DIRCO News Highlights 15 J un 2016 11:14 Edition N° 1 Delivered by: DIRCO Centre for Early Warning DAILY NEWS BULLETIN NO: 167 Contact: WEDNESDAY 15 JUNE 2016 Contact us to obtain specific press Calender of Events (Please do not delete) articles Presidency; Cabinet Links: International Relations; Trade & Economic Internaltional Relations and Diplomacy Cooperation, Republic of Africa; African Union (AU) & Regional Economic Realtime news from Africa NewsBrief Communities (RECs)

Provincial Government; Cooperative Governance

& Traditional Affairs Media; Telecommunications & Postal Services; Science & Technology; Transport Politics & Elections Economic Development; Finance; Small Business Development; Trade & Industry; Mineral Recources; Energy; Public Enterprises Justice & Correctional Services; Police; Defence & Military Veterans; State Security Basic Education; Higher Education & Training Environmental Affairs; Water & Sanitation; Agriculture, Fishing & Forestry; Rural Development & Land Reform Health; Human Settlement; Social Development; Women, Children & Disabled Public Service & Administration; Labour; Home Affairs; Public Works Feature; Opinions; Analysis South African Market Statistics: (Please do not delete over weekends) Compiled by: Chief Compiler: Linda Vorster; Assistant Compiler: T Nkaletse; Approved by: E Ravhudzolo


Calender of Events (Please do not delete)

CALENDER OF EVENTS 13 - 15 June - Human Rights Commission holds hearing on impact of protest related actions; 16 June - Youth Day (South Africa); 16 June - President Jacob Zuma addresses National Youth Day commemoration in Soweto; 21 - 22 June - Gauteng hosts Provincial Taxi Summit; 13 Jun 2016 Presidency; Cabinet

Alliance not what it should be: Ramaphosa The structures of the tripartite alliance are not what they should be, Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa said in on Thursday. "Except for during elections and in the build up to conferences, the alliance does not have a coherent and consistent programme of action," said Ramaphosa in a speech prepared for delivery at the Elijah Barayi memorial lecture in Salt River. Barayi was the first president of the Congress of SA Trade Unions launched after years of negotiations in Durban on November 30 1985. Ramaphosa, as secretary general of the National Union of Mineworkers at the time, was part of the negotiations which united unions under one federation for their launch rally at Kings Park in Durban on December 1 1985. At the time the apartheid government was cracking down on any form of mobilisation against it. 8:42:00 AM CEST http://www.news24.com/Elections/News/alliance-not-what-it-should-be-ramaphosa-20160614

Ramaphosa calls for fiercely independent trade movement Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa called for a rejuvenation of the labour movement within the governing alliance on Tuesday. “Nothing is more important than a strong, united, cohesive and progressive trade union movement,” Ramaphosa said at the Elijah Barayi Memorial Lecture, an event by the SA Congress of Trade Unions (Cosatu). “We must acknowledge that most of our structures have felt, in some way or other, the negative effects of political incumbency,” he said, referring to the 22 years that Cosatu has been operating within an ANC-led government. “Many have been weakened by factionalism as comrades compete against each other for positions and resources,” he said, calling on all within Cosatu “to work to restore the alliance”. 8:19:00 AM CEST http://www.fin24.com/Economy/Labour/News/ramaphosa-calls-for-fiercely-independent-trade-union-20160615

International Relations; Trade & Economic Diplomacy

Brexit weighs on SA trade ties BLOOMBERG File picture: Waldo Swiegers Johannesburg - The UK’s possible exit from the EU could prompt a renegotiation of the recently signed EU-Southern African Development Community (SADC) Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), Willemien Viljoen, a researcher at Trade Law Centre, said yesterday. iol 8:02:00 AM CEST http://classic.iol.co.za/business/news/brexit-weighs-on-sa-trade-ties-1.2034757 Africa; African Union (AU) & Regional Economic Communities (RECs)

AU endorses extension of Darfur mandate The African Union (AU) Peace and Security Council has endorsed a recommendation to extend the mandate of the AU-UN Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID), Sudan, for another 12 months until 30 June 2017. The United Nations’ top peace keeping official, Herve Ladsous, the Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations advised the UN Security Council to follow suit. Ladsous told the UN Security Council (UNSC) on Tuesday that, following a recent assessment of the situation in Darfur, from 1 July 2015 to 15 May 2015 which showed little progress, the mandate of the AU-UN should be extended for another year without changes to its priorities or its authorised troop and police ceiling. 10:23:00 AM CEST http://www.sabc.co.za/news/a/12a767004d23e5b3bee6be830b7eb7b6/AU-endorses-extension-of-Darfur-mandate-20161506

Angola conference casts spotlight on African conflicts African leaders are worried at some pockets of conflicts in some parts of the continent. President Jacob Zuma said this at the end of the 6th International Conference on the Great Lakes Region in the Angolan capital Luanda. The meeting was called to discuss the security situation in Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan and the Central African Republic. It was also attended by at least five presidents from the region, including Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta, Dennis Sassou Ngueso of Congo Brazaville, Uganda's Yoweri Museveni, Angola's Jose dos Santos and Joseph Kabila of the DRC. Another gathering of the countries of the Great Lakes Region was called to asses and evaluate the security concerns in the region. 10:25:00 AM CEST http://www.sabc.co.za/news/a/b36c67804d239db594f3bc830b7eb7b6/Angola-conference-casts-spotlight-on-African-conflicts-20161506

