UCSC Cracks Down on 4/20 Festival
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A LITTLE HELP FOR OUR FRIENDS▶67050657(., UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO www.ucsdguardian.org ;O\YZKH`(WYPS The Student Voice Since 1967 );+W]VKQT ;/,;/059,+305, ;\]LMV\8ZWOZIU[\W<ISM )J[WZJ[,MJ\ 0Q\)N\MZ:MO.MM.]VL+]\[ Budget constraints force The committee is still debating NWZ+IUX][ whether to make an across-the-board administrators to seek cut or investigate which specific stu- out internal funding from dent services could afford greater +WWXMZI\Q^M[ funding slashes. student affairs office. Funding accrued from the cut Co-op employees make will then be converted to general By Kimberly Cheng funds, about 70 percent of which case before receptive Associate News Editor goes toward academic affairs such as admissions and maintaining the councilmembers. About 10 percent of the $20.7 mil- availability of classes, salary and lion in UCSD’s annual registration- inflation adjustments, previous over- By Yelena Akopian Associate News Editor fee funds — which have historically enrollment and staffing. supported student services — will Committee chair and graduate UCSD’s student-run cooperatives help fill gaps from state-funding student Garo Bournoutian said reg- are free of their debt to the A.S. coun- reductions for the 2009-10 academic istration-fee funds need to be sepa- cil today after councilmembers voted year. Administrators say the cuts will rated from budget cuts in order to last night to pay off over $35,000 most likely threaten student services maintain the availability of student in back rent accrued by the Food in the form of programming, events services. Co-op, the General Store Co-op, and staffing levels. “Students are paying [money] Groundwork Books and the Che Cafe The campuswide deficit next specifically for these services, and during their 2004 space-agreement year is expected to range from $450 they’re independent of the state,” negotiations. million to $700 million, $115 mil- Bournoutian said. “You’re still paying The council voted unanimously lion of which stem from state fund- the same amount, so you should be to absorb the $35,408.37 sum after an ing cuts. In response, the Student getting the same services. It doesn’t impassioned presentation by co-op Affairs Office, which oversees the make sense that because the state’s employees and supporters. funds, has charged the 17 members losing money, the reg fee gets cut to The council will allocate $12,426.06 on the Registration Fee Advisory make up for it.” to the Food Co-op, $12,392.00 to the Committee with prioritizing each of Bournoutian said that in the General Store Co-op, $7,083.88 to 26 registration fee-funded units — 1970s, the regents separated the cur- Groundwork Books and $3,506.43 to including the Student Health Center, rent $288 registration fee from the the Che Cafe. This sum will be taken Career Services Center, university $2,087 education fee to protect stu- from the council’s mandate reserves, centers and campus recreation — to dent services from budget reductions, a fund that Revelle College Senator ERIK JEPSEN/GUARDIAN ensure the least amount of damage to Katie Hall described as a general Revelle College freshman Matthew Kent slacklines on the grassy hill near the Student Center. programming. See FEESpage 3 account set aside for emergencies. Food Co-op core member Daniel Nguyen gave a presentation at the meeting outlining the history of the 8)A+=<; four co-ops’ debt and the reasons <*:**YHJRZ+V^UVU-LZ[P]HS ▶▶▶ ▶ READREAD ON .=:47=/0; Page 4: An editorial on the decision 413-4A.7: it should be forgiven. According to Nguyen, the master space agreement =+?7:3-:; — a contract enacted in 1993 that resembled a landlord-tenant agree- By Joyce Yeh ment between the university and the Staff Writer co-ops — ended in 2000, leaving the co-ops without an official contract. Just two weeks after the UC Board According to Hall, the council of Regents awarded salary increases to did not renew this contract when it several top executives, UC President expired in 2000, although it was an Mark G. Yudof introduced a plan last A.S. responsibility. Following this, the week that would reduce UC employee university sent the co-ops an eviction salaries and implement furloughs in notice in 2004. an effort to combat the state budget “We didn’t think about it until crisis. The plan will be presented at the 2004, [at which time] the co-ops regents’ May meeting at UCSD. decided to renegotiate the contracts COURTESY OF MEGAN MEUNIER “My goal is to produce for con- [because] they weren’t happy with the Hundreds of students gather in Porter Meadow on the UC Santa Cruz campus each year to take part in the annual celebration of marijuana. sideration by the regents, in May, a old one,” Hall said. By Deepak Seeni munity members gather