MAY 2008 Vol. XXVI, No.5 Filipinos excel in networking Special Report By Zenaida Kharroubi Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, May 2-5, 2008 - Pro Travel Network held another international training event at the Ocean Blue and Sands Resort which was attended by over 600 independent travel agents from across the U.S.A. and Canada.. Pro Travel Network, founded in 2003 has been enjoying tremendous popularity among Filipino-Canadians. It holds international training events four times a year. Prior to Punta Cana, a 7- day cruise of the Caribbean was offered to its independent travel agents just for $99. Attracted by the possibilities of traveling and making money at the same time, many people have gone into travel as a home based business. Paul Henderson, president and founder of Pro Travel Network, was interviewed for this article in order to Pro Travel Network presented top travel agents with membership in the President’s Club. Five out of ten members are Filipinos, one of whom is from Montreal, Alicia Atayde Lee (4th from right). Photo taken in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. See Page 4 Pro Travel Network Albay Province Gilmore founder to receive TOFA award By Alvin D. Veloso Washington, D.C. - April 15, seem to be involved in many things. 2008 - A panel of judges for a U.S. Zenaida Ferry Kharroubi whose based magazine, the Filam Image, pioneering spirit has been founded by Nonoy Mendoza, has demonstrated time and time again in TOURISM Page 6 selected Zenaida Kharroubi, editor and everything she has done – from publisher of the Filipino Star and building her own school to establishing Contents founder of the first Filipino-owned the first Filipino Canadian Scout group college, as one of this year’s TOFA in Montreal – is a classic example of awardees. Started 20 years ago, how an immigrant like herself can TOFA (Twenty Outstanding Filipinos succeed under any kind of Abroad) endeavors to reocgnize circumstances. She also has proven Cooperative News ...... p. 3 Filipinos abroad who have achieved a that there are many things in life that certain level of success in their chosen can be done if one is willing to do Tourism ...... p. 6 careers and who have promoted a them. She joggles her time among positve image in their communities. A numerous tasks and responsibilities – Filstar Photo Gallery . . . p. 10 gala event will be held on Saturday, she not only teaches full time but also September 13, 2008 at the J.W. Marriot manages a staff of freelance teachers Philippine Cuisine . . . . . p. 12 Hotel in Washington, D.C. to honor this who work in her own college, edits and year’s awardees. Relatives, friends and publishes a monthly newspaper, Zenaida Ferry Kharroubi, M.A., Director- Community News ...... p. 13 associates of awardees are serves as administrator of a Scouting General, Gilmore International College encouraged to attend. A detailed group, called Laging Hand 0592 and Publisher & Editor, The North American Global Perspectives . . . . p. 15 program of activities includes a volunteers in the first Filipino Solidarity Filipino Star, and President, Filipino courtesy call on the Philippine Cooperative which she has saved Solidarity Cooperative 2008-2010 Showbiz Gossip ...... p. 16 Ambassador to the United States, and from its impending closure when it ran award in May 2004 which was followed VIP Tour of Historic Monuments and out of funds. She served as its by a certificate of appreciation from the Classified Ads ...... p. 18 Sights including Dim Sum VIP secretary treasurer for 1 1/2 years. Chair of Human Relations of the World luncheon Congratulatory messages Recently, she has been acclaimed to Academy of Letters in October 2004. will be published in the souvenir be its new president for a term of three In June 2005, Ambassador Francisco program. Net proceeds from the event years. Benedicto of the Philippine Embassy in are to be donated to charitable In recognition of her many Ottawa gave her a plaque of projects in the Philippines. accomplishments, she received appreciation. During the 17th Isaac T. Goodine’s book entitled several awards and certificates. In anniversary celebration of Gilmore “Leaders Leading Leaders” contains 2000, the Bb Pilipinas World Beauty International College on October 28, an excerpt that states: “Between the Pageant gave her a certificate as one 2006, three organizations gave her a big things that we cannot do and the of the 10 outstanding Filipino big surprise – the Scouts and their little things we will not do, the Canadians. In May 2003, she received parents, the Philippine Folk Art Society danger is that we will do nothing.” a Teacher Award from the Canadian of Quebec, and the Filipino Solidarity (Monod) This quote underscores the Association of Canadian Filipino Cooperative – each one of them Be a C.I.T.P. (certified int’l trade fact that there are people who do Teachers. The Philippine Folk Art See Page 5 TOFA Award professional) nothing but there are also those who Society of Quebec gave her a service Register now at Gilmore International College - Call 514-485-7861 may 2008 2 The North American Filipino Star FILIPINO SOLIDARITY FSCI 2004 COOPERATIVE EDITORIAL Coopérative de Solidarité Filipino Change we can believe in 4711 Van Horne Avenue, Montreal H3W 1H8 Change - an attractive the cooperative can also become a concept nowadays which seems to political force. If all the members are offer a lot of hope that things will be informed of the issues of the day better. Presidential candidate Barrack through information seminars, we Obama has carried the slogan would have accomplished a great :Change we can believe in” which task of nation building. We will be seems to have convinced the able to create a society we want by American voters, particularly the being able to ask our legislators what youth, to put their faith in his ability to we need and want. make a difference. Even though this Things can be changed if we is yet to be proven after he gets all can work together. The nominated and elected to be the first cooperative movement is a way to Black president, we cannot help but make the changes we can really stand in awe in our expectation of believe in because we will be able to great things to come. see the benefits of our efforts. Not only will we have better prices, better Borrowing the idea of We sell not only frozen fish, meat, but also canned and drygoods Senator Obama that we can institute products but we will also enjoy the changes that we can believe in, we convenience of shopping for our daily Earn 6% interest per year needs in a convenient place. It will Want to give away a think this can be demonstrated by by buying interest- first changing people’s attitudes if we not be long before we have the are patient enough and if we are benefits of our membership in the unique gift? bearing shares available passionate about our beliefs. We can cooperative. It is feasible and to Coop members influence people by our determined believable that we will have a Attend our Info Seminar effort to make things better not only in Philippine village in Cote des Neiges Buy your gift on Saturday, June 14, in the very near future if we all agree words but also in actions. For 2:30-4:30 P.M. example, we are determined to show to support the cooperative certificates from the our fellow citizens that the only way to movement. Being one of the most FAMAS Building have economic progress in our numerous population in this area, Filipino Coop 4708 Van Horne community is to work together and there is no reason for us to fail. All we Montreal, QC build our prosperity through the need to do is to give ourselves a cooperative movement. We want to chance to prove that changing our share with everyone a vision of the attitudes towards one another will future when we have built a business open up new opportunities FILIPINO COOP enterprise that belongs to the whole economically, politically, and socially. community, We believe that a These economic opportunities can be cooperative is designed to help many in the form of earning dividends from STORE HOURS more people than a single private our membership investment, political Monday to Friday - 12:30-8:30 P.M. business. It is also easier to raise power is in terms of having an capital without undue burden on one organization that can lobby for our Saturday-Sunday - 1:00 - 7:00 P.M. single individual. By agreeing to work interests, and social support is in Telephone: 514-733-8915 in a cooperative, we also become being able to participate in group community-oriented. Eventually, this activities that are both stimulating and experience will make us become enjoyable. (FORMERLY DIVISORIA-CUBAO) batter people, better citizens for we Perhaps, there are other will be able to learn to care about benefits that are intangible for it is not under new administration other people’s welfare. We also always the materialistic gains that Not yet a member? Support your first and only prove to ourselves that helping others make us happy. We may appreciate is good for the heart and soul. the value of a cooperative in terms of Filipino cooperative in Canada. Be a member now! Besides the beneficial effects the fellowship it offers and the feeling TANGKILIKIN ANG SARILING ATIN of the cooperative experience, we of having made it a successful also must remember that the business enterprise may be the To all our clients: cooperative is a way to create jobs for greatest reward of all. Perhaps, Senator Obama’s our young people and newcomers. It If you wish to place an order for fresh lechon during weekends, can serve as a training censer to slogan about change serves as a improve people’s skills in retailing, reminder to us that it is in each of us please call us no later than Thursday. We need a guaranteed communicaiton, and community to choose what we want out of our minimum order of 15 lbs to enable us to order lechon from our service. It can also serve as a life. It is our choice to believe in what supplier. commercial hub for small businesses. we can see and what we can hear, Members can put their products on and feel. But one thing is certain - life consignment and make money itself is a continuous flow of changes. without spending a penny on high To resist this flow will go against our overhead costs. being a real human being. When election time comes, Zenaida Ferry Kharroubi

The North American Filipino Star 4950 Queen Mary Road Penthouse Tel.: 514-485-7861 (5th Floor) near Snowdon Metro E-Mail: [email protected] SUBSCRIPTION Montreal, QC H3W 1X3 Zenaida Ferry Kharroubi Name:______Hilda T. Veloso Jerry Estrada Chief Editor & Publisher Community News Lina V. Fernandez Mary Joy Lizarondo Address:______Dr. Victor Gavino Sam Ferry Prof. Isaac Goodine Assistant Editor Sports News News & Tourism 12 issues $25 24 issues $45 Esther Stansfield Nida Verginom Butaran Alvin D. Veloso Bert Abiera Sales Representative Telephone: Residence:______Office: ______Contributors Founder Opinions, comments of writers and columnists do not necessarily reflect that of Enclose a cheque or money order for:$_____ the management of Filcan Publications, Inc. may 2008 The North American Filipino Star 3 bought your groceries from the Coop, contact us and give us their new we are appealing to you to do so from coordinates. COOPERATIVE NEWS now on so we can turn things around. We wish to thank students of We willl have one of our volunteers Gilmore International College for being It’s been almost two months Coop, even at $10 each, we will easily give you a call and remind you to generous and supportive namely, since the general assembly, and we attain $6300 of weekly sales. come and visit us soon. Esmeralda Roldan, Mary Ann are still waiting for more people to be New products have been We would like to remind those Solidarios, Helen Rose Molino, Christe involved and to volunteer in helping delivered on consignment to the Coop. people who paid only $10 or $20 Lusdoc, Hesil Bariguez, Josie Cacal, the Coop with the numerous tasks that Other members have indicated plans during the time of the first president, Maricel Mamuad and Remy Balmes. must be done. There are signs that to do the same thing people are taking notice of our steps to Although we need to purchase improve the Filipino Coop. In order to new equipment for fresh meat and increase our store hours, more vegetables, we are going to wait until volunteers are needed to be trained so we receive the funds we hope to raise tht they can operate the store during from issuing the interest-bearing the hours that are not covered by our shares. The previous board of paid employee. Our new cashier is on directors has already passed a

