Catherine Saunders | 48 pages | 29 Oct 2012 | DK Publishing | 9780756698102 | English | New York, United States : Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Knight PDF Book

After a second attempt, Obi-Wan and Anakin pursued her attacker, a clawdite bounty hunter named Zam Wesell. Soon, however, Kenobi realized that this was a battle that he could not win, and as he retreated through the passageways of the he ordered the crew to abandon ship and initiated the ship's self-destruct sequence. In a combined effort, they managed to destroy the shield generator, and Kenobi and Mundi returned to the fleet with the rest of the wounded for treatment. For the rest of his knight's tale, fans will have to keep waiting. Hello There. In the Chase , Obi-Wan had orange legs with a tan leg joint and a tan torso piece with flesh-coloured hands. Though he received a good beating from D'Nar, Kenobi successfully beguiled the Zygerrian, who set off his last bomb located on his tactical and escaped from the Jedi Master. The face was redesigned, with the new grey printing for a beard and eyebrows, black printing for dot eyes and a new expression with the mouth, and some orange printing for extra detailing on the face. A couple of years later, Obi-Wan and Anakin traveled to the planet Ilum so that Skywalker could build his first ; [6] after its construction, Kenobi said to him, "Anakin, this weapon is your life. Okay, that joke would have worked better if this weren't Attack of the Clones Obi-Wan - you know, the one with the long hair, so he looks like Jesus. : But why would Imperial troops want to slaughter Jawas? In a cave, when Tano was asleep, his late master, Qui-Gon Jinn, appeared before him, explaining the purpose of the planet they were on and that the three figures they encountered, like Jinn, believed Skywalker was the Chosen One. Kenobi then turned his comlink on so that Skywalker and Ahsoka could hear the fact that the Zygerrian had several bombs planted throughout the city. Mad magazine parodied the original film under the title Star Roars and included a character named 'Oldie Von Moldie', a grizzled year-old whose lightsaber runs on an extension cord. Need help? However, as they feared that anyone who paid for the death of a Jedi was dangerous, they kept Silman locked away for ten years as insurance. Obi-Wan reveals to Luke his secret identity and explains that he is a Jedi , a member of an ancient group of Force -sensitive warriors. The two arrived at his office , where requested that Skywalker accompany him on an errand, declining Kenobi's company. This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. When the Jedi Council were looking for a underwater race that close enough to reinforce the Republic's forces fighting on the planet of Mon Cala , Kenobi was the one who suggested that may be close enough to help. She escaped through CoCo Town and to her den, which she shared with the old rogue Magreda. Unfortunately, Grievous and Ventress were able to escape once again. It's too dangerous! If they missed, they would fall into a floor of flame emitters. Kenobi attempted to use his lightsaber on Ravna to no avail. They began their journey to the coordinates, but their shuttle was damaged due to the planet's atmospheric debris field and the two had to eject from the doomed vessel, landing below the Celadon Sea. However, Mother Pran attacked with her machines. : Move along Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Knight Writer

