Coordinating Team MSc International Food Business and Consumer Studies

Kassel University, Campus Witzenhausen

Prof. Dr. Angelika Ploeger (IFBC programme director Witzenhausen) Phone: +49 (0)5542 / 98 1712

Ute Gilles, M.Sc. (International Study Affairs)

[email protected] Phone: +49 (0)5542 / 98 1214

Fulda University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr. Tonia Ruppthal (IFBC programme director )

[email protected] +49 (0)661 / 9640 3826

Helga Keil, Dipl. oec. troph., M.A.

[email protected] Phone: +49 (0)661 / 9640 356

Gefördert aus Mitteln des Europäischen Sozialfonds und des Landes Hessen




Contacts University of Kassel & Fulda University of Applied Sciences

Teaching Staff: Professor University Contact Prof. Dr. Angelika Ploeger Kassel [email protected] 05542 98 1714 or 1712 Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hamm Kassel [email protected] 05542 98 1284 or 1285 Prof. Dr. Christian Herzig Kassel [email protected] 05542 98 1208 Prof. Dr. Oliver Hensel Kassel [email protected] 05542 98 1225 Prof. Dr. Peter v. Fragstein Kassel [email protected] 0554 298 1567 Prof. Dr. Thiel Kassel [email protected] 05542 98 1241 Prof. Dr. Tonia Ruppenthal Fulda [email protected] 0661 9640 3826 Prof. Dr. Marc Birringer Fulda [email protected] 0661 9640 385 Prof. Dr. Barbara Freytag-Leyer Fulda [email protected] 0661 9640 355 Prof. Dr. Jörg Hampshire Fulda [email protected] 0661 9640 373 Prof. Dr. Johann Janssen Fulda [email protected] 0661 9640 377 Prof. Dr. Christian Schrader Fulda [email protected] 0661 9640 462 Prof. Dr. Christoph Klotter Fulda [email protected] 0661 9640 372 Fulda [email protected] Prof. Thomas Köbberling 0661 9640 393 Prof. Dr. Rohtraud Pichner Fulda [email protected] 0661 9640 3752 Prof. Dr. Christine Küster Fulda [email protected]

Prof. Dr. Anton Auer Fulda [email protected] 0 9640-3984

2 MSc International Food Business and Consumer Studies

Contact points and important links for IFBC students Homepage IFBC Homepage of the faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences Homepage of the department Oecotrophologie (Nutritional, Food and Consumer Sciences) General information, news, dates, deadlines for-studets.htl Timetable for-studets.htl Organizing your stay offie/eloe-etre.htl E-learning platform Registration for master examination

Support for international students iteratioal-studets.htl

Sponsorship opportunities studies.htl

Student exchange exhage.htl ersio/studies/appliatio/exhage-studets-ad-sholarship- holders.htl Academic Calendar offie/studets-fro-aroad/degree-seekig- studets/seesterzeite.htl Information for international students iteratioal-studets.htl




GET INFORMED Contact points at the University of Kassel: Services and Institutions Visit the homepages of the University of Kassel to get more information

Academic Advisory Service (Allgemeine Studienberatung) and Topics Service Study and job orientation. Information about study programs as well as the offers Choice of field of study. of the advisory services of the University of Kassel. Problems with one’s studies. Individual consultation and support during one’s Key competencies: Learning techniques, scientific studies. writing, key competencies etc. Initial information by assistants (consultation hours). Workshops for students.

Alumni & Career Service Topics Service Job orientation Coordination of Alumni, the network of graduates of Search for jobs and internships the University of Kassel. Job application JobPortal of the University of Kassel. Graduates of the University of Kassel Carreer fair meet@uni-kassel Networking with other graduates and faculties. Career office Job&Weg Consultation and information concerning the start of one’s career. Workshops about applying for a job and job orientation

Students Union Kassel (AStA Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss) Topics Service Concerns of university policy Personal advice given by students Problems with studying BAFöG- and social advice Consultation concerning all topics Cultural activities for students Issuing identification badges for international stu- ASV- Internationale Studierendenvertrtung /Internatio- dents (ISIC). nal Student Representation Events (K19- student club Kassel/ student club Witzenhausen) Semester ticket

Disability Servies (Behindertenbeauftragte/r) ung.html

5 4 STUDY PORTFOLIO: GENERAL INFORMATION Topics Service Coping with everyday student life in case of disa- Guideline and orientation for students with disabilities bilities or chronic diseases. and chronic diseases. Support for all students with disabilities and chronic diseases to better cope with their everyday student life

Complaints Office (Beschwerdestelle der Universität KS) Topics Service Conditions of studying at the University of Kassel Address for suggestions, complaints and ideas

Equality Office (Frauenbeauftragte) Topics Service Studying and making a PhD with a child Individual Consultations Funding Information Equal OpportunitiesJob orientation by mentoring: Moderation during situations of conflict Network of female mentors in natural sciences and engineering.

Language Centre (Internationales Studienzentrum/Sprachenzentrum)  Information in English Topics Service Language learning (German and other languages) Language courses (general and specific) International key competences (intercultural com- International key competence courses petence, journalistic writing, Europe competence, Self study centre language). Media centre Cross-cultural meeting project MitEinAnder Provide supervision and the opportunity for students to Problems writing academic texts or applications in meet in an intercultural setting. German or other languages. Writing counselling. Advisory services in presentation, pronunciation, voice, Tandem language exchange etc. Speech counselling skills. TOEFL-Test: Preparing The opportunity for cross-cultural meetings and men- TOEIC® (TEST OF ENGLISH FOR INTERNATIONAL toring (international theatre group, Tandem language COMMUNICATION). exchange, international job exchange for foreign stu- Language certificates for DAAD applicants dents, the opportunity to watch and discuss films in German and other languages.

