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5-4-1928 Eastern Progress - 4 May 1928 Eastern Kentucky University

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■ THE EASTERN PROGRESS . Eastern Kentucky State Teachers College and Normal School

VOLUME V. RICHMOND, KY„ FRIDAY, , 1928 Number 16 MAROONS LOSE ENGLISH CLUB FORMED BOARD PLANS MADRIGAL CLUB CHAUTAUQUA ENGLISH CLUB REORGANIZED The Madrigal Club completed its or- ONE, WIN ONE The Canterbury Club, for students NEW BUILDINGS ganization April 11 and the following BACK AGAIN in English, reorganized recently, ! officers were sleeted: ———— > Defeat Centre 3 to 1 After meeting Thursday afternoon to com- To Start Work Soon As Possible President, Miss Sarah Jones; vice Many Interesting Features Pro- •r Losing to Georgetown, 3 to 2, plete its organization. Miss Mollye on jjew Auditorium to president, Alma Dowden; secretary- vided by Big Seven-Day Brooks was elected president, Mrs. Cost $12*1000 In Tight Game Ellington, secretary-treasurer, and ' treasurer, Anna Easley;. librarian, Su- Redpath Attraction sie Coy le. _____ "nTt^r^Tou^ * NO NEW GYM TILL 1929 The members are as follows: Con- STUDENTS GET LOW RATE HATTER PITCHING STAR traltos, Mary E. Robinson, Susie ______a previous meeting to consist largely ™ Regents met two Coyle, Virgie Hutchinson, Arzella " The Maroon baseball team lost a 3- ?f «enerkl """?* ■_* «"*«*• writ" weeks ago to consi Taulbee, Madilee Harvey, Frances - 0ne of "• biggest attractions at 2 decision to the Tigers of Georgetown in* »_*"*_ fl_-fW_? dlscns8'on two new buildings that are to be built Stodgill, Prances Parker; second so- Ea8te™ durin* ** *™™** •«*ion and criticism, will be prom ed Red ath College at Georgetown last week and ^ in the near future, as well as Vnum P™~>. Lena Henry, Ann Easley, Ruth » P Chautaqua that come, to through three standing committees copped a 3-1 decision from the Col- ber of routine matters. Schaffer, Christine Pieratt, Mattie *• «**V>U8 for a week and offers stu- appointed by the president ^ meeti v ^ Redmond, Adelaide Benton, Nell Pel- dents a special rate on season tick- onels of Centre College on the local ets yard. Cub membership includes automa- Presidentelect Dr. H. L. Donovsn, P*"*. Tressie Jones, Delia Hahn; - , U 3 n d 8e ,0rs 1 to m - Too m» seemed to be the ""ft * . ™° ™ " g_ has been present and all members of «"* «>P««o, Sarah Jones, Alma If .^J^™* * 5 I""* ?" Too m«h Stone WOMRIKH majoring in English, and provides the board, w c B „ 8Uperintendent Dowden, Alyce Beck, Orilla Kemper, anything, the chautaqua will be

,u tions wil1 it was nis , two-oasK« «■_• «*-■ fromrs junior8ophomo and senior English min- Rm_, ilu\at, T W r„mm„„i, n ™ Manraret Belwood Grace Veale Baa- O* offered, such as "The Jr?f£ 5___ ™T:££; °and -* Wh0 e*gradeS ■***lD EnJfli8b-*» w-erf_s i£ J rtuiuvi- 5ix^!»stdub Gr ' ^ gg^ - £ st-&*« Beu ^JrJa^^^aS^^ T " ~ P^-t *» 5 about completed plans Wright',une famous book of the average.B or above. Most of the time WM spent fa . for a minstrel which it hopes to put « ' dramatized, telling a tremen- fourteen men. Meetings will be held bi-weekly the over plans for the two new buildings on in a few weeks. dous human story with a setting in Hatter, the star Maroon southpaw, rest of the semester. —an auditorium and gymnasium— , the Ozark hills. Then Robert'Burns' worked a wonderful game and should "The Cotter's Saturday Night," will have won if pitching counts for any- that were provided for by appropria- U E CTI flFNTS tion made by the last session of the He -Ue M I U_/I_l! 1V be given, portraying comedy, romance thing. The Tigers gathered six bingles N0RMALSCH00L general assembly. Some opposition and pathos from the