Geochemical Comparisons of Coronitic Olivine Gabbro and Eclogites

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Geochemical Comparisons of Coronitic Olivine Gabbro and Eclogites Geochemical comparisons of coronitic olivine gabbro and eclogites: metamorphic effects and the origin of eclogite protoliths Flemsøy, Sunnmøre, Western Norway ( ) MAI BRITI E. MØRK ANDARILD O. BRUNFELT Mørk, M. B. E. & Brunfelt, A. 0.: Geochemical comparisons of coronitic olivine gabbro and eclogites: metamorphic effectsand the origin of eclogite protoliths (Flemsøy, Sunnmøre, Western Norway).Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift, Vol. 68, pp. 51-{;3. Oslo 1988. ISSN 0029-196X. Olivine gabbros on the island of Flemsøy (Skuløy) show different degrees of transition to eclogite. Coronitic olivine gabbro and eclogitized parts within the gabbro have been compared with more typical country-rock eclogites for the rare earth elements (REE), K, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Ti and Ni. Eclogite transformation within the gabbro body has not been accompanied by significantchanges of Y, Zr, Ni, P and Ti and the REE patterns.The trace element data support the hypothesis of a common origin for the country-rock eclogites and the gabbro. In the country-rock eclogites Y, Zr and Ti have been fair! y resistant to metamorphism on a whole-rock (ca. l litre) scale. The REE have typically preserved the original compositions of the inferred gabbro protoliths, but may show variable degrees of selective disturbance which tend to 'flattenout' the original LREE enriched patterns. The protoliths are interpreted as continental, low-P gabbro intrusions of tholeiitic to transitional alkaline affinity. High MgO and FeO contents are attributed to accumulation of olivine. REE and P205 allow distinction of the Flemsøy eclogites from the more alkaline eclogite compositions in the Sunnfjord area, and from the eclogiteswith more depleted tholeiitic and variable REE patterns in the Stadtlandet area. This suggests the presence of provinces with petrogenetically different eclogite protoliths within the Western Gneiss Region. Mai Britt E. Mørk, Continental Shelf Institute (IKU), P. O. Box 1883 Jarlesletta, N-7001 Trondheim, Norway; Arild O. Brunfelt, Mineralogisk-Geologisk Museum, Sarsgt. l, 0562 Oslo 5, Norway. Trace elements, and particularly the rare earth Jam tveit 1986). Some of the range in composition elements (REE), can be used to throw light on is illustrated in Fig. 2 and in Griffin et al. (1984, the origin of eclogite protoliths. In this respect it fig. 2). is important to determine whether the eclogite Gebauer et al. (1985) interpreted the geo­ metamorphism is isochemical or not. Comparison chemical variations of eclogites in the Stadtlandet of REE patterns in eclogites with those of various area in terms of tectonical emplacement of dif­ basalt types have been used by some authors to ferent eclogite protoliths into the gneisses. They discuss possible basaltic protoliths for eclogites, used La/Yb ratios of eclogites to argue for ocean assuming that high-P metamorphism has not basalt and island are magma types. changed the originalREE pattems (e.g. Bernard­ Considerations of the effectsof metamorphism Griffiths & Cornichet 1985; Bernard-Griffiths et have led to different conclusions including de­ al. 1985; Gebauer et al. 1985). pletion of K20 (Bryhni et al. 1969; Mysen 1971) Eclogites in the Western Gneiss Region and of La and Ce (Griffin & Brueckner 1985) or (WGR) of Norway (Fig. la) show a wide range local alkali introduction (Krogh 1980; Krough & of basic compositions, and several are interpreted Brunfelt 1981 ). Elsewhere, Hellmann et al. (1979) to have formed from low-pressure igneous pro­ found that the La/Yb ratio may vary widely due toliths on the basis of geochemical studies (Bryhni to REE mobility accompanying metamorphism. et al. 1969; Mysen 1971; Garmann et al. 1975; Thus, clearly, knowledge of the degree to which Krogh 1980; Krogh & Brunfelt 1981; Brastad the trace element patterns have been retained or 1985; Carswell & Harvey 1985; Griffin& Brueck­ disturbed during metamorphism is important for ner 1985; Gebauer et al. 1985; Erambert 1985; the geotectonical use of geochemistry. 