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HaleEvans bindex.indd V2 - 08/10/2011 Page 373 Index A alphabets. See specifi c alphabets The Annotated Flatland: Aardvark, 79, 82 alphabet buildings, 172 A Romance of Many Abbot, Edwin A., 71, 240, 242, alternate-reality games, 159, Dimensions (Abbot & 260 160 Stewart), 71, 240, 242, 260 Abbott, Robert, 368 Ambient Music Manifesto, 137 annotation techniques, 32–44 Abbott’s Original Card Games Ambleside Online, 61 Annoyster, 310 (Abbott), 368 American Manual Alphabet, anomia, 332–333 abductive logic, 204–209 264–269 answer forums, 79–80, absurd stories, 3 American Sign Language 81–82 Accelerando (Stross), 166 (ASL), 264, 282 anthropic units, 124, 216, 219 acquired taste, 300–305 Amster-Burton, Matthew, 304 antilibrary, 31 Action Driver 2. See AD2 ana, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 252, APET Model modifi cation, 349 AD2 (Action Driver 2), 73, 74, 253, 254, 255, 257 apocopes, 11, 12, 13 75, 76 anarcho-syndicalism, 175 Appalachia lore, 169 Adams, Douglas, 355 The Anatomy of a Large Scale applied behavior analysis, 163 Adams, Scott, 64, 65, 66 Social Search Engine appointment, mental, 95–99 Adanaxis, 259 (Horowitz & Kamvar), 83 appreciation, Harvard Adler, Mortimer, 26–27, 28, 30, ancient Greeks Negotiation Project, 348 44, 48 Archilocus, 63, 64 arbitrariness, of calendars, 105 Adler’s pyramid, 26–27 Aristotle, 142, 219, 223, Archilocus, 63, 64 affi liation, Harvard 225, 272 architecture, subsumption, Negotiation Project, 348 Mnemosyne, 1 173 agile programming,COPYRIGHTED 151, 160 rainbows, 272 MATERIALAristotle, 142, 219, 223, air conditioning, 168, 172 Stoicism, 179, 303, 357–358 225, 272 alarm clock, Internet, 310–311 vocabulary, 18 Armstrong, Thomas, 364 Albert Einstein (AE) example, ancient Mayan calendar, art, 143–148, 187–195 97, 98 104 Art and Fear: Observations on Alfa, 265 ancient Romans, 8–10, 64, the Perils (and Rewards) algebra, 227.
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