Coop Volunteers and Gilmmore students Hesil Bariguez and Christe Lusdoc are learning how to operate the cash and close the sales, while Zenaida Kharroubi, Coop president, looks on. duty only for eight hours a day, five days a week. Therefore, if our resolution to issue these preferred members want to see the store open shares, however, we have not yet longer, we need at least 3 volunteers a finalized the legal document necessary day to give 2.5 hours from 10:00 to to be signed for this purpose. It is 12:30 Monday to Friday, and another 6 planned to have this ready for the volunteers to take shifts from 11 a.m. Information Seminar that will be held to 7 p.m. on weekends. To lighten the on Saturday, June 14, 2008 from 2:30 load of each volunteer, we suggest a to 4:30 P.M. which will be held at the rotation of duties. If there are enough FAMAS building, 4708 Van Horne people willing to be volunteers, we can Avenue in Montreal. Mr. Art Cortez, a Top photo: Freezers for clearance sale in order to enable us to buy the organize the schedules to suit commercial and residential inspector proper equipment for fresh meat and vegetables. Bottom photo: Glass everyone’s convenience. Please will be one of the speakers. computer tables purchased by former president Joe Gaviola for his office submit your name by caling us at 514- A policy manual will be are also for sale. If you are interesed, please call 514-485-7861 for info. 733-8915, or 514-485-7861. developed soon in order to have a Jose Gaviola, to pay their balances. We made an attempt to offer clear understanding of the tasks and Around 400 people belong to this Dates to Remember specials during weekends like free functions of each member, volunteer category of not fully paid members. If Saturday, June 14 food tasting and fresh lechon but the and director of the Coop. They have to we can collect from them, we will have results have not yet been very remember that a cooperative is owned, a cash inflow of approximately $30,000 2:30-4:30 P.M. productive. However, we will not give operated, and capitalized by its own which can be used to buy the FREE Info Seminar members. and it is democratically up and will try again soon but before necessary equipment we need in order Famas Building doing so, we should find the time to organized. A member is qualified to to have fresh meat, fish and vegetables contact all members. There is enough run for director after one year of that most people buy from the bigger Friday, June 27 - 7:00 P.M. merchandise in the store but there still membership. stores. We will also be able to buy Social Dance for the other items that need to be purchased. To help the cooperative become more merchandise directly from the Our objective is to buy everything our successful, every member has a duty wholesalers benefit of the Filipino Coop members need so that they will come to do business with the cooperative by We also want to ask those 6767 Cote des Neiges buying regularly. If you are a member and buy their weekly groceries. If all members who have changed their Donation: $10 our 630 members buy weekly from the and you know that you have not yet addresses and telephone numbers to may 2008 4 The North American Filipino Star the expenses are tax deductible. The upset but just leave them alone. In his From Page 1 Pro Travel Network next international event will be in view, selling is personal because one get a better understanding of the Cancun, Mexico on August 22-25, gets upset when unable to make a sale concepts of networking and what is 2008. Those who attended the event Henderson, who hails from Los really involved in this type of business. in Punta Cana will get a $50 discount if Angeles, California, was born on Henderson explained how he they book before Friday, May 9, 2008. February 23, 1965. His parents have founded Pro Travel Network He had Henderson was not alone American-English-Irish-Indian roots. been introduced to the travel business when he founded Pro Travel in 2003. A He is married to Jessica Lewis who in 2001, and got involved with a young lady by the name of Valerie hails from Seattle, Washington. They have a daughter. He says that his motivation is his desire to make the best product in the travel business, or to be the best in the industry. His company is constantly engaged in projects after projects in search of Marlon Esperon with Paul Henderson better suppliers, better commissions, Lacsamana used to work two jobs. which she gave up and worked full time with Pro Travel. She earned half a million dollars during her first year. What is amazing about her case is that she has had no prior experience in networking. Marlon Esperon had just arrived in Canada and was working as an alarm installer before joining Pro Travel Network. He also quit his job to work full time in the travel busienss. Alicia Ataydee Lee delivers her speech, acknowledging how much Pro Travel has helped her. He was able to make over $300 000 in company specializing in membership his first year. It was Esperon who benefits, allowing people to travel at a Penley who was an accountant trained recruited Lacsamana. Henderson said cheaper price based on a group by Ernst and Young helped him in that the direction of his company discounted pricing similar to a Costco starting the company. For a few changed as a result of the successful sales club. People buy memberships months, they did everything – he was stories of people like Lacsamana and into this club. However, he found the president and janitor, and she was Esperon. Instead of expanding into some aspects of this arrangement the secretary and coffee person. Europe, Pro Travel will now focus more quite unfair as it presumed that Because it was home based, many on Asia but will first establish an office in Australia to strengthen its English speaking foothold and then will go straight into Asia, particularly China and Souteast Asia which includes the Philippines. Besides its main office in Paul Henderson with his wife and daughter Fresno California, it has three offices in easier access, and better training Canada – Toronto, Ontario, St. Jerome modules. Pro Travel Network is a in Quebec, and currently finalizing an publicly listed company, and stocks office lease in Vancouver, British are being traded under the name Columbia. The support staff has now PTVL. Some of its top travel agents increased to 75 employees.. have already bought a lot of stocks in Networking is not a new idea the company and they also advise but often times, people have others to do likewise before prices go misunderstood it What is exactly the up. meaning of networking? Henderson A Canadian blitz campaign is said it would take more than a few currently on. Henderson came to minutes to explain it but he used the Montreal last May 10, and will be back term “sorting” as a way of illustrating on June 22, 2008. how people should look at it. He said For those who are interested to Diamond rings were awarded to the top travel agents - three are Filipinos, namely Marlon Esperon (3rd from left), Connie Raz and Cora Lacsamana (5th and 6th respectively) everyone would be able to go to a people did not realize there were only destination at the same time. Some two people. Unfortunately, she passed people were unable to take advantage away as she had cancer but the of their memberships because of lack business was already established by of time, or money. This company then. As she knew her disease was ended up being bought out. He had progressive, she had hired people to already developed love of the travel replace her. business but had nowhere to go. Pro Travel had the distinct Luckily, he met a gentleman from advantage of having began at a time Montreal who operated a small travel when there were less people business which was more focused on interested in travel because of 9/11. In a true independent travel program that fact, a lot of people had told allowed people to become travel Henderson that his idea was not going agents by operating their business to work, but he had the vision to go from home. He discussed his vision ahead by building a true home based of a bigger company with the business business combined with the Some members of the Montreal delegation pose for souvenir after the awards ceremony owner he was working with as he was membership aspect. Therefore, he was willing to grow with his company, able to establish a srong foothold in that sorting is a way of selecting those find out more about Pro Travel however, he did not want to accept his the travel industry before others who who will be good at doing networking Network, they can attemd free offer so he had to go on his own. came later. as a business. It is like going into seminars every Tuesday in French and The international training events are According to Henderson, Pro business with those you share a Thursday in English at 7:30 P.M., at actually the membership aspect of the Travel Network is enjoying tremendous common vision, or commitment to Hotel Ruby Foo’s on 7655 Decarie business. People get to travel together growth. People started taking notice succeed in business. Those who do Boulevard, Montreal. and enjoy networking four times a year when stories about successful travel not share the same vision and who do which he calls “paycation” Besides agents are heard like those of Cora not want to believe in the same thing the educational aspect of these events, Lacsamana and Marlon Esperon. as you do, you do not have to get may 2008 The North American Filipino Star 5 Diploma course at McGill University. obtain a credit line with a bank in order become an institution of higher From Page 1 TOFA AWARD Immediately after obtaining an to keep the store open. The Coop’s learning. She has already started Education Diploma in 1972, she was store would have closed for lack of working towards that goal by awarded her a plaque of appreciation. hired as a high school teacher with the cash flow if she did not take the risk of collaborating with universities in other A quiet and unassuming Montreal Catholic School Commission guaranteeing the credit line which is countries. In 2001, she signed an person, Zenaida Ferry-Kharroubi finds and taught for 25 years before retiring secured against her own collateral. agreement with the Nantong Teachers it hard to speak about her in 1997. Believing that the Coop is an important College in China to offer the accomplishments, It takes a while While working as a high school symbol of community solidarity, she International Trade Program. She also before one can find out what she has teacher, she went back to university to does not stop campaigning to recruit signed an agreement with a university done but one record speaks for itself - finish a TESL certificate (teaching new Coop members. She devotes a in Tunisia for future collaboration. She she is known to be the first Filipino to English as a second language) in 1979, column in her newspaper to write the believes that one day Gilmore open a private college in Quebec. Her and then enrolled in the graduate news about the Cooperative in order to International College could be Gilmore own experience as a student in four school of education, obtaining an M.A. keep everyone informed. University. But before this happens, different universities and teacher in the degree in Educational Studies, Her latest preoccupation is she would like to have a branch or public schools in Quebec was one of Philosophy option from Concordia about working on a license to offer the extension in other selected cities like the reasons why she chose to open her University in 1995. She also studied Professional Integration Program to Ottawa, Toronto and Vancouver. as own business in education. She Financial and Management Accounting foreign graduates of nursing. Many of soon as her pilot project in Montreal believes that education is the only way in McGill University and some courses her students taking language courses becomes successful. At present, she we can effect change in society. She in Business Administration from are caregivers who have university already has been sending nursing aide established Gilmore Business Institute Concordia University. degrees in nursing, education, graduates to work in long term care on November 1, 1989 but it is now “Wearing many hats”, or doing engineering, and other healthcare institutions in Quebec. renamed as Gilmore International many things at the same time seems to fields but because of not being Other TOFA awardees from College because of the many foreign be a natural thing for her. Due to her accredited by the professional bodies, Montreal are: students attending courses in learning hectic schedule for being a wife, they are unable to practice their 1995 = Leticia Bulotano-Wheeler a second language and international mother, student and a teacher, she did professions. She wants to make a 1996 = Dr. Jack Aranda trade. not have time left to get involved with difference by making it possible for 1997 = Dr. Gene Santander She was born in Manila, community activities before her early these people to get the proper 1998 = Alvin D. Veloso Philippines and lived with her parents, retirement in 1997. However, as soon orientation and integration courses that 2004 = Editha Fedalizo the late Domingo S. Ferry and as she accepted one volunteer will make them acquire the necessary 2006 = Felicidad Rosales-Carino Filomena Aldana, in San Francisco del position, she received many more license to practice their professions. 2007 = Marlene Birao-Schacter Monte, Quezon City. She was the only requests for her services. She was She also plans to establish a student 1.Amb. Philippe J. Lhuillier - Albania, child until her parents adopted a baby press relations officer of the Philippine exchange program with universities in Italy; 2.Dr. Francis Talangbayan - Penn girl when she was 15 years old. She Benevolent Scholarship Society from the Philippines. If she succeeds in Valley, Pennsylvania; 3. Bob Dacanay - grew up under very strict rules and had 1996 to 1998, then vice-president from having the program approved by the Falls Church, Virginia; 4.Daniel Raul learned to work early in life, starting at 1998 to 2000. At the same time, she Quebec Ministry of Education, she will Teodoro - New York, New York age 16. She said she now realizes that was the chairman of La Liga Rizalista in be selecting carefully the first group of 5. Rosita Villanueva Lee - Las Vegas, the strict discipline she received from 1998 to 1999, and secretary of the students in order to make sure that Nevada; 6. Dr. Edmundo Relucio - Coal her parents gave her the motivation to Philippine Centennial Movement, they all succeed in passing the City, Illinois; 7. Dr. Jun Quion - McLean, be self-sufficient and to work hard. In Montreal Chapter. She was also the licensing examinations. Hopefully, she Virginia; 8. Dolores Ortal - Honolulu, fact, she had always been a working Vice-President of the Quebec expects to finish preparations for this Hawaii; 9. Dr. Marianito Asperilla - Port student for many years but in spite of Association of Filipino-Canadian program for next school year in Charlotte, Florida; 10. Dr. Eusebio Kho her busy schedule, she managed to Teachers from 1996 to 1998, and September 2009, perhaps, just in time - Scottsburg, Indiana 11. Dr. Eddie teach catechism on Sundays at the communication director of the before the 20th anniversary of Gilmore Calderon - Minneapolis, Minnesota church near her home in Quezon City. Philippine Folk Art Society of Quebec International College. which she plans 12. Dr. Carmencita Fulgado - Jamaica, She also worked during weekends in for 4 years from 2002 to 2006. In 2003, to celebrate in an upscale venue. New York. The list is obviously not yet dressmaking although she already had she became a group commissioner of What will be her next project? complete as traditionally, 20 awardees a job as secretary, first at the Lions Scouts Canada, having formed the first Nobody can tell but one thing is are selected yearly. Club of Manila where she worked for Filipino Canadian Scout Group named certain. She has a dream that the seven years and then at Botica de “Laging Handa 0592, under the school she founded will one day Santa Cruz, a pharmaceutical and drug Quebec Council of Scouts Canada. manufacturing company. Filipino-Canadian Tennis Association of Montreal ( Since 1980 ) It was not her plan to be Due to the fact she could not Place: Kent Park Tennis Court, corner of Appleton and Hudson St. at C.D.N. involved in publishing a newspaper but attend the day school in the UP Diliman Time: 10:00 am to 12:00 noon every other Saturday. it seemed as if she was destined to find campus after high school, she first Dates: Starting June 7 and 21 an outlet for her love of writing. She enrolled at Far Eastern University so July 5 and 19 took over a community newspaper that that she could work during the day. Aug. 2,16 and 30 had closed down after 16 years. Within She was offered a job by the treasurer Sept. 13 ( End of the Season) a few years, she turned it around and of the Lions Club of Manila as a result For further information, please call, Bob Araneta, - Tel. (450) 969-5980 or ( 514 ) made it profitable enough. Since April of her winning a gold medal in a 297-6570, Luis Sarasola - Tel. ( 514) 798-5839, Tony Vargas ( 514 ) 626-7569 or 1998, she has been editing and stenography competition at the Central the P.R.O., Reuben T. Santos with Tel. (514) 525-0355 publishing the North American Filipino Institute of Technology where she took Star. Steadily increasing in popularity, a vocational course for six months the newspaper has enough advertisers during her senior year in high school. to cover its printing costs and other Then, she moved on to be department expenses. Being the editor and executive secretary for a German SPACE FOR RENT publisher, she has been invited to manager of Botica De Santa Cruz many press conferences in Montreal, where she worked from 1963 to 1965. Quebec City and Ottawa. She says Two years after obtaining a that one of the perks of the newspaper Office/Showroom/Business B.A. degree in English literature from business is the privilege of interviewing the University of the Philippines, she different kinds of people. As she immigrated to Canada in October enjoys what she is doing, she does not 1965. She never had a difficult time mind working long hours, even until the Plamondon Metro finding a job. She found a secretarial wee hours of the morning to meet job within a week of her arrival in press deadlines. Moreover, she feels Canada. Prior to her teaching career, that she is fulfilling her objective of she worked as an executive secretary 375 sq. ft. to 3,000 sq. ft. providing an important community in three major companies – service. Underwriters Adjustment Bureau, an As if she does not have insurance business, Readers Digest, enough to do, she offered her help to Galleria Management Corporation an American owned publishing the first Filipino Solidarity Cooperative company, and Canadian Pacific in Quebec when it started having Railway in the telecommunications financial troubles in August 2006. Not department. only did she help establish its In 1971, she resigned from her 514-738-1166 accounting system, she also helped secretarial job to pursue an Education may 2008 6 The North American Filipino Star TOURISM ALBAY PROVINCE Land Of The World's Most Perfect Cone

