Articles in the media

07.03.2005, ZIUA ...... 1 02.09.2005, ATAC ...... 3 02.05.2006, ZIUA ...... 4 31.08.2006, ZIUA ...... 7 14.05.2007, ZIUA ...... 11 05.06.2007, ZIUA ...... 15 18.09.2008, GARDIANUL ...... 18

07.03.2005, ZIUA

Software piracy

ZIUA newspaper, March 7th 2005 SC OMNIS GROUP SRL (OG), the first private company of having as single object of activity the software development, began its activity in 1990. Six years later, it became the first Microsoft certified partner in our country, obtaining different prizes at professional competitions. In November 2004, OG management found that on the ROMANIAN SOFT COMPANY SRL (RSC) web site, are posted identical copies of ISIS and ISIS.NET programs, created by OG, being protected by registration at the Register of Computer Programs at the Romanian Office for Copyrights (ORDA). The thieves are ex OG employees The reproduction of the two programs under other names were possible by the employment of two OG employees, Dragos Saracu and Irinel Lupei, by ROMANIAN SOFT COMPANY, the company of Sebastian Vladescu, ex state secretary at the Ministry of Public Finances in the period 19972000. When they left OG, Saracu and Lupei – who had unlimited access to the source code of ISIS and ISIS.NET systems – did not leave with bare hands, steeling the two mentioned programs. Based on it, they issued the ARES.NET, CARE.NET, AMBULANTA and HIPOCRATE applications and sold them to the many customers. Of the list of clients, we mention about 20 hospitals, polyclinics and ambulance services, Townhall of 3rd District, Porsche Romania, Toi Toi&Dixi Romania and others. PHARE funds used for robbery In the view of stopping the illicit activity of the Vladescu’s and his ex wife’s company (whom he left, in order to marry his goddaughter that he had previously married to MP Boureanu), a series of complaints and notifications were sent to Bucharest General Police Inspectorate, General Inspectorate for Communication and Information Technology, ORDA, Ministry of Administration and Interior, Ministry of National Defense, as well as to all

1 beneficiaries of the stolen software. OG management also ascertained that the “distribution of the stolen program is performed through a network of companies, controlled by Sebastian Vladescu”. It refers to SC MEDIST SA and MEDIST SRL, implied in many contracts with the state, where public money are transferred. RSC also benefited in 2002 of 50,000 Euro PHARE funds, with the objective to develop and commercialize three new software products for the administration of medical activity in hospitals, products that are based on the copied source code, respectively on the ISIS and ISIS.NET systems. This happened while RSC, created in 2000, had one employee in 2001 and two employees in 2002. A coffee chat To solve the case, OG representatives requested a meeting with the ORDA executives, meeting that took place on the date of December 8 th , last year. The expert Adrian Paunescu mentioned that, to perform a control at the headquarters of RSC, he needs a mandate from the Court of Law, but, despite all these, presented himself with bare hands and did not preserve any necessary material proofs. His visit at the headquarters of Vladescu’ company concluded with a coffee chat. Amazingly, one day before the said control, the pirated programs were deleted from RSC web site. For a while, the authorities even tried to imply that the software programs that disappeared from the site were simple, worthless work versions. At that moment, entered into the scene the Service of Frauds Investigation of Bucharest General Police Department, specifically the team composed by the commissary Luigi Sima and the subinspector Marian Ionita, who, unlike ORDA expert Adrian Paunescu, succeeded to collect evidences and to forward them to ORDA. Further on, ORDA had to admit on February 8 th , 2005, that the company of Vladescu copied important parts of OG computer programs. Corruption at high levels The gravity of this situation consists in the fact that the software systems, with values that are in excess of many millions of euro, have been stolen using a clever plan, designed by a high state official, with the complicity of other influent persons, and using PHARE funds. And the pirated products have been commercialized to state institutions, that paid them with public money, being today in the position in which they do not have the legal rights to use the stolen systems.


2 02.09.2005, ATAC

Tariceanu is associated with a businessman, accused for stealing software programs ATAC newspaper , September 2nd, 2005

The management of OMNIS GROUP points the finger to Tariceanu and draws the attention that the theft was intermediated by a company where the shareholder is the prime minister himself. An open letter signed by Serban Ghenea, general manager of OMNIS GROUP, puts prime minister Tariceanu in great difficulty. And this because the prime minister is warned that he put at the head of a ministry a man accused of robbery. The nomination of Sebastian Vladescu in the position of minister of Public Finances (MFP) generates businessmen discontent towards prime minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu, that made this choice. As surprising as that has been the appointment of Vladescu at the head of Romanian Commercial Bank (BCR) surveillance commission. This is due to the fact that Vladescu did not meet one of the essential conditions: minimum five years experience in the banking domain. Because of this reason, Vladescu had to receive dispense from the Government to occupy the relevant position. Tariceanu’s proposal should not surprise anyone, as Sebastian Vladescu is a friend and business partner of the prime minister. Curious is the fact that, although Vladescu was a media subject, being even accused of intellectual theft by the management of OMNIS GROUP, fact proved also by ORDA, the office for copyrights, as well as by the police, the prime minister Tariceanu did not take it into account, and Vladescu replaced Ionut Popescu in the MFP leadership. There are serious accusations, referring to the robbery of a software program. Is it again about the group of interests mentioned by president Basescu? Appointment of friends One of the persons who severely attacked Sebastian Vladescu is Dragos Riscanu, the leader of OMNIS GROUP company, specialized in software. In the springtime, ATAC wrote several articles on this theme. It has been talking about the fact that OMNIS accused the company of Sebastian Vladescu, Romanian Soft Company, that it stole ten years of work. “In fact, in Romania, besides Omnis, there is no IT industry. They are robbers, gathered under the umbrella of criminal organization, who live by the robbery of work of companies like the one I lead”, states Riscanu. When Riscanu found out that Vladescu was nominated minister of Finances, he has been astonished. And that is due to the fact that before Vladescu took the position of head of BCR surveillance commission, OMNIS forwarded an open letter to the prime minister, remained without any answer. In July c.y., the company returned with another letter, also without any answer. “Probably, delared to us Dragos Riscany, Mister Tariceanu is too busy appointing friends in public functions. Due to it, I returned on August 31 st , with another letter, also to the prime minister. At the government registration office I had the surprise that the employee rejected our petition, on the reason that it aims the prime minister”. The office chief had to intervene, saying that “we should receive it, because it accuses the prime minister”.

