, 1914
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10028 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 27 NOVEMBER, 1914. bridge over the Midland Railway at Gurnos, upper end of Glantawe-row, and the leveF- the road on the bridge over the Midland crossing over the railway siding of th&- Railway at Lower Cwmtwrch known as Yniscedwyn Tinplate Company, in Ynisce- Bethania Railway Bridge, the road tinder dwyn Works-road,, level crossing over thflr Gwys Station Railway Bridge at Upper Midland Railway near Beulah Chapel» Cwmtwrch, the road on Cefnrerw Bridge .Cwmtwrch. over the Neath and Brecon Railway ( between Caehopkin (Abercrave) and Col- Tramways. bren, the road on Penygraig Railway The colliery tramway of the Pantmawr- Bridge over the Neath and Brecon Railway Colliery Company, near Penygorof canal- near Colbren Council School, the road on the bridge, crossing the main road from Gurnos' Aubrey Arms Canal Bridge near Gurnos to Ystradgynlais, the tramway of the Aber- over the Swansea Canal, the road on the crave Colliery Company crossing Llwynlla- Penygorof Farm Canal Bridge over the frod-road at Abercrave Colliery Yard, th&- Swansea Canal between Gurnos and Ystrad- tramway of the Abercrave Colliery Com- gynlais, the road on the Castle Hotel Canal pany crossing Abercrave footpath at Old Bridge over the Swansea Canal near the Level Yard. Castle Hotel between Ystradgynlais and Abercrave, the road on the Lamb and Flag 10. The names of the streets in which it ia, Canal Bridge over the Swansea Canal near proposed that electric lines shall be laid down the Lamb and Flag Inn between Castle within a period to be specified by the Order- Hotel and Abercrave, the road on the are as follows: — Noddf a Canal Feeder Culvert over the Swan- The Swansea and Brecon-road from the sea Canal near Noddfa Chapel between the junction of the boundaries of the district Lamb and Flag Inn and Abercrave, the and the Pontardawe rural district to Aber- road on the Cwmgiedd Canal Bridge over the crave House, Abercrave Station-road, Swansea Canal between Ystradgynlais and Cwmgiedd-road from its junction with the- Cwmgiedd, the road on the culvert over the Swansea and Brecon-road to Nant-gwinau Cwmgiedd Canal Feeder at Cwmgiedd, bridge, and Neath-road from its junction Tynypant-road, Lamb and Flag-road, 1 with the Swansea and Brecon-road to- Watkins-terrace , Cwmdu-road, Werngur- Ystradgynlais Station. lais-road, Cross-street, Ynisuchaf, Cross- street, Ynisisaf, road from Nantgwine to And notice is hereby given that the draft Ynisgwial),1 Yorath-road, Brynygroes-road, of the Order will be deposited at the offices- branch road by Bethania Corner, Tudor- of the Board of Trade on or before the 21st street, Gough-avenue, Cwymtwrch School- day of December next, and printed copies of road, Tumble-terrace, New-road, Penrhos, the draft Order when deposited, and of the the road on the Glanrhyd Bridge over the Order when made, may be obtained at the River Tawe at Glanrhyd, the road on the price of one shilling for each copy, at the Penrhiw Bridge over the River Giedd at office of the Surveyor to the Rural District- Cwmgiedd, the road on the Lamb and Flag Council, Castle Bank, Ystradgynlais, and at- Bridge over the River Tawe near the Lamb the offices of the under-mentioned Parlia-. and Flag Inn, the road on the Old Level mentary Agents. Yard Bridge over the River Tawe near And notice is hereby further given, that a, Trefleming, the road on the Bryngroes Canal map showing the boundaries of the area of Bridge over the Canal near Bryngroes Cot- supply and the streets within which it is pro- tages, the road on Tonspyddan Bridge over posed that electric lines shall be laid down the Neath and Brecon Railway at Colbren, within a specified time, and a copy of this, the road on Callwen Vicarage Bridge over advertisement as published in the London the River Tawe near Penwyllt, the footpath Gazette will be deposited, on or before the leading from Trefleming to Station-road, 30th day of November instant, for public in- Abercrave, the footpath leading from spection, with the Clerk of the Peace for the Penrhos to Ynisuchaf, the footpath lead- County of Brecon, at his office at Brecon, and ing from Penrhos to near Ship Inn, at the Council Offices, Queen's Chambers, the footpath from near Jeffrey's Arms Neath. to Yniscedwyn Colliery, the Clayphon Siding footpath, the footpath over the Canal And notice is hereby lastly given, that Bank from Gough Buildings to the Lamb every local or other public authority, company and Flag Inn, the footpath leading from or person desirous of bringing before the Board Cwmgiedd to Palleg, the Glyn Foundry of Trade any objection respecting the appli- footpath, the footpath leading from Glan- cation, must do so by letter addressed to the- twrch to the Old Mill, the footpath leading Board of Trade, marked on the outside of the- from Trogluen to Gwys' Station. cover enclosing it " Electric Lighting Acts/' on or before the 15th day of January, 1915, Railways. and a copy of such objection must also be for- warded to the undersigned Solicitor- to the- The level crossing of the Midland Railway Council or Parliamentary Agents. Company at Gurnos crossing the main road from Ystalyfera (Glamorganshire) to Dated this 17th day of November, 1914. Ystradgynlais, the level crossing of the Mid- land Railway Company at Craig-maespica, A. JESTYN JEFFREYS, Queen's Cham- Lower Cwmtwrch, the level crossing of the bers, Neath, Solicitor and Clerk to Midland Railway Company near the Ivy the- Ystradgynlais Rural District Bush Inn, Upper Cwmtwrch, the level cross- Council. ing of the Midland Railway Company over the District-road at the lower end of College- SHARPE, PRITCHARD AND Co., 9. Bridge- row, the level crossing of the Midland Rail- street, Westminster, S.W., Parlia- way Company over the District-road at the 039 mentary Agents;.