Our Lady of The Gate Church, Daraga, Albay - The beautiful spanish era stone church of Cagsawa ruins church tower - Today, only the belfry remains as a mute testimony of Daraga that is entirely made of volcanic rocks constructed by the locals. An elevated Mayon’s unpredictable fury and devastating strength. place, it affords great views of the volcano. The Albay province is a paradise whole family. Agriculture dominates most of like scad, tuna, siganid, anchovy and located in the Bicol Region of the During the exploration of Juan de Albay's land area. Their major products mackarel. Aside from farming and Philippines, 460km south of Manila. Salcedo in 1573, the province and its include coconut, rice, abaca and corn. fishing industries, the Albaynons are Albay is home to the spectacular neighboring areas were known as The province is also rich in mineral good in handicraft making. Some of Mayon Volcano, the region’s crown 'Ibalon'. deposits like gold, copper, iron, their famous products are Sinamay jewel and one of the great wonders of A small settlement by a mangrove mercury and deposits of coal, marble, and Pinolpog, fabrics woven from the world. Only one hour away is the swamp was a town called Albaybay ceramic clay, perlite, silica, guano and abaca hemp and the mats made from natural habitat of the fascinating Whale (meaning "by the bay"). The town was phosphates. Lying around the pandan. Sharks in Donsol, an amazing first renamed Albay, then Legazpi, as province is a mass of fishing grounds Bicolano cuisine is famous for its interactive eco-experience for the Albay went on to refer to the province. that contain a selection of fish species rich and spicy dishes, which are

Mayon Volcano, otherwise known as the perfect cone volcano may 2008 The North American Filipino Star 7 mostly cooked using coconut milk Albay is filled with many natural called gata and spiced with a very hot, wonders and notable attractions in the local variety of chili called siling area include the Hoyop-Hoyopan, labuyo. Well known Bicolano Calibidongan and Pototan Caves, the specialties are Bicol Express (a very surfing beach at Sto. Domingo and hot dish cooked in coconut milk with also Misibis Island, a paradise for green chilies), Pinangat (fish or shrimp beach lovers, artists, and nature lovers wrapped in gabi or yam leaves and and an ideal place to enjoy swimming cooked in coconut milk), Laing (gabi and discover the exotic marine life leaves and stalks boiled into a stew underneath; Busay Falls and the Tiwi with ginger, chili and coconut milk) and Hot Springs; San Miguel and Rapu- Ginataang Langka (young jackfruit Rapu Islands are among the lesser stewed in coconut milk with shrimp known, but unspoiled dives sites in the paste called bagoong). country. Legazpi, the capital of Albay Mayon Volcano: The world’s most Province, is best known for its perfect cone, Mayon Volcano has a surrounding attractions, in particular, height of 2,242 meters (8,189 feet) and the majestic Mayon Volcano. Mayon is a base of 10 kilometers embracing world renowned for its perfectly several towns. Her name was derived symmetrical cone, which billows from the Bikol word “Magayon,” which smoke daily, a reminder that the literally means beautiful. The peak, volcano still erupts at frequent likened to the legendary beauty intervals. The buried remains of Daragang Magayon, is often Cagsawa, with only the church steeple concealed by clouds urging first-time Local handicraft store, daraga, albay - Curtains & hanging lamps made from seashells, still standing, are proofs of the strong visitors to stay longer to admire her ball lamps from abaca twine, native fans & hand bags made of "sinamay" cloth, a powers of this beautiful, but dangerous charm. material woven from fibers of a maguey plant (pineapple family). wonder of nature. Albay also celebrates its own Historical sites found in the festivities. The Karangahan Festival is province are the Battle of Legazpi celebrated in May is a grand Albayano Trylon, Jose Ignacio Paua Monument, celebration as an expression of wealth Old Albay, Simeon Ola Monument, brought about by a good harvest. Guinobatan and the Andres Bonifacio Katalingkasan Festival, held every July monument in Sto. Domingo. The 21-25, is celebrated in conjunction with National Museum in Cagsawa contains the town fiesta of Libon. Bicol Food geological finds from Mayon. Festival is a feast of the famous Bicol Notable ancient churches include cuisine. Bancathon is a water sport Our Lady of the Gate in Daraga, St. activity participated in by fisherman John the Baptist in Camalig and St. from the different municipalities of Rose in Bacacay. Albay. a

The town of Tiwi, in Albay province, is known for their exquisite pottery.