eighteenth cen- and seemed to have the knack of get- tury. "Tommy" is another comedy ting them when needed. Three of had developed concerning the audito- VISIT MODELS CONTESTS ON rium being connected to the Adminis- that has made a great hit in New them came in the first frame to score See Model Exhibits in Lexington York See it one run and the remaining Aree in j^ ^ Competition Among ttZ2ttt1f!!?Z£S£ There will be many great speakers. M decided to ab ad and During Better Homes the sixth for two scores. Out of a pos- uaBMflags^ ArouseATOUSPHIIV Himilrnn ■* * A. W. Evans, a Welshman, will speak Sla— _*•_«* -.<*». «c- t i py wamiiton connect it to that buildinbuilding.„ PlanaPlans are Week N8 sible twenty-four put-outs, Hatter ac- Tapp, Director on "What America Means to Me." G. counted for twenty by the strike out to be revised so that the total cost F. Morse's "Do Animals Talk?" is route. A hard game to lose. With a wr^NERS TO GET AWARDS of the auditorium, including equip- HERALD HOME VISITED crowded with thrilling stories of wild little hitting behind him he would ■ ment, will not exceed $126,000. animals in captivity. Max Meldrum Plans are now to start work as soon The week beginning April 23 was have won without sny trouble. 'The The ^^ mteMlag8 ^n^^ p{ talks on "Depictive Art' He Is not as possible in order to have it ready set aside as "National Better Homes Teachers only accounted for five nits. the Normal g^^j have j^ • only an art critic but a painter as for commencement in 1929. At the Week'' Three home. fcUAgj £* ^mfc+ii Last Saturday the Colonels £Cen- pragre88 for *_ past two weeks. ZrTZZ^U^cfL" ~fmlsnel an7i^LdTTSS *Wl**»++*m" ^L^7XXllt^£ 5sat»_ffJ£ g"?:f"^r a--—..* rt-^?^^-j:his vacation in the Black Hills, will ter-s effective^rlmgjhat saved^the tion of Hambleton Tapp, who ha. ..SSJd^tt J^St! ^ Si Economic, girl, 'with talk on "The Spirit of Youth." T. D. Upton's Re-Creation Through Reccea- day, because the Teacher d to caused an mterest in them never be- not ^ started t^J l929. The ap_ Miss Burrier as chaperone, visited tion," is a lecture based on his knowl- connect for safeties again, altho the fore found m the Normal School, propriation as passed allowed Eastern these homes in Lexington last week. five accounted for by our boys came j^.^ fte prefient ^ ^ ^^ edge and understanding of boys. $125,000 a year for two years. The Not only a pleasant time, but a very There will be many musical num- in bunches of three and two and when ^ j^ ^^ ^ _haaa contests is• Board did not think it advisable to profitable one was reported by the they were needed to Mwnmi* coming to ^ poh|t of ^p,^ reeog_ ^^^ ^^ aomunt rf money fa ^ H E ^^ ^^y £Irgt ^^^ the bers such as Ramos Mexican Orches- ere. The Colonels sccounted ior sa ^y^ they had a half cen- ticipation of the appropriation from Herald model home which was a semi- tra, giving one some conception of rf what iftusic in Old Mexico. The old-time hits, but they were wsttered to snch ^ &go ^ winner_ rf ^ ^^ inre and j^^^^ formal home, and won twelfth place country fiddlers will give many num- an extent that they didn t amount to ^ .^ ^^ ft medaI f<__ w<>rk Enlargement of JJ JgJ plant among more than 80,000 national en- bers making for an evening of fun. much. Altho Hatter was not in as good ^ soon _, fl^ m ^ purchased and was considered to accommodate the tries. form as heretofore, only accounting inscription placed upon them, growth of the institution. At present Andr proper The second home was that of Mi.s concertr 2__?'ipianist, i. "i! the 7*1feature ^'H musical for eleven Colonels by the strike out Also, the class winning the most con-.'the power plant cannot "furnish the Sara Daniels, and was a remodeled