3 The prime minister, warned ! In the last open letter of Mr. Ghenea, addressed to the prime minister Tariceanu, on 07.20 th , 2005, the chief of the Executive was informed by the fact that Romanian Soft Company (RSC) stole the intellectual property of OMNIS GROUP and sold it illegally, by the company MEDIST, to budgetary state institutions. “What we find out from the media, is that you, Mr. prime minister, are associated to the company MEDIST and you initially submitted a declaration of interests that lacked the connections with this company. I found out amazed how, while we are fighting to prove the theft committed on our company by RSC through MEDIST, Sebastian Vladescu was promoted by you in state positions, higher and higher, state representative in the Administration Council of PETROM, the president of BCR Surveillance commission, and recently, you appointed him as minister of Public Finances. We come to your support to help you not to continue in error, and we consider our duty to inform you by mass media, on the onerous aspects of the activity of the named Vladescu Sebastian”. We specify that, according to data from the National Trade Registry, MEDIST’ headquarters are located in one of the housings of Mr. Calin Popescu Tariceanu. Associate of Tariceanu As resulting from National Trade Registry data, the name of Calin Popescu Tariceanu appears together with Sebastian Vladescu, new minister of Finance, in the companies Leader High Tech SA, specialized in computers and electronic equipments, and SC Antrepriza de Lucrari Publice si Industriale A.L.P.I. SA. In the first company, the prime minister owns 10% of shares and in the second 25% of shares. In A.L.P.I. SA, also the godson of Vladescu, Cristian Boureanu, currently a PNL member of Parliament, is another shareholder.


02.05.2006, ZIUA

Vlădescu Piracy at Bruxelles

A new major scandal is set to begin at Bruxelles. Some time ago, OLAF (the European Anti –Fraud Office on European funds) representatives received two pieces of some very interesting information. The first one was the official referral of a Romanian company accusing another Romanian company of IT piracy regarding three software programs that the latter had presented as their own products and, later on marketed with great success. The plaintiff company is called OMNIS GROUP, the respondent Romanian Soft Company. The latter was established in 2000 by Sebastian Vlădescu, Romania`s present Finance Minister. The second one is represented by the impressive amount of press information in Romania on the subject, and also the various data still available on different Romanian websites. It is from here, from the opensources of the Romania press, that we took the data that summarizes the “internal story”. And it cannot be anything but shocking the fact that, in spite of the dozens of published material, there is still no specific result , even if one of Tăriceanu administration`s keyMinisters prestige

4 is at stake. And, after all, it is even about the national and international credibility of the person administering Romania`s finances.

Issue facts in Romania Romanian Soft Company (RSC) begins its existence in 2000, in 2001 has only one employee, then two in 2002, the moment when it benefits from a fund of 50.000 euros for a project called “Development and marketing of three new software products” intended for hospital activity management. The programs are developed in 2003, but – and it is from here on that the odd coincidences in the file appear – it was only after two new employees, Drago Săracu i Irinel Lupei, arrive at RSC, the two of them being up to that moment employees of OMNIS GROUP. The two, their former employer claims, had had complete access to the source code of ISIS and ISIS.NET systems, source codes already protected by registration in November 2001 at ORDA (Romanian Copyright Office). OMNIS GROUP addresses Prime Minister Tăriceanu with two memorials, one on the 30 th of December 2004, the other on the 20 th of July 2005. In December 2004, they file an official complaint with ORDA, IGP and the General Inspectorate for Communications and Information Technology (IGCTI), claiming that RSC had copied significant parts of the two programs and they brought them into ARES.NET, CARE.NET, AMBULANTA and HIPOCRATE applications, which were later on marketed through MEDIST SA, a company that initially also belonged to Sebastian Vlădescu, and which is now managed by his exwife, Carmen Vlădescu. What does “significant parts of the source code” mean? It seems that is means 3000 lines of souce code out of 5000. In the complaint of OMNIS GROUP there is direct reference to a possible illegal use of Community funds by stating that “the European funds in question had been used as support of a blatant case of fraud on intellectual rights.” RSC does not admit to the fraud, but ORDA has already given a first verdict: "ARES.NET, CARE.NET and AMBULANCE softwares developed by SC Romanian Soft Company SRL (RSC) contain significant parts copied from ISIS. NET, developed by SC Omnis Group SRL". At its turn, IGP, more exactly specialists from the Fraud Investigation Directorate within DGPMB start an investigation, about which little facts are known, the accounts being quite confusing. What is certain though is that the Directorate started a porsecution against Săracu Drago tefan, software analyst and project manager at RSC. Then, all of a sudden, the file is sent to the Penal Inquiry Department within Bucharest Police where, it seems, still stays on hold, Săracu being investigated for crimes of development, public availability and distribution of a work without the authorization and consent of the copyright owner. More precisely, in terms of the decision given by ORDA, of that of Omnis Group. There have been many clients, and not among the least important, that purchased the pirated programs: Polimed Medical Center Bucharest, "Sf.Ioan" Emergency Hospital Bucharest, Clinicinvest Polyclinic, Military Emergency Hospital "Prof.dr. Agrippa Ionescu" Bucharest, CF2 University Hospital Bucharest, CF Hospital Galaţi, Teleorman County Ambulance Service, Ministry of Interior "Prof.dr. D. Gerota" Emergency Hospital Bucharest, County Hospital Alexandria. It becomes, therefore, credible the loss of 7.2 million euros indicated by a preliminary assessment in this case. The story has yet another level, not directly related to the possible fraud with EU money, nor the IT piracy charge, but important in setting the right frame of the story. Sebastian Vlădescu is also a close friend of Prime Minister Tăriceanu, together with whom he held shares at Antrepriza de Lucrari Publice si Industriale ALPI SA (with the business quarter in Tăriceanu`s residence) and at LEADER HIGHTECH SA (where, among the associates is also MEDIST SA).

