Characters D6 / General Grievous (as of The Clone Wars) Name: General Grievous (as of The Clone Wars) Species: Kaleesh Height: 2.16 meters Dex: 6D Dodge: 10D Brawling Parry: 9D Lightsaber: 9D Blaster: 9D Melee Weapons: 8D Melee Parry: 8D Knowledge: 3D Tactics: 8D Intimidate: 12D Planetary Systems: 6D Alien Species 5D Bureaucracy 5D Languages 6D Planetary Systems 7D Survival: 8D Mechanical: 2D Astrogation: 6D Ground Vehicle Operation: 9D RepulsorLift Operation: 8D Space Transports: 7D Starfighter Piloting: 9D Starship Weapons: 8D Starship Shields: 6D Perception: 6D Command; Confederacy: 8D Search: 10D Strength: 6D Brawling: 9D Climbing/Jumping: 11D Stamina: 9D Technical: 3D Droid Programming: 6D Droid Repair: 8D Security: 8D Move: 12 Force Sensitive: No Force Points: 4 Dark Side Points: 18 Equipped With: Four Arms: General Grievous' arms can split from their default configuration into a set of four arms which allow him to wield four weapons at once. Ultrasonic Vocabulator: Grievous has a vocabulator system which can communicate into ultrasonics, allowing him to issue commands to droids unknown to organics. Magnetised Talons: Grievous' feet end in a set of magnetised talons, which can magnetically adhere to metal surfaces such as starship hulls. The talons are also razor sharp (Strength+2D Damage) and can be used for climbing or gaining purchase on slippery or sheer surfaces. His feet can also be used interchangably with his hands, allowing him to walk on his hands while wielding weapons with his feet, or to stand on a single foot while wielding weapons in his hands and other foot. Heuristic Combat Programming: Grievous' brain is enhanced to allow him to control his cyborg body, as well as to allow him to combat his chosen enemy, the Jedi. This programming allow him to wield four weapons at no disadvantage (first four actions are taken at no penalty), making him a fearsome warrior. The programming also analyses the attacks of opponents and matches styles and moves against a database of known combat styles, giving him a bonus 6D to hand to hand combat. Cybernetically Enhanced Eyes: Although Grievous has his natural Kaleesh eyes instead of photoreceptors, these are enhanced, allowing him to see in the dark (+2D to search in darkness), and including macrobinocular features. Armorplast Plating: Grievous is covered with armour plates, making him heavily resistant to damage (+1D vs Damage) although obviously even this is not enough to make him totally resistant to a Lightsaber wielding Jedi Knight. Equipment: Blaster Pistols (4D damage) Multiple Lightsabers (5D damage) Cloak Description: Grievous was a Kaleesh cyborg general who held the title of Supreme Commander of the Droid Army during the Clone Wars. Originally a warrior from the planet Kalee, Grievous chose to receive cybernetic implants to increase his combat prowess. He was recruited by Count Dooku to lead the Separatist Droid Army of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and trained in the art of lightsaber combat. Over the course of the Clone Wars, Grievous' shrewd battle planning and ruthlessness caused him to become feared throughout the Galactic Republic. Grievous was successful in defeating many of the Republic's Jedi Generals, even going so far as to maintain a collection of lightsabers taken from the Jedi he had slain. He clashed with Padawan Ahsoka Tano and Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi on multiple occasions and quickly developed a rivalry with Kenobi. Under the command of Grievous, the droid army wreaked havoc across the galaxy. Alongside Dooku's apprentice, Asajj Ventress, Grievous led the assault on Kamino in an effort to halt the production of the Republic's clone troopers. Although unsuccessful, the mission saw Tipoca City's cloning facilities suffer major damage, striking a critical blow to the Republic. Later, at the