Sleeping Lion Hill - Kapuntukan Hill is called so because its contour and shape are like a sleeping lion, lying a kilometer away from the busy Legazpi pier. Atop this hill affords viewers to relish the beautiful vista of the entire city of Legazpi and the neighboring municipalities as far as the town of Manito and the alluring islands of Rapu-Rapu. may 2008 8 The North American Filipino Star Philippine rice crisis due to bad policies, not Japan to send rice to Philippines in emergency relief shortage: economist May 19, 2008 Under the Uruguay Round global May 20, 2008 here, the only food they can afford is a Japan plans to send 200,000 tons trade agreement, Japan is obligated The rice crisis affecting the mound of rice and some catsup of rice from its stockpile of imported to import at least 770,000 tons of rice Philippines is not caused by a (tomato sauce)," he said. rice as emergency exports to the annually for domestic consumption. shortage of rice but due to bad The Philippines could raise Philippines, Kyodo News agency The country has been considering policies that have hurt the agriculture productivity but it had not properly reported Monday. tapping into its stockpile of imported sector, a leading economist said in a invested in agriculture or its support The Philippines -- the world's top rice -- much of it from the United report released Wednesday. infrastructure like irrigation and farm- rice importer -- has been struggling to States -- to help countries with "The so-called rice crisis is really to-market roads, Dy said. secure sufficient rice supplies in the shortages. an income crisis," said Rolando Dy, He said the government was face of soaring commodity prices. Japan and the U.S. are scheduled executive director of the food division investing little in research and Prices of rice and other food to hold talks later this month about of the Manila-based University of Asia development, building sub-standard staples have been rising rapidly Japan's rice proposal for the and the Pacific. rural roads and not putting enough around the world, sparking violent Philippines. The U.S. is widely protests in Haiti and Egypt along with expected to approve the emergency concerns of unrest elsewhere amid relief plan. profiteering and hoarding. Japan is also expected to export The Japanese agriculture ministry 50,000 tons of rice to the Philippines has not decided on the details of the from another stockpile of rice the rice shipment to the Philippines, government bought in 2005 to including whether it should be given address a surplus. a as aid or provided at current prices, according to Kyodo. Palace admits its hands tied on controlling fuel price hikes May 24, 2008 Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corp — Malacañang admits that except raised their pump prices early for having oil firms "pace" their Saturday, the 12th time this year. increases, it is helpless in controlling the runaway hike in the prices of fuel products. Anthony Golez Jr, deputy presidential spokesman, on Saturday said the Philippines was in no position to influence, much less dictate, the prices of fuel. "Sa presyo ng krudo o langis, 'yan ay isang bagay na mahihirapan ang bansa. Hindi tayo maka-dictate o makasabi ng hinaing natin dahil tayo ay dependent sa krudo (When it comes to prices of diesel or gas, that is something we cannot do anything about. We cannot dictate or even express our protest over high prices A gasoline station in Manila. Crude oil Children carry lower-priced, government-subsidised rice bought from a store in Manila because our industries are dependent prices rallied beyond 133 dollars on Friday, close to record highs reached this on fuel)," he said on government-run week on concerns that global output will He blamed "under-investment in irrigation into potential growth areas dzRB radio. not satisfy rising demand for energy, agriculture and infrastructure, a poor like the southern region of Mindanao. He said the only thing government traders said. record in eliminating poverty (and) Dy also complained that an could do "is to convince" oil firms to poor infrastructure quality," for the agriculture modernisation law that "pace" their hikes. "Nakikiusap tayo The price adjustment came a day crisis which has forced thousands of took effect in 2000 was not getting (para) mabigyan ng pacing (We talk to after the government said that it would poor Filipinos to line up for hours for adequate funding. them to pace their hikes)." bring down to zero the tariff on oil subsidised rice. Graft and corruption also hurt the Three oil companies — Total imports on June 1 due to skyrocketing "We cannot reap what we did not agriculture sector with rural Philippines, Eastern Petroleum and world oil prices. a sow. We failed in reducing rural infrastructure being built to poor poverty compared to other countries," standards. CPR COURSE like China, Indonesia, Malaysia, The rice crisis might even be a Thailand and Vietnam, he said. blessing in disguise because it "will Sunday, June 15, 2008 The Philippines is one of the spur production and even 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM world's biggest rice importers and investments," in agriculture which will Instructor: does not enjoy large contiguous land have a positive effect in the long run, Mitch Katz-Zeitlin areas with large river systems that Dy said. QHSF CPR instructor and co-owner allow China, India, Vietnam and But he said the rice issue is "a of Urgences Reanimation Thailand to grow huge amounts of problem not just of the executive Organized by rice, Dy conceded. branch... it is a problem of the Gilmore International College But he said other countries which legislative and judiciary," as well. Call 514-485-7861 to register. are more dependent on imported rice, Dy said that there is likely to be All PSW (P.A.B.) graduates and other like Malaysia and Singapore did not "some correction in rice prices in the interested individuals are invited to have long queues for rice and were next 12 months but not dramatically," register in this course not suffering from the crisis as badly remarking that world rice prices will Space limited - Please register early as the Philippines. not return to levels seen in 2006. a by June 10 (deadline) to determine Dy said that rice consumption in Philippine Independence Ball A follow-up to this course is venue of the course. the Philippines was so high because Friday, June 13, 2008 - 6 p.m. the PDSB (proper lifting much of its population was still poor PALACE Tuition fees are tax deductible. and could afford to eat nothing else. techniques ) to be organized 1717 Lecorbussier soon. More information to be "There are so many poor people north of St. Martin, Laval, QC announced later. may 2008 The North American Filipino Star 9 agencies to be registered and to be work or a better life. June 9 declared a non-working holiday aware of issues concerning inter-racial "As of Jan. 31, 2008, approximately May 28, 2008 "holiday economics," holidays - except marriages and ethics, said the 5,000 Filipinos married to South Malacañang on Wednesday those that are religious in nature - ambassador. Koreans reside in the peninsula, some declared June 9, a Monday, a non- would have to be move to the nearest Cruz said some Filipinas enter of whom met their respective spouses working holiday in commemoration of Monday unless otherwise modified by South Korea through marriages through matchmaking agencies," Cruz the country's Independence Day. a law or presidential order. arranged through these matchmakers. said. a In a statement, Deputy "By Proclamation No. 1463, Many of them are lured by promises of Presidential Spokesman Lorelei please be advised that Independence Fajardo said that the commemoration Day will be observed on June 9, Jubilant golfer Murakami earns US Open slot of the Independence Day - which is Monday and is hereby declared as a traditionally celebrated on June 12 - non-working holiday," Fajardo said. May 27, 2008 will be moved to June 9. "All activities and celebrations in Artemio Murakami of the Fajardo, however, noted that commemoration of observed Philippines was celebrating on Independence Day activities and Independence Day shall, however, Tuesday after earning his ticket to this celebrations will still be done on June remain to be observed on June 12," year's US Open, where he will make 12. she added. a his Majors debut. Under the administration's Murakami birdied the last to clinch one of two berths, alongside Embassy warns against illegal match-makers Australian veteran Craig Parry, in the 36-hole qualifier at Ibaraki Country luring filipinas to South Korea Club in Osaka, Japan. May 18, 2008 natural or juridical, association, club or "I'm looking forward to my first US The Philippine Embassy in Seoul, any other entity' to 'establish or carry on Open at Torrey Pines, where I have South Korea, has warned against illegal a business which has for its purpose the played many times previously when I matchmaking agencies after learning matching of Filipino women for was a junior," said the 24-year-old. that some Filipina women married marriage to foreign nationals either on a "My goal today was to avoid South Korean men through illegal mail-order basis or through personal bogeys. But I missed putts from seven match-making agencies, the introduction,'" Cruz was quoted as feet on the 15th and 17th holes and to Department of Foreign Affairs ( DFA) saying. be honest, I was ready to give up after said in a statement posted on its He also noted that the law makes it those two bogeys. So I am really Artemio Murakami of the Philippines was website Sunday. illegal for anyone "to advertise, publish, happy to make birdie at the last hole celebrating on Tuesday after earning his The DFA quoted Philippine print or distribute or cause the to get a spot." ticket to this year's US Open, where he Ambassador to South Korea Luis Cruz advertisement, publication, printing or Murakami, winner of last year's will make his Majors debut. as saying in a report these agencies act distribution of any brochure, flier, or any Iskandar Johor Open in Malaysia on Reigning Asian merit champion as a front for mail-order brides amidst propaganda material calculated to the Asian Tour, carded matching Liang Wen-chong of China shot reports that the South Korean promote the prohibited acts" earlier rounds of three-under-par 69 to share rounds of 69 and 72 to finish three government is set to crack down on mentioned. top spot with Parry. A total of 12 Further amendments include its shots outside the qualifying mark inter-racial matchmaking agencies that players teed up for the two berths. applicability to mail-order bride while Thailand's Prayad Marksaeng violate local laws and use deceptive Former Asian Tour number one advertising. schemes using "mails or websites in the withdrew after an opening 72. Thaworn Wiratchant of Thailand "The Philippine Embassy reminds Internet," he added. The year's second Major takes missed out on a top-two spot by one the public of Philippine Republic Act While matchmaking agencies are place at Torrey Pines, San Diego from stroke after rounds of 69 and 70 and 6955 or the Anti-Mail-Order Bride Law, considered legal in South Korea, the June 12-15 a which makes it illegal for a 'person, South Korean law requires these earned second alternate status via a play-off. RESTAURANT LA MAISON NEW KUM MON 6565 Cote desk Neiges, 5047 Henri Bourassa Est Montréal, QC H1G 2S1 Montreal, QC (Corner Appleton) Tel.: (514) 322-3133, 322-3130 Bean Curd Seafood Soup Fish Maw Seafood Soup 1/2 Crispy Chicken Baked Lobster with Ginger Salt and Pepper Pork Loin Seafood with Chinese Stuffed Bean Curd with Broccoli Shrimps Saltand Pepper Cuttle Fish Sauted Seasonal Vegetables Fried Sea Bass Fish Steamed Rice Steamed Rice $37.95 4 Persons $58.95 4 Persons

Bean Curd Soup Fish maw seafood soup 1/2 Crispy Chicken 2 Baked Lobsters with Ginger Seafood with Eggplant Shrimp Cake with Chinese in Hot Pot Broccoli Stuffed Bean Curd with Sweet and Sour Pork Shrimp Seafood with Bean Curd in Seafood with Chinese broccoli Hot Pot Fried Sea Bass Fish Salt and Pepper Squid House Fried Rice Fried Sea Bass Fish Special Fried Noodles Steamed Rice $125.95 $63.95 6 Persons 10 Persons FREE DELIVERY Minimum order of $10 514-733-6029 Delivery hours: 514-733-1067 11:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. For party menu, call Kenny may 2008 10 The North American Filipino Star The Filipino Star Photo Gallery

Travel agents from across Canada pose for souvenir of the “Pirates” farewell party by Fred Herzog of Stealth Travel Inc, Perris, CA, and Connie Raz, from Calgary, AB, both Pro Travel Network in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, May 4, 2008 NTDs (National Trainer Directors) received the top award this quarter from Pro Travel Network President Paul Henderson (on the extreme right).

Members of the “Vigie Asiatique” visit FAMAS (Filipino Canadian Association of Montreal and Suburbs, May 20, 2008, headed by Marc Parent.

