Original Article

Evaluation of viral haemorrhagic fever surveillance system with focus on Ebola vi- rus disease, municipality- , , 2011- 2015 Francis Broni, Joseph O. Larbi, Edwin A. Afari, Kofi M. Nyarko, Donne K. Ameme and Ernest Kenu Ghana Med J 2020; 54(2)supplement: 18-25 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/gmj.v54i2s.4

Ghana Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Programme, Department of Epidemiology and Disease Control, University of Ghana, Legon, Accra

Corresponding author: Donne Kofi Ameme E-mail: [email protected] Conflict of interest: None declared

SUMMARY Background: We evaluated the Viral haemorrhagic fever (VHF) surveillance system from 2011 to 2015 in the Bawku Municipality, Upper East region, Ghana to determine whether the goals of the surveillance system are being met and to assess the performance of the system attributes. Design: Descriptive secondary data analysis. Setting: Bawku Municipality Data Source: Review VHF surveillance records, interviewed community-based surveillance volunteers (CBSVs) and reviewed vital events registers. We also assessed the system attributes by reviewing records and interviewing key stakeholders involved in VHF surveillance system with focus on Ebola using checklist and semi structured question- naire developed based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines. Main outcome measure: System attributes of the VHF surveillance system Results: Population under surveillance was 105,849. The system required detail information about suspected cases. However, it had a simple and clear standard case definitions, and was well integrated with the IDSR. There is a regular and timely flow of information. The system captured 155 suspected cases nationwide from 2011 to 2015 and all tested negative. Of these, Upper East Region reported 10 suspected cases including 4 suspected cases from Bawku Munici- pality. Conclusion: The VHF surveillance system achieved its objectives. However, poor data quality, inadequately trained surveillance officers, and inadequate financial support are threats to the effectiveness of the system.

Keywords: Viral haemorrhagic fever, surveillance system evaluation, attributes, Bawku Municipality, Ghana Funding: This work was supported by Ghana Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program (GFELTP), University of Ghana

INTRODUCTION Viral haemorrhagic fever describes severe illness associ- of infected persons is considered the principal mode of ated with bleeding that may be caused by viruses. The transmission.2 The first case of Ebola was discovered term is applied to disease caused by Filoviridae (Ebola near Ebola River of Democratic Republic of Congo in and Marburg) and others (Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic 1976.3 Since then EVD epidemics have occurred in Cen- fever, Rift Valley Fever, Hantaan haemorrhagic fevers, tral Africa regions until recent widespread of outbreaks yellow fever, dengue, Omsk haemorrhagic fever, Ky- in West Africa.1 However, in 1994, Cote d’Ivoire re- asanur forest disease). Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is one ported one case of Ebola in laboratory personnel who per- of the VHF diseases that has been of great concern in Af- formed autopsy on infected chimpanzee.4 rica in recent times. The disease is deadly zoonotic dis- ease of viral haemorrhagic fever in human with average The 2013 – 2016 West Africa outbreak was largest ever case fatality of about 50% (ranges: 25% - 90%).1 in the history of mankind with 28,602 suspected cases and 11,301 deaths.5 This outbreak affected six West Af- The introduction of Ebola virus in the human population rican countries, United State of America, Spain, UK and through animal to human transmission, person to person Italy.5,6 transmission by direct contact of body fluids/secretions