attraction of the week route, he pitched a steady game. In test, will receive a silver loving cup. power needed and it is necessary to home, furnished with antique furni- The above named numbers are only addition to his good work on the slab The winners of the public discussion, .purchase power from the Kentucky 'tare. It showed how one msy take an part of the' list of attraction, that he smacked out a sharp single in the oratorical and girls' declamation con- utilities Company. No additional old home anl remodel and furnish it will be offered. Any session will be eighth frame to score a few minutes tests will represent Eastern in the building is contemplated, but a larger attractively. ""' m\^S AT*4I?_3!Z ZttLZ later on Taylor*, double thru third. Eastern Kentcky Oratorical Associa- generator will likely be installed. The third home was that of D. Col- r~l ona ™ VBm It Varney, for Centre, pitched a steady tion, which will be held at Wilmore Suepirtnendent Bell was authorized Her Johnston, and was a modern type tag. game and held the Teachers at bay May ninth and tenth. ' to appoint a committee to plan a Me- home furnished in modem style, The complete program follows: most of the time. He fanned three Entries, subjects and winners fol- mortal Day for Dr. T. J. Coates, for- The purpose of showing these model First Afternoon—Popular concert, men. The next home game will be u>w: mer president of Eastern, who died homes is to give the public an idea Ramos Mexican Orchestra. against the University of Louisville Public Discussion: Charles" Pettit, recently. The same committee will al- of how their homes can be furnished First Night—Concert, Ramos Mexi- tomorrow. Mammoth Cave National Park; John so plan an inauguration ceremony for to make them most attractive, and can Orchestra. Lecture: "What Amer- PO A E Bailey, A New Constitution for Ken- Dr. H. L. Donovan, president-elect, the Home Economics girls of Eastern ica Means to Me," Arthur Walwyn Ev- I. EASTERN AB R H ! tucky.tairVv ' Wlm>*rWinner, JnfcnJohn RUHPV.Bailey, senior. The business agent was authorized took advantage of the opportunity of- ans. Raider m 4 12 0 0 Boys' Reading Contest: Bennie to purchase furniture for the board of iered them. They will in all probabil- Second Afternoon—Lecture: "Wild ■* Moberly 3b 8 0 1 0 Peace, A New South; Ralph Powers, regents' room and the president's of- ity carry these ideas home with them Animals in Captivity," George F. Taylor c 4 0 1 20 1 Paradise and the Peri; Charles Alf- fice in the Administration building, and to the school into which they go, Morse. 0 0 Cornett rf 4 11 red, Gettysburg Address. Winner, The president-elect and the acting passing a good thing on to other Second Night—"Tommy," the great 0 0 Anderson If 3 0 0 Charles Alfred, freshman. president, Dean Homer E. Cooper, homes and communities. American comedy, presented by a New 2 1 Hampton lb 3 0 1 Debate: Resolved that the McNary- were authorized to employ additional York cast M.Hatter ss 3 0 0 0 0 Haugen bill should be enacted into staff members in the college for the R0ARK SOCIETY Third Afternoon—Grand concert, Cox 2b 3 0 1* 0 0 law by congress. Seniors, John Bailey departments of geography, physics, "The Roark Society is the best or- Garay Sisters. CHatter p 3 0 0 0 0 and Clifford Rador vs. Sophomores and mathematics. ganization on the campus;" "It has Third Night—Concert, Garay Sis- Fryman 1 0 0 0 0 Arthur Cross and Fred Bullosk Win- The board will meet again tomorrow more life and better programs than Deaton ss 0 0 0 0 0 ners, Seniors. Freshmen, Francis Long to consider the re-employment of the any other society on the campus as ters. Illustrated Lecture: "Depictive Art," Max Meldrum. and Delta Mayfield