1 MARK FOGELMAN (State Bar No. 50510) HARVEY L. LEIDERMAN (State Bar No. 55838) 2 STEEFEL, LEVITT & WEISS 3 A Professional Corporation One Embarcadero Center, 30th Floor 4 San Francisco, California 94111 Telephone: (415) 788-0900 5 Facsimile: (415) 788-2019 'et - ,1s- 5 6 -Special Counsel to Debtor and Debtor in Possession, PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY 7 8 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT 9 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 10 . -SAN FRANCISCO DIVISION 11 In Re: Case No. 01-30923 DM

a'SE 12 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC Chapter 11 Case 13 COMPANY, a California corporation, iI 14 Debtor and Debtor in Possession. 15 Federal ID. No. 94-0742640 11110-4 16 17 STEEFEL, LEVITT & WEISS'S COVER SHEET APPLICATION. FOR ALLOWANCE AND PAYMENT OF INTERIM COMPENSATION r. E 18 AND REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES FOR THE PERIOD MARCH 1-31. 2004 19 Steefel, Levitt & Weiss (the "Firm") respectfully submits its Cover Sheet Application (the 20 "Application") for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of . 21 Expenses for the Period March 1-31, 2004 (the "Application Period"). In support of the 22 Application, the Firm respectfully represents as follows: *23 1. The Firm is Special Counsel to the debtor and debtor-in-possession in the above- 24 referenced bankruptcy case (the "Debtor"). The Firm hereby applies to the Court for allowance 25 and payment of interim compensation for services rendered and reimbursement of expenses 26 incurred during the Application Period. 27 28 SLW MARCH 2004 COVER SHEET APPLICATION FOR ALLOWANCE AND PAYMENT Case No. 01-30923 DM 15830:6387270.1 b A 1 2. The Firm billed a total of $14,185.21 in fees and expenses during the Application 2 Period. The total fees represent 45.12 hours expended during the Application Period. These fees 3 and expenses break down as follows:

4 Period | Fees _ Expenses I Total 5 March 1-31, 2004 | $13,855.05 $330.16 | $14,185.21 | 6 3. Accordingly, the Firm seeks allowance of interim compensation in the total 7 amount of $12,106.95 at this time. This total is comprised as follows: $11,776.79 (85% of the 8 fees for services rendered)' plus $330.16 (100% ofthe expenses incurred). 9 4. For Applicant's Eighth Interim Compensation Period, the Firm has been paid to W;10 date as follows:

d11 Application Period Amount Applied Description Amount Paid

______F o r______12 December 1-31, 2003 16,794.37 85% of fees and 100% of Expenses 16,794.37 13 January 1-31, 2004 10,798.95 85% of fees and 100% of Expenses 10,798,95 14 February 1-29, 2004 7,528.26 85% of fees and 100% of Expenses 0 A 15 TOTAL $35,121.58 $27,593.32 t~g§ 16 5. Based on its Cover Sheet Applications filed in this proceeding to date, the Firm is 17 owed the following funds held bank (exclucdLg amounts owed pursuant to this Application): M18 19 Application Period Amount Description 30' (December 1-31, 2003) 2,706.34 ' 5% fee holdback and/or portion of fees objected to 20

1 "t(January 1-31, 2004) 1,590.30 15% fee holdback and/or portion of fees objected to 21 n' (February 1-29, 2004) 1,202.65 15% fee holdback and/or portion of fees objected to 22 32 23 TOTAL OWED 5,499.29 24 6. With regard to the copies of this Application served on counsel for the Committee, 25 counsel for the Debtor and the Office of the United States Trustee, attached as Exhibit 1 hereto is 26 27 Payment of this amount would result in a "holdbacle' of $2,078.26. 28 SLW MARCH 2004 COVER SHEET APPLICATION FOR ALLOWANCE AND PAYMENT 2 Case No. 01-30923 DM 15830:6387270.1 1 the name of each professional who performed services in connection with this case during the 2 period covered by this Application, the hourly rate for each such professional, and the detailed 3 time and expense statements for the Application Period that comply with all Northern District of 4 California Bankruptcy Local Rules and Compensation Guidelines and the Guidelines of the 5 Office of the Unitei States Trustee. 6 7. The Firm has served a copy of this Application (without Exhibit 1) on the Special 7 Notice List in this case. 8 8. Pursuant to this Court's "SECOND AMENDED ORDER ESTABLISHING 9 INTERIM FEE APPLICATION AND EXPENSE RELMBURSEI.4ENT PROCEDURE (Revised a 10 March, 2002)" which was entered on or about March 18, 2002, the Debtor is authorized to make 11 the payment requested herein without a further hearing or order of this Court unless an objection

_ X 12 to this Application is filed with the Court by the Debtor, the Committee or the United States 13 Trustee and served by the fifteenth day of the month following the service of this Application. If J 14 such an objection is filed, Debtor is authorized to pay the amounts, if any, not subject to the . | 15 objection. The Finn is informed and believes that this Cover Sheet Application will be mailed by g < 16 first class mail, postage pre-paid, on or about March 10, 2004. W1 17 9. The interim compensation and reimbursement of expenses sought in this 18 Application is on account and is not final. Upon the conclusion of this case, the Firm will seek

g 19 fees and reimbursement of the expenses incurred for the totality of the services rendered in the 20 case. Any interim fees or reimbursement of expenses approved by this Court and received by the 21 Firm (along with the Firm's retainer) will be credited against such final fees and expenses as may 22 be allowed by this Court. 23 10. The Firm represents and warrants that its billing practices comply with all 24 Northern District of California Bankruptcy Local Rules and Compensation Guidelines and the 25 Guidelines of the Office of the United States Trustee. Neither the Firm nor any members of the 26 Firm has any agreement or understanding of any kind or nature to divide, pay over or share any 27 portion of the fees or expenses to be awarded to the Firm with any other person or attorney except 28 as among the members and associates of the Firm. The Firm has not been paid or promised any SLW MARCH 2004 COVER SHEET APPLICATION FOR ALLOWANCE AND PAYMENT 3 Case No. 01-30923 DM 15830:6387270.1 1 compensation from any source other than the Debtor for services rendered in connection with the 2 case.

3 WHEREFORE, the Firm respectfully requests that the Debtor pay compensation to the 4 Firm as requested herein pursuant to and in accordance with the terms of the "SECOND 5 AMENDED ORDER ESTABLISHING INTERIM FEE APPLICATION AND EXPENSE

6 REIMBURSEMENT PROCEDURE (Revised March, 2002)."

7 Date: April 30,2004 STEEFEL, LEVITT & WEISS A Professional Corporation .8 ' 9 Bf _, 10 Mark Fogehman . 11 Attorneys for Special Counsel to Debtor and Debtor in Possession, PACIFIC GAS AND 2 o 12 ELECTRIC COMPANY 13 14 15