Niger leader asks France to boost operations against Islamist militants President Mahamadou Issoufou of Niger called on Tuesday for France to strengthen military operations against West African Islamist militants, including Boko Haram after its fighters carried out a deadly attack on a Nigerien town.France currently has some 3,500 troops spread across five countries - Chad, Mauritania, Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso - in the region as part of a two-year-old operation to hunt down jihadists. Paris also assists West African states in the fight against the Nigeria-based Boko Haram with intelligence, logistics and training, but does not have combat troops directly involved. "We want ... a strengthening of this operation across the Sahel, including to address the threats we are facing today with Boko Haram," Issoufou told reporters after a meeting with French President François Hollande in Paris. 9:56:00 AM CEST http://www.timeslive.co.za/africa/2016/06/15/Niger-leader-asks-France-to-boost-operations-against-Islamist-militants

Algerian troops kill 2 Islamist militants Algerian soldiers have killed two armed Islamists in an operation east of the capital, the defence ministry said on Tuesday. It said the two "terrorists" were killed on Monday in the Jijel area more than 300km from Algiers and added that guns, ammunition and improvised explosive devices were also found. The authorities in the North African country use the term "terrorists" to refer to Islamist militants. A brutal civil war in the 1990s between the government and Islamists claimed about 200 000 lives. Despite adopting a peace and reconciliation charter in 2005 aimed at turning the page on the conflict, armed groups remain active in central and eastern Algeria. 8:46:00 AM CEST http://www.news24.com/Africa/News/algerian-troops-kill-2-islamist-militants-20160614 Guinea-Bissau envoy: The country is 'practically paralysed' Guinea-Bissau is "practically paralysed" as a result of another political and institutional crisis that has led to a cut-off in international financial aid and is harming economic development, the West African nation's UN envoy said on Tuesday. Ambassador Joao Soares Da Gama told the UN Security Council that coordinated and continued strong international support "might help us get a solid solution to the persistent impasse." The latest crisis was sparked by President Jose Mario Vaz' appointment of a new prime minister by presidential decree on May 26, which led to a political stand-off with the ousted prime minister and the dismissed Cabinet. It also sparked a new case before the Supreme Court challenging the constitutionality of the presidential decree. 8:45:00 AM CEST http://www.news24.com/Africa/News/guinea-bissau-envoy-the-country-is-practically-paralysed-20160615

Provincial Government; Cooperative Governance & Traditional Affairs

Western Cape land claimants appeal for legal help A group of elderly land claimants say they need a lawyer urgently after the Drakenstein Municipality said it would not release the land they have set their hearts on. "We need a lawyer but the money is not here," said Patrick Kohli, chairperson of a trust formed by those directly affected and the descendants of people evicted from their original homes in Sakkieskamp, Wellington during apartheid. After waiting 20 years for the claim to be settled, their act of defiance was a low key DIY sod-turning ceremony last week. They have opted to find a peaceful solution, but Kohli says now it needs to be taken up a notch, with a lawyer prepared to fight for them in court. 8:35:00 AM CEST http://www.news24.com/SouthAfrica/News/western-cape-land-claimants-appeal-for-legal-help-20160614

Data reveal thousands of vacancies at municipalities Municipalities are limping with a staggering 41,303 vacancies, with six of the country’s metros being the worst affected. This is according to Statistics SA (Stats SA) data from its nonfinancial municipal census, which was released last week. While the 2015 figures for vacant posts is a decrease from 44,869 vacant posts in 2014, the vacancy numbers at some municipalities amounts to thousands. Metros are given considerable financial independence and capacity to service large populations in cities, making their high vacancy numbers more concerning. The vacancies fly in the face of the Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs’s Back To Basics master plan to rescue local government, as they undermine the capacity needed to deliver services. Among its findings, Stats SA says the number of vacancies in the Mangaung metro soared from 1,995 in 2014 to 3,905 in 2015. According to Stats SA spokesman Patrick Naidoo, the city gave the implementation of a new "micro structure" and the creation of two new directorates as reasons for the increase. Another major metro, the City of Cape Town, had 2,757 vacant posts last year. 9:32:00 AM CEST http://www.bdlive.co.za/national/2016/06/14/data-reveal-thousands-of-vacancies-at-municipalities

Media; Telecommunications & Postal Services; Science & Technology; Transport

Half of Vodacom payout must go into trust VODACOM must pay half the money it will give to Please Call Me inventor Nkosana Makate into a trust account pending the outcome of arbitration, the High Court in Pretoria ruled on Tuesday. Discussions between the cellular giant and Makate over remuneration for his idea are continuing and an amount has not yet been agreed on. bdlive 6:25:00 AM CEST http://www.bdlive.co.za/business/technology/2016/06/15/half-of-vodacom-payout-must-go-into-trust

Bribes are an affront to God, traffic cops told PRETORIA NEWS The mobile vehicle testing stations that Transport Minister handed over in Pretoria. Picture: Phill Magakoe Pretoria - If you accept bribes, you are an embarrassment to God. Minister of Transport Dipou Peters did not mince her words when she said this on Tuesday during the.... iol 7:27:00 AM CEST http://classic.iol.co.za/news/crime-courts/bribes-are-an-affront-to-god-traffic-cops-told-1.2034773

Politics & Elections

Hacktivists strike EFF, Zanu-PF websites Fresh after attacking the SABC, Anonymous Africa has turned its attention to the EFF and Zimbabwe's Zanu-PF. The attack started on Monday when an EFF member tried to call the collective's bluff, saying it did not have the power to take down the party's website. "Challenge accepted," said Anonymous Africa. While the site was allowed to return to the internet, the collective launched another DDoS attack yesterday. "EFF troll army are trolling us with their racist drivel, guess they don't like their website," Anonymous Africa tweeted yesterday. The attack was followed byone on Zimbabwe's Zanu-PF. 10:07:00 AM CEST http://www.timeslive.co.za/thetimes/2016/06/15/Hacktivists-strike-EFF-Zanu-PF-websites

