PRESENT: Councillors: J Frankish (Mayor) A Meakin (Deputy Mayor) S Hibbert B Peacock M Pearce A Rodway S Sprague M Wilson-Smith

Officers: Finance Officer and Town Council Secretary

Apologies: J Harman, J Patrinos, A Seckleman, C Sleep, Town Clerk, County Councillor A Davis, N Nolan NDC, Police Representatives

Before the meeting opened prayers were led by Councillor S Hibbert.

With Members permission, Chairman suspended Standing Orders to allow members of the public to speak. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME There were several members of the public present. One parishioner asked why the financial statements were not on the website. It was explained how staff are getting to grips with the new website and the January booklet, along with financial statements are on the new website. http://www.lyntonandlynmouthtowncouncil.gov.uk

A question was asked about rubbish bins in Russell Gardens and there needs to be one there as refuse was being thrown into the gardens. A Lynmouth parishioner has offered to sponsor a bin; this will be placed on Estates and Amenities agenda in February.

A Lynmouth resident raised the issue of proposed short stay changes to Lower Lyndale car park. He felt this would encourage day trippers who do not spend as much money in the villages and felt it was marginalising the holiday cottage users who do more spending in the area. He suggested a person manning the Lyndale car park during the summer months to assist in keeping the car park flowing.

It was asked whether Tors Road could be permit holders only and the Mayor, who has spoken with the County Council on this subject before, said this is definitely not possible. Then it was asked whether a sign ‘Residents access’ would be a good idea, this may be possible.

A Parishioner then talked about the hotel guest house permit. If retained the cost cannot go up to £5 as this price is not on the Off Street Parking Order. She then talked about the impact such an increase would have on the small business owner.

Chairman then reinstated Standing Orders.


186/18 MINUTES RESOLVED Minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 13 December 2018, copies of which had been previously circulated, were confirmed as a true and correct record and signed by the Mayor.

With Members’ permission, Chairman brought forward agenda item 7. Off Street Parking Order

187/18 OFF STREET PARKING ORDER a. Hotel/Guest House Permit It was explained how ultimately this will be a North Council decision. NDC officers felt it was an unfair system, difficult to police, and open to fraud. It was also noted this particular permit is not available anywhere else in . However, after much discussion it was felt there were two options; either to leave exactly as it is, or to completely do away with these permits. It was RESOLVED As a temporary measure, retain the permit as is, and review it with Car Park Manager before next year. b. Cllr Hibbert Motion for Special Resolution. In line with Standing Order 30; Reversal of Previous Resolution, I wish to submit this notice of motion containing signatures of at least eight Town Councillors to have an agenda item in place for debate at Full Council 31 January 2019 regarding the off street parking order as it applies to ‘maximum 4 hours stay’ in Lower Lyndale Car Park, Lynmouth with potential to raise a special resolution and overturn the resolution of council made within the last six months.

Councillor Hibbert felt this was a bad resolution and will create more parking problems in Lynmouth. However North Devon Council view Lower Lyndale as a signature Lynmouth car park, and as such should have a high turnover as a short stay car park. It was RESOLVED The resolution at Estates and Amenities of 9 January 2019 (177/18) be rescinded and the car park remain as it is. There were 4 votes in favour, 3 votes against, 1 abstained.

188/18 POLICE REPORT There was no Police representative present, therefore Finance Officer read from an email which reported 8 crimes recorded in January. Only 4 were committed in January, the other 4 were committed in December and October. The February Police newsletter will be forthcoming in the second week of February.

189/18 COMMUNICATIONS a. The Motor Cycling Club sent a letter to notify Council about the 97th Lands End trial, and that they propose to use Beggars Roost as an ‘observed section’.

b. Western Power have replaced the box at Tors Bridge and all the lights are working. c. Valley of Rocks cattle grids have been cleaned by DCC and are ready for 2019. d. North Devon District Hospital sent an update on the substantive medical director position at Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust. e. National Association of Local Councils sent through a timetable for Elections 2019 f. North Devon Homes replied to an LLTC letter regarding concerns for affordable housing in the Lyn Valley. It was RESOLVED The letter will be brought to next Estates and Amenities for discussion. g. Consultative and Parish Forum – agenda. h. Peter Heaton-Jones MP – regarding South West Ambulance Service Trust and the provision at Lynton, Lynmouth and Countisbury. i. Two Moors Festival 2019 – communication regarding the possibility of a one day taster in the Summer. j. Road Closure and Temporary routing via Lynbridge – explanation from Devon County Councils Engineer as to why the road will be shut completely during the works. k. Western Power have written regarding Lynton Football Ground Cable Diversion, it was RESOLVED To give Town Clerk the go ahead to sign the way leave.

190/18 RISK MANAGEMENT – RISK ASSESSMENT FOR COUNCIL PROPERTIES This item was deferred to the next Policy and Finance for Councillor Sleep to present.

191/18 COUNCIL DATES a. It was RESOLVED The date for the Annual Parish Meeting and March Full Council will be 28 March 2019, with Full Council at 4pm and APM at 7pm. b. It was RESOLVED Although Easter is in April, to retain the dates of the April meetings.

192/18 REPORT FROM COUNCILLORS AND OTHER COUNCIL COMMITTEES Committee Reports: That the open reports of the following committees, having been circulated, be noted and recommendations contain therein adopted.

Estates and Amenities 9 January 2019 Minutes 174/18-179/18 (bar 177/18 as above) Policy and Finance 16 January 2019

Minutes 180/18-184/18

Councillor Rodway left the meeting due to the adverse weather conditions.

Mayor, Councillor Dr Frankish attended a car parking meeting and South West Ambulance meeting. Councillor Hibbert will be attending the Civic Service.

Councillors Hibbert and Wilson-Smith also left the meeting due to the adverse weather conditions.

193/18 MOTIONS There were none.

194/18 NORTH DEVON COUNCIL There was no report.

195/18 DEVON COUNTY COUNCIL County Councillors report was tabled and a copy is attached to these minutes. Questions There were none.

196/18 REPORT OF THE TOWN CLERK Town Clerks report was tabled and a copy is attached to these minutes and Questions There were none

197/18 QUESTIONS Pursuant to Standing Order No. 24 There were no questions.

Meeting closed at 8.10 pm Chairman