16 17

18 19


21 22 23 24 25 26


2 I, Cinthia A. Velez, declare as follows: 3 I am employed in the City and County of San Francisco, California, over the age of 4 eighteen years, and not a party to the within cause. My business address is STEEFEL, LEVITT & WEISS, One Embarcadero Center, 30th Floor, San Francisco, California 94111. On April 30, 5 2004, I served the within: 6 STEEFEL, LEVmr & WEISS'S COVER SHEET APPuCATION FOR ALLOWANCE AND PAYMENT OF INTERIM COMPENSATION AND REIMBURSEMENT OF 7 EXPENSES FOR THE PERIOD MARCH 1-31, 2004 8 on the interested parties in this action by placing a true copy thereof, along with the appropriate 9 Exhibits, in a sealed envelope, addressed as follows: 10 James L. Lopes, Esq., et al. Paul S. Aronzon, Esq. HowARD, RICE, NEMEROVSmI, CANADY, Robert Jay Moore, Esq. 11 FALK & RABKIN, A P.C. MILBANK, TWEED, HADLEY & MCCLOY LLP Three Embarcadero Center, 7th Floor 601 S. Figueroa Street, 30th Floor 12 San Francisco, CA 94111-4065 Los Angeles, CA 90017 13 Patricia Martin, Esq. 14 OFFICE OF THE UNITED STATES TRUSTEE 253 Montgomery Street, Suite 1000 15 San Francisco, CA 94104-3401 16 BY OVERNIGHT MAIL: By placing such envelope, for collection and mailing at Steefel, Levitt & Weiss, San Francisco, California following ordinary business practice. I am 17 readily familiar with the practice of Steefel, Levitt & Weiss for collection and processing of 18 overnight service mailings, said practice being that in the ordinary course of business, correspondence is deposited with the overnight messenger service Federal Express for delivery 19 as addressed. 20 ad by serving all parties on the Special Notice List (as of October 22, 2003), by placing a true copy of the Cover Sheet Application, without Exhibit 1, in a sealed envelope, addressed to all 21 parties on said Special Notice List, found at: 22 htlpY/nwww.canb.uscourts.gov/canb/Documents.nsf/4fa6cc9d77741519882569e50004dce6/2cb9 23 cc414857666088256a37005a5 7da/$FILE/_Oa l3ich ajal 76ut2cedqtO.pdf 24 A copy of the Special Notice List is attached to the Original Cover Sheet Application. 25 BY MAIL: By placing such envelope, with postage thereon fully prepaid for first class mail, for collection and mailing at Steefdl, Levitt & Weiss, San Francisco, California following 26 ordinary business practice. I am readily familiar with the practice of Steefel, Levitt & Weiss for collection and processing of correspondence, said practice being that in the ordinary course of 27 business, correspondence is deposited in the United States Postal Service the same day as it is 28 placed for collection. 5830:6387270.1 PROOF OF SERVICE - 1 I I declare that I am employed in the office of a member of the bar of this court at whose direction the service was made. 2 Executed on April 30,2004, at San Francisco, tlalifobmia. { A 3

4 Cinthia A. Velez 5 6

7 8 9 10 .11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 .- 21

22 23

24 25

26 27 28 5830:6387270.1 PROOF OF SERVICE - 2 Special Notice List (as of October 22, 2003) Adam A. Lewis Adolfo M. Corona Adrienne Vadell Sturges Patricia S. Mar DowLuNG, AARON &KEELER Sodexho Marriott Services, Inc. MORRISON & FOERSrER 6051 N. Fresno Street, Ste 200 9801 Washingtonian Blvd;., 12th Fl. 425 Market Street 33rd Fl Fresno,CA 93710 Gaithersburg, MD 20878 San Francisco, CA 94105

Alan Kolod Alan Z. Yudowsky Alex Makler MOSES & SINGER LLP Anne E. Wells CALPINE GREENLEAF, INC. 1301 Ave of the Americas, 40th Fl STROOCK &STROOCK & LAVAN LLP 4160 Dublin Blvd. NewYork,NY 10019 2029 Century Park East, Ste 1800 Dublin, CA 94568-7755 Los Angeles, CA 90067

Alexis S. Coil Allan IL Ickowitz AMERIcAN STATE BANK SIMPSON TUACER & BARTIET Donna M. Balbin Attn.: Patrick 0. Sogard 3330 Hillview Avenue NOSSAMAN, GuTHNER, KNOX & ELUOTT P.O. Box 1446 Palo Alto, CA 94304-1203 445 South Figueroa Street, 31st Fl Williston, ND 58802 Los Angeles, CA 90071

AMROC INVEST DMLLC Amy Hallman Rice Andrew N. Chau Bill Wong DORSEY & WHITNEY LLP 1177 West Loop South, Ste 900 Sheri Levine 50 S. Sixth Street, Ste 1500 Houston, TX 77027 535 , I5th Fl Minneapolis, MN 55402-1553 New York, NY 10022 Andrew Silverstein Angela M. Alioto Arocles Aguilar/Gary Cohen/Michael Edson SEWARD & KISSEL LLP Alioto Law Ofi5ce California Public Utilities Commission One Battery Park Plaza 700 Montgomery Street Legal Division New York, NY 10004 San Francisco,CA 94111 505 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco, CA 94102

Arlen Orchard Aron M. Oliner Avila Valley Advisory Council Sacramento Municipal Utility District Robert E. Izmirian c/o Neil Tardiff 6201 S. Street, Mail Stop B408 Buchalter, Nerner, Fields & Younger S1nrnH TARDIFF &CRANDALL Sacramento, CA 95817 333 Market Street, 29th Fl. P.O. Box 1446 San Francisco, CA 94105-2130 San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 B.C. Bannann, Sr. BANK OF AMERICA, NT & SA BANK OF AMERICA County Counsel Attn: Peggie Sanders Attn: Clara Strand Attn.: Jerri S. Bradley, Deputy 1850 Gateway Blvd 555 South Flower Street I I 15 Truxtun Avenue, 4th Fl Concord,CA 94520 Mail Code CA9-706-11-21 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Los Angeles, CA 90071

BANK ONE BANK ONE, N.A. Robert F. Frier Corporate Trust Administration Attn: Robert G. Bussa, Jane Bek Peter Morse Attn: Janice Ott Rotunno Eriergy & Utilities BANKERS TRUST Co. Mail Code ILI-0126 Mail Code IL 1-0363 Four Albany Street I Bank One Plaza Ba.k One Plaza New York, NY 10006 Chicago, IL 60670-0126 Chicago, IL 60670-0363 Bankers Trust Co. of California, NA BEAR, STEARNS &CO. INC. Ben Whitwell Structured Finance Group Attn.: Thomas Boyce WHrrwEL & EMEOFF LLP Attn: Peter Becker 202 N. Canon Drive 4 Albany SL, loth Fl NewYork,NY 10179 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 New York, NY 10006

Bennett 0. Young Beth Smayda, Director BMO NESBtTT BURNS LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae, LIP MBIA INSURANCE CORP. Attn: John Harche One Embarcadero Center, Ste 400 113 King Street 700 Louisiana, Ste 4400 San Francisco, CA 94111 Armnonk,NY 10504 Houston, TX 77002

BNP PARIBAS BNY WESTERN TRUST CO. BNY WESTERN TRUST Attn: Mark Ranaud 550 Kearny Street, Ste 600 Attn: Mr. Todd Duncan 787 Seventh Avenue, 31st Fl San Francisco, CA 94108-2527 700 South Flower, 5th Fl New YorkiNY 10019 Los Angeles, CA 90017

BP ENERGY Co Brian L Holman Brian M. Kandel Attn: Louis Anderson WHITE & CASE LLP BOOK & BOOK LLP Attn: Ken McClanahan 633 West Fifth Street, 19th Fl i414 Soquel Avenue, Ste 203 501 Westlake Park Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90071-2007 Santa Cruz, CA 95062 Houston, TX 77079

1830:6387270.1 4-1 Special Notice List (as of October 22, 2003)

Bruce Bennett, Esq. Bsuce R. Worthington Bruce W. Leaverton Bennett J. Murphy, Esq. Senior VP and General Counsel Mary Jo Heston Hennigan Bennett & Dornan PG&E Corp. Lane Powell Spears Lubers ky LLP 601 South Figueroa St, Ste 3300 One Market, Spear Tower Room 2426 1420 , Ste 4100 Los Angeles, CA 90017 San Francisco, CA 94105 Seattle, WA 89101

