Elsevier Editorial System(tm) for Poetics Manuscript Draft Manuscript Number: Title: Amateurs online: creativity in a community. Article Type: Full Length Article Keywords: digital community, creativity, symbolic field, authorship, collaboration Corresponding Author: Dr. Yra van Dijk, Ph.D. Corresponding Author's Institution: University of Amsterdam First Author: Yra van Dijk, Ph.D. Order of Authors: Yra van Dijk, Ph.D. Abstract: The character of authorship, evaluation, canonization and production of artworks is altering in new communication technologies. A mass of amateur and participatory works and reviews is challenging the existing symbolic and economic structure of the field. This article focuses on the function and the workings of an online digital community of amateur authors, considering the community as a network with actors. Drawing from the field of literary sociology and of cyber-ethnography, a qualitative analysis is made of the online exchanges between 2001 and 2004. The function of the community in question is in the online exchanges themselves, which have creative agency. What is produced a reservoir of critical, technical and poetical knowledge of the genre. This implies a form of collaboration with a 'product', which is however not to be measured in any pragmatic or economical sense of the word, but in pleasure and creativity. A second conclusion is that the exchanges themselves perform classic institutional functions. This community is constructed like the 19th century societies of amateur writers or artists, that formed their own institutions. As in those societies, emphasis is on craft and creativity rather than on the economic or symbolic value of the products. Suggested Reviewers: Ronald Soetaert Professor Professor, Pedagogical Studies, University of Gent, Belgium
[email protected] Prof.dr.