5 Two months until the final analysis OLAF investigators now put together all data on a possible fraude of EU funds and it is very likely that the final analysis to be made within maximum two months. It will be then to decide whether an official investigation file will be opened to be communicated as such to the Romanian authorities. There are however many complicated questions. Justification for spending European funds must demonstrate that they followed the original purpose of the project. Which, in this case, it is not very difficult to do because the three programs were indeed developed and displayed as such on the RCS website. The problem is not related to the actual development of the programs, but the charge of IT piracy, the one that concerns – at least in principle – only the Romanian authorities. Only in case piracy is proven will OLAF deem that it is a major vitiation in the development of the programs financed by European taxpayers’ money and, such being the case, could begin the fund recovery process. If money was paid according to its initial destination, then it should have got to the programmers who had worked on them, one of which being now under the investigation of the – and he would already have an answer to the previous question. Certainly – but this is no longer the duty of OLAF – there is also the political credibility dimension regarding the persona of one of the Romanian Government members and, in this case, light should be made very quickly and full details given. If these are false accusations, the better for Romania`s prestige, but why is the answer so long delayed? Why did the data have to start being evaluated in Bruxelles and not, for example, by Cristian David, member of the same political party and friend of Mr. Vlădescu, responsible in Romania with the proper management of European funds? How much or if any did Vlădescu know about the piracy of those products and in what degree can he be held responsible for marketing products that are the result of an activity falling under the Romanian and international law regulations? Were those products also marketed, directly or by intermediaries, in UE countries or in other corners of the world? Perhaps, at least now, the necessary clarifications will start to emerge from Romania. However, the case in itself is particularly interesting in the light odf the recent decisions taken by the European Commission which, yesterday, in the campaign to fight against crimes of intellectual property, submitted a directive which aims to strengthen the penal framework in the field. The norm brings amends and makes additions to the former directive, issued in July 2005.Commissioner Franco Frattini stated that the new system suggested by the committee is yet another step in the fight against counterfeit and piracy in Europe. The main idea to harmonize the criminal legislation of the member states in the field, an essential measure in the fight to eradicate these phenomena which is extremely harmful to the economy.

What is going on in Bruxelles After coming to the attention of the European Commission Delegation in Bucharest, the story reached directly to OLAF, the body whose prerogatives aim exclusively at the pursuit of European money rightful use. Meaning, in the case in discussion, the use of the 50.000 euros of which RCS benefited by through the PHARE program. Very important to note that the others aspects of criminal nature, namely those related to IT piracy remain exclusively under the jurisdiction of the Romanian authorities, which have to conduct independent research and give the verdict. We sent the press office of OLAF a question on the evolution of the situation and we have received the following reply confirming that the facts in the Vlădescu file are in a process of evaluation.

6 Confirmation from OLAF Following your information request, OLAF can confirm that: 1. It received charges (by a corporation) with regard to abusive use of PHARE Funds concerning development of software applications for hospitals management. 2. According to its rules of internal procedure, this charge is assessed especially to determine if the reported facts fall within its field of competence, which is to protect EU financial interests. 3. It gathers all necessary information for this evaluation from the competent services and authorities, both in Romania and in all other European institutions.

Cristian UNTEANU, Bruxelles

31.08.2006, ZIUA

Doctor Death

Ziua Newspaper – August 31 st 2006

ZIUA focused in the article "The network of the dying" on August 15 2006 on one of the real estate mafias in Romania, where "Dr. MAI" has major implications. Meanwhile we have continued our investigations, being able to present to the public opinion another series of data and other evidence which proves unquestionably – that the place of Adrian Murea is not in the public life, but somewhere behind bars. Also, in a normal country, its protectors should keep him company. We mention that the real estate mafia to which we refer will not be fully exposed, due to the large volume of information, testimonies, evidence, data and evidence which we have, in the network activity being involved over a hundred people. The number of properties on which this network (in our opinion the most extensive acting in Romania) made its eyes rises to more than 115 buildings. The ones who lose are the Romanian citizens in the country and abroad, but especially the Romanian state, which is the owner of properties not claimed by the former owners, grabbed by the mafia with false documents. Despite all the evidence which confirms what we've said until now, our famous Prosecutor managed to identify only one blamed in the person of Joseph Stark, or on his baptism name Enel Joseph Stark. And since his arrest have past more than three years, while conjugate efforts were made to cover up the criminal acts, waiting for then to become prescribed.

First dying, real estate broker

In the article "The network of the dying" we reveal to the readers, from data obtained indirectly from the “innocent” Public Ministry Prosecutor's Office near the High Court of Cassation and Justice, how the property from Bucharest, 39 Kiseleff Street, District 1 was stolen. Through false notary documents, issued by a notary from USA which does not exist, the empowered Stefan Gavrila has sold the property of four heirs from abroad to the company of a person from Iraq. About Ihab F. Ahbed, the Romanian authorities do not know anything since 1997, when he entered the country. In the same day, and at the same public notary – Livia Alexandru, the property was sold by the Arab to Joseph Stark; the latter became, ostensibly, good faith buyer.

7 But, at the signing date of the salepurchase contract, Gavrila was in terminal phase, suffering from neoplasm, after being the patient of "Doctor Death", at the MAI Hospital. Some time before, as it was declared by Murea’s former concubine, an outrageous act has happened, when the old man has checked in the hospital. Because Gavrila did not have any money to give to the colonel who took care of him, he was transported home with his vehicle, taking some painting from his wall. Two weeks after the identity of the 75 years old person was used to accomplish the fraudulent transaction, he died, unconscious of what happened.

Cheating col. dr. at Ministry of Interior

With just two days before the legalization of the notary documents regarding the theft of the property in 39 Kiseleff Street, “Dr. MAI” has committed another cheat. He has signed, this time having the socalled quality of empowered of the heir Graziela Wagner from USA, a contract through which he sold to Doina Dumitrescu the property from 75 Emanoil Porumbaru (former Campia Turzii). The documents were made also at the Livia Alexandru’s office, against which, not even until today was started any investigation by the proper authorities. The empowerment used by Murea, issued by the public notary Antonio Martinez from New York, USA, was also false, the notary being inexistent.

Also in this scam, the innocent prosecutor Alexandra Mihaela Sinc did not manage to establish the exact contribution of “Dr. MAI” in this crime, disposing NUP (no reason to start criminal investigation) in his case. It is to be mentioned that Alexandra is the daughter of public notary Alexandru Basarab Sinc, spokesperson of the National Chamber of Public Notaries in Romania. Character involved in legalizing of salepurchase contracts through middle man, of a property located in 12 Emanoil Porumbaru Street. This transaction was planned by another real estate network, coordinated by the couple Anton Stan and Carmen Anghel, about who ZIUA wrote on 30.07.2005 and 7.09.2006.

Second dying, real estate broker

In 2003, Dragos Riscanu noticed that he is no longer owner of the house from 47 Barbu Delavrancea, which he purchased with legal documents from the former owner. The new owner: no other than “Doctor Death”. From the file, it came out that Riscanu, when he was in USA, has empowered Stefan Macovei to sell the property. That document was issued at the public notary Helene Nilson, Richmond Department, New York State, USA. After that, Macovei – suffering from neoplasm, in terminal phase, was nottransportable, semi consciousness and on morphine – sold the house to his doctor, Adrian Murea, that took care of his medical status. Care so good, that the old men died two weeks later, just like Stefan Macovei. The false salepurchase documents were also authenticated at the notary Livia Alexandru.