Funds for Sparrow and rugby protests on ANCYL’s agenda Its KwaZulu-Natal branch having already aired its viewed on the issue‚ “Joint Fundraising for racist sparrow” will feature at an “urgent media briefing” called by the African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL) for Wednesday. Members of the media will be hosted at Luthuli House “ahead of June 16 Celebrations”‚whichm the league noted‚ “are on Thursday”. The other two topics on the agenda are “Transformation in Rugby and SARU” and “Youth Month programs and Rally”. The briefing comes a day after the ANCYL in KwaZulu-Natal said the Democratic Alliance (DA) had hatched a fundraising campaign to pay the R150,000 fine handed out to former estate agent Penny Sparrow by the Equality Court for her racist Facebook posts that were said to compare black people to monkeys. On Tuesday‚ Sparrow‚ who had failed to pitch up for the court hearing on Friday‚ broke cover and claimed the monkeys reference was not race-specific. 10:02:00 AM CEST http://www.timeslive.co.za/politics/2016/06/15/Funds-for-Sparrow-and-rugby-protests-on-ANCYL%E2%80%99s-agenda

Fire ‘apartheid-era cop’ Berning Ntlemeza, young communists urge Zuma The Young Communist League of SA has called on President Jacob Zuma to fire Hawks boss Maj-Gen Berning Ntlemeza. The league has joined the campaign by its mother body, the South African Communist Party (SACP), against Ntlemeza, who it claimed was "harassing" the party. Ntlemeza has also been labelled an "apartheid-era cop" by his critics, an assertion Police Minister Nathi Nhleko has taken exception to. The SACP has previously claimed that the Hawks unit was part of a campaign to isolate and target Finance Minister . The Young Communist League’s national secretary Mluleki Dlelanga on Tuesday said it was "beyond comprehension" that a former apartheid security branch operative could be appointed head of the Hawks. This was why the organisation wanted Ntlemeza fired. He said Zuma should take this decision in the interest of the youth, as many families still did not know what happened to their loved ones as a result of the apartheid security forces, and on June 16 many of them would be remembered. 9:44:00 AM CEST http://www.bdlive.co.za/national/2016/06/14/fire-apartheid-era-cop-berning-ntlemeza-young-communists-urge-zuma

Why will the NPA not prosecute Nkandla’s architect, the DA asks The DA is to demand a "very credible explanation" for the National Prosecuting Authority’s (NPA) decision not to prosecute Nkandla’s architect or former directors-general in the Department of Public Works, over the upgrades to President Jacob Zuma’s private home. This follows Police Minister Nathi Nhleko’s response to questions in Parliament. Since last year‚ architect Minenhle Makhanya has been embroiled in an impasse with the Special Investigating Unit‚ which blamed the state for incurring expenditure of R155m over the Nkandla project. Siviwe Dongwana‚ Sam Vukela and Solomon Malebye‚ who served in the Department of Public Works during the formative years of the project‚ have also been deemed responsible. "On July 28 2015‚ all these cases were nolle prosequi (declined to prosecute) by the NPA. The Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (the Hawks) wishes to put on record that there is no investigation against Mr M Makhanya‚" Nhleko said. The DA’s said on Tuesday it will "request the record of decision" not to follow through with court action from the NPA. Kopane said that‚ according to Nhleko‚ "former acting director-general Solly Malebye‚ who resigned in early 2010‚ was charged but never prosecuted". 9:35:00 AM CEST http://www.bdlive.co.za/national/2016/06/14/why-will-the-npa-not-prosecute-nkandlas-architect-the-da-asks

Robert Gumede donates buses and iPads to ANC in Mpumalanga Buinessman Robert Gumede has made a substantial donation in the form of vehicles and iPads to the African National Congress in Mpumalanga ahead of the municipal elections. Gumede, a well-known ANC benefactor, handed over 10 Ford Rangers, four buses and 20 iPads to the provincial leadership at its office in Nelspruit on Monday. The province posted photos on its Facebook page of Gumede handing over his donation to leaders, which included provincial chairman . A caption on the post read: "Nje kuyavela ngalapho ukuthi (it shows over there that) business people in #mpumalanga appreciate the tremendous work done by the ANC in the province..." ANC Mpumalanga secretary Mandla Ndlovu on Tuesday said the donation was for the party ahead of the elections and beyond. "Now we are focusing on elections so it means that we going to utilise now all the equipment for the elections. "But there are no conditions except that must use it effectively and we must take care of them," he said. The donation of the buses meant the ANC could transport its volunteers around the province. 9:21:00 AM CEST http://www.bdlive.co.za/national/politics/2016/06/14/robert-gumede-donates-buses-and-ipads-to-anc-in-mpumalanga

SACP and Cosatu vow unity The South African Communist Party (SACP) and Congress of SA Trade Unions (Cosatu) on Tuesday vowed to guard against any attempt to drive a wedge between the two organisations. This followed a bilateral meeting held in Johannesburg on Monday, where they discussed the political situation in the country, conditions facing the working class, and the shared perspective on the "national democratic revolution". "A lot in the unfolding political situation underlines the importance of an increased necessity for the SACP and Cosatu to work even more closely, defend their unity and develop it further," they said. "The meeting tasked the national officials of the SACP and national office bearers of Cosatu to meet and develop a comprehensive perspective on the international and domestic balance of forces in relation to the challenges and opportunities facing national democratic revolution, our direct route to socialism." The SACP and Cosatu said they had agreed to "deepen the fight" against corruption and corporate capture of the state and the broader movement. 9:04:00 AM CEST http://www.bdlive.co.za/national/politics/2016/06/14/sacp-and-cosatu-vow-unity

