EDERER Constant Use Day and Night." Player-Popularity Is Proving the Im- Portance of Fderer Outdoor Golf Nets at Clubs from Coast to Coast
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WOTHERSPOON bought a sawmill. These tracts have suffi- cient wood for over 1,000,000 tennis rackets (Continued from Page 53) if they were 'logged clean' but Spalding's pres. Charles F. Robbins, says: "We will events. As everyone likes to win it is continue to buy large quantities of ash usually better to give small prizes and the way we have in the past; however, many of them so that almost every golfer these tracts will serve as an added protec- will win something before the year ends. tion to the uniform quality of our rackets." A percentage of this pool for the ladies is usually agreeable with the Men's com- Modern tennis rackets are made of sev- mittee and helps to maintain their playing eral strips of laminations of wood. These interest. number from five to nine depending on the type and quality of the racket. To Many professionals pass up the oppor- stand the great strains and stresses of a tunity to advertise and a notice in the tennis racket, the northern ash has been monthly statements can be very advan- found to be the best wood because it is tageous. Tips on the game, how to take not too heavy and yet very strong. care of the golf course, how to treat a caddie and make him a better one and coming interesting golf events may be included with the news of something new OPEN ORGANIZATION CHART — in the golf shop. Canterbury GC, host to 1946 National Open, has prepared an organization chart that's a model for clubs holding big SPALDING BUYS TIMBER—Four tournaments. Committees under gen. hundred acres of timber in northern New chmn. include gallery, contestants, cad- England have been purchased by A. G. dies, ticket sales; publicity, press and in- Spalding & Bros, to insure a constant sup- formation; finance accounting, insurance, ply of the highest quality wood for tennis house, admissions-registration, parking- rackets, it was announced today. These transportation, hotel accomodations, police tracts contain considerable quantities of protection, program, scoring, reception, northern ash, oak, white birch and hard and women's. Committee members' names maple. The Spalding Company has also are on the chart. "We know our outdoor nets were a wise purchase because they've been in EDERER constant use day and night." Player-popularity is proving the im- portance of Fderer Outdoor Golf Nets at clubs from coast to coast. For lessons, for practice, for unlaxing before the round and for keeping play- ers happy during those crowded hours on congested days . you'll find Ederer Nets provide the most popular answer. EDERER'S "INVINCIBLE" NETS are made for golf, tennis, badminton, OUTDOOR volley ball and other sports. Writ* for foldar and pric* list GOLF NETS E. J. EDERER COMPANY A "must" for modern clubs. Made InuutcitU S/h>tU 7teU of the finest quality netting. Com- HOME OFFICE: S40 ORLEANS ST. • CHICAGO pact, easy to install or move. WARTIME SPORTS WORK LAUDED —Lt. Gen. E. B. Gregory, Quartermaster Gen., United States Army, has awarded a certificate to Dr. John B. Dickson of United States Rubber Co. for his "out- Here's hnw you standing contribution in the war effort as rail end your shirt a member of the Military Planning Divi- shortage right now sion." As a technical consultant in the test- —send today for our new Men's ing of athletic equipment, Dr. Dickson Dress S h I it s— wrote specifications and supervised tests wear y o u r s as on baseballs, footballs, baseball bats and soon as the post- man delivers your other sports articles used by the Army in order—direct from its recreation program. South Carolina Mills to you! Our Dress Shirts GOLF'S LONGEST HITTER—Jimmy are Sanforized- Shrunk* to insure Thomson, recently visited the New York permanen! City office of A. G. Spalding & Bros, fit. They're styled where, as a member of the firm's golf ad- for smart appear- ance — tested for visory staff, he con- collar comfort — ferred with Presi- tailored with su- dent C. F. Robbins perb, expert crafts- m a n s h i p . The and Vice - Pres. in sturdy Carolina- charge of sales, L. made fabric com- E. Coleman regard- bines comfort and long-lasting strength, And remember. ing the Spalding golf our Shirts launder to perfection. clubs which bear his MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE name. His visit fol- Every Shirt is mailed to you on South Carolina Mills' lowed a trip to the money-back guarantee. Inspect your Shirts when they arrive—try one on—then, if not delighted with the style, company's Williman- fabric and fit, return your purchase, and your money sett, Mass. factory will be