The Howey Political Report WASHINGTON - from the Outside Looking In, Rep
Thursday, January 20, 2000 ! Volume 6, Number 19 Page 1 of 8 Pease retirement The sends shock waves Howey !&0$.+5#$K1+.8$T#182$30$.85$1388+8C By MARK SCHOEFF Jr. The Howey Political Report WASHINGTON - From the outside looking in, Rep. Ed Political Pease (R-CD 7) seemed to have the world by the tail on a downhill drag. On Saturday, he suddenly let go. The highly regarded congressman had distinguished himself with his work on impeachment and highway funding. He served Report as Speaker Pro Tempore of the House and won re-election in 1998 with nearly 70 percent of the vote. Then he shocked the Hoosier political community by walking away one month !"#$%&'#($)&*+,+-.*$/#0&1,$+2$034*+2"#5$4($6#'27+89 :8-;$<&385#5$+8$=>>?@$!"#$%&'#($)&*+,+-.*$/#0&1,$+2 before the campaign filing deadline. Pease, who was first .8$+85#0#85#8,@$8&8A0.1,+2.8$8#'2*#,,#1$.8.*(B+8C$,"# elected in 1996, also removed himself from consideration for 0&*+,+-.*$01&-#22$+8$:85+.8.;$ the post of president of Indiana State University, where he served as vice president for development before being elected !"#$%&'(&)*+,-.&/012#34," to Congress. 5$"6&784*,99&:"(.&;$34#%<=*%&+"#=," "Ed Pease would have been re-elected," said Brian Kerns, :$86&>(&)*+,-.&,?#=*" who was Pease's chief of staff and is now running for his boss' seat. "It was clearly a personal choice he made for a number of !"#$%&'#($)&*+,+-.*$/#0&1,$$$$$$$$$$DEE+-#F$G=HAIJ?A=JGG reasons, some of which he's shared and some of which he )D K&L$?MINJ <.LF$G=HAIJ?AI?MJ may want to keep to himself," Kerns told HPR.
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