Bryan Krakauer, Esq. Bsyant Danner C. Randolph Fishburn SMDLEY & AUSrIN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDmON WHWr & CASE LIP One First National Plaza 2244 Walnut Grove Ave. 633 West Fifth Street, 19th Fl Chicago, IL 60603 Rosemead,CA 91770 Los Angeles, CA 90071-2007 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CoMMIssION CALIFORNIA INDEPENDENT Si SrEM OPERATOR CAIJFONIA POWER EXCHANGE Chief Counsel's Office Margaret A. Rostker Attn.: Lynn Miller lS161Ninth Street, MS-14 151 Blue Ravine P4d. 70S. Lake Ave., Ste 910 Sacramento, CA 95814 P.O. Box 639014 Pasadena, CA 91101 Folson4 CA 95630-9017

California Public Utilities Commission CALIFORNIA PUBUC U tT CoMIsSION CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF EQuAZATnON Brian Hermann Attn: General Counsel PO Box 942879 Alan Komberg, Esq. 505 Van Ness Avenue Sacramento, CA 94279-8063 PAUL, WEISS, RIKND, WHARTON & GARRISON San Francisco, CA 94102 1285 Avenue of the Americas NewYorklNY 10019-6064 CALIFORNIA STATE LANDS COMMISSION CAIPINE GILROY COGENERATION LP CALPINE GILROY CCGENERATION LP Attn: James Frey Robert Brown Robert Brcwn 100 Howe Avenue, Ste 100 South 1400 Pecheco Pass Hwy, Gate I Pennzoil Building Sacramento, CA 95825 Gilroy, CA 95020 700 Milam Street, Ste 800 Houston, TX 77002

CALPINE GREENLEAF, INC. CALMINE GREENLEAF, INC. CALPINE PITrSBURG PowER PLANT P. o. Box 3330 4160 Dublin Elvd. Zahir Ahnnadi Yuba City, CA 95992 Dublr , CA .94568-7755 50 W. San Fernando St. SanJose,CA 95113

Carl A-Eldund Carla Batckler Catherine S. Krug John G. Klaugberg Trust Dept. National City Bank of Indiana LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae, LIP BANK OF CHERRY CREEK 101 W. Washington St., Stc 655-South 125 West S5th Street 3033 East Indianapolis, IN 46255 New York,NY 10019 Denver, CO 80206

ChaimJ. Fortgang, Esq. Christopher R. Belmonte CITY OF ST. FRANCIs Richard G. Mason', Esq. Satterlee Stephens Burke & Burke LIP Attn: Steve Bjork Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz 230 P.O. Box 730 51 West New York,NY 10169 St Francis, MN 55070 NewYork,NY 10019

COAST ENE!GY GROUP, COOK INLET ENERGY SUPPLY Craig Barbarosh a Division of Cornerstone Propane, LP Attn: Hans 0. Sacby Mark D. Houle Attn: Ruben Alonso 10100 Santa Monica Blvd., 25th Fl PILLSBURY WINTHROP LIP 1600 Highway 6. Ste400 Los Angeles, CA 90067 650 Town Center Drive, 7th Fl. Sugariand, IX 77478 Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Craig H. Millet D. Cameron Baker DACA V, LLC GIBSON DUNN & CRUTCHER LIp Michael Slattery Attn: Julie Bubnack Jamboree Center Theresa Mueller 2120 W. Washington Street 4 Park Plazs, Ste 1400 City Attorney's Office San Diego, CA 92110 Irvine, CA 92614 City Hall, Room 234 One Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place San Francisco,CA 94102

Dale W. Mahon Daniel A. DeMarco Daniel H. Slate 9951 Grant Line Road David T. Graham Deborah Fried-Rubin Elk Grove, CA 95624 Hahn Loeser & Parks LLP HUGHES HUBBARD & REED LU) 21 East State Street, Ste 1050 One Battery Park Plaza Columbus, OH 43215 New York, NY 10004

Daniel H. Slate Daniel M. Pelliccioni Daniel P. Ginsberg Noah Graff Julia W. Brand Howard S. Beltzer HUGHES HUBBARD & REED UP KATTENMUcaMN ZAV:S WHITE & CASE LIP 350 S. Grand Avenue, 36th Fl 1999 Avenue of the Stars, Ste 1400 1155 Avenue of the Americas Los Angeles, CA 90071 Los Angeles, CA 90067 New York, NY 10036

15830 .6387270.1 -2- Special Notice List (as of October 22, 2003)

Daniel R Murray Darcy M. Pertcheck David A. Burns Vincent E. Lazar James S. Monroe BAKER BoTrs LLP JENNER& BLoac, LLC NIXON PEABODY LIP One Shell Plaza One IBM Plaza Two Emnbarcadero Center, 27th Fl 910 Loiusiana Chicago, IL 60611 San Francisco, CA 94111 Houston, TX 77002

David A. Gill David Boies David Gould Richard K. Diamond Christopher A. Boics McDermott, Will & Emery DANNING, Gua, DIAMOND & Kom=z LIP Philip C. Korologos 2049 Century Park East, 34th Fl 2029 Century Park East, 3rd Fl Boies, Schiller &Flexnr LLP Los Angeles, CA 90067 Los Angeles, CA 90067 80 Business Park Drive, Ste 110 ArmonkLNY 10504

David E. Kahn David H. Falek David H. Ford Ann Miller Ravel Geoffrey T. Holtz David Kovner Deputy Counsel Randy Michelson OZ MANAGEMENT LLC County Government Center, East Wing BINGHAM MCCUTIEN, LLP 9 West , 39th Fl 70 West Hedding Street, 9th Fl Three Embarcadero Center NewYorkNY 10019 San Jose, CA 95110 San Francisco,CA 94111

David L Rom David Neale David R Frank MAYER, BROWN, RowE & MAw Levene, Neale. Bender, Rankin &:Brill LLP Office of the City Attorney 700 Louisiana, Ste 3600 1801 Avenue of the Stars, Ste 1120 411 Main Street Houston, TX 77002 Los Angeles, CA 90067 P.O. Box 3420 Chico, CA 95927

David T. Biderrnan Dept. of Justice Derinda L Messenger PERKINS COIE LLP U.S. AT1oRNEY'S OFFICE LOMBARDO & G IES, PLC 1620 26th Street, 6th Fl 450 Golden Gate Avenue P.O. Box 2119 Santa Monica, CA 90404-4013 Box 36055 Salinas; CA 93902 San Francisco, CA 94102

DETSCHEBANIcAG DEurscEBNK The Diabetes Trust Fimd, Inc. Attn: E.S. Medla Attn: Will Christoph Suite 204 Attn: Jobn Quinn 130 Lberly St-et,31" Fl 1222 14th Avenue SoutL 31 West52nd Street New York, NY 10006 BirninghamAL 35205 New'York,NY 10019

Diane C. McKenzie DK Acquisition Parlners, LP. Don Gaffney Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector clo M.H. Davidson & Co. SNEL & WILMER LI) COUNTY OF SAN BERNRDmINO Attn: Tony Yoseloff One Arizona Center 172 W. Third Street Ist Fl 885 , Ste 3300 400 East Van Buren San Bernardino, CA 92415 New Yorl, NY 10022 Phoenix, AZ 85004 Douglas M. Butz Douglas M. Foley Douglas P. Banner Butz, Dunn, DeSantis & Bingham McGuREwooDs LLP Andrew Tenzer 101 West , Ste 1700 9000 W. Main Street SHEARMAN & STERLING San Diego, CA 92101 NorfolkVA 23510 599 f New York,NY 10022 Duane H. Nelsen DUKE ENERGY TRADING & MARxEnNG LLC Dulcie D. Brand GWF Power Systems Co., Inc. c/l Duke Energy North America Ricky L Shackelford 4300 Railroad Ave. Attn.: JoeForbes James L Poth Pittsburg, CA 9456-56006 S400 Westheimer Court Offices 8G19 JONEs DAY REAVIS & POGUE Houston, TX 77056 555 West Fifth Street, Ste 4600 Los Angeles, CA 90013

