Military Intelligence Service Language School Registry 1941-46 Researched and Compiled by Seiki Oshiro (MN), Paul Tani (VA) and Grant Ichikawa (VA) Report all discrepancies to: Grant Ichikawa 114 James Dr. SW, Vienna, VA 22180~E-mail<
[email protected]> WRA refers to War Relocation Authority list of approx 23,000 Nisei soldiers in US Army , 1 July 40 to 30 Jun 45 Abbreviations and Bibliography of the sources used to compile this file is footnoted at the end of file Class Codes: Pres41-11 (Presidio Nov 41) Sav42-06 (Savage June 42) Snel44-08 (Snelling Aug 44), Etc. THOSE WHO WERE KIA OR DIED WHILE IN THE SERVICE ARE SHOWN IN BOLD UPPER CASE (CAPS) LETTERS Class Last First Source Army Awards Hometown/ Unit Assignmt, Locations, Campaigns Year/Mo Name Name Code Ser. No. Citations Residence participated and Special Notations, Etc. 1 Snel44-08 Abbey Vincent H.D. Seattle WA 2 Sav43-07 Abe Akira 39010550 BS Oakland CA 11th AB 3 Snel45-07 Abe Bunshi B 37712328 4 Snel45-09 Abe Danar 37711961 5 Sav44-02 Abe James K 30107923 HI 6 Snel44-12 Abe K 7 Snel44-08 Abe Koki 30109847 8 Sav44-02 Abe Leonard HI 9 Sav43-07 Abe Masao 39163520 BS,PH,LC Seattle 81st Inf Div, 321 RCT Palau Is 10 Snel44-08 Abe R. 11 Sav44-02 Abe Toshiaki 39470468 12 Sav42-12 Abe Toshio William 39231959 13 Sav42-12 Abe Victor Hiroshi 39020695 Los Angeles 14 Snel45-02 Abe Yoshii 30109764 S/Sgt; Zebra Platoon 15 Snel44-45# Abrams Burton Moischa A16 12110819 Brooklyn NY 16 Snel44-45 Abrams Leonard A16 32483722 Fairfax VA 17 Sav42-12 Aburamen Edward Hisao 39077183 18 Snel45-08 Acampora Tullius A Burke VA 19 Sav44-02 Acemo Albert V.