Congressional Record—House H8332

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Congressional Record—House H8332 H8332 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 16, 2001 provide for future cybersecurity in an This is one way to send a visible, cisely to come to the capital. As a lit- insecure world. powerful message to the terrorists. Let tle girl growing up during World War Mr. Speaker, I thank the staff of the them see Americans streaming into II, this capital was crowded with people Committee on Science and Technology their capital to show they simply can- from all over the United States, people for their assistance in drafting this leg- not be terrorized. The city has been in the service, civilians. It was a bustle islation, as well as the strong and hard hurt by September 11 because Sep- of activity. It needs to be a bustle of efforts of Ms. Brooke Davidson on my tember 11 continues for us. It simply activity today not only because the staff, who has worked on this issue has not stopped. First came September capital needs the capital that people very diligently. 11. But then came the shutdown of Na- would bring in the form of funds, but it f tional Airport, the only airport in the needs the bustle of activity in order to United States to be shut down, and it help the country return to normalcy. CONDITIONAL ADJOURNMENT OF was shut down for 3 entire weeks. Try Members going home to their con- HOUSE AND RECESS OR AD- to think of your hometown without an stituents can lead the way. If they hear JOURNMENT OF SENATE UNTIL airport. from you, the leader in your district, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2001 Then came fear of flying and then that it is safe to come to Washington, The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- fear of anthrax. Nothing has happened you can help wipe away fear of an- fore the House the following privileged in our city and in our country since thrax, and especially fear of flying now Senate concurrent resolution (S. Con. September 11. The only people to be that we have passed the airline secu- Res. 85) providing for conditional ad- struck by anthrax are those who rity bill so proudly here this afternoon. journment of the House and recess or worked in the back room of Brentwood. When you come back, bring some of adjournment of the Senate on Tuesday, Even those who opened the envelope in your constituents with you to the Na- November 27, 2001. the Hart Building have not gotten the tion’s capital. The Clerk read the Senate concur- disease. Surely people coming to the Happy Thanksgiving. rent resolution, as follows: city have nothing to fear. The close- f ON ES down of the airport and the anthrax S. C . R . 85 IN OPPOSITION TO ANDEAN TRADE scare were a one-two punch right at Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- ACT’S TUNA PROVISIONS resentatives concurring), That when the House the gut of the Nation’s capital. adjourns on the legislative day of Friday, Mr. Speaker, I am not asking for The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. November 16, 2001, Saturday, November 17, funds for the Nation’s capital. I am FORBES). Under the Speaker’s an- 2001, Monday, November 19, 2001, or Tuesday, asking for Members’ constituents to nounced policy of January 3, 2001, the November 20, 2001, on a motion offered pursu- visit the capital of the United States. gentleman from American Samoa (Mr. ant to this concurrent resolution by its Ma- I spoke to a student group on the FALEOMAVAEGA) is recognized for 60 jority Leader or his designee, it stand ad- minutes as the designee of the minor- journed until 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Novem- Mall last Saturday, and I am speaking ber 27, 2001, or until Members are notified to to a group of teachers and principals ity leader. reassemble pursuant to section 2 of this con- this Saturday from around the coun- Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Mr. Speaker, current resolution, whichever occurs first; try. No student should graduate from I could not help but feel it necessary to and that when the Senate recesses or ad- high school without coming to the Na- take this special order with the hope journs at the close of business on Friday, No- tion’s capital, and yet there have been that my colleagues in the House, as vember 16, 2001, or Saturday, November 17, cancellation after cancellation of stu- well as the American people, can ap- 2001, on a motion offered pursuant to this dent tours. preciate my concerns about the provi- concurrent resolution by its Majority Leader sions of a certain piece of legislation or his designee, it stand recessed or ad- b 1600 that was just recently passed by this journed until noon on Tuesday, November 27, 2001, or at such other time on that day as The capital needs your help. In the Chamber. This is in reference to H.R. may be specified by its Majority Leader or D.C. Subcommittee we learned that 3009, the Andean Trade Agreement bill. his designee in the motion to recess or ad- double-digit unemployment may be Mr. Speaker, the current trade policy journ, or until Members are notified to reas- predicted here, 10,000 small businesses with regards to canned tuna has pro- semble pursuant to section 2 of this concur- hanging on, half of our hotel and res- vided significant benefits to certain rent resolution, whichever occurs first. taurant workers out of work. This is Latin America countries, namely, Bo- SEC. 2. The Speaker of the House and the heartbreaking because the Nation’s livia, Colombia, Peru, as well as Ecua- Majority Leader of the Senate, acting jointly capital was doing so well coming out of dor, while maintaining an industrial after consultation with the Minority Leader of the House and the Minority Leader of the a control board period. But now we are tuna processing base in the United Senate, shall notify the Members of the on the front line of the homeland war. States. Since the enactment of the An- House and the Senate, respectively, to reas- Of course, we need a targeted stim- dean Trade Agreement 10 years ago, semble at such place and time as they may ulus for the Nation’s capital like New the number of tuna factories in that re- designate whenever, in their opinion, the York got, but we are not asking for gion, the Andean region in South public interest shall warrant it. that this afternoon. We are asking you America, has actually increased by 229 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without to help us let the free market do it. percent. Production capacity now is up objection, the Senate concurrent reso- Bring the tourists back. Remind your 400 percent. Direct employment is up lution is concurred in. constituents that your capital is open by 257 percent. U.S. exports have grown There was no objection. for business and you want to see them from about $15 million to $100 million A motion to reconsider was laid on in your offices, you want to see them annually. the table. and begin to have the same kind of dia- In addition, the U.S. tuna industry f logue with them that you had before has invested well over $30 million in September 11. new facilities and vessels. However, I VISIT NATION’S CAPITAL Tell them to visit, not to cancel. Tell must repeat, extending this agreement The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a them there are bargains here now, bar- by providing duty-free treatment to previous order of the House, the gentle- gains there will not be here a year from canned tuna from our Andean friends woman from the District of Columbia now. Of course, tours are not available and countries there in Latin America, (Ms. NORTON) is recognized for 5 min- in the Capitol and I very much regret especially Ecuador, in my humble opin- utes. that. But we are coming up to the ion, Mr. Speaker, will practically de- Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I come to point where tours once again will be stroy the entire U.S. tuna industry. the floor this afternoon not only to available. In any case, they can come I have heard the argument that Con- wish a happy holiday to my colleagues, and sit in the gallery, they can come to gress has included canned tuna both in but to ask them this Thanksgiving to your office and they can come and the Caribbean Basin Initiative, as well carry a message home. I ask my col- walk around the Capitol on their own. as NAFTA, and some have questioned leagues to ask their constituents to This is not the time for Americans to why are we not doing the same for Ec- visit them and visit their Nation’s cap- turn their back on their own capital. A uador and the Andean region. The sim- ital. war in our homeland is the time pre- ple answer is that no other country VerDate 11-MAY-2000 05:07 Nov 17, 2001 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00082 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K16NO7.135 pfrm02 PsN: H16PT1 November 16, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8333 that has been extended this benefit has The CEO of Chicken of the Sea has holding together the economy of my the potential to literally wipe out and already noted that if the Andean Trade district. American Samoa’s only ad- destroy the entire U.S. tuna industry. Agreement includes duty-free treat- vantage in the global marketplace is Mr.
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