every year in “Obviously, this isn’t something flexible regental standing order that The negotiation period that fol- Staff Writer Porter Meadow to smoke and ingest that the university wants to be associat- would serve as a broad legal frame- lowed lasted for two years, during cannabis, filling the sky with a haze ed with,” Santa Cruz City Councilman work to allow for both systemwide which no official contract existed Campus police and administrators of smoke. Mike Rotkin said. “The university and campus-by-campus furloughs and between the university and the co- at UC Santa Cruz are taking greater Though the tradition began 20 took similar precautions for the first salary reductions, should deteriorating ops. Also during this time, Student measures this year to dissuade thou- years ago, UCSC spokesman Jim time last year, but it didn’t seem to financial conditions so require,” Yudof Center construction interfered with sands of students and marijuana Burns — who has worked there for 24 curb the number of students and com- said in a statement last week. co-op functionality, in turn causing enthusiasts from congregating on years — said the event has attracted an munity members from attending.” Yudof also advised that the roles and greater disagreements about rent. campus for the annual April 20 mari- unmanageable number of participants Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs responsibilities of the regents, chancel- According to Nguyen, the co-ops juana festival. within the last several years. Fellicia McGinty recently sent an stopped paying rent to the university Participation in the 2009 festi- Officials first attempted to e-mail to students and parents of fresh- See CUTS page 7 at this time because they did not agree val will be discouraged with barri- crack down last year, after receiv- men labeling the event unsanctioned upon a contract and because the con- cades, stringent parking enforcement, ing increased public attention that and unwelcome, calling it an “illegal struction obstructed co-op entrances restricted shuttle access and a ban on stemmed partly from the publication activity that diminishes UCSC’s repu- ▶▶▶ ▶ READR EAD ONO N and blocked off the Food Co-op’s overnight guests in university housing of an article in Rolling Stone magazine tation and draws negative attention to Page 4: An editorial on from April 17 to April 20. about the university’s reputation as a Yudof’s statement See CO-OPS page 3 Thousands of students and com- stoner campus. See WEED page 7 /0(;<: Budding :769;: Best Club of 05:0+, 65305, >,(;/,9 *VTPJZ Poll:Are you satisfied with the Playwrights the West 5L^)\ZPULZZ results of the 2009 A.S. April 16 April 17 MFA playwrights explain Baseball: Winning 15 of their (Z[OL7HNL3VHKZ election? H 65 L 48 H 73 L 53 the inspiration behind their last 16 games, the Tritons 3L[[LYZ[V[OL,KP[VY *YVZZ^VYK imaginative work in this year’s snagged the Division-II West April 18 April 19 :\KVR\ Tell us at www.ucsdguardian.org. Baldwin New Play Festival. 7(., Region’s No. 1 ranking. 7(., H 77 L 56 H 79 L 58 5,>: ;/,<*:+.<(9+0(5 ;/<9:+(@(7903 ;>6*62,::/69; BY SAM PELLE 4H[[OL^4J(YKSL Editor in Chief /HKSL`4LUKVaH Managing Editors 5PJVSL;LP_LPYH :PTVUL>PSZVU :TY\[P(YH]PUK Copy Editors (SSPL*\LYKV 9LaH-HYHaTHUK News Editor 1LZZL(ST Associate News Editors @LSLUH(RVWPHU 2PTILYS`*OLUN (S`ZZH)LYLaUHR Opinion Editor ;YL]VY*V_ Associate Opinion Editor 1HUHUP:YPKOHYHU Sports Editor :<55@:0+,<7 BY PHILIP RHIE 5LPS1VZOP Associate Sports Editor +H]PK/HY]L` Focus Editor 1VHUUH*HYKLUHZ Associate Focus Editors :[LWOHUPL;ZHUR :VUPH4PUKLU Hiatus Editor (SSPL*\LYKV Associate Hiatus Editors ,K^PU.VUaHSLa ,YPR1LWZLU Photo Editor ,TPS`2\ Design Editor *OYPZ[PUH(\ZOHUH Art Editor 7H[YPJR:[HTTLYQVOU Web Designer Page Layout 9LNPUH0W,TPS`2\4VUPX\L3HT:VUPH4PUKLU 1VUH[OHU:OHU5HVTP:OPMMTHU2H[OSLLU@PW Copy Readers (T`.\aKHY1VUH[OHU2PT2LSZL`4HYY\QV 5HVTP:^LV(UP[H=LYNPZ+HUPLSSL>HYYLU CURRENTS 4VUPJH)HJOTLPLY General Manager 4PRL4HY[PULa Advertising Manager (SMYLKV/=PSHUV1Y Advertising Art Director 8\HK ^PSS MLH[\YL H ZVSHYWV^LYLK TVZ[\UP]LYZHS[YHP[Z¹ UL\YVPTHNPUN Z[\KPLZ UL\YV[YHUZ +HYH)\ Student Advertising/ Promotion Managers <*:+*LSLIYH[LZ,HY[O Z[HNL VYNHUPJ MVVK ]LU\LZ HUK :WLJPMPJ WZ`JOVSVNPJHS [YHP[Z · 1\SPH7L[LYZVU TP[[LYM\UJ[PVUZHUKNLUL[PJZ 4PJOHLS5LPSS Network Administrator >LLR>P[O,_[YLTL.YLLU YLJ`JSLKHUKYL\ZHISLWYPaLZ PUJS\KPUN LTWH[O` JVTWHZZPVU ;OL YLZLHYJOLY Z\NNLZ[Z [OH[ :OH^U?\ Advertising Sales Rep ¸;OLNVHSPZ[VWYV]PKLHZTHU` LTV[PVUHS Z[HIPSP[` [VSLYHUJL HUK ZL]LYHS JVTTVU IYHPU YLNPVUZ Business Assistants 5L_[ :H[\YKH` THYRZ [OL ILNPU VWWVY[\UP[PLZ HZ ^L JHU [V ZOHYL ZLSMH^HYLULZZ · OH]L ILLU JVT HWWLHY [V IL YLSH[LK [V KPMMLYLU[ :HS]HKVY.HSSLNVZ*OHYPZZH.PUU ;PMMHU`/HU4HNNPL3L\UN-YHUR7HR UPUNVM,HY[O>LLRH[<*:+H^LLR ^H`Z PU ^OPJO WLVWSL JHU SLHYU TVUS`HZZVJPH[LK^P[O^PZKVTI`H