DYNERGY MARKETNG & TRADE E. Katherine Wells, Esq. EDAW, Inc. Attn: Steve Banron S. Carolina Dept of Health &Environmental Control Brodie Stephens, Esq. 1000 Louisiana Street, Ste 5800 2600 Bull Street Corporate Counsel Houston, TX 77002 Columbia, SC 29201-170 753 Davis Street SanFrancisco,CA 94111

Edward Curren Edward J. Tledemann Edwin Berlin THE BABCOCIC & WILCOX Co. Kronick, Moskowitz, Tiedemann & Girard Richard Wyron 20 S. Van Buren Avenue 400 Capitol Mall, 27th Fl SWiDLER BERLIN SHEREFF FRIEDMAN, LIP P.O. Box 351 Sacramento, CA 95814 3000 K Street, NW Barberton, OH 44203 Washington, DC 2007

15830:6387270.1 -3- Special Notice List (as of October 22, 2003)

El PASO MERCHANT ENERGY GAS LP EL PASO MERCHA ENERGY, LP. Elaine M. Seid Darrel Rogers Attn: John Harrison MCPHARLIN, SPRINKLES &THOMAS LiP Gregory W. Jones 1010 Travis Street 10 Alnuden Blvd, Ste 1460 1001 Louisiana Street Houston, TX 77002 San Jose, CA 95113 Houston, TX 77002

Ellen K Wolf Eugene K. Yamamoto Evan Hollander Michael S. Abrams Law Offices of Eugene K. Yanamoto J. Christopher Shore GILCHRIST & RUrrER 160 Franklin Street, Ste 206 Andrew P. Denatale Wilshire Palisades Building Oakland, CA 94607 Neil Millard/C. Randolph Fishburn 1299 Ocean Avenue, Ste 900 WHInE & CASE LLP Santa Monica, CA 90401 1155 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036

Evelyn H. Biery FRANCIISE TAX BOARD George O'Brien Corestaff Services (California), Inc. PO Box 942857 Vice President and Treasurer Fulbright & Jaworski LU Sacramento, CA 94257-2021 INTECOM, INC 1301 McKinney, Ste 5100 5057 Keller Springs Road Houston, TX 77010 Addison, TX 75001 Gerard T. Bukowski Geysers Power Co. LLC Glenn M. Reisran General Counsel Joe McClendon Two Corporate Drive BUMS & MCDONNELL ENGINEERING P.O. Box 11749 P.O. Box 861 9400 Ward Parkway Pleasanton, CA 94588 Shelton, CT 06484 Kansas City, MO 64114

Gordon P. Erspamer Grant Kolling Gregory S. Core MORRISON & FoERsTER LLP City of Palo Alto GnazzoTlill, a P.C. 101 Ygnacio Valley Road, Ste 450 P.O. Box 10250 625 Market Street, Ste 1100 P.O. Box 8130 Palo Alto, CA 94303 San Francisco, CA 94105 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 H. Slayton Dabney Harold L Kaplan Heather Brown McGuiREwooOs LUP Jeffrey M. Schwartz Williams Energy Marketing & Trading Co. One James Center Mark F. Hebbeln One Williams Center, Ste 4100 901 East Cary Street GARDNER, CARTON & DOUGLAS Tulsa, OK 74172 Richmond, VA 23219 191 N. Wacker Drive, Ste 3700 Chicago, IL 60606

Heinz Binder Herbert Katz HODGSON Russ LLP Robert G. Harris KELLY LYTTON & VANN LLP Attn: Stephen L Yonaty, Esq. BINDER& MALTER 11900 Avenue of tde Stars, Ste 1450 One M&T Plaza, Ste 2000 2775 Park Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90067 Buffalo, NY 14203 Santa Clara, CA 95050 Howard J. Weg Howard Susman Hydee R. Feldstein PEMZMAN, GIASSMAN & WEG DUCKOR SPRALDING & METZGER Katherine A. Traxler 1801 Avenue of the Stars, Ste 1225 401 West A Street, Ste 2400 Cynthia M. Cohen Los Angeles, CA 90067 San Diego, CA 92101 PAUI, HASTINGS, JANOFSKY & WALTER LLP 555 South Flower Street, 23d Fl Los Angeles, CA 90071

1.Richard Levy lain MacDonald latban T. Annand GEARAD, SINGER & LEVICK, PC MACDONALD & ASSOCIATES PAcImc GAS AND ELECTRIC Co. 16200 Addison Road, Ste 140 Two Embarcadero Center, Ste 1670 77 Beale Street Addison, TX 75001 -SanFranciscoCA 94111 San Francisco, CA 94105

ICC ENERGY CORPORATION INIERNAL REVENUE SERvicE INTERNAL REVENuE SERVICE Attn: Karl Butler Fresno, CA 93888 Spec Proc /Bankruptcy 302 N. Market Stret, Ste 500 1301 Clay Street, Ste 1400 Dallas, TX 75202-1846 Oakland,CA 94612

INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE Irving Sulmeyer Isabelle M. Salgado Compliance Services, Insolvency Group 3 Victor A. Sahn General Attorney 1301 Clay Street, Ste 1400-S Frank V. Zerunyan PACIFIC TELESIS GROUP Oakland, CA 94612 Suhneyer, Kupetz, Baumnn & Rothman 2600 Carnino Ramon, Rm 4CS100 300 S; Grand Avenue, 14th Fl San Ramon, CA 94583 Los Angeles, CA 90071-3124

15830:6387270.1 -4- Special Notice List (as of October 22, 2003)

J. Christopher Kennedy 1. hristopher Kohn J. Christopher Kohn IRELL & MANELLA LIP Tracy . Whitaker Tracy J. Whitaker 1800 Avenue of the Stars, Ste 900 Brendan Collins Brendan Collins Los Angeles, CA 90067 DEPT. OF JUSTICE, CIVIL Div. DEPT. OF JUSTICE P.O. Box 875 1100 L Street, N.W. Room i0004 Ben Franklin Station Washington, DC 20005 Washington, DC 20044

J. Matthew Derstine Jack L Taylor James A. Reuben ROSHKA HEYMAN & DEWULF PLC Ter.-ence J. Keeley David Silverman One Arizona Center 1289 Lincoln Road REUBEN & ALTER LLP 400 East Van Buren Street, Ste 800 P.O. Box 1850 235 Pine Street, Ste 1600 Phoenix, AZ 85004 Yuba City, CA 95992 San Francisco, CA 94104

James B. Spiotto James Mori James R. Thompson Ahn Acker MORI & ASSOCIATES IDAHO POWER CO. CHAPMAN &CUDER 317 Noe Street 1221 W. Idaho Street 111 W. Monroe Street San Francisco, CA 94111 Boise, ID 83702 Chicago, IL 60603 Jane Castle Janine D. Bloch, Esq. Jeanne Miller Lehman Comnnercial Paper, Inc. PRESTON GATES & ELLIS, LLP REGENCY CENTEMS, LP. 745 Seventh Ave.; 3rd Fl 55 Second Street, Ste 1700 Legal Dept. New York, NY 10022 San Francisco, CA 94105 121 West Forsyh Street, Ste 200 Jacksonville, FL 32202

Jeffrey D. Chansler Jeffrey M. Wilson Jea1y A. Davis EMPIRE BLUE CRossBLuE SHIELD SAYBROOK CAPrIAL LLC Gray Cary Ware & Freidenrich LLP One World Trade Center, 28th Fl 303 Twin Dolphin Drive, Ste 600 401 B Street, Ste 1700 New York, NY 10048 Redwood City, CA 94065 San Diego, CA 92101 Jermifer A. Merlo Jeremiah F. Hallisey Jerry R. Bloom Bradley E. Pearce HALSEY & JOHNSON WHITE & CASE LLP MOORE & VAN ALLEN, PLLC 300 Montgomery Street, Ste 538 633 WestFifth Street, 19th Fl Bank of America Corp. Center San Francisco, CA 94104 Los Angeles, CA 90071 100 Nordi Tryon Street, Fl 47 Charlotte, NC 28202