52 M. B. E. Mørk & A. O. Brunfelt NORSK GEOLOGISK TIDSSKRIFT 68 (1988) N i Fig. l. (a) Map showing the Western Gneiss Region of Norway with the location of some general areas referred to in the text. Small inset shows where the map is located. (b) Geological map of the north western part of the island of Flemsøy (Skuløy) showing the locations of country-rock eclogites (EH; east of Hornhamaren, EN; Nogvadalen, ES; Stølshaugane) and a gabbro-eclogite body (GE; Sandvikhaugane). TiD:! The occurrence of meta-igneous rocks which show different degrees of metamorphic trans­ 5 formation provides a method of identifying possible bulk-rock chemical exchange during 4 metamorphism. This approach is used in the present study which addresses (l) the origin of 3 closely associated eclogites and a corona gabbro on the island of Flemsøy, and (2) whether the metamorphism was isochemical or not. 2 It has earlier been suggested that the eclogites and the corona gabbro have a common origin, and that eclogitization has not disturbed the major­ . element compositions of the rocks except for the ... ,. oxidation of iron (Mørk 1985). In the present 5 10 15 MgO study, trace elements (Rb, Sr, Ni, Y, Zr, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Tm, Yb, Lu) and minor elements (Ti02 Fig. 2. Comparisons of TiOrMgO for coronites and eclogites and K20) are used to test this hypothesis. Fur­ from this study (encircled area; symbols as in Fig. 4) and some thermore, the metamorphic effects on the trace­ published and unpublished data for eclogites and dolerites from different parts of the Western Gneiss Region. Eclogites: element chemistry will be examined by com­ Sunnfjord area: K- Kvineset (Krogh 1980), F-Fureviknipa parative studies of rocks which are situated within (Foslie unpubl.). Sunnmøre area: black triangles- Hareidland the same gabbro body (loe. GE, Fig. lb), but (Mysen 1911). Northern areas: K - Kristiansund (Griffin & show different degrees of transition to eclogite. Råheim 1973), f - Frei (IIebekk 1981), V - Vindøladalen The firstquestion is whether the corona gabbros (Tørudbakken 1982). Dolerites: O- Sunnmøre (Gjelsvik 1952), d - Kristiansund (Griffin & Råheim 1973), v - Vindøladalen have preserved their original trace-element distri­ (Tørudbakken 1982). Asterisk = possible melt composition. bution. Comparative studies with the completely NORSK GEOLOGISK TIDSSKRIFT 68 (1988) Geochemical comparisons, ec/ogite protoliths 53 reacted eclogites will then allow conclusions about the effects of metamorphism. Further com­ parisons with the country-rock eclogites (Fig. lb) 500 Ni may then be used to test the hypothesis (Mørk 5/\0. on;- ·-----31�--- �!/'�41 1985) of a common origin with the corona gabbro. 17 : 300 34.t. \ 23,: 30• '\ : 26·l 33'' 19·\..: Geology and sampling locations 5 400 Sr 39 50 4� -�53 (> 1 Mørk (1985) has divided the eclogites into layers - 52 �6 and patches within relict coronitic gabbros (type 200 ·-- } l edogite) and disrupted fold-layers or pods "-·--- KzO� 5!!,/·--------·- - - within the migmatitic gneisses (type 2 and 3 'coun­ 6 ...... .t...-A"'b ", .j\ �l try-rock' eclogites). All the types have shared o Rb a similar metamorphic history with a common 20 ' r·---- mineral assemblage gamet+ omphacite (Jd24-33) 10 .... - ......... � j\ ,(J. ._ ± phlogopite ± orthopyroxene ± amphibole ± . ilmenite ± rutile. 100 Zr "'"\. - The locations studied (Fig. lb) correspond to --..