Spain (North - EA2)

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Spain (North - EA2) Summits on the Air – ARM for EA2 Summits on the Air Spain (North - EA2) Association Reference Manual Document Reference S57.1 Issue number 1.5 Date of issue 1-Apr-2015 Participation start date 1-Oct-2010 Authorised Date: 1-Feb-2015 obo SOTA Management Team Association Manager Vacant Summits-on-the-Air an original concept by G3WGV and developed with G3CWI Notice “Summits on the Air” SOTA and the SOTA logo are trademarks of the Programme. This document is copyright of the Programme. All other trademarks and copyrights referenced herein are acknowledged. Page 1 of 22 Document S57.1 v 1.5 Summits on the Air – ARM for EA2 Table of contents 1 CHANGE CONTROL 3 2 ASSOCIATION REFERENCE DATA 4 2.1 Programme derivation 5 2.2 General information 5 2.3 Rights of way and access issues 5 2.4 Maps and navigation 5 2.5 Safety considerations 6 2.6 Foreign hams in EA2 6 2.7 Awards 6 2.8 Disclaimer 6 3 SUMMIT REFERENCE DATA 7 3.1 Region Reference – Araba/Alava 7 3.1.1 Regional notes 7 3.1.2 Table of summits 7 3.2 Region Reference – Bizkaia 9 3.2.1 Regional notes 9 3.2.2 Table of summits 9 3.3 Region Reference – Gipuzkoa 11 3.3.1 Regional notes 11 3.3.2 Table of summits 11 3.4 Region Reference – Navarra 13 3.4.1 Regional notes 13 3.4.2 Table of summits 13 3.5 Region Reference – Zaragoza 18 3.5.1 Regional notes 18 3.5.2 Table of summits 18 3.6 Region Reference – Huesca 19 3.6.1 Regional notes 19 3.6.2 Table of summits 19 3.7 Region Reference – Teruel 22 3.7.1 Regional notes 22 3.7.2 Table of summits 22 Page 2 of 22 Document S57.1 v 1.5 Summits on the Air – ARM for EA2 1. Change Control Date Version Details 01-Sep-2010 1.0 First formal issue of this document Cancellation of some summits included in more than one province within the 13-Feb-2011 1.1 Association Cancellation of 2 summits included in more than one province within the 31-Mar-2011 1.2 Association Change of name of territories: Araba/Alava, Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa. Paragraph 1.2: 30-Oct-2013 1.3 Typing mistake NV instead of previous NG Revision of summits. Addition and deletion of summits based on a more 1-Feb-2015 1.4 accurate survey on their prominences. Deletion of summit duplicated references with EA1/BU, F/PO and F/PE 1-Feb-2015 1.4 regions. Mikel Berrocal EA2CW replaces Iñaki Jimenez EA2CTB and Iñaki Ochoa de 1-Feb-2015 1.4 Aspuru EA2CIA as EA2 Association Manager. 1-Sept-2016 1.5 Mikel Berrocal EA2CW resigned from AM role April 2015 Page 3 of 22 Document S57.1 v 1.5 Summits on the Air – ARM for EA2 2. Association Reference Data Association SPAIN NORTH EA2 Commencement date 01 Oct 2010 Regions ● Araba/Alava (VI-xxx) ● Bizkaia (BI-xxx) ● Gipuzkoa (SS-xxx) ● Navarra (NV-xxx) ● Zaragoza (ZG-xxx) ● Huesca (HU-xxx) ● Teruel (TE-xxx) Association parameters 1 Summit operation criteria Operation must be within 25m vertically of the summit Band 1, score 1 point Summit altitude less than 800 metres a.s.l. Band 2, score 2 points Summit altitude between 800 and 999 metres a.s.l. Band 3, score 4 points Summit altitude between 1000 and 1399 metres a.s.l. Band 4, score 6 points Summit altitude between 1400 and 1699 metres a.s.l. Band 5, score 8 points Summit altitude between 1700 and 1999 metres a.s.l. Band 6, score 10 points Summit altitude more than 2000 metres a.s.l. Seasonal bonus Yes Bonus rationale Winter period with highest probability of sub-zero temperatures and deep snow Min. height for bonus 3 Points for activations >=1000m ASL Bonus period dates December 1st to March 31st Association sponsored awards None Association Manager Vacant 1 See General Rules for parameter definitions Page 4 of 22 Document S57.1 v 1.5 Summits on the Air – ARM for EA2 2.1 Programme derivation EA2 SOTA is an extension of similar programmes already active in other countries. The summit database is unlikely to be complete. If you find a summit which you'd like to add to SOTA-EA2, or you find a mistake in this ARM please contact the Association Manager. Summits cannot be counted for points until a reference number has been allocated by the Association Manager. 