vs. Juniors A. D. faculty and the choosing of a fresh- weil as better attendance." Such are Totals 31 2 6 25 8 Sutton and John Tarter. Winners, man coach. The selection of a coach the words of visitors and former offi- Fourth Afternoon—Concert, Artists will be made on the recommendation f Roark who are now taking from "The Cotter's Saturday Night" GEORGETOWN AB R H PO A Freshmen. Final, Seniors vs. Fresh- ccr8 0 men. Winners, Freshmen. of President Donovan and Dean Coop- an active part in college societies, Lecture: "The Spirit of Youth*" Rolf Butcher ss 4 1 1 0 er. The society ha. been having good Lium. Garth 2b 4 1 2 2 ~~~~~■ programs and record breaking at- Fourth Night—"The Cotter's Satur- Matheny m 2 0 1 0 AndersonV 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oratorical Contest: Charles Alfred, tendance for the last few weeks. day Night" famous musical play, by Pritchett lb 4 0 6 0 M.Hatter ss 8 0 0 8 11 American Ideals; Howard Noel, Ath- A special Easter program was pro- the Scottish Musical Comedy Compa- Masley m 2 1 0 0 Deaton 2b 10 0 0 10 letic Laurel; Andrew Holbrook, Our vided which was enjoyed by all. At ny. Stone p 4 0 0 2 Cox 2b 2 0 0 0 0 0 Call to France. Winner, Charles Alf- our last meeting we gave those who Fifth Afternoon—Piano recital, An- Feldman If 2 0 0 O 0 CHatter p — 8 112 4 0 red, freshman. like judicial work a regular work out dre Thierry. "The King of the Golden Lenoir If 1 0 ,0 0 0 The one-act play contest will be on their Judiciary ability. "Judge" River," Tatterman Puppets, Parks If 0 0 0 0 Totals 80 8 6 27 9 2 held Friday night The name, of play. Charle. Pettit sat on the bench like an Fifth Night—"A Marriage Propos- Adams rf. _.— :•__ 2 0 0 0 CENTRE ABR H PO A E and casts follow: able Jurist al," Tatterman Puppets. Lecture: "Re- Mills rf ._ l 0 0 0 Senior: "Thank You, Doctor." Cast: C. V. Cain was on trial for carrying Creation Through Recreation," Capt Andrews c — 8 0 14 2 Harris ss 5 0 0 1 1 Henry Hill, Andrew Holbrook, Clif- concealed weapons. Arthur Cross de- "Dinnie" Upton, Morgan 3b _ 1 0 0 0 Thompson lb 8 0 0 9 i ford Rader, Margie Atkinson, Eliza- fended the criminal in a lucid manner Sixth Afternoon—Lecture: "What Anderson 3b 2 0 0 8. Goings 2b 4 1 8 8 o beth Gabbard. ' which could be equalled only by Dar- Does Europe Think of Us?" Anna — Purdon 8b —— 8 0 1 1 6 Junior: "Squad Drop." Oast: A J. row. Howard Noel succeeded in prose- Dickie Olesen. 0 8 0 Totals 81 8 6 24 9 2 Jones If 8 0 Baldwin, Stella Barnett, Leslie Gay, rating the defendant sufficiently that Sixth Night—Popular entertate- • Edwards If 1 0 0 0 0 Beatrice Vaught Madilee Harvey, a he thought the state would be justi- ment, Charles Ross Tsggart and His 0 0 EASTERN AB R H PO A E Udlock rf 8 0 0 W. Caht fled. Fuson Smith, as sheriff, execut- Old-Time Country FIddlera. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Petrie rf 1 Sophomore: "The Romancers" Cast: ed mandates of the court Seventh Afternoon—"A Trip to Raider m -8111 0 1 8 2 0 0 Hyatt c 8 Arthur Cross, Lens Redman, Lonnie We invite all to come out Thursday Magic Lena?' Reno the Magician. Hampton lb —.—- 4 1 8 0 8 0 1 j Faurest m 4 Gentry, Estel Bishop, John Jones. and enjoy the evening. Just one hour Seventh Night—The Shepherd of Taylor c 4 0 1 11 1 1 1 Cornett rf 4 0 1 1 0 0 Varney P 8 Freshman: "No Men Wanted." each week for years of benefit Spe- the Hills," powerful drama of the Moberly 8 b 8 0 0 1 2 O — Cast: Stella Hatfield, Francis Nelson, dal musie along with other special Ozarks from the famous novel by Har- Line If '. 8 0 0.0 O 0 Totals . 84 1 6 24 9 5 Mable Vanhorn. numbers, is added tof each program, old Bell Wright A east

