paper and using vegetable based inks. based vegetable using and paper recycled 100% on printed is document This contributions to this brochure. to this contributions their for Museum Transport London and Grosvenor SE2, Homes, CityWest RoyalParks, The ofLondon, Society Zoological Tozer, Estate, Crown Pitman The Associates, Sturgis Morris, Monaghan Hall Allford Blanc, Patrick to thank like We would

Sustainable ; to provide natural and and natural to provide biodiversity; ;to enhance increase and waste water; to reduce to conserve prevent overheating; to self-sufficient; and efficient to energy be designed are that methods construction sustainable using in. Key to buildings work are this to and live people for places healthier and economical ecological, more create safer, can design Sustainable of climatechange. impacts inevitable the of withstanding capable acity as develop and grow Westminster can how out set will and developed being now are Design Sustainable on Document Planning Supplementary the and Framework Development Council’s Local Westminster City within contained policies New challenges. of a number with planners and developers architects, however, presents environment, built Westminster’s for design of standard possible highest the encourage to aim council’s the with ambitions environmental those Integrating Westminster. of City the in least policy, not planning innovative and robust any of heart the at is development Sustainable Councillor Robert Davis Davis Robert Councillor interesting. and informative it find Westminster. in you development Ihope future for ideas provide and buildings of design sustainable the for practice best local some here We celebrate heritage. our conserving whilst environmental ensures that strikeabalance should we area, aconservation in located 75% city of With past. the the has it as well as future the serve can heritage rich City’s our how demonstrating standards, environmental high achieve that listed buildings of refurbished examples highlight we brochure, this In new. and old both buildings, of performance environmental the to maximise residents and businesses developers, with to work responsibility aparticular has Council City sites, Westminster important and iconic most country’s of the some with area an and authority planning busiest the As travel. green to facilitate and spaces; open accessible for the Built Environment Built the for Member Cabinet Council Westminster City of Leader Deputy dl

Sustainable design 3 not exclusively: not though include, They . energy-efficient to due emissions carbon lowered a significantly or emissions zero-carbon either in resulting energies low-carbon and renewable are energies Sustainable Key ofSustainableDesign Features cooling purposes. cooling for reversed be can function GSHP The water heating. and for required where it releases and temperature to it ahigher upgrades ground, the from heat extracts (GSHP) pumps heat source Ground solar design and thermal mass. mass. thermal and design solar passive shading, and ventilation natural form, and site layout example, for through, summer the in cool and winter the in warm to abuilding keep help can ventilation and insulation design, Energy-efficient low-energy lighting. lighting. low-energy goods, white energy-efficient meters, SMART example, for consumption, energy to reduce installed be can fittings and fixtures Energy-efficient water directly. to or heat lighting appliances, to run tosun create electricity the from energy uses Solar garden or in the home. home. the in or garden the in greywater of as rain the allowing attenuating, of ameans is recycling and harvesting Rainwater recycling. recycling. greywater and fittings regulated flow- example, for through, water consumption daily reduce can devices Water-saving for . for breeding and nesting feeding, to support sitessuitable and of natural provision the is enhancement Biodiversity minimise environmental impact. environmental minimise to process construction and demolition of the management the is construction and materials Sustainable conventional techniques. conventional some than sustainable water amore in surface to drain designed practices of management sequence (SuDS)a are Systems Drainage Urban Sustainable recycling. on-site encourage and enable facilities waste Innovative both heat and electricity. and heat both to generate of plant piece single of a use the is Cogeneration as known (CHP) sometimes Power and Heat Combined Eaton Square, SW1E Square, Eaton WC2 Garden, Covent Museum, Transport London 11 SW1 Mews, Crescent Grosvenor SW3 Knightsbridge, Gardens, Beaufort 36 W1 Street, Regent Place, 16 Burlington New SW1 Pimlico, House, Glastonbury NW1 Park, Regent’s The Lake, Main Zoo, NW1 London House, Dragon Komodo Bayswater, House, Gap W2 W1 Street, Regent Street, 1 Vine W1 Street, Cavendish New House, Collingwood W2 Road, Westminster Academy, Harrow Hotel, Piccadilly, W1 Athenaeum Contents Page 10 19 16 18 15 13 12 14 17 11 9 8 7