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The affected West Africa countries include; Guinea, Li- District to the south, Garu- to beria, Sierra Leone, Mali, Senegal and Nigeria.5,6 How- the east and Bawku West to the west. Bawku Municipal- ever, intense transmission occurred in Guinea, Liberia ity operates a three-tier health care system, consisting of and Sierra Leone and minor transmission or isolated community, sub-district and district. The lowest level of cases, with roots from West Africa outbreak occurred in health care system in Bawku is the Community-based Mali, Senegal, Nigeria, Spain, UK, USA and Italy.7 EVD Health Planning and Services (CHPS), which provides surveillance system before the outbreak was passive with community level health services including the treatment suspected cases identified at health facilities.8 of minor ailments, home-visits, community outreaches, education and health promotion. Public health surveillance and response is a major com- ponent of the Global Health Security Agenda.9 A robust and reliable public health surveillance system is essential to the development of an efficient outbreak response.10 According to the World Health Organisation, a public health surveillance system which can immediately detect and report cases of illness compatible with EVD must be in place to monitor and respond promptly in the face of public health emergencies.11 Though EVD has not been recorded in all West African countries, it is important to improve preparedness and response in all countries so that appropriate public health responses can be rapidly initiated.12 Again, most of these countries share similar health system characteristics and challenges which can also lead to similar epidemics with the affected coun- tries.13

Ghana has a surveillance system in place for viral hem- orrhagic fevers (VHF) since the inception of second edi- tion of Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) in 2011. However, there is no documented evi- dence that the VHF surveillance system has been evalu- ated in the Upper East Region. Regular evaluation of the VHF surveillance system is recommended to ensure that weaknesses in the system are identified and strengthened. The objectives of viral haemorrhagic fever surveillance system are to detect cases early for prompt management and control, and to monitor burden of the disease and pat- tern of spread.

We evaluated the surveillance system for the period 2011 to 2015 in the Bawku Municipality in the Upper East Re- gion, with particular focus on Ebola. We sought to de- termine whether the goals of the surveillance system are Figure 1 Map of Bawku Municipality15 being met and to assess the performance of the system attributes. The Bawku Municipality is divided into seven health ad- ministrative sub-districts with 20 health facilities consist- METHODS ing of one hospital, seven health centres, nine Commu- Study site nity Based Health Planning Services (CHPS) Zones, two We conducted evaluation of the surveillance system by clinics and one maternity home. Each sub-district has dis- reviewing data covering 2011 to 2015. The evaluation ease surveillance unit that monitor and report on 43 re- carried out between 17 December 2015 and 9 January portable diseases including EVD. There has not been any 2016 in Bawku Municipality of the Upper East Region, confirmed case of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in the Ghana. The municipality is one of the 13 districts in the Bawku Municipality. Upper East Region with estimated population of 105849 14 and shares boundaries with District to the north,

19 www.ghanamedj.org Volume 54 Number 2 Supplement June 2020 Copyright © The Author(s). This is an Open Access article under the CC BY license. Original Article

Study Design RESULTS We conducted descriptive study of the VHF surveillance Population under surveillance system with special focused on EVD in Bawku using the The population under the VHF surveillance in the Bawku “Updated Guidelines for Evaluating Public Health Sur- Municipality in 2015 was 105849. This number included veillance Systems’ of Centers for Disease Control and everybody irrespective of the age and sex. Prevention (CDC) 16. We assessed usefulness of the sys- tem by considering policies that have been made and their Case definition of VHF versus Ebola Virus Disease used contribution to the prevention and control of VHF. We at Bawku Municipality A suspected case of VHF is de- visited health facilities to review VHF surveillance rec- fined as a person with an acute onset of fever of less than ords focusing on Ebola. We also interviewed the Com- 3 weeks duration in a severely ill patient and any 2 of the munity-based surveillance volunteers (CBSVs) and re- following; haemorrhagic or purpuric rash; epistaxis (nose viewed vital events registers. We also assessed the sys- bleed); haematemesis (blood in vomit); haemoptysis tem attributes by reviewing records and interviewing key (blood in sputum); blood in stool; other haemorrhagic informants involved in VHF surveillance using checklist symptoms and no known predisposing factors for haem- and semi structured questionnaire. orrhagic manifestations.