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THE PROGRESS STAFF L T. C. TO GIVE PLAY WHITE SILENCE TIGERS DEFEAT They giggled when I sat down to the piano, but when I began to play Fred Dial Editor During the -week of May l$th the the lessons I learned from the Sure- Mildred Redding Associate Editor Little Theatre Club has scheduled its ™° ISLZZr*"' —- E.S.N. AT TENNIS fire Correspondence School, they Susan Helm Society Editor major presents lliai of the year, mark- The little world he loved. The campus „„„.„,..«..." laughed right out loud. Mattie Redmon Exchange Editor jag the close of seven years of yrork ground _C^|KaTO)WMKKya May i-The —Georpo Cracker. Lorain Payne _AJumni Editor at Eastern. C< S Lay dim with brooding tre*. close & J Teechers (£uW*Si. Mary Hutchcraft —Joke Editor After careful consideration it has guarded round team was swamped by the expenenced R. R. Richar usinew Manager been decided that the production wiU With somber shadowed buildings still Georgetown College racqueteers here tida L. R. Staton Advertising Manager ^ j0hn Golden'B great comedy suc- as sleep. «ft«rnoon, 7 to 0. The Teachers Bored Sophomore: I've been cess, "The First Year." Followers of around with girls, and girls, and girls, and girls- REP0R1 the current American stage will wel- pered breath an 8 to 6 set from Jones and Clark. Freshman: Where? On a mer- Charles Alfred come this announcement as the play Enfolded all the earth; no other sound Yesterday's tennis match marked ry-go-round? Disturbed the quietness. In grief pro- the first appearance of an Eastern Evelyn Ellison is well known to that group. team tofctim Kitty hat. Carlie Kirk "The First Year" is a comic-trage- found under Southern Intercollegiate His little World its vigil kept with ££?*£. ***"***°* **!$» and this Thelma Moreland dy of married life in which are de- - .- . V'^. fact °»*de several of Eastern's better John Bailey ptctstfeffie many trials and tribulations ( aeatn. <*z? . players ineligible to participate. GLORIETTE s ~""~" theWSanfront the newly married cou- f The results of the matches follow: Entered as second-class matter at pie. The pathos and comedy is such And there were memories—old dreams Rutenber, of Georgetown, defeated > Taylor, of Eastern, 6-1, 62. Beauty Shop Richmond postoffice. -■jyas to keep the audience in a state of of how intense interest awaiting each new He walked these silent path, late ^i SmSgffBfrg*** ALL KINDS OF BEAUTY development. hours of night, Showalter, of Georgetown, defeated CULTURE V Loyally One arm behind his back, the weary Hubbard, of Eastern, 6-1, 6-1. Are the students at Eastern becom- The names of the acts are indica- tive of the action, the first being care Jones, of Georgetown, defeated Hub- PERMANENT WAVING ing so indifferent that they care no*- £&*!£> Gaining Quar^rs.^the Of endless toil a fever on his brow- bard, of Eastern, 6-1, 6-1. A SPECIALTY $10.00

B DIXIE HOTEL BLDG. t "The Knockout." sighted that they fail to see beyond ». pi. coM '£2m on u. *** £r WRS? ?W LELA SPEAKS Manager To be able to accommodate all hah*. town, defeated Chestnut and Morris, today ? v,' ., *_. —-•— «,- x>„„~. those wishhig to attend, it is planned m | of Eastern, 6-0, 6-2. Phone 921 « For nearly two years the Progressa . . • „ ^L _; u*„ to present this attraction ttwo nights.™ Jones and Clark, of Georgetown, has devoted much space and time to .„ • ...... , , . Tr HORACE MANN , . . .,. . T i i n_« Watch the j^ organisation is under dollars a month, because he was able ^ direction Stewart, of the many departments of newspa- of Mr> Jonn 0rr per work. He recommended newspaper to do some things that-he had ee- Jtf head of ^ Department of Music. quired in his extra-curricular work ■_^___—«——.