Sustainable design 5 process. process. irrigation intermittent an through nutrients receive they and material, the in grow roots their , as require not do plants The inserted. are plants the into which clothes), synthetic old (made of recycled material awater retaining fastened is to this and building, of the structure the to fixed is surface a water resistant with frame metal storey high eight An Blanc. Patrick and botanist famous Wall world by a Living features now Street, Down and Piccadilly of corner hotel, the on Athenaeum The Type: Architect: Client: Ward: Piccadilly, W1 Athenaeum Hotel, Living wall,verticalgarden Ralph Trustees Ltd Ralph Patrick Blanc Blanc Patrick Living Wall Living Mayfair which minimize heat loss and solar gain. solar and loss heat minimize which frames and glazing with windows the all of replacement the and rooms, hotel the within usage system to energy minimize control intelligent of anew installation the include Hotel. These Athenaeum of the efficiency energy to the improve project building of the part as out carried were works other shading, external by building of the to insulation makes the wall living the to improvements the addition In . anatural with buildings by taken land replacing by diversity biological to preserving contribute to air, the oxygen and add pollutants, environmental absorb plants The of Mayfair. form into built the Park Green from bridge agreen provides and insects, and birds for habitats provides and encourages wall living of the planting The environment. built the in habitat avertical allows wall living the world, the throughout surfaces cliff vertical natural on grow plants way that same the In

Sustainable design 7 run off and insulate the building. insulate the and off run water to manage roof helps living The into building. glare the excess preventing to South North from runs ceiling the on feature sculptural designed a cleverly However into building. light the of natural amounts significant provides Academy Westminster at atrium glazed large The 2008 School Secondary - Design AwardInspiring for Industry BCSE 2008, AwardArchitecture for RIBA 2008, -Shortlist Prize Stirling RIBA 2009, Trust Civic Award include They Awards: Type: Architect: Sponsor: Client: Ward: 255 HarrowRoad,W2 at theNaimDangoorCentre, Westminster Academy Foundation Exilarch and DCSF Westminster City Council, Council, City Westminster Westminster Academy, Westminster Allford Hall Monaghan Allford Exilarch Foundation Exilarch New build, school build, New Queens Park Queens Passive solardesign Morris

Photo by Tim Soar Standard: Standard: Type: Architects: Client: New Cavendish Street, W1 Collingwood House,101 resources used to it. make used resources the of efficiency the and occupied when createwill offices new the emissions the stage board drawing the from examine and to calculate architects the enabled PROFILING™.CARBON has This called technique assessment carbon arevolutionary showcases also it above, as illustrated design, office sustainable latest contemporary in the demonstrates only not 101 Street Cavendish New Mixed use development use Mixed BREEAM ‘very good’ ‘very BREEAM Sturgis Associates Sturgis CORE

Marylebone Conservation Area. Conservation Marylebone East the neighbouring to context its and elevation of each requirements shading to different the responds that facade expressive but a simple in up wrapped is and life emissions’ building’s ‘whole of the analysis the Architecturally occupiers. by on turned is lightbulb energy low first 17,000 the before even of CO2 tonnes saved already has building this that demonstrated has Profiling Carbon profiling Carbon

Sustainable design 9 Standard: Standard: Type: Architect: Client: Ward: Regent Street,W1 1 Vine Street, facades, mixed use, listed building building listed use, mixed facades, New build behind retained retained behind build New BREEAM ‘excellent’ BREEAM Allies and Morrison and Allies Estate Crown The West End End West