Parliament blamed for delays in appointing new board for youth agency The Young Communist League of SA (YCLSA) has accused Parliament of mishandling and delaying the appointment of new National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) board members. An ad hoc committee tasked with short-listing and interviewing candidates has recommended seven names to Parliament, which has to process the names before making recommendations to President Jacob Zuma. "As the YCLSA we are eagerly waiting for the president to announce the new board of the NYDA on June 16. We cannot celebrate 40 years of the 1976 uprisings without a leadership of young people," national secretary Mluleki Dlelanga said in Johannesburg on Tuesday. "Further delay of the process of appointing a board will constitute an injustice to the young people of this country who desperately need the assistance of the NYDA." 9:02:00 AM CEST http://www.bdlive.co.za/national/2016/06/14/parliament-blamed-for-delays-in-appointing-new-board-for-youth-agency

IEC hails ConCourt election ruling as 'Solomon’s wisdom' The Electoral Commission of SA (IEC) on Tuesday accepted the Constitutional Court's ruling that local government elections should proceed despite the discrepancies in the voters’ roll. IEC chairperson Vuma Mashinini expressed appreciation of the court’s work. "We thank the court for its judgment and the way it handled the matter. It was a judgment that was considered Solomon’s wisdom," said Mashinini. Find everything you need to know about the 2016 Local Government Elections at our News24 Elections site, including the latest news and detailed, interactive maps for how South Africa has voted over the past 3 elections, or download the app for iOS and Android. Mashinini said the court understood the complexities that had faced the IEC, and that they were happy to have received a solution. "The judgment that has been made now gives us what we were looking for, which is the clarity and certainty as to what is the way forward," he said. Asked whether they would be able to meet the June 2018 deadline given to them by the court, Mashinini said they would explore all their options. Mogoeng gave the IEC 18 months to fix the defects and obtain outstanding addresses of millions of registered voters. 8:39:00 AM CEST http://www.news24.com/Elections/News/iec-hails-concourt-election-ruling-as-solomons-wisdom-20160614

Court’s election nod hailed by parties THE Constitutional Court’s judgment on local elections has received a resounding welcome in Tlokwe, North West, from independent candidates as years of litigation ended on Tuesday. The court ordered on Tuesday that the Electoral Commission of SA (IEC) ensure that the general voters roll was updated.... businessday 6:30:00 AM CEST http://www.bdlive.co.za/national/2016/06/15/courts-election-nod-hailed-by-parties Economic Development; Finance; Small Business Development; Trade & Industry; Mineral Recources; Energy; Public Enterprises

Believe it or not, SA in top 20 of cheap countries If emigration is on your mind but the rand's weakness is a worry, India should be your top choice. The Asian giant is the cheapest country in a cost-of-living survey by Numbeo and, although it might not feel like it when you do your weekly shopping, South Africa features in the cheapest top 20. The survey takes into account the price of about 50 items, including a wide variety of accommodation, food and drink from supermarkets and restaurants, clothing, taxi fares, leisure activities, utilities and internet and cellphone bills. India emerges with a cost of living index of 24.14, followed by Moldova, Pakistan, Kazakhstan and Nepal. South Africa comes 19th, sandwiched between The Philippines and Romania. 10:10:00 AM CEST http://www.timeslive.co.za/thetimes/2016/06/15/Believe-it-or-not-SA-in-top-20-of-cheap-countries

Treasury releases PIC statement of intent The Treasury has for the first time made available the government’s strategic statement of intent for the Public Investment Corporation (PIC), the government fund manager that manages R1.8-trillion of pension and social security funds. The PIC is the single biggest investor in the economy, and invests on behalf of the Government Employees Pension Fund, the Unemployment Insurance Fund, the Compensation Commissioners Fund and others. The PIC is coming under increasing pressure for greater transparency in its investments, in particular in unlisted assets. It is subject to ongoing pressure to fund transactions for the politically connected. The public airing of the statement of intent by Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan follows a request from DA MP David Maynier, who had said he would launch a Promotion of Access to Information application if he was denied. Maynier has been at the forefront of campaigning for greater transparency, and in May secured an undertaking from the PIC that it would disclose its unlisted investments. This has not yet occurred. The statement sets out several principles which the PIC must apply in its investments. As well as financial sustainability, these include: the development and transformation of the economy; expansion of investment in economic infrastructure; the promotion of black economic empowerment and small and medium enterprises; and the development of an African and global investment strategy. The statement also sets the key performance indicators for the fund which include government development targets, financial sustainability targets, and operational efficiency targets. Maynier said on Tuesday that the statement provided more insights into the "black box" 10:53:00 AM CEST http://www.bdlive.co.za/national/2016/06/15/treasury-releases-pic-statement-of-intent SA moving closer to higher interest rates The SA Reserve Bank will likely begin raising interest rates again, owing to a growing current account deficit, a sharp contraction in growth and the weakness of the currency, analysts predict. The current account deficit widened to 5% of GDP in the first quarter from a revised shortfall of 4.6% in the final quarter of 2015, Sarb said on Tuesday. This was a result of a slump in exports of platinum and coal as miners cut production after global commodities prices tumbled. Economists surveyed by Reuters had expected a 4.25% gap for the first quarter. "We expect that this will force the South African Reserve Bank to hike its key interest rate, even in the face of very weak economic growth," analysts at research house Capital Economics said in a note. Sarb has raised lending rates by 200 basis points to 7% since over the past two years in a bid to keep inflation within its target band of 3 to 6%. 8:38:00 AM CEST http://www.fin24.com/Economy/sa-moving-closer-to-higher-interest-rates-20160614