Retrieved June 10, According to TMZ , the movie would take place a few years after Revenge of the , featuring marauding and an warlord, who bring Obi-Wan out of hiding to protect Luke. Luke Skywalker : No, my father didn't fight in the . There are balljoints at the top and bottom of the neck, and, like , he's got the extra pec hinges hidden deep in the vest so he can really get good lightsaber poses. Obi-Wan came equipped with a brown cape, brown hood , and a chrome silver hilted, blue-bladed lightsaber. Kenobi and Skywalker followed suit and spied on Vos, who reunited with Dooku; they observed as the two dueled, when Vos gained the upper hand just as he let Dooku live as long as he told him about his Master's whereabouts. Asking for his help, Kenobi met her and accepted to give Senator Amidala the disc she had obtained from his contact. Not too long afterwards, they came to be aware of there being life on the planet as a sky battle raged over them, and Kenobi returned his lightsaber to him so that he could defend himself. New York City: Dennis Publishing. When Jinn arrived, accompanied by Skywalker, 's attack prompted them to escape to at once. Cartel Separatist Confederacy. Kenobi's transmission was then jammed by the Umbarans. The two returned to Coruscant to jam a signal that was laying a trap for Order 66 survivors, telling all to stay away from the capital. Kenobi reassured Bo-Katan that he still cared deeply about Satine, but he could not allow his feelings to cloud his judgment. The hands on the torso piece were flesh-coloured, as was his head. The ghost Obi-Wan is has the same abilities as "Ben Kenobi", but additionally is unable to be killed except for jumping off the edge of a level and is unable to be seen by enemies. However, Eval had laid a trap for Kenobi, as his rifle ran out of shots before he could hit the last moving spot. The young hero delivered an impossibly precise shot into the exhaust port of the doomsday weapon, and the was no more. With Skywalker and Plo Koon doubtful of her guilt, Grand Master sent the two to find her, but Windu attempted to have Skywalker left out of the matter, believing having him involved would only making things worse due to his emotional bond with Tano. On Bri'n, the leader of the Metal Clan attempted to capture priestess Th'er so that either her word or her blood could be used to destroy her trees. Retrieved January 23, Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi : That's good. Kenobi said he was always glad to help. At one such meeting, Ventress was the one to appear at the bar, after her mission to rescue Vos from Serenno after he had been captured following their failed attempt to kill Dooku, she told Kenobi that they had lost Vos to Dooku and the dark side; the two sat there, together, for a long time. Luke was pursuing R2-D2 , who was insisting that he had to deliver a message to Obi-Wan. After being placed under Yoda's supervision for some time, Vos was released to Kenobi's care to take Ventress' body back to Dathomir, where she would be finally reunited with her sisters. Using the king's ship as their was destroyed, Kenobi and Skywalker caught up with their target on Dooku's Separatist flagship; however, Opress managed to overpower them, forcing the two to retreat and leave the ship. The spelling of the street name, Obi-Wana Kenobiego is the genitive form of the noun in the Polish language : the street of Obi-Wan Kenobi. Vader vs. After the massacre on Devaron , [71] Kenobi and Skywalker were sent to Dathomir , as footage had shown the Council of a Dathomirian's role during the attack on Devaron. Obi-Wan left the scene, taking Anakin's lightsaber as he fell into the lava. As Skywalker fought in the space above Kamino, Kenobi took a submarine and discovered Ventress's forces readying their assault crafts under water. This minifigure had plain tan legs, a tan torso piece with flesh-coloured hands and redesigned printing--black and brown for robe detailing and flesh printing at the top--and a double-sided headpiece. Luke Skywalker : How did my father die? Archived from the original on January 24, When they arrived at Nal Hutta, Kenobi crashed their ship in order to cover their trail. Where is it? At the settlement of , Obi-Wan uses to trick Imperial troops into letting them through a military checkpoint. A couple of years later, Obi-Wan and Anakin traveled to the planet Ilum so that Skywalker could build his first lightsaber ; [6] after its construction, Kenobi said to him, "Anakin, this weapon is your life. The trio then proceeded to try to find supplies and a new ship in Bilbousa , and Bane grew even more distrustful of Kenobi after Kenobi's kind treatment of Pablo , the owner of the pawnshop that the trio went to. He suddenly becomes worried and tells Luke of "a great disturbance in the Force". On the way to Bandomeer, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon join together to stop the abuse of Offworld Corporation, which wishes to control Bandomeer's resources for itself. With their primary target being the shield generator at the Ray Shield Fortress the Jedi mounted a three-pronged attack on the Geonosian defenses. We Got This Covered. Kenobi was eventually thrown to the edge of the platform, but was able to summon the Grievance Striker to him just before Grievous could finish him off, firing five shots into his gut sack, igniting it and burning Grievous from the inside-out. I guess if I'm gonna be replaced it should be him! Subsequently, Kenobi and Skywalker were sent on separate missions by the Council—while Kenobi continued an investigation on Amidala's aggressors, Skywalker would protect her on Naboo. Also, instead of the mouth being a straight line, it was curved slightly upwards at the ends. Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Knight Reviews