“Gilmore Girls: relaxing during the tulips festival in Ottawa, May 18, 2008

Gilmore Inernational College students and their friends at the Tulips Festival, May 18, 2008

The Laging Handa Scout family posing in front of the Parliament Building, May 18, 2008 may 2008 The North American Filipino Star 11 may 2008 12 The North American Filipino Star FILLING: Saute garlic and onion in oil. until you have made 14 or more wrappers. When garlic browns and onion becomes 4 Lay out the spring roll wrappers transparent, add hearts of palm and cook on a flat surface. Place a lettuce leaf until tender. Stir in shrimp and pork. Cook extending over border of wrapper. Add 3 until tender. Add green beans and simmer tablespoons of filling. Roll and fold one for 3 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. end. Leave the other end open to show the 2 Wrap 3 tablespoons of this lettuce leaf. Serve without further cooking, Philippine Cuisine mixture in a ready-made spring roll wrapper garnished with sauce and crushed peanuts (available in Oriental food stores) or make (brush sauce on egg roll and sprinkle with your own. crushed peanuts). 3 WRAPPERS: Beat eggs 5 SAUCE: Combine all ingredients thoroughly drain the pork pata and thoroughly; add oil. Stir in cornstarch and in a saucepan. Cook, stirring constantly, Crispy “Pata” refrigerate for a few hours. salt until dissolved. Add water and mix well. over high heat until the sauce thickens. Let * After the above process, rub heat omelet pan and pour in a thin coating cool. or Fried Pork Leg patis on the pata and sprinkle flour of batter to make egg roll. set aside. Repeat liberally. * In a deep frying pot, heat cooking oil and deep fry the pork pata Hours: until golden brown. Mon.-Tues. Wed. 8 AM-5 PM Crispy Pata Dip Sauce: Thursday -Friday 8 AM-6 PM Mix 3/4 cup of vinegar, 1/4 cup soy Saturday 8 AM-5 PM sauce, 2 cloves of crushed garlic, 1 Closed on Sundays. head of diced onion and 1 hot pepper. Salt and pepper to taste. Fill up your freezer for the summer season. Lumpiang Ubod Pork loin Picnic ham Spring Rolls Approximately Beef (with bone) Crispy Pata Recipe 15 lbs Blade steak

Preparation & drying: 4 hours to 1 day 19 99 . lb .99 . Estimated cooking time: 20 minutes 2 2 lb 0 lb Crispy Pata Ingredients: Half or Whole Boneless leg pork of ham Cut & Wrapped Front quarter of beef * 1 Pata (front or hind leg of a Approximately 200 lbs 89 pig including the knuckles) 39 . lb .79 * 1 bottle of soda (7Up or sprite) 1. 1 3 lb * 1 tablespoon of salt lb * 2 tablespoons patis (fish Pork Spare Ribs 1 litre of fresh sauce) Home smoked blood with purchase * 1/2 tablespoon baking soda meat 1/2pork INGREDIENTS: .29 * 1 tablespoon of monosodium FILLING: 3 tablespoons vegetable or 49 lb Regular smoked . 2 bacon glutamate (MSG) corn oil 1 tablespoon finely 8 lb * 4 tablespoons of flour minced garlic 1/2 cup finely minced * Enough oil for deep frying Beef 79 onion Fresh Belly . lb * Enough water for boiling short ribs 4 2 cups hearts of palm, cut julienne- with skin 99 10 lbs & over style 1/2 pound deveined, shelled . lb Crispy Pata Cooking Instructions: shrimp (minced) 1/2 pound .99 2 69 * Clean the pork pata by boiled pork, sliced thin (1/8 by 1/8- 2 lb . lb removing all hairs and by scraping the 4 inch pieces) St.Chrysostome St. Remi St. Edouard skin with a knife. Wash thoroughly. 1 cup green beans, sliced julienne-style Napierville * Make four to five inch cuts on salt and freshly ground pepper to taste Fresh pork blood Sherrington Barrington the sides of the pata. WRAPPERS: 3 eggs Fresh bacon 203 219 202 Lacolle Hemmingford * On a deep stock pot, place the 2 tablespoons vegetable or corn oil Fresh liver Jackson Road Sortie Havelock Exit No.6 pata in water with soda and salt. Bring 1 cup cornstarch 1/2 teaspoon salt Pork skin Canada Parc 14 lettuce leaves 1-1/2 cups water 1 cup 219 Safari Class 15 to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes. Available Covey Hill Road finely crushed peanuts Then add the baking soda and Boucherie Viau Inc. SAUCE: 1/2 cup sugar 2 cups water U. S. A. continue to simmer for another 10 Malone Moders Champlain minutes. 3 tablespoons soy sauce * Remove the pata from the pot 3-1/2 teaspoons salt 1/8 teaspoon 83 Covey Hill, Hemmingford QC J0L 1H0 freshly ground pepper 2 tablespoons and hang and allow to drip dry for 24 cornstarch Tel.: (450) 247-2130 or (450) 247-3561 hours. An alternative to this is to may 2008 The North American Filipino Star 13 Quebec is insufficient to provide the From Page 15 Global Perspectives human capital needed to sustain the COMMUNITY NEWS Quebec, or the “Nation of Quebec” as economy and support social structures some French-Canadians prefer, the and services such as health and Filipino Artists Invited To Submit Entries For situation appeared to be getting education, as the population ages and The Biggest Filipino Art Exhibit in Midwest out–of-hand as outward emigration the “baby-boomers” retire. from Quebec reached 40,000 persons There is now a shortage of French-speakers. exhibition planning committee notes in a little over a year starting in 2005. human capital in Canada that looms as In the case of the Province of Q that there’s still much to be Recently, two internationally acclaimed a darkening shadow over the The 2008 Beyond the done.Interested volunteers are Quebec scholars, Charles Taylor, a prosperity of all. A two-pronged Barrelman exhibition of modern encouraged to contact philosopher and Gerard Bouchard, a approach is needed to better manage Filipino art is now accepting [email protected] historian and sociologist, co-chaired human capital by making better use of submissions for its month-long visit the exhibition website at hearings into throughout Quebec that underutilized resources in Canada and showcase of artworks by Filipino artists focused on the concept of how far the by improving the integration of new from around the U.S., the Philippines French-Canadian majority should go to arrivals from abroad as and when they and the world. The exhibition is Contact: Rey Villar Jr. make “reasonable accommodations”. arrive. In that regard there is a new scheduled for September 2008, at the [email protected] The Bouchard-Taylor advice to initiative underway with the Canadian Mercury Cafe Gallery, in Chicago. Quebecers is clear cut: “Update your Center for Global Professionals that Submission guidelines,entry About CIRCA/Pintig vocabulary”. Change the words you was recently created by “immigrant- forms and additional event details are use because they have become professionals” who are dedicated to available at . Pintig, meaning \"pulse\" in Pilipino, narrow and legalistic, even improving the match between The deadline for applications is was founded in April 1991, with condescending and becaus professionals and employers through August 5, 2008.However, early jury a mission to serve as a voice of the “reasonable accommodations” implies competency based teaching-learning selection of submitted artworks will Filipino American community by the majority is doing a favour by programs that would be “made in begin June 20. Entries must be engaging in active cultural work— bending to the diversity around it. The Canada”. original paintings or photographic using art as a means to celebrate the main goal should be to protect Also deserving of mention, yet works executed after January 1,2002. community\'s rich history and culture. minorities against the flaws in laws of again, is Gilmore College, The Beyond the Barrelman Pintig believes that a strong voice the majority, and not the contrary. International, in Montreal, established exhibition is a collaborative effort by for the community can be developed Alternative words like: adjustments, 19 years ago by Filipino-Canadian, three Filipino-American not-for-profit through the cultural arts—powerful adaptations, or harmonization are Zenaida Ferry-Kharroubi, offering organizations: CIRCA/Pintig Theater art with a progressive agenda. Pintig suggested for use. And avoid the racist continuing education and special Group, The Filipino American Network develop plays that interpret our term “visible-minority” as well as the opportunities for Immigrants to receive (FAN) and the Tahanan Cultural Group. Filipino American history and meaningless catchall “cultural- job-specific training to gain Through this exhibition,these experiences, conduct educational and communities”. The bottom line for the employment and advancement in the Chicago-area groups seek to celebrate identity workshops for the community, French-Canadian majority is to be Canadian workforce. This is a resource and support Filipino artists from and engage community members to inclusive, or risk losing ground to not to be overlooked. throughout North America and the challenge injustice rather than stand multicultural Canada, and of course Philippines. The first Beyond the silent. Advertise in the North losing ground in the international American Filipino Star Barrelman exhibition was presented in About the FilipinoAmerican Network community. The growth rate of the 2005 and featured 72 artworks from (FAN) French-Canadian population of Call 514-485-7861 35artists of Filipino descent. That The Filipino American Network inaugural exhibition was held at is a not-for-profit organization that Chicago\'s ACME Gallery, with calls, challenges and supports Filipino overflowing crowds attending both American young adults by providing opening and closing receptions. resources, connections and DR. EMILIA ESPIRITU "Our mission for that first opportunities to enrich their lives, exhibition was to shine a spotlight on support their growth and deepen their CHIRURGIEN DENTISTE / DENTAL the creative talent of Filipino artists, self-awareness of our Filipino heritage. both in the United State and In addition to the art exhibition, FAN SURGEON abroad," said Amabel Delara, co-chair also hosts the Filipino of the exhibition planning American Film Festival and other committee. "That same mission drives events for Chicago's Filipino merican 5790 COTE desk NEIGES RD. us today." community. SUITE A-024 For the 2008 exhibition,the MONTREAL, QUEBEC PHONE: 514-340-8222 (4077) exhibition has moved to the much Rey Villar Jr. H3S 1Y9 E-Mail: [email protected] larger Mercury Cafe Gallery space in [email protected] Chicago's Ukrainian Village cell: 312.342.1574 neighborhood. The free opening fax: 312.604.1573 reception will be held on Friday, September 5. The exhibition will close Learn to speak Sunday, September 28. The exhibition accepts entries French the fast and from any artist of Filipino descent at easy way. ANGELITO ILAGAN FINANCIAL SERVICES least 17 years old, regardless of Includes: current residence. Entries must be Enroll at Gilmore RRSP Loan original works executed after January Call 514-485-7861 RESP (Family Educational Plan 1,2002, and not have been previously Investment submitted to the Beyond the Mortgage Insurance Barrelman Exhibition. First Time Home Buyers Plan The jury panel will have final Life Insurance authority to define what constitutes an We would like to remind you to be acceptable entry. Artists will be notified MONEY REMITTANCE/PADALAHAN NG PERA diligent to comply with the via email or phone of the MATAAS ANG PALIT requirements for FINTRAC and to jury\'s decision. Unless otherwise NAKA INSURED ANG PERANG PADALA guard our company against Money instructed by the artist, the exhibition laundering. Any transactions with will encourage and promote the sale of PICKUP SERVICE: WEST ISLAND & missing information will not be the artists\' works. During the first processed. MONTREAL AREA exhibition, almost one-fifth of the OPEN NA SA WEST ISLAND!!! exhibited artwork was sold. Tel.: 514-697-8106 Although the coalition has Mapagkakatiwalaan been planning and preparing for the (514)882-9626 Service Fee: $10 - Manila exhibition for almost a year, the E-mail: [email protected] $12 - Provinces may 2008 14 The North American Filipino Star Loss of Filipino rice crops was stoppable Lopez family retains control of Manila Electric