Rand tumbles on latest trade data The Rand tumbled yesterday after data showed the current account deficit widened in the first quarter as exports slumped, despite a recovery in the global prices of commodities and a weaker rand. The rand fell as much as 1.5 percent against the dollar to its lowest on a closing basis since June 2. iol 8:02:00 AM CEST http://classic.iol.co.za/business/markets/currencies/rand-tumbles-on-latest-trade-data-1.2034762

Youth urged to be more involved in mining Department of Mineral Resources deputy director-general Joel Raphela at the Youth in Mining summit. Picture: Simphiwe Mbokazi Johannesburg - As South Africa prepared to commemorate 40 years since the of youth uprisings of 1976, young entrepreneurs heard yesterday that it was not.... iol 8:02:00 AM CEST http://classic.iol.co.za/business/news/youth-urged-to-be-more-involved-in-mining-1.2034768

Fin24.com | Professional migrants rush to and from SA - report While South Africa is among the top 30 countries professional migrants like to move to, it is also among the top 30 countries professional migrants are rushing from, according to a report by MoveHub. MoveHub, British company assisting people wanting to move abroad, analysed 180 000 move.... news24 7:12:00 AM CEST http://www.fin24.com/Economy/professional-migrants-rush-to-and-from-sa-report-20160615

Justice & Correctional Services; Police; Defence & Military Veterans; State Security

No bad blood between public protector hopeful Malunga and Madonsela Deputy Public Protector Kevin Malunga says there is no bad blood between him and Thuli Madonsela following a disagreement in 2013. Malunga crossed swords with Madonsela at the time when he wrote to Parliament, describing her interaction with the justice committee as "unpleasant". This followed a disagreement between Madonsela and the committee regarding the powers of the public protector. Malunga said the two had moved on from then. "Advocate Madonsela apologised after the Parliament incident and we moved on three years ago." He said there was no "bad relationship" between them. Malunga is among those nominated for the top position at the Chapter 9 institution as Madonsela’s term comes to an end in October. He said Madonsela was "very capable". 9:26:00 AM CEST http://www.bdlive.co.za/national/2016/06/14/no-bad-blood-between-public-protector-hopeful-malunga-and-madonsela

Basic Education; Higher Education & Training

Thousands of pupils to gather in Soweto to mark 40 years since uprising About 35,000 pupils will be bused into Orlando Stadium on Thursday, where President Jacob Zuma will deliver the main address, as part of the government’s programme to mark the 40th anniversary of the Soweto uprising. A series of events will be held to commemorate the historic event, Minister in the Presidency Jeff Radebe said at a briefing on behalf of the committee on Tuesday. Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa will lead the traditional wreath laying ceremony at the Hector Pieterson Memorial and Museum, while Gauteng Premier David Makhura will oversee the renaming of Thabethe Street in Orlando West to Hastings Ndlovu Street. Fifteen-year-old Ndlovu is believed to have been the first youth killed during the uprising. 9:25:00 AM CEST http://www.bdlive.co.za/national/2016/06/14/thousands-of-pupils-to-gather-in-soweto-to-mark-40-years-since-uprising

Environmental Affairs; Water & Sanitation; Agriculture, Fishing & Forestry; Rural Development & Land Reform

Company in fire fighter pay row boasts of being ‘most successful job creation programme SA’s history’ It claims to be “the most successful job creation and skills development programme in the history of South Africa”. But it is Kishigu Holdings’ part in the embarrassing debacle which saw South African fire fighters returning early from a deployment in Canada over a pay dispute‚ which saw them down tools at the site of a wildfire‚ is to be probed by Parliament. The legislature’s Portfolio Committee on Environmental Affairs “is concerned about media reports on the 301 fire fighters who were deployed…[as] part of a resource-sharing agreement with Canadian fire fighting agencies”. “Of concern is the alleged involvement of a company called Kishigu Holdings‚ a private company that is seen as the primary implementer of the Working on Fire Programme‚ and a major beneficiary of the $170 that was to be paid per South African fire fighter per day by the Canadian Government‚” a statement in chairperson Phillemon Mapulane’s name read. 10:01:00 AM CEST http://www.timeslive.co.za/local/2016/06/15/Company-in-fire-fighter-pay-row-boasts-of-being-%E2%80%98most-successful-job-creation- programme-SA%E2%80%99s-history%E2%80%99

Health; Human Settlement; Social Development; Women, Children & Disabled

SA gears up to host next world AIDS conference SA is ready to host the 21st International Aids Conference‚ says Minister in the Presidency for Planning‚ Monitoring and Evaluation Jeff Radebe. This will be the second time that SA will be hosting the conference‚ organised in partnership with the International Aids Society. The event is coming 16 years after SA hosted the 13th conference in Durban. The conference will be held from July 18 to 22 at the Albert Luthuli International Convention Centre in Durban‚ KwaZulu-Natal‚ under the theme "Access Equity Rights Now". Radebe‚ leader of the inter-ministerial committee on AIDS2016‚ briefed the media about the conference on Monday after a committee comprising 16 ministers‚ the premier of KwaZulu-Natal and the mayor of eThekwini was appraised on the state of readiness by government to host the event. "Based on the reports we received‚ we are satisfied that indeed SA is ready to welcome the world and to host a successful AIDS2016‚ where history will be made in advancing the global fight against HIV‚ AIDS and TB‚" said Radebe. 9:46:00 AM CEST http://www.bdlive.co.za/national/health/2016/06/13/sa-gears-up-to-host-next-world-aids-conference