promptly and cheer- to view 1947 lines fully refunded! This money- back guarantee comes to you of clubs. from one of South Carolina's Thomson, who re- leading textile organizations. sumed his affiliation with Spalding upon 4 SHIRTS his release from the IN STANDARD MAIL- U. S. Coast Guard, ORDER PACKAGE! is again active in We offer our Standard Mail tournament play Order Package of FOUR with summer sched- Shirts for only $8.75. Each box contains one White Shirt ule calling for par- and three Striped or Solid ticipation in a num- SANFORIZED SHRUNK* Colors—Blue, Green or Tan— ber of important * Fabric Shrinkage less or Assorted. Trust us to se- than 1% by the Govern- lect smart pattern* for yout events. ment's Standard Test SEND NO MONEY! This is all you do! Fill in the Coupon. Be sure to give correct collar size and sleeve length and color of AL TULL BUSY— Alfred H. Tull, noted shirts desired. You do not need to cnclose payment— architect, is constructing a new 18-hole vour Shirts will be mailed to you C.O.D. Simply pay postman the price of your Shirts plus postal charges— course for Dupont CC, Wilmington, Del. or, if you wish, enclose payment with Coupon and we to replace original course which is site of pay postage . SOUTH CAROLINA MILLS, Spartan- new Dupont Research center. He's also burg. South Carolina. remodeling and enlarging- to 18-holes Coun- try Club of New Caanan, Conn., started by Walter Travis with Tull's father as construction supt., 23 years ago. In Provi- SOUTH CAROLINA MILLS. Dept. 347 dence, R. I. Tull is building a course that SPARTANBUHC, S. C. will be scene of an interesting perform- Send me the Standard Mail-Order Package of FOUR Shirts (Sanforized-Shrunk*). I will pay postman ance with Johnny Farrell and a local star S8.75 plus postage. If not delighted after trying on playing the course before it's seeded. one shirt, I may return my purchase and entire price will be promptly refunded. COLLAR SLEEVE COLOR RECORD OPEN GATE—1946 National (Fill in Color: Blur, Green, Tan or Assorted) Open at Canterbury had the largest money gate of any USGA championship. The NAMF. affair drew more, after taxes, than the ADDRKSS 1930 national amateur's $55,000 for 6 days CITY ZONE STATE of play. Previous Open top draw was about ( ) Check here if payment enclosed; we pay $47,000 in 1930, the Jones Grand Slam postage. Same refund guarantee applies. year. I PLEASE PRINT PLAINLY July, 1U6 71 AMES NEW USGA OFFICIAL—John D. Ames, Chicago, has been elected a member of the USGA Executive commit- tee, to fill the unexpired term of Leslie L. Cooke, Chicago, who died recently. Ames GREENSKEEPERS is a member of the Glen View Club, Golf, A fall spraying is necessary to com- 111. He is a son of the late K. L. Ames, a member of the USGA executive committee plete your weed eradication program in 1913-14 and a Princeton football star for this year. of years ago. Killing weeds in the fall when crab and quack grasses are dormant allows SANASCENT'S NEW PRODUCT — desirable grasses to thrive. Sanascent Co., Newburgh, N. Y. is intro- Tests have shown that ALL 2-4-D ducing Clean-Scent to golf clubs. It cleans, weedkillers are NOT alike. disinfects, deodorizes and opens clogged drains in one application. The company's Tests PROVE that WEEDESTROY gives Sana-Scent is extensively used in cleaning best results at least cost. and deodorizing club bath departments. WEEDESTROY contains butylesterified 2-4-D, a LIQUID concentrate that NON-LEAK-INSTANT HOSE COUP- mixes readily with COLD water. LING—Diversified Design and Machine Products Corp., 9410 Detroit Ave., Cleve- One gallon makes 100 gallons of spray land, Ohio, announce a new instantly at- for effective coverage of one acre. tachable and detachable hose coupling. This heavy duty garden hose coupler em- ploys the aircraft "O" Ring Seal designed WEEDESTROY to remain positively leak-proof under all The Selective Weed Killer conditions of use. It is precision manu- factured throughout from solid brass to RIVERDALE CHEMICAL COMPANY meet all rugged service requirements— HARVEY, ILLINOIS golf hose, sprinklers, laundry tubs, wash- ing machine, etc. It is composed of two pieces, a hose and a faucet end; is easy to install—just push it on and snap it off. The NEW BAG CART—A new golf bag carrier, the Lincoln Caddy-All, has been t)U BCW announced by the W. C. Lincoln Co., 113 TRADEMARK E. 75th St., Chicago 19, 111. It weighs 6 lbs. and will carry up to 60 lbs. weight. It is constructed entirely of steel and arc- o, ^ welded throughout. The scientifically lo- cated center of balance insures easy one- identifies hand operation over all sorts of terrain. The curved handle is easily detached for FINE GOLF CLUBS stowing in the luggage compartment or rear seat of an auto.