Joann Noble-Choder Jody A. Meisel Joel K. Belway VACOM, INC. 2632 Larkin Street, Ste 0 TNE LAW OFFICE OF JOEL K. BELWAY 11 Stanwix Strecet San Francisco, CA 94109 235 Montgomery St, Ste 715 Pittsburgh,PA 15222 San FranciscoCA 94104 John A. Vos, Attorney John Chu John F. Shellabarger 1430 Lincoln Avenue CORPORATE COUNSEL LAW GROUP LLP CARRIAGE HOMES, INC. San Rafael, CA 94901 417 Montgomery Street, 10t Fl LAW OFFICES OF JOHN P. SHELLABARGER San Francisco, CA 94104 928 Garden Street, Ste 3 Santa Barbara, CA 93101

John P. Dillman John P. Hurt John R. Paiga Linerbarger Heard Goggan Blair The Babcock & Wilcox Co. Andrea M. Wong Graham Pena & Sampson, LLP 20 S. Van Buren Ave PENSION BENEFIT GuARNTY CORP. P.O. Box 3064 P.O. Box 351 Office of the General Counsel Houston, IX 77253 Barberton,OH 44203 1200 K Street, NW Washington, DC 20005

John Robert Weiss John T. Hansen Jonathan Rosenthal KATTENMUCHIN ZAVIS Deborah It Beck Jon P. Schotz 525 West Monroe Street, Ste 1600 NOSSAMAN, GUTHNER, KNOX& ELIOTT Jonathan Y. Thomas Chicago, IL 60661 50 California Street, 34th Fl SAYBROOK CAPrYAL LLC SanFrancisco,CA 94111 401 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 850 Santa Monica, CA 90401

Jonathan S. Storper Joseph A. Eisenberg, P.C. Joseph J. Smolinski Hanson, Bridgett, Marcus, Vlahos & Rudy LLP Victoria S. Kaufmrn CHADBOURNE & PARKE LLP 333 Market Street, Ste 2300 Jeffer, Mangels, Butler & Mannaro LLP San Francisco,CA 94105 1900 Avenue of the Stars, 7th Fl New York, NY 10112 Los Angeles CA 90067

15830:6387270.1 Special Notice List (as of October 22, 2003)

Joseph W. Carcione, Jr. Juan C. Basonbtio Julia Hill, County Counsel Law Offices of Joseph W. Carcione, Jr. Kent J. Schmidt COUNTY OF SANTACRUZ 601 Brewster Avenue DoRSEY & WHITNEY LLP Office of the Treasurer- Tax Collector P. O. Box 3389 650 Town Center Drive, Ste 1850 701 Ocean Street, Room 505 Redwood City, CA 94604-3389 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Santa Cnrz, CA 95060

K. Bailey Kaaran E. Thomas Karen Keating Jahr, County Counsel Bankruptcy Specialist BECKLEY SINGLETON C.TiD. Michael A. Ralston, Asst County Counsel GENERAL MOTORS ACCEPTANCE CORP. 530 Las Vegas Blvd South 181S Yuba Street, Ste 3 P.O. Box 173928 Las Vegas, NV 89101 Redding, CA 96001 Denver, CO 80217 Kathryn A. Coleman KBC Bank Kelly Greene McConnell GIBSON, DUNN & CRurCHER LLP Attn: Ivan Vertenten GIVPNS PuRSLEY LLF One Montgomery Street, 26th Fl. 515 So. Figueroa St, Ste 1920 277 N. Sixth Street, Ste 200 San Francisco, CA 94104 Los Angeles, CA 90071 Boise, ID 83702 Kennedy Stroh Kenneth A. Brunetti Kenneth M. Greene PoTrERVALLEY IRRIGATION DISTRICT MnU .R& VAN EATON, LLP CARtuTHERs & ROTH PA P. 0. Box 186 400 Montgomery St, Ste 501 P.O. Box 540 Potter Valley, CA 95496 San Francisco,CA 94104-1215 Greensboro, NC 27402

Kenneth N. Klee Kenneth N. Russak Kenneth R. Reynolds, Esq. David M. Stem PILn*URY WINTHROP LLP KENNETH R REYNOLDS, INC. Klee, Tuchin, Bogdanoff& Stem LLP 725 S. Figueroa Street, Ste 2800 2020 Hurley Way, Ste 210 1880 Century Park East, Ste 200 Los Angeles, CA 90017 Sacramento, CA 95825 Los Angeles, CA 90067

Kevin K. Haah Kimberly S. Winick Kjehl T. Johansen Ervin, Cohen & Jessup LLP MAYER, BROWN, ROWE & MAW Legal Div. 9401 Wilshire Blvd, 9th Fl 350 South Grand Avenue, 25th Fl. Office of City Attorney Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Los Angeles, CA 90071 Dept. of Water and Power P.O. Box S1 t 11, Ste 340 Los Angeles, CA 90051

Larren M. Nashelsky LAurence M. Frazer, Laurie K Binder MORRISON & FOERSTER LLP Stephen S. Sparks. KIRPATRICK & LOCKHART 1290 Avenue of the Americas Bryan Cave 599 Lexington Ave New York, NY 10104 1200 Main Street, Ste 3500 New York NY 10022-6030 Kansas City, MO 64105 Lawrence M. Jacobson Lawrence P. Ebiner Lilian 0. Stenfeldt GLICKIEELD, Flm.Ds & JACOBSON H. Mark Mersel Fred Hjelmeset 9460 Wilshire Blvd., 5th Fl. MORR1SON & FoERsTER Gray Cary Ware & Freidenrich Beverly Hills, CA 90212 19900 MacArthurBlvd, 12th FL 1755 Embarcadero Irvine, CA 92612 Palo Alto, CA 94303

Linda Boyle Lori J. Scott Lynne Richardson Time Warner Telecom Inc. Shasta County Treasurer- Tax Collector Air Products and Chemicals Inc. 10475 Park Meadows Drive, Ste 400 P.O. Box 991830 Business Services A6328 LitletonCO 80124 Redding, CA 96099 7201 Hamilton Blvd Allentown, PA 18195

M. David Minnick M. Freddie Reiss M. 0. Sigal Jr. Pillsbury Winthrop UP FTI Consulting SIMPSON THATcHER & BARTLETT 50 Fremonf Street 633 W. Fifth Street, 16th Fl. 425 Lexington Avenue San Francisco, CA 94105 Los Angeles, CA 90071 NewYork,NY 10017

Madison S. Spach, Jr. Marc Batreca Marc Hirschfield SPACH & ASSOCIATES, P.C. John R. Knall, Jr. Benjamin Hoch 4675 MacArthur Court, Ste 550 PRESTON GATES & ELLIS LIP DEWvY BALLANTNE LUP Newport Beach, CA 92660 701 Fifth Avenue, Ste 5000 1301 Avenue of the Americas Seattle, WA 98104 NewYorl,NY 10019-6092

Marc S. Cohen Magalie R. Salas, Secretary Marimargaret Webdell Ashleigh A. Danker FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION SRAMEwNo COUNTY DEPT. OF FINANCE KAYE SCHOLER LLP 888 First Street, N.E, Room I-A .700 H Street, Room 1710 1999 Avenue of the Stars, Ste 1700 Washingtn, DC 20246 Sacramento, CA 95814 Los Angeles, CA 90067

15830$6387270.l _s Special Notice List (as of October 22, 2003)

