Eastern Kentucky University Encompass Eastern Progress 1927-1928 Eastern Progress 5-4-1928 Eastern Progress - 4 May 1928 Eastern Kentucky University Follow this and additional works at: http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1927-28 Recommended Citation Eastern Kentucky University, "Eastern Progress - 4 May 1928" (1928). Eastern Progress 1927-1928. 16. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1927-28/16 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Eastern Progress at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in Eastern Progress 1927-1928 by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. <** > . ■ THE EASTERN PROGRESS . Eastern Kentucky State Teachers College and Normal School VOLUME V. RICHMOND, KY„ FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1928 Number 16 MAROONS LOSE ENGLISH CLUB FORMED BOARD PLANS MADRIGAL CLUB CHAUTAUQUA ENGLISH CLUB REORGANIZED The Madrigal Club completed its or- ONE, WIN ONE The Canterbury Club, for students NEW BUILDINGS ganization April 11 and the following BACK AGAIN in English, reorganized recently, ! officers were sleeted: ———— > Defeat Centre 3 to 1 After meeting Thursday afternoon to com- To Start Work Soon As Possible President, Miss Sarah Jones; vice Many Interesting Features Pro- •r Losing to Georgetown, 3 to 2, plete its organization. Miss Mollye on jjew Auditorium to president, Alma Dowden; secretary- vided by Big Seven-Day Brooks was elected president, Mrs. Cost $12*1000 In Tight Game Ellington, secretary-treasurer, and ' treasurer, Anna Easley;. librarian, Su- Redpath Attraction sie Coy le. _____ "nTt^r^Tou^ * NO NEW GYM TILL 1929 The members are as follows: Con- STUDENTS GET LOW RATE HATTER PITCHING STAR traltos, Mary E. Robinson, Susie _ _____ a previous meeting to consist largely ™ Regents met two Coyle, Virgie Hutchinson, Arzella " The Maroon baseball team lost a 3- ?f «enerkl """?* ■_* «"*«*• writ" weeks ago to consi Taulbee, Madilee Harvey, Frances - 0ne of "• biggest attractions at 2 decision to the Tigers of Georgetown in* »_*"*_ fl_-fW_? dlscns8'on two new buildings that are to be built Stodgill, Prances Parker; second so- Ea8te™ durin* ** *™™** •«*ion and criticism, will be prom ed Red ath College at Georgetown last week and ^ in the near future, as well as Vnum P™~>. Lena Henry, Ann Easley, Ruth » P Chautaqua that come, to through three standing committees copped a 3-1 decision from the Col- ber of routine matters. Schaffer, Christine Pieratt, Mattie *• «**V>U8 for a week and offers stu- appointed by the president ^ meeti v ^ Redmond, Adelaide Benton, Nell Pel- dents a special rate on season tick- onels of Centre College on the local ets yard. Cub membership includes automa- Presidentelect Dr. H. L. Donovsn, P*"*. Tressie Jones, Delia Hahn; - , U 3 n d 8e ,0rs 1 to m - Too m» seemed to be the ""ft * . ™° ™ " g_ has been present and all members of «"* «>P««o, Sarah Jones, Alma If .^J^™* * 5 I""* ?" Too m«h Stone WOMRIKH majoring in English, and provides the board, w c B „ 8Uperintendent Dowden, Alyce Beck, Orilla Kemper, anything, the chautaqua will be ,u tions wil1 it was nis , two-oasK« «■_• «*-■ fromrs junior8ophomo and senior English min- Rm_, ilu\at, T W r„mm„„i, n ™ Manraret Belwood Grace Veale Baa- O* offered, such as "The Jr?f£ 5___ ™T:££; and° -* Wh0 e*gradeS ■***lD EnJfli8b-*» w-erf_s i£ J rtuiuvi- 5ix^!»stdub Gr ' ^ gg^ - £ st-&*« Beu ^JrJa^^^aS^^ T " ~ P^-t *» 5 about completed plans Wright',une famous book of the average.B or above. Most of the time WM spent fa . for a minstrel which it hopes to put « ' dramatized, telling a tremen- fourteen men. Meetings will be held bi-weekly the over plans for the two new buildings on in a few weeks. dous human story with a setting in Hatter, the star Maroon southpaw, rest of the semester. —an auditorium and gymnasium— , the Ozark hills. Then Robert'Burns' worked a wonderful game and should "The Cotter's Saturday Night," will have won if pitching counts for any- that were provided for by appropria- U E CTI flFNTS tion made by the last session of the He -Ue M I U_/I_l! 1V be given, portraying comedy, romance thing. The Tigers gathered six bingles N0RMALSCH00L general assembly. Some opposition and pathos from the eighteenth cen- and seemed to have the knack of get- tury. "Tommy" is another comedy ting them when needed. Three of had developed concerning the audito- VISIT MODELS CONTESTS ON rium being connected to the Adminis- that has made a great hit in New them came in the first frame to score See Model Exhibits in Lexington York See it one run and the remaining Aree in j^ ^ Competition Among ttZ2ttt1f!!?Z£S£ There will be many great speakers. M decided to ab ad and During Better Homes the sixth for two scores. Out of a pos- flags^uaBM ArouseATOUSPHIIV Himilrnn ■* * A. W. Evans, a Welshman, will speak Sla— _*•_«* -.