Sassa to open case over illegal grant deductions The South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) says it will be opening a criminal case against Grindrod Bank and the Cash Paymaster Services for failing to stop illegal deductions made on social grants. Last month Sassa‚ the agency which administers social grants‚ was called upon to brief members of Parliament’s standing committee on social development about illegal deductions on Sassa grants‚ which has been happening since 2012. The briefing revealed that beneficiaries lodged 10‚262 disputes over deductions from their Sassa accounts between April 2015 and March 2016. "The amended law prohibits deductions from social grants. The only exception is a deduction for a funeral policy‚ provided Sassa is requested to authorise‚" said the agency in a statement on Tuesday. Dianne Dunkerley‚ manager for grants policy support at SASSA‚ said the disputes varied from people who had taken up the airtime advance service but wanted to have it stopped‚ to those who claimed to have no knowledge of the service. 8:56:00 AM CEST http://www.bdlive.co.za/business/financial/2016/06/14/sassa-to-open-case-over-illegal-grant-deductions

Public Service & Administration; Labour; Home Affairs; Public Works

Labour protests account for almost half of all protests - police What do South Africans complain about when they take to the streets in protest? Recent disruptions in Vuwani and at universities nationwide suggest that education is a hot topic‚ but labour protests are the long-standing leaders in this arena. According to a research report launched on Tuesday at the University of Johannesburg just under half the protests recorded by police between 1997 and 2013 were labour protests. This is followed by community protests‚ which make up a little less than a quarter of police-recorded protests in the time period. The new research uses data on “crowd incidents” recorded by the South African Police Service (SAPS) in its Incident Registration Information System (IRIS) to assess and analyse protests in the country. 10:04:00 AM CEST http://www.timeslive.co.za/local/2016/06/15/Labour-protests-account-for-almost-half-of-all-protests---police

Feature; Opinions; Analysis

New generation faces an old problem: lack of skills and education, BY ARIANE DE LANNOY AND PIPPA GREEN JUNE 16 marks the 40th anniversary of the Soweto uprising. Then, a generation of youth rose up, first against unequal education, later against the whole apartheid system. Today, 22 years into democracy, a new generation of youth, the so-called born-frees, face a different set of challenges, some as daunting as those faced by their parents, who risked death and imprisonment in the quest for freedom. Admittedly, the lives of many young people today are better: expanded access to social grants has mitigated the worst forms of poverty and improved the nutrition and educational chances of children. Education is almost universally available through the public school system, and levels of education among children today are, on average, higher than they were for their parents or grandparents. There is free public healthcare, and, mostly, if not uniformly, those who protest can no longer be locked up, tortured, banned or worse. These are some of the substantial gains of democracy. But, as the Child Gauge of 2015 reports, more than half of young people live in income poverty. Those who are over 18 are no longer eligible for the child support grant and there is little social support for them as they enter adulthood. The quality of education in the public schooling system is uneven, and there is a huge drop-out rate from Grade 9 onwards: half of all those who started school in the past 13 years have not made it to matric and only about 14% make it to university. So, education and skills levels remain low and the unemployment rate among 15-to 34-year-old age group is higher than the national average. The lower a young person’s educational qualification, the higher the chance of being unemployed. National data show 55% of 15-to 24-year-olds without matric are unemployed and 36% of those with matric. Prospects improve substantially if young people have tertiary degrees: the chances of being unemployed drops to just 8%, so the often mentioned problem of graduate unemployment is not nearly as pressing as it is for those without this advantage. Low educational outcomes and high unemployment are bad news for a country in which nearly half the population is under the age of 25. In a country with better growth and employment rates, this "demographic bulge" would be an advantage. 11:07:00 AM CEST http://www.bdlive.co.za/opinion/2016/06/15/new-generation-faces-an-old-problem-lack-of-skills-and-education

Wider deficit and slower spending show economic anaemia worsened THE need to speed up economic growth was emphasised on Tuesday, when Reserve Bank figures showed more woes in the first quarter the current account deficit widened more than expected, and private-sector and household spending shrank. Higher economic growth, smaller current account and budget deficits, and policy certainty are among the factors ratings agencies have identified as crucial to SA avoiding a downgrade. The rand fell slightly on news that the current account shortfall widened to 5% of GDP in the first quarter of 2016 from a downwardly revised 4.6% (5.1%) shortfall in the previous quarter. The deficit grew because SA paid more dividends to foreigners for their local investments than it received from its investments abroad. This outweighed an improvement in the trade balance attributable to better exports and slower growth in imports. Dividend and interest outflows from SA were likely to remain substantial given large foreign holdings of South African bonds and equities, Stanlib chief economist Kevin Lings said. Economic growth in SA was likely to remain under pressure "as the political situation prevents the reforms necessary to boost confidence", Bank of America Merrill Lynch economists Oyin Anubi and Arko Sen said in a research note. They expect S&P Global Ratings to downgrade SA’s foreign currency credit rating in December. The Bank also commented on uncertainty, saying "lacklustre domestic economic growth and political uncertainty" had added to investors’ risk aversion. The good news was the recovery in travel receipts which rose 9% to R120.3bn because of the weaker rand and relaxed visa rules. Spending on fixed capital formation by the private sector contracted 6.8% while that by the government slowed to 1%. 10:59:00 AM CEST http://www.bdlive.co.za/economy/2016/06/15/wider-deficit-and-slower-spending-show-economic-anaemia-worsened

