Studia Securitatis

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Studia Securitatis Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu Faculty of Social Sciences And Humanities Department of International Relations, Political Science and Security Studies STUDIA SECURITATIS Security Studies Magazine Issued by the Research Center in Political Science, International Relations and European Studies Two Issues/Year Editorial board member in charge of the present issue: PhD. Nicoleta Annemarie Munteanu Volume XIV No. 1/2020 ISSN: 1843-1925 1 INTERNATIONAL AFFILIATION: CEEOL EBSCO ERIHPLUS /erihplus INDEX COPERNICUS ULRICH'S PERIODICAL DIRECTORY INFOBASE INDEX SOCIONET.RU RESEARCHBIB MIAR GLOBAL IMPACT & QUALITY FACTOR 2 BOARD EDITORIAL BOARD CHIEF-EDITOR: Gra țian Lupu CO-EDITORS: Cristian Troncot ă, Gabriel Șerban, Nicoleta Annemarie Munteanu, Marius Șpechea, Iustin Vancea, Emilia Tomescu, Iuliana Neago ș SCIENTIFIC BOARD: • Corvin Lupu (Founder Studia Securitatis) • Eugen Str ăuțiu (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu) • Marc Chesnel (Académie des Belles-Lettres Sciences et Arts de la Rochelle) • Siegmar Schmidt (Universität Koblenz-Landau) • Liubiša Despotovi ć (Institute for Political Studies, Belgrade) • Gheorghe Bichicean (Romanian-German University of Sibiu) • Alexandr Dughin (Lomonosov University of Moscow) • Valeriu Mo şneaga (State University of Moldova, Chi şin ău) • Antonio Nadal (University of Malaga) • Dan Dungaciu (Institute of Political Science and International Relations, Romanian Academy, Bucharest) • Tomasz B ąk (University of Information, Technology and Management of Rzes źow) • Teodor Frunzeti (Academy of Romanian Scientist, Bucharest) • Stelian Sc ăuna ş (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu) • Anzhela Ignatyuk (Taras Shevcenko University, Kiyv) • Mihai Marcel Neag (Nicolae B ălcescu Land Forces Academy of Sibiu) • Forrest Nabors (University of Alaska, Anchorage) • Vakhtang Maisaia (Sukhishvili University, Tbilisi) • Cristian Barna (Mihai Viteazul National Academy of Intelligence, Bucharest) • Aurelian Lavric (Alexandru cel Bun Military Academy of Chisinau) • Mojtaba Zarvani (State University of Tehran) • Vasile Tab ără (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu) 3 SCIENTIFIC REVIEWERS • Victor Moraru (Academy of Sciences, Chisinau) • Lucian Cioca (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu) • Andrey Devyatkov (University of Moscow) • Teodor Bodoa șcă (Dimitrie Cantemir University of Târgu Mure ș) • Ganna Kharlamova (Taras Sevecenko University of Kyiv) • Viorica Țîcu (Free International University of Moldova, Chisinau) • Mircea Cosma (Alma Mater University of Sibiu) • Leonid Litra (Institute of World Policy, Kyiv) • Diana Bencheci (State University of Moldova, Chisinau) • Gligor Ciortea (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu) • Victor Saca (State University of Moldova, Chisinau) • Vasile C ăru ţaşu (Nicolae B ălcescu Land Forces Academy of Sibiu) • Natalia Albu (Alexandru cel Bun Military Academy of Chisinau) • Vladimir Yastrebceak (Taras Sevcenko State University of Tiraspol) • Paul Brusanowski (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu) • Dragan Trailovi ć (Institute for Political Studies, Belgrade) • Natalia Putin ă (State University of Moldova, Chisinau) • Silvia Florea (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu) Copyright © 2017-2020 Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu Faculty of Social Sciences Department of International Relations, Political Scrience and Security Studies Research Center in Political Science, International Relations and European Studies 550324 Sibiu, Calea Dumbr ăvii nr. 34 Tel. / Fax: +40-269-422169 Web: E-mail: 4 CONTENTS EDITORIAL Gra ţian LUPU STUDIA SECURITATIS, FAKE NEWS AND FREEDOM OF 6 SPEECH IN TIMES OF THE SARS COV 2 PANDEMIC INTERNATIONAL SECURITY Alexandru GRUMAZ THE MIDDLE EAST AND THE NORTH SEA REGION UNDER 10 THE SIGN OF CORONAVIRUS Vitalie GAMURARI COMBATING TERRORISM AND ENSURING THE 26 Naif Jassim REGULATORY FRAMEWORK WHICH CONSTITUTES THE ALABDULJABBAR „NUCLEUS” OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE CONTEXT OF CHALLENGES WHICH THE SECURITY FACES AT THE INTERNATIONAL AND REGIONAL LEVEL Vitalie SÎLI HYBRID THREATS: MODERN PERCEPTION AND TACTICS 37 ROMANIAN NATIONAL SECURITY Tănase TIBERIU HOW ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE IS SECURING THE 44 Violeta Ioana NAGÂ Ţ NATIONAL SECURITY Andreea Roxana 30 YEARS OF TRANSFORMATION AND RECONSTRUCTION. 