Later on, it was proven that the American document was a false, no notary by the name of Helene Nilson exists on the USA territory, not even a Richmond Department in the New York State. Also, the owner Riscanu has proved that he did not cross the ocean for the last five years. Even in this situation, the same blind prosecutor Sinc could not be held responsible for complicity with “Doctor Death” in this business. This time, disposed the segregation of the cause, to stall time and escape the liability. Not even against the notary Livia Alexandru could not been taken any actions, because Ministry of Justice did not give its consent (if someone ask for it) for her research. This thing did not happen, which is weird, not even until today.

8 Murea never wanted the child

Nicoleta Mirela Nunweiler, daughter of the former football player Lica Nunweiler, has known “Doctor Death” from her childhood, but her intimate relationship with him has begun in 1998. The concubinage act was held later in an apartment in Intr. Av. Theodor Iliescu no. 72, state protocol house illegally owned by Murea’s father Victor, because he already owned a four rooms apartment, personal property, in str Turda nr. 94 B, floor 1, AP 5.

The result of the relationship between the two of them is the child Andrei Nicolas Murea Nunweiler. “Dr. MAI” recognized his son 15 days after his birth, because he never wanted the child. The relationship between the two of them has ended in December 2001, after the death of Victor Murea, former ministry of petrol on gas during the communists, after that being prefect of Buzau and Mayor of Tg. Jiu, being very close to .

Not long ago, “Doctor Death” made an exchange with Ioana Moldovan, known actress which flirts with the television. For the two rooms from 72 Av Thedor Iliescu has received three rooms and a bonus of 15.000 EUR. Moldovan needed Murea’s apartment, because she already bought another apartment in the same property and wanted to complete the property. It would not be excluded that in the meantime, both to be bought with the complicity of the RA Apps the two houses at derisory prices.

A monster in white gown

We will now pass the word to Mirela Nunweiler, which confessed to ZIUA reporters:

"We have refurbished the apartment from Turda Street from my money 16.000 USD – planning to move there, because in Intr. Av. Iliescu the dampness reached half of the walls. On 28 august 2001, my father gave Adrian the right to drive his car, Mercedes E Classe, valued at 30.000 EUR. The only condition imposed by my father was that the car to be parked each night in our garage, because we lived on the same street and Murea did not had a garage. On 29 March 2002, after not parking the car in the garage one night before, Adrian told my sister that the Mercedes was stolen and that we have to report the incident to the Police. In the same day, around lunch, I was kicked out of his house with the Police, on the reason that I had no right to live there. I had no choice; I took my child and went to my father. I want to tell you that Adrian has always treated badly his son. When he cried, Adrian ignite all four meshes of stove and held the child above the flame, burning his feet. Other times, Adrian put the child between two big boxes and gave the music to maximum to quiet him. It is clear that the child will turn red and purple and cried as much as he could.”

Thief covered by the Police and Prosecutor

Three months after the disappearance of the car licensed B74NEC, a notary document appeared, legalized by the same notary, Livia Alexandru, through which Lica Nunweiler sold the Mercedes to “Doctor Death”. Through the complicity of some employees from the Police located at Logofat Udriste Street, the car was licensed with the number B90AVM (Adrian Victor Murea). As of the false signing of the salepurchase contract, the lawful owner of the Mercedes was checked in the Floreasca Emergency Hospital, following a crisis of renal colic.

After a “competent” investigation of the problem, the Prosecutor considers that there is no sufficient evidence to start a criminal investigation of “Dr. MAI”, leaving him free.

9 Furthermore, the car is at one time confiscated at Bors customs, when some persons tried to take it out of the country. Quite paradoxically, the Mercedes is returned to Adrian Murea and not to the lawful owner Lica Nunweiler. Subsequently, all devoid of imagination, "Dr Death" has manufactured another license plate (B83AVM), to lose track of the car. Not even until this moment, there is no accusation on Murea regarding the theft of the car through false and use of false. However, even if the Mercedes it is still listed as stolen, “Dr. MAI” goes to work with the car, based on a statement on his own responsibility given to the Police.

Mentally unstable, but holder of ORNISS certificate

“Since he kicked us out of the house, he did not come to see his child, but to beat me, confesses Nicoleta Mirela Nunweiler. Until now I have tens of medicolegal certificates, which I submitted to the Prosecutor and judges, but all was for nothing. Adrian is well protected by the Romanian Justice. He beat me on the street, in the market, in the stores, with or without witnesses. For the last three years, no one wants to make light in this case. At one point, he took a medical certificate, which confirms the fact that he had a moment of lost which lasted three months. Certificate which, in reality, was bringing to his house, after he made a phone call. Based on this forgery he escaped all the accusations regarding the harm which was brought to me. I cannot imagine how men like him, with which I had the bad luck of getting involved with, can be a colonel at the Ministry of Internal and owner of ORNISS certificate”.

To clarify those who are not specialists, some specifications are imposed. The access to classified information is allowed to some persons who have a security certificate or access authorization. According to the legislation, ORNISS issues such documents, based on complete investigations, which include: applicant biography, loyalty, habits, relations and discretion, professional and social conduct, as well as the concept and the way of life of the husband/wife of the person who apply for a ORNISS certificate. The comments regarding the method through which “Dr. MAI” has obtained these “distinctions” are in vain.

Another patient dead in suspicious conditions

“Doctor Death” had in his care an old lady without relatives, that lived on the Lacul Tei Street, in a three rooms apartment. She was a special lady, which had in possession many high value goods. Nicoleta Mirela Nunweiler took her food on a weekly basis, the MAI colonel hoping that the woman will die soon and he will remain owner over her possessions. The problem was that the old lady did not die, to Murea’s despair. “Adrian thought for a while to prepare the woman a cocktail – as he called it – to give her a hand <>, told us the mother of the child <>. He threatened me for two years with similar cases. He said that someone will sing me on the street or at the market, because he does not get his hands dirty, and after six hours I will suffer a heart attack and die. When I did not take care of the old woman any more, after Adrian kicked me out of the house, the woman died six months later of heart attack. I cannot remember her name, but this can be found out easily as I know the exact address where she lived until the last moment of her life”.