<*». «c- t i py wamiiton connect it to that building.buildin„ PlansPlana are Week N8 sible twenty-four put-outs, Hatter ac- Tapp, Director on "What America Means to Me." G. counted for twenty by the strike out to be revised so that the total cost F. Morse's "Do Animals Talk?" is route. A hard game to lose. With a wr^NERS TO GET AWARDS of the auditorium, including equip- HERALD HOME VISITED crowded with thrilling stories of wild little hitting behind him he would ■ ment, will not exceed $126,000. animals in captivity. Max Meldrum Plans are now to start work as soon The week beginning April 23 was have won without sny trouble. 'The The ^^ mteMlag8 ^n^^ p{ talks on "Depictive Art' He Is not as possible in order to have it ready set aside as "National Better Homes Teachers only accounted for five nits. the Normal g^^j have j^ • only an art critic but a painter as for commencement in 1929. At the Week'' Three home. fcUAgj £* ^mfc+ii Last Saturday the Colonels £Cen- pragre88 for *_ past two weeks. ZrTZZ^U^cfL" ~fmlsnel an7i^LdTTSS *Wl**»++*m" ^L^7XXllt^£ 5sat»_ffJ£ g"?:f"^r a--—..* rt-^?^^-j:his vacation in the Black Hills, will ter-s effective^rlmgjhat saved^the tion of Hambleton Tapp, who ha. ..SSJd^tt J^St! ^ Si Economic, girl, 'with talk on "The Spirit of Youth." T. D. Upton's Re-Creation Through Reccea- day, because the Teacher d to caused an mterest in them never be- not ^ started t^J l929. The ap_ Miss Burrier as chaperone, visited tion," is a lecture based on his knowl- connect for safeties again, altho the fore found m the Normal School, propriation as passed allowed Eastern these homes in Lexington last week. five accounted for by our boys came j^.^ fte prefient ^ ^ ^^ edge and understanding of boys. $125,000 a year for two years. The Not only a pleasant time, but a very There will be many musical num- in bunches of three and two and when ^ j^ ^^ ^ _haaa contests is• Board did not think it advisable to profitable one was reported by the they were needed to Mwnmi* coming to ^ poh|t of ^p,^ reeog_ ^^^ ^^ aomunt rf money fa ^ H E ^^ ^^y £Irgt ^^^ the bers such as Ramos Mexican Orches- ere. The Colonels sccounted ior sa ^y^ they had a half cen- ticipation of the appropriation from Herald model home which was a semi- tra, giving one some conception of rf what iftusic in Old Mexico. The old-time hits, but they were wsttered to snch ^ &go ^ winner_ rf ^ ^^ inre and j^^^^ formal home, and won twelfth place country fiddlers will give many num- an extent that they didn t amount to ^ .^ ^^ ft medaI f<__ w<>rk Enlargement of JJ JgJ plant among more than 80,000 national en- bers making for an evening of fun. much. Altho Hatter was not in as good ^ soon _, fl^ m ^ purchased and was considered to accommodate the tries. form as heretofore, only accounting inscription placed upon them, growth of the institution. At present Andr proper The second home was that of Mi.s concertr 2__?'ipianist, i. "i! the 7*1feature ^'H musical for eleven Colonels by the strike out Also, the class winning the most con-.'the power plant cannot "furnish the Sara Daniels, and was a remodeled attraction of the week route, he pitched a steady game. In test, will receive a silver loving cup. power needed and it is necessary to home, furnished with antique furni- The above named numbers are only addition to his good work on the slab The winners of the public discussion, .purchase power from the Kentucky 'tare. It showed how one msy take an part of the' list of attraction, that he smacked out a sharp single in the oratorical and girls' declamation con- utilities Company. No additional old home anl remodel and furnish it will be offered. Any session will be eighth frame to score a few minutes tests will represent Eastern in the building is contemplated, but a larger attractively. ""' m\^S AT*4I?_3!Z ZttLZ later on Taylor*, double thru third. Eastern Kentcky Oratorical Associa- generator will likely be installed. The third home was that of D. Col- r~l ona ™ VBm It Varney, for Centre, pitched a steady tion, which will be held at Wilmore Suepirtnendent Bell was authorized Her Johnston, and was a modern type tag. game and held the Teachers at bay May ninth and tenth. ' to appoint a committee to plan a Me- home furnished in modem style, The complete program follows: most of the time. He fanned three Entries, subjects and winners fol- mortal Day for Dr.
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