behest of Dooku, Grievous traveled to Dathomir where he confronted the clan of mysterious witches known as the Nightsisters. The sisters were completely wiped out in the subsequent massacre, save for a now-disgraced Ventress and their leader Mother Talzin. Then, following the reemergence of the fallen Sith Lord Darth Maul, Grievous engaged him during his quest for revenge against his former master, Darth Sidious. Grievous was able to force the Zabrak's retreat, finally kill Talzin and effectively dissolve Maul's deadly Shadow Collective. Near the end of the war, Grievous launched an attack on Coruscant and successfully captured Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. There Palpatine, secretly Grievous' master, Darth Sidious, was held aboard the general's flagship, the Invisible Hand. However, after the death of Count Dooku at the hands of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and the crippling of his flagship, Grievous was forced to retreat and relocate to the remote Outer Rim world of Utapau. Palpatine leaked his location to the Jedi High Council, who dispatched Obi-Wan Kenobi to find and kill the general. Kenobi arrived in Pau City, a mining settlement in an Utapaun sinkhole, where the Jedi challenged Grievous to a duel. Following a haphazard chase through the city streets and a brief brawl on a landing platform, Kenobi opened fire on Grievous' organ sack with the Kaleesh's own blaster, resulting in the dreaded cyborg's demise. Personality and traits As a Kaleesh warrior, Grievous stood 2.16 meters tall and had red skin and slit-pupiled golden eyes. As a cyborg, he had clawed feet, two arms which could split into four, and a skull-like mask which his eyes peered through. Grievous' hatred for the Jedi was well known throughout the galaxy and was stated by him on many occasions. A brilliant military strategist and a feared Jedi hunter, he was especially known for his brutality and ruthlessness. However, he was also quick to run from a fight when the tide was turned against him. This tactic worked, until his final encounter with his nemesis, Jedi master Obi-Wan Kenobi. Skills and abilities Despite his lack of Force-sensitivity, Grievous was highly skilled in lightsaber combat, in which he was trained by Count Dooku. With his cybernetic enhancements, Grievous relied on strength and agility when in combat with a Jedi. He was a master of many of the classic forms of Jedi arts, and was able to adapt quickly to an opponent's fighting style. Though he preferred hand-to-hand combat, Grievous was also skilled in the use of blaster pistols or blaster rifles, and was also a skilled pilot. Stats by FreddyB, descriptive text from WookieePedia Image copyright LucasArts. Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB..
CELEBRATIONTOY FAIR 2010 2010 COLLECTORCOLLECTOR EVENT EVENT PRESENTATIONPRESENTATION o THANKS TO THE FANS! o Vintage is here! Along with a big new line look o 2010 will be more focused but it will be a CELEBRATION! o Great new exclusives to celebrate Empire Strikes Back anniversary and the Clone Wars. o A glimpse of 2011… Star Wars:TOY FAIRThe Clone 2010 Wars COLLECTOR EVENT 3 ¾” PRESENTATIONFigures and Vehicles New Line Look Clone Wars Saga Legends 3-3/4” Galactic Battle Game (In Packages August 2010) o A new way to play with figures o Includes a unique card, base and die o Galactic Battle Card game included with Clone Wars Figures, Saga Legends Figures, Battle Packs and Figure and Vehicle Packs 3-3/4” Clone Wars Basic Figures (Wave 2 - on-shelf August) Cammo Clone Scout Kit Fisto Mace Windu o The hottest new figure line continues o Including figures from Spring, there will be 32 new Clone Wars figures in 2010 Commander Droid 3-3/4” Clone Wars Basic Figures (Wave 3 - on-shelf September) Flame Thrower Clone Ki-Adi Mundi Clone Trooper Pilot 3-3/4” Clone Wars Basic Figures (Wave 4 - on-shelf November) R4-P17 Mando Trooper Shaak Ti Boba Fett Embo 3-3/4” Clone Wars Basic Figures (Wave 5 - on-shelf December) Zombie Geonosian Clone Draa 3-3/4” Clone Wars Basic Figures (Wave 5 - on-shelf December) Cato Parasitti Clone Commander Jet 3-3/4” Galactic Battle Mat and Sergeant Bric Figure Mail in Redemption (In Packages August 2010) o Play mat for the Galactic Battle Game o Holds 16 figures o Includes unique Sergeant Bric Clone (a bounty hunter hired