Flexibility was assessed based on integration of the sys- Definition for confirmed case: tem with other surveillance systems and adaptability to Confirmed case was defined as: A suspected case with changing needs of the system. Sensitivity was evaluated laboratory confirmation or epidemiologic link to con- as the proportion of suspected cases detected by the sys- firmed cases or outbreak. tem. We determined acceptability of the surveillance us- ing completeness and timeliness of reporting. Timeliness However, for the purpose of interest in EVD, the case was determined by number of reporting sites that re- definition for EVD was as follows: ported every Monday before 12 noon and the period it A suspected case of EVD was defined as any person ill took for District Health Directorate to receive infor- or deceased who has or had fever with the following mation from health facilities when cases were suspected. symptoms: headache, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, intense fatigue, abdominal pain, general muscular or articular We further assessed stability of the system by consider- pain, difficulty in swallowing, difficulty in breathing, ing the interruption and functionality of system. Data hiccoughs and signs of haemorrhage, such as bleeding of from District Health Information Management System 2 the gums, nose-bleeding, conjunctival injection, red spots (DHIMS 2) database, case based forms and weekly re- on the body, bloody stools and or melaena (black tarry porting forms were abstracted to determine data quality stools), or vomiting blood (haematemesis). and completeness. Data quality was assessed on available case based forms with proportion of variable fields com- Surveillance officers at all levels demonstrated mastery pleted. We analysed quantitative data using Epi Info 7 of the case definition and considered it clear and simple and generated summary descriptive statistics. We used to apply. A probable case was defined as any person alive content directed analysis to summarize qualitative re- or dead having contact with a case of EVD and with a sponses by themes. history of acute fever; or any person of history of acute fever and three or more of the following symptoms: head- Ethical Considerations ache, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, intense fatigue, ab- The Director of the Diseases Surveillance Department of dominal pain, general muscular or articular pain, diffi- the Ghana Health Service granted approval for the access culty in swallowing, difficulty in breathing, hiccoughs or and use of the data for this review. Permission was offi- unexplained death; or a person without any symptoms cially obtained from the Regional Health Directorate of having had physical contact with a case or the body fluids Ghana Health Service, Upper East Region. We further of case within the last three weeks. The notion of physical obtained permission from the Municipal Directorate of contact may be proven or highly suspected such as hav- Ghana Health Service, Bawku Municipal for the use of ing shared the same room or bed, cared for patient, the data. Consent was obtained from interviewees. Data touched body fluids or closely participated in a burial held on computers were encrypted with a password (physical contact with the corpse). which was made available only on a need to know basis. This evaluation was carried out to improve the health sys- The case definition also included a community case def- tem process and service in the district. inition. In the outbreak period the community case defi- nition was to increase the index of suspicion in the com- munities where no case is found.

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The alert case includes history within the previous one Resource situation in the surveillance system month of travel to any place with confirmed EVD out- With the exception of the municipal health directorate break or contact with someone from any place with con- which had two computers, 3 cartons of gloves and 2 over- firmed EVD outbreak who has been sick with febrile ill- all coats. No hospital, health center of CHPS compound ness or confirmed of Ebola. Unexplained fever, sudden in the municipality had any of these items. No health sys- and unexpected death or history of fever with signs of tem level in the Bawku municipality had a non-contact bleeding. thermometer.