— work as a vocation for those who are H. M. WHIHINGTON Wasn't their time well spent T Won't and physical education. In addition, undecided as to what work in life they wish to pursue. yours be? Red path Chautaqua will give a seven- Mr. Breckenridge's final plea was It is the duty of every individual day program on the campus. Students JEWELER enrolled at Eastern to get behind any- win have the privilege of purchasing that we, as Kentuckians, forget those thing that is being sponsored by tiie season tickets at a reasonable rate, arbitrary divisions known as Moun- school or anything that is being done Any individual in the vicinity of tains and Blue Grass, and all work for all. __ "Gifts That Last" by the student body or representatives Eastern need not neglect his or her of the student body and approved by training further because courses sirit- SUMMER SCHOOL BULLETINS the school. Get behind everything, not ed to almost any type of study will be Phone 756 West Main St. only the Annual, but the various or- offered. Any one wanting a summer school ganizations of the school, and make It to the general opinion of many bulletin will call at the business office Eastern a school to be proud of. that only those planning to teach and get same. : 0 * * o 1 i~~ should attend a teachers college. This Slimmer School to not true. The teachers college is the One of the most unique advantages outgrowth of the necessity created by "the age offers is the summer school the failure of the other colleges to provisions of the colleges of the carry all the intervening needs in the United States. All, or about all, the educational process. Of course, It to universities of the country, the col- understood that teachers colleges are leges and teachers colleges have pro1- to train teachers, but this does not vided summer terms for the benefit of. mean that the doors are closed to the students of the section they serve, those that do not intend to teach. One of the most far-reaching steps Eastern offers a degree with a low in adult education was made when the minimum of required education, colleges began to provide summer sea- Every indication points toward the sions with preparatory provisions for greatest summer school that has ever the students who had not completed been held at Eastern. With the com- the standard high school course. The pletion of Burnam Hall, rooms for teachers colleges maintain training some two hundred girls have been pro- schools with open classes for all of vided to addition to those in old Bur- 50c Palm Olive Shampoo — $1.00 Size Listerine __——189c the high school courses or any part nam and Sullivan. The new Adminis- 50c Palm Olive Face Creams ___ 3$c 50c Size Listerine L 89c of it tration building has provided twelve 50c Mulsified Coca Nut Oil ....—'..89c 25c Size Listerine .-19c During the summer of 1928 Eastern new class rooms besides many rooms 50c Woodbury's Face Cream ..J 89c 25c Listerine Tooth Paste 19c will have open classes for students to Roark that can be used since all the 25c Woodbury's Face Cream 19c 50c Ipana Tooth Paste 39c . 1 beginning with the first year of high offices have been moved to the new 25c Woodbury's Facial Soap 19c 50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste 89c school or normal school and continu- building. The chemistry and physics $1.00 Coty*s Face Powder 89c 50c Pebeco Tooth Paste . 42c ing thru the senior college course, with laboratories have been remodeled and 65c Ponds Face Creams Jars 69c 25c Packers Tar Soap 19c provisions for special study to art, equipped with new equipment, mak- home economics, industrial arts, musk ing them up to date and equal to any STOCKTON'S DRUG STORE —vocal and instrumental-- commerce to the stats.