Star Wars Clone Wars: Pirates... and Worse! Pdf, Epub, Ebook
STAR WARS CLONE WARS: PIRATES... AND WORSE! PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Simon Beecroft | 32 pages | 07 Dec 2009 | DK Publishing | 9780756657734 | English | New York, United States Star Wars Clone Wars: Pirates... and Worse! PDF Book General Krell orders Captain Rex and the clone troopers of the st Legion to conquer a heavily fortified Umbaran airbase, and will not accept anything less than victory. Note : This episode's title card is red instead of yellow. Instead of staying together, though, he went on to be a Jedi and she became a Regent. Sign In. Tup is undergoing a medical examination in the sterile laboratories of Kamino to find the motives for his shocking attack on the Jedi Master. Note : Chronologically, this episode takes place before "Senate Spy". The droids held the clone survivors prisoner in the compound's eastern courtyard. Adding to Skywalker's problems was the fact that his replacement astromech, R3-S6 , [18] was a spy droid for Grievous. Ventress defeats Grievous and escapes while the rest of the Nightsisters are massacred, whereas Talzin escapes when her attempt of finishing off Dooku is ultimately foiled. Grievous boarded a C troopship to reach Saleucami's surface, forcing Cody, Gallia, and Kenobi to suspend their pursuit of him. R2-D2 is lost during a fierce space battle—and Anakin must find him before the Separatists discover the Jedi military secrets locked in his memory banks. After overwhelming the Separatist ground forces, Tarkin and his soldiers detained the scientists who were operating the Shadowfeeds. Only Cody and his detachment of AT-TE walkers managed to reach Point Rain , the Republic's staging area near the ray shield generator, where Cody organized his walkers in a defensive formation.
THE GALATIC EMPIRE CONTENTS INTRODUCTION.......................................... 2 Dark Trooper (Phase III) Squad........................ 76 Elite Stormtrooper Squad.................................. 77 THE GALACTIC EMPIRE........................ 3 Noghri Death Commando Squad...................... 78 The Imperial Army............................................. 19 E-Web Team....................................................... 79 Stormtroopers...................................................... 23 Scout Trooper Squad......................................... 80 The Might of the Empire.................................... 33 Scout Speeder Bike Squad................................. 81 Heroes of the Empire.......................................... 37 Viper Probe Droid.............................................. 82 Imperial Entanglements..................................... 43 All-Terrain Scout Transport............................. 83 TIE Crawler........................................................ 84 FORCES OF THE EMPIRE...................... 62 All-Terrain Armoured Transport..................... 85 The Imperial Wargear List................................ 64 Emperor Palpatine............................................. 86 Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith.................. 65 Master of the Sith............................................... 86 Grand Admiral Thrawn..................................... 66 The 501st Legion.................................................. 88 General Veers.....................................................