51 OLTEANU THE SECURITY OF ROMANIA IN THE POST-COMMUNIST ERA Violeta Ioana NAGÂ Ţ DANGERS OF CORRUPTION IN THE NATIONAL DEFENCE 63 STRATEGY – WHY A MORE EFFICENT APPROACH IS NEEDED? NATIONAL SECURITY OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA Adrian MUNTEANU MODERNIZATION OF THE NATIONAL SECURITY SYSTEM 69 OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA: ACHIEVEMENTS AND PERSPECTIVES Alexander STRATEGIES AND TACTICS FOR THE SETTLEMENT OF 83 KURTSKHALIA TERRITORIAL CONFLICTS IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA AND GEORGIA IN THE LIGHT OF INTERNATIONAL LAW HUMAN SECURITY Mehdi LAHLOU RELIGIOUS GOVERNANCE IN MOROCCO: DEMOGRAPHIC, 98 Mounir ZOUITEN SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL CONTEXT Ion SÎRBU ECOSOPHY, SECURITY AND MANIPULATION 113 BOOK REVIEWS Eugen STR ĂUȚIU AN ANALYTICAL AND NORMATIVE APPROACH TO MASS 122 MEDIA OPERATION, IN COMPLEMENTARITY WITH MODERN MILITARY OPERATION, EDITED BY NICOLETA ANNEMARIE MUNTEANU Iuliana NEAGO Ș A NEW FUNDAMENTAL WORKING TOOL FOR THE 126 RESEARCH OF THE TRANSNISTRIAN ISSUE, PROVIDED BY THE LABORATORY FOR THE ANALYSIS OF THE TRANSNISTRIAN CONFLICT, EDITED BY EUGEN STR ĂUȚIU 5 EDITORIAL Gra țian LUPU Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu STUDIA SECURITATIS, FAKE NEWS AND FREEDOM OF SPEECH IN TIMES OF THE SARS COV 2 PANDEMIC Abstract: Fake news and lies exist since humans live on this planet. In our times the means of spreading fake news and lies are different by the general use of internet. Media trusts have, in this sense, large possibilities by using traditional mas-media communication and on-line comunication. Although fake news is a threat to democracy, the fight against these should not affect the freedom of speech. During the Sars Cov 2 pandemic cenzorship was some times used in Romania. I stand against these actions! Information claimed to be “fake news” like the one saying that the Sars cov 2 is not so dangerous is undergoing research and investigation so it is premature to call it “fake news”. For some it is already obvious that these is not fake news. The editorial board of the “Studia Securitatis” magazine stands for freedom of speech, for the important principal of listening to all opinions on a metter (“Audiatur omnia pars”) and condamns cenzorship. Keywords: Freedom of speech; Fake news; Manipulation; Studia Securitatis Contact details of the E-mail: author: Institutional Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu affiliation of Department of International Relations, Political Sciences and Security Studies the authors: Institutions Calea Dumbrăvii Str. nr. 34, 550324 Sibiu, Jud. Sibiu, Romania address: Tel. / Fax: +40-269-422169 During this first half-year of 2020 international relations and security studies while the “Studia Securitatis” editorial magazines. board was editing this first issue for 2020, − Did anything else happen in the world the Sars Cov 2 spread all over the world, in all of these months? became an overpublicized pandemic and, − What about the ongoing wars? 2 in a way, took over our lives with − What about the so called refugee crisis? lockdowns, economic crisis, big business − What about the important trails on child with equipments needed to satisfy the trafficking and child abuse in the US, medical protocols suggested by the World against which the Trump administration Health Organization, big business of the 1 tries to take measures? big pharma corporations , the shutdown of − What about the big credits with interest very many small businesses and some big (small or big) that some countries took businesses all over the world. In this time we could notice quite a monopole of this pandemic subject in the media as well as in 2 the international political science, to-watch-2020/. At the end of 2019 „ Foreign Policy ” spured its readers watch some of the 1 conflicts in 2020. (20.05.2020) The CFR offers an drug-pricing-coronavirus-profits/ (25.04.2020), interractive and updated map: bd25-7fd923850377 (25.04.2020) tracker/?category=us (20.05.2020) 6 from international banks or from other Coming back to the present international creditors in these months? 1 censorship I could notice that in Romania, Of course, this editorial cannot during these days of pandemic, a massive answer all these questions and further more so called anti fake news campaign was this is not my objective. launched. Sometimes, victims of this In some countries some of these campaign were some newspapers, subjects and many more important ones are magazines and sites. The present means of silently censored. In Romania different spreading news are significantly different opinions than the official position than in the past because of the internet and regarding the measures to be taken in order the use of internet by the main stream to stop the spread of the new corona virus media 4. Lies, although, are in the world as were sometimes censored. These aspects old as
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