Waste facilities and maximises recycling. maximises and collections refuse reduces substantially street, the in left waste being unsightly avoids Hotel. This Piccadilly Meridien Le including area the in operations catering the all also but itself building the from only waste not the with deal which acompactor and imploder a glass into ), turned is (which removal waste food vacuum including strategy waste innovative an has It recovery. heat and harvesting rainwater for systems including design of sustainable features incorporates and performance energy to maximise refurbished been has that listed II building aGrade is Street 1 Vine AwardArchitecture. for Biennial Society Award, Westminster Sustainability 2009: Awards London,’ London RICS of Year – Development Overall 2008: Awards Development Week OAS/ include They Awards: Standard: Type: Architect: Client: Ward: Gap House,Bayswater, W2 achieved on even the tightest of tightest sites. the even on achieved be can design sustainable good of how It’s example an environmentally. also but ahome as only not well performs that building to anew contribute all system harvesting arainwater and materials sourced pump, sustainably heat coupled ground envelope, building insulated ahighly design, solar Passive residents. the to savings cost significant regulations) providing building current to the (built house of anew energy third of the to one use designed was rear. the at to building 24ftout wide The widens and tower, steps down which four-storey slender a with filled space the and demolished was 1950s the from cottage Aderelict house. adjoining the to alley aside once was gap, which wide 8ft an in built was House Gap Award RIBA 2009 Awards:

( 4 of the Code for for Code the 4of Level New build, residential, residential, build, New Desktop assessment: assessment: Desktop Sustainable Homes Sustainable conservation area area conservation Pitman TozerPitman Bayswater Bayswater Luke TozerLuke

Low energy Low energy

Sustainable design 11 for the Komodo Dragons. Komodo the for environment winter, asuitable providing the in heat retain and summer the in cool building to the keep helps also It environment. to London the adapted and biodiversity for Switzerland in developed principles on based was roof’s design The insects. particularly of wildlife, arange encourages and diversity species of roof promotes type particular This wildlife. and plants local for ahabitat to provide roof designed m2) living (300 a large incorporates which building a bespoke is House Dragon Komodo The Client: Client: Ward: London Zoo,NW1 Komodo DragonHouse, Type: Architect: New build, public building building public build, New Zoological Society Society Zoological Kozdon Wharmby Kozdon (ZSL) London of Regent’s Park Park Regent’s Design forwildlife in insects and birds. and insects in increase arecorded in have resulted and development the from visible now are lake main the in reedbeds site. on Newly-created improvements biodiversity to incorporate unable being developer the for compensation as Plan Action Westminster Biodiversity the to acontribution negotiated Council the -into housing, Conservation Nature for Importance of Metropolitan –aSite Park Royal the overlooking of offices abuilding to convert applied developer the When development. adjacent an from contributions 106 Section with Park Regent’s in created been has habitat Wetland : Project Ward: The Regent’sPark, NW1 Main Lake, Type: development) from funding (with Improving accesstonature Westminster City Council Council City Westminster Site of Importance for for Importance of Site Nature Conservation Nature The Royal Parks and and Parks Royal The Park Regent’s

Photos by Tony Duckett

Sustainable design 13 Standard: Standard: Type: Architect: Client: Ward: Warwick Way, Pimlico,SW1 Glastonbury House, Refurbishment, residential residential Refurbishment, Anders Thompson Cole good’ ‘very EcoHomes CityWest Homes Homes CityWest Warwick entrance canopy. entrance the on Sedum of Alpine roof’ a ‘living by reduced is water run-off surface and water. retained Water further is to conserve help harvesting rainwater and toilets dual-flush while building of the requirement energy the reduce to help ) to preheat spaces (acting solar as balconies enclosed and lighting energy low insulation, Cavity-wall to residents. the of renewable and a sustainable provide turbine wind a6kW to include capability the and panels Photovoltaic stock. housing existing regenerating while technologies green’ and ‘intelligent implementing for project pilot apioneering represents scheme House Glastonbury The