A confirmed case was defined as a suspected or probable In all the facilities visited, personal protective equipment case that is laboratory confirmed. Laboratory confirmed (PPEs) were not available for use except the municipal cases must test positive for the virus antigen, either by health directorate that reported of receiving some. The detection of virus ribonucleic acid (RNA) by reverse municipal hospital had one gun thermometer that was transcriptase-PCR (RT-PCR), or by detection of IgM an- used at the out patients department (OPD). Regarding hu- tibodies directed against Ebola. man resource training on EVD, 42.9% (18/42) inform- ants interviewed did not receive any form of training at Stakeholders all. These include 61.1% (11/18) community based sur- The stakeholders for VHF surveillance system in Bawku veillance volunteers, 33.3% (6/18) community health of- municipality include the Municipal Health Management ficers or nurses and 5.6% (1/18) physician assistant. Team (MHMT) led by Municipal Director of Health Ser- vice, the Municipal Assembly, Municipal Hospital, the Operation of the system sub-districts health facilities and CBSVs. They were re- The community-based surveillance volunteers (CBSV) sponsible for policy implementation and made decision reported any unusual event to the nearest health facilities for VHF including Ebola virus disease (EVD) surveil- through phone calls, in-person, or the suspected cases lance system in the municipality. self-report or are brought to the health facility through the out-patient department (OPD), antenatal clinic (ANC), Table 1 Frequency distribution of Key informants, EVD maternity home, assessment centre and other special clin- surveillance system Bawku Municipality, 2015 ics. The health care worker at the screening desk took Key Informant Sex (%) Total (%) temperature and asked of at least one sign of bleeding from any site of the body or bloody diarrhea. Suspected Male Female cases were reviewed by a clinician using the case defini- Director 0(0.0) 1(100.0) 1(100) tion to classify cases and document in the patient’s record MSO 1(100.0) 0(0.0) 1(100) DCO 12(92.3) 1(7.7) 13(100) book. The information is then entered into consulting PHN 0(0.0) 2(100.0) 2(100) room register by nurse. The patient is immediately iso- HIO 3(75.0) 1(25.0) 4(100) lated, and clinician immediately calls the public health CHO/CHN 6(75.0) 2(25.0) 8(100) officer or disease control officer to complete the case- PA 1(50.0) 1(50.0) 2(100) based form for the suspected cases and list all contacts. CBSV 11(100) 0(0.0) 11(100) Total 34(81.0) 8(19.0) 42(100) Blood samples were then taken for laboratory investiga- tion. The municipal health directorate was immediately Forty-two informants were interviewed. Majority of the notified on phone and copy of case-based forms sent respondents were males 80.9% (34/42). Among the cate- within 6 hours depending on distance and ready availa- gories of informants, Disease Control officers were the bility of means of transportation to Bawku. The munici- majority 30.95% (13/42). pal health directorate ensures that the blood samples to- gether with completed case-based forms are sent to re- We also identified stakeholders at regional level. They gional surveillance unit for onward submission to Nogu- include Deputy Director of Public Health (DDPH), Re- chi Memorial Institute of Medical Research (NMIMR) gional Surveillance Officers and Regional Health Infor- for laboratory investigations. These are done within 48 mation Officers. They formulate policies and make deci- hours. The district also shares copies of the case-based sion for VHF surveillance system. Surveillance officers forms for the suspected cases with the regional surveil- at the National Disease Surveillance Department collate lance unit. all information on VHF (EVD in context) for the country, analyze national data, report and make recommendations The Noguchi Memorial Institute of Medical Research to the Ministry of Health for policy considerations. No- (NMIMR) conducts test for Ebola virus first and also guchi Memorial Institute of Medical Research (NMIMR) tests for other viral haemorrhagic fever agents. Labora- was responsible for testing all suspected EVD samples in tory findings were reported to the national surveillance the country. department for onward transmission/communication to

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the regional surveillance department within three days. Suspected cases were reported to the municipal health di- feedback was given to the municipal health directorate rectorate within one hour of seeing the case at health fa- within 72 hours after the samples are sent for analysis. cility. Blood samples of suspected cases were taken and The report is communicated to all the hospitals and health together with completed case-based form, these were facilities through phone calls and durbar. The national submitted to regional health directorate within 12-24 surveillance department informed other partners in- hours. Within 48 hours, the region submitted the sample volved in EVD surveillance system through weekly epi- together with a copy of case based/ case investigation demiological reporting communique. Figure 2 indicates form to NMIMR for laboratory investigation. The out- the flow of information in the Ebola surveillance system. come of the laboratory investigations was communicated to national surveillance department in less than 24 hours after the specimen had been received. The national sur- veillance department in turn communicates the finding to the region in less than a 24 hours through phone calls and emails. The district receives laboratory reports within 72 hours after the specimen was submitted to the region through phone calls and email from the region.