May 18, 2008 been under control. May 27, 2008 The ongoing loss of rice crops "People felt that the world food The Lopez family retained control of Dynasty throughout the Philippines at the crisis was solved, that food security Manila Electric (Meralco) , the hands of a growing insect horde could was no longer an issue, and it really Philippines' largest power utility, on The Lopezes are one of the have been prevented, researchers fell off the agenda," he told the Times. Tuesday, defeating an attempt by a Philippines' most powerful dynasties say. Yet with East Asian rice crops now state pension fund to shake up with two power generation plants and International Rice Research threatened with billions of the management in a row over power rates. geothermal firm PNOC EDC , as well as Institute researchers say they could minuscule insects, global leaders Pension fund GSIS, which owns the country's biggest media firm, ABS- have created rice varieties that would have begun to finally take action. around 25 percent of Meralco, tried to CBN Broadcasting Corp , among their have been resistant to brown plant The Times said the U.S. Congress wrest control of the group from the assets. hoppers, but budget cuts by the has been asked for $770 million to Lopez family by preventing the re- Meralco's stock has dived nearly 29 Filipino government hindered their provide food aid to struggling global election of officers loyal to the clan at percent since late April, when GSIS research, The New York Times populations. Nonetheless, the United the company's annual meeting in started its moves against management. reported Sunday. States has begun cutting funding to Manila. But the shares were unchanged at 63 pesos on Tuesday, while the main index Institute Director General Robert global research sites such as the rice But Meralco's board shrugged off was up 0.5 percent. S. Zeigler said the budget cuts were institute that are aimed at improving GSIS's attempt to halt proceedings and in a vote, which was delayed by at least Some analysts and commentators due to the international stance that the crops in poor countries, the U.S. 10 hours and marked by high turnout, say Philippine President Gloria world's food problems had finally newspaper said. a the Lopez family retained majority Macapagal Arroyo instigated the GSIS Crusade vs gambling to go on, RP bishop vows control over the 11 person board. campaign to lower power rates and "I feel great because we won and appease business groups and May 23, 2008 statement posted Friday on the that is how it should be," said Oscar customers facing rising bills for items from rice to fuel. Despite the threat of a libel case Catholic Bishops Conference of the Lopez, chairman of First Philippine Holdings Corp , a holding firm of the But palace officials and Garcia have still hanging over him, Lingayen- Philippines website. Lopez family, which owns 33 percent of denied any government involvement. Dagupan Archbishop Oscar Cruz will Earlier, the Justice department Meralco. Philippine electricity rates are remain a vocal critic of government, revived libel charges filed against him "It was a diabolical plan of Winston," among the highest in Asia due to especially against gambling and graft. by 20 Pagcor employees whom he he told Reuters. expensive deals with private power While Cruz posted bail earlier this described as "pitiful GROs" at a Winston Garcia, the head of GSIS, producers, the country's reliance on month, he insisted he is not afraid of birthday party of First Gentleman Jose had led a campaign against the Lopez costly imported oil to generate being jailed, if only to expose what he Miguel Arroyo in 2004. family's management of Meralco, electricity and widespread illegal called the "evils" of the Philippine Cruz maintained he had no arguing that it was not doing enough to tapping. Amusement and Gaming Corp. intention to offend the Pagcor bring down power rates. "Not even the iron bars of prison employees, saying that he was even Critics say Meralco buys power at Meralco says it has to pay high prices can prevent me from continuing my trying to defend them. high rates from Lopez-owned for power bought from all generating crusade against both legal and illegal "This is their way of getting back generating firms and does not do firms, including those belonging to gambling, which is being promoted by against me," he said of the libel suit. a enough to prevent illegal tapping of state-run National Power Corp, whose this government," he said in a electricity, the cost of which is passed ageing facilities mean it costs more to on to consumers. produce energy. a GGiillmmoorree IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall CCoolllleeggee are pleased to invite you to the “Writers Helping Writers” && tthhee WWoorrlldd AAccaaddeemmyy ooff LLeetttteerrss workshop