Han Solo : Didn't think so; well, it's no parlor trick. Moreover, he was convinced that Skywalker was the Chosen One destined to bring the Force into balance by destroying the Sith. Grand Master Yoda was captured by battle droids and taken to the planet Glee Anselm. The Jedi's fleet arrived just in time to force Grievous' ships out of the system, foiling the 's plot to launch a surprise attack on Kamino. Master Kenobi was given a mission to go to Dallenor , where an archaeology team had discovered a Jedi Holocron. After rescuing Queen Amidala and several others, the Jedi took Amidala off of Naboo in her starship in an attempt to reach Coruscant with news of the invasion. Coincidentally, Qui-Gon is also going to Bandomeer. According to the new chronology, Obi-Wan is 57 by the time of A New Hope ; Guinness was no older than 63 when the film was made, making the discrepancy less than six years. As the ship fell, Kenobi went with Hondo to see "what riches [had] fallen from the sky," but there were no signs of Maul nor Opress, leaving Kenobi to doubt their demise. This variant of Obi-Wan came with a standard orange hairpiece and a brown cape, as well as a blue-bladed lightsaber with a plain grey hilt. Soon enough, and thanks to Kenobi's plans, they freed Luminara, captured Poggle and escaped the temple, while destroying much of the Queen's lair during their escape, burying Karina the Great and her warriors beneath. However, Chi Cho's arrogance would provoke a war between him and Thi-Sen 's people, with him proclaiming it was an internal affair of Pantora so as to remove the Jedi from the equation. Dooku decided that Eval should not be exempted from the contest and dropped him to the now extinguished floor to fight with Kenobi. Barely escaping on the Banshee , they made their way back to Coruscant, and Kenobi saw as the Council welcomed Vos and pardoned Ventress. He came equipped with a hood, cape, and a lightsaber with the original chrome silver hilt. Ben Sherlock is a writer, comedian, and independent filmmaker, and he's good at at least two of those things. Kenobi and his Master discovered that Crown Princess Fanry had been building a military group called the blackguards , who were framing the Opposition in order to restore the full monarchy. Finally, he questioned Kenobi on what would happen if he had turned out to be a "major disappointment," but Kenobi wanted to believe it would never happen. They are using a bounty hunter named to create a clone army. Following their victory and the gang's retreat, with Ohnaka claiming the land was no longer profitable, Sugi offered them a ride to a Republic outpost. Book Category. These are the final days of the Clone Wars. Kenobi, however, protested against the idea,and suggested sending Vos again to assassinate Dooku to test his allegiances. Tricking him into believing he had died, Kenobi managed to land on the planet, where he discovered a multitude of Trade Federation ships. Star Wars Legends novels — During the hunt, Skywalker mentioned Tano for the first time since her departure, and Kenobi asked if he wanted to talk about it, yet Skywalker refused. If they traced the robots here, they may have learned who they sold them to and that would lead them back Retrieved May 9, The other side of the face was similar but with the mouth being changed to a one-sided smile. There, Dooku visited him; he revealed that the Republic was under the influence of a Sith Lord named Darth Sidious, and tried to convince Kenobi to join him and destroy the Sith together, but Kenobi refused. Though Vindi attempted to release the virus, the Jedi were able to apprehend him and rescue Amidala and Binks. It's all such a long way from here. Aware of the Black Sun 's presence on the system, and the location of Vizsla Keep 09 , a Mandalorian supply outpost suspected to be Maul's hideout, Kenobi and Tiplee led an assault to lock the place down until reinforcements arrived. Nevertheless, the Council was determined that the boy not be trained. Luke was pursuing R2-D2 , who was insisting that he had to deliver a message to Obi-Wan. After tense diplomatic and covert operations, the four Jedi are reunited, and Kegan is opened up to the Galaxy.

Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Knight Read Online

Upon their arrival on the planet, Jinn and Kenobi went directly to the Jedi Council to report on the mysterious attacker, whom Jinn believed to be a Sith Lord. These are the final days of the Clone Wars. When Luke asked how his father had died, Kenobi was careful not to tell him that Anakin Skywalker and were one and the same; instead claiming that Vader, his former apprentice, had fallen to the dark side of the Force and helped the Empire hunt down and kill the Jedi, including Anakin. Retrieved October 24, : What the-? Retrieved January 23, Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi : Who's the more foolish? I need help. Retrieved April 3, Let's get going. I could almost see the remote. May 17, While Dooku was able to defeat Obi-Wan, nearly killing him, he could not best Anakin. Waiting for Skywalker to join him with his fleet, he prompted the wayward Jedi to meet them as fast as he could. In the General Grievous Chase , Obi-Wan had orange legs with a tan leg joint and a tan torso piece with flesh-coloured hands. Star Wars: Age of Republic. Bill Slavicsek, Andy Collins, J. The Jedi carried the wounded bounty hunter out into the street, where Wesell was mysteriously killed by a poison dart shot from above. He promises to fulfill Qui-Gon's dying wish to train Anakin as a Jedi, with or without the council's blessing. May 17, I foresee you will become a great Jedi Knight. Also in , a second Jedi Knight variant of Kenobi was released as part of Republic Gunship [1]. He and Anakin then engaged , who had turned to the dark side. Tell me, young Luke, what brings you out this far?