Nigeria, South Africa partner on solid minerals’ exploitation 35 mins ago Business News By Femi Adekoya (Lagos) and Cornelius Essien (Abuja) - In a bid to leverage each other’s key strengths for the realisation of the African Mining Vision (AMV), the Federal Government has partnered with the South African government to strategise on measures to aid solid minerals exploitation. Indeed, Minister of Solid Minerals Development, Dr. Kayode Fayemi explained that both countries are presently reviewing the 2013 bilateral agreement on mining by examining areas of partnership in the fields of geology, mining, mineral processing and metallurgy having been neglected by previous administration. Fayemi, in a paper titled “Nigeria and South Africa: Forging bonds of mutual prosperity in mining”, noted that both countries need to implement a departure from the perception and treatment of resource-rich locales as extractive farms, and move towards encouraging the establishment of value-added economic activities within them. He explained that the Buhari administration is particularly focused on creating a broad spectrum of value-added activities by fully maximizing the abundant opportunities for mineral beneficiation, exploiting the possibilities inherent in support services and support industries that will be nurtured around core mining activities. According to him, for the new resource economy to benefit both local and global stakeholders, Nigeria is taking an activist posture towards issues of developing local content and ensuring a transfer of skills and technology that will be to the nation’s advantage in the medium and long term. He added that while the government is committed to maintaining a liberal business environment, it is also mindful that the new resource economy results in a win-win situation for all stakeholders. “Today, the continent’s fortunes appear partially stalled. Pundits wonder if our work of reform is entirely hostage to shrinking commodities demand from China and India. The decline the Naira and the Rand have suffered in the past year is partially linked to the commodities narrative. Nonetheless, the truth is that Africa’s narrative of prosperity has deeper roots, and is firmly in our control. ngrguardiannews 5:32:00 AM CEST http://guardian.ng/business-services/business/nigeria-south-africa-partner-on-solid-minerals-exploitation/

SA activists blame hyper-masculinity for Orlando shooting The South African Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transsexual and Intersex (LBGTI) community has reacted with shock to the mass shooting at a gay club in Orlando, America. Speaking on the SABC’s Morning Live, Filmmaker, director, human rights and LGBTI activist Beverley Ditse and Feather Awards Dialogues publicist Motlatsi Motseoile, described the shooting as "unreal". Ditse has attributed the killings, and other forms of violence in South Africa and the world, to hyper-masculinity and patriarchy. She says these systems force men to look and behave in a particular way and when they find they cannot, they become frustrated and react in a violent manner. Motseoile says the incident reminds the world that while amendments are made in legislature to accept all people regardless of colour or creed, the societies and communities that people reside in have not changed. 10:20:00 AM CEST http://www.sabc.co.za/news/a/b9aa68004d23eab781bfa9830b7eb7b6/SA-activists-blame-hyper-masculinity-for-Orlando-shooting- 20161506

The wretched scream for political voice, by Graeme Addison - It should worry all politicians that in the run-up to the local government elections masses of people are taking to the streets to hurl rocks, burn tyres, and in the most extreme cases so far raze dozens of schools. There is a widening democratic disconnect between voters and protesters, but sometimes they are the same people. The wreckers who set fire to libraries and computer labs include party loyalists. Many are close to the point of giving their allegiance to the EFF, but that would mean they are ready to engage in formal politics. The EFF is leading a countrywide political insurgency the word means radical opposition to authority and is usually applied to movements that fight in a jungle or wage urban warfare. The EFF’s insurgents are storming the battlements of the governing ANC and opposition DA in an outright bid to win control of many municipalities and become the authorities. It is still not absolutely certain at the time of writing that the polls on August 3, the date set by President Jacob Zuma, will take place. The Constitutional Court has yet to rule on the thorny issue of whether the Electoral Commission of SA must collect the addresses of all voters. If the answer is yes, there is insufficient time to do so. 9:52:00 AM CEST http://www.bdlive.co.za/opinion/2016/06/14/the-wretched-scream-for-political-voice

Thuli Madonsela leaves an important legacy and enormous shoes to fill, by George Devenish Thuli Madonsela’s tenure as public protector ends in October and Parliament has started the process of finding a suitable person for this very important office, which plays a seminal role in the functioning of our constitutional democracy. Advertisements have been placed in the media. Nominees will be published for public scrutiny, after which the relevant parliamentary committee will present a report nominating a particular candidate to the National Assembly for formal appointment. Madonsela has proved an exemplary and courageous official in her role as public protector. Her findings on President Jacob Zuma’s financial liability for certain of the upgrades to his Nkandla homestead led to an important Constitutional Court ruling on the manner in which the government must deal with public protector findings and recommendations on corruption and maladministration. In another equally significant report, on the handing out of food parcels at ANC rallies, Madonsela made a clear distinction between party and state. Members of the public and opposition parties had complained about Operation Hlasela, arguing Free State premier Ace Magashule used food parcels to advance the ruling party’s election campaign, and thereby had prejudiced other parties. She found that "the allegation of the conflation of the party and state is substantiated" and said "you can’t endorse any political party on a government platform". 9:01:00 AM CEST http://www.bdlive.co.za/opinion/2016/06/14/thuli-madonsela-leaves-an-important-legacy-and-enormous-shoes-to-fill