inter-active, multi-cultural, motivational Your ideas should not remain locked up in your head - find a way to express them and feel fulfilled by doing so. This workshop will help you get started easily in the most interesting way. Find out the secret by attending this unique workshop which will start soon. What they say about writing: Who should attend: There’s only one way to learn to write - read! People from all walks of life, fields Every person who has the ability to read can learn how to write. and occupations - nurses, doctors, What do writers do? They write. architects, engineers, clerks, What do good writers do? They write and re-write. secretaries, teachers, students - What do excellent writers do? They write, re-write, re-write, re- anyone who wants to live a fuller life. write until they get it “right.” Workshop Leaders Why you should attend: Proof of Attendance: Everyone has to write, whether you An attractive certificate and tax receipt will be given at the earn your living by writing or end of the workshop. working for yourself or others, your Proceedings will be videotaped. You may purchase a ability to express yourself in English copy for your future reference. is absolutely essential. Since NOTE: English has become the language of In addition to establishing a writers’ network, a public business around the world, speaking course will be a follow-up to this workshop. mastering the art of writing and speaking is the key to your success Schedule: May16, 17, 18, 2008 Zenaida F. Kharroubi in your personal and professional Isaac T. Goodine B.A. English, M.A. Ed. Friday - 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. BsC, B.Ed., C.Eng life.Learning to write well helps you Studies win friends and influence people! Saturday & Saturday - 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. International Speaker & Author ÈLeaders Leading Leaders: Diploma in Education, TESL Resource Person, Transparency Founder & Director-General Gilmore International College Register by appointment - call 514-485-7861 International, Former Principal, Director Gilmore International College 4950 Queen Mary Rd. Penthouse of Schools & Colleges, Human Editor & Publisher, Montreal, QC H3W 1X3 Tuition Fee: Resources Development, Specialist, North American Filipino Star 2 1/2 days seminar Consultant, World Bank Group Commissioner, Scouts $495 tuition fees including taxes and materials. Canada, Quebec Council “Laging Handa” 0592 may 2008 The North American Filipino Star 15 62,000. Two thirds of the total are “non- increases as part of the cultural shifts Global Caymanian”. It is among the most that globalization has triggered. This is peaceful places in the Caribbean, on an unprecedented scale and Perspectives without the historic burden of slavery, Canada is the only major country to yet the present situation regarding the even try to make this new social order constitution does give rise for some work on a fair and just set of principles concern because if the group of human rights. No one said it would described by Gordon Barlow as the be easy. When Canada invented the Caymanian tribe prevails, they would term “visible-minority” it was done in entrench “minority-rule” because two- good faith and was intended to protect thirds of the present population would the rights of the persons so defined have no political standing and as the and in 1981 the definition applied to population continues to grow to the just about 4 percent of all Canadians. Expatriate component would be the The figure rose to a little over 16 most rapidly expanding. Mr. Barlow’s percent overall by 2006; but the visible- article raises a good point. “Imagine if minority population has been growing the first batch of settlers in Cayman at a rate five times the rate of growth in had claimed permanent privileges over the overall population, and since new- Isaac T .Goodine the next batch we must be glad they Canadians tend to congregate in Hyphenated Peoples progressive country we knew and didn’t. And, we aught to be sad that selected urban areas they have loved so well for so long. In any case today’s descendents of those earlier become the majority in some places as This Global Perspective was prompted many things have changed since the settlers insist on claiming permanent a percentage share of the population. by developments in three different 1980s that are linked to global changes privileges over settlers of the past thirty Following are some examples of this countries that show how economic and and population shifts illustrated by or forty years”. trend: political realities are reshaping cultures these three changing cultures. In Some similar elements of Markham, Ont. = 65.4%; and changing how we view the world. Kenya, there have been three concern are at play in Canada. Richmond, B.C. = 65.1 %; Brampton, This in turn, alters how we relate to simultaneous explosions: population Now for the global perspective Ont. = 57 %, and Vancouver, B.C. = 51 other people at home and abroad. The (doubling every 13 years); knowledge on Canada’s demographic changes %. The Country’s largest city, Toronto, three countries involved in this case (the best education in Africa but unable has already reached 47 % of its 5 to expand access as rapidly as the million (plus) as new-Canadians and population); and expectations (once proportion is growing people gain knowledge through Vancouver is Canada’s third modern education their expectations largest city and the “new-majority” is are raised). Then, when we added quite visibly made up of access to the ballot box, it was not “hyphenated-people” , many like enough, as there was no Claudia Goodine, who is but one of a corresponding access to the market large and growing contingent of place through jobs, either at home or young people in the world. She has abroad. While the population lived in, Africa, United States of expanded the land did not and with America, the Philippines, Barbados, only 23 percent of the land being and Canada—so far. classed as “arable” part of the inter- Now a Vancouverite, Claudia tribal conflict arose over encroachment was born in Kenya, and is a of outsiders into traditional tribal Canadian Citizen of English-Chinese- territory and the distractions of Irish-French (Acadian) Ancestry. quarreling political leaders gave rise to Montreal is the second largest the chaos. Claujdia Goodine as UBC grad city and is another special case In the Cayman Islands, where because over 80 % of all immigrants to my wife and I have had links since witnessed by my generation; consider the Province of Quebec settle in the 1983,(Picture)there are proposed that the number of countries of origin Metropolitan area where the changes in the Constitution that one for Canadians has gone from about 20 Anglophone-Quebecers of long local writer, Gordon Barlow, suggests before the Second World War to over standing are an “audio-minority” equates to the entrenchment of 200 countries today. In the Census of experiencing some serious “tribal” Susan and Claudia at age 5, Nairobi, 1984. “tribalism” because people are divided 2006 about one-third of the issues of discrimination on language on ethnicity into two groups which he respondents claimed Canadian as their grounds alone, due to a Provincial Law are: has dubbed the “Tribes of Cayman” . Ethnic heritage and the remaining 20 (Bill 101) that makes it “unlawful” to (1) Kenya, where the aftermath They are, the ethnic Caymanians (plus) million are from other Ethnic use English in a variety of ways that of a contested election led to (“natives” , “born & bred) and the first Groups and have become “hyphenate- impinge on the “sensibilities’ of the unexpected inter-tribal strife in an generation immigrants (“expats”, people”, As they mix and match, marry otherwise peaceful land; (2) Cayman “”foreigners” ). The first group is a and breed, the numbers of “hyphens” See Page 13 Global Perspectives Islands, where the “early settlers” are normal coalition of family-clans, and seeking to entrench their political has inherited a political monopoly from power over those who have arrived Great Britain through the Foreign & over the last forty years by a change in Commonwealth Office; and now the the constitution that opponents tribal Caymanians want to entrench Magic Sing Karaoke see as “minority rule”, and (3) Canada, their political position, constitutionally, the term “visible-minority” was because they were there first. There invented in the 1980s to define are grounds for concern that this would SPECIAL PROMOTION “persons, other than aboriginal lead to increased tension and “inter- persons, who are non- Caucasian in tribal” conflict as the population LIMITED TIME OFFER race or non-white in colour” and this continues to grow through immigration has led to the term “Hyphenated- needed to sustain the workforce. There Canadians” and by 2006 the Census are Expatriates from well over 100 Call Norman Sorono shows that about two-thirds of all countries now working in the Caymans Tel.: 514-744-5191 Canadians are “hyphenated” when and the largest contingent is Cell: 514-297-4965 listing their Ethnic Heritage, represented by contract-workers from In Kenya, where my youngest the Philippines, numbering about Montreal Distributor daughter was born in 1984, (Picture) 2500. there were horrendous inter-tribal In the case of the Cayman conflicts, following the recent general Islands, population too plays a Model ED8000 significant part. In 1983, the population election and the conflict was or ED 9000 uncharacteristic of the peaceful and was about 20,000 and now it is about may 2008 16 The North American Filipino Star Dennis Trillo, Jennylyn Mercado FILIPINO STAR celebrate birthdays Dennis Trillo was more than happy beauty queen Carlene Aguilar as well as to blow his birthday cake on Sunday with his rumored relationship with starlet S H O W B I Z G O S S I P his loyal fans. Cristine Reyes. In a Chika Minute report on Monday, Carlene and Cristine had a the matinee idol and young father confrontation incident earlier this year decided to spend the eve of his birthday that was caught-on-cam, apparently Mom’s the word for Lea Salonga with his adoring fans whom he said have fighting over Dennis. stayed with him through thick and thin. Meanwhile, the very pregnant Dennis had been hit by criticisms Jennylyn Mercado received a surprise this year following his refusal to birthday party on the set of Startalk last immediately admit to his lovechild with Saturday when her friends from “Starstruck" batch 1 came to celebrate with her. The teary-eyed young mother-to-be was greeted by Yasmine Kurdi, Rainer Castillo, Dion Ignacio, Alvin Aragon and ex-boyfriend Mark Herras. Each of Jennylyn’s showbiz friends gave her gifts which also served as their baby shower presents. When asked what her birthday wish was, Jennylyn replied: "Wala, wala na eh. Siguro sa baby ko na lang talaga na maging healthy siya, na mapalaki ko siya ng maayos (I don’t have anything else to ask for except for my baby’s health and I hope I raise him well)."and desist from discussing the matters involved in the case both in print and on television from here on.” a Jennylyn Mercado : Starring in 'Caregiver' a humbling experience “Awang-awa ako sa sarili ko. I like, adding that her respect for them really pitied myself when we were has risen to a thousand percent. shooting Caregiver,” shared Sharon “Imagine the hardships that these Cuneta on the rollercoaster of people have to go through, as they emotions she felt while doing the 15th leave their own family to take care of year offering of , which somebody else’s. Kakayanin ko siguro Jokingly, Lea Salonga tells the of performing in front of people. also marks her comeback after four ang hirap ng kanilang trabaho, pero di press gathered at the launch of her 30th years of being away from the big ko kakayanin ang lungkot.” anniversary concert “My Life … Did you ever imagine then that it screen. She said she got so emotionally Onstage” that the “baby factory is would become your life’s work? In “Caregiver,” Sharon gives life to involved with her role that the moment closed.” It means two-year-old daughter the role of Sarah, a grade school she returned to the country, she cried Nicole Beverly won’t have a younger When you’re that young, becoming an teacher who decides to give up upon seeing her husband, Senator sister or brother anytime soon because actress is not something you teaching for a more financially- Kiko Pangilinan—literally feeling what Lea’s booked to do shows till October necessarily think about. It didn’t really rewarding career as a caregiver in every OFW felt when coming home to next year. occur to me. I wanted to be a lot of London. their loved ones. Apart from the two-night things: to be a psychiatrist or a doctor. I In a presscon held at Pino anniversary concert on May 23 and 24, wanted a life outside of this business, Restaurant in Lahug, the Megastar she’s also slated to lead the Asian tour but it seems that God has other plans for detailed in candor the challenges she of the Rodgers & Hammerstein musical me. had to go through on the set of “Cinderella,” which will have its debut “Caregiver” in London. Eighty percent Will you allow Nicole to follow in your run at the Cultural Center of the of the film was shot in what has been Philippines (CCP) from July to August footsteps? touted as the most expensive city in the this year. world. Next year, she’s set to do shows in I don’t know. It’s hard to say because a “For the first time, sa tanang buhay Las Vegas. kid will be a kid and will always emulate ko, nagka-rashes ako. Sobrang cold For now, it seems work and Nicole other people. Today, she’s emulating yung weather sa London, tapos are more than enough to keep Mama her ninong (Lea’s brother Gerard Lea on her toes. Salonga) conducting an orchestra. umuulan. Parang yelo ang lamig. Prior to the launch, Lea juggled a Earlier (at the rehearsals), she was Tapos wala kaming tulog, about 2 to 3 makeup session, two interviews and holding the baton. She also imitated the hours of sleep only at travel ng travel, playtime with the tot. violinist. But she likes holding lipat ng lipat. One day lang ang off Inquirer Entertainment caught Lea drumsticks, too. She can very well end namin. For the first time sa buhay ko and Nicole huddled in front of her up a musician and not necessarily hirap na hirap akong magtrabaho,” a Sharon Cuneta MacBook; the TV fixed on a cartoon become a celebrity. Which is fine by me. looking trimmer Sharon shared. show on Disney Channel. “I had separation anxiety since I’ve Nevertheless, even the megastar Lea has often said that her baby “runs According to her Lola Ligaya, she’s never been away from my kids and my that she is, Sharon harbored no regret her life,” that motherhood has “altered” not afraid of the mic. husband for more than two weeks. of doing it all. “I am hard worker, but I her perspective. Naramdaman ko yung hirap at lungkot worked doubly hard in this film. I want Nicole was born right after Mother’s It’s really up to her. I’m not going to force since I was practically made to do all, to earn the respect of others and not Day two years ago. her into doing something that she may from how to save a patient’s life, to do expect it to be given to me. not want for herself. I’m not going to first aid, to apply CPR and even how to “Doing the film humbled me so What’s the highlight of your 30 years? pressure her: “You have to be a singer, change them, how to really take care of much, at the same time it made me like mommy.” I wasn’t forced to do this. the elderly as a caregiver,” shared more grateful for what I have. I am so It definitely includes the very first time I It stands to reason that I wouldn’t force Sharon of the scenes that they shot at proud of the film. If it’s going to affect stepped onstage at the CCP, for “The my kid into it, either. actual nursing homes. my career in a positive way, it doesn’t King and I,” when I was 7 years old. It But the film gave her a bird’s eye matter, because it already did much to was then that I realized that I had no fear Continued PAGE 16 view of what’s the life of a caregiver me as a person.” a may 2008 The North American Filipino Star 17 one of the biggest earners in the history Solis in a retraction letter she signed Ann Curtis, showbiz goddess of Philippine cinema–has made Anne a early Wednesday evening in the sala of force to be reckoned with in terms