Mark A. Speiser Mark C. Ellenberg Mark Finnernore STROOCK &STROOCK & LAVAN LIP CADWALADER, WICKERSHAM & TAPT INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 180 Maiden Lane 1201. F Street N.W., Ste 1100 Small Business/Self-Employed Div. Counsel New York, NY 10038 Washington, DC 20004 160 Spear Street, 9th Fl San Francisco, CA 94105

Mak Gorton Martha E. Romero Martin A. Martino Mary E. Olden Law Offices of Martha E. Roro CASME COMPANIES Todd M. Bailey 7743 S. Painter Avenue, Ste A 12885 Alcosta Blvd, Ste A MCDONOUGH, HOLLAND & ALLEN Whittier, CA 90602 San Ramson, CA 94583 555 Capitol Mall, 9th Fl Sacramento, CA 95814 Martin G. Bunin Martin L Finemani Martin L Nelson Craig E. Freemian DAVID WRIGHT TREMAINE LLP KAWANA SPRINGS, INC THEELN, RED & PRIEST LLP One Emnbarcadero Center, Ste 600 2880 Cleveland Avenue, Ste 8 40 W. 57th Street, 26th Fl SanFrancisco,CA 94111 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 NewYork,NY 10019 Martin Marz Mary Ann Kilgore Mary B. Holland BP Amoco General Attorney Financial Consultant P.O. Box 3092 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD Co. SALOMON SMInH BARNEY Houston, TX 77079 1416 Dodge Street, Rm 830 1111 SuperiorAve., Ste 1800 Omaha, NE 68179 Cleveland, OH 44114-2507 mat Honey Matthew P. Lewis MBIA INSURANCE CORP. LODESTAR CORP. WHITE & CASE LLP Attn: IPM-PCF Two Corporation Way 633 West Fifth Street, 19th Fl 113 King Street Peabody, MA 01960 Los Angeles, CA 90071 Annonk, NY 10504 Melanie Fannin Mellon Bank, NA. Merle C. Meyers General Counsel Attn: L Scot: Soninvs Katherine D. Ray Sr. Vice President & Secretary 400 S. Hope Street, 5th Fl GOLDBERG, STINNETT, MEYERS & DAVIS 2600 Camnino Ramnon, Rm 4CS100 Los Angeles, CA 90071-2806 44 Montgomery Street, Ste 2900 San Ramon, CA 94583 San Francisco,CA 94104 Michael Friedmnan Michael Hamilton Michael Momis RICHARD SPEARS KIBBE & ORBE PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS LLP HENNIGAN, BENNeT & DORMAN One Chase Plaza 1301 Avenue of the Arnericas 601 South Figueroa Street, Ste 3300 New York, NY 10005 New York, NY 10019 Los Angeles, CA 90017

Michael Rochmnan Michael A. Bennan Michael A. Rosenthal SCHOOL PRoIEcr FOR UTILITY RATE REDUCTION Securities & Exchange Comnmission Keith D. Ross 1430 Willow Pass Road, Ste 240 450 Fifth Street N.W. (Mail Stop 0606) GIBSON DUNN & CRUICHER LI) Concord, CA 94520 Washington, DC 20549 2100 McKinney Avenue, Ste 1100 Dallas, TX 75201

Michael B. Lubic Michael F. O'Friel Michael H. Ahrens BINGHAM MCCUTCHEN, LLP WHEELABRATOR TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Tearence V. Ponsford 355 S. Grand Ave., Ste 4400 4 liberty Lane West Kimberly S. Fineman Los Angeles, CA 90071 Hampton, NH 03 842 Ori Katz SHEPPARD, MULLIN, RIaCHER & HAMPTON Four Embarcadero Center, 17th Fl San Francisco,CA 94111

Michael J. Blunenfeld Michael L-Tuchin Michael R. Enright One Kaiser Plaza, Ste 1675 Michelle C. Campbell ROBINSON & COLE LI) The Ordway Building Klee, Tuchin, Bogdanoff& Stern LLP 280 Trumbull Street Oaldand,CA 94612 1880 Century Park East, Ste 200 Hartford, CT 06103 Los Angeles, CA 90067

Michaet V. McIntire Mike R. Jaske Mitchell A. Hardwood MwLNRe LAW CORP. CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION David Fitton P.O. Box 1647 1516 Ninth Street, MS-22 P. Schoenfeld Asset Management, LLC 41191 Big Bear Blvd Sacramento, CA 95814 1330 Ave. of the Americas, 34th Fl. Big Bear Lake, CA 92315 NewYork,NY 1001?

Mitchell 1. Sonldn Mitchell Seider MORGAN GUARANTY TRUST Co. OF NEw YORK Lawrence A. Larose KRAMER LEVIN NAFTAUS & FRANKEL LI) Attn: Cad J. Mehldau KING & SPALDING 60 Wall Street 1185 Ave. of the Americas New York, NY 10022 NewYork, NY 10260 New York, NY 10036

158301:6387270.1 -7- Special Notice List (as of October 22, 2003)

Nancy Hotchkiss NancyNewnmn Nanette D. Sanders TRAINOR ROBERTSON STEINHART & FALCONeM LLP Sarah e. Petty 701 University Avenue, Ste 200 333 Market Street, 32d Fl SNELL & WILMER LLP Sacramento, CA 95825 San Francisco, CA 94105 1920 Main Street, Ste 1200 Irvine, CA 92614 Neil . Rubenstein Neil W. Rust Offce of the Treasurer and TPx Collector BUCHALTER, NEMER, FIELDS & YOUNGER WHITE & CASE LLP County of Merced 333 Market St., 25th Fl. 633 Wes. Fifth Street, 19th Fl 2222 M Street San Francisco, CA 94105 Los Angeles, CA 90071-2007 Merced,-CA 95340

OFFICE OF THE U.S. TRUSTEE Oscar R. Cantu Oracle Corporation Attn: Patricia Cutler WELt, GOTSHAL & MANGES LLP c/o Alan Horowitz 250 Montgorncry Street Ste 1000 701 Brickell Avenue, Ste 2100 Buchalter, Nemer, Fields & Your.ger San Francisco, CA 94104-3401 Miami, FL 33131 895 Dove Street, Ste 400 Newport Beach, CA 92658

PANcANADIAN ENERGY SERviCES INC. Patric J. Kelly Paul G. Kekcorian Attn: Brian Redd ANDLESON, HESS &KELLY 726 W. Barstow Avenue, Suite 108 1200 Smith Street, Ste 900 577 Salmnar Avenue, 2nd Fl. Fresno, CA 93704 Houston, TX 77002 Campbell, CA 95008 Paul C. Lacourciere Paul J. Pantano, Jr. Paul M. Bartkiewicz Robert M. Blum MCDERmoTr, WLL& EMERY Joshua M. Horowitz THEN, REID & PRIEST LLP 600 13th Street, N.W. BARTKiEWCZ, KRONIcK & SHANAHAN 101 Second Street, Ste 1800 Washington, DC 20005 1011 22ndStreet,#100 San Frarcisco, CA 94105 Sacramento, CA 95816

Peter J. Benvenutti Peter J. Gurfeir. Peter S. Clark 11 HELLER EtRMAN WITE & MCAuuFFE LLP Jeffrey C. Krause Derek J. Baker 333 Bush Street Gregory K. Jones REeD SMrIH LLP San Francisco, CA 94104 AKtN, GUMP, STRAUSS, HAIJER & FELD 2500 Liberty Place 2029 Century Park East, Ste 2600 1650 Market Street Los Angeles, CA 90067 Philadelphia, PA 19103-7301 Peter S. Munoz Philip S. Warder Phillip E. Tatoian Crsby, Heafy, Roach & May Andrea S. Wirun ASPLUNDH TREE EXPERT Co. Two Embarcadero Center, Ste 2000 PILLSBURY, WINTHROP LLP 708 Blair Mill Road SanFrancisco,CA 94111 P.O. Box 7880 Willow Grove, PA 19090 San Francisco, CA 9A120-7880