2.2 General information Regions are based on EA2 Spanish provinces. Code is related to the old car plates system, very well known in Spain, except for Zaragoza that had only one letter in the plates, and therefore we added a “G”, and Navarra that has been chosen NV to avoid mistakes with “North America” IOTA references. So the code system is VI (Araba/Alava), BI (Bizkaia), SS (Gipuzkoa), NV (Navarra), ZG (Zaragoza), HU (Huesca) and TE (Teruel) To qualify for a summit it has to meet the following requirements: ● The summit must be listed in the Hiking Map 1:50 000 with a corresponding name or designator ● The summit must have at least 150 m prominence. ● In the case of doubt the Management Team will decide whether the Summit will be added to the list. The summit database does not claim to be completed and can only be changed by the acceptance of the management team. Summits cannot be counted for points until a launch date and reference number has been allocated by the Association Manager and approved by the SOTA Management Team. On 2015, several summit duplicated references were deleted. Those were on the borders of the EA2 Association, some of them with France. However, these summits can be activated by EA activators without using the F/ prefix, in cases in which the operating position is within the Spanish part of the Activation Zone. This would be also the same case for the French activators on the bordering summits with an EA2 reference. 2.3 Rights of way and access issues Footpaths in EA2 are usually well marked. Anyhow you should take a good map of the region where you want to hike plus GPS and/or compass if you have one. Never hike without a map, always follow the footpath. If a summit is in private property or you need to cross private property to access it, you will need the owner's permission before attempting activation. 2.4 Maps and navigation The easiest way to obtain a map is to get online. The most common cartography for hiking is the Mapa Topográfico Nacional (MTN) published by the Instituto Geográfico Nacional. Many products, such as a 1:25000 raster (MTN25), can be now downloaded freely from the download centre of the Spanish Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica at Some areas of EA2 are covered by APRS. Page 5 of 22 Document S57.1 v 1.5 Summits on the Air – ARM for EA2 2.5 Safety considerations Before hiking always consult a weather forecast. Please remember that weather in the mountains can change rapidly and you should be always prepared for snow, rain, strong wind or intensive sun, especially over 1000 metres a.s.l. In case of emergency you should call 112, the universal emergency number for all EU member states. 2.6 Foreign hams in EA2 Holders of CEPT Licenses are authorised to transmit according to their licenses and IARU Region I Bandplan. You should have a copy of your license with you. You should prefix your callsign with “EA2/” (EA is the main prefix in Spain, other common prefixes are EB and EC; special event callsigns include ED, EE, EF, EH, AM, AN and AO). Then you must add “/P”, “/M”. Second stroking is not mandatory. If you'd like to transmit from Spain for longer than 3 months you should contact the Jefatura Provincial de Telecomunicaciones of the respective province in order to obtain a Spanish licence 2.7 Awards There are no Association-specific awards at the moment. 2.8 Disclaimer Hiking, hill-walking and rock-climbing are potentially dangerous activities. The SOTA Management Team and their associates assume no responsibility for accidents. Participants must be competent to undertake their proposed Expedition and must carry suitable equipment, taking account of the terrain, weather conditions, etc. Activators take part in the Programme entirely at their own risk and the Programme in its entirety shall accept no responsibility for injury, loss of life or any other loss. Activators are reminded that hill climbing is an inherently hazardous activity. Accidents can and do happen in the mountains and the risk is neither increased nor mitigated by the SOTA programme. Each participant does so at his or her own risk, and must decide, on the basis of their own ability, whether an objective is achievable. The listing of a summit in the reference does not mean that it is easy to reach, and it is always worth seeking local advice for all but the simplest of the expeditions. Page 6 of 22 Document S57.1 v 1.5 Summits on the Air – ARM for EA2 3. Summit Reference Data 3.1 Region Reference – Araba/Alava Association Spain (North – EA2) Region Araba/Alava (EA2/VI-xxx) Region manager Refer to Association Manager 3.1.1 Regional notes Araba/Álava is one of seven provinces of Spain EA2, and one of the three territories which constitute the autonomous community of Euskadi.
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