_J &i&&*si ak s&tiH 1 r

- /» Among those students to hear Dr. their fair sisters of the women's col- Millikan at Berea Saturday were: lege. Miss Lucille Fightmaster at Misses Hazel Broaddus, Earl Mober- Through the medium of the Cam- Sullivan Hall is our special "where tarings are greatest" ly, Jennie Ramsey and Susan Helm, pus, college undergraduate publication Campus representative — get Main Street. Richmond, Ky. Messrs. Chester Alexander, Virgil —the men are offering their advice her to show you the attrac- Tarter and Carl Smith. to all co-eds, free. tive boxes that have been es- Miss Nell Bertram was called to her Some advice has been offered in the pecially created for Mother. \w home in Monticello because of the ill- following list of "don'ts," which ap- Smart! Useful! New Frocks ness of her father. peared in the Campus: PERRY'S That Are Appropriate for Miss Virginia Murphy spent the Dont look over our shoulder to read past week end ait Ezel. our newspaper. Go buy one—they cost DRUG STORE A Variety of Needs Mrs. Beulah Sigreat was at her only a few cents. home in Pleasureville during last Don't say you "just adore" any girl Everyone's thinking about week end. who is your rival. The REXALL Store a new frock this time of the Miss Mae Broughton spent the week Dont accept an invitation to have end at her home in Pineville. a Modwieh and then orde/.a whole year — and here they are — See Pawnee Nn-Tan White Jade, meaL fresh and charming for Spring the new hosiery shades. The Margaret Dont keep us waiting more than a and styled for many occasions. Bumam Shop; Misses Doris Gooch and Ina Phil- Women — Misses lips attended the graduation exercises at Waynesburg last week. —Juniors Miss Beatrice Vaught was the guest of her sister in Lexington the past week end. Miss Mary Brown, of Lawrenceburg, was the guest of Miss Beva Brown, her sister, this week end. Miss Laura Humble was at her home in Winchester this week end. Miss Carrie Osborne was in Crab Orchard this past week end. Mrs. Hester Abner was called to her home in Annville because of the > illness of her daughter. Miss Carrie Oldham spent the week end at her home in Mt. Sterling. Miss Ruth Fraser spent the week end at her home in Harrodsburg. Many Types—Ensemble Mrs. T> E. Fairchild was in Ash- - Effect* Well-Liked land the past week end. Miss Mary Daniels was with her Coat and jacket effects of sev- parents at Stanton during last week Off for Europe. Six days on the Atlantic eral types are prominent and end. »^ Deck games—dancing in the moonlight- especially smart. Fluttering Mrs. Elizabeth Hubbard was in Lex- big Fourth of July celebration in London- crepes and georgettes are shown,* ington a part of last week end. beach parties galore at Ostend—then Brus- too Miss Katherine Rankin was the sels, and at last, Paris! The entire trip guest of Miss Edna Denton last week costs only $375 which includes everything. end. Reservations may still be available if you Notable Coat Values Miss Gertrude Talbott spent last write or wire immediately. ThaC Make Your Shopping a week end with her parents at North Middletown. Pleasure and a Profit Miss Katherine Smith was at her Take a few minutes off to- home in Stanford last week end. morrow or the next day to in- Miss Mildred Redding is going to spect these coats — you will spend this week end at her home in Jin the . find them more than worth- Owenton. while from every standpoint * Miss Genevieve Crow spent last week end in Crittenden. une Misses Mary F. Jacobs and Elsie issue ' Mulcahy were at their respective homes in Nicholasville the past week end. Miss Mary E. Barclay had as guests 3i If ri at Red House Bessie Lee Jeffries, 9 Irene Jamison and Rachel Baker Hen- Ovet the Bounding Main—Virginia, . ■ drlx. the university, and ten other big fea- Miss Grace Veal spent last week tures in the brilliant June issue of ■Mt : . Styles Included Are end at her home in Lexington. ■ Miss Dorothy Lovern had as guest The Season's Best this past week end Miss Nancy Lyle Shawl collars, pouch collars—stitching In Wilson. various designs—workmanship and fabrics Miss Thelma Hughes, who was In that we are proud to show you—in every school at Eastern last semester, was 1050 N, La Salle St, Chicago. way, coats to satisfy. the guest of Miss Edna Mister this " ■ ■- l-\