Water and energy efficiency conventional systems. conventional than efficient energy more are which ceilings chilled system uses conditioning air The appropriate. where flow the down shut and leaks detect valves electronic waterand wasted is no that ensure taps the on switches Electronic lavatories. the to flush used is roof and the from year). per collected is Rainwater £5,000 (saving around needs energy buildings 11% around provide measures, of the passive with system, together power and heat combined efficient an and energy Solar water efficient. and to energy be designed been has 16 Place Burlington at Estate’s Crown The headquarters new Standard: Type: Architect: Client: Ward: Regent Street,W1 16 NewBurlingtonPlace, use mixed build, New Trehearne Architects Trehearne Architects ‘excellent’ BREEAM Estate Crown The West End End West

Sustainable design 15 Type: • • • to: how in practice good demonstrating of purpose the with installed been has measures energy-efficiency of proven arange which in townhouse, terraced a 19th is century Home Flagship The Consultant: Architect: Client: Gardens, Knightsbridge, SW3 The FlagshipHome,Beaufort in a conservation area. aconservation in refurbishment efficient energy Deliver insulation wall cavity as such measures efficiency energy to common themselves lend not do which buildings Refurbish (HMOs) Occupation Multiple in Houses sector, particularly rented private the in housing Improve Estates and Land SE and Chelsea Royal Borough of Kensington and and Kensington of Borough Royal Refurbishment, residential, residential, Refurbishment, Westminster City Council, Council, City Westminster Rickaby Thompson Thompson Rickaby area conservation ECD Associates ECD Ltd Associates over the course of the year. of the course the over residents the by water required hot of the 60% around roof provide the on panels Solar building. of the fabric historic the to change visible little with building the of efficiency energy the have increased that design of sustainable features all are lighting and appliances boilers, energy-efficiency building, of the rear the to glazing double roof,insulation, floor ahighly-insulated windows, stripped draught- walls, external Dry-lined historic environment are retained. retained. are windows historic the ensuring therefore glazing secondary with windows the and floor roof and walls, external the insulating by cut been has building the of requirement energy The structure. existing of the possible as much as retaining on focused refurbishment so Area Conservation Belgravia the within 1870 around built is was and property rating. The EcoHomes ‘excellent’ an to UK achieve the in building oldest the is 11 Mews Crescent Grosvenor Standard: Standard: Type: Architect: Client: Ward: Mews, SW1 11 GrosvenorCrescent Retrofitting the Belgravia and Knightsbridge Refurbishment, residential, residential, Refurbishment, EcoHomes ‘excellent’ EcoHomes conservation area conservation Architects Moxley Grosvenor Grosvenor

Sustainable design 17 Type: Architect: Client: Ward: Covent GardenPiazza,WC2E London Transport Museum, building, listed building building listed building, Transport for London for Transport Avery Associates Avery Retrofit, public public Retrofit, St James’s St saving £3000 per year. per £3000 saving needs electricity museum’sthe annual 2.5% generate of panels system. The panel solar alarge-scale toUK install the in building II listed Grade first the is Museum Transport London The panels. solar incorporates which building of historic example an is Garden Covent in Museum Transport London The Engineer: Engineer: Client: Ward: Eaton Square,SW1 Type: of the project is 45 tonnes per year. per tonnes 45 is project of the saving carbon estimated The irrigation. garden for used be also water will Discharged listed II buildings. Grade of these three in parts common and to flats the heating and cooling provide system will the and garden the in drilled have been boreholes Two buildings. historic in 150m deep this of retrofitting the trial to garden Square Eaton north-east the in installed been system has cooling and heating A geothermal Knightsbridge and Belgravia Belgravia and Knightsbridge Retrofit, residential, residential, Retrofit, Edward A Pearce APearce Edward listed building building listed & Partners Grosvenor energy supply energy Sustainable

Sustainable design 19