The ones involved in the real estate mafia do not have reasons to sleep relaxed

From our information, the situation of “Doctor Death” is not a pink one, despite the protection which he enjoyed until now from important persons from the Romanian Justice and some persons with high influence from the political environment. Thursday, 17 August

10 2006, at the “Dr. Gerota” Hospital took place an analysis over the situation created by “Doctor Death”, at which participated 11 responsible persons, including persons from the Sanitary Direction, but also from the MAI. Following the investigation, dr. Murea was blocked the access to surgery, so that he does not kill anyone else, the reason being his mental instability. On this investigation are aware also the PICCJ bodies, of which the prompt and fast interventions, unfortunately are not coming.

In order to put on the fire the ones involved in this morbid business, until the issue of a new episode from the series “Dying network”, we present some of the names involved: Mihai and SandaAlina Radulescu he, founder member of PSDR, former counselor of Octav Cozmanca, exconvict, and also candidate to the National Defense College; Ioana Simona Diaconescu – representative of the company ABBOT, which supplies or supplied with medicine “Dr. Gerota” Hospital; Costel Stan – close friend of Mihai Radulescu; Radu Iordache bailiff; Alexandru Basarab Sinc – father of the PICCJ prosecutor Alexandra Mihaela Sinc; Edward Resteanu – judge at District 1; Lucia Rog – ICCJ judge, promoted in this position by the controversial Maria Huza; Emilia Madularescu – vicepresident of District 1 Court; Georgian Davidoiu – Judge at District 1; Dalina Terzi – lawyer of "Doctor Death" in many files, involved in minors traffic in files from Constanta Count House; Vasile Popa bailiff (deceased meanwhile) involved in the theft of multiple properties in Bucharest and in the country; Col. Nestorov (presently retired) involved in the covering up of the scam from 47 Barbu Delavrancea Street; General Florin Cristescu, aka Calapod, former chief of UM 0215, presently deceased; sbcms Gabriel Enescu and Cristian Ene from the General Inspectorate of Romanian Police ; Bogdan Gruia and many others.


14.05.2007, ZIUA

Software piracy at Doctor Death`s Hospital

Making use of false documents and the identity of a dying pacient, surgeon Adrian Murea from "Gerota" Hospital within MAI, stole a house from businessman Drago Riscanu. Subsequenty, in order to dispose of the property, he resorted to unthinkable manoeuvres for a sound mind by using close mediators. Exactly the same time, SC ROMANIAN SOFT COMPANY SRL hired two employees of SC OMNIS GROUP SRL, company owned by Riscanu. A few days later, RSC SRL launched on the market some software products on which more employees of OMNIS GROUP had been working for some time. Riscanu`s natural deduction was that the recruited employees had departed with the software in their pockets and they offered it to their new employer. The utmost coincidence is that, a few softwares deriving from the original one were sold or donated to several institutions among which "Prof. dr. Dimitrie Gerota" Medical Foundation, "Prof. dr. Dimitrie Gerota" Emergency Hospital where Chief Comissioner Adrian Murea, a.k.a. Doctor Death, is still performing operations and "Prof. dr. Agrippa Ionescu" Hospital, all the three of them within MAI.

11 Software Piracy SC ROMANIAN SOFT COMPANY SRL received in 2002 the amount of 50.000 euro from PHARE funds for the production and marketing of three software products intended for medical activity administration in hospitals and other institutions. Only that the limited liability company had only one employee in 2001, the following year the number increasing to two. Miraculously, in the spring of 2003, by the time Doctor Death was stealing the house from Drago Riscanu, an attempt to the registered intellectual property of his company, SC OMNIS GROUP SRL, is also made. Employees Drago Săracu and Irinel Lupei suddenly decide to disembark from OMNIS and to join RSC. As was expected, the two do not leave emptyhanded – according to Riscanu , but also take away with them the ISIS and ISIS NET systems` source code on which they had been working together with numerous specialists employed by OMNIS SRL. The fact is that, in a very short time, ARES.NET, CARE.NET, AMBULANTA and HIPOCRATE applications, developed based on source codes stolen from OMNIS, are lauched on the market SC RSC SRL and than sold or donated to numerous state institutions. In this way the effective spending of the previously mentioned European funds was altogether justified.

IT Trick Established in 2000, RSC SRL had almost no activity in the field until the day it recruited Drago Săracu and Irinel Lupei from SC OMNIS GROUP SRL. In a matter of a few days, the previously mentioned applications were miraculously launched on the market. And we say that because, in order to develop such software products, it takes a team of numerous specialists to work for months, if not years, in front of their computers. This is not the case of RSC SRL, which neither had those employees, nor had any worthmentioning turnover. Due to the fact that Săracu and Lupei had unlimited access to the source codes in question, the presumption of OMNIS GROUP management that the software programs were stolen seems as justified as possible. Not long after this remarkable stunt, among the clients who purchased the pirated softwares were several ministries, approximately twenty hospitals and policlinics, 3rd District Town Hall and different other companies. It was not until towards the end of 2004 that Riscanu finds out about this incident and alerts the General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police, the Information Technology Inspectorate, MAI, the Ministry of National Defence (MAN) and the Romanian Copyright Office. As was expected and for reasons known only to them, police officers, prosecutors and ORDA representatives made everything possible, and they even succeed, to hush up the intelligence theft.

ORDA initially admitted In December 2004, following the referral of the injured company, ORDA expert Adrian Păunescu motivated that a thorough audit at RSC SRL cannot be completed without warrant from the Prosecutor`s Office. But this fact did not deter him from paying a visit to the defendants – no longer than the second day – without taking any evidence from this company that had become extremely profitable overnight. Moreover, the pirated software programs have all of a sudden disappeared from the website of RSC SRL so that they could not be further analyzed. It is at this point that the Fraud Investigation Directorate within the General Directorate of Bucharest Police came into play, more precisely a team made up of Superintendent Luigi Sima and inspector Marian Ioniţă. The two gathered a series of evidence that were put at the command of ORDA. In the situation given, two months later on, the Office was forced to admit that RSC copied significant parts of the softwares belonging to SC OMNIS GROUP SRL. The owner of OMNIS GROUP also filed a complaint to the general director of ORDA, Rodica

12 Pârvu (photo), who stated that will start a judicious investigation because the source codes had been protected, being registered at the National Registry for Computer Programs from within the institution under her command. Only that, exactly one week later, Rodica Pârvu forgot the commitment that she had made. The same happened with police officers Sima and Ioniţă, who had been asked to conduct a raid at "Prof. dr. Dimitrie Gerota" Emergency Hospital within MAI in order to compare the software programs purchased from RSC SRL with those stolen from OMNIS. So as not to disturb the ministry board, the two employees preferred to raid two private companies, where they could not identify one single shred of evidence. Therefore they could be accused of complicity in the distruction of evidence. In time, RSC SRL, in a tight partnership with the MAI hospitals and the foundation functioning within this ministry succeeded to hush up all the existing evidence. On the other hand, on the 19th of April 2006, the prosecutors who have dealt with the case reached to the conclusion that the facts do not in fact exist. And for this setup to be complete, OMNIS GROUP was sued by RSC SRL for recovery of imaginary damages. In other words, Drago Riscanu once the accuser, turned out to be the accused one. And all this after – the utmost coincidence ever – the property on Barbu Delavrancea Street no.47 had been stolen from him by Chief Comissionner Adrian Murea, a.k.a. Doctor Death, surgeon at “Gerota” hospital within MAI.