yon decide only the day before regis- ACCOMMODATING THESE MANLY COLLEGIATES DEAN ISSUES tration do not blame anyone but your- "Have you ever been sentenced He: The pater has been pretty self if you have trouble because of to imprisonment?" asked the judg« hard on me lately. CREDIT NOTICE not being" ready. sympathetically. She: I shouldn't say so, looking Blank forms for certifying credits "Oh, no. Never!" cried the pris at the new roadster he just gave oner, breaking down into tear£ you. Unless Certificate From Ac- may be procured by addressing M. E. "There, there," consoled tht He: Oh, that's different; I had 8-u^A^m, saws- credited Hi School isPresen- Mattox, Registrar, Richmond, Ken- judge. "Don't cry. You're goiruj to go two weeks without biting my tucky. to be, right now." . fingernails. ten Entrance to be Withheld HOMER E. COOPER, Dean. Let him who is without gin cast "Do your shoes hurt?" BLANKS ARE FURNISHED the. first moan. "No, but my feet do." t—Northwestern Purple Parrot. "I say, Duke, what is the unusual -Nebrmska Eastern has in the past admitted quality fellows see in her?" an occasional person as a special stu- "I think it's her effeminacy, Pat- s dent pending receipt of high school rick." h ., credits or other credentials. It has ■Notre Dame Juggler ckoAj 3., s£c. become increasingly noticeable that •«« this practice was bad. Resides, high ;■:. SPECIAL SALE ON school principles are now so much Uncle Holtzman says, "I never accustomed to certifying credits that did trust these circus freaks. Just any delay seems to be unnecessary. yestiddy I seen in a paper the head- NEW SPRING CREPE AND" It seemed best, therefore, to admit no line: 'Three Armed Men Hold up tf7WfJ2»fi

1. Ideally located in the beautiful Blue Grass region—in the heart of Kentucky—the center of population of the State. 2. Fifty acre Blue Grass campus 1,000 feet above sea level—a STUDENTS AT EASTERN healthful place to live. DO YOU KNOW WHERE IN TOWN THEY r SERVE THE BEST MEALS, SANDWICHES 3. Eastern ranks high—Member American Association of Col- AND SALADS? leges, Kentucky Association of Colleges. Affiliation with these At DU CLYMBE INN organizations is ample assurance of Eastern's standing. u> I UP-STAIRS OVER STAFFER'S * .^m 4. A standard college conferring A. B. and B. S. Degrees and sev- PRICES ARE RIGHT COME TO SEE US eral teachers' certificates. * 5. Eastern is a State institution — not operated for profit. Ex-

penses lower than any college in Kentucky offering equal ad- > THE MARGARET BURN AM SHOP vantages. 6. Eastern is a $1,500,000.00 State institution — 15 splendid SALE OF HATS buildings well equipped. Strong faculty of 70 instructors. ALL OUR SPRING HATS GREATLY REDUCED FOR 7. Large student body—2,887 resident students last year. SECOND STREET OPP. COURT HOUSE 8. Only state teachers college offering A COMPLETE COMMER- FRIDAY and SATURDAY CIAL COURSE. No extra cost for this special course. 9. Dormitories for 650 students—best girls dormitory in Ken- tucky. r —-<— 10. $40.00 pays all necessary college expenses for six-week sum- ATTRACTIVE SWEATERS FOR mer term. Tuition is free to Kentuckians—$250.00 pays all expenses for a year, 36 weeks. SPORT WEAR . ..•.. Exceptionally smart styles and effective color combinations are to be seen in this assortment of New Slip Over Sweaters. One cannot have a more practical or smarter garment—just H. L. DONOVAN, President right for those crisp early mornings and cool evenings. Welcomes inquiries from prospective students PRICED EXCEPTIONALLY LOW^ Room Reservations Now Being Made for Fall Semester .95 and $2.95 t- TEACHERS! Spend your vacation at EASTERN in the Blue Grass. OWEN McKEE Special railroad rates to summer students. Write for particulars.

■ I ■ -.. *. ■ ^:Ji^iuLL ^.^^^'j^^^JI^i2i^UM)ilK-rfkJf!