of Manila Regional Trial Court Judge Jose box-office success. FYI, some quarters Mendoza. are saying that Anne’s irresistible sex At the same time, Pascual and appeal helped make "When Love Milby executed an affidavit of Begins…" such a success. Male desistance to officially withdraw the moviegoers who would normally have to case that stemmed from an item in be dragged into a movie theater by their Solis’ “Take It, Take It” column in the girlfriends to watch something like this tabloid, in which she said she saw the have actually done so more than two actors “sweet” to each other at the once–of their own volition, mind you. Sofitel Hotel at around 4 p.m. on (We suspect that the many shots of Anne October 12. in a bikini had something to do with that.) “We have both decided not to Viva and Star Cinema are already sifting through tons of scripts to find suitable proceed with the prosecution of the material for her next movie. criminal case for libel against Lolit Solis "I’m sure whatever they will come up and Veronica Samio regardless of the with will be great," says Anne. "Star merits of the said case,” the actors said Cinema did well choosing ‘When Love in their affidavit. Begins…,’ so I’m confident they can do it Joji Alonso, Pascual and Milby’s again." lawyer, told the Philippine Daily Inquirer Anne is truly an actress in every that the retraction was the result of sense of the word– someone whose producer Robbie Tan’s efforts. dedication to her craft shines through all Last May 9, Alonso said she met that she does. (Kind of like a young with Solis, Samio and their lawyers in a , don’t you agree? a restaurant where they talked for about two hours about the case. In popular mythology, comedy to drama to fantasy with little to “I’m very thankful that they agreed goddesses–known locally as dyosa or no effort at all. , to drop the case. I’m grateful to them, mga dyosa– are described as women Aside from "Dyosa," Anne is riding Sam Milby drop especially to their manager Johnny who are possessed of an almost high on the box-office success of "When Manahan. I admit that I am not unnatural beauty. However, that’s not all Love Begins…," her movie with libel suit vs Lolit completely sure that it was Sam and they have to recommend them. They are heartthrob Aga Muhlach. Her Piolo that I saw. I’m 61 years old. I a rare breed, one that can balance performance earned plaudits from fans Solis might have been mistaken,” Solis told and critics, who said her acting was beauty with strength of character. reporters. Since no other female star in local effortless. Result? The movie earned After showbiz columnist “From the very beginning, the only showbiz fits that description better than P50 million in its first five days in retracts ‘gay’ story thing that my clients wanted was for the , it is fitting that she has been theaters–not bad for a local movie facing truth to come out and that such an tapped to star in "Dyosa." The show’s stiff competition from a slew of “Sam, Piolo, I am sorry for the hurt incident never took place. That’s why drumbeaters say it is one of the biggest Hollywood films! and embarrassment I caused.” we sent a demand letter in the first and most expensive fantaseryes Says Anne of her movie’s success, This apology of talent manager place,” Alonso said, stressing that the mounted by ABS-CBN. "I’m very happy that it’s done this well. and entertainment columnist Lolit Solis actors did not want to put Solis behind "Dyosa" is the story of a girl who This is my first real mature film role, so over her writeup depicting Piolo bars. discovers that she is descended from I’m proud that the fans and the critics Pascual and Sam Milby as “gay men” The actors shook hands afterward the legendary Mariang Sinukuan and have received it as well as they did. I’m prompted the two matinee idols to with Solis who also signed an affidavit Bernardo Carpio, two of Philippine also very thankful that Aga chose me to drop the P12-million libel suit they filed of undertaking which ordered her “to folklore’s most powerful figures. Apart be his leading lady. It’s an honor I’ll against her and Pilipino Star Ngayon treasure forever." refrain and desist from discussing the from her origin, she also discovers that editor Veronica Samio. she has power over three elements The stellar performance of "When matters involved in the case both in “There is no factual basis for my –land, air and sea. Again, this is fitting Love Begins…," coupled with the print and on television from here on.” article, which came out on October 15, because as her character can shift from success of her previous movie "Ang a 2007. I am extremely sorry for dragging one element to another with ease, Anne Cute ng is a versatile actress who can shift from Ina Mo"–which has just been certified as the names of Sam and Piolo,” said Will Wilma Santos do another movie? Batangas Gov. Vilma Santos misses the movies. A true blue child of the business who started as a child actress, Vilma was at the peak of her career when she entered politics and made a good career out of it. Now Governor Vi would like to do movies again. “Gusto ko na po. Meron na ulit inihahanda ang Star Cinema, meron pang indie film, and I am looking forward to making a movie this year. It has been five long years na hindi ako gumagawa ng pelikula. I owe it to my audience. I owe it to my public. Yong Vilma Santos na artista utang na loob ko yon sa publiko at miss ko na po.” Vilma also intimated to about how happy she and her family were during their three-week vacation in population of the entire province.” Her America. “We were complete as a family husband Ralph Recto has been her except Lucky. But I understand that he is guiding force. “Ralph is doing good. busy with work. It is during vacation time Siguro yong hindi muna pagkakaroon that I do things like other people do — ng posisyon sa gobyerno plus factor we go shopping, we go anywhere, pag yon kasi he guides me on how to run ayaw maligo, wag muna, ganun.” Batangas. Kung wala si Ralph, hindi ko As governor of Batangas, Vilma alam kung paano ko ito uumpisahan.” a feels “like the mother of the whole province of Batangas. Para akong ina na may anak na 2.3 million, that is the More Showbiz Gossip - SEE PAGE 18 may 2008 18 The North American Filipino Star Showbiz Gossip Continued from p.10 Charlie & Madonna Decena shine in Talent.” It just seems to me a little sad ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ Continued from Page 10 that it has to be foreigners who point out how great we are. Charlie Green, a tenyear old half- nothing but praises. He said, “Charlie, I If she wants to study music in Juilliard Filipino and club singer Madonna Decena think you’re a little star! I really, really like are singing their way to the next round of you!” In the end, Charlie got three “YES” and perform in Carnegie Hall with a Do you feel the same way, that you Britain’s Got Talent. It’s a talent search votes from the judges, and is now set to violin under her chin, that would make were underrated here prior to “Miss created by American Idol judge Simon move on to the next round of competition. me incredibly proud. My husband and Saigon”? Cowell who also acts as judge in the Charlie’s mom is a Filipina Cecilia I would have to discern, along with her, show, alongside journalist Piers Morgan what her real gift is and figure out how But it’s not fair to say that I was and actress Amanda Holdren. best to utilize that gift. underrated. I wasn’t exactly putting in During the program’s second week of live auditions in Birmingham, Charlie gave a spirited rendition of Frank Sinatra’s 1966 hit record “Summer Wind.” He was cool and composed throughout the entire performance, even doing some old- fashioned jazz scatting and finger snapping. After he sang, the audience gave Charlie a standing ovation and chanted his name for a few seconds. Charlie is the second Filipino to make waves in the talent search. First was the 32- year old single mom and club singer Madonna Decena, who auditioned in Manchester, and wowed the judges with Charlie Green her powerful rendition of “I Will Always Sumargo, who hails from Dumajug, Cebu Love You.” and his dad is British. Auditions for Even the panel’s harshest critic, Britain’s Got Talent are currently ongoing American Idol judge Simon Cowell, had and will air locally very soon. a KC Concepcion Inks three movie deal true po kasi. Ang tagal kong hinintay and ngayon pelikula na and hindi lang isa mayroon kaming tatlong pelikula. Hindi ko alam kung how many years pero committed po yung tatlong pelikula," KC said. There are a lot of Filipinos, from much of an effort because I had school KC said she will be doing a light Charice Pempengco to Madonna then. For me, show biz was just a romance flick for her first ever movie, Decena, who are doing well in the hobby. which will be helmed by director Joyce international scene? What’s your But it seems it took West End to Bernal. take on this? discover you? "Handa na po akong maging leading lady....sobrang nagpapasalamat ako sa Oh, it’s wonderful. It’s always great There’ll be people who’ll say that. But I ABS-CBN dahil bibigyan nila ako ng when Filipino talent is recognized think it took them, for me to realize that opportunity na makatrabaho ang ilang worldwide. this is what I was meant to do. If respetadong director like sina Joyce anything, it was a wakeup call for me. I Bernal na magiging director ng first film. Madonna was active in local theater. wasn’t meant to go to med school; I ABS-CBN's newest star KC And si direk Chito Roño and direk Cathy was meant to be onstage and make Concepcion got teary-eyed after signing a Garcia-Molina," she said. She also gave a hint that she will be She was on “Once on This Island” in people happy with my performances. a three-movie contract with the Kapamilya Manila. I had friends in the same Network's movie outfit Star Cinema. working with one of the famous sought production. They were like: Wow! Our "Kasi sobrang excited po ako talaga after leading men in local showbiz. "Let's just say we both fought for this project," Little Timone is on “Britain’s Got and hindi ako makapaniwala na kailan lang MMK 'yung ginawa ko dream come Concepcion said. a The North American Filipino Star Classified Ads ADVERTISING APARTMENT FOR RENT DRIVING NURSING AID 100% JOB OPPORTUNITY! CDN, PLAMONDON - VICTORIA 4 1/2 LARGE Cheapest way to advertise! Classes to begin soon, Register by QUIET HEATED, HOT WATER, FRIDGE/STOVE * Car available for EXAM appointment, call 514-485-7861 First 3 lines $10.00 INCL., RENOVATED, FOR MAY OR JULY CALL * 1 hour practice only $25 (tax incl.) next additional line @1.99 RAIMON AT 514-733-4714 OR 514-952-2586 * Many examples of first time success TAXI SERVICE Classified Ads must be prepaid AFTER 5 PM * packages available MR. KHALIL (514) 965-0903 Text can be sent by e-mail or in CDN, 5 1/2 upper duplex , $965 ALADDIN AIRPORT TAXI Quebec certified driving person by calling for heated, hot water, washer/dryer incl. , Airport taxi, van, good prices, instructor with 11 years appointment, 514-485-7861 ideal for professional,w/references, 24-hour service E-mail: [email protected] non-smoker, call 514-485-7861 experience in giving driving lessons. Exam car available 514-591-0074 CAR TECHNOLOGY Toton 514-969-9622 COURSES TECHNICIAN Are you sick of high gas prices? Centre 2000 Vocational Training School FOR SALE Convert your car to run on water Having computer problems? Specials as well as gasoline - triple your Call (514)575-4066 / 342-3066 mileage! Save over 60% on fuel Chest Freezers, hardly used, • Dental Assistant An experienced Filipino computer • Pharmacy Assistant cost. Please visit this website: bargain prices for clearance technician can come to your place • Nursing Aide two computer glass tables, at a very reasonable rate • Daycare Provider • Security Agent matching desk, HOUSEKEEPERS call for information at PERSONAL Saturday / Sunday available NATA agency is looking for reliable CANADIAN gentleman looking for 514-342-1000 people for residential and commercial 514-733-8915 or 514-485-7861 serious relationship for lifetime housekeeping, preferably with partnership. experience, call 514-835-8344 Call 514-962-6824 may 2008 The North American Filipino Star 19 Filipino ex-tricycle driver is new William Hung May 21, 2008 Successive remix versions on “We’re Brothers,” has received five out that Lapuz has been cast in a The Pinoy “William Hung” has the YouTube have cinched over 200,000 stars on the site’s five-star rating Filipino movie (to be shot in Hollywood last laugh. views and counting. system. The second ad, in which he in June), along with another Fil-Am AI In spite of snide comments belts out the US national anthem “The graduate Jasmine Trias.Trias was in the dismissing him as a one-hit wonder, Star Spangled Banner,” also merited Top Three of “American Idol” Season 3. Renaldo Lapuz, the Filipino tricycle five stars. “He’s set to play himself,” says driver who auditioned in the latest In a January interview with the Desvousges on the website. season of the US reality talent search Inquirer, Lapuz recalled that his father In July, he is slated to perform in a “American Idol,” has become an taught him how to sing “The Star homecoming concert in Reno, Nevada, Internet sensation. Spangled Banner” at age 5. with his fellow AI “sensation” William There are various versions of his In the same interview, he said he Hung. composition “We’re Brothers Forever” was inspired by his friends to write Prior to auditioning on AI, Lapuz on the Net—techno, hip-hop, ballad, “We’re Brothers.” worked as a janitor in a Wal-Mart store including a “politicians’ remix” that “I was crying. I was homesick. The in Reno. features former Presidents Corazon song is for my friends who treated me His American Idol performance Aquino, Fidel Ramos and Joseph well. They gave me food, shelter, a bed elicited a back-handed compliment Estrada, as well as President to sleep in. They gave me everything I from judge Simon Cowell, who Macapagal-Arroyo, in a video montage. needed. It took me three days to write quipped: “I have a horrible feeling [that Lapuz’s official website it,” he told the Inquirer in that interview. song] will be a hit record.” ( is holding a According to Desvousges, Lapuz With all those remix versions of contest for the best remixed version of Renaldo Lapuz, right, is seen on stage spent his last dollar on a plane ticket “We’re Brothers Forever” flooding the song. with judge Simon Cowell during the that brought him to AI’s Dallas, Texas, cyberspace, Lapuz can very well fulfill At press time, there were five season finale of American Idol on auditions last year. Cowell’s sarcastic prediction with the finalists, according to web master Dave Wednesday May 21, 2008, in Los Angeles. In Texas, he again relied on the click of a mouse. Desvousges, who is also Lapuz’s kindness of strangers and hitched a In a recent e-mail to the Inquirer , manager. The winner will be Desvousges also says Lapuz’s ride to the AI tryout venue. Desvousges says Lapuz has plans of announced on Thursday (Manila time), homepage has logged more hits than Although he was over-age (the age visiting the Philippines “to spread his the same day as the “American Idol” the website of Kelly Clarkson, the first limit for contestants is 28), AI producers message of peace, love, unity and Season 7 grand finals. winner of “American Idol.” allowed Lapuz, in his feathered hat, happiness” among his countrymen. Lapuz’s two TV commercials for quilted white suit and silver cape, to First stop for the balikbayan is 2.5 million hits telecommunications giant AT&T, sing in front of the three judges. Sikatuna Village, Quezon City, where launched this month, have also been Lapuz has surely gone a long way Lapuz used to work as tricycle driver. On the website, Desvousges says posted on YouTube. from his days as a struggling wannabe. “He wants to perform with his old the video of Lapuz’s audition on AI There’s even talk that he may perform friends,” Desvousges says. a received “2.5 million hits in its first few Star Spangled Banner in the grand finals of “American Idol” on days” before it was pulled from Thursday. YouTube. The first ad, in which he sings On the website, his manager points 20 The North American Filipino Star may 2008 20 Education raises the bar but lowers the barriers to a rewarding career.

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