European funds used for intellectual theft ZIUA was the first newspaper that took interest in the case in March 2005. Following our article, the management of RSC SRL made a standpoint public in our daily: "The accusation that the RSC products are almost identical copies of the OMNIS products is absolutely false one; any incurring resemblances could be arising from the fact that we are both using the same programming framework that is the .NET framework provided by Microsoft. It is just the same as two car manufacturers accusing each another for using Diesel technology”, stated at that time the company`s manager, Ionel Manole and CEO Elisei Crăciun. Useless to say that RSC did not offer any explanation regarding their miraculous achievement, reached in such a short time and in the absence of experts in the field. Even Bill Gates would be envious of such a great accomplishment. During the following period of time, OMNIS GROUP notified all of the beneficiaries of the pirated software to stop using them. Of course, no institution took into consideration this demarche, the company being forced under the circumstances to address the state authorities. Subsequently, this piracy file landed in the Penal Inquiry Department within IGP, and from there in the Prosecutor`s Office within Bucharest Courthouse. During all that time and by taking the side of RSC SRL, the ORDA representatives did not do anything but make excuses in order to try and save their necks. As was expected, due to the political influence and the institutions that were using the pirated software “just like that”, the prosecution had the previously mentioned faith. In despair, the manager of OMNIS GROUP, Drago Riscanu, addresses a complaint to the EU Ambassador to Romania, Jonathan Schelle. At his turn, he refers the complaint to OLAF (the European AntiFraud Office in Bruxelles). On the occasion of a seminar regarding European institutions with investigative role and their relationship with the press, ZIUA reporters received from OLAF the confirmation that the matter of the software piracy lay in their attention. The information was obtained directly by us, in the Belgian capital, in February 2007.

13 The utmost coincidence As we were saying, among the prominent clients of the pirated softwares also belong hospital units within the Ministry of Interior. At first, so as not to draw too much attention, RSC SRL donated one of the programs to "Prof. Dr. Dimitrie Gerota" Foundation. Beyond all doubt, the foundation was established under the Ministry`s umbrella. From here, the programs were also given free of charge to "Prof. Dr. Dimitrie Gerota" and "Prof. Dr. Agrippa Ionescu" hospitals within MAI. It was only for their maintenance that certain amount of money was charged. As consequence of its goodwill, it could be supposed that RSC SRL enjoyed and is still enjoying protection on a high level from the Ministry of Interior. As utmost coincidence, Adrian Murea, the same person who had stolen Drago Riscanu`s property by using fake documents by substituting the identity of one of his dying pacients, is a surgeon and Chief Comissionner (former colonel) at “Gerota” hospital. Just as, in fact, he sold by using illegal methods the property in Emanoil Porumbaru Street no 75, which did not at all belong to him. Many wellknown characters in the field of political, police, justice and others state institutions were also involved in these scams legalized by notary Livia Alexandru. As ZIUA extensively reported in several materials, and it will continue doing that, Doctor Death`s criminal record is truly astonishing. We will continue disclosing in our future reports the way the outrageous activity of this Doctor Menghelle of Romania is connected to his activity in the hospital that still tolerates him.

The file reached NAD The file involving Adrian Murea, notary Livia Alexandru and others eventually lay in the attention of the General Anticorruption Directorate. Four years after the misdeeds. According to prosecutors, “follows the decision to extend the investigations and to initiate prosecution against other persons too as there is evidence beyond all doubt that the sale/purchase agreement (ed. between Doctor Death and his dying patient) was concluded based on fake documents, respectively by the substitution of the trustee – Macovei tefan with the knowledge of the buyer, Murea Adrian”. We want to believe that this means the following: after almost four years from the misdeed, it is possible that Doctor Death be arraigned at least for the theft of the property in Barbu Delavrancea Street no.47, if not for all the other facts on which ZIUA reported with elaborate details. Also it is possible that the protection he enjoyed so far, both from the Police and the General Prosecutor`s Office, but also the Medical Directorate within MAI is now over. It would be expected that, based on the disclosures made by ZIUA and other evidence beyond all doubt, DNA or Fight against Fraud Department (DLAF) pay also attention to the software piracy in which several personalities within the Ministry of Interior and others are involved.


14 05.06.2007, ZIUA

Piracy at SRI and Interiors

Ziua Newspaper – June 5 th 2007

The emergency hospitals “Prof. Dr. Dimitrie Gerota”, property of Ministry of Interior, and “Prof. Dr. Agrippa Ionescu” property of the Romanian Intelligence Service, have received for free from SC Romanian Soft Company (RSC) the Hipocrate software based on a software stolen from SC Omnis Group. Another 20 hospitals from the territory, Bucharest District 3 Mayor Hall and other companies have purchased the applications ARES.NET, CARE.NET and AMBULANTA, based on the same theft of software. Despite the protection granted to the pirates by the representatives of Romanian Office for Copyright (ORDA), Police, Prosecutor and some expert carefully chosen, after more then three years, the Bucharest Court (TB) has decided the reopening of the criminal investigation of the responsible persons. The judges have canceled the ordinances issued by the prosecutor Nicoleta Bulgaru from the Bucharest Court, in which the delinquents were declared not guilty and the act was declared nonexistent.

