2/16/2016 Makeblock Academy | Getting started with Getting started

Suggested Reading What is Raspberry Pi? How to install operating system images on Raspberry Pi? step 1. Wiring

Be sure you have installed operaring system images on Raspberry PI and connect your Raspberry Pi to the internet via ethernet cable . Slide the Me Shield for Raspberry Pi on your Raspberry Pi, and connect the shield to Me Baseboard Port4(Leonardo) or Makeblock Orion Port5(Uno). Next, power on the Me Baseboard or Makeblock Orion with 12V power supply. (the shield already feed 5V voltage to raspberry, so it is not necessary to power raspberry seperately)

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Step 2, log into Raspberry

If you are under windows, then you need to download a free SSH (Windows) here. Then click button “Quick Connect” to log in. Type the IP, user name, password(user name:pi, passward:raspberry).

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If you are on Mac or , then open a terminal with samba service installed on raspberry pi. Type the following command into the terminal window.

ssh pi@

more useful document http://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/remote­ access/ssh/unix.md.

Step3, Disable the occupied hardware serial ttyAMA0.

make sure that pyserial is installed on your rip, if not type the following command and

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sudo apt­get install python­serial

the raspberry occupied hardware serial ttyAMA0 for console, we need to disable this feature and use the serial to communicate with our baseboard follow the blog below to do the work http://www.irrational.net/2012/04/19/using­the­raspberry­pis­serial­port/

Step4, Clone the RaspberryShield Repository

Type the following command to clone the RaspberryShield repository

git clone https://github.com/Makeblock­official/RaspberryShield.git

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Step5, Upload an Arduino sketch to Me Baseboard or Makeblock Orion. More details http://app.makeblock.cc/firmware/

Step6, Connect a motor to port M1 on Makeblock Orion. make sure that baseboard is powered by dc adapter (the motor driver chip is powered by external power)

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Step7, Run the demo script on raspberry

go to the directory where the demo script located and run the demodcmotor.py cd RaspberryShield cd serialdemo python demo_dcmotor.py

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Everything should be fine here, enjoy it!

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