1 ’S ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT Stefan Petrucha PH Marcondes ALL- NEW!




TM RITARITA REPULSA’SREPULSA’S ATTITUDEATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT!ADJUSTMENT! it's after hours at the Angel Grove Youth Center, where, when not saving the world, teaches martial arts, and his fellow , the teens with attitude, like to hang.

Today, Alpha-5, robot assistant to the ancient Sage , pays a rare visit!

How low can Very I go? funny, Zack, but I'm trying to stretch!

So tell us about Limbo these upgrades isn't the Zordon sent! latest, Alpha-5. Are they new it started in weapons? the fifties, Limbo? and this is I just 1993! love learning the latest teen lingo from you dudes and Who dudettes! knew you could get all jiggy with limbo? As iF, Billy! it's just a small Mostly, modification for the I wanted communicators you to visit! Wait! Are invented to increase You know we under the range! how I-- attack?

Are those horrid beings minions of Rita RepulSa?

But in the seconds it takes No, just our local the Rangers to arrive… Neanderthals, Bulk Two- and Skull, playing on-one? basketball. it's not a He shoots! very fair He scores! game! Eleven-zero! That's game!

Looks like that kid can handle himself!

if we've got attitude, they're just plain rude. Maybe we should check it out. Stay here, Alpha-5.

12 Hi did WE? {Ahem.} You We're late for Kimberly. know we Did we let SHUT-UP! Heh-heh. him win? Keep our real game let the walking! against players kid win, Silly. who deserve a right? Right. full display of it'd our skills! be silly to think otherwise, right?

We have skills? Shut- up!

Skull Nice moves. and Bulk aren't I'm What's your Eli. nearly as good as impressed! name? they think they are, but you did go up against two older, bigger kids, and won!

Thanks! My dad says if Wow! you use your head, Eli may what seems like be small, a handicap can be like me, but an advantage! he is totally They cool! were big, I'm small, so I wound up ducking I wonder low, where they if Eli's dad is couldn't reach anything like Zordon. me! Of course a human can’t be as old. I mean, nothing's older than Zordon, right?

13 Wrong. At that moment, in the desert a few miles south, something has been unearthed that may be even older…

…and could prove more powerful!

Smile, Dr. Kenyon! We’ve not only discovered a new civilization, we've unearthed what must be the largest I am smiling, statue ever built Dr. Carver. I do in the ancient have to wonder how Americas! something this big could stay hidden so long! it's as though it didn't want to be found!

Nonsense! That's what Others probably I mean. Maybe it just mistook it was camouflaged for a bunch of to look natural, rocks! so it would be ignored.

There isn't any wear on the statue's pieces, Surely so it didn't collapse. you don't I think it was never believe the assembled. builders were sophisticated enough to--

Oh, my.