International Office week.html Topics Service Studying or doing an internship abroad Information and advice Funding Contact person for students who plan to study a se- Programs: Lebenslanges Lernen (lifelong learn- mester abroad. ing), ERASMUS, DAAD, Cooperation programs with USA and Australia Exchange with partner universities


IT Service center (IT Servicezentrum) Topics Service Uni-Email-Account Using the e-learning-platform of the University as well WLAN as webmail Lending of notebooks WLAN at all locations of the University Computer-Pools Lending of notebooks free of charges Internet access Computer-pools with various software and programs Home internet access (VPN) Online-Support

Student Services (Studierendensekretariat) Topics Service Enrolment Point of Contact for all students regarding all questions Proof of study/ enrolment recipe and processes in relation to the management of one’s Change of address studies Change of study program Semester fee Part-time studies Leave of absence Exmatriculation Right of residence and right to work (international students)

Library (BB 9- Witzenhausen) Topics Service Library card Library as place of learning Literature search (e.g. journal articles related to Free internet access, multimedia workplaces, WLAN- one topic). zones, single workplaces etc. Acquiring key competencies Information and support regarding the usage of the li- Workplaces brary, literature searches or inter-library loan. Procurement of media from libraries at other Uni- Tours and introductions in the usage of the library and versities (inter-library loan). possible search techniques.

Uni sports (Hochschulsport) Topics Service Enhancing health and a healthy lifestyle You can choose between many different kinds of sports throughout your studies Keeps you fit and healthy

7 6 STUDY PORTFOLIO: GENERAL INFORMATION Contact points at the Fulda University of Applied Sciences: Services and Institutions Visit the homepages of the Fulda University of Applied Sciences to get more information

Academic Advisory Service (Zentrale Studienberatung) Topics Service Study and job orientation. Information about study programs as well as the offers Choice of field of study. of the advisory services of the University of Kassel. Problems with one’s studies. Individual consultation and support during one’s studies. Initial information by assistants (consultation hours). Workshops for students.

Students Union Fulda (AStA Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss) Topics Service Concerns of university policy Personal advice given by students Problems with studying BAFöG - and social advice Consultation concerning all topics Cultural activities for students Issuing identification badges for international stu- Legal advice for students concerning all aspects of everyday dents (ISIC) student life Events Semester ticket Fulda Legal advice

Career Service for International students Topics Service Mentoring programme for the transition of Consultation and information concerning the start of international students to the German labour one’s career. market Coordination of mentors and mentees Job orientation Workshops about applying for a job and job orientation Search for jobs and internships Job application

Family office (Familienbüro) Topics Service Counselling for pregnant women and students ‘just-in-time” service child care centre “KinderStube” with children Family room in the self-learning center building C1, room 004)


FiduS – fit durch’s Studium (as part of the project ‘Health enhancing Campus’ - Gesundheitsfördernde Hochschule) Topics Service Enhancing health and a healthy lifestyle Booking and offer of “bewegte Pausen” – short activity throughout your studies breaks with guided training to improve concentration Coordinating the services of FiduS (“Fit durch’s and reduce stress Studium” fit during your studies)

International Office Topics Service Studying or doing an internship abroad Information and advice Funding Contact person for students who plan to study a se- Programs: ERASMUS, DAAD, Cooperation pro- mester abroad. grams with USA and Australia Cross-cultural meetings and mentoring (international Exchange with partner universities evening, cultural activities and field trips, tandem lan- guage exchange, buddy programme)

IT Service Center (Datenverarbeitungszentrum - DVZ) Topics Service Email-Account Using the e-learning-platform of the University as well WLAN as webmail Lending of notebooks WLAN at all locations of the University Computer-Pools Computer-pools with various software and programs Internet access Home internet access (VPN) Online-Support

Language Centre (Sprachenzentrum) Topics Service Language learning (German and other languages) Language courses (general and specific) International key competences (intercultural com- International key competence courses petence, language). The opportunity for cross-cultural meetings and men- Tandem language exchange toring TOEFL-Test: Preparing TOEIC® (Test of English for International Commu- nication). Language certificates for DAAD applicants


Library (Hochschul- und Landesbibliothek Fulda) Topics Service Literature search (e.g. journal articles related to Library as place of learning one topic). Free internet access, multimedia workplaces, WLAN- Acquiring key competencies zones, single workplaces etc. Workplaces Information and support regarding the usage of the li- Procurement of media from libraries at other uni- brary, literature searches or inter-library loan. versities (inter-library loan). Tours and introductions in the usage of the library and possible search techniques, online data bases, digital library

Academic writing workshop (Schreibwerkstatt) Topics Service Problems writing academic texts or applications in Advisory services in presentation German or other languages. Writing counselling. Advisory services in writing academic or study related Learning techniques, scientific writing, key com- texts etc. petencies etc.

Self-learning Center Fulda (Selbstlernzentrum) Topics Service Acquiring key competencies Workshops on social competencies Advisory service to improve learning and studying Learning techniques techniques

Studienbüro at Student Service Center Fulda (SSC) Topics Service Enrolment at Campus Fulda Point of contact for all students regarding all questions Student Card Fulda (one card for all services, such and processes in relation to the adminstration of one’s as library Campus Fulda, mensa cash card, Stu- studies dent ID) Fulda Semester ticket fee

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