Misuse of EU funds

In February 2003, the employee of SC Omnis, Dragos Stefan Saracu, has transferred to SC RSC SRL, and after one month he takes Irinel Lupei in the new company. They do not leave empty handed, copying more than 5000 source codes from a technological platform at which numerous specialists of Omnis worked since the beginning of 1990. Based on the system ISIS.NET, which was stolen, are developed the applications ARES. NET, CARE.NET, AMBULANTA and Hipocrate and sold especially to budgetary institutions. In this regard it was justified a PHARE financing of EUR 50.000 which RSC has received to develop three new software products. The company which was affected by millions of dollars identified this piracy in November 2004. As expected, Omnis saves the source code from RSC web site and notifies ORDA. Instead of resolving this situation, two managers of the institution, Eugen Vasiliu and Adrian Ghimpu, advise the representatives of Omnis to buy the applications suspected of being stolen from RSC, in order to be compared with ISIS.NET. At the end of November 2004, Omnis notifies Ministry of Administration and Interior general Marian Saniuta and on 7 December files complaints at the Police, Prosecution Office, ORDA and General Inspectorate for Communications and Information Technology. Masked sponsorship

On 12 November 2002, between SC RSC SRL and Foundation “Prof. Dr. Dimitrie Gerota” (which functions under the umbrella of the Ministry of Administration and Interior MAI) is concluded a weird sponsorship contract. The sponsor grants to the beneficiary, for free, the right to operate the software system Hipocrate, registered at ORDA two months earlier. The value amounts to USD 178.500, including VAT. The destination is the following: “the information system granted as sponsorship is meant to manage the activities of the entire hospital (...)”. The truth is that the foundation does not own a hospital. This proves actually that a scam has been started. And there is one more thing: the program was not delivered until several days after Dragos Saracu became manager at RSC, in February 2003. In June same year, the direction of Communication and Informatics of MAI informs the “Gerota” Hospital

15 that the software product “is according to the needs”. The hospital should have had nothing to do with the software, as RSC has sponsored directly the foundation with the same name.

“The Fox” has approved

Two days later, the things are getting clearer. The foundation "Prof. Dr. Dimitrie Gerota" expresses its intention to donate the informatics system Hipocrate, for free, to the Hospital "Prof. dr. Dimitrie Gerota". The Manager of the hospital, chief – commissary dr. Viorel Rosu (currently retired), addresses to the General Division of Information and Internal Protection from the Ministry, requesting the approval regarding the acceptance of the donation. Approval which is quickly granted by general Virgil Ardelean, aka “the Fox”. Thus, through this maneuver, the stolen software arrived through detours to a unit of MAI. Eight months later RSC requests the “Gerota” Hospital the conclusion of a contract for the maintaining of the system which they provided as a gift, with a monthly payment amount of 125.900.000 old lei, including VAT. Which shows that, in reality, the foundation has donated to the hospital the obligation to pay, on a monthly basis, to RSC, hundreds of millions lei. In December 2004, Omnis notifies “Gerota” Hospital not to use the Hipocrate software, which was created based on the theft of the source codes from ISIS.NET system which belongs to them, being registered at the Registry for Computer Software from ORDA. After many insistent requests, the same chiefcommissary Viorel Rosu lies, answering that the “Gerota” Hospital do not use any program of the ones claimed by the copyright owners. After a similar scenario, the Hipocrate software arrived also at the "Agrippa Ionescu" Hospital of the SRI under the form of a free donation.

The theft was proven

ORDA representatives refuse to make an investigation at RSC, to analyze the Omnis complaint, invoking all kinds of reasons, among which the necessity of a warrant from the prosecutor. In exchange, the chief of inspectors, Adrian Paunescu, makes a visit to the pirates, putting them on guard regarding the complaint filled against them. Of course no evidence that might incriminate them was preserved. About the same time, the policemen from Fraud Investigation come on stage, Luigi Sima and Marian Ionita, who request a scientific and technical expertise from ORDA.

This expertise is performed by the only expert on copyrights, Dan Dogaru, the conclusion being that the analyzed software programs “contain significant parts copied from the program ISIS.NET created by Omnis GROUP”. Intentionally or not, the expert does not insert his conclusions regarding the flagrant breaches of copyright, making his report incomplete and contestable.

The file arrives at the prosecutor Nicoleta Bulgaru. Arrived from Constanta, she is famous for the abusive investigations made together with Captain Grigore Pesterau. The two of them were criminally investigated in at least four criminal files for various acts of corruption, the policeman being kicked out of the system. On the other hand, Bulgaru was named Bucharest Court Prosecutor, which proves that her relations were much higher than those of the police captain.

16 Expert carefully selected

RSC withdraws from the site the applications based on theft of intelligence, following the warning received from Paunescu from ORDA, and makes a number of substantial changes. In these circumstances, it was unlikely to find any notable resemblance at a new expertise.

Expertise which is urgently requested to the prosecutor on the case. Meanwhile, through two ordinances, Nicoleta Bulgaru absolves from any guilt the blamed, reaching the conclusion that there is no software piracy. Furthermore, she draws conclusions regarding the copyright, although she has no authority and knowledge in this domain. But what is worst, she rejects the Omnis samples retrieved from the RSC web site and precludes them from getting to customers that bought the stolen programs. So, the expertise is developed on the new and modified data offered for analysis by the RSC representatives.

Police Subcommissary Florin Minca is required to find an expert. He illegally requests the list of experts in computers, and chooses exactly Prof. Stefan Stancescu, from the Faculty of Electronics. The fact that RSC paid for the expertise value tells more about this dubious choice because the designated expert is a specialist in computers, not in software. As such, Omnis legally designates a side expert, in the person of Dumitru Galani, software specialist, and the accused Dragos Stefan Saracu does the same.

Restart the criminal prosecution

In parallel, Omnis continues to strongly request the acceptance of the samples collected from the RSC web site prior to the modifications and ultimately the prosecutor has no choice, seeing herself obliged to abide to the law.

But a new trick is made. The Omnis request is approved before the start of the expertise, but it is communicated to the representatives of the damaged company after three months. So, the expertise is made on the evidences changed by RSC as a result of the warning received from ORDA inspector Adrian Paunescu.

Further more, although Galani reaches diametrically opposite conclusions, Stancescu illegally refuses to introduce in his report the separate opinions. In such circumstances, Galani has to prepare its technical expertise report, which he submitted to the prosecution. Moreover, Stancescu submits also conclusions related to copyright, without having any expertise or any quality in this area, the only approved persons in Romania with such powers beingthe ORDA experts.

On 27.11.2006, after the complaint addressed to TB, in connection with court set up made by the representatives of the ORDA and RSC, Bulgaru prosecutor, Minca policeman and expert Stancescu, the court cancels all the ordinances issued unlawfully by Nicoleta Bulgaru and orders the reopening of the prosecution. Also it decides that an expertise in intellectual property should be made. RSC made the appeal, which is still in trial.