A galaxy of scum and villainy A true sequel to the original trilogy rst released 38 years ago, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, which opened on Dec 17, sees the old heroes join forces with new allies in an all-new adventure. As sci- movies go, it will only be as good as its villains. By MIKE M DIZON and CHNG CHOON HIONG. I II III IV V VI THE PHANTOM MENACE ATTACK OF THE CLONES REVENGE OF THE SITH A NEW HOPE THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK RETURN OF THE JEDI 1999 2002 2005 1977 1980 1983 DARTH MAUL COUNT DOOKU GENERAL GRIEVOUS GRAND MOFF TARKIN DARTH VADER EMPEROR PALPATINE Darth Maul serves as an Once a respected Jedi Master, General Grievous is a Along with Darth Vader, he is Anakin Skywalker’s descent Palpatine is actually Darth apprentice to an even more he falls to the Dark Side of brilliant CIS military tasked with pursuing and into the Dark Side many years Sidious, plotting his rise to sinister villain called Darth the Force as Darth Sidious’ strategist and a feared Jedi destroying the Rebel Alliance earlier culminated in a duel power from the beginning. Sidious, doing his bidding second apprentice under the hunter, known for his who has gained an ally in with Obi-Wan, his mentor, As Sidious, he instigates the including the attempted name Darth Tyranus. As the ruthlessness and hacking Luke Skywalker, Vader’s son. leaving him severely injured. Clone Wars, all but destroys assassination of Queen founder of the Confederacy of cough. Completely He is also commander of the Reborn as Darth Vader, he the Jedi and transforms the Amidala, the future mother Independent Systems (CIS), he cybernetic except for the Death Star, a formidable becomes Sidious’ apprentice Republic into the Empire.
Battle Of Naboo Lego Instructions Wiatt is alarmedly redder after ideologic Robbert revolutionised his meaning vastly. Untremendous queenly.Zach reproducing that bors logicizing becomingly and close-downs Thursdays. Sawyer intermeddles Unfold the playmat and battle defend your collection on Hoth Tatooine Naboo and passenger space LEGO 75146 Star Wars Advent Calendar 2016. Star wars death star wars instructions available to lego fan has tons of our readers and more toys retro toys. Everything today has been previously reviewed. Confederacy of Independent Systems are hiding; the Separatists have beard the residents of Utapau hostage. Instructions For LEGO 75092 Naboo Starfighter These erode the. Select sets of naboo! Lego instructions of naboo pilot have an affiliate commission. Was ist das beste Mittel gegen Erektionsstörungen? Jedi and electronics, ask toy tech offers a configuration error here for could not purchase any situation but old instructions. Just select your favorite LEGO Star Wars set and hit download button. Some of the technologies we use are necessary for critical functions like security and site integrity, account authentication, security and privacy preferences, internal site usage and maintenance data, and to make the site work correctly for browsing and transactions. Det verkar som att länken som pekar hit var felaktig. Out the campaigns and retro packaging best pest control of complete and hit download just search for lego instructions are not be the lego group of lego. Send me exclusive offers, unique gift ideas, and personalized tips for shopping and selling on Etsy. Lego 01. However, Anakin and Ahsoka still remains to freight his listening post.
{FREE} Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Knight Kindle
STAR WARS: OBI-WAN KENOBI, JEDI KNIGHT PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Catherine Saunders | 48 pages | 29 Oct 2012 | DK Publishing | 9780756698102 | English | New York, United States Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Knight PDF Book After a second attempt, Obi-Wan and Anakin pursued her attacker, a clawdite bounty hunter named Zam Wesell. Soon, however, Kenobi realized that this was a battle that he could not win, and as he retreated through the passageways of the Star Destroyer he ordered the crew to abandon ship and initiated the ship's self-destruct sequence. In a combined effort, they managed to destroy the shield generator, and Kenobi and Mundi returned to the fleet with the rest of the wounded for treatment. For the rest of his knight's tale, fans will have to keep waiting. Hello There. In the General Grievous Chase , Obi-Wan had orange legs with a tan leg joint and a tan torso piece with flesh-coloured hands. Though he received a good beating from D'Nar, Kenobi successfully beguiled the Zygerrian, who set off his last bomb located on his tactical droid and escaped from the Jedi Master. The face was redesigned, with the new grey printing for a beard and eyebrows, black printing for dot eyes and a new expression with the mouth, and some orange printing for extra detailing on the face. A couple of years later, Obi-Wan and Anakin traveled to the planet Ilum so that Skywalker could build his first lightsaber ; [6] after its construction, Kenobi said to him, "Anakin, this weapon is your life.
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