Data confidentiality At the health facility, district and regional levels, files containing hard copies of case based forms were shelved. At the hospital hard copies of case based forms were stored in a cabinet under lock and key. Computers at dis- trict, regional and national levels had passwords. How- ever, the district stored the hard copies of the case based forms in a wooden cabinet under lock and key.

System attributes Simplicity The system was complex. Detailed personal information about the suspected case is required. It also required mon- itoring and contract tracing of suspected and confirmed cases respectively. Samples for laboratory investigation required prompt transportation with the highest safety precautions to Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research. However, the case definition is very simple and easy to apply by all trained personnel.

Flexibility Figure 2. VHF surveillance system information The system was flexible and well incorporated into Inte- flowchart, Bawku municipality, 2015 grated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR). It adapted to changes in the new case definition for Ebola Data Collection and Reporting without major reconfiguration of the system. It used the The VHF surveillance system in Bawku Municipality same staff and resources of other disease surveillance used both active and passive case search to collect data. systems for its operation. At the community all suspected cases were recorded in the community vital events register or note book and im- Stability mediately reported to the nearest health facility. Clini- The system was stable; it had not seen any interruption cians at health facilities recorded details of suspected for the previous years. Weekly and monthly reporting Ebola cases into patient record book and consulting room was consistent and prompt. All stakeholders at all levels register. Following this, active case search and contact work to sustain the functionality of the system. tracing was done to identify more cases. Routinely, the disease control officers also performed active case search Acceptability in the health facilities by reviewing previous admission The system was accepted at all levels. Every stakeholder records for suspected cases. was willingly participating and supporting the system. Reporting rate of the municipality was 100 percent.

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All reporting sites submit report regularly and promptly. weekly and monthly reports were received on time and The reporting sites report on zero case as required every transmitted appropriately to other levels within the re- week. quired time.

Timeliness Data quality The suspected cases at the health facility level were re- The majority of information in the case based forms were ported to district health directorate within an hour. Sam- completed for most of the suspected cases. However, var- ples and case base forms were sent to Regional Surveil- iable fields for date, sex and travelling history were not lance Unit within 24 hours for onward submission to filled for some of the suspected cases. There was a data NMIMR. The reports of laboratory investigation were re- validation team but it was not functional. ceived by districts within 72 hours through phone calls after the samples were delivered to the region. The

Figure 2 Completeness of selected variables for VHF Case based form, Bawku municipal

Feedback However, all suspected cases tested negative and hence Feedback was prompt at all levels. The national gives the system was able to rule out an outbreak of EVD. feedback to region through phone calls, weekly epidemi- ology bulletin and support visits. The laboratory reports Predictive value positive together with the case-based forms were sent to the re- There were 155 suspected cases reported for the entire gion. The region sent immediate feedback through phone country during the period under evaluation. Of the total calls; and copies laboratory reports are sent later through cases, 10 (6.5%) suspected cases were reported from Up- regional health directorate to district. per East Region. The Bawku Municipal reported 4 (40%) out of the 10 suspected cases for the region. All the cases The district informs the health facilities and staff by tested negative for Ebola virus and other VHF viruses. phone calls, supportive supervisory visits and infor- Thus, the predictive value positive (PVP) was zero per- mation is also disseminated at durbar. The district health cent (0%) for the entire country. management team promptly briefs the district health committee of the reports. Usefulness The information gathered from the surveillance system Sensitivity was used to enhance training for health and surveillance The system was zero reporting between 2011 and 2013, staff at all levels. It was also used by the district to estab- however, between 2014 and 2015, the level of case de- lish effective Ebola emergency preparedness plan. The tection in the system went from zero to 155 suspected district has further put in place measures to monitor any- cases. The system was capable of detecting an outbreak body travelling to or from Ebola confirmed positive re- through case confirmation at the NMIMR. gions or countries.

