by Craig Huffhines, executive vice president chuff
[email protected] by it all, and then almost how they can make their Great Champions overnight, I became a Giants product better and what the fan for one game. breed can offer the industry Are Often Underdogs Even after the Giants during changing times. eliminated the Cowboys This year at the National Why is it so much fun to in the National Football Western Stock Show root for underdogs? The Conference championship (NWSS) and the National Cinderella story captivates game in Dallas, I still Hereford Show and Sale, I the minds and hearts of all couldn’t help but root for could sense the momentum of us, and the recent Super the Giants. By the time shift. Never in my 18 years Bowl game, heralded as Eli drove his team down of attending the NWSS did one of the greatest upset the field in the fourth I witness a better line-up victories in the history of the quarter of the Super Bowl, of cattle from one end to National Football League making miraculous play the other. The pens and (NFL), was one of those after another and finally carloads were as strong as David versus Goliath match- scoring the game winner they have ever been. The ups that ended in heroic against the league’s “best excitement for the breed was fashion. The country boy, red zone defense,” I became genuine and recognized by little brother quarterback, so emotionally attached breeders of all breeds. Craig Huffhines Eli Manning, now basking in that I had forgotten for At the same time all of his improbable glory a moment my lifelong the Hereford breed was as Super Bowl MVP, staged loyalty to Dallas.