------- -�--- ..../ 20 y __ · those described earlier (GE, EH, EN, ES; see ·"\ "' ---- --- ... -- � _6-.l Mørk 1985, figs. l and 2 for location and geology 10 and fig. 3 for location of sampling profile EH). Fig. 3. Trace-element variation (in ppm) across layering and The Sandvikhaugane gabbro-eclogite (GE) is foliation in two layered eclogite bodies (loe. EH) within mig­ dominated by coronitic olivine gabbro with relict matite gneiss (m). Traces of foliation are indicated by lines, with strongest foliation in areas of high density of lines. '16' is igneous structures such as local occurrences of a zone of tight fold-hinges. The black zone at '2' represents the small-scale rhythmic layering and irregular amphibolitized margin of the smaller eclogite lens. Additional patches and veins of coarse-grained (1-2 cm) plag­ information on normative olivine contents and normative ioclase-rich pegmatitic gabbro (GE3b). The plagioclase contents is given by the numbers in the Ni and Sr diagrams respectively. Trace-element concentration values for igneous mineralogy ( olivine + plagioclase + adjacent gneiss are indicated by the arrows in the right contact augite + ilmenite + phlogopite) is best prese�ed area. in sample GE15, comprising 56% of the mode. Coronas (gamet + orthopyroxene ± omphacite) and inclusions in plagioclase (spinel) have been A thin layer of migmatite gneiss is infolded in the attributed to incomplete high-pressure meta­ central part of the body, adjacent to a zone of morphic transformations (Mørk 1985, 1986). The tight fold-hinges in the eclogite. The sampling is coronitic samples which have been grouped complicated by two scales of layering: a fine-scale together for the comparative studies with the layering (a few mm scale) attributed to meta­ eclogites have similar mineralogy to GE15 but morphic foliation, and a 10-50 cm layering show some variations in amount of relict igneous defined by bulk-chemical variations and locally minerals preserved. amplifiedby major foliation planes. Sampling was In contrast, completely reacted rocks from the done to cover the compositional variations of the same location (GE) are eclogites. They show no 'broad' layers.
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    MEDDELELSER NR. 139 Soviet Geological Research in Svalbard 1962-1992 Extended abstracts of unpublished reports Edited by: A.A. Krasil'scikov Polar Marine Geological Research Expedition NORSK POLARINSTITUTT OSLO 1996 Sponsored by: Russian-Norwegian Joint Venture "SEVOTEAM", St.Petersburg lAse Secretariat, Oslo ©Norsk Polarinstitutt, Oslo 1996 Compilation: AAKrasil'sCikov, M.Ju.Miloslavskij, AV.Pavlov, T.M.Pcelina, D.V.Semevskij, AN.Sirotkin, AM.Teben'kov and E.p.Skatov: Poljamaja morskaja geologorazvedocnaja ekspedicija, Lomonosov - St-Peterburg (Polar Marine Geological Research Expedition, Lomonosov - St.Petersburg) 189510, g. Lomonosov, ul. Pobedy, 24, RUSSIA Figures drawn by: N.G.Krasnova and L.S.Semenova Translated from Russian by: R.V.Fursenko Editor of English text: L.E.Craig Layout: W.K.Dallmann Printed February 1996 Cover photo: AM. Teben'kov: Field camp in Møllerfjorden, northwestem Spitsbergen, summer 1991. ISBN 82-7666-102-5 2 CONTENTS INTRODUCTORY REMARKS by W.K.DALLMANN 6 PREFACE by A.A.KRASIL'SCIKOV 7 1. MAIN FEATURES OF THE GEOLOGY OF SVALBARD 8 KRASIL'SCIKOV ET 1986: Explanatory notes to a series of geological maps of Spitsbergen 8 AL. 2. THE FOLDED BASEMENT 16 KRASIL'SCIKOV& LOPA 1963: Preliminary results ofthe study ofCaledonian granitoids and Hecla TIN Hoek gneis ses in northernSvalbard 16 KRASIL'SCIKOV& ABAKUMOV 1964: Preliminary results ofthe study of the sedimentary-metamorphic Hecla Hoek Complex and Paleozoic granitoids in centralSpitsbergen and northern Nordaustlandet 17 ABAKUMOV 1965: Metamorphic rocks of the Lower
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