Why South Africans living in the UK could swing it for Brexit Forty one years ago, Britons voted overwhelmingly to join the European Union. Of 26 million votes cast, two thirds were in favour. Measured against that benchmark, next week’s too-close-to-call Brexit Referendum shows that at the very least, millions of Britons view the EU experiment to have failed. Something like half a million South Africans living in the UK are entitled to vote on June 23, courtesy of SA’s membership of the Commonwealth. In a contest where every vote matters, they could make the difference. And Saffers possess a powerful vested interest for Brexit. Pundits from both sides agree on the short-term consequence should Britain leave the EU: weaker Sterling, a drop of up to 20% in house prices; and a tighter job market. All of which very much suits the legendary hard working South African emigrants now living and working in the country. Who would have thought? Dan Brocklebank, director for UK business at value investment house Orbis, told Biznews that from a long-term investment perspective, the consequences of the UK exiting the European Union are being overplayed. 8:21:00 AM CEST http://www.fin24.com/BizNews/why-south-africans-living-in-the-uk-could-swing-it-for-brexit-20160615

South African Market Statistics: (Please do not delete over weekends)

MARKET STATISTICS Source: Absa website and the Citizen Newspaper Latest: Tuesday; 14/06/2015 a. EXCHANGE RATES OF THE RAND (Quoted by Absa) RAND PER FOREIGN CURRENCY (Buy / Sell) Euro 16, 69 / 17,37 P Sterl 21, 27 / 21,90 US-D 15, 06 / 15,46 S Franc 0,066 / 0,056 J Yen 07,34 / 06,54 b. JOHANNESBURG STOCK EXCHANGE SHARE INDICES All Share 51394 Financial 39849 JSE Gold 1286 Industrials 43395 c. RESERVE BANK Repo Rate (last change: 17 Mar 2016) : 07,00% Prime Rate (last change 18 Mar 2016) : 10,50% d. MONTHLY INFLATION; GDP; FUEL PRICE - CPI (Consumer Inflation Monthly (y/y): 2015 Jul +5,0% Aug +4,6% Sep +4,6% Oct +4,6% Nov +4,8% Dec +5,3 Monthly (y/y): 2016 Jan +5,3% Feb +7,0% Mar +6,3% Annual average: 2005 +3,4% 2006 +4,7% 2007 +6,5% 2008 +11,5 % 2009 +7,1% 2010 +4.3% 2011 +9.9% 2012 +.. 2013 +.. 2014 +.. 2015 +4,6% - PPI (Producer Inflation) Monthly (y/y) 2015 Aug +3.4% Sept +3.6% Oct +4.2% Nov +4.3% Dec +4.8% Monthly (y/y) 2016 Jan +7.6% Feb +8,1% Mar +6,2% Apr +6,3% Annual average: 2005 +3,1% 2006 +7,7% 2007 +10,0% 2008 +14,2% - GDP actual (ZAR Billion): 2005 1 544; 2006 1 745; 2007 1 999; 2008 2 008; 2009 1 132; 2010 1 011; 2011 ...; 2012 ... ; 2013 ...; 2014 3 672; 2015 ... - GDP growth: Annual (y/y): 2005 5,0% 2006 5,3% 2007 5,1% 2008 3,6% 2009 1,7% 2010 0,1% 2011 3,2% 2012 ..% 2013 2,2% 2014 1,5% 2015 1,3% Quarterly (q/q): 2007 Q1: 5,1% Q2: 4,4% Q3: 4,8% Q4: 5,3% 2008 Q1: 1.6% Q2: 5,1% Q3: 0,2% Q4: -1,7% 2009 Q1: 6,1% Q2: 3,0% Q3: 0,9% Q4: 3,2% 2010 Q1: 1,7% Q2: 3,1% Q3: -2,1% Q4: -0.6% 2011 Q1: 3,5% Q2: 3,0% Q3: 3,1% Q4: 2,9% 2012 Q1: .. % Q2: … % Q3: 1,2% Q4: 1,8% 2013 Q1: 1,4% Q2: 3,7% Q3: 1,2% Q4: 5,1% 2014 Q1: -1,6% Q2: 0,5% Q3: 2,1% Q4: 4,1% 2015 Q1: 1,3% Q2: -1,3% Q3: 0,7% Q4: 0,4% 2016 Q1: -1,2% - FUEL 20150805: Gauteng 95 octane lead-free: R13,26 /litre 20150902: Gauteng 95 octane lead-free: R12,57 /litre (-R0,69) 20151007: Gauteng 95 octane lead-free: R12,61 /litre (+R0,04) 20151104: Gauteng 95 octane lead-free: R12,39 /litre (- R0,22) 20151202: Gauteng 95 octane lead-free: R12,40 /litre (+R0,01) 20160106: Gauteng 95 octane lead-free: R12,37 /litre (-R0,03) 20160203: Gauteng 95 octane lead-free: R12,43 /litre (+R0,06) 20160302: Gauteng 95 octane lead-free: R11,74 /litre (-R0,69) 20160406: Gauteng 95 octane lead-free: R12,62 /litre (+R0,88) 20160504: Gauteng 95 octane lead-free: R12,74 /litre (+R0,12) 20160601: Gauteng 95 octane lead-free: R13,26 /litre (+R0,52) 13 Jun 2016

Compiled by: Chief Compiler: Linda Vorster; Assistant Compiler: T Nkaletse; Approved by: E Ravhudzolo

2016-06-11 31 May 2016