CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1958 HON
E1958 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 24, 2002 Dr. Brook’s involvement in the Houston Jew- Annalisa has not only made her community Mr. Bounthone Rathigna, Mr. Thongchanh ish community began in 1959 when he joined proud, but also her state and country. On be- Boulum, Col. Khamthene Chinyavong and the board of the Congregation Emanu El half of the citizens of Colorado, I ask the Baramy Mitthivong, of the United League for Brotherhood. From there, Dr. Brook continued House to join me in extending thanks and con- Democracy in Laos, Inc.; The Honorable Dr. his support for the congregation by serving as gratulations to Miss Annalisa Moline for her Sin Vilay, of the Royal Laos Foundation; Mr. chairman on both the Religious School Com- service and contributions to the United States. Bounleung Ngonevolalath; Col. Khambang mittee and the Administration and Personnel f Sibounheuang—decorated officer and ‘‘White Committee. In addition, he was a member of Dragon Two’’ author—and his colleague, Mr. the Board of Trustees from 1973–2000, dem- COMMENDING THE LAO AND Eugene Prater, of the Lao Nationalist Reform onstrating his leadership as board treasurer, HMONG-AMERICAN COMMUNITY Party; Bon and Laura Xiong, Hubert Yang, vice president, senior vice president, and then OF RHODE ISLAND Chuhu Xiong, Xieng Xiong and Ying Xiong, of president of the Congregation Emanu El from the Hmong International Human Rights Watch 1989 until 1991. HON. PATRICK J. KENNEDY and Hmong Reform Party; Mr. Moua Sao, of Additionally, Dr. Brook has been extremely OF RHODE ISLAND Lan Xang Democracy, Inc. and son of the leg- active in the Jewish community nationally, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES endary Hmong resistance leader Cher Pao playing an instrumental role in the establish- Thursday, October 24, 2002 Moua; Dr.
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