Galani Report

After numerous tests, expert Galani reached the following conclusions:

17 " Identical reproduction from memory of 4884 lines in proportion of 100%, keeping the specific personal fingerprint of Omnis GROUP, including programming errors and spelling is impossible. (But even so, owner of these code lines is the company, not the employeeo) The only way in which the set of programs / functions in the ISIS.NET may be found in the RSC applications, identically taken in proportion of 100%, is copying them from a physical server from Omnis on external support and transferring them into RSC applications. None of the RSC applications recompiled without the set of programs / functions taken in proportion of 100% are not working, can not be accessed and are not visible on the Internet. "

RSC tells lies

SC RSC SRL had in 2001 one employee, in 2002 – two employees, while, compared to the same period, Omnis had 40 and 45 employees, many of them working on the ISIS.NET software since 1990. In these conditions, the socalled honest achievements succeeded by RSC should make jealous even Bill Gates, who never dreamed at such a performance. RSC tried repeatedly to justify the theft, claiming that he used, like Omnis, Microsoft technology taken from the Internet. This is a lie as big as a house. Proof of this charge is that the pirates could not indicate any public physical source of inspiration.

Peak of coincidences

Chief Commissioner Adrian Murea, aka Doctor Death, is a surgeon at Hospital "Gerota 'of the Interior, where a pirated software – said to be received as a gift – is used. It's the surgeon who used the identity of two of his dying patients in real estate scams. One of these poor patients allegedly sold the house in 47 , Barbu Delavrancea Street, which belongs to Riscanu Dragos, owner of Omnis GROUP. So Murea stole the property bought legally through banking instruments and the hospital exploits software that was also stolen from Riscanu. Both operations took place in the same period of 2003. The second dying patient was used by Dr Death to sell a house in str Emanoil Porumbaru no. 75, based on a false empowerment. For these facts, but also for many others, Adrian Murea is criminally investigated by DNA.

18.09.2008, GARDIANUL

Sebastian Vlădescu faces jail for complicity to material and intellectual theft

The former Finance Minister Sebastian Vlădescu has criminal files on roll at both the Prosecutor`s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice, and at the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA). He is accused of complicity to material and intellectual theft. While, after four years of procrastination, the Romanian Copright Office (ORDA) confirms that the company that once was owned by the former official is guilty of software theft, the chief of Directorate for the Investigation for Organized Crimes and Terorism (DIICOT) with the Prosecutor`s Office considers that this is not a crime and advises the

18 plaintiffs to address the Justice. At the same time, Sebastian Vlădescu denies having any involvment in this “story” whose stake revolves around the amount of one billion euros.

According to the referral made by Omnis Group and recorded at the Prosecutor`s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice (PICCJ), the former Finance Minister Sebastian Vlădescu, Elisei Crăciun, Drago Săracu and other 15 persons, among who police officers, prosecutors and representatives of the Romanian Copright Office (ORDA), are guilty of embezzlement of public funds and private property theft consisting of software. The whole scandal, that has all the necessary ingredients of an espionage movie, started in 2002, when the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI), the Ministry Of Interior and Administrative Reform (MIRA) and Romanian Soft Company SRL (RSC), Medit SRL and Leader High Tech SRL, all of them having as main shareholder Sebastian Vlădescu, have founded a partnership. It was also him who, at that time, was the general manager of all of the above mentioned companies. Although at that time RSC did not have one single employee, it engaged in a partnership by “donating” to SRI and MIRA a software called, which is a complex system of computerized management of all organization activities. According to Drago Riscanu, CEO at Omnis Group, “we have been working on this software ever since the year 2000 and we have publicly announced it ever since 2002. In 2003, after it was finished, we registered it at ORDA. Drago Săracu, one of our employess, was also member of the team that worked on the building and finishing of this software.Now, at almost five years of «fights on all fronts », I know he had «the mission» to get himself be employed by us. At the beginning though, after he left, that is at a short while after the finishing of the software, I believed that it was all about a common theft and we even meant to forgive him. We have later on discovered that this software has been given to the two hospitals. Officially, it was a donation, the price of the software being 60.000 euro. In reality, RSC held on to its administration right, meaning that any component that would need replacement or any new application had to be paid for. Worse is that Sebastian Vlădescu`s company also did not give the beneficiaries licenses and a user guide, therefore the beneficiary institutions make illegal use of the software. But this is a matter that falls within the competencies of the Police, the Prosecutor`s Office and ORDA”. That is in case that there will be an official willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of an investigation. Because starting and especially continuing such an investigation supposes more than professional skills.

And the …flood years followed

No matter that the complaints were filed with the ORDA, with the Police, or with the Prosecutor`s Office, any official who first listened to the details undoubtely stated that the thieves and their accomplicies will be sentenced to a long time in prison, and subsequently, extremely surprising, every one of them, and also their hierarchically superiors “were facing issues”. That is because they couldn`t find anything on preannounced audits, because the legal frame was the wrong one, because the accusations could not be sustained…Sometimes they even “forgot” to give answers at all. Among the last category falls also DNA, with which ever since 2007 Omnis Group filed a complaint against the former Finance Minister Sebastian Vlădescu, up to the moment he was summoned or heard in court in this case. Instead, on the 10 th of September 2008, the chief of DIIOCT, prosecutor Codruţ Olaru, sent such a reply to the complaint filed by Omnis Group on the 15 th of August 2008:”In reference to your referral, we inform you that, following the audits that were carried out, it was established that it is unsustainable”. Omnis Group representatives filed a complaint against the solution given by prosecutor Olaru. According to the resolution which will be granted by

19 the Prosecutor General Laura Codruţa Kövesi, the investigations could be resumed or otherwise the petitioners could address the court.

Vlădescu, «nagged by the story» Contacted via phone by “Gardianul”, the former Finance Minister claims that “this is a story that has been nagging me for about five years now and it has always been used against me in different ways, even if I have nothing to do with it. From my point of view, I have never commited any crime. I have never been summoned to or heard in court referring to neither the address sent in 2005 to the Prosecutor General Ilie Boto, as Finance Minister, nor to other files in connection to this scandal”. Sources involved in the investigation assure of the fact that the interests in this file reach to the highest level and enjoys “specialized support from the Services”. It is hard to know whether this is how it is, but Drago Riscanu, CEO at Omnis Group, does not believe that it is pure coincidence that at a short time after strating to claim the software theft, which can bring an estimated income of approximately one billion euro, on one ocassion his car brakes stopped functioning and on another, instead of gasoline, it was fuelled with the purest kerosene.

Talida Covaci