R. Dale G:nter R. Paul Yetter RABOBANK INTERNATIONAL DowNEY, BRAND, SEYMOUR & RoHwER LLP Yetter & Warder LLP Attn: Gladys Montes S55 Capito' Mall, 10th Fl 909 Fannin, Ste 3650 Four Embarcadero Center, Ste 3200 Sacramento,CA 95814 Houston, TX 77010 San Francisco, CA 94111 RABoDANY-NEDERLAND Randolph L Wu Ray Foianini New York Branch) TURN FoImNnm LAw OFFICES 245 Park Avenue 711 Van Ness Avenue, Ste 350. 109 Division Avenue West NewYorkNY 10167-0062 San Francisco,CA 94102 P.O. Box 98823 Epharta, WA 98823

REGION iV Richard A. Lapping Richard Blackstone Webber 11 U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Louis . Cisz, DI 320 Maitland Avenue Ellis W. Mmrshoff, Regional Administrator THEN REID & PRIEST LLP Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 611 Ryan Piaza Drive, Ste 40C 101 Second Street, Ste 1800 Arlington, TX 76011-8064 San Francisco, CA 94105-3601 Richard C. Josephsor Richard Hopp Richard . Reynolds STOEL RtVES LLP 14416 Victory Blvd, Ste 108 TuRNER, CoolER & REYNOLDS 900 SW Fifth Avenue, Ste 2600 VanNuys,CA 91401 16485 Laguna Canyon Road, Ste 250 Portland, OR 97204 Irvine, CA 92618

Richard Levy, Jr. Richard Purcell Richard Stevens Amn P. Bienstock Attn: Energy Supply AVISTA CORP. Pryor Cashman Sherman & Flynn LLP CONECnV P.O. Box 3727 410 Park Ave. 800 Kings Street Spokane, WA 99220 New York, NY 10022 P.O. Box 231 Wilmington, DE 19899

.15830:6387270.1 -8- Special Notice List (as of October 22, 2003)

Richard T. Peters Richard W. Esterkin Robert A. Greenfield, Esq. SIDLEY AUSTIN BROWN & WOOD MORGAN, LEWIs & BoCKUS LUP STUTMAN, TRESER & GLATT 555 W. Fifth Street, Ste 4000 300 South Grand Avenue 3699 Wilshire Blvd., #900 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Los Angeles, CA 90071 Los Angeles, CA 90010-2766

Robert Blodgett, Jr. Robert C. Stokes Robert D. Albergotti c/o H. Ann Liroff, Esq. 5851 San Felipe, Ste 950 Stacey Jernigan HANNIG LAW FIRM LLP Horston, TX 77057 Scott W. Everett 2991 El Camino Real HAYNES AND BOONE LLP Redwood City, CA 94061 901 Main Street, Ste 3100 Dallas, TX 75202

Robert Darby Robert G. Cass Robert G. Harris Corestaff Services (California), Inc. MCI Corestaff Services (California), Inc. FuLBRIGHT & JAWoRSKI LIP 6929 N. Lakewood Ave BINDER & MALTER 865 South Figueroa, 29th Fl MD 5.3-409F 2775 Paric Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90017 Tulsa, OK 74117 Santa Clara, CA 95050

Jocelyn Burton Rock S. Koebbe Roger L Efremsky Jay R Weill 5356 North Cattail Way Austin P. Nagel OFFICE OF U.S. ATrORNEY Boise, ID 83703 Law Offices of Efremsky & Nagel 450 Golden Gate Avenue, 10th Fl 5776 Stoneridge Mall Road, Ste 360 San Francisco, CA 94102 Pleasanton, CA 94588 Roi Chandy Roland Pfeifer Ronald L Miller Timothy F. Hodgdon OFFICE OF TlE CITY ATTORNEY ROGERS AND MnlUt Teachers Ins. & Annuity Assoc. of Arrierica 1500 Warburton Avenue 720 Southpoint Blvd, Ste 205 730 Third Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95050 Petalurna, CA 94954 NewYork,NY 10017

Rosanne Thomas Matzat S. Jack Chevlen Sandra W. Lavigna HAHN & HESSEN LP Law Offices of S. Jack Chevlen Saria D. Moyed 350 Fifth Avenue, Ste 3700 5902 Deerland Court SECURITES ExcHANGE COMMISSION NewYork,NY 10118 San Jose, CA 95124 5670 Wilshire Blvd., I l1h Fl Los Angeles, CA 90036

Scott C. Clarkson Scott 0. Smith Secretary of Treasury Eve A. Marsella BUcHALTER, NEMER, FIELDS & YOUNGER 15th & Pennsylvania Avenue CLARKSON, GORE & MARSELLA 601 S. Figueroa Street, Ste 2400 Washington, DC 20549 3424 Carson Street, Ste 350 Los Angeles, CA 90017 Torrance, CA 90503 SEMPRA ENERGY TRADING CORP. Seth A. Ribner Sharyn B. Zuch Tony Ferrajina SIwPSON THATCsER & BARTLErrT WIGGIN & DANA 58 Commerce Drive 10 Universal City Plaza, Ste 1850 One City Place, 34th Fl Stamford, CT 06902 Universal City, CA 91608 185 Asylum Street Hartford, CT 06103

Sheri M. Schwartz Sheryl Gussett SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS CO. KELLEY DRYE & WARREN LIP RELIANT ENERGY, INC Attn: Jim Nakata 777 S. Figueroa Street, Ste 2700 1111 Louisiana, 43rd Fl GTI4G1 Los Angeles, CA 90017 Houston, TX 77002 555 W. Fifth St. Los Angeles, CA 90013-1000

Eileen M. Teichert Stanley E. Pond STATE OF CALIFORNA EDD CrnrY OF RiVERSIDE WINCNIELL & POND PO Box 826880 City Attorney's Office 1700 South El Camino Real, Ste 506 Sacramento, CA 94280 City Hall, 3900 Main Street San Mateo, CA 94402 Riverside, CA 92522

STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE OF CALIFORMNA Dept of Water Resources Office of the Attorney General Office of the Attorney General c/o Chief-Energy Div. Attn.: Margarita Padilla PO Box 94255 Attn: Dan Herdocia P.O. Box 70550 Sacramento, CA 94244-2550 1416Ninth Street, Rm 1640 1515 Clay St, 20th Fl. Sacramento, CA 95814 Oakland, CA 94612

Stephen C. Becker Stephen Shane Stark, County Counsel Steven G. Polard Becker Law Office Enrique R Sanchez, Sr. Perkins Coie LLP P.O. Box 192991 COUNTY OF SANTA BARBARA 1620-26th Street, 6th Fl San Francisco, CA 94119 105 E. Anapamu Street, Ste 201 Santa Monica, CA 90404 Santa Barbara, CA 93101

15830:6387270.1 _9_ Special Notice List (as of October 22, 2003)

Steve J. Reisman Steven H. Felderstein, Esq. Steven M. Abramowitz Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP Felderstein, Willoughby & Pascuzzi VINSON & ELKINS LIP 101 Park Avenue 400 Capital Mall, Ste 1450 666 Fifth Avenue, 26th Fl New York, NY 10178 Sactnmento, CA 958144434 NewYork,NY 10103 Steven M. Basha Steve M. Bunkin Steven M. Olson County Counsel J. ARON & CO. Geary, Shea, O'Donnell & Grattan, PC Attn: Stephen B. Nocita, Senior Deputy 85 Broad Street 37 Old Courthouse Squa--, 4th Fl 625 Court Street, Room 201 New York, NY 10004 Santa Rosa, CA 95404 Woodland, CA 95695