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It has also helped in the establishment of monitoring of- laboratory. From the available data from the facilities that fice for Ebola at Paga. This office coordinates and reports reported during the period under review, the country- weekly to the office of Regional Minister. wide predictive value positive was zero percent. Thus, for all the suspected cases that were tested for viral haemor- DISCUSSION rhagic fever all were negative. Awareness on EVD was The study addresses an important global public health is- high due to the West African Ebola Outbreak. The case sue on VHF surveillance with focus on EVD in the con- definition for a suspected case was very sensitive and this text of health system strengthening. The findings from was important in ensuring that no case of EVD was this study indicated some strengths of the VHF surveil- missed. Even though investigating many suspected EVD lance system in Bawku municipality as well as the Upper cases is expensive, the cost of missing one case of EVD East Region. These include timeliness of reporting and is incalculable. receiving feedback, acceptability, and representativeness of the system. Feedback was prompt and regular at all The weaker attributes of the system such as data quality levels of the VHF surveillance system. The reporting was could be attributed to inadequate training of surveillance regular and prompt at all reporting sites, from the com- officers on data collection and management that give rise munity to national. to the poor completeness and validity found in this eval- uation. This could in turn be partly attributed to the afore- Although, our study further found the system to be com- mentioned financial constraints in the face of competing plex, it had clear objectives and a simple case definition. state priorities so common in developing countries such The system is largely accepted by all the stakeholders. as Ghana. However, the study also showed major gaps in proper functioning of the VHF surveillance after years of IDSR LIMITATION implementation in Ghana. We observed data quality and For a part of this evaluation, we analysed secondary data validity issues with suspected EVD cases, problems re- whose quality may not be optimum. However, we per- garding inadequate resources and training of staff. A sim- formed data quality checks to improve the data quality ilar study in Ghana and another in Guinea on Ebola sur- before analysis. veillance also revealed that poor data quality, data avail- ability and validity were major problems which resulted 6,10 CONCLUSION in the large Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Public The VHF surveillance system operated in Bawku Munic- health response to disease outbreaks is affected by com- 10 ipality can detect cases of EVD early and prevent spread pleteness and accuracy of information available. of outbreaks. Stakeholder interests and participation in the operation of the system are high. However, poor data A study on Ebola virus disease surveillance and response quality, inadequately trained surveillance officers, and preparedness in northern Ghana showed some weakness 17 inadequate financial support are threats to the effective- in the surveillance system in Ghana. These weaknesses ness of the system. include data quality (completeness and validity), ineffec- tive feedback to lower reporting levels, and inadequate resources for training surveillance officers.17 The current REFERENCES study in Bawku municipality revealed similar problems. 1. Feldmann H. Geisbert TW. Ebola haemorrhagic fe- Our finding also agrees with that of Wiwanikit, which ver. The Lancet 2011: 377(9768), 849–862. stated that limited resources and training of health pro- https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(10)60667-8 fessionals affect the quality of Ebola surveillance activi- 2. United States Centers for Disease Control and Pre- ties.18 Another study also revealed that political will, vention. Ebola (Ebola Virus Disease) Transmission. health investment, and human resource development are US CDC, Atlanta 2018. Retrieved: the major hindrances in building dependable health sys- https://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/transmission/in- tems and surveillance responses for disease outbreaks in dex.html. On: 15 June 2018 West Africa region.19 3. WHO. Ebola virus disease fact sheets detail. WHO. 2018. Geneva. Retrieved: http://www.who.int/news- Overall, the surveillance system had some strengths. The room/fact-sheets/detail/ebola-virus-disease on: 20 system is well integrated, stable and easily adapted to September, 2018 changes without any major reconfiguration. The system 4. World Health Organization. Ebola and Marburg vi- has clear objectives and simple case definition which is rus disease epidemics preparedness, alert, control, easy to apply. There is clear channel of communication and evaluation - Ebola-and-Marburg-virus-disease- and feedbacks are regular. The suspected cases of EVD were investigated by highly trained specialist at the P-3

24 www.ghanamedj.org Volume 54 Number 2 Supplement June 2020 Copyright © The Author(s). This is an Open Access article under the CC BY license. Original Article

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