STS Hydropower Ltd (Kanaka) Terrance L Stinnett TEXACO NATURAL GAS INC. Attn.: Mr. Mike Grahn Miriam Khatiblou Attn: Bill Colier 300 W. Washington Street, Ste 801 GOLDBERG, STINNET, MEYERS & DAVIS 1111 Bagby Street Chicago, IL 60606 44 Montgomery Street, Ste 2900 Houston, TX 77002 San Francisco, CA 941C4

THE BANIK oP NEW YORK THE SuMrroMo BANR LTD. THE TORONTO DOMINION BANK Attn: Michael Pitflick, Coip. Trust Admin. Attn: Al Galluzo Attn: F.B. Hawley 101 Barclay Street - 21W 777 South Figueroa Street, Ste 2600. 909 Fannin, Ste 1700 New York, NY 10286 Los Angeles, CA 90017 Houston, TX 77010

Theodor C. Albert, Esq. Thomas B. Walper, Esq. Thomas C. Walsh Michael J. Weiland, Esq. MuNGER, TOLLES & OLSON LUP BTM CAPITAL CORP. ALBERT, WEILAND & GOLDEN, LLP 355 S. Grand Ave., Ste 3500 Ill Huntington Ave., Ste 400 650 Town Center Drive, Ste 950 Los Angeles, CA 90071-1560 Boston, MA 02199-7610 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Thomas E. Lauria Thomas E. Lumsden Thomas M. Berliner WHrrE & CASE LLP Rocky Ho DUANE MORRIS & HECacsR LLP First Union Financial Center PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS LLP 100 Spear Street, Ste 1500 200 South Biscayne Blvd 199 Fremont Street San Francisco, CA 94105 Miami, FL 33131 San Francisco, CA 94105

Thomas MacKinson Tony 0. Hermning TXU Energy Trading Canada Ltd. INTERNAL REvENuE SERvicE Texaco Legal Dept. Attn: Jeff Shorter Small Business/Self-Ernployed Div. 1111 Bagby Street 1717. Main Street 1301 Clay Street, Rmn 1400- Houston, TX 77002 Dallas, TX 75201 Oakland, CA 94105

. TXU ENERGY TRADING Co. U.S. BANK U.S. Nuclear RegulatoiryConmission 'Attn: Jim Macredie Corporate Thist Services Attn: Document Control Desk 1717 Main Street Attn.: LaDonna Morrison Washington, DC 20555-0001 Dallas, TX 75201 180E. Fifth St., 3rd Fl. P.O. Box6411 St.Paul,MN 55164-0111

Victor Waid Victoria Lang W. Kelsea Eckert Law Office of Victor Waid AT&T Corp. Eckert, Benson &Associates 2625 Fair Oaks Blvd., Ste I 795 Folsom Street, 2d Fl 4711 Highway 17 South, Ste 3 Sacramento, CA 95864 San Francisco, CA 94107 Orange Park, FL 32073

Walter F. McArdle, Esq. Walter J. Lack Warren Martin, Jr. SPAIN & G1iLON, LLC ENGSTROM, LISCOMB & LAac Riker, Danzig, Scherer, Hyland & Perretti LLP The Zinszer Building 10100 Santa Monica Blvd., 16th Fl. Headquarters Plaza 2117 Second Ave. North Los Angeles, CA 90067-4107 One Speedwell Avenue Birmingham, AL 35203 Morristown, NJ 07962-1981

Wendy K. Laubach Wendy L Hagenau WHEELABRATOR SHASTA ENERGY Co. INC. * DIAMOND, MCCARTHY, TAYLOR & FINLEY Powell, Goldstein, Frazer & Murphy 20811 industryRd. 2 Houston Center 16th Fl Anderson, CA 96007 909 Fannin, Ste 1500 191 Peachtree Street, N.B. Houston,IX 77010 Atlanta, GA 30303 William Bates HI William A. Bramley William C. Morison-Knox BINGHAM McCuraIEN LIP Anne-Marie E. Tubao Michael D. Prough 1900 University Avenue L/O WILLAMA. BRAMLEY Robert M. Fomi Jr. East Palo Alto, CA 94303-2223 550 WestC Street, 19th Fl. Morison-Knox Holden Melendez & Prough, LLP San Diego, CA 92101 500 Ygnacio Valley Road, Ste 450 Walnut Creek, CA 94596

15830:6387270.1 -10- Special Notice List (as of October 22, 2003)

William H. Kiekhofer, lll William J. Flynn William M. Goodman Yale K. Kim Neyhart, Anderson, Freitas, Flynn &Grosboll Ligi C. Yee Steven E. Rich 44 Montgomery Szeet, Ste 2080 TOPrL & GooDMAN MAYER, BROWN, ROWE & MAW San Francisco, CA 94104 832 Sansome Street, 4th Fl 350 South Grand Avenue, 25th Fl. San Francisco, CA 94111 Los Angeles, CA 90071

William M. Rossi-Hawkins William P. Weintraub WILLIAM ENERGY MARKETING & TRADING CO. Phillips, Lytie, Hitchcock Blaine & Huber Pachulski Stang Ziehl Young & Jones (CANADA) 437 Madison Avenue, 34th Fl Three Embarcadero Center, Ste 1020 Attn: Kelly Knowlton New York, NY 10022 SanFrancisco,CA 94111 One Williams Center, 19th Fl Dept 558 P.O. Box 2848 Tulsa,OK 74101

Yolanda Cisneros Zack Starbird Zw MAMN-MANDEVILLE, INC. 909 Meyer Street, No. 24 MIRNT CoRP. P.O. Box 487 Arvin, CA 93203 1155 Perimeter Center West Stockton, CA 95201 Atlanta, GA 30338

David J. Hankey Shannon A. Chlarson Robert C. Shenfeld Gohn, Hankey & Stichel LIP *Buchalter, Nemer, Fields & Younger Reed Smith Crosby Heafy LUP Ste 1520, The Fidelity Building 895 Dove Street, Suite 400 355 South Grand Avenue, Suite 2900 210N. Charles Street Newport Beach, CA 92658 Los Angeles, CA 90071 Baltimore, MD 21201

ERIC WILSON U.S. Trust Company, National Association MERRILL LYNCH 101 Park Avenue One Embarcadero Center, Suite 2050 Attn: Ahi Aharon New York, NY 10178 San Francisco, CA 94111 World Financial Ctr, North Tower 250 Vesey Street, leb Floor New York, NY 10281

Jeff St Onge G. Larry Engel Gary P. Blitz cdo Greg Baumann Roberto J. Kampfner Piper Marbury Rudnick & Wolfe LLP Bloomberg News Brobeck, Phleger & Hariison LLP 1200 190 Street, NW 345 California Street 2000 University Avenue Washington, CD 20036 San Francisco, CA 94104 Palo Alto, CA 94303

David S. MacGuish Christopher Beard Arnold Wallenstein Andrew M. Gilford Bead & Beard TrhennoEcotek Corporation Weston Benshoof Rochefort 306 N. Market Street 245 Winter Street, Suite 300 444 South Flower Street, 43d Floor Frederick, MD 21701 Waltham, MA 02154 Los Angeles, CA 90071

DYNERGY CANADA MARKETING & TRADE ENRON CANADA CORP. TRANsALTA ENERGY MARKETING (U.S.) INC. Attn: Steve Barron 3500 Canterra Tower ATTN.: Sterling Koch 350 - 7th Avenue S.W. 400 Third Ave. S.W. Box 1900 Station 'M" Calgary, Alberta T2P 3N9 Calgary, Alberta T2P 4H2 110-12th Avenue, SW CANADA CANADA Calgary, Alberta T2P 2MI CANADA

15830:6387270.1 -I-!1